Friends S05E14

歌曲 Friends S05E14
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第五季)


[00:03.40] Guys,look! Ugly Naked Guy's putting stuff in boxes.
[00:10.64] I'd say our naked buddy is moving.
[00:13.64] Ironically,most of the boxes seem to be labeled "Clothes." 讽刺的是大部分的箱子 都标示着“衣服”
[00:18.75] I'm going to miss that big old squishy butt.
[00:21.38] And we're done with the chicken fried rice. 鸡肉炒饭没了
[00:25.92] If he's moving,maybe I should try to get his place! 如果他要搬走 我可以去把那里租下来
[00:30.06] It would be so cool to live across from you guys. 好主意 跟你们遥遥相对多好玩啊
[00:32.99] We could do that telephone thing... 那我们就可以玩电话游戏
[00:35.33] ...where you have a can, we have a can... 你一个罐子,我们一个罐子
[00:38.10] ...and it's connected by a string. 中间有一条线
[00:41.67] Or we could do the actual telephone thing. 或者我们也可以打真的电话
[00:47.08] He's got packing tape stuck to where you really don't want it. 糟糕,他的第三点黏到胶带了
[00:50.68] Get it off,fat man! Get it off! 快撕掉啊,肥仔
[00:54.38] Oh,no,he's trying to pull it off slowly. 糟糕,他想慢慢撕下来
[00:57.09] Take it from me,if you're gonna pull tape off yourself,it's gotta be in one quick motion. 相信我,撕胶带一定要快狠准
[01:02.42] Like that. 就像那样
[01:04.76] The One Where Everyone Finds Out 本集播出:“尔虞我诈”
[01:51.17] Oh,my God. I love this apartment! 天哪,我爱死这层公寓了
[01:54.41] Isn't it perfect? 很完美吧?
[01:55.94] I can't believe I never realized how great it is! 我居然没发现这里有这么棒
[01:59.85] Because your eye goes to the big naked man.
[02:03.79] It's amazing! 太棒了
[02:05.35] Hurry up with an application, or I'll beat you to it. 你最好赶快去申请 否则我会抢先
[02:13.53] Well,I'm going to use Ugly Naked Guy's bathroom.
[02:21.97] Look! There's Monica and Chandler. 你看,是摩妮卡和钱德
[02:25.54] Hey,you guys! Hey. 喂,你们好,喂
[02:37.82] Chandler and Monica! 钱德和摩妮卡
[02:40.49] Oh,my God! 天哪
[02:42.02] 钱德和摩妮卡!
[02:45.16] Oh,my eyes! 我要瞎了!
[02:46.39] My eyes! 我要瞎了
[02:49.43] It's okay! 菲比,没事的
[02:50.73] -They're doing it! -I know! 不!他们搞在一起 我知道
[02:52.90] -I know! -You know? 我知道 你知道?
[02:55.17] Yes,I know it. Joey knows, but Ross doesn't,so stop screaming! 对,我知道,乔伊也知道 但罗斯不知道 所以你别再叫了
[02:59.51] What's going on? 怎么了?
[03:03.68] -What? -Nothing! 怎么了? 没事
[03:05.28] We are so excited that you'll get this apartment! 我们只是好兴奋你要搬来这里
[03:08.82] Looks really good. 这里的确很棒
[03:10.05] Looks pretty good! 非常棒
[03:13.02] Get in here! Come on! 快过来啊
[03:20.56] 中央咖啡馆
[03:22.26] You mean whenever Monica and Chandler... 你是说每次摩妮卡和钱德
[03:24.87] ...were doing laundry or going grocery shopping? 去洗衣服或买东西或....
[03:28.27] The time Monica spent on the phone with Linda from camp? 她每次跟伤心的琳达讲电话
[03:31.61] Doing it,doing it,phone,doing it.
[03:35.01] I can't believe it! 真不敢相信
[03:37.01] I think it's great. For him. 真是太好了…对男方来说
[03:39.68] She could do better. 女方可以有更好的对象
[03:43.25] Hey,you guys. 你们好
[03:44.52] Come here! What? 乔伊,快过来 怎样?
[03:46.09] Phoebe found out about Monica and Chandler. 菲比发现摩妮卡和钱德的事了
[03:48.56] You mean how they're friends and nothing more? 就是他们是朋友,如此而已?
[03:53.36] Joey, she knows. 不,乔伊,她知道了
[03:55.03] We saw them doing it through the window.
[03:58.97] Actually,we saw them doing it up against the window. 应该说是靠着窗户在做
[04:04.01] We saw them fornicating. 我们看到他们私通
[04:08.71] So they know you know, and they don't know that Rachel knows? 他们知道你知道 但是不知道瑞秋知道?
[04:12.31] Yes,but it doesn't matter who knows what. 对,但现在这些都不重要了
[04:15.92] Now enough of us know that we could just tell them we know. 我们有三个人知道 就可以告诉他们了
[04:19.32] All the lying and the secrets will finally be over. 我再也不必为了保密而说谎了
[04:22.59] Or,we could not tell them we know, and have a little fun. 或者我们也可以不告诉他们 自己来找点乐子
[04:28.40] What do you mean? 什么意思?
[04:29.73] If they say they are doing laundry, we'll give them laundry to do. 譬如每次他们说要洗衣服 我们就给他们一堆衣服洗
[04:35.47] I would enjoy that. 我喜欢
[04:38.14] You know what would be even more fun? Telling them. 你知道怎样更好玩? 告诉他们
[04:42.41] -That doesn't sound like fun. -So we'll make it fun. 听起来不好玩 那就让它变好玩
[04:45.45] We'll do it like a barbershop quartet! 我们可以学理发店四重唱
[04:48.65] We know,we know,we know 我们知道…
[04:54.42] No,I want to do Phoebe's thing. 不,我想照菲比的做法
[04:56.59] I can't take 我没办法再…
[04:57.76] You don't have to do anything. Just don't tell them we know. 你只要别说我们知道就行了
[05:01.46] No. I can't take anymore secrets. 不要,我没办法再保密了
[05:03.56] I got your secrets,their secrets, secrets of my own. 我有你们的秘密,他们的秘密 还有我自己的秘密
[05:08.60] You don't have any secrets. 你才没有秘密
[05:11.61] Well, you don't know about Hugsy, my bedtime penguin pal. 是吗?你就不知道 我有个企鹅抱枕叫抱宝
[05:21.62] How are we going to mess with them? 所以…我们要怎么耍他们?
[05:24.52] You could use your position as the roommate. 你可以利用室友的身分
[05:27.26] And I would use the strongest tool at my disposal. 我就运用我最大的本钱
[05:31.13] My sexuality. 我的性感
[05:33.86] Hello,children. 孩子们
[05:36.90] Watch. Learn. And don't eat my cookie. 仔细看,学着点 别吃我的饼干
[05:43.94] That jacket looks great on you. 你穿这件外套真好看
[05:47.21] -Really? -The material is so soft. 是吗? 这个料子摸起来好软…
[05:49.61] Hello,Mr. Bicep. 二头肌先生
[05:53.95] You're working out? 你有在健身吗?
[05:55.32] I try to squeeze things. 我有在挤牙膏
[06:03.73] Are you okay? 你还好吗?
[06:05.33] If you really want to know 如果你真的想知道
[06:07.73] I can't tell you this. 我不能告诉你
[06:10.23] You can tell me anything. 菲比,你什么都可以告诉我
[06:12.17] Actually,you are the one person I can't tell this to. 事实上我就是不能告诉你
[06:15.60] And the one person I want to the most. 但我又最想告诉你
[06:20.94] What's going on? 怎么了?
[06:23.34] I just haven't been with a guy in so long... 因为我很久没跟男人在一起了
[06:26.81] ...and sometimes you're looking for something... 有时你一直寻寻觅觅
[06:29.62] ...and it's right there in front of you,sipping coffee.... 却没发现他就在你眼前喝咖啡
[06:33.52] Oh,no. Have I said too much? 我说太多了吗?
[06:38.33] Just something to think about. I know I will. 总之你考虑一下,我就会考虑
[06:54.78] You are so cute. 你好可爱
[06:57.01] How did you get to be so cute? 你怎么会这么可爱?
[06:59.61] My grandfather was Swedish. 我爷爷是瑞典人
[07:02.05] And my grandmother was a tiny little bunny. 我奶奶其实是只拇指兔
[07:06.49] Now you're even cuter. 你变得更可爱了
[07:09.86] -You know,that is a popular opinion today,I must say. -What? 这简直是今天的民意 什么?
[07:14.36] The weirdest thing happened at the coffeehouse. 今天在咖啡馆有一件怪事
[07:17.23] I think Phoebe was hitting on me. 我觉得菲比在钓我
[07:20.07] What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
[07:21.85] I'm telling you I think Phoebe thinks I'm foxy. 是真的,菲比觉得我很有魅力
[07:27.81] It's not possible. 不可能
[07:33.25] I'm sorry,Phoebe's just always thought you were charming... 抱歉,只是在菲比眼中
[07:36.88] a sexless kind of way. 你的迷人是无性的
[07:39.25] You know,I can't hear that enough. 这种话真是百听不厌
[07:43.42] I'm sorry, I just think you misunderstood her. 抱歉,你应该误解她的意思了
[07:45.89] No, I didn't,okay? She was all over me. 我没有误解,好吗? 她只差没扑上来
[07:48.76] She touched my bicep, for crying out loud. 她还摸我的二头肌尖叫
[07:51.73] This bicep? 这个二头肌?
[07:53.23] Well,it's not flexed right now. 是我现在没挤它
[07:59.74] Why is it so hard for you to believe that Phoebe could be attracted to me? 为什么你这么难相信 菲比对我有意思?
[08:02.88] It's not. 我没有啊
[08:04.61] All the girls are attracted to you. 女生都会对你有意思
[08:07.62] You're part bunny. 你有拇指兔的血统
[08:14.86] Mon, What are you doing now? you want to come see a movie with us? 摩妮卡,你要干什么? 要不要一起去看电影?
[08:18.63] Actually,I was going to do some laundry. 事实上我正要去洗衣服
[08:24.17] Want to do it with me? 钱德,要不要一起去?
[08:25.73] Sure,I'll do it with you. 好啊,我跟你一起去
[08:29.04] Okay,great. Hold on a second. 太好了,等一下
[08:34.18] Here you go. 拿去
[08:36.71] That would really help me out a lot. Thanks. 不介意吧?这样我就轻松多了 谢谢
[08:41.05] You know what? I don't have enough quarters. 我的硬币应该不够
[08:43.75] I have quarters! 我这里有
[08:49.92] Great. Now we can do laundry all night. All night laundry! 太好了 我们可以洗一整晚的衣服了
[08:56.00] Hey,any word on the apartment yet? 罗斯,公寓申请得怎样?
[08:58.43] I called there,and it turns out Naked Guy is subletting it.
[09:02.27] He's already had 100 applicants. 而且已经有一大堆申请者
[09:04.27] -Oh,man. -No,no,it's okay. 没关系
[09:06.37] Because you know what the difference between them and me is? 我跟他们的差别是…
[09:10.11] Your history of bedwetting? 你有尿床的历史?
[09:12.95] Hey,I trusted you,man! 你怎么可以说出来
[09:17.08] Anyway,the difference is... 总之差别是...
[09:19.32] ...I've got the edge. 我占了优势
[09:20.89] It's not exactly ethical, but I sent him a bribe... 我知道这样有点奸诈 但我送了点东西...
[09:23.89] tip the scales in my direction. ...去贿赂他
[09:26.66] You can see it from the window. 从窗户搞不好看得到
[09:31.40] -Is it that pinball machine with the big bow on it? -No. 是那个打了蝴蝶结的弹珠台吗 不是
[09:36.60] -That new mountain bike? -No. 那辆新的登山车? 不是
[09:41.58] What did you send? 那你送什么?
[09:43.11] A basket of mini muffins. 一篮小英式松饼
[09:47.01] There's a whole table of them. Which one did you send? 但桌上全都是小英式松饼 哪一篮是你送的?
[09:51.55] The small one. 小的那一篮
[09:54.36] You actually thought that basket was going to get you the apartment? 什么?你真以为那篮松饼 能帮你争取到公寓?
[09:59.46] Someone sent us a basket at work, and people went crazy over those muffins. 对,我们办公室曾经收到一篮 大家都爱得不得了
[10:04.40] It was the best day. 那天真的很高兴
[10:06.27] Your work makes me sad. 你的工作让我觉得好悲惨
[10:09.97] Oh, man, I want that place so much! 真是的,我好想要那层公寓
[10:13.24] And I was so sure that was going to work. 我还以为一定会成功
[10:16.21] There's 12 bucks I'll never see again. 那12块算是丢到水里了
[10:20.15] We'd better go if we want to catch that movie. 菲比,想看电影就得快了
[10:23.42] Bye. 再见
[10:25.25] Bye, Chandler. I miss you already. 钱德再见,我已经开始想你了
[10:33.29] Did you see that? The inappropriate, and the pinching? 你看到她嗲哩嗲气还捏我吗?
[10:36.40] Actually,I did. 我看到了
[10:37.73] So do you believe that she's attracted to me? 你相信她对我有意思了吧?
[10:42.27] Oh,my God! She knows about us! 天哪,她知道我们的事了?
[10:45.47] Are you serious? 真的还假的?
[10:46.64] She knows,and she's trying to freak us out! 菲比知道了,她想吓我们
[10:49.61] That's the only explanation! 这是唯一的解释
[10:54.98] But what about my pinchable butt and my bulging biceps?
[10:59.82] She knows! 她知道了
[11:07.80] Joey! 乔伊
[11:09.43] Yeah? 怎样?
[11:12.50] Phoebe knows about us. 菲比知道我们的事了
[11:14.90] I didn't tell them! 我没告诉她们
[11:16.44] Them? 她们?
[11:17.74] Who's "them"? 她们是谁?
[11:20.44] Phoebe and Joey. 菲比和乔伊
[11:24.98] Joey! 乔伊
[11:26.55] And Rachel. 和瑞秋
[11:28.12] I would have told you, but I promised not to tell. 我想告诉你们 但她们逼我不能说
[11:31.59] I'm sorry. 天哪 对不起,
[11:32.75] But it's over now,right? 那现在没事了吧?
[11:34.62] You can tell them you know they know, and I can go back to knowing nothing! 你们可以告诉她们你们知道了 我就可以恢复我状况外的本色
[11:40.70] Unless 除非…
[11:42.30] Not "unless"! This must end now! 没有除非,现在就要了结
[11:45.10] They think they are so slick messing with us. 她们还自以为高明
[11:48.80] But they don't know that we know that they know. 她们不知道我们知道她们知道
[11:53.37] So 所以…
[11:54.58] The messers become the messees! 没错,耍人的变成被耍的
[12:00.38] Come on, you guys. Think how much fun it would be to tell. 拜托啦,说出来多好玩
[12:03.62] We know,we know,we know 我们知道…
[12:09.09] What? 什么?
[12:11.76] Oh, that wasn't you. 对喔,你们不知道
[12:17.87] Honey,you got to stop torturing yourself. 不 罗斯,别再折磨自己了
[12:20.57] Why don't you find another apartment? 你去找别的房子嘛
[12:22.87] I've already looked at 1000 apartments this month. 我这个月已经看了上千个房子
[12:25.91] None of them even compares to that one. 没有一间比得上那一间
[12:28.41] Well,except for one,but I would have had to share it with an Armenian family. 有一间不错但是我得跟 一家亚美尼亚人一起住
[12:33.18] Grandma really liked me. 那个奶奶很喜欢我
[12:36.05] But I want Ugly Naked apartment!
[12:40.19] You know what you should do? 你知道你应该怎么做?
[12:41.69] You should find out his hobbies and use that to bond with him. 你应该找出他的嗜好 拿来跟他套交情
[12:46.03] Like if I wanted something from Joey... 例如我对乔伊有所求
[12:48.20] ...I would strike up a conversation about sandwiches... 我就会聊…三明治
[12:54.74] ...or my underwear. 或是我的内衣
[12:57.44] I'm listening. 我在听
[13:01.91] That is a great idea! 看吧 好棒的主意
[13:04.48] And I know Ugly Naked Guy because we've been watching him for five years.
[13:09.28] So that gives me back my edge! 所以我又重新占了上风
[13:12.95] Let's see now. He had the trampoline. 好,他有一张跳床
[13:15.89] He broke that. 被他跳坏了
[13:17.12] -He had gravity boots. -He broke those too. 他有一双重力靴 也被他穿坏了
[13:21.13] So he likes to break stuff. 所以他喜欢破坏东西
[13:26.60] I've got to go pick up Ben. But I will figure something out. 好,我得去接班 不过我会想出来的
[13:30.81] Didn't he used to have a cat? 他之前不是有一只猫?
[13:32.84] I wouldn't bring that up. It would bum him out. 别提那个,会害他心情不好
[13:35.81] Poor cat never saw that big butt coming.
[13:41.88] 喂?
[13:44.52] Hold on a second, she's right here. 在,等一下,她就在旁边
[13:46.99] It's Chandler. 钱德找你
[13:51.63] Hello,you. 你好
[13:53.79] Phoebe, I've been thinking about you all day. 菲比,我一整天都在想你
[13:59.83] You know that thing you said before? I was intrigued. 你之前的提议 说我不心动是骗人的
[14:04.00] Really? 是吗?
[14:05.37] Joey won't be here tonight. 对,乔伊晚上不在
[14:07.27] Why don't you come over? I'll let you feel my bicep. 你要不要过来 我让你摸我的二头肌
[14:11.31] Or maybe more. 甚至是别的地方
[14:15.85] I'll have to get back to you on that. Okay, bye. 我待会再给你答覆,再见
[14:20.39] He wants me to come over and feel his bicep and more! 天哪,他找我去摸他的二头肌 和别的地方
[14:24.89] -Are you kidding? -No! 不会吧? 是真的
[14:26.23] I cannot believe he would do that to Mon 他居然背着摩妮卡…
[14:37.54] Joey? Do they know that we know? 乔伊,他们知道我们知道吗?
[14:41.01] -No. -Joey! 不知道 乔伊
[14:43.18] They know you know. 他们知道你们知道了
[14:44.21] I knew it! 我就知道
[14:47.62] I would say,"Thank God! Everybody knows! It's finally over!" 我本来会说:谢天谢地 大家都知道了,总算没事了
[14:51.02] But that hasn't been working for me. 但每次说都没用
[14:54.42] I cannot believe those two! 那两个人真扯
[14:56.49] They thought they could mess with us? Trying to mess with us? 他们以为他们可以耍我们 想耍我们是吧?
[15:02.56] They don't know that we know they know we know. 他们不知道我们知道 他们知道我们知道了
[15:07.40] Joey,you can't say anything. 乔伊,你不能说
[15:09.67] Couldn't if I wanted to. 我也不想说了
[15:18.38] Good evening,sir. I'm Ross Geller. I'm one of the applicants. 你好,我是罗斯盖勒 我也申请要租你的房子
[15:23.48] I realize that the competition is fierce but.... 我知道竞争很激烈,但是…
[15:29.19] I'm sorry, I can't help but notice that you're naked. 抱歉,我注意到你光着身体
[15:37.67] I applaud you. 我为你鼓掌
[15:39.50] Man,I wish I was naked. 我也好想光着身体
[15:42.60] I mean,this looks so great. 看起来好舒服
[15:46.41] That is how God intended it. 这正是上帝造人的本意
[15:51.65] Look. They're panicked! 你看她们多慌
[15:53.51] They'll totally back down. 她们绝对会退缩 没错
[15:56.82] If he wants a date, he's going to get a date. 好,他敢约我就敢去
[15:59.92] I'm going to go in. 我要过去了
[16:01.76] Be sexy. 性感一点
[16:04.69] Please. 拜托
[16:17.24] I'd love to come by tonight. 钱德,我晚上可以过去
[16:23.41] Really? 真的?
[16:24.61] Absolutely. Say,around 7? 当然,就7点吧?
[16:28.08] Yes. 好
[16:31.20] Good. I'm really looking forward to you and me having sexual intercourse. 很好 我很期待跟你发生关系
[16:41.26] Hey,check it out! 快来看!
[16:42.93] Naked Guy's got a naked friend.
[16:51.11] Oh, yeah. 真的
[16:53.87] Oh,my God! That's our friend! 天哪,那是我们的朋友
[16:57.98] It's Naked Ross! 是罗斯
[17:03.85] Would you like another mini muffin? 你还要小英式松饼吗?
[17:06.49] Try the blueberry,they're delicious. 吃吃看蓝莓口味,很好吃
[17:16.76] Showtime! 上场罗
[17:18.93] -Rachel,get me perfume. -Ok. 瑞秋,拿香水来 好
[17:20.70] Joey, can you get me a bottle of wine and glasses? 乔伊,帮我拿一瓶酒两个酒杯
[17:31.98] All right,thanks,but glasses that do not have handles and that are glass. 谢谢,但我要的是 没把手的玻璃杯
[17:37.12] And wine that is not olive oil. 我要酒不要橄榄油
[17:41.62] You just make her think you want to have sex with her and it will freak her out. 放心好了 只要让她以为你想跟她 她绝对会吓到
[17:47.66] How far am I gonna have to go with her? 我到底得撑到什么程度?
[17:50.20] Relax, she'll give in way before you do. 别紧张,她会比你先投降
[17:52.33] How do you know? 你怎么知道?
[17:53.53] Because you're on my team. My team always wins. 因为你跟我同一队 我这一队总是赢
[17:58.21] At this? 赢这种事?
[18:00.71] Just go get some! Go! 总之去吓她,快去
[18:05.31] Now,I'm going to try to listen from right here. 好,我会站在门外听 好
[18:08.22] Oh,wait. 等一下
[18:10.15] Good idea. 好主意
[18:11.65] Don't give away the farm. 等等 别把料都爆光了
[18:20.29] 菲比
[18:23.93] Come on in. 钱德 进来吧
[18:26.43] I was going to. 我正要进去
[18:30.57] I brought some wine. Would you like some? 我带了酒来,你要吗?
[18:33.07] Sure. 好啊
[18:42.42] So here we are. 总算要开始了
[18:44.12] Nervous? 紧张吗?
[18:45.42] Me? No. You? 我?不会,你呢?
[18:47.72] I want this to happen. 不会,这样正合我意
[18:51.36] So do l. 我也是
[19:06.41] I'm going to put on some music. 我去放点音乐
[19:15.48] Joey likes to scare the duck. 乔伊喜欢吓鸭子
[19:21.12] Maybe I'll dance for you. 我跳舞给你看好了
[19:42.24] You look good. 你真美
[19:45.41] Thanks. 谢谢
[19:47.41] You know,when you say things like that,it makes me... 你说这种话 让我...
[19:51.59] ...want to rip that sweater vest right off. 好想扯掉你的毛衣背心
[19:57.19] Why don't we move into the bedroom? 不如进房里再说吧?
[19:59.26] Really? 真的吗?
[20:00.46] Do you not want to? 你不想吗?
[20:04.20] First I want to take off all my clothes... 不是,只是我想先脱掉衣服
[20:07.53] ...and have you rub lotion on me. 让你替我擦乳液
[20:11.81] That would be nice. 听起来不错
[20:16.48] I'll go get the lotion. 我去拿乳液
[20:22.38] It's way out of hand. She wants me to put lotion on her! 情况完全失控了 她要我帮她擦乳液
[20:25.69] -She's bluffing! -She's not backing down. 她在唬你 她没打算放弃
[20:28.62] She went like this 她还这样
[20:32.56] He's not backing down. He went to get lotion. 他没打算放弃,他去拿乳液了
[20:35.66] It's Chandler. You can take him. 他是钱德,你可以搞定他
[20:37.97] Come on. Don't you remember when you made him cry using only your words? 还记得你曾经把他骂哭吗?
[20:44.87] Aren't you guys done yet? 真是的,你们还没好吗?
[20:47.11] I want to sit in my chair! 我想坐我的椅子
[20:50.21] The sooner Phoebe breaks him,the sooner it's over and out in the open. 乔伊,菲比一突破钱德的心防 这一切就结束公开了
[20:55.52] I like that. 我喜欢
[20:58.12] Show him your bra. He's afraid of bras. Can't work them. 我知道,让他看你的胸罩 他怕胸罩,他解不开
[21:02.76] Joey! 乔伊
[21:09.36] You didn't rip off any buttons. 你没把扣子都挑开
[21:12.13] It's not my first time. 老经验了
[21:16.04] Go back there and seduce her till she cracks! 你给我回去,色诱她让她屈服
[21:19.14] Give me a second. 好,等一下
[21:21.48] -Did you clean up in here? -Of course! 你打扫过吗? 当然!
[21:30.28] You're going? 你要走了?
[21:31.95] Not without you,lover. 除非你跟我走,爱人
[21:39.06] So this is my bra. 这是我的内衣
[21:45.83] It's very,very nice. 很好看
[21:50.10] Well,come here. 过来
[21:52.84] I'm very happy we're going to have all the sex. 我很高兴我们要睡觉了
[21:57.18] You should be. I'm very bendy. 你是该高兴,我的身体很柔软
[22:05.32] I'll kiss you now. 我要吻你了
[22:06.85] Not if I kiss you first. 除非我先吻你
[22:28.98] I guess there's nothing left for us to do but kiss. 接下来就只能接吻了
[22:32.78] Here it comes. 终于来了
[22:35.68] Our first kiss. 我们的初吻
[22:47.66] You win! 好,你赢了
[22:49.93] I can't have sex with you! 我不能跟你上睡觉
[22:51.10] -And why not? -I'm in love with Monica! 为什么? 因为我爱摩妮卡
[22:53.37] You're what? 你什么?
[22:57.07] Love her! That's right! 没错,我爱她
[22:58.47] I...LOVE...HER! 我,爱她
[22:59.91] I love her! 我爱她!
[23:06.88] I love you,Monica. 我爱你,摩妮卡
[23:09.62] I love you too,Chandler. 我也爱你,钱德
[23:17.32] I thought you were doing it. I didn't know you were in love! 我以为你们只是搞在一起 我不知道你们相爱
[23:23.56] Dude! 兄弟
[23:26.73] Hats off to Phoebe. Quite a competitor. 向菲比致敬,强劲的对手
[23:31.17] May I say your breasts are still showing. 此外你的胸部还晾在外面
[23:33.61] God. 天哪
[23:35.98] All right! So that's it? 就这样
[23:37.78] It's over. Everybody knows! 结束了 大家都知道了
[23:39.71] Actually,Ross doesn't. 罗斯还不知道
[23:41.48] We'd appreciate it if no one told him yet. 对,请你们先别告诉他
[23:52.19] Well,here it is. 就是这里
[23:53.93] A new place for a new Ross. 新罗斯的新家
[23:56.23] I'll have you and the guys from work over, once it's furnished. 我一布置好就请你和同事来坐
[24:00.23] I must say it's nice to see you back on your feet. 很高兴看到你重新振作
[24:02.60] I am that, and the whole rage thing is definitely behind me. 我是振作了 脾气暴躁的事都过去了
[24:06.81] I wonder if it's time for you to rejoin our museum team? 你是不是该回馆里上班了?
[24:10.14] That would be great. 那就太好了
[24:11.78] I am totally ready to come back to work. I... 我已经准备好重回岗位,我…
[24:16.72] What? No! 什么?不
[24:21.15] What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[24:24.26] Get off my sister! 别压着我妹妹


[00:03.40] Guys, look! Ugly Naked Guy' s putting stuff in boxes.
[00:10.64] I' d say our naked buddy is moving.
[00:13.64] Ironically, most of the boxes seem to be labeled " Clothes." fěng cì de shì dà bù fèn de xiāng zi dōu biāo shì zhe" yī fú"
[00:18.75] I' m going to miss that big old squishy butt.
[00:21.38] And we' re done with the chicken fried rice. jī ròu chǎo fàn méi le
[00:25.92] If he' s moving, maybe I should try to get his place! rú guǒ tā yào bān zǒu wǒ kě yǐ qù bǎ nà lǐ zū xià lái
[00:30.06] It would be so cool to live across from you guys. hǎo zhǔ yì gēn nǐ men yáo yáo xiāng duì duō hǎo wán a
[00:32.99] We could do that telephone thing... nà wǒ men jiù kě yǐ wán diàn huà yóu xì
[00:35.33] ... where you have a can, we have a can... nǐ yí gè guàn zi, wǒ men yí gè guàn zi
[00:38.10] ... and it' s connected by a string. zhōng jiān yǒu yī tiáo xiàn
[00:41.67] Or we could do the actual telephone thing. huò zhě wǒ men yě kě yǐ dǎ zhēn de diàn huà
[00:47.08] He' s got packing tape stuck to where you really don' t want it. zāo gāo, tā de dì sān diǎn nián dào jiāo dài le
[00:50.68] Get it off, fat man! Get it off! kuài sī diào a, féi zǐ
[00:54.38] Oh, no, he' s trying to pull it off slowly. zāo gāo, tā xiǎng màn màn sī xià lái
[00:57.09] Take it from me, if you' re gonna pull tape off yourself, it' s gotta be in one quick motion. xiāng xìn wǒ, sī jiāo dài yí dìng yào kuài hěn zhǔn
[01:02.42] Like that. jiù xiàng nà yàng
[01:04.76] The One Where Everyone Finds Out běn jí bō chū:" ěr yú wǒ zhà"
[01:51.17] Oh, my God. I love this apartment! tiān na, wǒ ài sǐ zhè céng gōng yù le
[01:54.41] Isn' t it perfect? hěn wán měi ba?
[01:55.94] I can' t believe I never realized how great it is! wǒ jū rán méi fā xiàn zhè lǐ yǒu zhè me bàng
[01:59.85] Because your eye goes to the big naked man.
[02:03.79] It' s amazing! tài bàng le
[02:05.35] Hurry up with an application, or I' ll beat you to it. nǐ zuì hǎo gǎn kuài qù shēn qǐng fǒu zé wǒ huì qiǎng xiān
[02:13.53] Well, I' m going to use Ugly Naked Guy' s bathroom.
[02:21.97] Look! There' s Monica and Chandler. nǐ kàn, shì mó nī kǎ hé qián dé
[02:25.54] Hey, you guys! Hey. wèi, nǐ men hǎo, wèi
[02:37.82] Chandler and Monica! qián dé hé mó nī kǎ
[02:40.49] Oh, my God! tiān na
[02:42.02] qián dé hé mó nī kǎ!
[02:45.16] Oh, my eyes! wǒ yào xiā le!
[02:46.39] My eyes! wǒ yào xiā le
[02:49.43] It' s okay! fēi bǐ, méi shì de
[02:50.73] They' re doing it! I know! bù! tā men gǎo zài yì qǐ wǒ zhī dào
[02:52.90] I know! You know? wǒ zhī dào nǐ zhī dào?
[02:55.17] Yes, I know it. Joey knows, but Ross doesn' t, so stop screaming! duì, wǒ zhī dào, qiáo yī yě zhī dào dàn luó sī bù zhī dào suǒ yǐ nǐ bié zài jiào le
[02:59.51] What' s going on? zěn me le?
[03:03.68] What? Nothing! zěn me le? méi shì
[03:05.28] We are so excited that you' ll get this apartment! wǒ men zhǐ shì hǎo xīng fèn nǐ yào bān lái zhè lǐ
[03:08.82] Looks really good. zhè lǐ dí què hěn bàng
[03:10.05] Looks pretty good! fēi cháng bàng
[03:13.02] Get in here! Come on! kuài guò lái a
[03:20.56] zhōng yāng kā fēi guǎn
[03:22.26] You mean whenever Monica and Chandler... nǐ shì shuō měi cì mó nī kǎ hé qián dé
[03:24.87] ... were doing laundry or going grocery shopping? qù xǐ yī fú huò mǎi dōng xi huò....
[03:28.27] The time Monica spent on the phone with Linda from camp? tā měi cì gēn shāng xīn de lín dá jiǎng diàn huà
[03:31.61] Doing it, doing it, phone, doing it.
[03:35.01] I can' t believe it! zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn
[03:37.01] I think it' s great. For him. zhēn shì tài hǎo le duì nán fāng lái shuō
[03:39.68] She could do better. nǚ fāng kě yǐ yǒu gèng hǎo de duì xiàng
[03:43.25] Hey, you guys. nǐ men hǎo
[03:44.52] Come here! What? qiáo yī, kuài guò lái zěn yàng?
[03:46.09] Phoebe found out about Monica and Chandler. fēi bǐ fā xiàn mó nī kǎ hé qián dé de shì le
[03:48.56] You mean how they' re friends and nothing more? jiù shì tā men shì péng yǒu, rú cǐ ér yǐ?
[03:53.36] Joey, she knows. bù, qiáo yī, tā zhī dào le
[03:55.03] We saw them doing it through the window.
[03:58.97] Actually, we saw them doing it up against the window. yīng gāi shuō shì kào zhe chuāng hù zài zuò
[04:04.01] We saw them fornicating. wǒ men kàn dào tā men sī tōng
[04:08.71] So they know you know, and they don' t know that Rachel knows? tā men zhī dào nǐ zhī dào dàn shì bù zhī dào ruì qiū zhī dào?
[04:12.31] Yes, but it doesn' t matter who knows what. duì, dàn xiàn zài zhèi xiē dōu bù zhòng yào le
[04:15.92] Now enough of us know that we could just tell them we know. wǒ men yǒu sān ge rén zhī dào jiù kě yǐ gào sù tā men le
[04:19.32] All the lying and the secrets will finally be over. wǒ zài yě bù bì wèi le bǎo mì ér shuō huǎng le
[04:22.59] Or, we could not tell them we know, and have a little fun. huò zhě wǒ men yě kě yǐ bù gào sù tā men zì jǐ lái zhǎo diǎn lè zǐ
[04:28.40] What do you mean? shén me yì sī?
[04:29.73] If they say they are doing laundry, we' ll give them laundry to do. pì rú měi cì tā men shuō yào xǐ yī fú wǒ men jiù gěi tā men yī duī yī fú xǐ
[04:35.47] I would enjoy that. wǒ xǐ huān
[04:38.14] You know what would be even more fun? Telling them. nǐ zhī dào zěn yàng gèng hǎo wán? gào sù tā men
[04:42.41] That doesn' t sound like fun. So we' ll make it fun. tīng qǐ lái bù hǎo wán nà jiù ràng tā biàn hǎo wán
[04:45.45] We' ll do it like a barbershop quartet! wǒ men kě yǐ xué lǐ fà diàn sì chóng chàng
[04:48.65] We know, we know, we know wǒ men zhī dào
[04:54.42] No, I want to do Phoebe' s thing. bù, wǒ xiǎng zhào fēi bǐ de zuò fǎ
[04:56.59] I can' t take wǒ méi bàn fǎ zài
[04:57.76] You don' t have to do anything. Just don' t tell them we know. nǐ zhǐ yào bié shuō wǒ men zhī dào jiù xíng le
[05:01.46] No. I can' t take anymore secrets. bú yào, wǒ méi bàn fǎ zài bǎo mì le
[05:03.56] I got your secrets, their secrets, secrets of my own. wǒ yǒu nǐ men de mì mì, tā men de mì mì hái yǒu wǒ zì jǐ de mì mì
[05:08.60] You don' t have any secrets. nǐ cái méi yǒu mì mì
[05:11.61] Well, you don' t know about Hugsy, my bedtime penguin pal. shì ma? nǐ jiù bù zhī dào wǒ yǒu gè qǐ é bào zhěn jiào bào bǎo
[05:21.62] How are we going to mess with them? suǒ yǐ wǒ men yào zěn me shuǎ tā men?
[05:24.52] You could use your position as the roommate. nǐ kě yǐ lì yòng shì yǒu de shēn fèn
[05:27.26] And I would use the strongest tool at my disposal. wǒ jiù yùn yòng wǒ zuì dà de běn qián
[05:31.13] My sexuality. wǒ de xìng gǎn
[05:33.86] Hello, children. hái zi men
[05:36.90] Watch. Learn. And don' t eat my cookie. zǐ xì kàn, xué zhe diǎn bié chī wǒ de bǐng gān
[05:43.94] That jacket looks great on you. nǐ chuān zhè jiàn wài tào zhēn hǎo kàn
[05:47.21] Really? The material is so soft. shì ma? zhè gè liào zi mō qǐ lái hǎo ruǎn
[05:49.61] Hello, Mr. Bicep. èr tóu jī xiān shēng
[05:53.95] You' re working out? nǐ yǒu zài jiàn shēn ma?
[05:55.32] I try to squeeze things. wǒ yǒu zài jǐ yá gāo
[06:03.73] Are you okay? nǐ hái hǎo ma?
[06:05.33] If you really want to know rú guǒ nǐ zhēn de xiǎng zhī dào
[06:07.73] I can' t tell you this. wǒ bù néng gào sù nǐ
[06:10.23] You can tell me anything. fēi bǐ, nǐ shén me dōu kě yǐ gào sù wǒ
[06:12.17] Actually, you are the one person I can' t tell this to. shì shí shàng wǒ jiù shì bù néng gào sù nǐ
[06:15.60] And the one person I want to the most. dàn wǒ yòu zuì xiǎng gào sù nǐ
[06:20.94] What' s going on? zěn me le?
[06:23.34] I just haven' t been with a guy in so long... yīn wèi wǒ hěn jiǔ méi gēn nán rén zài yì qǐ le
[06:26.81] ... and sometimes you' re looking for something... yǒu shí nǐ yī zhí xún xún mì mì
[06:29.62] ... and it' s right there in front of you, sipping coffee.... què méi fā xiàn tā jiù zài nǐ yǎn qián hē kā fēi
[06:33.52] Oh, no. Have I said too much? wǒ shuō tài duō le ma?
[06:38.33] Just something to think about. I know I will. zǒng zhī nǐ kǎo lǜ yī xià, wǒ jiù huì kǎo lǜ
[06:54.78] You are so cute. nǐ hǎo kě ài
[06:57.01] How did you get to be so cute? nǐ zěn me huì zhè me kě ài?
[06:59.61] My grandfather was Swedish. wǒ yé ye shì ruì diǎn rén
[07:02.05] And my grandmother was a tiny little bunny. wǒ nǎi nǎi qí shí shì zhǐ mǔ zhǐ tù
[07:06.49] Now you' re even cuter. nǐ biàn de gèng kě ài le
[07:09.86] You know, that is a popular opinion today, I must say. What? zhè jiǎn zhí shì jīn tiān de mín yì shén me?
[07:14.36] The weirdest thing happened at the coffeehouse. jīn tiān zài kā fēi guǎn yǒu yī jiàn guài shì
[07:17.23] I think Phoebe was hitting on me. wǒ jué de fēi bǐ zài diào wǒ
[07:20.07] What are you talking about? nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ?
[07:21.85] I' m telling you I think Phoebe thinks I' m foxy. shì zhēn de, fēi bǐ jué de wǒ hěn yǒu mèi lì
[07:27.81] It' s not possible. bù kě néng
[07:33.25] I' m sorry, Phoebe' s just always thought you were charming... bào qiàn, zhǐ shì zài fēi bǐ yǎn zhōng
[07:36.88] ... in a sexless kind of way. nǐ de mí rén shì wú xìng de
[07:39.25] You know, I can' t hear that enough. zhè zhǒng huà zhēn shì bǎi tīng bù yàn
[07:43.42] I' m sorry, I just think you misunderstood her. bào qiàn, nǐ yīng gāi wù jiě tā de yì sī le
[07:45.89] No, I didn' t, okay? She was all over me. wǒ méi yǒu wù jiě, hǎo ma? tā zhǐ chà méi pū shàng lái
[07:48.76] She touched my bicep, for crying out loud. tā hái mō wǒ de èr tóu jī jiān jiào
[07:51.73] This bicep? zhè gè èr tóu jī?
[07:53.23] Well, it' s not flexed right now. shì wǒ xiàn zài méi jǐ tā
[07:59.74] Why is it so hard for you to believe that Phoebe could be attracted to me? wèi shí me nǐ zhè me nán xiāng xìn fēi bǐ duì wǒ yǒu yì sī?
[08:02.88] It' s not. wǒ méi yǒu a
[08:04.61] All the girls are attracted to you. nǚ shēng dōu huì duì nǐ yǒu yì sī
[08:07.62] You' re part bunny. nǐ yǒu mǔ zhǐ tù de xuè tǒng
[08:14.86] Mon, What are you doing now? you want to come see a movie with us? mó nī kǎ, nǐ yào gàn shén me? yào bú yào yì qǐ qù kàn diàn yǐng?
[08:18.63] Actually, I was going to do some laundry. shì shí shàng wǒ zhèng yào qù xǐ yī fú
[08:24.17] Want to do it with me? qián dé, yào bú yào yì qǐ qù?
[08:25.73] Sure, I' ll do it with you. hǎo a, wǒ gēn nǐ yì qǐ qù
[08:29.04] Okay, great. Hold on a second. tài hǎo le, děng yī xià
[08:34.18] Here you go. ná qù
[08:36.71] That would really help me out a lot. Thanks. bù jiè yì ba? zhè yàng wǒ jiù qīng sōng duō le xiè xiè
[08:41.05] You know what? I don' t have enough quarters. wǒ de yìng bì yīng gāi bù gòu
[08:43.75] I have quarters! wǒ zhè lǐ yǒu
[08:49.92] Great. Now we can do laundry all night. All night laundry! tài hǎo le wǒ men kě yǐ xǐ yī zhěng wǎn de yī fú le
[08:56.00] Hey, any word on the apartment yet? luó sī, gōng yù shēn qǐng dé zěn yàng?
[08:58.43] I called there, and it turns out Naked Guy is subletting it.
[09:02.27] He' s already had 100 applicants. ér qiě yǐ jīng yǒu yī dà duī shēn qǐng zhě
[09:04.27] Oh, man. No, no, it' s okay. méi guān xì
[09:06.37] Because you know what the difference between them and me is? wǒ gēn tā men de chā bié shì
[09:10.11] Your history of bedwetting? nǐ yǒu niào chuáng de lì shǐ?
[09:12.95] Hey, I trusted you, man! nǐ zěn me kě yǐ shuō chū lái
[09:17.08] Anyway, the difference is... zǒng zhī chā bié shì...
[09:19.32] ... I' ve got the edge. wǒ zhàn le yōu shì
[09:20.89] It' s not exactly ethical, but I sent him a bribe... wǒ zhī dào zhè yàng yǒu diǎn jiān zhà dàn wǒ sòng le diǎn dōng xī...
[09:23.89] ... to tip the scales in my direction. ... qù huì lù tā
[09:26.66] You can see it from the window. cóng chuāng hù gǎo bù hǎo kàn de dào
[09:31.40] Is it that pinball machine with the big bow on it? No. shì nà gè dǎ le hú dié jié de dàn zhū tái ma bú shì
[09:36.60] That new mountain bike? No. nà liàng xīn de dēng shān chē? bú shì
[09:41.58] What did you send? nà nǐ sòng shén me?
[09:43.11] A basket of mini muffins. yī lán xiǎo yīng shì sōng bǐng
[09:47.01] There' s a whole table of them. Which one did you send? dàn zhuō shàng quán dōu shì xiǎo yīng shì sōng bǐng nǎ yī lán shì nǐ sòng de?
[09:51.55] The small one. xiǎo de nà yī lán
[09:54.36] You actually thought that basket was going to get you the apartment? shén me? nǐ zhēn yǐ wéi nà lán sōng bǐng néng bāng nǐ zhēng qǔ dào gōng yù?
[09:59.46] Someone sent us a basket at work, and people went crazy over those muffins. duì, wǒ men bàn gōng shì céng jīng shōu dào yī lán dà jiā dōu ài dé bù dé le
[10:04.40] It was the best day. nà tiān zhēn de hěn gāo xìng
[10:06.27] Your work makes me sad. nǐ de gōng zuò ràng wǒ jué de hǎo bēi cǎn
[10:09.97] Oh, man, I want that place so much! zhēn shi de, wǒ hǎo xiǎng yào nà céng gōng yù
[10:13.24] And I was so sure that was going to work. wǒ hái yǐ wéi yí dìng huì chéng gōng
[10:16.21] There' s 12 bucks I' ll never see again. nà 12 kuài suàn shì diū dào shuǐ lǐ le
[10:20.15] We' d better go if we want to catch that movie. fēi bǐ, xiǎng kàn diàn yǐng jiù dé kuài le
[10:23.42] Bye. zài jiàn
[10:25.25] Bye, Chandler. I miss you already. qián dé zài jiàn, wǒ yǐ jīng kāi shǐ xiǎng nǐ le
[10:33.29] Did you see that? The inappropriate, and the pinching? nǐ kàn dào tā diǎ lī diǎ qì hái niē wǒ ma?
[10:36.40] Actually, I did. wǒ kàn dào le
[10:37.73] So do you believe that she' s attracted to me? nǐ xiāng xìn tā duì wǒ yǒu yì sī le ba?
[10:42.27] Oh, my God! She knows about us! tiān na, tā zhī dào wǒ men de shì le?
[10:45.47] Are you serious? zhēn de hái jiǎ de?
[10:46.64] She knows, and she' s trying to freak us out! fēi bǐ zhī dào le, tā xiǎng xià wǒ men
[10:49.61] That' s the only explanation! zhè shì wéi yī de jiě shì
[10:54.98] But what about my pinchable butt and my bulging biceps?
[10:59.82] She knows! tā zhī dào le
[11:07.80] Joey! qiáo yī
[11:09.43] Yeah? zěn yàng?
[11:12.50] Phoebe knows about us. fēi bǐ zhī dào wǒ men de shì le
[11:14.90] I didn' t tell them! wǒ méi gào sù tā men
[11:16.44] Them? tā men?
[11:17.74] Who' s " them"? tā men shì shuí?
[11:20.44] Phoebe and Joey. fēi bǐ hé qiáo yī
[11:24.98] Joey! qiáo yī
[11:26.55] And Rachel. hé ruì qiū
[11:28.12] I would have told you, but I promised not to tell. wǒ xiǎng gào sù nǐ men dàn tā men bī wǒ bù néng shuō
[11:31.59] I' m sorry. tiān na duì bù qǐ,
[11:32.75] But it' s over now, right? nà xiàn zài méi shì le ba?
[11:34.62] You can tell them you know they know, and I can go back to knowing nothing! nǐ men kě yǐ gào sù tā men nǐ men zhī dào le wǒ jiù kě yǐ huī fù wǒ zhuàng kuàng wài de běn shǎi
[11:40.70] Unless chú fēi
[11:42.30] Not " unless"! This must end now! méi yǒu chú fēi, xiàn zài jiù yào liǎo jié
[11:45.10] They think they are so slick messing with us. tā men hái zì yǐ wéi gāo míng
[11:48.80] But they don' t know that we know that they know. tā men bù zhī dào wǒ men zhī dào tā men zhī dào
[11:53.37] So suǒ yǐ
[11:54.58] The messers become the messees! méi cuò, shuǎ rén de biàn chéng bèi shuǎ de
[12:00.38] Come on, you guys. Think how much fun it would be to tell. bài tuō la, shuō chū lái duō hǎo wán
[12:03.62] We know, we know, we know wǒ men zhī dào
[12:09.09] What? shén me?
[12:11.76] Oh, that wasn' t you. duì ō, nǐ men bù zhī dào
[12:17.87] Honey, you got to stop torturing yourself. bù luó sī, bié zài zhé mó zì jǐ le
[12:20.57] Why don' t you find another apartment? nǐ qù zhǎo bié de fáng zi ma
[12:22.87] I' ve already looked at 1000 apartments this month. wǒ zhè gè yuè yǐ jīng kàn le shàng qiān gè fáng zi
[12:25.91] None of them even compares to that one. méi yǒu yī jiān bǐ dé shàng nà yī jiān
[12:28.41] Well, except for one, but I would have had to share it with an Armenian family. yǒu yī jiān bù cuò dàn shì wǒ dé gēn yī jiā yà měi ní yà rén yì qǐ zhù
[12:33.18] Grandma really liked me. nà gè nǎi nǎi hěn xǐ huān wǒ
[12:36.05] But I want Ugly Naked apartment!
[12:40.19] You know what you should do? nǐ zhī dào nǐ yīng gāi zěn me zuò?
[12:41.69] You should find out his hobbies and use that to bond with him. nǐ yīng gāi zhǎo chū tā de shì hào ná lái gēn tā tào jiāo qíng
[12:46.03] Like if I wanted something from Joey... lì rú wǒ duì qiáo yī yǒu suǒ qiú
[12:48.20] ... I would strike up a conversation about sandwiches... wǒ jiù huì liáo sān míng zhì
[12:54.74] ... or my underwear. huò shì wǒ de nèi yī
[12:57.44] I' m listening. wǒ zài tīng
[13:01.91] That is a great idea! kàn ba hǎo bàng de zhǔ yì
[13:04.48] And I know Ugly Naked Guy because we' ve been watching him for five years.
[13:09.28] So that gives me back my edge! suǒ yǐ wǒ yòu chóng xīn zhàn le shàng fēng
[13:12.95] Let' s see now. He had the trampoline. hǎo, tā yǒu yī zhāng tiào chuáng
[13:15.89] He broke that. bèi tā tiào huài le
[13:17.12] He had gravity boots. He broke those too. tā yǒu yī shuāng chóng lì xuē yě bèi tā chuān huài le
[13:21.13] So he likes to break stuff. suǒ yǐ tā xǐ huān pò huài dōng xī
[13:26.60] I' ve got to go pick up Ben. But I will figure something out. hǎo, wǒ dé qù jiē bān bù guò wǒ huì xiǎng chū lái de
[13:30.81] Didn' t he used to have a cat? tā zhī qián bú shì yǒu yì zhī māo?
[13:32.84] I wouldn' t bring that up. It would bum him out. bié tí nà gè, huì hài tā xīn qíng bù hǎo
[13:35.81] Poor cat never saw that big butt coming.
[13:41.88] wèi?
[13:44.52] Hold on a second, she' s right here. zài, děng yī xià, tā jiù zài páng biān
[13:46.99] It' s Chandler. qián dé zhǎo nǐ
[13:51.63] Hello, you. nǐ hǎo
[13:53.79] Phoebe, I' ve been thinking about you all day. fēi bǐ, wǒ yī zhěng tiān dū zài xiǎng nǐ
[13:59.83] You know that thing you said before? I was intrigued. nǐ zhī qián de tí yì shuō wǒ bù xīn dòng shì piàn rén de
[14:04.00] Really? shì ma?
[14:05.37] Joey won' t be here tonight. duì, qiáo yī wǎn shàng bù zài
[14:07.27] Why don' t you come over? I' ll let you feel my bicep. nǐ yào bú yào guò lái wǒ ràng nǐ mō wǒ de èr tóu jī
[14:11.31] Or maybe more. shèn zhì shì bié de dì fāng
[14:15.85] I' ll have to get back to you on that. Okay, bye. wǒ dāi huì zài gěi nǐ dá fù, zài jiàn
[14:20.39] He wants me to come over and feel his bicep and more! tiān na, tā zhǎo wǒ qù mō tā de èr tóu jī hé bié de dì fāng
[14:24.89] Are you kidding? No! bú huì ba? shì zhēn de
[14:26.23] I cannot believe he would do that to Mon tā jū rán bēi zhe mó nī kǎ
[14:37.54] Joey? Do they know that we know? qiáo yī, tā men zhī dào wǒ men zhī dào ma?
[14:41.01] No. Joey! bù zhī dào qiáo yī
[14:43.18] They know you know. tā men zhī dào nǐ men zhī dào le
[14:44.21] I knew it! wǒ jiù zhī dào
[14:47.62] I would say," Thank God! Everybody knows! It' s finally over!" wǒ běn lái huì shuō: xiè tiān xiè dì dà jiā dōu zhī dào le, zǒng suàn méi shì le
[14:51.02] But that hasn' t been working for me. dàn měi cì shuō dōu méi yòng
[14:54.42] I cannot believe those two! nà liǎng gè rén zhēn chě
[14:56.49] They thought they could mess with us? Trying to mess with us? tā men yǐ wéi tā men kě yǐ shuǎ wǒ men xiǎng shuǎ wǒ men shì ba?
[15:02.56] They don' t know that we know they know we know. tā men bù zhī dào wǒ men zhī dào tā men zhī dào wǒ men zhī dào le
[15:07.40] Joey, you can' t say anything. qiáo yī, nǐ bù néng shuō
[15:09.67] Couldn' t if I wanted to. wǒ yě bù xiǎng shuō le
[15:18.38] Good evening, sir. I' m Ross Geller. I' m one of the applicants. nǐ hǎo, wǒ shì luó sī gài lēi wǒ yě shēn qǐng yào zū nǐ de fáng zi
[15:23.48] I realize that the competition is fierce but.... wǒ zhī dào jìng zhēng hěn jī liè, dàn shì
[15:29.19] I' m sorry, I can' t help but notice that you' re naked. bào qiàn, wǒ zhù yì dào nǐ guāng zhe shēn tǐ
[15:37.67] I applaud you. wǒ wèi nǐ gǔ zhǎng
[15:39.50] Man, I wish I was naked. wǒ yě hǎo xiǎng guāng zhe shēn tǐ
[15:42.60] I mean, this looks so great. kàn qǐ lái hǎo shū fú
[15:46.41] That is how God intended it. zhè zhèng shì shàng dì zào rén de běn yì
[15:51.65] Look. They' re panicked! nǐ kàn tā men duō huāng
[15:53.51] They' ll totally back down. tā men jué duì huì tuì suō méi cuò
[15:56.82] If he wants a date, he' s going to get a date. hǎo, tā gǎn yuē wǒ jiù gǎn qù
[15:59.92] I' m going to go in. wǒ yào guò qù le
[16:01.76] Be sexy. xìng gǎn yì diǎn
[16:04.69] Please. bài tuō
[16:17.24] I' d love to come by tonight. qián dé, wǒ wǎn shàng kě yǐ guò qù
[16:23.41] Really? zhēn de?
[16:24.61] Absolutely. Say, around 7? dāng rán, jiù 7 diǎn ba?
[16:28.08] Yes. hǎo
[16:31.20] Good. I' m really looking forward to you and me having sexual intercourse. hěn hǎo wǒ hěn qī dài gēn nǐ fā shēng guān xì
[16:41.26] Hey, check it out! kuài lái kàn!
[16:42.93] Naked Guy' s got a naked friend.
[16:51.11] Oh, yeah. zhēn de
[16:53.87] Oh, my God! That' s our friend! tiān na, nà shi wǒ men de péng yǒu
[16:57.98] It' s Naked Ross! shì luó sī
[17:03.85] Would you like another mini muffin? nǐ hái yào xiǎo yīng shì sōng bǐng ma?
[17:06.49] Try the blueberry, they' re delicious. chī chī kàn lán méi kǒu wèi, hěn hǎo chī
[17:16.76] Showtime! shàng chǎng luó
[17:18.93] Rachel, get me perfume. Ok. ruì qiū, ná xiāng shuǐ lái hǎo
[17:20.70] Joey, can you get me a bottle of wine and glasses? qiáo yī, bāng wǒ ná yī píng jiǔ liǎng gè jiǔ bēi
[17:31.98] All right, thanks, but glasses that do not have handles and that are glass. xiè xiè, dàn wǒ yào de shì méi bǎ shǒu de bō lí bēi
[17:37.12] And wine that is not olive oil. wǒ yào jiǔ bú yào gǎn lǎn yóu
[17:41.62] You just make her think you want to have sex with her and it will freak her out. fàng xīn hǎo le zhǐ yào ràng tā yǐ wéi nǐ xiǎng gēn tā tā jué duì huì xià dào
[17:47.66] How far am I gonna have to go with her? wǒ dào dǐ dé chēng dào shén me chéng dù?
[17:50.20] Relax, she' ll give in way before you do. bié jǐn zhāng, tā huì bǐ nǐ xiān tóu xiáng
[17:52.33] How do you know? nǐ zěn me zhī dào?
[17:53.53] Because you' re on my team. My team always wins. yīn wèi nǐ gēn wǒ tóng yī duì wǒ zhè yī duì zǒng shì yíng
[17:58.21] At this? yíng zhè zhǒng shì?
[18:00.71] Just go get some! Go! zǒng zhī qù xià tā, kuài qù
[18:05.31] Now, I' m going to try to listen from right here. hǎo, wǒ huì zhàn zài mén wài tīng hǎo
[18:08.22] Oh, wait. děng yī xià
[18:10.15] Good idea. hǎo zhǔ yì
[18:11.65] Don' t give away the farm. děng děng bié bǎ liào dōu bào guāng le
[18:20.29] fēi bǐ
[18:23.93] Come on in. qián dé jìn lái ba
[18:26.43] I was going to. wǒ zhèng yào jìn qù
[18:30.57] I brought some wine. Would you like some? wǒ dài le jiǔ lái, nǐ yào ma?
[18:33.07] Sure. hǎo a
[18:42.42] So here we are. zǒng suàn yào kāi shǐ le
[18:44.12] Nervous? jǐn zhāng ma?
[18:45.42] Me? No. You? wǒ? bú huì, nǐ ne?
[18:47.72] I want this to happen. bú huì, zhè yàng zhèng hé wǒ yì
[18:51.36] So do l. wǒ yě shì
[19:06.41] I' m going to put on some music. wǒ qù fàng diǎn yīn yuè
[19:15.48] Joey likes to scare the duck. qiáo yī xǐ huān xià yā zǐ
[19:21.12] Maybe I' ll dance for you. wǒ tiào wǔ gěi nǐ kàn hǎo le
[19:42.24] You look good. nǐ zhēn měi
[19:45.41] Thanks. xiè xiè
[19:47.41] You know, when you say things like that, it makes me... nǐ shuō zhè zhǒng huà ràng wǒ...
[19:51.59] ... want to rip that sweater vest right off. hǎo xiǎng chě diào nǐ de máo yī bèi xīn
[19:57.19] Why don' t we move into the bedroom? bù rú jìn fáng lǐ zài shuō ba?
[19:59.26] Really? zhēn de ma?
[20:00.46] Do you not want to? nǐ bù xiǎng ma?
[20:04.20] First I want to take off all my clothes... bú shì, zhǐ shì wǒ xiǎng xiān tuō diào yī fú
[20:07.53] ... and have you rub lotion on me. ràng nǐ tì wǒ cā rǔ yè
[20:11.81] That would be nice. tīng qǐ lái bù cuò
[20:16.48] I' ll go get the lotion. wǒ qù ná rǔ yè
[20:22.38] It' s way out of hand. She wants me to put lotion on her! qíng kuàng wán quán shī kòng le tā yào wǒ bāng tā cā rǔ yè
[20:25.69] She' s bluffing! She' s not backing down. tā zài hǔ nǐ tā méi dǎ suàn fàng qì
[20:28.62] She went like this tā hái zhè yàng
[20:32.56] He' s not backing down. He went to get lotion. tā méi dǎ suàn fàng qì, tā qù ná rǔ yè le
[20:35.66] It' s Chandler. You can take him. tā shì qián dé, nǐ kě yǐ gǎo dìng tā
[20:37.97] Come on. Don' t you remember when you made him cry using only your words? hái jì de nǐ céng jīng bǎ tā mà kū ma?
[20:44.87] Aren' t you guys done yet? zhēn shi de, nǐ men hái méi hǎo ma?
[20:47.11] I want to sit in my chair! wǒ xiǎng zuò wǒ de yǐ zi
[20:50.21] The sooner Phoebe breaks him, the sooner it' s over and out in the open. qiáo yī, fēi bǐ yī tū pò qián dé de xīn fáng zhè yī qiè jiù jié shù gōng kāi le
[20:55.52] I like that. wǒ xǐ huān
[20:58.12] Show him your bra. He' s afraid of bras. Can' t work them. wǒ zhī dào, ràng tā kàn nǐ de xiōng zhào tā pà xiōng zhào, tā jiě bù kāi
[21:02.76] Joey! qiáo yī
[21:09.36] You didn' t rip off any buttons. nǐ méi bǎ kòu zǐ dōu tiāo kāi
[21:12.13] It' s not my first time. lǎo jīng yàn le
[21:16.04] Go back there and seduce her till she cracks! nǐ gěi wǒ huí qù, sè yòu tā ràng tā qū fú
[21:19.14] Give me a second. hǎo, děng yī xià
[21:21.48] Did you clean up in here? Of course! nǐ dǎ sǎo guò ma? dāng rán!
[21:30.28] You' re going? nǐ yào zǒu le?
[21:31.95] Not without you, lover. chú fēi nǐ gēn wǒ zǒu, ài rén
[21:39.06] So this is my bra. zhè shì wǒ de nèi yī
[21:45.83] It' s very, very nice. hěn hǎo kàn
[21:50.10] Well, come here. guò lái
[21:52.84] I' m very happy we' re going to have all the sex. wǒ hěn gāo xìng wǒ men yào shuì jiào le
[21:57.18] You should be. I' m very bendy. nǐ shì gāi gāo xìng, wǒ de shēn tǐ hěn róu ruǎn
[22:05.32] I' ll kiss you now. wǒ yào wěn nǐ le
[22:06.85] Not if I kiss you first. chú fēi wǒ xiān wěn nǐ
[22:28.98] I guess there' s nothing left for us to do but kiss. jiē xià lái jiù zhǐ néng jiē wěn le
[22:32.78] Here it comes. zhōng yú lái le
[22:35.68] Our first kiss. wǒ men de chū wěn
[22:47.66] You win! hǎo, nǐ yíng le
[22:49.93] I can' t have sex with you! wǒ bù néng gēn nǐ shàng shuì jiào
[22:51.10] And why not? I' m in love with Monica! wèi shí me? yīn wèi wǒ ài mó nī kǎ
[22:53.37] You' re what? nǐ shén me?
[22:57.07] Love her! That' s right! méi cuò, wǒ ài tā
[22:58.47] I... LOVE... HER! wǒ, ài tā
[22:59.91] I love her! wǒ ài tā!
[23:06.88] I love you, Monica. wǒ ài nǐ, mó nī kǎ
[23:09.62] I love you too, Chandler. wǒ yě ài nǐ, qián dé
[23:17.32] I thought you were doing it. I didn' t know you were in love! wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ men zhǐ shì gǎo zài yì qǐ wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ men xiāng ài
[23:23.56] Dude! xiōng dì
[23:26.73] Hats off to Phoebe. Quite a competitor. xiàng fēi bǐ zhì jìng, qiáng jìng de duì shǒu
[23:31.17] May I say your breasts are still showing. cǐ wài nǐ de xiōng bù hái liàng zài wài miàn
[23:33.61] God. tiān na
[23:35.98] All right! So that' s it? jiù zhè yàng
[23:37.78] It' s over. Everybody knows! jié shù le dà jiā dōu zhī dào le
[23:39.71] Actually, Ross doesn' t. luó sī hái bù zhī dào
[23:41.48] We' d appreciate it if no one told him yet. duì, qǐng nǐ men xiān bié gào sù tā
[23:52.19] Well, here it is. jiù shì zhè lǐ
[23:53.93] A new place for a new Ross. xīn luó sī de xīn jiā
[23:56.23] I' ll have you and the guys from work over, once it' s furnished. wǒ yī bù zhì hǎo jiù qǐng nǐ hé tóng shì lái zuò
[24:00.23] I must say it' s nice to see you back on your feet. hěn gāo xìng kàn dào nǐ chóng xīn zhèn zuò
[24:02.60] I am that, and the whole rage thing is definitely behind me. wǒ shì zhèn zuò le pí qi bào zào de shì dōu guò qù le
[24:06.81] I wonder if it' s time for you to rejoin our museum team? nǐ shì bú shì gāi huí guǎn lǐ shàng bān le?
[24:10.14] That would be great. nà jiù tài hǎo le
[24:11.78] I am totally ready to come back to work. I... wǒ yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi hǎo chóng huí gǎng wèi, wǒ
[24:16.72] What? No! shén me? bù
[24:21.15] What are you doing? nǐ zài gàn shén me?
[24:24.26] Get off my sister! bié yā zhe wǒ mèi mei