Friends S05E16

歌曲 Friends S05E16
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第五季)


[00:10.64] -What are you guys doing up? -Finishing the crossword. 你们在干什么?填完字谜再去睡觉
[00:14.98] Do you know a six-letter word for "red"? 三个字,也是红色的一种
[00:18.91] Dark red. 深红色
[00:21.82] Wrong, but there's a connect-the-dots in here for you later. 应该不是 不过你待会可以玩连连看
[00:27.19] Hey,how about maroon? 赭红色呢?
[00:30.29] Yes! You are so smart! 没错,你好聪明
[00:34.53] You guys are so cute. 你们好可爱喔
[00:36.13] I know. 我知道
[00:38.43] See you in the morning. 好,明天早上见 好
[00:54.18] I love doing crossword puzzles with you. 我最喜欢跟你填字谜了
[00:57.12] Me too. 我也是
[00:58.29] Now let's finish this and go to bed. 赶快填完去睡觉 好
[01:01.12] Only one left. 只剩一个
[01:02.72] Three-letter word. Not dog,but.... 两个字的动物 不是小狗,是…
[01:07.36] Cat. 猫咪
[01:11.80] You are so smart! 没错,你好聪明
[01:16.04] I love you. 我爱你
[01:17.34] I love you too. 我也爱你
[01:32.82] The One with the Cop 本集播出:“搬沙发”
[01:36.12] rainystar压制iPod-MP4
[02:23.34] We still need a tip. 还差小费
[02:24.91] All right. Hold on. 好,等等
[02:27.61] I got it. 有了…
[02:29.84] Nickel. 5分钱
[02:31.95] -How much do we need? -Couple of bucks. 还差多少? 2块钱
[02:35.08] Okay,dime. 10分钱
[02:37.42] You guys keep talking. This could take a while. 你们继续聊,我要花一点时间
[02:40.69] Wait,look it! 等等,你们看
[02:43.63] This is a police badge! 天哪,这是警徽
[02:45.76] Cool. But why would a cop come in here? They don't serve doughnuts. 真酷,但警察来这里干嘛? 这里又不卖甜甜圈
[02:52.03] Could you discover the badge again? I can do better than that. 你能不能重来一次 我可以说个更好笑的
[02:57.14] I bet somebody's missing that badge. 一定有人正在找那个警徽
[02:59.47] I should take it back. But at the police station... 没错,我应该送回去 我去了警察局
[03:02.94] ...I'll check their 10 Most Wanted List. 还可以看看十大通缉犯名单
[03:05.11] My friend's been number 11 forever. This could be her year! 我朋友丽西一直是第十一大 她今年也许会出运
[03:11.12] -Hey,you guys. -Hey,Joey. 大家好 嗨,乔伊
[03:16.22] Is that my sweatshirt? 那是我的衣服吗?
[03:18.89] Yes,it is. I'm sorry. I was cold. I hope it's okay. 对,我很冷就借来穿了 没关系吧?
[03:22.46] It's just that if you wear someone's sweatshirt... 你要穿应该穿...
[03:26.27] ...shouldn't it be your boyfriend's? ...你男朋友的衣服
[03:28.74] And I'm not him. 我不是你的男朋友
[03:31.84] I'm sorry. I'll give it back. 对不起,我现在就还你
[03:34.58] It's gonna be all smelling like Monica. 不要,上面会沾满你的味道
[03:38.01] Do I smell bad? 你是说我很臭吗?
[03:40.35] You smell like a meadow. 不是,你有一股青草香
[03:45.19] I'm sorry. 对不起
[03:49.49] What's with him? 他是怎么了?
[03:50.79] The last time Joey went to a meadow his mother was shot by a hunter. 乔伊上次去青草地 他妈妈被猎人射杀了
[03:58.63] Look what I found. It's a police badge. 你看,我找到一个警徽
[04:01.57] What's that doing here? I don't see any doughnuts. 怎么会?我又没看到甜甜圈
[04:07.48] Cops and doughnuts. Come on. 条子和甜甜圈啊
[04:10.01] If Chandler had said it you'd all be on the floor. 如果是钱德说的 你们就会笑翻了
[04:12.88] Cops, doughnuts? Me? 条子、甜甜圈、我?
[04:33.10] I still don't know. 我还是不确定
[04:35.40] I want to make sure I bought the right couch, one that says... 抱歉,我想买到理想的沙发 能让人觉得...
[04:39.57] ..."Kids welcome here," but that also says... ...“小朋友,欢迎” 同时也能让人觉得 ...
[04:44.15] ..."Come here to me." ...“来我身边吧”
[04:48.58] What? You say that to kids? 什么?你对小朋友说那种话?
[04:53.66] The "Come here to me" is, you know,for the ladies. 不是,“来我身边吧” 是对小姐们说的
[04:59.06] Ross, honey, it's a nice couch, it's not a magic couch. 这是张好沙发 但不是神奇沙发
[05:04.23] Well,you picked a great couch. 你的选择很正确
[05:06.83] -Sign here, please. -Sure. 请在这里签个名 没问题
[05:09.54] The delivery charge is almost as much as the couch! 这是…运费几乎跟价格一样贵
[05:13.78] That's ridiculous. He lives three blocks away. 太扯了,他家离这里才三条街
[05:17.01] I'll take it myself. Thank you. 算了,我自己搬就好,谢谢
[05:20.62] All right, Rach, come on. Let's go. 瑞秋,来吧 好
[05:28.89] Are you kidding? 开什么玩笑
[05:31.56] Come on. It's only three blocks. It's not very heavy. Try it. 才三条街,又不是很重 抬抬看,快
[05:41.04] Oh,I can do it. 我行嘛
[05:43.37] You two will really enjoy that couch. 你们会很喜欢这张沙发的
[05:46.71] We're not together. 我们不是一对
[05:50.21] Something didn't quite add up there. 好,难怪我觉得怪怪的
[05:59.82] What's that supposed to mean? 这话是什么意思?
[06:02.56] Well,you. Her. 你,她
[06:05.13] I mean,she's very... 她很…
[06:07.16] know. 你知道
[06:08.66] And you're,like... 而你却…
[06:10.63] know? ...你知道
[06:14.84] Not that it's any of your business, but we did go out. 虽然与你无关 但我们确实交往过
[06:18.91] Really? You two? 真的?你们两个?
[06:21.51] I don't want to do this now. I'm carrying a heavy couch. 我现在不想讲这个 我抬着一张很重的沙发
[06:25.25] Then tell him quickly. 那就赶快告诉他
[06:28.15] Fine. We went out. 好,我们交往过
[06:30.18] Not only did we go out... 不只交往过
[06:32.75] ...we did it 298 times! 还做过298次 罗斯
[06:39.79] You kept count? You are such a loser! 我实在…你居然有在算? 你真没用
[06:44.67] A loser you did it with 298 times! 再没用你也做了298次
[06:55.04] Excuse me,ma'am. You can't put your cigarette out on a tree. 这位小姐 怎样? 你不能在树上摁香烟
[06:59.61] Yeah,I can. It worked well. 我可以,很方便
[07:02.12] But you shouldn't. So don't ever do that again. 你不该这么做,别再这么做了
[07:05.39] I won't. Till I have my next cigarette. 我不会了… 抽下一根烟之前不会
[07:08.56] Hold it! 站住
[07:10.06] N.Y.P.D. Freeze,punk! 纽约警察,别动
[07:13.96] That's right. You are so busted. 没错,你被活逮了
[07:17.67] Book them. 把她带走!
[07:20.57] -Who are you talking to? -Save it,red! 你在跟谁说话? 别挣扎了
[07:23.91] Apologize to the tree or spend the night in the slammer. 不想在笼子里过夜 就跟那棵树道歉
[07:28.41] I am not apologizing to a tree. 我才不跟一棵树道歉
[07:31.48] You apologize to the tree right now or I am calling for backup. 赶快道歉,否则我要叫人了
[07:37.52] Backup! Backup! 来人啊,来人啊
[07:39.02] I'm sorry! Sorry! 对不起,对不起
[07:40.86] Okay,cancel backup! Cancel backup! 别来了,别来了
[07:46.86] Didn't you say there was an elevator in here? 罗斯,你不是说有电梯?
[07:50.23] Yes,I did,but there isn't. Here we go! 我是有说,但其实没有 来吧
[07:54.10] Don't you think we should rethink the whole hiring movers thing? 你要不要找个搬运工
[07:57.64] No way. They're a rip-off. 才不要,他们会敲竹杠
[07:59.51] They check out your stuff and come back later and steal it. 而且他们会先看准东西 再回来偷
[08:03.38] -It's true. I saw it on Dateline. -Oh,I love Dateline. 是真的,我在日线报导上看过 我好喜欢日线报导
[08:06.81] Jane Pauley is the one woman I would kiss. 珍宝莉是我唯一想亲的女人
[08:11.19] -There's just something about her. -Rach,can we concentrate? 我不知道… 瑞秋,专心一点好吗?
[08:15.62] Yeah,fine. I listened to your dumb story. 好,只有你能讲
[08:19.43] Okay,go left. 往左
[08:21.43] Left. Left. 左,左…
[08:23.33] Okay,you know what? There's no more left left. 已经没有左了
[08:27.60] Lift it straight up over your head. 好,抬高到你的头上
[08:30.17] Straight up. You can do it! 抬高 你行的
[08:32.64] You can do it! 你行的
[08:34.14] Okay. You got it? 没问题吧?
[08:35.98] -Go,go. -Good,good. 很好
[08:37.71] You got it,right? You got it,right? You got 没问题吧?没问题吧?没问…
[08:45.62] Any chance you think it looks good there? 你觉得放在那里好看吗?
[08:50.22] This guy was all: 这家伙还在碎碎念
[08:52.69] And I'm all, "Buffay! Homicide!" 我就说重案组布非
[08:56.66] It was just so cool! 真是酷毙了
[08:58.87] -You were supposed to take it back. -I'm having fun doing good deeds. 菲比,你应该拿去还的 我知道,但行善的感觉好棒 136 00:09:04,170 --> 00:09:07,470 You can get arrested for impersonating a police ?
[09:08.04] You could get arrested right now! 你现在就会被捉
[09:13.15] I'd better take it back. I'm totally drunk with power. 我得拿去还 我被权力冲昏头了
[09:27.23] Yeah. I didn't know you guys would be here. 乔伊 我不知道你们会在
[09:30.43] -Do me a favor. Taste this. -What? Why? 乔伊,你尝尝看 什么?为什么?
[09:34.04] It's okay, Joe, she's a trained chef. 放心,她是专业厨师
[09:37.51] Actually,I was looking for Phoebe. 其实我要找菲比
[09:42.34] Well,you just missed her. 你刚跟她擦身而过
[09:45.35] Was that her? 那是她吗?
[09:46.95] -I gotta go. -Joey,wait a minute. Wait. 我去追她 乔伊,等等
[09:49.38] -What is with you? -Nothing. 你是怎么了? 没事啊
[09:51.95] You're acting strange. 拜托,你一整天都怪怪的
[09:54.16] All right. There is something. 好吧,是有一件事
[09:57.99] I kind of had a dream. 我做了一个梦…
[10:01.23] But I don't want to talk about it. 但我不想谈
[10:03.80] What if Martin Luther King had said that? 马丁路德金也这么说还得了
[10:08.30] I kind of have a dream. 我有一个梦…
[10:11.91] I don't want to talk about it. 但是我不想谈
[10:15.74] Look,it involved Monica. 跟摩妮卡有关
[10:18.25] You had a dream about the girl I'm seeing? Cool. 你梦到我在交往的女孩?真酷
[10:21.32] I dreamt about the girls he was seeing. 我不知梦见他的女朋友多少次
[10:23.75] Let's talk about your dream. I love you. Your dream? 总之我们在谈你的梦 我爱你…你的梦?
[10:27.86] There was no sex. I haven't dreamt of her like that... 放心,没有任何性意味
[10:31.23] ...since I found out about you two. More or less. 自从发现你们的事 我就不对她做那种梦了
[10:38.70] What was the dream about? 那你梦到什么?
[10:43.07] You were my girlfriend. We were doing the crossword puzzle. 好吧,你是我的女朋友 我们在填字谜
[10:46.91] Like you did last night. 就像你们昨晚那样
[10:48.94] That's it. I'm in love with Monica. I'll move out. 就这样,我爱上摩妮卡了 我会搬走
[10:52.41] Joey, come on. That doesn't mean you're in love with me. 乔伊 等等,那并不代表你爱我
[10:56.85] It doesn't? 不是吗?
[10:58.09] It could mean anything. Like... 它可能有很多涵义,例如…
[11:00.05]'re jealous that I've become the apartment stud. 你突然眼红我成为这里的猛男
[11:04.36] Sounds like your dream. 听起来比较像你的梦
[11:08.80] Or it could mean you saw Chandler and me being close and stuff... 或是你看到我和钱德很亲密
[11:14.04] ...and you want that too. 你也想跟别人拥有这种关系
[11:16.20] In the dream I did enjoy the closeness. 我在梦里的确很享受那种亲密
[11:20.14] If that's what it was,that'd be great. I wouldn't have to move. 如果是这样就太好了 我就不必搬走了
[11:24.28] Are you attracted to Monica? 你现在对摩妮卡有兴趣吗?
[11:26.58] Right here,right now, are you attracted to her? 此时此刻 你对她有兴趣么
[11:32.49] -Not really. -There you have it! 其实没有 这就对了
[11:34.79] Well,sure! I'm just wearing sweats! 是啊,我穿得这么轻便
[11:39.66] But that's good! 但那是好事
[11:41.00] You're not in love with me. You just want a girlfriend. 你不是爱我 你只是想交个女朋友
[11:44.33] It's not just about getting a girlfriend. 我觉得不是交女朋友的问题
[11:47.17] I could get a girlfriend. We could sit and do crossword puzzles. 我可以找个女朋友 我们可以坐在那里填字谜
[11:51.97] But could we have the closeness like you have? 但我们会拥有你们那种亲密吗
[11:55.34] Monica and I were friends before we dated. Maybe that's it. 摩妮卡和我是从朋友做起 也许关键在这里
[11:59.55] Friends first? 先做朋友?
[12:01.72] That's interesting. 有意思
[12:04.49] -You become friends after? -No,never done that either. 你们都事后当朋友? 也从来没有过
[12:09.46] Do you guys have a tape measure? 你们有量尺吗?
[12:11.89] Yeah. It's actually in my bedroom. 有,在我房里
[12:15.70] That's right. 没错
[12:30.08] What's up,Joey? 乔伊,怎么了?
[12:34.35] How you doing? 你好吗?
[12:44.53] Excuse me. Is this your car? 抱歉,这是你的车吗? 对
[12:47.26] Don't park here. You're blocking the entrance. 停在这里不太好 你挡住出入口了
[12:50.66] Don't worry. It's not a problem. 放心,没关系的
[12:52.77] It's a problem for me, so it's a problem for you, because I'm a cop. 我觉得有关系,你就有关系 因为我是条子
[13:00.04] So am l. 我也是
[13:03.88] 完了
[13:07.58] Okay. So you're a cop. You can park anywhere. 好,你是条子,可以任意停车
[13:10.92] I know,because I'm a cop too. 这个我知道,因为我也是条子
[13:13.22] Keep up the good work. 10-4. 好,继续努力,收到
[13:15.79] Wait. So, what precinct are you with? 等一下,你是哪个分局的?
[13:19.09] I'm with the 57th. 我在57分局
[13:21.56] -I know a guy in Homicide up there. -I'm in Vice. 我认识你们重案组一位刑警 我在风化组
[13:25.10] In fact,I'm undercover right now. I'm a whore. 事实上我正在卧底,我是妓女
[13:30.94] Who else is in Vice there? 风化组还有谁?
[13:33.37] Do you know... 你认识...
[13:34.91] ...Sipowicz? 西波威兹吗? (影集“霹雳警探”主角名)
[13:36.98] Sipowicz? I don't think so. 西波威兹?应该不认识
[13:39.25] Yeah. Sipowicz. Yeah. Big guy, kind of bald. 西波威兹,大块头,有点秃
[13:42.75] I don't know him. 我不认识他
[13:45.82] Don't try to call him. He's not there. He's out. 不要打给他 他不在,他出去了
[13:49.39] His partner just died. 他的拍档刚死了
[13:53.13] Tell Sipowicz I'm real sorry for his loss. 帮我跟西波威兹致意
[13:56.10] I sure will. Take care. 我会的,保重
[13:58.80] By the way, I'm sure Sipowicz will be all right. 对了 我相信西波威兹不会有事的
[14:01.67] I heard that kid from Silver Spoons is really good. 听说那个新来的小伙子很不错
[14:07.64] Where'd you find my badge? 你在哪里找到我的警徽的?
[14:19.99] Could you give me and Ross a hand moving his couch? 乔伊 你能不能帮我和罗斯搬沙发?
[14:23.66] I'd love to,but I got acting class. But you know what? 我很想,但我要去上表演课
[14:27.33] I guess I could blow that off. For you. 不过我可以为了你跷课
[14:35.77] Let me ask you something. I was talking with Monica and Chandler. 我问你一件事 我刚在对面跟摩妮卡钱德聊天
[14:40.31] Boy,they are really tight. 他们可真亲密
[14:42.44] I know. 是啊
[14:43.68] That's not a bad situation they got there. 那种关系实在很不错
[14:48.15] Think I'll get me one of those. 我也想自己弄一段
[14:53.32] What's up,Joe? 你想说什么?
[14:55.46] I think Monica and Chandler are so great... 我觉得他们感觉会那么好
[14:58.83] ...because they were friends first. 是因为他们是先做朋友
[15:01.66] So I asked myself,who are my friends? You and Phoebe. 于是我问自己:谁是我朋友? 你和菲比
[15:06.20] I saw you first,so.... 而我先遇见你,所以…
[15:11.64] -What are you saying? -Maybe you and I crank it up a notch. 你在说什么? 我是说也许你我可以更进一步
[15:20.01] You know,honey... 乔伊
[15:21.85] flattered as I am... ...你先遇见我...
[15:24.39] ...that you saw me first... ...令我受宠若惊...
[15:27.82] ...I just don't think we should be cranking anything up. 但我不觉得我们应该更进一步
[15:33.06] I'll treat you real nice. 我会对你很好
[15:41.70] Yeah. Well,you know.... 你知道吗…
[15:45.41] I think it's a great idea to become friends with someone before you date. 我觉得先做朋友再交往 是一个很好的想法
[15:50.68] But the way you do it is you meet someone, become their friend... 但你应该先去认识一个人 跟她做朋友
[15:54.95] a foundation, then ask them out on a date. 建立基楚,再约她出去
[15:58.69] Don't hit on your existing friends. 别对现有的朋友下手
[16:02.92] Won't that take longer? 那不是要很久?
[16:08.06] Oh,but once you find it... 没错,但是一旦得到了
[16:10.23]'s so worth the wait. 真的很值得
[16:14.54] I understand. 我懂
[16:15.94] Good. 我懂
[16:17.94] Man,I wish I saw Phoebe first. 真想先遇见菲比
[16:24.14] Come here to me. 来我身边吧
[16:27.28] No,no. You come here to me. 不,你来我身边
[16:32.45] -I brought reinforcements. -Great! You brought Joey? 罗斯,我带援军来了 太好了,是乔伊吗?
[16:36.42] The next best thing. 只比他差一点
[16:40.23] You brought Chandler? The next best thing would be Monica! 你带钱德来? 只差一点的是摩妮卡
[16:45.23] I would be offended,but Monica is freakishly strong,so.... 我应该要不爽 但摩妮卡真的壮得可怕
[16:49.80] I drew a sketch of how we'll do it. 我画了一张搬运草图
[16:52.47] Rach,that's you. 瑞秋,这是你
[16:54.61] That's the couch. 这是沙发
[16:57.51] What's that? 那是什么?
[16:59.15] That's me. 那是我
[17:04.99] Certainly think a lot of yourself. 你把自己看得很雄伟喔
[17:09.02] No. That's my arm. 不,那是我的手臂
[17:15.20] I see. I thought you just really, really liked your new couch. 我还以为你那么哈你的新沙发
[17:22.50] Just follow my lead. 总之听我的指示
[17:26.81] Come on,Chandler. 钱德,来吧
[17:30.11] -All right. -Okay. 好
[17:31.68] Here we go. 开始了
[17:34.11] All right. Ready? 可以了吗? 可以
[17:36.82] Turn! 转
[17:38.09] Turn! 转
[17:39.29] Turn! 转
[17:41.56] -I don't think we can turn any more! -I don't think it'll fit! 应该是转不动了 我觉得挤不上去
[17:45.89] Yeah,it will. Come on! Up,up,up! 当然可以,快抬起来
[17:49.20] Up! Yes! 抬起来
[17:51.67] Here we go! Pivot! 很好,中心点
[17:54.33] Pivot! 中心点
[17:57.17] Pivot! 中心点
[17:59.21] Pivot! 中心点
[18:02.08] Pivot! 中心点
[18:04.48] Pivot! 中心点
[18:05.68] Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! 闭嘴!闭嘴!闭嘴
[18:12.75] I don't think it'll pivot any more. 我看是上不来了
[18:15.49] You think? 是吗?
[18:19.16] All right,let's bring it back down and try again. 搬下去再来一次
[18:31.00] I think it's really stuck now. 现在真的卡死了
[18:35.11] -I can't believe that didn't work. -I know. Me neither. 居然没成功 就是啊
[18:38.91] I mean,you had a sketch. 你都画了图了
[18:42.62] What did you mean when you said "pivot"? 你说中心点是什么意思?
[18:51.66] Man,I cannot figure this out. 我就是转不出来
[18:54.50] Yeah, because it's not 1985. 因为现在不是1985年
[18:59.03] You guys,guess what? I ditched a cop. 你们知道吗? 我刚甩掉一个条子
[19:02.90] -What? -What do you mean? 什么意思?
[19:04.27] He caught me using his badge and he tried to bust me. 他逮到我用他的警徽想捉我
[19:07.17] Damn real cops! 死真条子
[19:10.01] How far did he chase you? 他追了你多远?
[19:11.51] Well,he didn't really. He just picked up his badge and stood there. 其实没追 他捡起警徽之后就杵在那里
[19:15.98] Maybe we'll see you on World's Most Boring Police Chases. 也许你会上 “史上最无趣警匪追逐战”
[19:20.72] -Why did you run? -I had to. 你为什么要跑? 我非跑不可
[19:23.66] You know, impersonating a cop is like a Class E felony. 假扮警察是...
[19:27.33] Two to four years minimum. I am not going back to that hellhole. 2到4年的重罪 我才不要回那个苦窑 305 00:19:34,740 --> 00:19:37,600 If I can just get it to pivot... 要是能找出中心点
[19:37.77] ...we'll be back on track. 就能继续搬了
[19:41.28] -Rach,can I get some help please? -Yeah. 瑞秋,帮帮忙好吗? 好
[19:47.98] Turn it off! Turn it off! 快关掉
[19:52.45] Maybe the firemen can help us move the couch when they get here. 也许消防队员可以帮你搬
[19:57.12] -Wait,wait,wait. -It's a new couch! It's a new couch! 等等 不要踩沙发,小心
[20:08.84] How's it going? Make any new friends? 怎样?有交到新朋友吗?
[20:11.67] Yeah. I met this woman. 有,我认识了一个女人
[20:16.28] What's she like? 她怎么样?
[20:18.15] Well,she's... 她的...
[20:19.88] ...really good in bed. ...床上功夫很棒
[20:23.05] -You were going to be friends first. -Hey,it's all your fault. 你不是要先当朋友? 都是你的错
[20:27.52] Why? 为什么?
[20:28.69] You didn't give me advice. You gave me a pickup line. 你给的不是忠告,是搭讪词
[20:31.86] I told her I wanted to build a foundation and be friends first. 我一说要建立基楚,先当朋友
[20:35.90] Suddenly, through no fault of my own, I became irresistible to her! 她突然就…与我本身无关 觉得我难以抗拒
[20:41.80] And her roommate. 她的室友也是
[20:45.24] What about the closeness? 那亲密关系呢?
[20:47.41] Closeness, schmosness. There was three of us, for crying out loud! 亲密个头!我们三个叫成一团
[20:56.42] Who wants pizza? 谁要吃披萨?
[20:58.22] I do! I do! I do! 我要
[21:00.39] This is great! Can you believe I found it on the second floor? 赞!这是我在二楼捡到的
[21:07.19] -Who is it? -N.Y.P.D. 哪一位? 纽约警察
[21:09.40] Oh,my God! 天哪
[21:11.83] Just a minute,officer! 等一下,警察先生
[21:23.24] -I'm looking for Phoebe Buffay. -My God,it's him! It's that cop! 我要找菲比布非 完了,是那个警察
[21:27.85] -I can't believe he found me! -Are you gonna go to jail? 他居然找到我了 天哪,你会坐牢吗?
[21:32.25] If I go down, you guys go down with me. 我要死也要拖你们下水
[21:37.26] Harboring a fugitive? That's one to three years minimum. 窝藏逃犯起码要关1到3年
[21:41.13] Good luck, Chandler. 钱德,祝你好运
[21:46.47] Arrest me, but you'll never make it stick and you know it. 好,你可以逮捕我 但你抓不到我的把柄
[21:50.64] I have no choice,it's my job. You understand, right? 但我别无选择 这是职责所在,你暸解吧?
[21:54.14] And you understand that I'm calling my lawyer. 只要你暸解我会找我的律师来
[21:57.21] And once he puts you on the stand, he'll make you look like a fool! 他会让你在庭上像个猪头 猪头!
[22:02.92] I don't like looking foolish. 我不喜欢当猪头
[22:05.39] Maybe I don't arrest you today. Maybe I came by and you weren't here. 这样吧,我今天不捉你 就说我来了,但你不在
[22:09.66] I'd love it if I weren't here! 我不在就太好了
[22:12.63] Since you're not going to jail tonight, I was wondering if you'd... 既然你今晚不会入狱 我能不能...
[22:16.90] ...Iike to go to dinner with me? ...请你去吃饭?
[22:19.80] -Me? -Yeah. 我? 对
[22:21.23] Ever since you flashed my badge I can't stop thinking about you. 自从你对我亮警徽 我就对你念念不忘
[22:25.34] You're the prettiest fake undercover whore I've ever seen. 你是我见过最美的假卧底妓女
[22:30.74] Nice. 漂亮
[22:34.75] I didn't see that coming. You're asking me out. 我想不到你会约我出去
[22:38.42] I could've done it better, but these people keep staring at me. 我可以表现得更好 但这些人一直盯着我
[22:42.69] I'd like to go out with you, officer. 我愿意跟你吃饭,警察先生
[22:47.09] -Gary. -Gary. 盖瑞
[22:49.10] -Okay, so it's a date. -Yeah. 那就这么说定了 好
[22:51.26] I gotta ask you, though. How'd you know where to find me? 不过我一定要问 你是怎么找到我的?
[22:54.10] You're fingerprints were all over my badge so I just ran it through the computer. 我的警徽上都是你的指纹 我上电脑查询
[22:57.27] And this was listed as your last known address so I just checked it out. 这是你最后登记的住址 所以我就来看看
[23:00.17] Impressive. 好厉害
[23:01.44] Not as impressive as you. I looked at your record and you've done some pretty weird stuff. 没有你厉害 我看过你的纪录 你干过不少怪事
[23:06.51] We'll talk at dinner. 吃饭再说 好
[23:09.32] -So I'll come by and pick you up? -All right,I can't wait. 我2个小时后来接你? 好,我好兴奋
[23:13.19] Don't worry, I won't just take you out for doughnuts. 放心,我不会只带你吃甜甜圈
[23:19.39] He has a gun! 他有枪
[23:26.63] I'd like to return this couch. I'm not satisfied with it. 我要退这张沙发 我对它不满意
[23:35.14] You wanna return this couch? 你要退这张沙发?
[23:39.15] It's cut in half. 它断成两半了
[23:42.72] -That's what I'm telling you. -Did you cut this couch in half? 我就是这个意思 是你把它摔成两半的?
[23:48.56] It's crazy, it is cut in half. 说来很扯,它本来就这样
[23:51.59] I don't understand. 我不懂
[23:54.09] This couch is cut in half. 这张沙发断成两半
[23:58.13] I would like to exchange it for one that is not cut in half. 我要换一张没有断成两半的
[24:04.07] We can't accept it in this condition. 弄成这样不能退货
[24:07.17] Well,I can't accept it in this condition. 弄成这样我也不能买
[24:11.61] You're saying this couch was delivered to you like this? 你是说它送过去就这样了?
[24:15.38] Look,I'm a reasonable man. 我很讲道理
[24:17.72] I will accept store credit. 我愿意接受换购金额
[24:21.59] I'll give you store credit in the amount of four dollars. 我给你4元的换购金额
[24:29.13] I will take it. 我接受


[00:10.64] What are you guys doing up? Finishing the crossword. nǐ men zài gàn shén me? tián wán zì mí zài qù shuì jiào
[00:14.98] Do you know a sixletter word for " red"? sān ge zì, yě shì hóng sè de yī zhǒng
[00:18.91] Dark red. shēn hóng sè
[00:21.82] Wrong, but there' s a connectthedots in here for you later. yīng gāi bú shì bù guò nǐ dāi huì kě yǐ wán lián lián kàn
[00:27.19] Hey, how about maroon? zhě hóng sè ne?
[00:30.29] Yes! You are so smart! méi cuò, nǐ hǎo cōng míng
[00:34.53] You guys are so cute. nǐ men hǎo kě ài ō
[00:36.13] I know. wǒ zhī dào
[00:38.43] See you in the morning. hǎo, míng tiān zǎo shàng jiàn hǎo
[00:54.18] I love doing crossword puzzles with you. wǒ zuì xǐ huān gēn nǐ tián zì mí le
[00:57.12] Me too. wǒ yě shì
[00:58.29] Now let' s finish this and go to bed. gǎn kuài tián wán qù shuì jiào hǎo
[01:01.12] Only one left. zhǐ shèng yí gè
[01:02.72] Threeletter word. Not dog, but.... liǎng gè zì de dòng wù bú shì xiǎo gǒu, shì
[01:07.36] Cat. māo mī
[01:11.80] You are so smart! méi cuò, nǐ hǎo cōng míng
[01:16.04] I love you. wǒ ài nǐ
[01:17.34] I love you too. wǒ yě ài nǐ
[01:32.82] The One with the Cop běn jí bō chū:" bān shā fā"
[01:36.12] rainystar yā zhì iPodMP4
[02:23.34] We still need a tip. hái chà xiǎo fèi
[02:24.91] All right. Hold on. hǎo, děng děng
[02:27.61] I got it. yǒu le
[02:29.84] Nickel. 5 fēn qián
[02:31.95] How much do we need? Couple of bucks. hái chà duō shǎo? 2 kuài qián
[02:35.08] Okay, dime. 10 fēn qián
[02:37.42] You guys keep talking. This could take a while. nǐ men jì xù liáo, wǒ yào huā yì diǎn shí jiān
[02:40.69] Wait, look it! děng děng, nǐ men kàn
[02:43.63] This is a police badge! tiān na, zhè shì jǐng huī
[02:45.76] Cool. But why would a cop come in here? They don' t serve doughnuts. zhēn kù, dàn jǐng chá lái zhè lǐ gàn ma? zhè lǐ yòu bù mài tián tián quān
[02:52.03] Could you discover the badge again? I can do better than that. nǐ néng bù néng chóng lái yī cì wǒ kě yǐ shuō gè gèng hǎo xiào de
[02:57.14] I bet somebody' s missing that badge. yí dìng yǒu rén zhèng zài zhǎo nà gè jǐng huī
[02:59.47] I should take it back. But at the police station... méi cuò, wǒ yīng gāi sòng huí qù wǒ qù le jǐng chá jú
[03:02.94] ... I' ll check their 10 Most Wanted List. hái kě yǐ kàn kàn shí dà tōng jī fàn míng dān
[03:05.11] My friend' s been number 11 forever. This could be her year! wǒ péng yǒu lì xī yī zhí shì dì shí yī dà tā jīn nián yě xǔ huì chū yùn
[03:11.12] Hey, you guys. Hey, Joey. dà jiā hǎo hāi, qiáo yī
[03:16.22] Is that my sweatshirt? nà shi wǒ de yī fú ma?
[03:18.89] Yes, it is. I' m sorry. I was cold. I hope it' s okay. duì, wǒ hěn lěng jiù jiè lái chuān le méi guān xì ba?
[03:22.46] It' s just that if you wear someone' s sweatshirt... nǐ yào chuān yīng gāi chuān...
[03:26.27] ... shouldn' t it be your boyfriend' s? ... nǐ nán péng yǒu de yī fú
[03:28.74] And I' m not him. wǒ bú shì nǐ de nán péng yǒu
[03:31.84] I' m sorry. I' ll give it back. duì bù qǐ, wǒ xiàn zài jiù hái nǐ
[03:34.58] It' s gonna be all smelling like Monica. bú yào, shàng miàn huì zhān mǎn nǐ de wèi dào
[03:38.01] Do I smell bad? nǐ shì shuō wǒ hěn chòu ma?
[03:40.35] You smell like a meadow. bú shì, nǐ yǒu yī gǔ qīng cǎo xiāng
[03:45.19] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[03:49.49] What' s with him? tā shì zěn me le?
[03:50.79] The last time Joey went to a meadow his mother was shot by a hunter. qiáo yī shàng cì qù qīng cǎo dì tā mā mā bèi liè rén shè shā le
[03:58.63] Look what I found. It' s a police badge. nǐ kàn, wǒ zhǎo dào yí gè jǐng huī
[04:01.57] What' s that doing here? I don' t see any doughnuts. zěn me huì? wǒ yòu méi kàn dào tián tián quān
[04:07.48] Cops and doughnuts. Come on. tiáo zi hé tián tián quān a
[04:10.01] If Chandler had said it you' d all be on the floor. rú guǒ shì qián dé shuō de nǐ men jiù huì xiào fān le
[04:12.88] Cops, doughnuts? Me? tiáo zi tián tián quān wǒ?
[04:33.10] I still don' t know. wǒ hái shì bù què dìng
[04:35.40] I want to make sure I bought the right couch, one that says... bào qiàn, wǒ xiǎng mǎi dào lǐ xiǎng de shā fā néng ràng rén jué de...
[04:39.57] ..." Kids welcome here," but that also says... ..." xiǎo péng yǒu, huān yíng" tóng shí yě néng ràng rén jué de ...
[04:44.15] ..." Come here to me." ..." lái wǒ shēn biān ba"
[04:48.58] What? You say that to kids? shén me? nǐ duì xiǎo péng yǒu shuō nà zhǒng huà?
[04:53.66] The " Come here to me" is, you know, for the ladies. bú shì," lái wǒ shēn biān ba" shì duì xiǎo jiě men shuō de
[04:59.06] Ross, honey, it' s a nice couch, it' s not a magic couch. zhè shì zhāng hǎo shā fā dàn bú shì shén qí shā fā
[05:04.23] Well, you picked a great couch. nǐ de xuǎn zé hěn zhèng què
[05:06.83] Sign here, please. Sure. qǐng zài zhè lǐ qiān gè míng méi wèn tí
[05:09.54] The delivery charge is almost as much as the couch! zhè shì yùn fèi jī hū gēn jià gé yí yàng guì
[05:13.78] That' s ridiculous. He lives three blocks away. tài chě le, tā jiā lí zhè lǐ cái sān tiáo jiē
[05:17.01] I' ll take it myself. Thank you. suàn le, wǒ zì jǐ bān jiù hǎo, xiè xiè
[05:20.62] All right, Rach, come on. Let' s go. ruì qiū, lái ba hǎo
[05:28.89] Are you kidding? kāi shén me wán xiào
[05:31.56] Come on. It' s only three blocks. It' s not very heavy. Try it. cái sān tiáo jiē, yòu bú shì hěn zhòng tái tái kàn, kuài
[05:41.04] Oh, I can do it. wǒ xíng ma
[05:43.37] You two will really enjoy that couch. nǐ men huì hěn xǐ huān zhè zhāng shā fā de
[05:46.71] We' re not together. wǒ men bú shì yī duì
[05:50.21] Something didn' t quite add up there. hǎo, nán guài wǒ jué de guài guài de
[05:59.82] What' s that supposed to mean? zhè huà shì shén me yì sī?
[06:02.56] Well, you. Her. nǐ, tā
[06:05.13] I mean, she' s very... tā hěn
[06:07.16] ... you know. nǐ zhī dào
[06:08.66] And you' re, like... ér nǐ què
[06:10.63] ... you know? ... nǐ zhī dào
[06:14.84] Not that it' s any of your business, but we did go out. suī rán yǔ nǐ wú guān dàn wǒ men què shí jiāo wǎng guò
[06:18.91] Really? You two? zhēn de? nǐ men liǎng gè?
[06:21.51] I don' t want to do this now. I' m carrying a heavy couch. wǒ xiàn zài bù xiǎng jiǎng zhè gè wǒ tái zhe yī zhāng hěn zhòng de shā fā
[06:25.25] Then tell him quickly. nà jiù gǎn kuài gào sù tā
[06:28.15] Fine. We went out. hǎo, wǒ men jiāo wǎng guò
[06:30.18] Not only did we go out... bù zhǐ jiāo wǎng guò
[06:32.75] ... we did it 298 times! hái zuò guò 298 cì luó sī
[06:39.79] You kept count? You are such a loser! wǒ shí zài nǐ jū rán yǒu zài suàn? nǐ zhēn méi yòng
[06:44.67] A loser you did it with 298 times! zài méi yòng nǐ yě zuò le 298 cì
[06:55.04] Excuse me, ma' am. You can' t put your cigarette out on a tree. zhè wèi xiǎo jiě zěn yàng? nǐ bù néng zài shù shàng èn xiāng yān
[06:59.61] Yeah, I can. It worked well. wǒ kě yǐ, hěn fāng biàn
[07:02.12] But you shouldn' t. So don' t ever do that again. nǐ bù gāi zhè me zuò, bié zài zhè me zuò le
[07:05.39] I won' t. Till I have my next cigarette. wǒ bú huì le chōu xià yī gēn yān zhī qián bú huì
[07:08.56] Hold it! zhàn zhù
[07:10.06] N. Y. P. D. Freeze, punk! niǔ yuē jǐng chá, bié dòng
[07:13.96] That' s right. You are so busted. méi cuò, nǐ bèi huó dǎi le
[07:17.67] Book them. bǎ tā dài zǒu!
[07:20.57] Who are you talking to? Save it, red! nǐ zài gēn shuí shuō huà? bié zhēng zhá le
[07:23.91] Apologize to the tree or spend the night in the slammer. bù xiǎng zài lóng zi lǐ guò yè jiù gēn nà kē shù dào qiàn
[07:28.41] I am not apologizing to a tree. wǒ cái bù gēn yī kē shù dào qiàn
[07:31.48] You apologize to the tree right now or I am calling for backup. gǎn kuài dào qiàn, fǒu zé wǒ yào jiào rén le
[07:37.52] Backup! Backup! lái rén a, lái rén a
[07:39.02] I' m sorry! Sorry! duì bù qǐ, duì bù qǐ
[07:40.86] Okay, cancel backup! Cancel backup! bié lái le, bié lái le
[07:46.86] Didn' t you say there was an elevator in here? luó sī, nǐ bú shì shuō yǒu diàn tī?
[07:50.23] Yes, I did, but there isn' t. Here we go! wǒ shì yǒu shuō, dàn qí shí méi yǒu lái ba
[07:54.10] Don' t you think we should rethink the whole hiring movers thing? nǐ yào bú yào zhǎo gè bān yùn gōng
[07:57.64] No way. They' re a ripoff. cái bú yào, tā men huì qiāo zhū gàng
[07:59.51] They check out your stuff and come back later and steal it. ér qiě tā men huì xiān kàn zhǔn dōng xī zài huí lái tōu
[08:03.38] It' s true. I saw it on Dateline. Oh, I love Dateline. shì zhēn de, wǒ zài rì xiàn bào dǎo shàng kàn guò wǒ hǎo xǐ huān rì xiàn bào dǎo
[08:06.81] Jane Pauley is the one woman I would kiss. zhēn bǎo lì shì wǒ wéi yī xiǎng qīn de nǚ rén
[08:11.19] There' s just something about her. Rach, can we concentrate? wǒ bù zhī dào ruì qiū, zhuān xīn yì diǎn hǎo ma?
[08:15.62] Yeah, fine. I listened to your dumb story. hǎo, zhǐ yǒu nǐ néng jiǎng
[08:19.43] Okay, go left. wǎng zuǒ
[08:21.43] Left. Left. zuǒ, zuǒ
[08:23.33] Okay, you know what? There' s no more left left. yǐ jīng méi yǒu zuǒ le
[08:27.60] Lift it straight up over your head. hǎo, tái gāo dào nǐ de tóu shàng
[08:30.17] Straight up. You can do it! tái gāo nǐ xíng de
[08:32.64] You can do it! nǐ xíng de
[08:34.14] Okay. You got it? méi wèn tí ba?
[08:35.98] Go, go. Good, good. hěn hǎo
[08:37.71] You got it, right? You got it, right? You got méi wèn tí ba? méi wèn tí ba? méi wèn
[08:45.62] Any chance you think it looks good there? nǐ jué de fàng zài nà li hǎo kàn ma?
[08:50.22] This guy was all: zhè jiā huo hái zài suì suì niàn
[08:52.69] And I' m all, " Buffay! Homicide!" wǒ jiù shuō zhòng àn zǔ bù fēi
[08:56.66] It was just so cool! zhēn shì kù bì le
[08:58.87] You were supposed to take it back. I' m having fun doing good deeds. fēi bǐ, nǐ yīng gāi ná qù hái de wǒ zhī dào, dàn xíng shàn de gǎn jué hǎo bàng 136 00: 09: 04, 170 00: 09: 07, 470 You can get arrested for impersonating a police ?
[09:08.04] You could get arrested right now! nǐ xiàn zài jiù huì bèi zhuō
[09:13.15] I' d better take it back. I' m totally drunk with power. wǒ dé ná qù hái wǒ bèi quán lì chōng hūn tóu le
[09:27.23] Yeah. I didn' t know you guys would be here. qiáo yī wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ men huì zài
[09:30.43] Do me a favor. Taste this. What? Why? qiáo yī, nǐ cháng cháng kàn shén me? wèi shí me?
[09:34.04] It' s okay, Joe, she' s a trained chef. fàng xīn, tā shì zhuān yè chú shī
[09:37.51] Actually, I was looking for Phoebe. qí shí wǒ yào zhǎo fēi bǐ
[09:42.34] Well, you just missed her. nǐ gāng gēn tā cā shēn ér guò
[09:45.35] Was that her? nà shi tā ma?
[09:46.95] I gotta go. Joey, wait a minute. Wait. wǒ qù zhuī tā qiáo yī, děng děng
[09:49.38] What is with you? Nothing. nǐ shì zěn me le? méi shì a
[09:51.95] You' re acting strange. bài tuō, nǐ yī zhěng tiān dū guài guài de
[09:54.16] All right. There is something. hǎo ba, shì yǒu yī jiàn shì
[09:57.99] I kind of had a dream. wǒ zuò le yí gè mèng
[10:01.23] But I don' t want to talk about it. dàn wǒ bù xiǎng tán
[10:03.80] What if Martin Luther King had said that? mǎ dīng lù dé jīn yě zhè me shuō hái dé le
[10:08.30] I kind of have a dream. wǒ yǒu yí gè mèng
[10:11.91] I don' t want to talk about it. dàn shì wǒ bù xiǎng tán
[10:15.74] Look, it involved Monica. gēn mó nī kǎ yǒu guān
[10:18.25] You had a dream about the girl I' m seeing? Cool. nǐ mèng dào wǒ zài jiāo wǎng de nǚ hái? zhēn kù
[10:21.32] I dreamt about the girls he was seeing. wǒ bù zhī mèng jiàn tā de nǚ péng yǒu duō shǎo cì
[10:23.75] Let' s talk about your dream. I love you. Your dream? zǒng zhī wǒ men zài tán nǐ de mèng wǒ ài nǐ nǐ de mèng?
[10:27.86] There was no sex. I haven' t dreamt of her like that... fàng xīn, méi yǒu rèn hé xìng yì wèi
[10:31.23] ... since I found out about you two. More or less. zì cóng fā xiàn nǐ men de shì wǒ jiù bú duì tā zuò nà zhǒng mèng le
[10:38.70] What was the dream about? nà nǐ mèng dào shén me?
[10:43.07] You were my girlfriend. We were doing the crossword puzzle. hǎo ba, nǐ shì wǒ de nǚ péng yǒu wǒ men zài tián zì mí
[10:46.91] Like you did last night. jiù xiàng nǐ men zuó wǎn nà yàng
[10:48.94] That' s it. I' m in love with Monica. I' ll move out. jiù zhè yàng, wǒ ài shàng mó nī kǎ le wǒ huì bān zǒu
[10:52.41] Joey, come on. That doesn' t mean you' re in love with me. qiáo yī děng děng, nà bìng bù dài biǎo nǐ ài wǒ
[10:56.85] It doesn' t? bú shì ma?
[10:58.09] It could mean anything. Like... tā kě néng yǒu hěn duō hán yì, lì rú
[11:00.05] ... you' re jealous that I' ve become the apartment stud. nǐ tū rán yǎn hóng wǒ chéng wéi zhè lǐ de měng nán
[11:04.36] Sounds like your dream. tīng qǐ lái bǐ jiào xiàng nǐ de mèng
[11:08.80] Or it could mean you saw Chandler and me being close and stuff... huò shì nǐ kàn dào wǒ hé qián dé hěn qīn mì
[11:14.04] ... and you want that too. nǐ yě xiǎng gēn bié rén yōng yǒu zhè zhǒng guān xì
[11:16.20] In the dream I did enjoy the closeness. wǒ zài mèng lǐ dí què hěn xiǎng shòu nà zhǒng qīn mì
[11:20.14] If that' s what it was, that' d be great. I wouldn' t have to move. rú guǒ shì zhè yàng jiù tài hǎo le wǒ jiù bù bì bān zǒu le
[11:24.28] Are you attracted to Monica? nǐ xiàn zài duì mó nī kǎ yǒu xìng qù ma?
[11:26.58] Right here, right now, are you attracted to her? cǐ shí cǐ kè nǐ duì tā yǒu xìng qù me
[11:32.49] Not really. There you have it! qí shí méi yǒu zhè jiù duì le
[11:34.79] Well, sure! I' m just wearing sweats! shì a, wǒ chuān de zhè me qīng biàn
[11:39.66] But that' s good! dàn nà shi hǎo shì
[11:41.00] You' re not in love with me. You just want a girlfriend. nǐ bú shì ài wǒ nǐ zhǐ shì xiǎng jiāo gè nǚ péng yǒu
[11:44.33] It' s not just about getting a girlfriend. wǒ jué de bú shì jiāo nǚ péng yǒu de wèn tí
[11:47.17] I could get a girlfriend. We could sit and do crossword puzzles. wǒ kě yǐ zhǎo gè nǚ péng yǒu wǒ men kě yǐ zuò zài nà li tián zì mí
[11:51.97] But could we have the closeness like you have? dàn wǒ men huì yōng yǒu nǐ men nà zhǒng qīn mì ma
[11:55.34] Monica and I were friends before we dated. Maybe that' s it. mó nī kǎ hé wǒ shì cóng péng yǒu zuò qǐ yě xǔ guān jiàn zài zhè lǐ
[11:59.55] Friends first? xiān zuò péng yǒu?
[12:01.72] That' s interesting. yǒu yì sī
[12:04.49] You become friends after? No, never done that either. nǐ men dōu shì hòu dāng péng yǒu? yě cóng lái méi yǒu guò
[12:09.46] Do you guys have a tape measure? nǐ men yǒu liàng chǐ ma?
[12:11.89] Yeah. It' s actually in my bedroom. yǒu, zài wǒ fáng lǐ
[12:15.70] That' s right. méi cuò
[12:30.08] What' s up, Joey? qiáo yī, zěn me le?
[12:34.35] How you doing? nǐ hǎo ma?
[12:44.53] Excuse me. Is this your car? bào qiàn, zhè shì nǐ de chē ma? duì
[12:47.26] Don' t park here. You' re blocking the entrance. tíng zài zhè lǐ bù tài hǎo nǐ dǎng zhù chū rù kǒu le
[12:50.66] Don' t worry. It' s not a problem. fàng xīn, méi guān xì de
[12:52.77] It' s a problem for me, so it' s a problem for you, because I' m a cop. wǒ jué de yǒu guān xì, nǐ jiù yǒu guān xì yīn wèi wǒ shì tiáo zi
[13:00.04] So am l. wǒ yě shì
[13:03.88] wán le
[13:07.58] Okay. So you' re a cop. You can park anywhere. hǎo, nǐ shì tiáo zi, kě yǐ rèn yì tíng chē
[13:10.92] I know, because I' m a cop too. zhè gè wǒ zhī dào, yīn wèi wǒ yě shì tiáo zi
[13:13.22] Keep up the good work. 104. hǎo, jì xù nǔ lì, shōu dào
[13:15.79] Wait. So, what precinct are you with? děng yī xià, nǐ shì něi gè fēn jú de?
[13:19.09] I' m with the 57th. wǒ zài 57 fēn jú
[13:21.56] I know a guy in Homicide up there. I' m in Vice. wǒ rèn shi nǐ men zhòng àn zǔ yī wèi xíng jǐng wǒ zài fēng huà zǔ
[13:25.10] In fact, I' m undercover right now. I' m a whore. shì shí shàng wǒ zhèng zài wò dǐ, wǒ shì jì nǚ
[13:30.94] Who else is in Vice there? fēng huà zǔ hái yǒu shuí?
[13:33.37] Do you know... nǐ rèn shi...
[13:34.91] ... Sipowicz? xī bō wēi zī ma? yǐng jí" pī lì jǐng tàn" zhǔ jué míng
[13:36.98] Sipowicz? I don' t think so. xī bō wēi zī? yīng gāi bù rèn shi
[13:39.25] Yeah. Sipowicz. Yeah. Big guy, kind of bald. xī bō wēi zī, dà kuài tóu, yǒu diǎn tū
[13:42.75] I don' t know him. wǒ bù rèn shi tā
[13:45.82] Don' t try to call him. He' s not there. He' s out. bú yào dǎ gěi tā tā bù zài, tā chū qù le
[13:49.39] His partner just died. tā de pāi dàng gāng sǐ le
[13:53.13] Tell Sipowicz I' m real sorry for his loss. bāng wǒ gēn xī bō wēi zī zhì yì
[13:56.10] I sure will. Take care. wǒ huì de, bǎo zhòng
[13:58.80] By the way, I' m sure Sipowicz will be all right. duì le wǒ xiāng xìn xī bō wēi zī bú huì yǒu shì de
[14:01.67] I heard that kid from Silver Spoons is really good. tīng shuō nà gè xīn lái de xiǎo huǒ zi hěn bù cuò
[14:07.64] Where' d you find my badge? nǐ zài nǎ lǐ zhǎo dào wǒ de jǐng huī de?
[14:19.99] Could you give me and Ross a hand moving his couch? qiáo yī nǐ néng bù néng bāng wǒ hé luó sī bān shā fā?
[14:23.66] I' d love to, but I got acting class. But you know what? wǒ hěn xiǎng, dàn wǒ yào qù shàng biǎo yǎn kè
[14:27.33] I guess I could blow that off. For you. bù guò wǒ kě yǐ wéi le nǐ qiāo kè
[14:35.77] Let me ask you something. I was talking with Monica and Chandler. wǒ wèn nǐ yī jiàn shì wǒ gāng zài duì miàn gēn mó nī kǎ qián dé liáo tiān
[14:40.31] Boy, they are really tight. tā men kě zhēn qīn mì
[14:42.44] I know. shì a
[14:43.68] That' s not a bad situation they got there. nà zhǒng guān xì shí zài hěn bù cuò
[14:48.15] Think I' ll get me one of those. wǒ yě xiǎng zì jǐ nòng yī duàn
[14:53.32] What' s up, Joe? nǐ xiǎng shuō shí mǒ?
[14:55.46] I think Monica and Chandler are so great... wǒ jué de tā men gǎn jué huì nà me hǎo
[14:58.83] ... because they were friends first. shì yīn wèi tā men shì xiān zuò péng yǒu
[15:01.66] So I asked myself, who are my friends? You and Phoebe. yú shì wǒ wèn zì jǐ: shuí shì wǒ péng yǒu? nǐ hé fēi bǐ
[15:06.20] I saw you first, so.... ér wǒ xiān yù jiàn nǐ, suǒ yǐ
[15:11.64] What are you saying? Maybe you and I crank it up a notch. nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ? wǒ shì shuō yě xǔ nǐ wǒ kě yǐ gèng jìn yī bù
[15:20.01] You know, honey... qiáo yī
[15:21.85] ... as flattered as I am... ... nǐ xiān yù jiàn wǒ...
[15:24.39] ... that you saw me first... ... lìng wǒ shòu chǒng ruò jīng...
[15:27.82] ... I just don' t think we should be cranking anything up. dàn wǒ bù jué de wǒ men yīng gāi gèng jìn yī bù
[15:33.06] I' ll treat you real nice. wǒ huì duì nǐ hěn hǎo
[15:41.70] Yeah. Well, you know.... nǐ zhī dào ma
[15:45.41] I think it' s a great idea to become friends with someone before you date. wǒ jué de xiān zuò péng yǒu zài jiāo wǎng shì yí gè hěn hǎo de xiǎng fǎ
[15:50.68] But the way you do it is you meet someone, become their friend... dàn nǐ yīng gāi xiān qù rèn shi yí ge rén gēn tā zuò péng yǒu
[15:54.95] ... build a foundation, then ask them out on a date. jiàn lì jī chǔ, zài yuē tā chū qù
[15:58.69] Don' t hit on your existing friends. bié duì xiàn yǒu de péng yǒu xià shǒu
[16:02.92] Won' t that take longer? nà bú shì yào hěn jiǔ?
[16:08.06] Oh, but once you find it... méi cuò, dàn shì yī dàn dé dào le
[16:10.23] ... it' s so worth the wait. zhēn de hěn zhí de
[16:14.54] I understand. wǒ dǒng
[16:15.94] Good. wǒ dǒng
[16:17.94] Man, I wish I saw Phoebe first. zhēn xiǎng xiān yù jiàn fēi bǐ
[16:24.14] Come here to me. lái wǒ shēn biān ba
[16:27.28] No, no. You come here to me. bù, nǐ lái wǒ shēn biān
[16:32.45] I brought reinforcements. Great! You brought Joey? luó sī, wǒ dài yuán jūn lái le tài hǎo le, shì qiáo yī ma?
[16:36.42] The next best thing. zhǐ bǐ tā chà yì diǎn
[16:40.23] You brought Chandler? The next best thing would be Monica! nǐ dài qián dé lái? zhǐ chà yì diǎn de shì mó nī kǎ
[16:45.23] I would be offended, but Monica is freakishly strong, so.... wǒ yīng gāi yào bù shuǎng dàn mó nī kǎ zhēn de zhuàng dé kě pà
[16:49.80] I drew a sketch of how we' ll do it. wǒ huà le yī zhāng bān yùn cǎo tú
[16:52.47] Rach, that' s you. ruì qiū, zhè shì nǐ
[16:54.61] That' s the couch. zhè shì shā fā
[16:57.51] What' s that? nà shi shén me?
[16:59.15] That' s me. nà shi wǒ
[17:04.99] Certainly think a lot of yourself. nǐ bǎ zì jǐ kàn de hěn xióng wěi ō
[17:09.02] No. That' s my arm. bù, nà shi wǒ de shǒu bì
[17:15.20] I see. I thought you just really, really liked your new couch. wǒ hái yǐ wéi nǐ nà me hā nǐ de xīn shā fā
[17:22.50] Just follow my lead. zǒng zhī tīng wǒ de zhǐ shì
[17:26.81] Come on, Chandler. qián dé, lái ba
[17:30.11] All right. Okay. hǎo
[17:31.68] Here we go. kāi shǐ le
[17:34.11] All right. Ready? kě yǐ le ma? kě yǐ
[17:36.82] Turn! zhuǎn
[17:38.09] Turn! zhuǎn
[17:39.29] Turn! zhuǎn
[17:41.56] I don' t think we can turn any more! I don' t think it' ll fit! yīng gāi shì zhuǎn bù dòng le wǒ jué de jǐ bù shǎng qù
[17:45.89] Yeah, it will. Come on! Up, up, up! dāng rán kě yǐ, kuài tái qǐ lái
[17:49.20] Up! Yes! tái qǐ lái
[17:51.67] Here we go! Pivot! hěn hǎo, zhōng xīn diǎn
[17:54.33] Pivot! zhōng xīn diǎn
[17:57.17] Pivot! zhōng xīn diǎn
[17:59.21] Pivot! zhōng xīn diǎn
[18:02.08] Pivot! zhōng xīn diǎn
[18:04.48] Pivot! zhōng xīn diǎn
[18:05.68] Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! bì zuǐ! bì zuǐ! bì zuǐ
[18:12.75] I don' t think it' ll pivot any more. wǒ kàn shì shàng bù lái le
[18:15.49] You think? shì ma?
[18:19.16] All right, let' s bring it back down and try again. bān xià qù zài lái yī cì
[18:31.00] I think it' s really stuck now. xiàn zài zhēn dí kǎ sǐ le
[18:35.11] I can' t believe that didn' t work. I know. Me neither. jū rán méi chéng gōng jiù shì a
[18:38.91] I mean, you had a sketch. nǐ dōu huà le tú le
[18:42.62] What did you mean when you said " pivot"? nǐ shuō zhōng xīn diǎn shì shén me yì sī?
[18:51.66] Man, I cannot figure this out. wǒ jiù shì zhuǎn bù chū lái
[18:54.50] Yeah, because it' s not 1985. yīn wèi xiàn zài bú shì 1985 nián
[18:59.03] You guys, guess what? I ditched a cop. nǐ men zhī dào ma? wǒ gāng shuǎi diào yí gè tiáo zi
[19:02.90] What? What do you mean? shén me yì sī?
[19:04.27] He caught me using his badge and he tried to bust me. tā dǎi dào wǒ yòng tā de jǐng huī xiǎng zhuō wǒ
[19:07.17] Damn real cops! sǐ zhēn tiáo zi
[19:10.01] How far did he chase you? tā zhuī le nǐ duō yuǎn?
[19:11.51] Well, he didn' t really. He just picked up his badge and stood there. qí shí méi zhuī tā jiǎn qǐ jǐng huī zhī hòu jiù chǔ zài nà li
[19:15.98] Maybe we' ll see you on World' s Most Boring Police Chases. yě xǔ nǐ huì shàng " shǐ shàng zuì wú qù jǐng fěi zhuī zhú zhàn"
[19:20.72] Why did you run? I had to. nǐ wèi shí me yào pǎo? wǒ fēi pǎo bù kě
[19:23.66] You know, impersonating a cop is like a Class E felony. jiǎ bàn jǐng chá shì...
[19:27.33] Two to four years minimum. I am not going back to that hellhole. 2 dào 4 nián de zhòng zuì wǒ cái bú yào huí nà gè kǔ yáo 305 00: 19: 34, 740 00: 19: 37, 600 If I can just get it to pivot... yào shì néng zhǎo chū zhōng xīn diǎn
[19:37.77] ... we' ll be back on track. jiù néng jì xù bān le
[19:41.28] Rach, can I get some help please? Yeah. ruì qiū, bāng bāng máng hǎo ma? hǎo
[19:47.98] Turn it off! Turn it off! kuài guān diào
[19:52.45] Maybe the firemen can help us move the couch when they get here. yě xǔ xiāo fáng duì yuán kě yǐ bāng nǐ bān
[19:57.12] Wait, wait, wait. It' s a new couch! It' s a new couch! děng děng bú yào cǎi shā fā, xiǎo xīn
[20:08.84] How' s it going? Make any new friends? zěn yàng? yǒu jiāo dào xīn péng yǒu ma?
[20:11.67] Yeah. I met this woman. yǒu, wǒ rèn shi le yí gè nǚ rén
[20:16.28] What' s she like? tā zěn me yàng?
[20:18.15] Well, she' s... tā de...
[20:19.88] ... really good in bed. ... chuáng shàng gōng fū hěn bàng
[20:23.05] You were going to be friends first. Hey, it' s all your fault. nǐ bú shì yào xiān dāng péng yǒu? dōu shì nǐ de cuò
[20:27.52] Why? wèi shí me?
[20:28.69] You didn' t give me advice. You gave me a pickup line. nǐ gěi de bú shì zhōng gào, shì dā shàn cí
[20:31.86] I told her I wanted to build a foundation and be friends first. wǒ yī shuō yào jiàn lì jī chǔ, xiān dāng péng yǒu
[20:35.90] Suddenly, through no fault of my own, I became irresistible to her! tā tū rán jiù yǔ wǒ běn shēn wú guān jué de wǒ nán yǐ kàng jù
[20:41.80] And her roommate. tā de shì yǒu yě shì
[20:45.24] What about the closeness? nà qīn mì guān xì ne?
[20:47.41] Closeness, schmosness. There was three of us, for crying out loud! qīn mì gè tóu! wǒ men sān ge jiào chéng yī tuán
[20:56.42] Who wants pizza? shuí yào chī pī sà?
[20:58.22] I do! I do! I do! wǒ yào
[21:00.39] This is great! Can you believe I found it on the second floor? zàn! zhè shì wǒ zài èr lóu jiǎn dào de
[21:07.19] Who is it? N. Y. P. D. nǎ yī wèi? niǔ yuē jǐng chá
[21:09.40] Oh, my God! tiān na
[21:11.83] Just a minute, officer! děng yī xià, jǐng chá xiān shēng
[21:23.24] I' m looking for Phoebe Buffay. My God, it' s him! It' s that cop! wǒ yào zhǎo fēi bǐ bù fēi wán le, shì nà gè jǐng chá
[21:27.85] I can' t believe he found me! Are you gonna go to jail? tā jū rán zhǎo dào wǒ le tiān na, nǐ huì zuò láo ma?
[21:32.25] If I go down, you guys go down with me. wǒ yào sǐ yě yào tuō nǐ men xià shuǐ
[21:37.26] Harboring a fugitive? That' s one to three years minimum. wō cáng táo fàn qǐ mǎ yào guān 1 dào 3 nián
[21:41.13] Good luck, Chandler. qián dé, zhù nǐ hǎo yùn
[21:46.47] Arrest me, but you' ll never make it stick and you know it. hǎo, nǐ kě yǐ dài bǔ wǒ dàn nǐ zhuā bú dào wǒ de bǎ bǐng
[21:50.64] I have no choice, it' s my job. You understand, right? dàn wǒ bié wú xuǎn zé zhè shì zhí zé suǒ zài, nǐ liáo jiě ba?
[21:54.14] And you understand that I' m calling my lawyer. zhǐ yào nǐ liáo jiě wǒ huì zhǎo wǒ de lǜ shī lái
[21:57.21] And once he puts you on the stand, he' ll make you look like a fool! tā huì ràng nǐ zài tíng shàng xiàng gè zhū tóu zhū tóu!
[22:02.92] I don' t like looking foolish. wǒ bù xǐ huān dāng zhū tóu
[22:05.39] Maybe I don' t arrest you today. Maybe I came by and you weren' t here. zhè yàng ba, wǒ jīn tiān bù zhuō nǐ jiù shuō wǒ lái le, dàn nǐ bù zài
[22:09.66] I' d love it if I weren' t here! wǒ bù zài jiù tài hǎo le
[22:12.63] Since you' re not going to jail tonight, I was wondering if you' d... jì rán nǐ jīn wǎn bú huì rù yù wǒ néng bù néng...
[22:16.90] ... Iike to go to dinner with me? ... qǐng nǐ qù chī fàn?
[22:19.80] Me? Yeah. wǒ? duì
[22:21.23] Ever since you flashed my badge I can' t stop thinking about you. zì cóng nǐ duì wǒ liàng jǐng huī wǒ jiù duì nǐ niàn niàn bù wàng
[22:25.34] You' re the prettiest fake undercover whore I' ve ever seen. nǐ shì wǒ jiàn guò zuì měi dí jiǎ wò dǐ jì nǚ
[22:30.74] Nice. piào liàng
[22:34.75] I didn' t see that coming. You' re asking me out. wǒ xiǎng bú dào nǐ huì yuē wǒ chū qù
[22:38.42] I could' ve done it better, but these people keep staring at me. wǒ kě yǐ biǎo xiàn dé gèng hǎo dàn zhèi xiē rén yī zhí dīng zhe wǒ
[22:42.69] I' d like to go out with you, officer. wǒ yuàn yì gēn nǐ chī fàn, jǐng chá xiān shēng
[22:47.09] Gary. Gary. gài ruì
[22:49.10] Okay, so it' s a date. Yeah. nà jiù zhè me shuō dìng le hǎo
[22:51.26] I gotta ask you, though. How' d you know where to find me? bù guò wǒ yí dìng yào wèn nǐ shì zěn me zhǎo dào wǒ de?
[22:54.10] You' re fingerprints were all over my badge so I just ran it through the computer. wǒ de jǐng huī shàng dōu shì nǐ de zhǐ wén wǒ shàng diàn nǎo chá xún
[22:57.27] And this was listed as your last known address so I just checked it out. zhè shì nǐ zuì hòu dēng jì de zhù zhǐ suǒ yǐ wǒ jiù lái kàn kàn
[23:00.17] Impressive. hǎo lì hài
[23:01.44] Not as impressive as you. I looked at your record and you' ve done some pretty weird stuff. méi yǒu nǐ lì hài wǒ kàn guò nǐ de jì lù nǐ gàn guò bù shǎo guài shì
[23:06.51] We' ll talk at dinner. chī fàn zài shuō hǎo
[23:09.32] So I' ll come by and pick you up? All right, I can' t wait. wǒ 2 gè xiǎo shí hòu lái jiē nǐ? hǎo, wǒ hǎo xīng fèn
[23:13.19] Don' t worry, I won' t just take you out for doughnuts. fàng xīn, wǒ bú huì zhǐ dài nǐ chī tián tián quān
[23:19.39] He has a gun! tā yǒu qiāng
[23:26.63] I' d like to return this couch. I' m not satisfied with it. wǒ yào tuì zhè zhāng shā fā wǒ duì tā bù mǎn yì
[23:35.14] You wanna return this couch? nǐ yào tuì zhè zhāng shā fā?
[23:39.15] It' s cut in half. tā duàn chéng liǎng bàn le
[23:42.72] That' s what I' m telling you. Did you cut this couch in half? wǒ jiù shì zhè gè yì sī shì nǐ bǎ tā shuāi chéng liǎng bàn de?
[23:48.56] It' s crazy, it is cut in half. shuō lái hěn chě, tā běn lái jiù zhè yàng
[23:51.59] I don' t understand. wǒ bù dǒng
[23:54.09] This couch is cut in half. zhè zhāng shā fā duàn chéng liǎng bàn
[23:58.13] I would like to exchange it for one that is not cut in half. wǒ yào huàn yī zhāng méi yǒu duàn chéng liǎng bàn de
[24:04.07] We can' t accept it in this condition. nòng chéng zhè yàng bù néng tuì huò
[24:07.17] Well, I can' t accept it in this condition. nòng chéng zhè yàng wǒ yě bù néng mǎi
[24:11.61] You' re saying this couch was delivered to you like this? nǐ shì shuō tā sòng guò qù jiù zhè yàng le?
[24:15.38] Look, I' m a reasonable man. wǒ hěn jiǎng dào lǐ
[24:17.72] I will accept store credit. wǒ yuàn yì jiē shòu huàn gòu jīn é
[24:21.59] I' ll give you store credit in the amount of four dollars. wǒ gěi nǐ 4 yuán de huàn gòu jīn é
[24:29.13] I will take it. wǒ jiē shòu