Friends S05E06

歌曲 Friends S05E06
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第五季)


[02:38.-2] Just Filipino kids who worked their fingers bloody... 只不过是时薪12分钱的
[05:12.-3] If you want little round waffles, wait till I find the iron. 瑞秋,你要吃小圆松饼 就得让我先找到煎盘
[08:59.-1] It doesn't really seem like you mean it. 听起来一点也不真心
[11:17.-4] To tell the truth, I wish I didn't have to move. 老实说,我真希望别搬家
[12:02.-2] We just think that you're having to sacrifice... 我们只是认为你为了讨她开心
[12:16.-4] Unreasonable? 不可理喻?
[12:26.-3] It's compromise. Do you always like it? No. 婚姻就是互相妥协 永远都会开心吗?不会
[15:05.-1] 随便
[16:51.-3] It's not like I'm wearing a seeing-eye dog coat! 这又不是 用导盲犬的皮做的
[17:49.-4] I hope you're not full. Dinner's almost ready. 希望你还吃得下 因为晚餐快好了
[17:52.-4] I think I'll probably just hang out in my room. 我回房间去就好了
[22:18.-4] Here. 给你
[00:07.00] None of that. Not while you're under my roof! 不准这样,还住在我屋里 就得守规矩
[00:10.62] 什么?
[00:12.16] Just because I know about you doesn't mean I like looking at it. 就算我知道内幕 也不代表我喜欢看你们亲热
[00:16.83] Aren't you supposed to be at an audition? 你试镜不是还有一小时 才结束?
[00:19.33] I'm sorry I'm not a middle-aged black woman. 很抱歉我不是黑人欧巴桑
[00:24.30] I'm also sorry if sometimes I go to the wrong audition. 而且还走错试镜场地
[00:30.84] If I pretend to not know about you... 你们要我假装不知道
[00:33.45] ...then you pretend there's nothing to know. 就得假装你们没怎样
[00:37.62] Sorry. 抱歉 对不起
[00:44.49] I can hear that! 我听到了
[00:48.29] Rachel's at work. 瑞秋还在上班
[00:55.43] I can still hear you! 我还是听得到
[00:59.27] The One With the Yeti 本集播出:“以貌取人”
[01:48.19] What's that? 那是什么?
[01:49.52] My mom sent me an heirloom that belonged to my grandmother. 我妈寄给我外婆的祖传宝物
[01:53.53] Can you believe it? 你们相信吗?
[01:54.73] A year ago I had no family, and now I have heirlooms! 一年前我连家人都没有 现在竟然有祖传家产
[02:00.63] The only heirloom I ever got was a feather boa. 我小时只有一条羽毛围巾
[02:02.83] Got if from my dad. He got it from his dad. 我爷爷传给我老爸再传给我
[02:07.01] How did I ever get born? 真不知道我是怎么出生的
[02:19.28] Oh,God! 天啊
[02:23.39] Soft. 好软
[02:26.02] Is this mink? 这是貂皮吗?
[02:27.83] Why would my mother send me a fur? Doesn't she know me but at all? 对,我妈为何寄皮草给我?她完全不了解我吗?
[02:33.40] I have a fine coat that no innocent animals suffered to make. 我已经有外套了 而且还没牺牲任何可怜动物
[02:41.31] ...for 12 cents an hour. 九岁菲律宾童工卖命做的
[02:45.68] I made that up. 别听我的,我胡说的
[02:52.22] You can't put up flyers in here. 罗斯,你不能在这里贴广告
[02:55.22] How come? Everybody else does. 为什么?别人都可以
[02:58.00] You can't. 就是你不行
[03:02.26] What is that? 什么东西?
[03:05.43] I'm getting rid of some things. 我要处理掉一些家具
[03:08.40] This is all of your things. 这是你所有家当
[03:11.37] Yes,it is. 没错
[03:13.51] It's good. Emily thinks we should get all new stuff. 没关系,艾蜜莉说 我们应该买新家具
[03:17.24] Stuff that's just ours. Together. Brand new. 光属于我们俩的家具 也就是全新的东西
[03:20.45] So it's a get-rid-of-anything- Rachel-ever-touched sale. 基本上这是 “瑞秋碰过家具”大拍卖
[03:23.78] Touched,used,sat on,slept on.... 摸过、用过 坐过、睡过都不行
[03:26.78] I'll take it all. 我全买了
[03:30.19] You're okay with that? 罗斯,你不反对?
[03:31.86] If I can just do what Emily wants... 只要顺着艾蜜莉
[03:33.93] ...and get her to New York, it will be fine. 她来纽约后就没事了
[03:36.93] Isn't that a little extreme? 但是这种做法也太极端了吧
[03:39.20] After what I did,can you blame her? 毕竟我说错名字 你能怪她吗?
[03:42.40] You got off easy. 你已经算轻松了
[03:43.57] When my friend's husband said another name in bed... 席薇老公在床上喊错名字
[03:46.57] ...she cursed him and turned his thingy green. 她就把他的小弟弟变绿
[03:51.11] I guess I'm lucky Emily is not magic. 幸好艾蜜莉不会法术
[03:55.41] Oh,she is. 她会
[03:57.62] We all are. 我们都会
[04:06.42] What is he doing? 他这是做什么?
[04:08.43] Emily thinks Ross' furniture has got Rachel cooties? 艾蜜莉觉得罗斯的家具 会沾上瑞秋的虱子吗?
[04:13.50] Calm down,Joey. 乔伊,别激动
[04:15.03] Everything's getting all messed up! 我偏要,事情搞得乱七八糟
[04:17.27] Emily won't let Ross see Rachel. 艾蜜莉不准罗斯见瑞秋
[04:19.27] We won't stop seeing Rachel. 可是我们会继续见瑞秋
[04:21.17] Hence,Ross stops seeing us. 因此罗斯再也不能见我们
[04:24.51] I hate this. Everything's changing. 我也不开心,一切都变了
[04:26.88] We're losing Ross. Joey said "hence." 我知道,我们不能再见罗斯 乔伊还会用“因此”
[04:33.72] I'm not happy about this either, but if Ross says he's happy... 我也不高兴 但是如果罗斯能开心
[04:38.42] ...then we have to keep our feelings to ourselves. 我们不该说出 自己对艾蜜莉的心情
[04:41.59] Are you cool with that? 大家愿意吗?
[04:43.46] 不要
[04:46.23] But,you know,I'm an actor. 不过我是演员
[04:48.73] I'll act cool. 我可以装得无所谓
[04:51.87] Probably be some of the hardest acting I've ever done. 这真是我演过最难的戏
[04:55.91] Maybe I'll play it with a mustache. 我应该装上假胡须演
[05:05.78] Storage rooms give me the creeps. 天啊,我怕死储藏室了
[05:09.00] Please hurry up,honey.
[05:16.19] I want the little round waffles. 我想吃小圆松饼
[05:19.20] Here it is! 找到了
[05:21.30] Right underneath the can of bug bomb. 就在杀虫药下面
[05:24.24] Is the best place to put something that cooks food underneath poison? 锅碗瓢盆怎么可以 放在毒药下面
[05:30.21] You know what? I'll have toast. 好吧,我吃土司就好了
[05:36.81] Fog him! Fog him! 天啊,喷他喷他
[05:45.32] I don't know what to do about this coat. 我不知道该如何处置这件皮草
[05:47.73] I'll take it. 可以给我
[05:49.86] That might work. 好主意
[05:57.60] What do you think? 真好,怎样?你们觉得如何?
[05:59.50] You're on in five,Ms. Minnelli. 五分钟后换你上台 明妮莉小姐
[06:04.38] No,it's just a bit sudden. 不…只是有点突然
[06:07.18] It's great,okay? I am totally onboard. 其实我很高兴,也全力赞成
[06:10.55] I love you too. All right,bye. 我也爱你,好,再见
[06:16.05] What's the matter? 怎么了,罗斯?
[06:17.52] Nothing. No,actually... 没事,其实
[06:20.12] ...great news! 是件好消息
[06:22.03] I just spoke with Emily... 我刚跟艾蜜莉通过电话
[06:24.26] ...and looks like I'm moving to a new apartment. 看来我要搬家了
[06:29.90] Why? 为什么?
[06:31.20] Her thought is,and I agree... 她认为…而且我也同意
[06:34.14] ...fresh new furniture, why not a fresh new apartment? 既然要换崭新家具 干脆换间公寓
[06:38.54] Her cousin has a place to sublet. 她表妹有个地方要分租
[06:40.65] It's got a view of the river and Columbia. 一边可以看到河 一边可以看到哥伦比亚
[06:43.58] That's way uptown! That's three trains away... 那是上城很远的地方 大概要转搭三种车
[06:46.08] ...which is great! 太棒了
[06:47.79] I love to ride that rail. 我喜欢搭火车
[06:51.62] You're okay with this? 你真的同意?
[06:53.62] It's kind of far from work... 当然,离上班地点是有点远
[06:56.53] ...but I'll get so much done on the commute. 但是我通勤时就有很多时间
[07:00.77] I've been given the gift of time. 她算是送了我一份大礼 那就是时间
[07:04.24] That's so funny. Last Christmas I got the gift of space. 有意思,上次耶诞节 我得到很多空间
[07:08.71] We should get them together and make a continuum. 两样加起来就有个小宇宙了
[07:16.15] Now he's moving? 现在还要搬家?
[07:17.62] Man,what is Emily doing to him? 艾蜜莉到底做了什么法?
[07:22.00] He's not even here! 他又不在这里
[07:25.46] You guys! 大家听我们说
[07:27.00] We were in the storage area, and we saw this creepy man. 我们刚刚去储藏室 看到一个很可怕的人
[07:30.93] It was this crazy-eyed, hairy beast-man. 眼神凶残,全身毛茸茸
[07:34.33] It was like a Big Foot or a yeti or something. 就像大脚哈利或喜马拉雅雪人
[07:38.90] He came at us, so Rachel used a bug bomb on him. 而且他还拿着斧头 瑞秋只好拿杀虫药喷他
[07:41.77] I pulled the tab and I just fogged his yeti ass. 我拉开拉环拼命喷他
[07:47.11] Like,dark hair,bushy beard? 深色头发,满脸胡须? 对
[07:50.68] Yeah,you fogged Danny. 你们喷的是丹尼
[07:53.68] Please! We did not fog Danny. 拜托,才不是丹尼
[07:57.02] Who's Danny? 丹尼是谁?
[07:59.26] Danny just moved in. 阿丹刚搬到楼下
[08:00.79] He just got back from a four-month trek in the Andes. Nice fella. 那家伙去安地斯山四个月 才刚回国,人很好
[08:05.80] He's nice. You know,you always... 什么人很好…每次我们喷谁
[08:09.13] ...stick up for the people we fog. 你就帮他说话
[08:23.21] You might not remember us, but we're the girls that fogged you. 你大概不记得 我们就是上次喷你的人
[08:28.29] We're really sorry we fogged you. 我们很抱歉乱喷一通
[08:39.36] Just so you know, we didn't mean to fog you. 嗨,我们只是要告诉你 我们不是故意的
[08:42.17] We thought you were like a yeti or something. 我们以为你是雪人还是怪物
[08:46.67] 随便
[08:52.31] 怎样?
[08:53.91] Sorry to bother you,but we can't accept your acceptance of our apology. 嗨,抱歉打扰你 你接受我们道歉的态度 让我们很不爽
[09:03.19] 随…便
[09:08.59] That guy is so rude! 那家伙真恶劣
[09:10.06] Really! What is with that guy? 没错,他哪里有病?
[09:12.73] You'd forgive me if I fogged you. 换做我喷你,你早就原谅我了
[09:15.70] You did,a little bit. 其实你有喷到一点点
[09:18.27] Oh,my God,honey. I'm so sorry. 天啊,我很抱歉
[09:21.21] -I totally forgive you. -Really? -我完全不介意 -真的? 对
[09:30.11] You know my friend Chris who owns the crematorium? 你知道我那个开火葬场的 朋友克里斯吧?
[09:33.68] Crematorium Chris? Sure. 火葬场那个克里斯?当然
[09:36.75] He said he would cremate my fur coat for free... 他说他愿意免费帮我烧皮草
[09:40.69] ...if I bring in the next person I know who dies. 只要我介绍下个挂点的朋友 去那里火化
[09:47.90] Oh,my God!
[09:49.60] Oh,my God. Look at these pelts! 天啊…好漂亮的皮草
[09:53.14] Don't get too attached. She's having it cremated. 别太喜欢,她要烧掉了
[09:57.51] 亲爱的菲比
[09:59.71] You're quirky,and I get a big kick out of it. We all do. 我知道你是个怪ㄎㄚ 大家平时也欣赏你这点
[10:03.78] But if you destroy a coat like this... 但是你毁掉这么棒的皮草
[10:06.28] ...that is like a crime against nature. 实在是不合天理
[10:09.92] Not nature. Fashion! 说错了,是有违时尚流行
[10:12.59] This is fashion? 这叫做流行?
[10:14.36] So to you,death is fashion? 尸体叫做流行?
[10:16.89] That's funny. 实在有意思
[10:18.26] Here's Phoebe... 接下来菲比为各位展示
[10:20.83] ...sporting cutting-edge hairy carcass... 最新的毛茸茸尸体
[10:24.37] ...from,you know,the steel traps of wintry Russia. 这些动物死于寒冷的俄罗斯
[10:29.84] You really think this looks good? 你们真认为好看?
[10:32.54] Because I do! 因为我觉得不赖
[10:41.09] I miss you too. I can't wait to see you. 我也想念你,希望快点见到你
[10:43.52] I love you. Bye. 我爱你,再见
[10:45.62] What is in here,rocks? 这什么?石头吗?
[10:47.89] No,it's my collection of fossil samples. 不,我收集的化石样本
[10:51.20] So,rocks. 就是石头嘛
[11:02.44] I'll miss this apartment. 我一定会想念这里
[11:04.78] You know,Ben took his first steps right over there. 小班就在那边学会走路
[11:09.65] Remember when I ran into this and it knocked me out? 记不记得我上次撞到这里 还因此昏倒?
[11:15.09] I love this place. 我很喜欢这间公寓
[11:20.73] Are you saying that you're not entirely happy about this? 你的意思是你也不想走?
[11:25.43] If Emily gave me a choice 如果艾蜜莉给我选择的机会…
[11:28.13] You do have a choice! 你本来就有机会
[11:30.77] Why are you listening to her? Are you crazy? 罗斯,你为什么要听她的? 你疯了吗?
[11:35.64] It's not right what Emily wants you to do. She's totally 艾蜜莉这些要求太过分 她根本就是…
[11:39.91] Stop pinching me! 不要再捏我了
[11:42.18] You guys said to keep my mouth shut if Ross was happy,right? 你们都说只要罗斯快乐 我就不该大嘴巴
[11:47.42] He just told me that he's not entirely happy. 可是他刚说他也不开心
[11:53.02] What's going on? 这是怎么回事?
[11:54.79] We all hate Emily! 我们都讨厌艾蜜莉
[11:59.30] No,Ross,we do not hate Emily. 才怪。 罗斯,我们不讨厌艾蜜莉
[12:05.10] ...a whole lot to make her happy. 牺牲太多
[12:09.21] We just think that maybe she's being a little unreasonable. 大家都认为她有点不可理喻
[12:13.54] Yes,unreasonable. 对,就是不可理喻
[12:18.38] How about we have this conversation when one of you marries? 要是以后你们谁结婚 大伙也有这种反应呢?
[12:22.39] You have no idea what it takes to make a marriage work. 你们根本不知道如何维持婚姻
[12:28.83] Do you do it? Yes. 但是你愿意吗?愿意
[12:30.06] Because it's not all laughing, happy,candy in the sky... 因为婚姻不是只有欢乐 只有梦幻
[12:33.63] at Central Perk. 只管上咖啡馆
[12:35.47] It's real life,okay? 婚姻是真实生活
[12:37.17] It's what grownups do. 婚姻只适合成年人
[12:46.84] I think he's right. 他说得有道理
[12:48.71] You guys hang out at the coffeehouse way too much. 你们太常泡咖啡馆了
[12:57.56] -I feel so guilty about Ross. -I know. 我对罗斯很抱歉 我知道
[13:01.03] I kind of feel like it's my fault. 我觉得似乎都怪我
[13:06.00] Kind of? 似乎?
[13:08.00] You should have kept this to yourself. 要不是你大嘴巴 也不会有这种下场
[13:10.94] I'm keeping so many things to myself, something was bound to slip out! 我最近知道的秘密太多 总有说溜嘴的时候
[13:17.34] I think it's very brave what you said. 其实你很勇敢
[13:22.01] I can't sit here anymore. I have to walk places. 我坐不住了,我得去走走
[13:26.05] What's with the coat? How about the animal rights thing? 菲比,你怎么还穿那件外套? 你不是关心动物吗?
[13:30.55] I've been reading up, and for your information... 我最近读了一些书
[13:33.32] ...minks aren't very nice. 告诉你们,貂不是好动物
[13:36.76] -So they deserve to be killed? -Well,they are real bad. 所以给人杀死活该? 貂真的很坏
[13:44.17] Okay,I admit it. I love this coat,okay? 好,我承认,我喜欢这件外套
[13:47.04] It's the best thing I ever had wrapped around me,including Phil Huntley. 这是裹在我身上最棒的东西 菲尔杭利都不够好
[13:52.71] Remember Phil Huntley? He was fine. 你还记得菲尔吗? 他帅呆了
[14:11.03] So you like the short hair better? 原来你比较喜欢短发
[14:16.40] Yeti? Danny? 雪人…你是丹尼?
[14:20.04] I had to cut my hair to get rid of... 我得剪头发
[14:23.07] ...the fogger smell. 因为杀虫剂的味道洗不掉
[14:25.58] Listen,I'm so sorry. I would have never fogged you... 抱歉,我绝对不会乱喷
[14:29.41] ...if you hadn't looked so.... 要不是你的样子实在…
[14:33.28] Absolutely. Some people are just into appearances. 当然 有些人只会以貌取人
[14:37.12] What? 什么?
[14:38.42] It's cool. 没关系,无所谓
[14:40.46] No,that is not cool. 什么?等等,什么无所谓
[14:42.46] You don't even know me. 你根本不认识我
[14:44.16] You got the shopping bags and the Saks catalog. 你提着一堆购物袋 还拿着百货公司目录
[14:48.13] From that,you've got me all figured out? 你以为这样就能看透我?
[14:51.74] Well,you don't. 才怪
[14:53.17] You know,I could have toys for underprivileged kids in here. 搞不好我的袋子里装满 要给贫困儿童的玩具
[14:58.44] Do you? 是吗?
[14:59.94] You know,if kids like to play with capri pants. 如果他们喜欢拿紧身裤当玩具
[15:07.15] Stop saying that. I hate that! 不准你再说这话,很刺耳
[15:09.52] 随便
[15:22.53] I judged you. I made a snap judgment. 好,我不该光看你外表
[15:24.70] But you did it too,and you're worse. You're sticking to your judgment. 当时我只靠第一印象 可是你也一样 而且更糟糕 因为你只相信第一印象
[15:29.21] You can't even open your mind to see you might be wrong. 甚至不肯反省自己对不对
[15:32.81] What does that say about you? 你有什么资格说别人?
[15:35.38] That pizza place across the street any good? 对面那家披萨店好吃吗?
[15:39.18] I'm hungry. You want some pizza? 我饿了,要不要去吃披萨?
[15:41.32] You can keep yelling. 你还想骂人也可以继续吼
[15:43.89] 随便
[15:46.86] Stop saying that. I hate that. 不准说这话,很刺耳
[15:53.93] 罗斯?
[15:56.00] Are you still mad? 你还在生我们的气吗? 对
[15:57.74] Good! We have an "I'm Sorry" song. 很好,因为我们写了一首 “很抱歉”的歌
[16:00.47] You know what? I'm not in the mood. 告诉你们,我现在心情不好
[16:03.47] Look,Ross. 罗斯
[16:05.88] I feel really bad. You're going through all this stuff... 我很难过 你生活发生巨大改变
[16:10.25] ...and I just acted like a jerk. 我却乱讲话
[16:12.65] -We are so sorry. -You're stepping on the song. 对,我们都很对不起 你们说出歌词了
[16:17.66] We were way out of line,all right? We totally support you. 我们实在太离谱了 其实我们都站在你这边
[16:21.56] Whatever you decide, whatever you do. 无论你做什么决定 我们都赞成
[16:24.06] Now you're just taking lines out of the song. 歌词被你们说完了 我还唱什么?
[16:27.36] This is hard enough,okay? I really need you guys right now. 搬家已经够难过了 现在真的很需要你们
[16:32.24] Yes,exactly! And that's why.... 没错,所以我们才要…
[16:36.61] Why don't you come over tonight, and I'll make your favorite dinner. 你今晚过来 我帮你煮几道你爱吃的菜
[16:45.08] Thanks,you guys. 谢谢你们
[16:47.02] Are you wearing fur? 菲比,你身上这件是貂皮吗?
[16:48.72] Let's get some perspective,people. 别再大惊小怪了
[16:57.56] You know,I think I kind of understand why I lost it today. 罗斯,我知道 我为什么突然爆发了
[17:03.10] You do,huh? 是吗?
[17:04.87] You see... 你知道
[17:06.04] ...I'm an actor,right? 我是个演员
[17:08.31] So I got to keep my emotions right at the surface. 所以我的情绪比较丰富 你了解吗?
[17:12.61] I got a lot of balls in the air, you know? 我要同时面临多种情绪 你懂吗?
[17:17.38] It's tough. Guys like me, you wander around,you're alone. 我这种人的生活实在不容易 必须到处流浪,孤孤单单…
[17:23.72] What are you talking about? 你鬼扯什么?
[17:27.26] I'm not sure. 我也不晓得
[17:31.26] Look at you! Where have you been? 嗨,回来了,你刚上哪去了?
[17:33.23] I went to have pizza. 我去吃披萨
[17:35.10] With Danny. 和丹尼
[17:37.43] -What happened? -That yeti is one smooth talker. 怎么可能? 那个雪人口才真好
[17:41.61] Yetis are smooth-talkers. That's why you never see any pictures of them. 雪人都是这样 所以从来没人看过雪人的照片
[17:44.74] "Come here,baby. Give me the camera." 乖,宝贝,把照相机交给我
[17:55.29] Why? 为什么?
[17:56.59] Come on,you guys! 拜托你们
[17:58.09] If Emily knew I was having dinner with you,she'd flip out. 要是艾蜜莉知道 我跟你们一起吃饭 她一定会抓狂
[18:04.26] It's okay. I really don't mind. 没关系…我无所谓
[18:07.26] Wait,wait. You know what? Just stay. 等等…请你留下来
[18:10.30] Please. 拜托
[18:12.47] It would mean a lot for me if you stay. 我希望你留下来
[18:16.44] Ross,I just 罗斯…
[18:17.67] Please,just have dinner with us! 拜托你,跟我们一起吃饭
[18:22.78] Settle down. 好好好,乔伊,别激动
[18:24.52] All right. I'm sorry. 对不起,抱歉
[18:27.22] You see,Rach,I'm an actor. 瑞秋,因为我是演员…
[18:34.06] Hey,look! Ugly Naked Guy's back. 看,那个光屁股的丑八怪 又出现了
[18:39.30] We haven't seen him in so long. 我好久没看到他了
[18:41.23] Oh,God! I really missed that fat bastard. 天啊,我真想念这个死胖子
[18:48.84] This is so weird. 这可真诡异异
[18:50.34] I realized this may be the last time we hang out together. 我刚想到这可能是 大家最后一次一起鬼混
[18:55.08] It's almost as if he knew. 他似乎也知道
[18:59.82] I'll get it. 我来接
[19:06.22] Hi,Emily. 嗨,艾蜜莉
[19:09.73] You tracked him down. Hold on. 他在这里,你等等
[19:16.07] Yeah,we're just having dinner. 对,我们正在吃饭
[19:20.27] Sure,hold on. 好,你等等,
[19:22.07] She wants to say hi. 她跟大家打招呼
[19:26.94] Hi,Emily! 嗨,艾蜜莉 嗨
[19:28.35] Hello,everyone. 大家好
[19:30.01] So who am I saying hello to? 你们有谁在啊?
[19:32.35] Well,I don't know about who's here... 我不知道这里有谁
[19:35.35] ...but I can tell you who's not here, and that's Rachel! 不过瑞秋肯定不在
[19:41.13] I should hope not. Ross knows better than that by now. 最好是这样 罗斯应该很清楚了
[19:49.20] You know what? Rachel is here. 其实瑞秋也在
[19:51.64] She's there? 她也在?
[19:53.40] Oh,yeah,there she is! 对,她在那边
[19:57.14] She's here. 她在这里
[19:59.31] Take me off speakerphone. 罗斯,切掉扩音
[20:03.21] How could you do this to me? 你怎么可以这样?
[20:05.88] I made my feelings about Rachel perfectly clear. 我以为我已经把瑞秋的事 说得够清楚了
[20:09.00] I'm just having dinner with my friends,okay? 艾蜜莉,我只是跟朋友吃饭
[20:13.32] -You can't keep away from her. -That's ridiculous. 你就是喜欢跟她黏在一起 你太夸张了
[20:18.53] -Hello? Hello? -Who is this? 你是谁?
[20:21.80] It's Ross. What are you doing? 我是罗斯,你干嘛?
[20:24.84] Sorry,dude,I had to make a call. 抱歉,老兄,我要打电话
[20:28.54] Joey. 乔伊
[20:34.38] Joey,they don't have two lines, they have two phones. 虽然这里有两支电话 但是只有一条电话线
[20:39.38] Gotcha. 这样啊
[20:43.32] I'm sorry. Emily,listen. I have never cheated on you. 对不起,艾蜜莉 我从来没骗过你
[20:48.03] I'm moving for you. I'm cutting friends out of my life for you. 我愿意为你搬家 愿意为你不见朋友
[20:52.46] Please,get on the plane and come to New York,okay? 求求你快搭飞机来纽约
[20:57.00] You're the only one I want to be with. 你就知道我只想跟你在一起
[20:59.64] I'll feel better when I'm there. I can know where you are all the time. 如果我在那边 就不会这么紧张了 也可以随时知道你在哪里
[21:07.08] You can't know where I am all the time. 你不可能永远掌握我的行踪
[21:11.75] This marriage will never work if you don't trust me. 如果你不信任我 这个婚姻永远有问题
[21:17.39] You're right. 你说得对
[21:21.89] Can you trust me? 你能相信我吗?
[21:28.27] 不能
[21:33.20] I think it's going okay. 好像很顺利
[21:35.74] Looks like he's smiling. 他好像在微笑
[21:37.24] How can you tell? You can only see his back. 你怎么知道? 你只看得到他的背影
[21:40.94] You can totally tell! 当然看得出来
[21:42.91] Here,look,watch me. 你们看
[21:45.52] Smile. 微笑
[21:46.72] Frown. Smile. 皱眉,微笑
[21:48.75] Frown. 皱眉
[21:50.09] Smile. 微笑
[22:05.14] I guess that's it. 大概玩完了
[22:07.10] Why? What happened? 怎么了? 怎么回事?
[22:09.91] My marriage is over. 我的婚姻完了
[22:12.51] 亲爱的
[22:14.48] Look at you,you're shivering. 看看你,全身发抖
[22:23.55] Honey,is there anything we can do? 罗斯,需要我们做什么吗?
[22:30.59] You can help me get my furniture back from Gunther. 可以,帮我跟阿甘要回家具
[22:52.85] Stop tormenting me! 别再折磨我了
[22:56.75] This is mink,okay? They're mean, and they hate squirrels. 这是貂,貂很坏. 而且貂讨厌松鼠
[23:01.19] Most of these probably wanted to be coats. 很多貂都想被做成貂皮
[23:06.53] Fine. No,I get it. 好好好,我知道了
[23:08.50] Here. 拿去
[23:10.17] You take it. 给你
[23:12.24] Are you happy now? I'm cold! 高兴了吧?我快冷死了


[02:38.-2] Just Filipino kids who worked their fingers bloody... zhǐ bù guò shì shí xīn 12 fēn qián de
[05:12.-3] If you want little round waffles, wait till I find the iron. ruì qiū, nǐ yào chī xiǎo yuán sōng bǐng jiù dé ràng wǒ xiān zhǎo dào jiān pán
[08:59.-1] It doesn' t really seem like you mean it. tīng qǐ lái yì diǎn yě bù zhēn xīn
[11:17.-4] To tell the truth, I wish I didn' t have to move. lǎo shí shuō, wǒ zhēn xī wàng bié bān jiā
[12:02.-2] We just think that you' re having to sacrifice... wǒ men zhǐ shì rèn wéi nǐ wèi le tǎo tā kāi xīn
[12:16.-4] Unreasonable? bù kě lǐ yù?
[12:26.-3] It' s compromise. Do you always like it? No. hūn yīn jiù shì hù xiāng tuǒ xié yǒng yuǎn dōu huì kāi xīn ma? bú huì
[15:05.-1] suí biàn
[16:51.-3] It' s not like I' m wearing a seeingeye dog coat! zhè yòu bú shì yòng dǎo máng quǎn de pí zuò de
[17:49.-4] I hope you' re not full. Dinner' s almost ready. xī wàng nǐ hái chī de xià yīn wèi wǎn cān kuài hǎo le
[17:52.-4] I think I' ll probably just hang out in my room. wǒ huí fáng jiān qù jiù hǎo le
[22:18.-4] Here. gěi nǐ
[00:07.00] None of that. Not while you' re under my roof! bù zhǔn zhè yàng, hái zhù zài wǒ wū lǐ jiù dé shǒu guī jǔ
[00:10.62] shén me?
[00:12.16] Just because I know about you doesn' t mean I like looking at it. jiù suàn wǒ zhī dào nèi mù yě bù dài biǎo wǒ xǐ huān kàn nǐ men qīn rè
[00:16.83] Aren' t you supposed to be at an audition? nǐ shì jìng bú shì hái yǒu yī xiǎo shí cái jié shù?
[00:19.33] I' m sorry I' m not a middleaged black woman. hěn bào qiàn wǒ bú shì hēi rén ōu ba sāng
[00:24.30] I' m also sorry if sometimes I go to the wrong audition. ér qiě hái zǒu cuò shì jìng chǎng dì
[00:30.84] If I pretend to not know about you... nǐ men yào wǒ jiǎ zhuāng bù zhī dào
[00:33.45] ... then you pretend there' s nothing to know. jiù dé jiǎ zhuāng nǐ men méi zěn yàng
[00:37.62] Sorry. bào qiàn duì bù qǐ
[00:44.49] I can hear that! wǒ tīng dào le
[00:48.29] Rachel' s at work. ruì qiū hái zài shàng bān
[00:55.43] I can still hear you! wǒ hái shì tīng dé dào
[00:59.27] The One With the Yeti běn jí bō chū:" yǐ mào qǔ rén"
[01:48.19] What' s that? nà shi shén me?
[01:49.52] My mom sent me an heirloom that belonged to my grandmother. wǒ mā jì gěi wǒ wài pó de zǔ chuán bǎo wù
[01:53.53] Can you believe it? nǐ men xiāng xìn ma?
[01:54.73] A year ago I had no family, and now I have heirlooms! yī nián qián wǒ lián jiā rén dōu méi yǒu xiàn zài jìng rán yǒu zǔ chuán jiā chǎn
[02:00.63] The only heirloom I ever got was a feather boa. wǒ xiǎo shí zhǐ yǒu yī tiáo yǔ máo wéi jīn
[02:02.83] Got if from my dad. He got it from his dad. wǒ yé ye chuán gěi wǒ lǎo bà zài chuán gěi wǒ
[02:07.01] How did I ever get born? zhēn bù zhī dào wǒ shì zěn me chū shēng de
[02:19.28] Oh, God! tiān a
[02:23.39] Soft. hǎo ruǎn
[02:26.02] Is this mink? zhè shì diāo pí ma?
[02:27.83] Why would my mother send me a fur? Doesn' t she know me but at all? duì, wǒ mā wèi hé jì pí cǎo gěi wǒ? tā wán quán bù liǎo jiě wǒ ma?
[02:33.40] I have a fine coat that no innocent animals suffered to make. wǒ yǐ jīng yǒu wài tào le ér qiě hái méi xī shēng rèn hé kě lián dòng wù
[02:41.31] ... for 12 cents an hour. jiǔ suì fēi lǜ bīn tóng gōng mài mìng zuò de
[02:45.68] I made that up. bié tīng wǒ de, wǒ hú shuō de
[02:52.22] You can' t put up flyers in here. luó sī, nǐ bù néng zài zhè lǐ tiē guǎng gào
[02:55.22] How come? Everybody else does. wèi shí me? bié rén dōu kě yǐ
[02:58.00] You can' t. jiù shì nǐ bù xíng
[03:02.26] What is that? shén me dōng xī?
[03:05.43] I' m getting rid of some things. wǒ yào chǔ lǐ diào yī xiē jiā jù
[03:08.40] This is all of your things. zhè shì nǐ suǒ yǒu jiā dàng
[03:11.37] Yes, it is. méi cuò
[03:13.51] It' s good. Emily thinks we should get all new stuff. méi guān xì, ài mì lì shuō wǒ men yīng gāi mǎi xīn jiā jù
[03:17.24] Stuff that' s just ours. Together. Brand new. guāng shǔ yú wǒ men liǎ de jiā jù yě jiù shì quán xīn de dōng xī
[03:20.45] So it' s a getridofanything Rachelevertouched sale. jī běn shàng zhè shì " ruì qiū pèng guò jiā jù" dà pāi mài
[03:23.78] Touched, used, sat on, slept on.... mō guò yòng guò zuò guò shuì guò dōu bù xíng
[03:26.78] I' ll take it all. wǒ quán mǎi le
[03:30.19] You' re okay with that? luó sī, nǐ bù fǎn duì?
[03:31.86] If I can just do what Emily wants... zhǐ yào shùn zhe ài mì lì
[03:33.93] ... and get her to New York, it will be fine. tā lái niǔ yuē hòu jiù méi shì le
[03:36.93] Isn' t that a little extreme? dàn shì zhè zhǒng zuò fǎ yě tài jí duān le ba
[03:39.20] After what I did, can you blame her? bì jìng wǒ shuō cuò míng zì nǐ néng guài tā ma?
[03:42.40] You got off easy. nǐ yǐ jīng suàn qīng sōng le
[03:43.57] When my friend' s husband said another name in bed... xí wēi lǎo gōng zài chuáng shàng hǎn cuò míng zì
[03:46.57] ... she cursed him and turned his thingy green. tā jiù bǎ tā de xiǎo dì di biàn lǜ
[03:51.11] I guess I' m lucky Emily is not magic. xìng hǎo ài mì lì bú huì fǎ shù
[03:55.41] Oh, she is. tā huì
[03:57.62] We all are. wǒ men dōu huì
[04:06.42] What is he doing? tā zhè shì zuò shí mǒ?
[04:08.43] Emily thinks Ross' furniture has got Rachel cooties? ài mì lì jué de luó sī de jiā jù huì zhān shàng ruì qiū de shī zi ma?
[04:13.50] Calm down, Joey. qiáo yī, bié jī dòng
[04:15.03] Everything' s getting all messed up! wǒ piān yào, shì qíng gǎo dé luàn qī bā zāo
[04:17.27] Emily won' t let Ross see Rachel. ài mì lì bù zhǔn luó sī jiàn ruì qiū
[04:19.27] We won' t stop seeing Rachel. kě shì wǒ men huì jì xù jiàn ruì qiū
[04:21.17] Hence, Ross stops seeing us. yīn cǐ luó sī zài yě bù néng jiàn wǒ men
[04:24.51] I hate this. Everything' s changing. wǒ yě bù kāi xīn, yī qiè dōu biàn le
[04:26.88] We' re losing Ross. Joey said " hence." wǒ zhī dào, wǒ men bù néng zài jiàn luó sī qiáo yī hái huì yòng" yīn cǐ"
[04:33.72] I' m not happy about this either, but if Ross says he' s happy... wǒ yě bù gāo xìng dàn shì rú guǒ luó sī néng kāi xīn
[04:38.42] ... then we have to keep our feelings to ourselves. wǒ men bù gāi shuō chū zì jǐ duì ài mì lì de xīn qíng
[04:41.59] Are you cool with that? dà jiā yuàn yì ma?
[04:43.46] bú yào
[04:46.23] But, you know, I' m an actor. bù guò wǒ shì yǎn yuán
[04:48.73] I' ll act cool. wǒ kě yǐ zhuāng dé wú suǒ wèi
[04:51.87] Probably be some of the hardest acting I' ve ever done. zhè zhēn shì wǒ yǎn guò zuì nán de xì
[04:55.91] Maybe I' ll play it with a mustache. wǒ yīng gāi zhuāng shàng jiǎ hú xū yǎn
[05:05.78] Storage rooms give me the creeps. tiān a, wǒ pà sǐ chǔ cáng shì le
[05:09.00] Please hurry up, honey.
[05:16.19] I want the little round waffles. wǒ xiǎng chī xiǎo yuán sōng bǐng
[05:19.20] Here it is! zhǎo dào le
[05:21.30] Right underneath the can of bug bomb. jiù zài shā chóng yào xià miàn
[05:24.24] Is the best place to put something that cooks food underneath poison? guō wǎn piáo pén zěn me kě yǐ fàng zài dú yào xià miàn
[05:30.21] You know what? I' ll have toast. hǎo ba, wǒ chī tǔ sī jiù hǎo le
[05:36.81] Fog him! Fog him! tiān a, pēn tā pēn tā
[05:45.32] I don' t know what to do about this coat. wǒ bù zhī dào gāi rú hé chǔ zhì zhè jiàn pí cǎo
[05:47.73] I' ll take it. kě yǐ gěi wǒ
[05:49.86] That might work. hǎo zhǔ yì
[05:57.60] What do you think? zhēn hǎo, zěn yàng? nǐ men jué de rú hé?
[05:59.50] You' re on in five, Ms. Minnelli. wǔ fēn zhōng hòu huàn nǐ shàng tái míng nī lì xiǎo jiě
[06:04.38] No, it' s just a bit sudden. bù zhǐ shì yǒu diǎn tū rán
[06:07.18] It' s great, okay? I am totally onboard. qí shí wǒ hěn gāo xìng, yě quán lì zàn chéng
[06:10.55] I love you too. All right, bye. wǒ yě ài nǐ, hǎo, zài jiàn
[06:16.05] What' s the matter? zěn me le, luó sī?
[06:17.52] Nothing. No, actually... méi shì, qí shí
[06:20.12] ... great news! shì jiàn hǎo xiāo xī
[06:22.03] I just spoke with Emily... wǒ gāng gēn ài mì lì tōng guò diàn huà
[06:24.26] ... and looks like I' m moving to a new apartment. kàn lái wǒ yào bān jiā le
[06:29.90] Why? wèi shí me?
[06:31.20] Her thought is, and I agree... tā rèn wéi ér qiě wǒ yě tóng yì
[06:34.14] ... fresh new furniture, why not a fresh new apartment? jì rán yào huàn zhǎn xīn jiā jù gān cuì huàn jiān gōng yù
[06:38.54] Her cousin has a place to sublet. tā biǎo mèi yǒu gè dì fāng yào fēn zū
[06:40.65] It' s got a view of the river and Columbia. yī biān kě yǐ kàn dào hé yī biān kě yǐ kàn dào gē lún bǐ yà
[06:43.58] That' s way uptown! That' s three trains away... nà shi shàng chéng hěn yuǎn de dì fāng dà gài yào zhuǎn dā sān zhǒng chē
[06:46.08] ... which is great! tài bàng le
[06:47.79] I love to ride that rail. wǒ xǐ huān dā huǒ chē
[06:51.62] You' re okay with this? nǐ zhēn de tóng yì?
[06:53.62] It' s kind of far from work... dāng rán, lí shàng bān dì diǎn shì yǒu diǎn yuǎn
[06:56.53] ... but I' ll get so much done on the commute. dàn shì wǒ tōng qín shí jiù yǒu hěn duō shí jiān
[07:00.77] I' ve been given the gift of time. tā suàn shì sòng le wǒ yī fèn dà lǐ nà jiù shì shí jiān
[07:04.24] That' s so funny. Last Christmas I got the gift of space. yǒu yì sī, shàng cì yē dàn jié wǒ dé dào hěn duō kōng jiān
[07:08.71] We should get them together and make a continuum. liǎng yàng jiā qǐ lái jiù yǒu gè xiǎo yǔ zhòu le
[07:16.15] Now he' s moving? xiàn zài hái yào bān jiā?
[07:17.62] Man, what is Emily doing to him? ài mì lì dào dǐ zuò le shén me fǎ?
[07:22.00] He' s not even here! tā yòu bù zài zhè lǐ
[07:25.46] You guys! dà jiā tīng wǒ men shuō
[07:27.00] We were in the storage area, and we saw this creepy man. wǒ men gāng gāng qù chǔ cáng shì kàn dào yí gè hěn kě pà de rén
[07:30.93] It was this crazyeyed, hairy beastman. yǎn shén xiōng cán, quán shēn máo róng róng
[07:34.33] It was like a Big Foot or a yeti or something. jiù xiàng dà jiǎo hā lì huò xǐ mǎ lā yǎ xuě rén
[07:38.90] He came at us, so Rachel used a bug bomb on him. ér qiě tā hái ná zhe fǔ tóu ruì qiū zhǐ hǎo ná shā chóng yào pēn tā
[07:41.77] I pulled the tab and I just fogged his yeti ass. wǒ lā kāi lā huán pīn mìng pēn tā
[07:47.11] Like, dark hair, bushy beard? shēn sè tóu fà, mǎn liǎn hú xū? duì
[07:50.68] Yeah, you fogged Danny. nǐ men pēn de shì dān ní
[07:53.68] Please! We did not fog Danny. bài tuō, cái bú shì dān ní
[07:57.02] Who' s Danny? dān ní shì shuí?
[07:59.26] Danny just moved in. a dān gāng bān dào lóu xià
[08:00.79] He just got back from a fourmonth trek in the Andes. Nice fella. nà jiā huo qù ān dì sī shān sì gè yuè cái gāng huí guó, rén hěn hǎo
[08:05.80] He' s nice. You know, you always... shén me rén hěn hǎo měi cì wǒ men pēn shuí
[08:09.13] ... stick up for the people we fog. nǐ jiù bāng tā shuō huà
[08:23.21] You might not remember us, but we' re the girls that fogged you. nǐ dà gài bù jì de wǒ men jiù shì shàng cì pēn nǐ de rén
[08:28.29] We' re really sorry we fogged you. wǒ men hěn bào qiàn luàn pēn yī tòng
[08:39.36] Just so you know, we didn' t mean to fog you. hāi, wǒ men zhǐ shì yào gào sù nǐ wǒ men bú shì gù yì de
[08:42.17] We thought you were like a yeti or something. wǒ men yǐ wéi nǐ shì xuě rén hái shì guài wù
[08:46.67] suí biàn
[08:52.31] zěn yàng?
[08:53.91] Sorry to bother you, but we can' t accept your acceptance of our apology. hāi, bào qiàn dǎ rǎo nǐ nǐ jiē shòu wǒ men dào qiàn de tài dù ràng wǒ men hěn bù shuǎng
[09:01.55] duì
[09:03.19] suí biàn
[09:08.59] That guy is so rude! nà jiā huo zhēn è liè
[09:10.06] Really! What is with that guy? méi cuò, tā nǎ lǐ yǒu bìng?
[09:12.73] You' d forgive me if I fogged you. huàn zuò wǒ pēn nǐ, nǐ zǎo jiù yuán liàng wǒ le
[09:15.70] You did, a little bit. qí shí nǐ yǒu pēn dào yì diǎn diǎn
[09:18.27] Oh, my God, honey. I' m so sorry. tiān a, wǒ hěn bào qiàn
[09:21.21] I totally forgive you. Really? wǒ wán quán bù jiè yì zhēn de? duì
[09:30.11] You know my friend Chris who owns the crematorium? nǐ zhī dào wǒ nà gè kāi huǒ zàng chǎng de péng yǒu kè lǐ sī ba?
[09:33.68] Crematorium Chris? Sure. huǒ zàng chǎng nà gè kè lǐ sī? dāng rán
[09:36.75] He said he would cremate my fur coat for free... tā shuō tā yuàn yì miǎn fèi bāng wǒ shāo pí cǎo
[09:40.69] ... if I bring in the next person I know who dies. zhǐ yào wǒ jiè shào xià gè guà diǎn de péng yǒu qù nà lǐ huǒ huà
[09:47.90] Oh, my God!
[09:49.60] Oh, my God. Look at these pelts! tiān a hǎo piào liàng de pí cǎo
[09:53.14] Don' t get too attached. She' s having it cremated. bié tài xǐ huān, tā yào shāo diào le
[09:57.51] qīn ài de fēi bǐ
[09:59.71] You' re quirky, and I get a big kick out of it. We all do. wǒ zhī dào nǐ shì gè guài dà jiā píng shí yě xīn shǎng nǐ zhè diǎn
[10:03.78] But if you destroy a coat like this... dàn shì nǐ huǐ diào zhè me bàng de pí cǎo
[10:06.28] ... that is like a crime against nature. shí zài shì bù hé tiān lǐ
[10:09.92] Not nature. Fashion! shuō cuò le, shì yǒu wéi shí shàng liú xíng
[10:12.59] This is fashion? zhè jiào zuò liú xíng?
[10:14.36] So to you, death is fashion? shī tǐ jiào zuò liú xíng?
[10:16.89] That' s funny. shí zài yǒu yì sī
[10:18.26] Here' s Phoebe... jiē xià lái fēi bǐ wèi gè wèi zhǎn shì
[10:20.83] ... sporting cuttingedge hairy carcass... zuì xīn de máo róng róng shī tǐ
[10:24.37] ... from, you know, the steel traps of wintry Russia. zhèi xiē dòng wù sǐ yú hán lěng de é luó sī
[10:29.84] You really think this looks good? nǐ men zhēn rèn wéi hǎo kàn?
[10:32.54] Because I do! yīn wèi wǒ jué de bù lài
[10:41.09] I miss you too. I can' t wait to see you. wǒ yě xiǎng niàn nǐ, xī wàng kuài diǎn jiàn dào nǐ
[10:43.52] I love you. Bye. wǒ ài nǐ, zài jiàn
[10:45.62] What is in here, rocks? zhè shén me? shí tou ma?
[10:47.89] No, it' s my collection of fossil samples. bù, wǒ shōu jí de huà shí yàng běn
[10:51.20] So, rocks. jiù shì shí tou ma
[11:02.44] I' ll miss this apartment. wǒ yí dìng huì xiǎng niàn zhè lǐ
[11:04.78] You know, Ben took his first steps right over there. xiǎo bān jiù zài nà biān xué huì zǒu lù
[11:09.65] Remember when I ran into this and it knocked me out? jì bù jì de wǒ shàng cì zhuàng dào zhè lǐ hái yīn cǐ hūn dǎo?
[11:15.09] I love this place. wǒ hěn xǐ huān zhè jiān gōng yù
[11:20.73] Are you saying that you' re not entirely happy about this? nǐ de yì sī shì nǐ yě bù xiǎng zǒu?
[11:25.43] If Emily gave me a choice rú guǒ ài mì lì gěi wǒ xuǎn zé de jī huì
[11:28.13] You do have a choice! nǐ běn lái jiù yǒu jī huì
[11:30.77] Why are you listening to her? Are you crazy? luó sī, nǐ wèi shí me yào tīng tā de? nǐ fēng le ma?
[11:35.64] It' s not right what Emily wants you to do. She' s totally ài mì lì zhèi xiē yāo qiú tài guò fèn tā gēn běn jiù shì
[11:39.91] Stop pinching me! bú yào zài niē wǒ le
[11:42.18] You guys said to keep my mouth shut if Ross was happy, right? nǐ men dōu shuō zhǐ yào luó sī kuài lè wǒ jiù bù gāi dà zuǐ bā
[11:47.42] He just told me that he' s not entirely happy. kě shì tā gāng shuō tā yě bù kāi xīn
[11:53.02] What' s going on? zhè shì zěn me huí shì?
[11:54.79] We all hate Emily! wǒ men dōu tǎo yàn ài mì lì
[11:59.30] No, Ross, we do not hate Emily. cái guài. luó sī, wǒ men bù tǎo yàn ài mì lì
[12:05.10] ... a whole lot to make her happy. xī shēng tài duō
[12:07.20] duì
[12:09.21] We just think that maybe she' s being a little unreasonable. dà jiā dōu rèn wéi tā yǒu diǎn bù kě lǐ yù
[12:13.54] Yes, unreasonable. duì, jiù shì bù kě lǐ yù
[12:18.38] How about we have this conversation when one of you marries? yào shì yǐ hòu nǐ men shuí jié hūn dà huǒ yě yǒu zhè zhǒng fǎn yìng ne?
[12:22.39] You have no idea what it takes to make a marriage work. nǐ men gēn běn bù zhī dào rú hé wéi chí hūn yīn
[12:28.83] Do you do it? Yes. dàn shì nǐ yuàn yì ma? yuàn yì
[12:30.06] Because it' s not all laughing, happy, candy in the sky... yīn wèi hūn yīn bú shì zhǐ yǒu huān lè zhǐ yǒu mèng huàn
[12:33.63] ... coffee at Central Perk. zhǐ guǎn shàng kā fēi guǎn
[12:35.47] It' s real life, okay? hūn yīn shì zhēn shí shēng huó
[12:37.17] It' s what grownups do. hūn yīn zhǐ shì hé chéng nián rén
[12:46.84] I think he' s right. tā shuō de yǒu dào li
[12:48.71] You guys hang out at the coffeehouse way too much. nǐ men tài cháng pào kā fēi guǎn le
[12:57.56] I feel so guilty about Ross. I know. wǒ duì luó sī hěn bào qiàn wǒ zhī dào
[13:01.03] I kind of feel like it' s my fault. wǒ jué de sì hū dōu guài wǒ
[13:06.00] Kind of? sì hū?
[13:08.00] You should have kept this to yourself. yào bú shì nǐ dà zuǐ bā yě bú huì yǒu zhè zhǒng xià chǎng
[13:10.94] I' m keeping so many things to myself, something was bound to slip out! wǒ zuì jìn zhī dào de mì mì tài duō zǒng yǒu shuō liū zuǐ de shí hòu
[13:17.34] I think it' s very brave what you said. qí shí nǐ hěn yǒng gǎn
[13:22.01] I can' t sit here anymore. I have to walk places. wǒ zuò bú zhù le, wǒ dé qù zǒu zǒu
[13:26.05] What' s with the coat? How about the animal rights thing? fēi bǐ, nǐ zěn me hái chuān nà jiàn wài tào? nǐ bú shì guān xīn dòng wù ma?
[13:30.55] I' ve been reading up, and for your information... wǒ zuì jìn dú le yī xiē shū
[13:33.32] ... minks aren' t very nice. gào sù nǐ men, diāo bú shì hào dòng wù
[13:36.76] So they deserve to be killed? Well, they are real bad. suǒ yǐ gěi rén shā sǐ huó gāi? diāo zhēn de hěn huài
[13:44.17] Okay, I admit it. I love this coat, okay? hǎo, wǒ chéng rèn, wǒ xǐ huān zhè jiàn wài tào
[13:47.04] It' s the best thing I ever had wrapped around me, including Phil Huntley. zhè shì guǒ zài wǒ shēn shàng zuì bàng de dōng xī fēi ěr háng lì dōu bù gòu hǎo
[13:52.71] Remember Phil Huntley? He was fine. nǐ hái jì de fēi ěr ma? tā shuài dāi le
[14:06.62] hāi
[14:11.03] So you like the short hair better? yuán lái nǐ bǐ jiào xǐ huān duǎn fā
[14:16.40] Yeti? Danny? xuě rén nǐ shì dān ní?
[14:20.04] I had to cut my hair to get rid of... wǒ dé jiǎn tóu fa
[14:23.07] ... the fogger smell. yīn wèi shā chóng jì de wèi dào xǐ bù diào
[14:25.58] Listen, I' m so sorry. I would have never fogged you... bào qiàn, wǒ jué duì bú huì luàn pēn
[14:29.41] ... if you hadn' t looked so.... yào bú shì nǐ de yàng zǐ shí zài
[14:33.28] Absolutely. Some people are just into appearances. dāng rán yǒu xiē rén zhǐ huì yǐ mào qǔ rén
[14:37.12] What? shén me?
[14:38.42] It' s cool. méi guān xì, wú suǒ wèi
[14:40.46] No, that is not cool. shén me? děng děng, shén me wú suǒ wèi
[14:42.46] You don' t even know me. nǐ gēn běn bù rèn shi wǒ
[14:44.16] You got the shopping bags and the Saks catalog. nǐ tí zhe yī duī gòu wù dài hái ná zhe bǎi huò gōng sī mù lù
[14:48.13] From that, you' ve got me all figured out? nǐ yǐ wéi zhè yàng jiù néng kàn tòu wǒ?
[14:51.74] Well, you don' t. cái guài
[14:53.17] You know, I could have toys for underprivileged kids in here. gǎo bù hǎo wǒ de dài zi lǐ zhuāng mǎn yào gěi pín kùn ér tóng de wán jù
[14:58.44] Do you? shì ma?
[14:59.94] You know, if kids like to play with capri pants. rú guǒ tā men xǐ huān ná jǐn shēn kù dāng wán jù
[15:07.15] Stop saying that. I hate that! bù zhǔn nǐ zài shuō zhè huà, hěn cì ěr
[15:09.52] suí biàn
[15:22.53] I judged you. I made a snap judgment. hǎo, wǒ bù gāi guāng kàn nǐ wài biǎo
[15:24.70] But you did it too, and you' re worse. You' re sticking to your judgment. dāng shí wǒ zhǐ kào dì yī yìn xiàng kě shì nǐ yě yí yàng ér qiě gèng zāo gāo yīn wèi nǐ zhǐ xiāng xìn dì yī yìn xiàng
[15:29.21] You can' t even open your mind to see you might be wrong. shèn zhì bù kěn fǎn xǐng zì jǐ duì bú duì
[15:32.81] What does that say about you? nǐ yǒu shén me zī gé shuō bié rén?
[15:35.38] That pizza place across the street any good? duì miàn nà jiā pī sà diàn hǎo chī ma?
[15:39.18] I' m hungry. You want some pizza? wǒ è le, yào bú yào qù chī pī sà?
[15:41.32] You can keep yelling. nǐ hái xiǎng mà rén yě kě yǐ jì xù hǒu
[15:43.89] suí biàn
[15:46.86] Stop saying that. I hate that. bù zhǔn shuō zhè huà, hěn cì ěr
[15:53.93] luó sī?
[15:56.00] Are you still mad? nǐ hái zài shēng wǒ men de qì ma? duì
[15:57.74] Good! We have an " I' m Sorry" song. hěn hǎo, yīn wèi wǒ men xiě le yī shǒu " hěn bào qiàn" de gē
[16:00.47] You know what? I' m not in the mood. gào sù nǐ men, wǒ xiàn zài xīn qíng bù hǎo
[16:03.47] Look, Ross. luó sī
[16:05.88] I feel really bad. You' re going through all this stuff... wǒ hěn nán guò nǐ shēng huó fā shēng jù dà gǎi biàn
[16:10.25] ... and I just acted like a jerk. wǒ què luàn jiǎng huà
[16:12.65] We are so sorry. You' re stepping on the song. duì, wǒ men dōu hěn duì bù qǐ nǐ men shuō chū gē cí le
[16:17.66] We were way out of line, all right? We totally support you. wǒ men shí zài tài lí pǔ le qí shí wǒ men dōu zhàn zài nǐ zhè biān
[16:21.56] Whatever you decide, whatever you do. wú lùn nǐ zuò shí mǒ jué dìng wǒ men dōu zàn chéng
[16:24.06] Now you' re just taking lines out of the song. gē cí bèi nǐ men shuō wán le wǒ hái chàng shén me?
[16:27.36] This is hard enough, okay? I really need you guys right now. bān jiā yǐ jīng gòu nán guò le xiàn zài zhēn de hěn xū yào nǐ men
[16:32.24] Yes, exactly! And that' s why.... méi cuò, suǒ yǐ wǒ men cái yào
[16:36.61] Why don' t you come over tonight, and I' ll make your favorite dinner. nǐ jīn wǎn guò lái wǒ bāng nǐ zhǔ jǐ dào nǐ ài chī de cài
[16:43.05] hǎo
[16:45.08] Thanks, you guys. xiè xiè nǐ men
[16:47.02] Are you wearing fur? fēi bǐ, nǐ shēn shàng zhè jiàn shì diāo pí ma?
[16:48.72] Let' s get some perspective, people. bié zài dà jīng xiǎo guài le
[16:57.56] You know, I think I kind of understand why I lost it today. luó sī, wǒ zhī dào wǒ wèi shí me tū rán bào fā le
[17:03.10] You do, huh? shì ma?
[17:04.87] You see... nǐ zhī dào
[17:06.04] ... I' m an actor, right? wǒ shì gè yǎn yuán
[17:08.31] So I got to keep my emotions right at the surface. suǒ yǐ wǒ de qíng xù bǐ jiào fēng fù nǐ liǎo jiě ma?
[17:12.61] I got a lot of balls in the air, you know? wǒ yào tóng shí miàn lín duō zhǒng qíng xù nǐ dǒng ma?
[17:17.38] It' s tough. Guys like me, you wander around, you' re alone. wǒ zhè zhǒng rén de shēng huó shí zài bù róng yì bì xū dào chù liú làng, gū gū dān dān
[17:23.72] What are you talking about? nǐ guǐ chě shén me?
[17:27.26] I' m not sure. wǒ yě bù xiǎo de
[17:31.26] Look at you! Where have you been? hāi, huí lái le, nǐ gāng shàng nǎ qù le?
[17:33.23] I went to have pizza. wǒ qù chī pī sà
[17:35.10] With Danny. hé dān ní
[17:37.43] What happened? That yeti is one smooth talker. zěn me kě néng? nà gè xuě rén kǒu cái zhēn hǎo
[17:41.61] Yetis are smoothtalkers. That' s why you never see any pictures of them. xuě rén dōu shì zhè yàng suǒ yǐ cóng lái méi rén kàn guò xuě rén de zhào piān
[17:44.74] " Come here, baby. Give me the camera." guāi, bǎo bèi, bǎ zhào xiàng jī jiāo gěi wǒ
[17:55.29] Why? wèi shí me?
[17:56.59] Come on, you guys! bài tuō nǐ men
[17:58.09] If Emily knew I was having dinner with you, she' d flip out. yào shì ài mì lì zhī dào wǒ gēn nǐ men yì qǐ chī fàn tā yí dìng huì zhuā kuáng
[18:04.26] It' s okay. I really don' t mind. méi guān xì wǒ wú suǒ wèi
[18:07.26] Wait, wait. You know what? Just stay. děng děng qǐng nǐ liú xià lái
[18:10.30] Please. bài tuō
[18:12.47] It would mean a lot for me if you stay. wǒ xī wàng nǐ liú xià lái
[18:16.44] Ross, I just luó sī
[18:17.67] Please, just have dinner with us! bài tuō nǐ, gēn wǒ men yì qǐ chī fàn
[18:22.78] Settle down. hǎo hǎo hǎo, qiáo yī, bié jī dòng
[18:24.52] All right. I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ, bào qiàn
[18:27.22] You see, Rach, I' m an actor. ruì qiū, yīn wèi wǒ shì yǎn yuán
[18:34.06] Hey, look! Ugly Naked Guy' s back. kàn, nà gè guāng pì gǔ de chǒu bā guài yòu chū xiàn le
[18:39.30] We haven' t seen him in so long. wǒ hǎo jiǔ méi kàn dào tā le
[18:41.23] Oh, God! I really missed that fat bastard. tiān a, wǒ zhēn xiǎng niàn zhè gè sǐ pàng zi
[18:48.84] This is so weird. zhè kě zhēn guǐ yì yì
[18:50.34] I realized this may be the last time we hang out together. wǒ gāng xiǎng dào zhè kě néng shì dà jiā zuì hòu yī cì yì qǐ guǐ hùn
[18:55.08] It' s almost as if he knew. tā sì hū yě zhī dào
[18:59.82] I' ll get it. wǒ lái jiē
[19:04.39] wèi
[19:06.22] Hi, Emily. hāi, ài mì lì
[19:09.73] You tracked him down. Hold on. tā zài zhè lǐ, nǐ děng děng
[19:14.20] hēi
[19:16.07] Yeah, we' re just having dinner. duì, wǒ men zhèng zài chī fàn
[19:20.27] Sure, hold on. hǎo, nǐ děng děng,
[19:22.07] She wants to say hi. tā gēn dà jiā dǎ zhāo hū
[19:26.94] Hi, Emily! hāi, ài mì lì hāi
[19:28.35] Hello, everyone. dà jiā hǎo
[19:30.01] So who am I saying hello to? nǐ men yǒu shuí zài a?
[19:32.35] Well, I don' t know about who' s here... wǒ bù zhī dào zhè lǐ yǒu shuí
[19:35.35] ... but I can tell you who' s not here, and that' s Rachel! bù guò ruì qiū kěn dìng bù zài
[19:41.13] I should hope not. Ross knows better than that by now. zuì hǎo shì zhè yàng luó sī yīng gāi hěn qīng chǔ le
[19:49.20] You know what? Rachel is here. qí shí ruì qiū yě zài
[19:51.64] She' s there? tā yě zài?
[19:53.40] Oh, yeah, there she is! duì, tā zài nà biān
[19:57.14] She' s here. tā zài zhè lǐ
[19:59.31] Take me off speakerphone. luó sī, qiè diào kuò yīn
[20:03.21] How could you do this to me? nǐ zěn me kě yǐ zhè yàng?
[20:05.88] I made my feelings about Rachel perfectly clear. wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ yǐ jīng bǎ ruì qiū de shì shuō de gòu qīng chǔ le
[20:09.00] I' m just having dinner with my friends, okay? ài mì lì, wǒ zhǐ shì gēn péng yǒu chī fàn
[20:13.32] You can' t keep away from her. That' s ridiculous. nǐ jiù shì xǐ huān gēn tā nián zài yì qǐ nǐ tài kuā zhāng le
[20:18.53] Hello? Hello? Who is this? nǐ shì shuí?
[20:21.80] It' s Ross. What are you doing? wǒ shì luó sī, nǐ gàn ma?
[20:24.84] Sorry, dude, I had to make a call. bào qiàn, lǎo xiōng, wǒ yào dǎ diàn huà
[20:28.54] Joey. qiáo yī
[20:34.38] Joey, they don' t have two lines, they have two phones. suī rán zhè lǐ yǒu liǎng zhī diàn huà dàn shì zhǐ yǒu yī tiáo diàn huà xiàn
[20:39.38] Gotcha. zhè yàng a
[20:43.32] I' m sorry. Emily, listen. I have never cheated on you. duì bù qǐ, ài mì lì wǒ cóng lái méi piàn guò nǐ
[20:48.03] I' m moving for you. I' m cutting friends out of my life for you. wǒ yuàn yì wèi nǐ bān jiā yuàn yì wèi nǐ bú jiàn péng yǒu
[20:52.46] Please, get on the plane and come to New York, okay? qiú qiú nǐ kuài dā fēi jī lái niǔ yuē
[20:57.00] You' re the only one I want to be with. nǐ jiù zhī dào wǒ zhǐ xiǎng gēn nǐ zài yì qǐ
[20:59.64] I' ll feel better when I' m there. I can know where you are all the time. rú guǒ wǒ zài nà biān jiù bú huì zhè me jǐn zhāng le yě kě yǐ suí shí zhī dào nǐ zài nǎ lǐ
[21:07.08] You can' t know where I am all the time. nǐ bù kě néng yǒng yuǎn zhǎng wò wǒ de xíng zōng
[21:11.75] This marriage will never work if you don' t trust me. rú guǒ nǐ bù xìn rèn wǒ zhè gè hūn yīn yǒng yuǎn yǒu wèn tí
[21:17.39] You' re right. nǐ shuō de duì
[21:21.89] Can you trust me? nǐ néng xiāng xìn wǒ ma?
[21:28.27] bù néng
[21:33.20] I think it' s going okay. hǎo xiàng hěn shùn lì
[21:35.74] Looks like he' s smiling. tā hǎo xiàng zài wēi xiào
[21:37.24] How can you tell? You can only see his back. nǐ zěn me zhī dào? nǐ zhǐ kàn de dào tā de bèi yǐng
[21:40.94] You can totally tell! dāng rán kàn de chū lái
[21:42.91] Here, look, watch me. nǐ men kàn
[21:45.52] Smile. wēi xiào
[21:46.72] Frown. Smile. zhòu méi, wēi xiào
[21:48.75] Frown. zhòu méi
[21:50.09] Smile. wēi xiào
[22:05.14] I guess that' s it. dà gài wán wán le
[22:07.10] Why? What happened? zěn me le? zěn me huí shì?
[22:09.91] My marriage is over. wǒ de hūn yīn wán le
[22:12.51] qīn ài de
[22:14.48] Look at you, you' re shivering. kàn kàn nǐ, quán shēn fā dǒu
[22:23.55] Honey, is there anything we can do? luó sī, xū yào wǒ men zuò shí mǒ ma?
[22:30.59] You can help me get my furniture back from Gunther. kě yǐ, bāng wǒ gēn ā gān yào huí jiā jù
[22:52.85] Stop tormenting me! bié zài zhé mó wǒ le
[22:56.75] This is mink, okay? They' re mean, and they hate squirrels. zhè shì diāo, diāo hěn huài. ér qiě diāo tǎo yàn sōng shǔ
[23:01.19] Most of these probably wanted to be coats. hěn duō diāo dōu xiǎng bèi zuò chéng diāo pí
[23:06.53] Fine. No, I get it. hǎo hǎo hǎo, wǒ zhī dào le
[23:08.50] Here. ná qù
[23:10.17] You take it. gěi nǐ
[23:12.24] Are you happy now? I' m cold! gāo xìng le ba? wǒ kuài lěng sǐ le