Friends S05E04

Friends S05E04 歌词

歌曲 Friends S05E04
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第五季)
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[03:10.-1] No,no! Vomit tux! 别过来,那是呕吐西装
[05:15.-1] I'll find a selfless good deed. I'm going to beat you,you evil genius! 我一定会找到一件无私的善事 打败你这个邪恶博士
[07:58.-2] But it'd be great. They have great theater... 但是那边很棒 有一流的戏院、
[08:53.-3] ...and you're the gay ones. 你们就是里面的同性恋角色
[09:12.-1] But I'm not really expecting a lot of calls. 不过应该没有人会打来找我
[10:07.-2] Can I ask you a cooking question? 摩妮卡 可以问你有关烹饪的问题吗?
[10:20.-1] Is he? 有吗?
[11:28.-1] Emily,that is so great! 艾蜜莉,太棒了
[13:07.-4] Rachel is one of your best friends. 你不能就此不见瑞秋 她是你的好朋友
[13:12.-4] But Emily's his wife! 但是艾蜜莉可是他老婆
[14:50.-1] Why? 为什么?
[16:15.-2] Welcome back to our fall telethon. 欢迎收看电视募捐
[17:39.-4] ...should I never see Rachel again? 我是不是不该再见瑞秋?
[18:10.-1] "Don't Count On lt." 别太笃定
[18:51.-3] What? I heard it was good. 怎么了?听说那部片不错啊
[19:09.-1] I'm still mad at them, but they bring happiness... 我还是很生气
[19:17.-1] By supporting them,I'm doing a good thing,but I'm not happy about it. 为了支持这节目 我决定做件好事 不过我自己可不开心
[19:25.-3] You don't feel good about donating the money? 难道你捐钱没有一点开心?
[20:34.-3] Which wouldn't take long. 你一定很快就问完了
[20:37.-3] But when I'm with you, and we're together... 但是我跟你…我们在一起…
[23:01.-2] 罗斯
[00:08.80] Come in. 进来
[00:10.64] I've been waiting for you. 我等很久了
[00:16.38] Hi,I just 我只是…
[00:18.68] Oh,my God! Monica! 天啊,摩妮卡
[00:20.72] Oh,my God!
[00:22.38] I'm sorry! I was 抱歉抱歉
[00:24.52] I was taking a nap. 我正在睡午觉
[00:26.19] Since when do you take naps in that position? 你从何时开始 用那种怪姿势睡觉?
[00:31.49] Tell me you were waiting for a guy. Please tell me. 摩妮卡,你是在等男人吧? 拜托你说是在等男人
[00:35.03] Yes,I was. A guy. 没错,我在等男人
[00:37.87] From work. 公司同事
[00:40.04] I'm seeing a guy from work! 我最近跟同事约会
[00:44.67] That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta? 那个长得像雷李欧塔亲切版的 帅哥服务生?
[00:50.31] That one! 就是他
[00:52.05] Give me a second. I'm just going to grab a jacket. 我马上就闪人 我只是回来拿件外套
[00:55.88] When I get back, I want every little detail. 等我回来可要告诉我详情
[01:02.86] Maybe that's him. 他可能来了
[01:04.56] 或许…
[01:08.66] It's just Joey and Ross. 只是乔伊跟罗斯
[01:11.17] Why aren't you at the movie? 你们不是去看电影吗?
[01:12.83] Ross was so loud,they threw us out. 对啊,可是罗斯讲电话太吵 才被电影院轰出来
[01:16.40] I had to talk loud because the movie was loud! 电影太吵,我当然得大声讲
[01:22.01] He's talking to London. 他打电话去伦敦
[01:23.58] Did he get in touch with Emily? 为什么?他找到艾蜜莉了?
[01:25.91] No,not yet. He's hoping that someone will help him get in touch with her. 还没,但是他打给女方亲戚 希望有人愿意帮他
[01:31.05] I don't care if I said some other girl's name,you prissy old twit! 就算我说错名字又如何 你这大惊小怪的笨蛋
[01:37.73] Way to suck up to the family! 罗斯,你巴结姻亲真有一套
[01:47.30] I'm so glad you're all here. My office finally got wrinkle-free fax paper! 真高兴大家都在 我们公司终于买免皱传真纸了
[01:55.28] The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS 本集播出:“好人好事”
[02:42.72] Hi,is this Nanny Hopkins? I'm looking for Emily. 请问是霍普金奶妈吗? 我找艾蜜莉
[02:48.03] Waltham. 沃森
[02:49.76] Oh,I'm sorry. Is this 0-1-1-4-4-7-4-2... 抱歉,这是011447 4293474267吗?
[02:55.60] ...9-3-4-7-4-2-6-7?
[03:02.01] Oh,it's "4-3," not 4-2. 是43不是42啊
[03:04.61] Well,which 4-2? 哪个42?
[03:13.00] Don't worry, I had it dry-cleaned. 放心,我送去干洗过了
[03:15.19] Vomit tux? 呕吐西装?
[03:16.83] Who vomited on? 谁会吐在西装上?
[03:19.00] You know what? What you up to,Joe? 乔伊,你为何穿成这样?
[03:22.20] They're doing this telethon thing on TV. 我要上马拉式电视节目
[03:25.10] And my agent got me a job as cohost! 我的经纪帮我争取当主持人
[03:27.80] That's great! 太棒了
[03:29.54] A little good deed for PBS, plus some TV exposure. 帮公视做好事 又能增加曝光率
[03:33.71] That's the kind of math Joey likes to do. 我乔伊最爱做这种事了
[03:38.01] Oh,PBS! 公视啊
[03:40.38] -What's wrong with PBS? -What's right with them? 公视哪里不对了?
[03:41.45] 他们哪里对?
[03:44.72] Why don't you like PBS? 菲比,你为何不喜欢公视?
[03:46.65] Right after my Mom killed herself, I was in a bad place,personally. 因为我妈自杀之后 我个人非常难过
[03:52.33] I thought I'd write to Sesame Street. 所以我想写信给芝麻街 心情应该会好一点
[03:57.17] Because they were nice when I was a little kid. 因为我小时候 总觉得他们很亲切
[04:00.37] No one ever wrote back. 结果根本没人回信
[04:02.24] A lot of those muppets don't have thumbs. 那些布偶根本没有手指
[04:07.18] All I got was a lousy key chain,and by that time,I was living in a box. 我只收到一个恶烂钥匙环 拜托,我那时住在纸箱里耶
[04:11.51] I didn't have keys! 连钥匙都没有
[04:14.38] I'm sorry,Phoebe. 我很遗憾,菲比
[04:15.85] I wanted to do a good deed, like you did with the babies. 我只是想做好事 就像你帮忙生小孩
[04:19.49] This isn't a good deed. You just want to get on TV. This is selfish. 你才不是做善事 只是想上电视,根本就很自私
[04:23.89] What about you having those babies for your brother? 哇… 你帮弟弟生小孩又怎么说?
[04:28.10] That's selfish! 自私的不是只有我
[04:31.60] What are you talking about? 你胡说什么?
[04:33.60] It was a nice thing, but it made you feel good,right? 你的确是帮忙他们 不过自己心情也很好吧?
[04:37.07] Yeah,so? 那又如何?
[04:38.51] It made you feel good so that makes it selfish. 因为你做善事心情好 也算是自私的一种
[04:41.41] Look,there's no unselfish good deeds. Sorry. 世界上根本就没有无私的好事
[04:45.05] Yes,there are totally good deeds that are selfless! 明明就有 有很多行善的人都没有私心
[04:49.02] May I ask for one example? 请你举出一个例子
[04:51.05] Yeah,it's You know,there's 就是有,例如…
[04:54.12] No,you may not! 我不想说
[04:57.63] Because all people are selfish. 因为所有人都很自私
[05:00.03] Are you calling me selfish? 你说我自私?
[05:02.20] Are you calling you people? 你难道不是人?
[05:06.94] Sorry to burst that bubble,Phoebe, 菲比,很抱歉戳破你的美梦
[05:08.57] but selfless good deeds don't exist. 世界上没有无私的善事
[05:12.27] You know the deal on Santa Claus? 你也知道圣诞老人吧?
[05:24.15] 罗斯吗?
[05:26.82] Oh,my God! It's Emily! 艾蜜莉,天啊,是艾蜜莉
[05:29.29] It's Emily,everyone! 大家不要吵!
[05:34.80] I'm only ringing to say stop harassing my relatives. Goodbye. 我打来只是要告诉你 别再骚扰我家人了,再见
[05:38.67] You can hang up,but I'll keep calling everyone in England... 等一下,就算你挂断 我也会继续打
[05:42.77] ...if that's what it takes to get you to talk to me. 如果要打给所有英国人 才能逼你跟我说话 我也办得到
[05:47.18] Really? About what? 真的?你想谈什么?
[05:48.61] Look,you're my wife. We're married. 你是我太太,我们已经结婚
[05:51.68] You know,I love you. 而且我爱你
[05:53.45] I really miss you. 我很想你
[05:57.25] I miss you too. 我也很想你
[05:59.35] At least,I think I do. 至少我认为如此
[06:01.52] She's talking. 她肯跟我说话了
[06:02.86] 万岁
[06:08.63] When you said "the deal with Santa," you meant...? 乔伊,你刚刚 为何提到圣诞老人?
[06:11.70] That he doesn't exist. 根本没有这号人物
[06:13.43] Right. 这样啊
[06:19.54] Chandler,have you heard about Monica's secret boyfriend? 钱德,你听说 摩妮卡的地下情人了吗?
[06:24.55] Yeah,she might have mentioned him. 知道,她…她是提过
[06:27.85] So,Mon,when are we going to meet this new,secret waiter man? 我们到底何时 才能认识这个服务生?
[06:32.62] I don't think he's up to meeting everyone yet. 他很害羞,现在还没准备 认识大家
[06:35.69] Yeah,I don't think he's up to it. 我想他还没准备好
[06:38.66] I want to meet this guy who's the best sex she ever had. 我不管,我想见他 她说对方床上一级棒
[06:43.87] Really? 真的?
[06:47.17] That's what you heard? You said that? 她说过?你说过?
[06:50.00] I might have. 大概吧
[06:54.48] Why is that funny? 这有什么好笑?
[06:56.81] Because I'm very happy for him. 因为我很为他高兴
[06:59.71] And you! You lucky dog! 你真是走狗运!
[07:06.39] She's willing to work on the relationship. 艾蜜莉愿意跟我复合
[07:09.26] That's great! 太好了
[07:10.53] In London. 她要我去伦敦
[07:12.23] She wants me to move to London. 她要我搬到伦敦去
[07:14.83] But you live here. 可是你住在这里
[07:19.27] You know that. 我这是废话
[07:22.57] -What will you do? -I don't know. 你打算怎么办?不知道
[07:24.71] -I mean,I can't leave Ben. -You can just video-conference with him. 我不能丢下班 你可以跟他用视讯会议
[07:30.38] I'm not ready to have a child. 我还不够格当爸爸
[07:34.22] I bet if I talked to Carol and Susan... 只要跟卡萝、苏珊谈谈
[07:37.05] ...I could convince them to move to London with Ben. 一定能说服她们带班搬到伦敦
[07:41.06] I'm sure your ex-wife would be more than happy to move... 想必你前妻一定乐意搬到国外
[07:44.03] you can patch things up with your new wife. 帮你挽回新太太
[07:49.20] It could happen. 不是不可能啊
[07:53.37] Ross,we are not moving to London. We already have lives here. 罗斯,我们才不搬到伦敦 我们的生活重心都在这里
[08:01.38] ...great accents. 口音、
[08:05.28] Tea. 茶
[08:07.92] They have a queen. 英国还有女王
[08:11.05] -So? -She's a woman. 所以呢?她是女人
[08:16.69] -Daddy! -Hey! 爸爸
[08:19.19] Guess what? We're moving to London! 告诉你,我们要搬到伦敦了
[08:23.60] -Who's going to London? -Nobody's going to London. 谁要搬去伦敦?不是我们
[08:26.53] Welcome to London,governor. 欢迎莅临伦敦,总督
[08:29.77] Right,right. It'll be great because we'll have Big Ben and little Ben... 太棒了,到时就有大笨钟 跟我们小班
[08:33.54] the same city. 都在伦敦了
[08:36.61] Go pack! 赶快去整理行李
[08:39.01] See? See,he wants to go. 你们看,他想去
[08:41.82] Yeah,we leave all our big decisions to the 3-year-old. 是啊,我们都让三岁小鬼 决定家里大事
[08:46.29] Come on,come on. It'll be just like Three's Company... 这就像“三人行”嘛
[08:49.69] ...only there's a kid and my wife... 只是另外两个 换成一个小孩跟我老婆
[09:01.17] How you doing? Welcome. Good to see you. 你好,欢迎,幸会
[09:05.01] This'll be your phone. 这就是你的电话
[09:10.48] That's great. 真好
[09:15.55] No,you answer it and take pledges. 你负责接电话接受捐款
[09:18.15] But I'm the host. 我是主持人
[09:19.49] Gary Collins is the host. You'll be answering the phone. 盖瑞卡林才是主持人 你负责接电话
[09:24.43] You don't seem to understand. I was Dr. Drake Ramoray. 你恐怕搞不清楚状况 我是雷医生
[09:28.73] Well,here's your phone,doctor. 你负责这支电话,医生
[09:33.90] I can't believe I can't find a selfless good deed. 我竟然找不到一件无私的善行
[09:37.00] You know that old guy that lives next to me? 以前我家隔壁有个老头
[09:39.57] I snuck over there and raked up the leaves on his front stoop. 我偷溜到他家 帮他打扫前廊的落叶
[09:43.18] But he caught me,and he force-fed me cider and cookies. 他捉到我之后 强迫我喝西打、吃饼干
[09:49.12] Then I felt wonderful. That old jackass! 可是我却很开心,那个呆子
[09:53.12] Maybe Joey's right. Maybe all good deeds are selfish. 或许乔伊说得对 所有好事的出发点都有私心
[09:56.79] I will find a selfless good deed. I gave birth to three children... 我一定要找到一件无私的善行 毕竟我才刚生出三个宝宝
[10:00.53] ...and I won't let them be raised in a world where Joey's right! 不能让他们在 乔伊有理的世界里长大
[10:09.70] If you're cooking on the stove... 当然 如果你用炉子烹饪
[10:11.87] ...that means your new boyfriend is better in bed than Richard? 是否代表你新男友在床上 比理查还厉害?
[10:16.84] 钱德
[10:23.22] I think I'll respect the privacy of my new,secret boyfriend. 我要尊重秘密新男友的隐私
[10:27.79] Why? 为什么?
[10:31.49] If this guy was me... 如果我是他
[10:33.09] and it's me who'd learned that it was me who was the best you'd ever had... 又知道 自己是你碰过最棒的情人
[10:37.60] ...I'd be like this: 我一定乐歪了
[10:49.18] All right,Emily. 艾蜜莉,
[10:50.61] As much as I love you... 虽然我很爱你
[10:52.58] ...I'm sorry,I can't move to London without Ben. 但是我不能丢下班去伦敦
[10:56.48] I understand that would be difficult. 我知道这很为难你
[10:59.19] Would you consider moving here? You were moving here anyway. 请你考虑搬过来好吗?
[11:03.16] Why can't you just do that? 你本来就打算搬来 为何不现在就来呢?
[11:05.66] I don't know. It's just 我不知道,只是…
[11:07.86] But I know that even though I've been a complete idiot up till now... 我知道自己到目前为止 都蠢头蠢脑
[11:14.94] have to come here. 但是你还是应该过来
[11:17.10] You have to,so we can work this out together. 我们才能继续走下去
[11:21.04] All right. 好吧
[11:23.38] Did you just say "all right"? 你刚说好?
[11:25.21] I did. Now I'm the idiot. 没错,现在换我是白痴
[11:30.32] It'll be great! 太棒了
[11:31.69] We're going to be like two idiots in love! 我们就像坠入爱河的白痴
[11:39.36] There's one thing that really scares me still. 罗斯,有件是还是让我很担心
[11:42.50] -Yes,tell me. -You must understand... 你尽管说
[11:45.03] humiliating it was for me at the altar... 你要知道当天婚礼
[11:48.14] front of my family and friends. 我在亲朋好友面前有多丢脸
[11:50.64] I know. I am so sorry. 我知道,我非常抱歉
[11:53.67] And then,after deciding to forgive you... 当我决定原谅你
[11:57.75] ...seeing you at the airport, catching our plane with her. 却看到你跟她赶着上飞机
[12:01.68] Again,very sorry. 这也是我的错
[12:06.15] I mean,I can't be in the same room as her. 我根本无法与她共处一室
[12:09.36] It drives me mad thinking of you being in the same room as her. 我光想到你跟她共处一室 就快气坏了
[12:13.89] Emily,there is nothing between Rachel and me. 艾蜜莉,我跟瑞秋根本没什么
[12:19.20] I love you. 我爱的是你
[12:22.34] All right. 好吧
[12:24.34] I'll come to New York, and we'll try to make this work. 我去纽约,我们再试试看
[12:28.44] That's so great! 太好了
[12:29.74] As long as you don't see Rachel anymore. 只要你答应不再见瑞秋
[12:41.19] I asked Emily if she would come to New York. 我就问艾蜜莉愿不愿意来纽约
[12:44.79] And she said yes. 她答应了
[12:46.73] Great! 太好了 赞
[12:47.56] 不不不
[12:50.10] Only if I promise never to see Rachel again. 条件是我不准再见瑞秋
[12:53.47] What? You can't 为什么? 什么?不成啦
[12:55.14] What did you say? 你怎么说?
[12:56.44] I'd think about it. How am l supposed to make this decision? 我说在考虑 我到底该怎么决定?
[13:03.04] I'm actually asking you! 我这是在问你们
[13:13.82] That's true! 对 也是
[13:17.16] You can't just cut Rachel out of your life! 你跟瑞秋从中学就认识 不能说不见就不见
[13:20.33] That's true! 你说得也对 的确不行
[13:23.63] Thanks for the help. Problem solved! 谢谢你们的帮忙 问题一点也没解决
[13:31.54] 喂 摩妮卡
[13:34.28] When will you be on TV? 乔伊,我们看了一整天电视 你到底何时才会出现?
[13:36.94] There was kind of a mix-up in my agent's office... 我经纪人搞错了
[13:40.15] ...but I'm still on TV, and that's good exposure. 反正我上了电视就有曝光率
[13:43.68] You're not on TV. 你没上电视啊
[13:49.00] How about now? 好吧,现在呢?
[13:53.19] There he is! 有了,看到他了
[13:54.93] Hello,New York! 嗨,纽约
[13:58.70] Maybe just put the whole duck in there. Who cares? 问题是这里有整支鸭 不过管他的
[14:02.30] Now I got the legs. 我先处理鸭腿
[14:07.88] How many times have I told you to never watch the cooking channel? 我说过多少次 不准看烹饪频道
[14:15.38] I need that broiling pan that Joey borrowed. 我来要回乔伊上次借的烤盘
[14:18.69] That was yours? 那是你的?
[14:20.52] We used it when the duck was throwing up caterpillars. 我们上次用来 盛小鸭吐出来的虫子
[14:25.36] Williams-Sonoma, fall catalog,page 27. “威廉索诺玛”秋季刊27页
[14:28.30] Expect it in 4 to 6 weeks. 4到6周后送货到家
[14:33.20] Joey's at the telethon for the rest of the day. 乔伊今天一整天都不在
[14:36.40] We have the place to ourselves. 整个家里就只有我们两个
[14:38.51] Yeah,so? 那又如何?
[14:40.17] Maybe you'd want to book some time with "the best you've ever had." 或许你想跟最佳情人 预约时间约会
[14:46.31] You know what,champ?
[14:48.42] I think I'll pass. 我自愿放弃
[14:51.25] 为什么?
[15:05.77] What's your point? 什么意思?
[15:09.00] With all the stupid gloating, would you want to sleep with you? 瞧你一副得意洋洋的蠢相 换作是你,还会有性趣吗?
[15:11.81] Well,I think I'd be a little out of my league, but I'd give it a shot. 或许有点困难,不过我会努力
[15:19.65] PBS Telethon. 公视电视募捐
[15:22.68] I just wanted to let you know that I found a selfless good deed. 乔伊,告诉你 我找到无私的善行了
[15:27.25] I went down to the park and I let a bee sting me. 我刚去公园让蜜蜂叮我
[15:31.19] What good is that going to do? 什么?这对谁有好处?
[15:33.59] It helps the bee look tough in front of his bee friends. 这支蜜蜂在同伴面前 脸上有光
[15:37.93] The bee is happy, and I am definitely not. 蜜蜂很开心,我却很痛
[15:41.00] You know,the bee probably died after he stung you. 蜜蜂叮了你就死了
[15:49.58] Damn it! 可恶
[15:52.85] Back on in 30 seconds,people! 各位,30秒后开始录影
[16:02.26] Excuse me, would you mind switching with me? 抱歉,可以跟你换位子吗?
[16:05.43] No way. I'm in the shot,man. 甭想,我刚好在镜头里
[16:08.43] -You've been here all day! -I'm taking pledges. 拜托,你已经佔这位子一天了
[16:10.16] 我在接受捐款,别吵我!
[16:11.73] And we're on three,two.... 倒数计时3、2、1
[16:17.14] If you've been enjoying Cirque du Soleil... 如果各位喜欢“太阳马戏团”
[16:20.21] ...and you'd like to see more, it's very simple. 以后还想收看同类型节目 方法很简单
[16:24.41] All you have to do is call in a pledge... 只要打电话捐款
[16:27.65] ...and tell one of our volunteers what type of programming you 并告诉我们的义工 阁下喜欢收看哪类型节目
[16:36.06] -Quick broiling pan question -Yes,it really does cost that much. 问你一个烤盘的问题好吗? 价钱就是这么贵
[16:39.43] Maybe next time your duck can puke in something from Pottery Barn. 或许你们下次可以考虑 用廉价盘子处理鸭子的呕吐物
[16:46.10] That's it. I cannot make this decision. It is too difficult. 够了 我无法做决定 这实在太难了
[16:50.34] I leave it entirely up to the gods of fate. 我决定交给命运之神
[16:56.28] A Magic 8 Ball? 神奇8号球?
[16:57.88] You can't make this decision with a toy! 你开玩笑吧? 怎么可以用玩具决定命运?
[17:00.75] It's not a toy. 这可不是玩具
[17:04.28] I don't know what else to do! 我别无选择
[17:06.92] I either keep my wife and lose one of my best friends... 不是追回老婆,失去好朋友
[17:11.43] ...or I get divorced for the second time before I'm 30. 就是留下朋友 在30岁前离婚两次
[17:15.43] If anyone else has a better suggestion,let's hear it. 要是有人有更好的建议 现在就说出来
[17:19.07] Because I got nothing! Don't be shy. 否则我真的没有办法! 大家别害羞
[17:21.64] Any suggestion will do. 各种建议都可以
[17:29.41] Okay,then. 好吧
[17:34.21] Here we go. 开始了
[17:37.15] Magic 8 Ball... 神奇8号球
[17:45.49] "Ask Again Later." 待会再问
[17:49.00] Later is not good enough! 这个答案不够好
[17:57.77] "Ask Again Later." 待会再问
[17:59.01] What the hell? 搞屁啊
[18:00.34] This is broken! It is broken! 这东西坏掉了
[18:04.01] Let me see. 我来看看
[18:06.65] Will Chandler have sex tonight? 钱德今晚会跟女人上床吗?
[18:15.76] Seems like it works to me. 我倒觉得没坏掉
[18:18.73] Okay,one more time. 好,再来一次
[18:22.26] Should I never see Rachel again? 我是否不该再见瑞秋了?
[18:27.53] Magic 8 Ball! What did you ask? 神奇8号球!你问什么?
[18:34.21] Does...
[18:35.88] ...Rachel get to pick the movie that we're all going to see tonight? 今晚要看的电影 可以交由瑞秋决定吗?
[18:40.41] Excellent. What's the answer? 很好,答案是什么?
[18:45.09] Looks like Stella's gonna get her groove back tonight! 看来老牛今晚吃得到嫩草了
[18:56.16] PBS Telethon. 公视电视募款
[18:58.03] Hi,Joey. 嗨,乔伊
[18:59.33] Hey,Phoebe. 嗨,菲比
[19:00.53] I'd like to make a pledge. 我要捐钱
[19:02.34] I would like to donate $200. 我想捐200元
[19:04.51] Two hundred dollars? 200元?你确定?
[19:06.01] You sure? After what Sesame Street did to you? “芝麻街”可是伤你不浅
[19:11.68] lots of kids whose moms didn't kill themselves. 不过我也知道 很多妈妈没自杀的小孩很爱看
[19:22.22] So there! A selfless good deed. 你看,这就是无私的善行
[19:27.83] No,it sucks! I was saving up to buy a hamster. 难过死了 我本想用那笔钱买支黄金鼠
[19:32.03] A hamster? Those things are,like,$10. 黄金鼠?那种宠物 10元就买得到
[19:34.84] Not the one I had my eye on. 我喜欢那支可没那么便宜
[19:37.64] It looks like we have surpassed last year's pledge total. 看来今年的募款 已经超过去年总额
[19:41.84] Thank you! 谢谢各位
[19:43.71] And the pledge that did it was taken by one of our volunteers. 打破纪录的捐款是由 我们的义工募得
[19:48.88] Oh,boy! And may I say, one of our sharpest dressed volunteers. 而且这位还穿得很体面
[19:54.92] Mr. Joseph Tribbiani! 这位就是乔伊崔比亚尼
[19:57.26] Oh,look! 看呀
[19:58.56] Joey's on TV! 乔伊上电视了
[20:00.39] Isn't that great? 太棒了
[20:01.86] My pledge got Joey on TV! That makes me feel so 我的捐款让乔伊上了电视
[20:05.70] Oh,no! 这真是让我…糟糕
[20:14.21] Look... 或许
[20:15.41] ...I got carried away before, but there's something you got to know. 我先前太得意了 不过有件事要告诉你
[20:19.88] If I'm the best,it's only because you made me the best. 如果我表现得很好也是因为你
[20:26.39] Keep talking. 说下去
[20:28.92] I was nothing before you. 跟你在一起之前 我根本表现平平
[20:30.86] Call the other girls and ask. 你可以打去问我以前那些女友
[20:40.53] ...oh,my God! 我…的…天…啊
[20:48.24] -Really? -Oh,my God! 真的? 天…啊
[20:54.21] I understand if you never want to sleep with me again. 如果你不想再跟我上床 我也能体谅
[20:58.39] But that would be wrong. 不过这决定就不对了
[21:01.29] We're too good. 我们太厉害了
[21:03.26] We owe it to sex! 不上床实在太可惜
[21:08.06] If we owe it! 如果真是这样…
[21:12.73] Oh,my! 天啊
[21:15.74] When will Joey be home? 乔伊何时回来?
[21:17.34] I was kind of hoping we could do this without him. 我们应该不需要等他
[21:21.94] No,no,no! Leave the gloves on. 没关系,手套不用脱
[21:25.48] I cleaned the bathroom. 可是我刚在清厕所
[21:27.15] Why don't we lose the gloves. 那就脱掉吧 好
[21:33.02] All right. Let's show them how it's done. 让大家看看谁才是高手 好
[21:38.63] -You know that wasn't part of it? -I know. 这不包括在内 我知道
[21:56.48] You ready? We're going to be late. 嗨,你准备好没? 我们要迟到了
[21:59.11] -For what? -For Stella,remember? 迟到什么?看电影啊?你没忘吧?
[22:02.28] She's getting her groove back in 20 minutes. 史黛拉都快把到男人了
[22:06.55] I totally forgot about that. 我完全忘记了
[22:10.06] Can I take a rain check? I'm waiting for a call from Emily. 你不介意我爽约一次吧? 我正在等艾蜜莉的电话
[22:14.80] Sure,I guess. 没关系
[22:16.90] I hear you don't have to go to London. 听说你不用去伦敦了,好耶
[22:21.74] It's not that easy. There's still a lot of relationship stuff. 事情没那么简单 我们还有很多问题
[22:27.01] Like what? 例如?
[22:28.31] Just stuff. 就是一些问题
[22:30.04] You know,kind of what Emily wants. 艾蜜莉对我有些要求
[22:34.51] Talk to me. Maybe I can help. 你可以告诉我 或许我帮得上忙
[22:39.32] You can't help. 不行,你帮不上忙
[22:44.02] I have to do this without your help. 这件事你帮不上忙
[22:49.33] I know you can do that too. I'm just saying if you need to talk.... 我知道你自己办得到 但是如果你想找人谈谈…
[22:57.60] Thanks. 谢了
[23:03.38] Whatever it is that Emily wants... 无论艾蜜莉有何要求
[23:06.38] ...just give it to her. 你答应就是了
[23:08.58] The bottom line is that you love her. 最重要的是你爱她
[23:11.22] Fix whatever she wants fixed. 她怎么要求,你就怎么做
[23:14.05] Just do it. 答应就对了
[23:17.29] You're going to have to try. You'll hate yourself if you don't. 你总得试试看 不试试以后一定会后悔
[23:25.13] Come on,answer it! 快接电话啊,我都快被逼疯了
[23:30.47] Hi,sweetie. 喂,亲爱的
[23:32.81] Good. 我很好
[23:37.28] Yes,I've been thinking... 我考虑过
[23:40.38] ...about that thing you wanted me to do. 你的要求
[23:45.82] I can do it. 我办得到
[23:49.39] Will you come to New York? 你愿意来纽约吗?
[24:33.63] -Never done that before. -Nope. 以前没试过这招 我也没
[03:10.-1] No, no! Vomit tux! bie guo lai, na shi ou tu xi zhuang
[05:15.-1] I' ll find a selfless good deed. I' m going to beat you, you evil genius! wo yi ding hui zhao dao yi jian wu si de shan shi da bai ni zhe ge xie e bo shi
[07:58.-2] But it' d be great. They have great theater... dan shi na bian hen bang you yi liu de xi yuan
[08:53.-3] ... and you' re the gay ones. ni men jiu shi li mian di tong xing lian jue se
[09:12.-1] But I' m not really expecting a lot of calls. bu guo ying gai mei you ren hui da lai zhao wo
[10:07.-2] Can I ask you a cooking question? mo ni ka ke yi wen ni you guan peng ren de wen ti ma?
[10:20.-1] Is he? you ma?
[11:28.-1] Emily, that is so great! ai mi li, tai bang le
[13:07.-4] Rachel is one of your best friends. ni bu neng jiu ci bu jian rui qiu ta shi ni de hao peng you
[13:12.-4] But Emily' s his wife! dan shi ai mi li ke shi ta lao po
[14:50.-1] Why? wei shi me?
[16:15.-2] Welcome back to our fall telethon. huan ying shou kan dian shi mu juan
[17:39.-4] ... should I never see Rachel again? wo shi bu shi bu gai zai jian rui qiu?
[18:10.-1] " Don' t Count On lt." bie tai du ding
[18:51.-3] What? I heard it was good. zen me le? ting shuo na bu pian bu cuo a
[19:09.-1] I' m still mad at them, but they bring happiness... wo hai shi hen sheng qi
[19:17.-1] By supporting them, I' m doing a good thing, but I' m not happy about it. wei le zhi chi zhe jie mu wo jue ding zuo jian hao shi bu guo wo zi ji ke bu kai xin
[19:25.-3] You don' t feel good about donating the money? nan dao ni juan qian mei you yi dian kai xin?
[20:34.-3] Which wouldn' t take long. ni yi ding hen kuai jiu wen wan le
[20:37.-3] But when I' m with you, and we' re together... dan shi wo gen ni wo men zai yi qi
[23:01.-2] luo si
[00:08.80] Come in. jin lai
[00:10.64] I' ve been waiting for you. wo deng hen jiu le
[00:16.38] Hi, I just wo zhi shi
[00:18.68] Oh, my God! Monica! tian a, mo ni ka
[00:20.72] Oh, my God!
[00:22.38] I' m sorry! I was bao qian bao qian
[00:24.52] I was taking a nap. wo zheng zai shui wu jiao
[00:26.19] Since when do you take naps in that position? ni cong he shi kai shi yong na zhong guai zi shi shui jiao?
[00:31.49] Tell me you were waiting for a guy. Please tell me. mo ni ka, ni shi zai deng nan ren ba? bai tuo ni shuo shi zai deng nan ren
[00:35.03] Yes, I was. A guy. mei cuo, wo zai deng nan ren
[00:37.87] From work. gong si tong shi
[00:40.04] I' m seeing a guy from work! wo zui jin gen tong shi yue hui
[00:44.67] That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta? na ge zhang de xiang lei li ou ta qin qie ban de shuai ge fu wu sheng?
[00:50.31] That one! jiu shi ta
[00:52.05] Give me a second. I' m just going to grab a jacket. wo ma shang jiu shan ren wo zhi shi hui lai na jian wai tao
[00:55.88] When I get back, I want every little detail. deng wo hui lai ke yao gao su wo xiang qing
[01:02.86] Maybe that' s him. ta ke neng lai le
[01:04.56] huo xu
[01:08.66] It' s just Joey and Ross. zhi shi qiao yi gen luo si
[01:11.17] Why aren' t you at the movie? ni men bu shi qu kan dian ying ma?
[01:12.83] Ross was so loud, they threw us out. dui a, ke shi luo si jiang dian hua tai chao cai bei dian ying yuan hong chu lai
[01:16.40] I had to talk loud because the movie was loud! dian ying tai chao, wo dang ran de da sheng jiang
[01:22.01] He' s talking to London. ta da dian hua qu lun dun
[01:23.58] Did he get in touch with Emily? wei shi me? ta zhao dao ai mi li le?
[01:25.91] No, not yet. He' s hoping that someone will help him get in touch with her. hai mei, dan shi ta da gei nv fang qin qi xi wang you ren yuan yi bang ta
[01:31.05] I don' t care if I said some other girl' s name, you prissy old twit! jiu suan wo shuo cuo ming zi you ru he ni zhe da jing xiao guai de ben dan
[01:37.73] Way to suck up to the family! luo si, ni ba jie yin qin zhen you yi tao
[01:47.30] I' m so glad you' re all here. My office finally got wrinklefree fax paper! zhen gao xing da jia dou zai wo men gong si zhong yu mai mian zhou chuan zhen zhi le
[01:55.28] The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS ben ji bo chu:" hao ren hao shi"
[02:42.72] Hi, is this Nanny Hopkins? I' m looking for Emily. qing wen shi huo pu jin nai ma ma? wo zhao ai mi li
[02:48.03] Waltham. wo sen
[02:49.76] Oh, I' m sorry. Is this 01144742... bao qian, zhe shi 011447 4293474267 ma?
[02:55.60] ... 93474267?
[03:02.01] Oh, it' s " 43," not 42. shi 43 bu shi 42 a
[03:04.61] Well, which 42? nei ge 42?
[03:13.00] Don' t worry, I had it drycleaned. fang xin, wo song qu gan xi guo le
[03:15.19] Vomit tux? ou tu xi zhuang?
[03:16.83] Who vomited on? shui hui tu zai xi zhuang shang?
[03:19.00] You know what? What you up to, Joe? qiao yi, ni wei he chuan cheng zhe yang?
[03:22.20] They' re doing this telethon thing on TV. wo yao shang ma la shi dian shi jie mu
[03:25.10] And my agent got me a job as cohost! wo de jing ji bang wo zheng qu dang zhu chi ren
[03:27.80] That' s great! tai bang le
[03:29.54] A little good deed for PBS, plus some TV exposure. bang gong shi zuo hao shi you neng zeng jia pu guang lv
[03:33.71] That' s the kind of math Joey likes to do. wo qiao yi zui ai zuo zhe zhong shi le
[03:38.01] Oh, PBS! gong shi a
[03:40.38] What' s wrong with PBS? What' s right with them? gong shi na li bu dui le?
[03:41.45] ta men na li dui?
[03:44.72] Why don' t you like PBS? fei bi, ni wei he bu xi huan gong shi?
[03:46.65] Right after my Mom killed herself, I was in a bad place, personally. yin wei wo ma zi sha zhi hou wo ge ren fei chang nan guo
[03:52.33] I thought I' d write to Sesame Street. suo yi wo xiang xie xin gei zhi ma jie xin qing ying gai hui hao yi dian
[03:57.17] Because they were nice when I was a little kid. yin wei wo xiao shi hou zong jue de ta men hen qin qie
[04:00.37] No one ever wrote back. jie guo gen ben mei ren hui xin
[04:02.24] A lot of those muppets don' t have thumbs. nei xie bu ou gen ben mei you shou zhi
[04:07.18] All I got was a lousy key chain, and by that time, I was living in a box. wo zhi shou dao yi ge e lan yao shi huan bai tuo, wo na shi zhu zai zhi xiang li ye
[04:11.51] I didn' t have keys! lian yao shi dou mei you
[04:14.38] I' m sorry, Phoebe. wo hen yi han, fei bi
[04:15.85] I wanted to do a good deed, like you did with the babies. wo zhi shi xiang zuo hao shi jiu xiang ni bang mang sheng xiao hai
[04:19.49] This isn' t a good deed. You just want to get on TV. This is selfish. ni cai bu shi zuo shan shi zhi shi xiang shang dian shi, gen ben jiu hen zi si
[04:23.89] What about you having those babies for your brother? wa ni bang di di sheng xiao hai you zen me shuo?
[04:28.10] That' s selfish! zi si de bu shi zhi you wo
[04:31.60] What are you talking about? ni hu shuo shi mo?
[04:33.60] It was a nice thing, but it made you feel good, right? ni di que shi bang mang ta men bu guo zi ji xin qing ye hen hao ba?
[04:37.07] Yeah, so? na you ru he?
[04:38.51] It made you feel good so that makes it selfish. yin wei ni zuo shan shi xin qing hao ye suan shi zi si de yi zhong
[04:41.41] Look, there' s no unselfish good deeds. Sorry. shi jie shang gen ben jiu mei you wu si de hao shi
[04:45.05] Yes, there are totally good deeds that are selfless! ming ming jiu you you hen duo xing shan de ren dou mei you si xin
[04:49.02] May I ask for one example? qing ni ju chu yi ge li zi
[04:51.05] Yeah, it' s You know, there' s jiu shi you, li ru
[04:54.12] No, you may not! wo bu xiang shuo
[04:57.63] Because all people are selfish. yin wei suo you ren dou hen zi si
[05:00.03] Are you calling me selfish? ni shuo wo zi si?
[05:02.20] Are you calling you people? ni nan dao bu shi ren?
[05:06.94] Sorry to burst that bubble, Phoebe, fei bi, hen bao qian chuo po ni de mei meng
[05:08.57] but selfless good deeds don' t exist. shi jie shang mei you wu si de shan shi
[05:12.27] You know the deal on Santa Claus? ni ye zhi dao sheng dan lao ren ba?
[05:23.02] wei
[05:24.15] luo si ma?
[05:26.82] Oh, my God! It' s Emily! ai mi li, tian a, shi ai mi li
[05:29.29] It' s Emily, everyone! da jia bu yao chao!
[05:34.80] I' m only ringing to say stop harassing my relatives. Goodbye. wo da lai zhi shi yao gao su ni bie zai sao rao wo jia ren le, zai jian
[05:38.67] You can hang up, but I' ll keep calling everyone in England... deng yi xia, jiu suan ni gua duan wo ye hui ji xu da
[05:42.77] ... if that' s what it takes to get you to talk to me. ru guo yao da gei suo you ying guo ren cai neng bi ni gen wo shuo hua wo ye ban de dao
[05:47.18] Really? About what? zhen de? ni xiang tan shen me?
[05:48.61] Look, you' re my wife. We' re married. ni shi wo tai tai, wo men yi jing jie hun
[05:51.68] You know, I love you. er qie wo ai ni
[05:53.45] I really miss you. wo hen xiang ni
[05:57.25] I miss you too. wo ye hen xiang ni
[05:59.35] At least, I think I do. zhi shao wo ren wei ru ci
[06:01.52] She' s talking. ta ken gen wo shuo hua le
[06:02.86] wan sui
[06:08.63] When you said " the deal with Santa," you meant...? qiao yi, ni gang gang wei he ti dao sheng dan lao ren?
[06:11.70] That he doesn' t exist. gen ben mei you zhe hao ren wu
[06:13.43] Right. zhe yang a
[06:19.54] Chandler, have you heard about Monica' s secret boyfriend? qian de, ni ting shuo mo ni ka de di xia qing ren le ma?
[06:24.55] Yeah, she might have mentioned him. zhi dao, ta ta shi ti guo
[06:27.85] So, Mon, when are we going to meet this new, secret waiter man? wo men dao di he shi cai neng ren shi zhe ge fu wu sheng?
[06:32.62] I don' t think he' s up to meeting everyone yet. ta hen hai xiu, xian zai hai mei zhun bei ren shi da jia
[06:35.69] Yeah, I don' t think he' s up to it. wo xiang ta hai mei zhun bei hao
[06:38.66] I want to meet this guy who' s the best sex she ever had. wo bu guan, wo xiang jian ta ta shuo dui fang chuang shang yi ji bang
[06:43.87] Really? zhen de?
[06:47.17] That' s what you heard? You said that? ta shuo guo? ni shuo guo?
[06:50.00] I might have. da gai ba
[06:54.48] Why is that funny? zhe you shen me hao xiao?
[06:56.81] Because I' m very happy for him. yin wei wo hen wei ta gao xing
[06:59.71] And you! You lucky dog! ni zhen shi zou gou yun!
[07:06.39] She' s willing to work on the relationship. ai mi li yuan yi gen wo fu he
[07:09.26] That' s great! tai hao le
[07:10.53] In London. ta yao wo qu lun dun
[07:12.23] She wants me to move to London. ta yao wo ban dao lun dun qu
[07:14.83] But you live here. ke shi ni zhu zai zhe li
[07:19.27] You know that. wo zhe shi fei hua
[07:22.57] What will you do? I don' t know. ni da suan zen me ban? bu zhi dao
[07:24.71] I mean, I can' t leave Ben. You can just videoconference with him. wo bu neng diu xia ban ni ke yi gen ta yong shi xun hui yi
[07:30.38] I' m not ready to have a child. wo hai bu gou ge dang ba ba
[07:34.22] I bet if I talked to Carol and Susan... zhi yao gen ka luo su shan tan tan
[07:37.05] ... I could convince them to move to London with Ben. yi ding neng shuo fu ta men dai ban ban dao lun dun
[07:41.06] I' m sure your exwife would be more than happy to move... xiang bi ni qian qi yi ding le yi ban dao guo wai
[07:44.03] ... so you can patch things up with your new wife. bang ni wan hui xin tai tai
[07:49.20] It could happen. bu shi bu ke neng a
[07:53.37] Ross, we are not moving to London. We already have lives here. luo si, wo men cai bu ban dao lun dun wo men de sheng huo zhong xin dou zai zhe li
[08:01.38] ... great accents. kou yin
[08:05.28] Tea. cha
[08:07.92] They have a queen. ying guo hai you nv wang
[08:11.05] So? She' s a woman. suo yi ne? ta shi nv ren
[08:16.69] Daddy! Hey! ba ba
[08:19.19] Guess what? We' re moving to London! gao su ni, wo men yao ban dao lun dun le
[08:23.60] Who' s going to London? Nobody' s going to London. shui yao ban qu lun dun? bu shi wo men
[08:26.53] Welcome to London, governor. huan ying li lin lun dun, zong du
[08:29.77] Right, right. It' ll be great because we' ll have Big Ben and little Ben... tai bang le, dao shi jiu you da ben zhong gen wo men xiao ban
[08:33.54] ... in the same city. dou zai lun dun le
[08:36.61] Go pack! gan kuai qu zheng li xing li
[08:39.01] See? See, he wants to go. ni men kan, ta xiang qu
[08:41.82] Yeah, we leave all our big decisions to the 3yearold. shi a, wo men dou rang san sui xiao gui jue ding jia li da shi
[08:46.29] Come on, come on. It' ll be just like Three' s Company... zhe jiu xiang" san ren xing" ma
[08:49.69] ... only there' s a kid and my wife... zhi shi ling wai liang ge huan cheng yi ge xiao hai gen wo lao po
[09:01.17] How you doing? Welcome. Good to see you. ni hao, huan ying, xing hui
[09:05.01] This' ll be your phone. zhe jiu shi ni de dian hua
[09:10.48] That' s great. zhen hao
[09:15.55] No, you answer it and take pledges. ni fu ze jie dian hua jie shou juan kuan
[09:18.15] But I' m the host. wo shi zhu chi ren
[09:19.49] Gary Collins is the host. You' ll be answering the phone. gai rui ka lin cai shi zhu chi ren ni fu ze jie dian hua
[09:24.43] You don' t seem to understand. I was Dr. Drake Ramoray. ni kong pa gao bu qing chu zhuang kuang wo shi lei yi sheng
[09:28.73] Well, here' s your phone, doctor. ni fu ze zhe zhi dian hua, yi sheng
[09:33.90] I can' t believe I can' t find a selfless good deed. wo jing ran zhao bu dao yi jian wu si de shan xing
[09:37.00] You know that old guy that lives next to me? yi qian wo jia ge bi you ge lao tou
[09:39.57] I snuck over there and raked up the leaves on his front stoop. wo tou liu dao ta jia bang ta da sao qian lang de luo ye
[09:43.18] But he caught me, and he forcefed me cider and cookies. ta zhuo dao wo zhi hou qiang po wo he xi da chi bing gan
[09:49.12] Then I felt wonderful. That old jackass! ke shi wo que hen kai xin, na ge dai zi
[09:53.12] Maybe Joey' s right. Maybe all good deeds are selfish. huo xu qiao yi shuo de dui suo you hao shi de chu fa dian dou you si xin
[09:56.79] I will find a selfless good deed. I gave birth to three children... wo yi ding yao zhao dao yi jian wu si de shan xing bi jing wo cai gang sheng chu san ge bao bao
[10:00.53] ... and I won' t let them be raised in a world where Joey' s right! bu neng rang ta men zai qiao yi you li de shi jie li chang da
[10:09.70] If you' re cooking on the stove... dang ran ru guo ni yong lu zi peng ren
[10:11.87] ... that means your new boyfriend is better in bed than Richard? shi fou dai biao ni xin nan you zai chuang shang bi li cha hai li hai?
[10:16.84] qian de
[10:23.22] I think I' ll respect the privacy of my new, secret boyfriend. wo yao zun zhong mi mi xin nan you de yin si
[10:27.79] Why? wei shi me?
[10:31.49] If this guy was me... ru guo wo shi ta
[10:33.09] and it' s me who' d learned that it was me who was the best you' d ever had... you zhi dao zi ji shi ni peng guo zui bang de qing ren
[10:37.60] ... I' d be like this: wo yi ding le wai le
[10:49.18] All right, Emily. ai mi li,
[10:50.61] As much as I love you... sui ran wo hen ai ni
[10:52.58] ... I' m sorry, I can' t move to London without Ben. dan shi wo bu neng diu xia ban qu lun dun
[10:56.48] I understand that would be difficult. wo zhi dao zhe hen wei nan ni
[10:59.19] Would you consider moving here? You were moving here anyway. qing ni kao lv ban guo lai hao ma?
[11:03.16] Why can' t you just do that? ni ben lai jiu da suan ban lai wei he bu xian zai jiu lai ne?
[11:05.66] I don' t know. It' s just wo bu zhi dao, zhi shi
[11:07.86] But I know that even though I' ve been a complete idiot up till now... wo zhi dao zi ji dao mu qian wei zhi dou chun tou chun nao
[11:14.94] ... you have to come here. dan shi ni hai shi ying gai guo lai
[11:17.10] You have to, so we can work this out together. wo men cai neng ji xu zou xia qu
[11:21.04] All right. hao ba
[11:23.38] Did you just say " all right"? ni gang shuo hao?
[11:25.21] I did. Now I' m the idiot. mei cuo, xian zai huan wo shi bai chi
[11:30.32] It' ll be great! tai bang le
[11:31.69] We' re going to be like two idiots in love! wo men jiu xiang zhui ru ai he de bai chi
[11:39.36] There' s one thing that really scares me still. luo si, you jian shi hai shi rang wo hen dan xin
[11:42.50] Yes, tell me. You must understand... ni jin guan shuo
[11:45.03] ... how humiliating it was for me at the altar... ni yao zhi dao dang tian hun li
[11:48.14] ... in front of my family and friends. wo zai qin peng hao you mian qian you duo diu lian
[11:50.64] I know. I am so sorry. wo zhi dao, wo fei chang bao qian
[11:53.67] And then, after deciding to forgive you... dang wo jue ding yuan liang ni
[11:57.75] ... seeing you at the airport, catching our plane with her. que kan dao ni gen ta gan zhe shang fei ji
[12:01.68] Again, very sorry. zhe ye shi wo de cuo
[12:06.15] I mean, I can' t be in the same room as her. wo gen ben wu fa yu ta gong chu yi shi
[12:09.36] It drives me mad thinking of you being in the same room as her. wo guang xiang dao ni gen ta gong chu yi shi jiu kuai qi huai le
[12:13.89] Emily, there is nothing between Rachel and me. ai mi li, wo gen rui qiu gen ben mei shen me
[12:19.20] I love you. wo ai de shi ni
[12:22.34] All right. hao ba
[12:24.34] I' ll come to New York, and we' ll try to make this work. wo qu niu yue, wo men zai shi shi kan
[12:28.44] That' s so great! tai hao le
[12:29.74] As long as you don' t see Rachel anymore. zhi yao ni da ying bu zai jian rui qiu
[12:41.19] I asked Emily if she would come to New York. wo jiu wen ai mi li yuan bu yuan yi lai niu yue
[12:44.79] And she said yes. ta da ying le
[12:46.73] Great! tai hao le zan
[12:47.56] bu bu bu
[12:50.10] Only if I promise never to see Rachel again. tiao jian shi wo bu zhun zai jian rui qiu
[12:53.47] What? You can' t wei shi me? shen me? bu cheng la
[12:55.14] What did you say? ni zen me shuo?
[12:56.44] I' d think about it. How am l supposed to make this decision? wo shuo zai kao lv wo dao di gai zen me jue ding?
[13:03.04] I' m actually asking you! wo zhe shi zai wen ni men
[13:13.82] That' s true! dui ye shi
[13:17.16] You can' t just cut Rachel out of your life! ni gen rui qiu cong zhong xue jiu ren shi bu neng shuo bu jian jiu bu jian
[13:20.33] That' s true! ni shuo de ye dui di que bu xing
[13:23.63] Thanks for the help. Problem solved! xie xie ni men de bang mang wen ti yi dian ye mei jie jue
[13:31.54] wei mo ni ka
[13:34.28] When will you be on TV? qiao yi, wo men kan le yi zheng tian dian shi ni dao di he shi cai hui chu xian?
[13:36.94] There was kind of a mixup in my agent' s office... wo jing ji ren gao cuo le
[13:40.15] ... but I' m still on TV, and that' s good exposure. fan zheng wo shang le dian shi jiu you pu guang lv
[13:43.68] You' re not on TV. ni mei shang dian shi a
[13:49.00] How about now? hao ba, xian zai ne?
[13:53.19] There he is! you le, kan dao ta le
[13:54.93] Hello, New York! hai, niu yue
[13:58.70] Maybe just put the whole duck in there. Who cares? wen ti shi zhe li you zheng zhi ya bu guo guan ta de
[14:02.30] Now I got the legs. wo xian chu li ya tui
[14:07.88] How many times have I told you to never watch the cooking channel? wo shuo guo duo shao ci bu zhun kan peng ren pin dao
[14:15.38] I need that broiling pan that Joey borrowed. wo lai yao hui qiao yi shang ci jie de kao pan
[14:18.69] That was yours? na shi ni de?
[14:20.52] We used it when the duck was throwing up caterpillars. wo men shang ci yong lai sheng xiao ya tu chu lai de chong zi
[14:25.36] WilliamsSonoma, fall catalog, page 27. " wei lian suo nuo ma" qiu ji kan 27 ye
[14:28.30] Expect it in 4 to 6 weeks. 4 dao 6 zhou hou song huo dao jia
[14:33.20] Joey' s at the telethon for the rest of the day. qiao yi jin tian yi zheng tian du bu zai
[14:36.40] We have the place to ourselves. zheng ge jia li jiu zhi you wo men liang ge
[14:38.51] Yeah, so? na you ru he?
[14:40.17] Maybe you' d want to book some time with " the best you' ve ever had." huo xu ni xiang gen zui jia qing ren yu yue shi jian yue hui
[14:46.31] You know what, champ?
[14:48.42] I think I' ll pass. wo zi yuan fang qi
[14:51.25] wei shi me?
[15:05.77] What' s your point? shen me yi si?
[15:09.00] With all the stupid gloating, would you want to sleep with you? qiao ni yi fu de yi yang yang de chun xiang huan zuo shi ni, hai hui you xing qu ma?
[15:11.81] Well, I think I' d be a little out of my league, but I' d give it a shot. huo xu you dian kun nan, bu guo wo hui nu li
[15:19.65] PBS Telethon. gong shi dian shi mu juan
[15:22.68] I just wanted to let you know that I found a selfless good deed. qiao yi, gao su ni wo zhao dao wu si de shan xing le
[15:27.25] I went down to the park and I let a bee sting me. wo gang qu gong yuan rang mi feng ding wo
[15:31.19] What good is that going to do? shen me? zhe dui shui you hao chu?
[15:33.59] It helps the bee look tough in front of his bee friends. zhe zhi mi feng zai tong ban mian qian lian shang you guang
[15:37.93] The bee is happy, and I am definitely not. mi feng hen kai xin, wo que hen tong
[15:41.00] You know, the bee probably died after he stung you. mi feng ding le ni jiu si le
[15:49.58] Damn it! ke wu
[15:52.85] Back on in 30 seconds, people! ge wei, 30 miao hou kai shi lu ying
[16:02.26] Excuse me, would you mind switching with me? bao qian, ke yi gen ni huan wei zi ma?
[16:05.43] No way. I' m in the shot, man. beng xiang, wo gang hao zai jing tou li
[16:08.43] You' ve been here all day! I' m taking pledges. bai tuo, ni yi jing zhan zhe wei zi yi tian le
[16:10.16] wo zai jie shou juan kuan, bie chao wo!
[16:11.73] And we' re on three, two.... dao shu ji shi 3 2 1
[16:17.14] If you' ve been enjoying Cirque du Soleil... ru guo ge wei xi huan" tai yang ma xi tuan"
[16:20.21] ... and you' d like to see more, it' s very simple. yi hou hai xiang shou kan tong lei xing jie mu fang fa hen jian dan
[16:24.41] All you have to do is call in a pledge... zhi yao da dian hua juan kuan
[16:27.65] ... and tell one of our volunteers what type of programming you bing gao su wo men de yi gong ge xia xi huan shou kan na lei xing jie mu
[16:36.06] Quick broiling pan question Yes, it really does cost that much. wen ni yi ge kao pan de wen ti hao ma? jia qian jiu shi zhe me gui
[16:39.43] Maybe next time your duck can puke in something from Pottery Barn. huo xu ni men xia ci ke yi kao lv yong lian jia pan zi chu li ya zi de ou tu wu
[16:46.10] That' s it. I cannot make this decision. It is too difficult. gou le wo wu fa zuo jue ding zhe shi zai tai nan le
[16:50.34] I leave it entirely up to the gods of fate. wo jue ding jiao gei ming yun zhi shen
[16:56.28] A Magic 8 Ball? shen qi 8 hao qiu?
[16:57.88] You can' t make this decision with a toy! ni kai wan xiao ba? zen me ke yi yong wan ju jue ding ming yun?
[17:00.75] It' s not a toy. zhe ke bu shi wan ju
[17:04.28] I don' t know what else to do! wo bie wu xuan ze
[17:06.92] I either keep my wife and lose one of my best friends... bu shi zhui hui lao po, shi qu hao peng you
[17:11.43] ... or I get divorced for the second time before I' m 30. jiu shi liu xia peng you zai 30 sui qian li hun liang ci
[17:15.43] If anyone else has a better suggestion, let' s hear it. yao shi you ren you geng hao de jian yi xian zai jiu shuo chu lai
[17:19.07] Because I got nothing! Don' t be shy. fou ze wo zhen de mei you ban fa! da jia bie hai xiu
[17:21.64] Any suggestion will do. ge zhong jian yi dou ke yi
[17:29.41] Okay, then. hao ba
[17:34.21] Here we go. kai shi le
[17:37.15] Magic 8 Ball... shen qi 8 hao qiu
[17:45.49] " Ask Again Later." dai hui zai wen
[17:49.00] Later is not good enough! zhe ge da an bu gou hao
[17:57.77] " Ask Again Later." dai hui zai wen
[17:59.01] What the hell? gao pi a
[18:00.34] This is broken! It is broken! zhe dong xi huai diao le
[18:04.01] Let me see. wo lai kan kan
[18:06.65] Will Chandler have sex tonight? qian de jin wan hui gen nv ren shang chuang ma?
[18:15.76] Seems like it works to me. wo dao jue de mei huai diao
[18:18.73] Okay, one more time. hao, zai lai yi ci
[18:22.26] Should I never see Rachel again? wo shi fou bu gai zai jian rui qiu le?
[18:27.53] Magic 8 Ball! What did you ask? shen qi 8 hao qiu! ni wen shen me?
[18:34.21] Does...
[18:35.88] ... Rachel get to pick the movie that we' re all going to see tonight? jin wan yao kan de dian ying ke yi jiao you rui qiu jue ding ma?
[18:40.41] Excellent. What' s the answer? hen hao, da an shi shen me?
[18:45.09] Looks like Stella' s gonna get her groove back tonight! kan lai lao niu jin wan chi de dao nen cao le
[18:56.16] PBS Telethon. gong shi dian shi mu kuan
[18:58.03] Hi, Joey. hai, qiao yi
[18:59.33] Hey, Phoebe. hai, fei bi
[19:00.53] I' d like to make a pledge. wo yao juan qian
[19:02.34] I would like to donate 200. wo xiang juan 200 yuan
[19:04.51] Two hundred dollars? 200 yuan? ni que ding?
[19:06.01] You sure? After what Sesame Street did to you? " zhi ma jie" ke shi shang ni bu qian
[19:11.68] ... to lots of kids whose moms didn' t kill themselves. bu guo wo ye zhi dao hen duo ma ma mei zi sha de xiao hai hen ai kan
[19:22.22] So there! A selfless good deed. ni kan, zhe jiu shi wu si de shan xing
[19:27.83] No, it sucks! I was saving up to buy a hamster. nan guo si le wo ben xiang yong na bi qian mai zhi huang jin shu
[19:32.03] A hamster? Those things are, like, 10. huang jin shu? na zhong chong wu 10 yuan jiu mai de dao
[19:34.84] Not the one I had my eye on. wo xi huan na zhi ke mei na me pian yi
[19:37.64] It looks like we have surpassed last year' s pledge total. kan lai jin nian de mu kuan yi jing chao guo qu nian zong e
[19:41.84] Thank you! xie xie ge wei
[19:43.71] And the pledge that did it was taken by one of our volunteers. da po ji lu de juan kuan shi you wo men de yi gong mu de
[19:48.88] Oh, boy! And may I say, one of our sharpest dressed volunteers. er qie zhe wei hai chuan de hen ti mian
[19:54.92] Mr. Joseph Tribbiani! zhe wei jiu shi qiao yi cui bi ya ni
[19:57.26] Oh, look! kan ya
[19:58.56] Joey' s on TV! qiao yi shang dian shi le
[20:00.39] Isn' t that great? tai bang le
[20:01.86] My pledge got Joey on TV! That makes me feel so wo de juan kuan rang qiao yi shang le dian shi
[20:05.70] Oh, no! zhe zhen shi rang wo zao gao
[20:14.21] Look... huo xu
[20:15.41] ... I got carried away before, but there' s something you got to know. wo xian qian tai de yi le bu guo you jian shi yao gao su ni
[20:19.88] If I' m the best, it' s only because you made me the best. ru guo wo biao xian de hen hao ye shi yin wei ni
[20:26.39] Keep talking. shuo xia qu
[20:28.92] I was nothing before you. gen ni zai yi qi zhi qian wo gen ben biao xian ping ping
[20:30.86] Call the other girls and ask. ni ke yi da qu wen wo yi qian nei xie nv you
[20:40.53] ... oh, my God! wo de tian a
[20:48.24] Really? Oh, my God! zhen de? tian a
[20:54.21] I understand if you never want to sleep with me again. ru guo ni bu xiang zai gen wo shang chuang wo ye neng ti liang
[20:58.39] But that would be wrong. bu guo zhe jue ding jiu bu dui le
[21:01.29] We' re too good. wo men tai li hai le
[21:03.26] We owe it to sex! bu shang chuang shi zai tai ke xi
[21:08.06] If we owe it! ru guo zhen shi zhe yang
[21:12.73] Oh, my! tian a
[21:15.74] When will Joey be home? qiao yi he shi hui lai?
[21:17.34] I was kind of hoping we could do this without him. wo men ying gai bu xu yao deng ta
[21:21.94] No, no, no! Leave the gloves on. mei guan xi, shou tao bu yong tuo
[21:25.48] I cleaned the bathroom. ke shi wo gang zai qing ce suo
[21:27.15] Why don' t we lose the gloves. na jiu tuo diao ba hao
[21:33.02] All right. Let' s show them how it' s done. rang da jia kan kan shui cai shi gao shou hao
[21:38.63] You know that wasn' t part of it? I know. zhe bu bao kuo zai nei wo zhi dao
[21:56.48] You ready? We' re going to be late. hai, ni zhun bei hao mei? wo men yao chi dao le
[21:59.11] For what? For Stella, remember? chi dao shen me? kan dian ying a? ni mei wang ba?
[22:02.28] She' s getting her groove back in 20 minutes. shi dai la dou kuai ba dao nan ren le
[22:06.55] I totally forgot about that. wo wan quan wang ji le
[22:10.06] Can I take a rain check? I' m waiting for a call from Emily. ni bu jie yi wo shuang yue yi ci ba? wo zheng zai deng ai mi li de dian hua
[22:14.80] Sure, I guess. mei guan xi
[22:16.90] I hear you don' t have to go to London. ting shuo ni bu yong qu lun dun le, hao ye
[22:21.74] It' s not that easy. There' s still a lot of relationship stuff. shi qing mei na me jian dan wo men hai you hen duo wen ti
[22:27.01] Like what? li ru?
[22:28.31] Just stuff. jiu shi yi xie wen ti
[22:30.04] You know, kind of what Emily wants. ai mi li dui wo you xie yao qiu
[22:34.51] Talk to me. Maybe I can help. ni ke yi gao su wo huo xu wo bang de shang mang
[22:39.32] You can' t help. bu xing, ni bang bu shang mang
[22:44.02] I have to do this without your help. zhe jian shi ni bang bu shang mang
[22:49.33] I know you can do that too. I' m just saying if you need to talk.... wo zhi dao ni zi ji ban de dao dan shi ru guo ni xiang zhao ren tan tan
[22:54.74] hai
[22:57.60] Thanks. xie le
[23:03.38] Whatever it is that Emily wants... wu lun ai mi li you he yao qiu
[23:06.38] ... just give it to her. ni da ying jiu shi le
[23:08.58] The bottom line is that you love her. zui zhong yao de shi ni ai ta
[23:11.22] Fix whatever she wants fixed. ta zen me yao qiu, ni jiu zen me zuo
[23:14.05] Just do it. da ying jiu dui le
[23:17.29] You' re going to have to try. You' ll hate yourself if you don' t. ni zong dei shi shi kan bu shi shi yi hou yi ding hui hou hui
[23:25.13] Come on, answer it! kuai jie dian hua a, wo dou kuai bei bi feng le
[23:30.47] Hi, sweetie. wei, qin ai de
[23:32.81] Good. wo hen hao
[23:37.28] Yes, I' ve been thinking... wo kao lv guo
[23:40.38] ... about that thing you wanted me to do. ni de yao qiu
[23:45.82] I can do it. wo ban de dao
[23:49.39] Will you come to New York? ni yuan yi lai niu yue ma?
[24:33.63] Never done that before. Nope. yi qian mei shi guo zhe zhao wo ye mei
[03:10.-1] No, no! Vomit tux! bié guò lái, nà shi ǒu tù xī zhuāng
[05:15.-1] I' ll find a selfless good deed. I' m going to beat you, you evil genius! wǒ yí dìng huì zhǎo dào yī jiàn wú sī de shàn shì dǎ bài nǐ zhè gè xié è bó shì
[07:58.-2] But it' d be great. They have great theater... dàn shì nà biān hěn bàng yǒu yī liú de xì yuàn
[08:53.-3] ... and you' re the gay ones. nǐ men jiù shì lǐ miàn dí tóng xìng liàn jué sè
[09:12.-1] But I' m not really expecting a lot of calls. bù guò yīng gāi méi yǒu rén huì dǎ lái zhǎo wǒ
[10:07.-2] Can I ask you a cooking question? mó nī kǎ kě yǐ wèn nǐ yǒu guān pēng rèn de wèn tí ma?
[10:20.-1] Is he? yǒu ma?
[11:28.-1] Emily, that is so great! ài mì lì, tài bàng le
[13:07.-4] Rachel is one of your best friends. nǐ bù néng jiù cǐ bú jiàn ruì qiū tā shì nǐ de hǎo péng you
[13:12.-4] But Emily' s his wife! dàn shì ài mì lì kě shì tā lǎo pó
[14:50.-1] Why? wèi shí me?
[16:15.-2] Welcome back to our fall telethon. huān yíng shōu kàn diàn shì mù juān
[17:39.-4] ... should I never see Rachel again? wǒ shì bú shì bù gāi zài jiàn ruì qiū?
[18:10.-1] " Don' t Count On lt." bié tài dǔ dìng
[18:51.-3] What? I heard it was good. zěn me le? tīng shuō nà bù piàn bù cuò a
[19:09.-1] I' m still mad at them, but they bring happiness... wǒ hái shì hěn shēng qì
[19:17.-1] By supporting them, I' m doing a good thing, but I' m not happy about it. wèi le zhī chí zhè jié mù wǒ jué dìng zuò jiàn hǎo shì bù guò wǒ zì jǐ kě bù kāi xīn
[19:25.-3] You don' t feel good about donating the money? nán dào nǐ juān qián méi yǒu yì diǎn kāi xīn?
[20:34.-3] Which wouldn' t take long. nǐ yí dìng hěn kuài jiù wèn wán le
[20:37.-3] But when I' m with you, and we' re together... dàn shì wǒ gēn nǐ wǒ men zài yì qǐ
[23:01.-2] luó sī
[00:08.80] Come in. jìn lái
[00:10.64] I' ve been waiting for you. wǒ děng hěn jiǔ le
[00:16.38] Hi, I just wǒ zhǐ shì
[00:18.68] Oh, my God! Monica! tiān a, mó nī kǎ
[00:20.72] Oh, my God!
[00:22.38] I' m sorry! I was bào qiàn bào qiàn
[00:24.52] I was taking a nap. wǒ zhèng zài shuì wǔ jiào
[00:26.19] Since when do you take naps in that position? nǐ cóng hé shí kāi shǐ yòng nà zhǒng guài zī shì shuì jiào?
[00:31.49] Tell me you were waiting for a guy. Please tell me. mó nī kǎ, nǐ shì zài děng nán rén ba? bài tuō nǐ shuō shì zài děng nán rén
[00:35.03] Yes, I was. A guy. méi cuò, wǒ zài děng nán rén
[00:37.87] From work. gōng sī tóng shì
[00:40.04] I' m seeing a guy from work! wǒ zuì jìn gēn tóng shì yuē huì
[00:44.67] That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta? nà gè zhǎng de xiàng léi lǐ ōu tǎ qīn qiè bǎn de shuài gē fú wù shēng?
[00:50.31] That one! jiù shì tā
[00:52.05] Give me a second. I' m just going to grab a jacket. wǒ mǎ shàng jiù shǎn rén wǒ zhǐ shì huí lái ná jiàn wài tào
[00:55.88] When I get back, I want every little detail. děng wǒ huí lái kě yào gào sù wǒ xiáng qíng
[01:02.86] Maybe that' s him. tā kě néng lái le
[01:04.56] huò xǔ
[01:08.66] It' s just Joey and Ross. zhǐ shì qiáo yī gēn luó sī
[01:11.17] Why aren' t you at the movie? nǐ men bú shì qù kàn diàn yǐng ma?
[01:12.83] Ross was so loud, they threw us out. duì a, kě shì luó sī jiǎng diàn huà tài chǎo cái bèi diàn yǐng yuàn hōng chū lái
[01:16.40] I had to talk loud because the movie was loud! diàn yǐng tài chǎo, wǒ dāng rán dé dà shēng jiǎng
[01:22.01] He' s talking to London. tā dǎ diàn huà qù lún dūn
[01:23.58] Did he get in touch with Emily? wèi shí me? tā zhǎo dào ài mì lì le?
[01:25.91] No, not yet. He' s hoping that someone will help him get in touch with her. hái méi, dàn shì tā dǎ gěi nǚ fāng qīn qī xī wàng yǒu rén yuàn yì bāng tā
[01:31.05] I don' t care if I said some other girl' s name, you prissy old twit! jiù suàn wǒ shuō cuò míng zì yòu rú hé nǐ zhè dà jīng xiǎo guài de bèn dàn
[01:37.73] Way to suck up to the family! luó sī, nǐ bā jié yīn qīn zhēn yǒu yī tào
[01:47.30] I' m so glad you' re all here. My office finally got wrinklefree fax paper! zhēn gāo xìng dà jiā dōu zài wǒ men gōng sī zhōng yú mǎi miǎn zhòu chuán zhēn zhǐ le
[01:55.28] The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS běn jí bō chū:" hǎo rén hǎo shì"
[02:42.72] Hi, is this Nanny Hopkins? I' m looking for Emily. qǐng wèn shì huò pǔ jīn nǎi mā ma? wǒ zhǎo ài mì lì
[02:48.03] Waltham. wò sēn
[02:49.76] Oh, I' m sorry. Is this 01144742... bào qiàn, zhè shì 011447 4293474267 ma?
[02:55.60] ... 93474267?
[03:02.01] Oh, it' s " 43," not 42. shì 43 bú shì 42 a
[03:04.61] Well, which 42? něi gè 42?
[03:13.00] Don' t worry, I had it drycleaned. fàng xīn, wǒ sòng qù gān xǐ guò le
[03:15.19] Vomit tux? ǒu tù xī zhuāng?
[03:16.83] Who vomited on? shuí huì tǔ zài xī zhuāng shàng?
[03:19.00] You know what? What you up to, Joe? qiáo yī, nǐ wèi hé chuān chéng zhè yàng?
[03:22.20] They' re doing this telethon thing on TV. wǒ yào shàng mǎ lā shì diàn shì jié mù
[03:25.10] And my agent got me a job as cohost! wǒ de jīng jì bāng wǒ zhēng qǔ dāng zhǔ chí rén
[03:27.80] That' s great! tài bàng le
[03:29.54] A little good deed for PBS, plus some TV exposure. bāng gōng shì zuò hǎo shì yòu néng zēng jiā pù guāng lǜ
[03:33.71] That' s the kind of math Joey likes to do. wǒ qiáo yī zuì ài zuò zhè zhǒng shì le
[03:38.01] Oh, PBS! gōng shì a
[03:40.38] What' s wrong with PBS? What' s right with them? gōng shì nǎ lǐ bú duì le?
[03:41.45] tā men nǎ lǐ duì?
[03:44.72] Why don' t you like PBS? fēi bǐ, nǐ wèi hé bù xǐ huān gōng shì?
[03:46.65] Right after my Mom killed herself, I was in a bad place, personally. yīn wèi wǒ mā zì shā zhī hòu wǒ gè rén fēi cháng nán guò
[03:52.33] I thought I' d write to Sesame Street. suǒ yǐ wǒ xiǎng xiě xìn gěi zhī má jiē xīn qíng yīng gāi huì hǎo yì diǎn
[03:57.17] Because they were nice when I was a little kid. yīn wèi wǒ xiǎo shí hòu zǒng jué de tā men hěn qīn qiè
[04:00.37] No one ever wrote back. jié guǒ gēn běn méi rén huí xìn
[04:02.24] A lot of those muppets don' t have thumbs. nèi xiē bù ǒu gēn běn méi yǒu shǒu zhǐ
[04:07.18] All I got was a lousy key chain, and by that time, I was living in a box. wǒ zhǐ shōu dào yí gè è làn yào shi huán bài tuō, wǒ nà shí zhù zài zhǐ xiāng lǐ yé
[04:11.51] I didn' t have keys! lián yào shi dōu méi yǒu
[04:14.38] I' m sorry, Phoebe. wǒ hěn yí hàn, fēi bǐ
[04:15.85] I wanted to do a good deed, like you did with the babies. wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng zuò hǎo shì jiù xiàng nǐ bāng máng shēng xiǎo hái
[04:19.49] This isn' t a good deed. You just want to get on TV. This is selfish. nǐ cái bú shì zuò shàn shì zhǐ shì xiǎng shàng diàn shì, gēn běn jiù hěn zì sī
[04:23.89] What about you having those babies for your brother? wa nǐ bāng dì di shēng xiǎo hái yòu zěn me shuō?
[04:28.10] That' s selfish! zì sī de bú shì zhǐ yǒu wǒ
[04:31.60] What are you talking about? nǐ hú shuō shí mǒ?
[04:33.60] It was a nice thing, but it made you feel good, right? nǐ dí què shì bāng máng tā men bù guò zì jǐ xīn qíng yě hěn hǎo ba?
[04:37.07] Yeah, so? nà yòu rú hé?
[04:38.51] It made you feel good so that makes it selfish. yīn wèi nǐ zuò shàn shì xīn qíng hǎo yě suàn shì zì sī de yī zhǒng
[04:41.41] Look, there' s no unselfish good deeds. Sorry. shì jiè shang gēn běn jiù méi yǒu wú sī de hǎo shì
[04:45.05] Yes, there are totally good deeds that are selfless! míng míng jiù yǒu yǒu hěn duō xíng shàn de rén dōu méi yǒu sī xīn
[04:49.02] May I ask for one example? qǐng nǐ jǔ chū yí gè lì zi
[04:51.05] Yeah, it' s You know, there' s jiù shì yǒu, lì rú
[04:54.12] No, you may not! wǒ bù xiǎng shuō
[04:57.63] Because all people are selfish. yīn wèi suǒ yǒu rén dōu hěn zì sī
[05:00.03] Are you calling me selfish? nǐ shuō wǒ zì sī?
[05:02.20] Are you calling you people? nǐ nán dào bú shì rén?
[05:06.94] Sorry to burst that bubble, Phoebe, fēi bǐ, hěn bào qiàn chuō pò nǐ de měi mèng
[05:08.57] but selfless good deeds don' t exist. shì jiè shang méi yǒu wú sī de shàn shì
[05:12.27] You know the deal on Santa Claus? nǐ yě zhī dào shèng dàn lǎo rén ba?
[05:23.02] wèi
[05:24.15] luó sī ma?
[05:26.82] Oh, my God! It' s Emily! ài mì lì, tiān a, shì ài mì lì
[05:29.29] It' s Emily, everyone! dà jiā bú yào chǎo!
[05:34.80] I' m only ringing to say stop harassing my relatives. Goodbye. wǒ dǎ lái zhǐ shì yào gào sù nǐ bié zài sāo rǎo wǒ jiā rén le, zài jiàn
[05:38.67] You can hang up, but I' ll keep calling everyone in England... děng yī xià, jiù suàn nǐ guà duàn wǒ yě huì jì xù dǎ
[05:42.77] ... if that' s what it takes to get you to talk to me. rú guǒ yào dǎ gěi suǒ yǒu yīng guó rén cái néng bī nǐ gēn wǒ shuō huà wǒ yě bàn dé dào
[05:47.18] Really? About what? zhēn de? nǐ xiǎng tán shén me?
[05:48.61] Look, you' re my wife. We' re married. nǐ shì wǒ tài tài, wǒ men yǐ jīng jié hūn
[05:51.68] You know, I love you. ér qiě wǒ ài nǐ
[05:53.45] I really miss you. wǒ hěn xiǎng nǐ
[05:57.25] I miss you too. wǒ yě hěn xiǎng nǐ
[05:59.35] At least, I think I do. zhì shǎo wǒ rèn wéi rú cǐ
[06:01.52] She' s talking. tā kěn gēn wǒ shuō huà le
[06:02.86] wàn suì
[06:08.63] When you said " the deal with Santa," you meant...? qiáo yī, nǐ gāng gāng wèi hé tí dào shèng dàn lǎo rén?
[06:11.70] That he doesn' t exist. gēn běn méi yǒu zhè hào rén wù
[06:13.43] Right. zhè yàng a
[06:19.54] Chandler, have you heard about Monica' s secret boyfriend? qián dé, nǐ tīng shuō mó nī kǎ de dì xià qíng rén le ma?
[06:24.55] Yeah, she might have mentioned him. zhī dào, tā tā shì tí guò
[06:27.85] So, Mon, when are we going to meet this new, secret waiter man? wǒ men dào dǐ hé shí cái néng rèn shi zhè gè fú wù shēng?
[06:32.62] I don' t think he' s up to meeting everyone yet. tā hěn hài xiū, xiàn zài hái méi zhǔn bèi rèn shi dà jiā
[06:35.69] Yeah, I don' t think he' s up to it. wǒ xiǎng tā hái méi zhǔn bèi hǎo
[06:38.66] I want to meet this guy who' s the best sex she ever had. wǒ bù guǎn, wǒ xiǎng jiàn tā tā shuō duì fāng chuáng shàng yī jí bàng
[06:43.87] Really? zhēn de?
[06:47.17] That' s what you heard? You said that? tā shuō guò? nǐ shuō guò?
[06:50.00] I might have. dà gài ba
[06:54.48] Why is that funny? zhè yǒu shén me hǎo xiào?
[06:56.81] Because I' m very happy for him. yīn wèi wǒ hěn wèi tā gāo xìng
[06:59.71] And you! You lucky dog! nǐ zhēn shì zǒu gǒu yùn!
[07:06.39] She' s willing to work on the relationship. ài mì lì yuàn yì gēn wǒ fù hé
[07:09.26] That' s great! tài hǎo le
[07:10.53] In London. tā yào wǒ qù lún dūn
[07:12.23] She wants me to move to London. tā yào wǒ bān dào lún dūn qù
[07:14.83] But you live here. kě shì nǐ zhù zài zhè lǐ
[07:19.27] You know that. wǒ zhè shì fèi huà
[07:22.57] What will you do? I don' t know. nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn? bù zhī dào
[07:24.71] I mean, I can' t leave Ben. You can just videoconference with him. wǒ bù néng diū xià bān nǐ kě yǐ gēn tā yòng shì xùn huì yì
[07:30.38] I' m not ready to have a child. wǒ hái bù gòu gé dāng bà bà
[07:34.22] I bet if I talked to Carol and Susan... zhǐ yào gēn kǎ luó sū shān tán tán
[07:37.05] ... I could convince them to move to London with Ben. yí dìng néng shuō fú tā men dài bān bān dào lún dūn
[07:41.06] I' m sure your exwife would be more than happy to move... xiǎng bì nǐ qián qī yí dìng lè yì bān dào guó wài
[07:44.03] ... so you can patch things up with your new wife. bāng nǐ wǎn huí xīn tài tài
[07:49.20] It could happen. bú shì bù kě néng a
[07:53.37] Ross, we are not moving to London. We already have lives here. luó sī, wǒ men cái bù bān dào lún dūn wǒ men de shēng huó zhòng xīn dōu zài zhè lǐ
[08:01.38] ... great accents. kǒu yīn
[08:05.28] Tea. chá
[08:07.92] They have a queen. yīng guó hái yǒu nǚ wáng
[08:11.05] So? She' s a woman. suǒ yǐ ne? tā shì nǚ rén
[08:16.69] Daddy! Hey! bà bà
[08:19.19] Guess what? We' re moving to London! gào sù nǐ, wǒ men yào bān dào lún dūn le
[08:23.60] Who' s going to London? Nobody' s going to London. shuí yào bān qù lún dūn? bú shì wǒ men
[08:26.53] Welcome to London, governor. huān yíng lì lín lún dūn, zǒng dū
[08:29.77] Right, right. It' ll be great because we' ll have Big Ben and little Ben... tài bàng le, dào shí jiù yǒu dà bèn zhōng gēn wǒ men xiǎo bān
[08:33.54] ... in the same city. dōu zài lún dūn le
[08:36.61] Go pack! gǎn kuài qù zhěng lǐ xíng lǐ
[08:39.01] See? See, he wants to go. nǐ men kàn, tā xiǎng qù
[08:41.82] Yeah, we leave all our big decisions to the 3yearold. shì a, wǒ men dōu ràng sān suì xiǎo guǐ jué dìng jiā lǐ dà shì
[08:46.29] Come on, come on. It' ll be just like Three' s Company... zhè jiù xiàng" sān rén xíng" ma
[08:49.69] ... only there' s a kid and my wife... zhǐ shì lìng wài liǎng gè huàn chéng yí gè xiǎo hái gēn wǒ lǎo pó
[09:01.17] How you doing? Welcome. Good to see you. nǐ hǎo, huān yíng, xìng huì
[09:05.01] This' ll be your phone. zhè jiù shì nǐ de diàn huà
[09:10.48] That' s great. zhēn hǎo
[09:15.55] No, you answer it and take pledges. nǐ fù zé jiē diàn huà jiē shòu juān kuǎn
[09:18.15] But I' m the host. wǒ shì zhǔ chí rén
[09:19.49] Gary Collins is the host. You' ll be answering the phone. gài ruì kǎ lín cái shì zhǔ chí rén nǐ fù zé jiē diàn huà
[09:24.43] You don' t seem to understand. I was Dr. Drake Ramoray. nǐ kǒng pà gǎo bù qīng chǔ zhuàng kuàng wǒ shì léi yī shēng
[09:28.73] Well, here' s your phone, doctor. nǐ fù zé zhè zhī diàn huà, yī shēng
[09:33.90] I can' t believe I can' t find a selfless good deed. wǒ jìng rán zhǎo bu dào yī jiàn wú sī de shàn xíng
[09:37.00] You know that old guy that lives next to me? yǐ qián wǒ jiā gé bì yǒu gè lǎo tóu
[09:39.57] I snuck over there and raked up the leaves on his front stoop. wǒ tōu liū dào tā jiā bāng tā dǎ sǎo qián láng de luò yè
[09:43.18] But he caught me, and he forcefed me cider and cookies. tā zhuō dào wǒ zhī hòu qiǎng pò wǒ hē xī dá chī bǐng gān
[09:49.12] Then I felt wonderful. That old jackass! kě shì wǒ què hěn kāi xīn, nà gè dāi zi
[09:53.12] Maybe Joey' s right. Maybe all good deeds are selfish. huò xǔ qiáo yī shuō de duì suǒ yǒu hǎo shì de chū fā diǎn dōu yǒu sī xīn
[09:56.79] I will find a selfless good deed. I gave birth to three children... wǒ yí dìng yào zhǎo dào yī jiàn wú sī de shàn xíng bì jìng wǒ cái gāng shēng chū sān ge bǎo bǎo
[10:00.53] ... and I won' t let them be raised in a world where Joey' s right! bù néng ràng tā men zài qiáo yī yǒu lǐ de shì jiè lǐ cháng dà
[10:09.70] If you' re cooking on the stove... dāng rán rú guǒ nǐ yòng lú zi pēng rèn
[10:11.87] ... that means your new boyfriend is better in bed than Richard? shì fǒu dài biǎo nǐ xīn nán yǒu zài chuáng shàng bǐ lǐ chá hái lì hài?
[10:16.84] qián dé
[10:23.22] I think I' ll respect the privacy of my new, secret boyfriend. wǒ yào zūn zhòng mì mì xīn nán yǒu de yǐn sī
[10:27.79] Why? wèi shí me?
[10:31.49] If this guy was me... rú guǒ wǒ shì tā
[10:33.09] and it' s me who' d learned that it was me who was the best you' d ever had... yòu zhī dào zì jǐ shì nǐ pèng guò zuì bàng de qíng rén
[10:37.60] ... I' d be like this: wǒ yí dìng lè wāi le
[10:49.18] All right, Emily. ài mì lì,
[10:50.61] As much as I love you... suī rán wǒ hěn ài nǐ
[10:52.58] ... I' m sorry, I can' t move to London without Ben. dàn shì wǒ bù néng diū xià bān qù lún dūn
[10:56.48] I understand that would be difficult. wǒ zhī dào zhè hěn wéi nán nǐ
[10:59.19] Would you consider moving here? You were moving here anyway. qǐng nǐ kǎo lǜ bān guò lái hǎo ma?
[11:03.16] Why can' t you just do that? nǐ běn lái jiù dǎ suàn bān lái wèi hé bù xiàn zài jiù lái ne?
[11:05.66] I don' t know. It' s just wǒ bù zhī dào, zhǐ shì
[11:07.86] But I know that even though I' ve been a complete idiot up till now... wǒ zhī dào zì jǐ dào mù qián wéi zhǐ dōu chǔn tóu chǔn nǎo
[11:14.94] ... you have to come here. dàn shì nǐ hái shì yīng gāi guò lái
[11:17.10] You have to, so we can work this out together. wǒ men cái néng jì xù zǒu xià qù
[11:21.04] All right. hǎo ba
[11:23.38] Did you just say " all right"? nǐ gāng shuō hǎo?
[11:25.21] I did. Now I' m the idiot. méi cuò, xiàn zài huàn wǒ shì bái chī
[11:30.32] It' ll be great! tài bàng le
[11:31.69] We' re going to be like two idiots in love! wǒ men jiù xiàng zhuì rù ài hé de bái chī
[11:39.36] There' s one thing that really scares me still. luó sī, yǒu jiàn shì hái shì ràng wǒ hěn dān xīn
[11:42.50] Yes, tell me. You must understand... nǐ jǐn guǎn shuō
[11:45.03] ... how humiliating it was for me at the altar... nǐ yào zhī dào dàng tiān hūn lǐ
[11:48.14] ... in front of my family and friends. wǒ zài qīn péng háo you miàn qián yǒu duō diū liǎn
[11:50.64] I know. I am so sorry. wǒ zhī dào, wǒ fēi cháng bào qiàn
[11:53.67] And then, after deciding to forgive you... dāng wǒ jué dìng yuán liàng nǐ
[11:57.75] ... seeing you at the airport, catching our plane with her. què kàn dào nǐ gēn tā gǎn zhe shàng fēi jī
[12:01.68] Again, very sorry. zhè yě shì wǒ de cuò
[12:06.15] I mean, I can' t be in the same room as her. wǒ gēn běn wú fǎ yǔ tā gòng chǔ yī shì
[12:09.36] It drives me mad thinking of you being in the same room as her. wǒ guāng xiǎng dào nǐ gēn tā gòng chǔ yī shì jiù kuài qì huài le
[12:13.89] Emily, there is nothing between Rachel and me. ài mì lì, wǒ gēn ruì qiū gēn běn méi shén me
[12:19.20] I love you. wǒ ài de shì nǐ
[12:22.34] All right. hǎo ba
[12:24.34] I' ll come to New York, and we' ll try to make this work. wǒ qù niǔ yuē, wǒ men zài shì shì kàn
[12:28.44] That' s so great! tài hǎo le
[12:29.74] As long as you don' t see Rachel anymore. zhǐ yào nǐ dā yìng bù zài jiàn ruì qiū
[12:41.19] I asked Emily if she would come to New York. wǒ jiù wèn ài mì lì yuàn bù yuàn yì lái niǔ yuē
[12:44.79] And she said yes. tā dā yìng le
[12:46.73] Great! tài hǎo le zàn
[12:47.56] bù bù bù
[12:50.10] Only if I promise never to see Rachel again. tiáo jiàn shì wǒ bù zhǔn zài jiàn ruì qiū
[12:53.47] What? You can' t wèi shí me? shén me? bù chéng la
[12:55.14] What did you say? nǐ zěn me shuō?
[12:56.44] I' d think about it. How am l supposed to make this decision? wǒ shuō zài kǎo lǜ wǒ dào dǐ gāi zěn me jué dìng?
[13:03.04] I' m actually asking you! wǒ zhè shì zài wèn nǐ men
[13:13.82] That' s true! duì yě shì
[13:17.16] You can' t just cut Rachel out of your life! nǐ gēn ruì qiū cóng zhōng xué jiù rèn shi bù néng shuō bú jiàn jiù bú jiàn
[13:20.33] That' s true! nǐ shuō de yě duì dí què bù xíng
[13:23.63] Thanks for the help. Problem solved! xiè xiè nǐ men de bāng máng wèn tí yì diǎn yě méi jiě jué
[13:31.54] wèi mó nī kǎ
[13:34.28] When will you be on TV? qiáo yī, wǒ men kàn le yī zhěng tiān diàn shì nǐ dào dǐ hé shí cái huì chū xiàn?
[13:36.94] There was kind of a mixup in my agent' s office... wǒ jīng jì rén gǎo cuò le
[13:40.15] ... but I' m still on TV, and that' s good exposure. fǎn zhèng wǒ shàng le diàn shì jiù yǒu pù guāng lǜ
[13:43.68] You' re not on TV. nǐ méi shàng diàn shì a
[13:49.00] How about now? hǎo ba, xiàn zài ne?
[13:53.19] There he is! yǒu le, kàn dào tā le
[13:54.93] Hello, New York! hāi, niǔ yuē
[13:58.70] Maybe just put the whole duck in there. Who cares? wèn tí shì zhè lǐ yǒu zhěng zhī yā bù guò guǎn tā de
[14:02.30] Now I got the legs. wǒ xiān chǔ lǐ yā tuǐ
[14:07.88] How many times have I told you to never watch the cooking channel? wǒ shuō guò duō shǎo cì bù zhǔn kàn pēng rèn pín dào
[14:15.38] I need that broiling pan that Joey borrowed. wǒ lái yào huí qiáo yī shàng cì jiè de kǎo pán
[14:18.69] That was yours? nà shi nǐ de?
[14:20.52] We used it when the duck was throwing up caterpillars. wǒ men shàng cì yòng lái shèng xiǎo yā tǔ chū lái de chóng zi
[14:25.36] WilliamsSonoma, fall catalog, page 27. " wēi lián suǒ nuò mǎ" qiū jì kān 27 yè
[14:28.30] Expect it in 4 to 6 weeks. 4 dào 6 zhōu hòu sòng huò dào jiā
[14:33.20] Joey' s at the telethon for the rest of the day. qiáo yī jīn tiān yī zhěng tiān dū bù zài
[14:36.40] We have the place to ourselves. zhěng gè jiā lǐ jiù zhǐ yǒu wǒ men liǎng gè
[14:38.51] Yeah, so? nà yòu rú hé?
[14:40.17] Maybe you' d want to book some time with " the best you' ve ever had." huò xǔ nǐ xiǎng gēn zuì jiā qíng rén yù yuē shí jiān yuē huì
[14:46.31] You know what, champ?
[14:48.42] I think I' ll pass. wǒ zì yuàn fàng qì
[14:51.25] wèi shí me?
[15:05.77] What' s your point? shén me yì sī?
[15:09.00] With all the stupid gloating, would you want to sleep with you? qiáo nǐ yī fù dé yì yáng yáng de chǔn xiāng huàn zuò shì nǐ, hái huì yǒu xìng qù ma?
[15:11.81] Well, I think I' d be a little out of my league, but I' d give it a shot. huò xǔ yǒu diǎn kùn nán, bù guò wǒ huì nǔ lì
[15:19.65] PBS Telethon. gōng shì diàn shì mù juān
[15:22.68] I just wanted to let you know that I found a selfless good deed. qiáo yī, gào sù nǐ wǒ zhǎo dào wú sī de shàn xíng le
[15:27.25] I went down to the park and I let a bee sting me. wǒ gāng qù gōng yuán ràng mì fēng dīng wǒ
[15:31.19] What good is that going to do? shén me? zhè duì shuí yǒu hǎo chù?
[15:33.59] It helps the bee look tough in front of his bee friends. zhè zhī mì fēng zài tóng bàn miàn qián liǎn shàng yǒu guāng
[15:37.93] The bee is happy, and I am definitely not. mì fēng hěn kāi xīn, wǒ què hěn tòng
[15:41.00] You know, the bee probably died after he stung you. mì fēng dīng le nǐ jiù sǐ le
[15:49.58] Damn it! kě wù
[15:52.85] Back on in 30 seconds, people! gè wèi, 30 miǎo hòu kāi shǐ lù yǐng
[16:02.26] Excuse me, would you mind switching with me? bào qiàn, kě yǐ gēn nǐ huàn wèi zi ma?
[16:05.43] No way. I' m in the shot, man. béng xiǎng, wǒ gāng hǎo zài jìng tóu lǐ
[16:08.43] You' ve been here all day! I' m taking pledges. bài tuō, nǐ yǐ jīng zhàn zhè wèi zi yì tiān le
[16:10.16] wǒ zài jiē shòu juān kuǎn, bié chǎo wǒ!
[16:11.73] And we' re on three, two.... dào shǔ jì shí 3 2 1
[16:17.14] If you' ve been enjoying Cirque du Soleil... rú guǒ gè wèi xǐ huān" tài yáng mǎ xì tuán"
[16:20.21] ... and you' d like to see more, it' s very simple. yǐ hòu hái xiǎng shōu kàn tóng lèi xíng jié mù fāng fǎ hěn jiǎn dān
[16:24.41] All you have to do is call in a pledge... zhǐ yào dǎ diàn huà juān kuǎn
[16:27.65] ... and tell one of our volunteers what type of programming you bìng gào sù wǒ men de yì gōng gé xià xǐ huān shōu kàn nǎ lèi xíng jié mù
[16:36.06] Quick broiling pan question Yes, it really does cost that much. wèn nǐ yí gè kǎo pán de wèn tí hǎo ma? jià qián jiù shì zhè me guì
[16:39.43] Maybe next time your duck can puke in something from Pottery Barn. huò xǔ nǐ men xià cì kě yǐ kǎo lǜ yòng lián jià pán zi chǔ lǐ yā zǐ de ǒu tù wù
[16:46.10] That' s it. I cannot make this decision. It is too difficult. gòu le wǒ wú fǎ zuò jué dìng zhè shí zài tài nán le
[16:50.34] I leave it entirely up to the gods of fate. wǒ jué dìng jiāo gěi mìng yùn zhī shén
[16:56.28] A Magic 8 Ball? shén qí 8 hào qiú?
[16:57.88] You can' t make this decision with a toy! nǐ kāi wán xiào ba? zěn me kě yǐ yòng wán jù jué dìng mìng yùn?
[17:00.75] It' s not a toy. zhè kě bú shì wán jù
[17:04.28] I don' t know what else to do! wǒ bié wú xuǎn zé
[17:06.92] I either keep my wife and lose one of my best friends... bú shì zhuī huí lǎo pó, shī qù hǎo péng you
[17:11.43] ... or I get divorced for the second time before I' m 30. jiù shì liú xià péng yǒu zài 30 suì qián lí hūn liǎng cì
[17:15.43] If anyone else has a better suggestion, let' s hear it. yào shì yǒu rén yǒu gèng hǎo de jiàn yì xiàn zài jiù shuō chū lái
[17:19.07] Because I got nothing! Don' t be shy. fǒu zé wǒ zhēn de méi yǒu bàn fǎ! dà jiā bié hài xiū
[17:21.64] Any suggestion will do. gè zhǒng jiàn yì dōu kě yǐ
[17:29.41] Okay, then. hǎo ba
[17:34.21] Here we go. kāi shǐ le
[17:37.15] Magic 8 Ball... shén qí 8 hào qiú
[17:45.49] " Ask Again Later." dāi huì zài wèn
[17:49.00] Later is not good enough! zhè gè dá àn bù gòu hǎo
[17:57.77] " Ask Again Later." dāi huì zài wèn
[17:59.01] What the hell? gǎo pì a
[18:00.34] This is broken! It is broken! zhè dōng xī huài diào le
[18:04.01] Let me see. wǒ lái kàn kàn
[18:06.65] Will Chandler have sex tonight? qián dé jīn wǎn huì gēn nǚ rén shàng chuáng ma?
[18:15.76] Seems like it works to me. wǒ dào jué de méi huài diào
[18:18.73] Okay, one more time. hǎo, zài lái yī cì
[18:22.26] Should I never see Rachel again? wǒ shì fǒu bù gāi zài jiàn ruì qiū le?
[18:27.53] Magic 8 Ball! What did you ask? shén qí 8 hào qiú! nǐ wèn shén me?
[18:34.21] Does...
[18:35.88] ... Rachel get to pick the movie that we' re all going to see tonight? jīn wǎn yào kàn de diàn yǐng kě yǐ jiāo yóu ruì qiū jué dìng ma?
[18:40.41] Excellent. What' s the answer? hěn hǎo, dá àn shì shén me?
[18:45.09] Looks like Stella' s gonna get her groove back tonight! kàn lái lǎo niú jīn wǎn chī dé dào nèn cǎo le
[18:56.16] PBS Telethon. gōng shì diàn shì mù kuǎn
[18:58.03] Hi, Joey. hāi, qiáo yī
[18:59.33] Hey, Phoebe. hāi, fēi bǐ
[19:00.53] I' d like to make a pledge. wǒ yào juān qián
[19:02.34] I would like to donate 200. wǒ xiǎng juān 200 yuán
[19:04.51] Two hundred dollars? 200 yuán? nǐ què dìng?
[19:06.01] You sure? After what Sesame Street did to you? " zhī má jiē" kě shì shāng nǐ bù qiǎn
[19:11.68] ... to lots of kids whose moms didn' t kill themselves. bù guò wǒ yě zhī dào hěn duō mā mā méi zì shā de xiǎo hái hěn ài kàn
[19:22.22] So there! A selfless good deed. nǐ kàn, zhè jiù shì wú sī de shàn xíng
[19:27.83] No, it sucks! I was saving up to buy a hamster. nán guò sǐ le wǒ běn xiǎng yòng nà bǐ qián mǎi zhī huáng jīn shǔ
[19:32.03] A hamster? Those things are, like, 10. huáng jīn shǔ? nà zhǒng chǒng wù 10 yuán jiù mǎi dé dào
[19:34.84] Not the one I had my eye on. wǒ xǐ huān nà zhī kě méi nà me pián yí
[19:37.64] It looks like we have surpassed last year' s pledge total. kàn lái jīn nián de mù kuǎn yǐ jīng chāo guò qù nián zǒng é
[19:41.84] Thank you! xiè xiè gè wèi
[19:43.71] And the pledge that did it was taken by one of our volunteers. dǎ pò jì lù de juān kuǎn shì yóu wǒ men de yì gōng mù dé
[19:48.88] Oh, boy! And may I say, one of our sharpest dressed volunteers. ér qiě zhè wèi hái chuān de hěn tǐ miàn
[19:54.92] Mr. Joseph Tribbiani! zhè wèi jiù shì qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní
[19:57.26] Oh, look! kàn ya
[19:58.56] Joey' s on TV! qiáo yī shàng diàn shì le
[20:00.39] Isn' t that great? tài bàng le
[20:01.86] My pledge got Joey on TV! That makes me feel so wǒ de juān kuǎn ràng qiáo yī shàng le diàn shì
[20:05.70] Oh, no! zhè zhēn shì ràng wǒ zāo gāo
[20:14.21] Look... huò xǔ
[20:15.41] ... I got carried away before, but there' s something you got to know. wǒ xiān qián tài dé yì le bù guò yǒu jiàn shì yào gào sù nǐ
[20:19.88] If I' m the best, it' s only because you made me the best. rú guǒ wǒ biǎo xiàn de hěn hǎo yě shì yīn wèi nǐ
[20:26.39] Keep talking. shuō xià qù
[20:28.92] I was nothing before you. gēn nǐ zài yì qǐ zhī qián wǒ gēn běn biǎo xiàn píng píng
[20:30.86] Call the other girls and ask. nǐ kě yǐ dǎ qù wèn wǒ yǐ qián nèi xiē nǚ yǒu
[20:40.53] ... oh, my God! wǒ de tiān a
[20:48.24] Really? Oh, my God! zhēn de? tiān a
[20:54.21] I understand if you never want to sleep with me again. rú guǒ nǐ bù xiǎng zài gēn wǒ shàng chuáng wǒ yě néng tǐ liàng
[20:58.39] But that would be wrong. bù guò zhè jué dìng jiù bú duì le
[21:01.29] We' re too good. wǒ men tài lì hài le
[21:03.26] We owe it to sex! bù shàng chuáng shí zài tài kě xī
[21:08.06] If we owe it! rú guǒ zhēn shì zhè yàng
[21:12.73] Oh, my! tiān a
[21:15.74] When will Joey be home? qiáo yī hé shí huí lái?
[21:17.34] I was kind of hoping we could do this without him. wǒ men yīng gāi bù xū yào děng tā
[21:21.94] No, no, no! Leave the gloves on. méi guān xì, shǒu tào bù yòng tuō
[21:25.48] I cleaned the bathroom. kě shì wǒ gāng zài qīng cè suǒ
[21:27.15] Why don' t we lose the gloves. nà jiù tuō diào ba hǎo
[21:33.02] All right. Let' s show them how it' s done. ràng dà jiā kàn kàn shuí cái shì gāo shǒu hǎo
[21:38.63] You know that wasn' t part of it? I know. zhè bù bāo kuò zài nèi wǒ zhī dào
[21:56.48] You ready? We' re going to be late. hāi, nǐ zhǔn bèi hǎo méi? wǒ men yào chí dào le
[21:59.11] For what? For Stella, remember? chí dào shén me? kàn diàn yǐng a? nǐ méi wàng ba?
[22:02.28] She' s getting her groove back in 20 minutes. shǐ dài lā dōu kuài bǎ dào nán rén le
[22:06.55] I totally forgot about that. wǒ wán quán wàng jì le
[22:10.06] Can I take a rain check? I' m waiting for a call from Emily. nǐ bù jiè yì wǒ shuǎng yuē yī cì ba? wǒ zhèng zài děng ài mì lì de diàn huà
[22:14.80] Sure, I guess. méi guān xì
[22:16.90] I hear you don' t have to go to London. tīng shuō nǐ bù yòng qù lún dūn le, hǎo yé
[22:21.74] It' s not that easy. There' s still a lot of relationship stuff. shì qíng méi nà me jiǎn dān wǒ men hái yǒu hěn duō wèn tí
[22:27.01] Like what? lì rú?
[22:28.31] Just stuff. jiù shì yī xiē wèn tí
[22:30.04] You know, kind of what Emily wants. ài mì lì duì wǒ yǒu xiē yāo qiú
[22:34.51] Talk to me. Maybe I can help. nǐ kě yǐ gào sù wǒ huò xǔ wǒ bāng dé shàng máng
[22:39.32] You can' t help. bù xíng, nǐ bāng bù shàng máng
[22:44.02] I have to do this without your help. zhè jiàn shì nǐ bāng bù shàng máng
[22:49.33] I know you can do that too. I' m just saying if you need to talk.... wǒ zhī dào nǐ zì jǐ bàn dé dào dàn shì rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng zhǎo rén tán tán
[22:54.74] hāi
[22:57.60] Thanks. xiè le
[23:03.38] Whatever it is that Emily wants... wú lùn ài mì lì yǒu hé yāo qiú
[23:06.38] ... just give it to her. nǐ dā yìng jiù shì le
[23:08.58] The bottom line is that you love her. zuì zhòng yào de shì nǐ ài tā
[23:11.22] Fix whatever she wants fixed. tā zěn me yāo qiú, nǐ jiù zěn me zuò
[23:14.05] Just do it. dā yìng jiù duì le
[23:17.29] You' re going to have to try. You' ll hate yourself if you don' t. nǐ zǒng děi shì shì kàn bù shì shì yǐ hòu yí dìng huì hòu huǐ
[23:25.13] Come on, answer it! kuài jiē diàn huà a, wǒ dōu kuài bèi bī fēng le
[23:30.47] Hi, sweetie. wèi, qīn ài de
[23:32.81] Good. wǒ hěn hǎo
[23:37.28] Yes, I' ve been thinking... wǒ kǎo lǜ guò
[23:40.38] ... about that thing you wanted me to do. nǐ de yāo qiú
[23:45.82] I can do it. wǒ bàn dé dào
[23:49.39] Will you come to New York? nǐ yuàn yì lái niǔ yuē ma?
[24:33.63] Never done that before. Nope. yǐ qián méi shì guò zhè zhāo wǒ yě méi
Friends S05E04 歌词
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