Friends S05E18

歌曲 Friends S05E18
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第五季)


[00:02.90] Pick a card. 选一张
[00:04.90] All right. Now,memorize it. 好 记住花色号码
[00:07.84] -You got it? -Oh, yes. 好了没? 好了
[00:10.57] Is that your card? 是这张吗?
[00:15.91] Yes. 就是这张
[00:20.32] -Hey,guys. -Hi there! 大家好
[00:23.75] Guess what. Ben is gonna be in a TV commercial. 你们猜怎么着? 班要上电视拍广告了
[00:27.66] What are you talking about? 你们在说什么?
[00:29.66] It's not for sure,but... 还没有定案
[00:31.49] ...we met this guy in the park who thought Ben was cute. 不过我们在公园里遇到一个人 他觉得班很可爱
[00:34.83] You know,which he is. He gave us his card... 这也是事实啦 那个人留了张名片
[00:38.30] ...and told us to bring him for this commercial he's auditioning. 要我带班去参加广告试镜
[00:43.77] This guy's the biggest commercial casting director in town! 这个人是本地最大的选角导演
[00:47.24] Ben takes one lousy walk in the park and gets an audition? 班去公园随便散个步 就有试镜自动送上门!
[00:53.55] I mean, way to go, Ben! 我是说,班,真有你的
[00:58.05] I've been in that park a million times and no one's offered me an audition. 那个公园我都去烂了 从来没人主动找我去试镜
[01:02.26] It's crazy. We were pushing Ben on the swings 我知道,真的很神奇 我们只是在陪班玩荡秋千…
[01:05.03] I'm always on the swings! 我每次都在玩荡秋千啊
[01:08.60] What am I doing wrong? 我是哪里做错了?
[01:11.10] That. 就是那里
[01:14.44] The One Where Rachel Smokes 本集播出:“打入抽烟圈”
[02:01.92] -Gotta go. Wish me luck. -Good luck. 我要出门了,祝我好运
[02:04.92] Since you work at Ralph Lauren, can you get me some shirts? 瑞秋,既然你在拉夫罗伦工作 能不能带几件马球衫回来?
[02:08.32] I don't know if I'd feel comfortable stealing on my very first day. 第一天上班就偷公司东西 我可能下不了手喔
[02:14.33] Unwilling to steal from work. 不愿意慷公司之慨
[02:16.80] Interesting. 有意思了
[02:18.60] If anybody gets free stuff, it's me. 就算有人能拿免费的 那也非我莫属
[02:21.17] Okay,guys,way to wish me luck. 好了,各位,祝我好运吧
[02:24.37] Go get 'em! 祝你好运,给他们好看
[02:26.31] Let's discuss Rachel's birthday. 好,来讨论帮瑞秋庆生的事
[02:28.68] I say we throw a surprise party this weekend. 我建议在周末办惊喜派对
[02:31.18] But her birthday's not for another month. 可是一个月后才是她生日啊
[02:33.68] If we throw her party on her birthday, it's not a surprise. 是没错,但在生日当天开派对 那就不惊喜啦
[02:38.72] Great! We can have a dinner party and just invite her close friends. 我觉得这主意不错 我们办个晚餐派对 邀请好朋友过来
[02:42.56] Ross! We're having a surprise party for Rachel. 罗斯! 我们要帮瑞秋办惊喜派对咯
[02:46.23] Done. 搞定
[02:49.30] Great. Wanna do it together? 好,那你要一起来吗?
[02:51.50] I'd love to do it together! 乐意之至
[02:57.47] They're gonna do it together. 她们要一起来耶
[03:00.07] That's my girlfriend. 兄弟,那位可是我女友
[03:01.58] So I gotta shut it down now? 所以我就得闭嘴?
[03:05.71] I gotta go. I'm picking up Ben... 好,我得走了 我要接班...
[03:08.05] ...and then we're off to the big audition. ...去参加大试镜
[03:10.72] It's gonna be weird seeing some actor pretending to be Ben's dad. 看到有演员假装是班的父亲 那种感觉一定很怪
[03:14.39] Weirder than seeing his two moms make out? 是啊 怪过看班的两个妈妈温存?
[03:18.73] Dad? There's a dad in the commercial? 爸爸?广告里面有爸爸?
[03:21.33] Yeah. The dad and Ben eat soup and pretend to enjoy it. 是啊,班和爸爸喝汤 演得很陶醉的样子
[03:24.77] Maybe I'll go with you and audition as the dad. 或许我可以跟你们一起去 搞不好能试镜演那个爸爸
[03:27.77] Who better to play Ben's father than his godfather? 说到扮演班的爸爸 由我这教父上场更最适合了
[03:30.51] -You're not his godfather. -What? 你不是班的教父 什么?
[03:34.28] Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧?
[03:37.75] Of course I am. 当然是啊
[03:40.88] -Okay, let's go, godfather. -All right! 我们走吧,教父 好耶
[03:51.89] They're gonna let me audition! 我获选了,他们让我试镜
[03:53.46] Really? That's great! 真的?太棒了
[03:55.10] One of the casting ladies has actually seen me in a play. 有个女的看过我演舞台剧
[03:58.83] So I steered clear of her. 所以我离她离得远远的
[04:00.64] And the other one,I know from.... 另一个我也认识
[04:02.80] Well,you know. 原因你也知道…
[04:06.64] -That kid looks familiar. -Oh,yeah. 那个孩子看起来很眼熟 是啊
[04:08.84] He's done tons of commercials. I've seen him in Sugar Smacks, PlayStation... 他拍过一堆广告 有糖果广告、新力PS游戏机
[04:13.01] ...and that one for the phone company. 还帮电话公司拍过广告
[04:14.98] He was so good,he convinced me to switch phone companies. 他演得实在是太好了 我索性跟着换了电话公司
[04:19.19] Chandler was mad. 钱德因此还气得半死
[04:22.36] He's not gonna get this one. Ben is way cuter than that kid. 不过他这次休想拿到这角色 因为班比他可爱多了
[04:26.23] I mean, look at him. 看就知道,宝贝,看看你
[04:34.40] That's great. 很好
[04:35.67] Wouldn't it be great if I got to play Ben's dad? 不过若我能演班的爸爸 这样是不是很棒?
[04:38.71] You look nothing like Ben. 乔伊,你跟班一点都不像
[04:41.61] I look more like him than you do. 比你跟他像多了
[04:46.18] I really don't know you well enough for you to do that. 我跟你还不熟 哪里生得出小孩?
[04:54.56] So it's down to these two. Nancy,I know you like this one. 现在是最后的二选一 南茜,我知道你喜欢这一个
[04:58.69] I think I agree. Rachel,what do you think? 我也有同感 瑞秋,你觉得呢?
[05:01.53] Well, that one is pretty... 那个是很漂亮
[05:04.13] ...but I just love this fabric. 但我超爱这个的质料
[05:06.80] Sorry. 抱歉了
[05:07.97] Don't be. Part of your job is to give your opinions. 不用抱歉 提供意见是你的职责之一
[05:11.11] Then I take credit for them. I'm kidding! 功劳归我,开玩笑的
[05:14.04] She is kidding. But don't ever disagree with her again. 她这次是在开玩笑 但下次可别跟她意见相左
[05:17.55] Okay,now I'm kidding! 这次换我在开玩笑
[05:19.65] What a fun office. 这个办公室真有趣
[05:23.12] I don't know which one. But I do know I need a cigarette. 我不知道要选哪一个 不过先来根烟倒是真的
[05:26.72] Let's take a break, go outside and sort this out when we return. 不如我们出去休息一下 等回来之后再解决?
[05:34.96] -You smoke? -No. 你抽烟吗? 不抽
[05:36.30] My dad's a doctor. And he would always tell me horror stories.... 不抽,我爸是医生 老跟我说些恐怖的故事…
[05:43.97] About ghosts and goblins... 说那些鬼神精灵的…
[05:47.68] ...who totally supported the princess' right to smoke. 完全赞同公主抽烟
[05:57.49] And then they came back from smoking and they'd made all of the decisions. 她们在抽烟的时候 就背着我做出了决定
[06:01.76] -That's not fair. -I know. 这样不太公平 我知道啊!
[06:03.49] It's like I'm being punished for not having this disgusting, poisonous habit. 我不同流合污还被处罚! 抽烟可是恶心又伤身的习惯
[06:07.43] Yeah, it is the best. 对,抽烟最棒了
[06:10.77] What if this keeps happening? 万一这种事没完没了怎么办?
[06:12.63] They'll be smoking, making the decisions... 她们在外头抽烟做决定
[06:15.10] ...and I'll be up in my office breathing in my stupid clean air. 我只能在办公室里 呼吸愚蠢的新鲜空气
[06:19.67] And when Kim wants to promote one of us... 到时等阿金要升我们的职
[06:22.31] ...who do you think she'll pick? Me or Smokey Smokerson? 你们想她会选谁? 是我还是乌烟瘴气的冒烟女?
[06:25.98] We used to have a smoking area at work. 我们以前的公司有抽烟区
[06:28.05] It was great. There was this big flowerpot with dirt in it. 很棒的喔 有个小花盆,里头有土
[06:30.79] We used to put our cigarettes out in it. 把烟放进去捻熄就行了
[06:33.15] One of the old-timers told me there used to be a little tree in there. 公司有个元老告诉我 以前里头还有棵小树呢
[06:37.93] You can go down there and not smoke. Say you want some fresh air. 瑞秋,你也可以一起去 不用抽烟,就说要去透透气
[06:44.20] I could do that. 对,这是方法
[06:45.80] Or you could do the easy thing and smoke. 简单点的就是一起抽烟
[06:49.30] You gotta take long, deep drags. 深深吸它个一口
[06:55.58] Wow,I still don't have my lung capacity back yet. 我的肺活量还没恢复
[07:00.38] Rach, do you wanna go get coffee? 瑞秋,要去喝咖啡吗?
[07:02.32] -I would love to. -Oh,good. 乐意之至 好
[07:04.42] I'm gonna go too. 宝贝,我也想一起去
[07:05.89] Oh,good. 好啊
[07:09.19] Oh,I changed my mind. 等等,我变卦了
[07:14.06] Let's talk about the party. I have so many ideas. 好,来讨论派对的事 我有一大堆点子
[07:17.53] Me too! 我也是
[07:20.44] Oh,look at that. 真是壮观
[07:24.41] This is a little sketch of the cake. See? 好,这是蛋糕的素描图
[07:27.51] Some sample menus. 还有一些菜单的样本
[07:29.28] I thought we'd start with a Tuscan-style finger food. 不如用异国小点心当前菜
[07:32.51] And for music, here's an alphabetized list of all of my CDs. 至于音乐呢 这是我CD收藏的字母列表
[07:36.68] I've highlighted the ones that'll go with the food. 跟食物超搭配的还做了记号
[07:40.32] -What about the intimate dinner party? -We're not doing that. 不是说要亲密的晚餐派对吗? 现在不那样做了
[07:46.09] Looks like you took care of everything. Thanks a lot,cohost. 看来你全包办了,多谢 “共同”主办人
[07:50.36] Wait a minute. There's plenty of things for you to do. 怎么了?我没有一手包办啊 你要做的事还有很多
[07:54.44] Like what? 举个例子?
[07:56.80] Cups. 杯子
[07:59.31] You're giving me cups? 杯子?你让我准备杯子?
[08:01.64] And ice. 还有冰块
[08:04.05] Cups and ice? I get to be in charge of cups and ice? 杯子和冰块? 我可以负责杯子和冰块?
[08:07.48] All right. 好吧…
[08:09.65] Fine. I will be in charge of cups and ice. 行,我就来负责杯子和冰块
[08:13.05] -I can get ice at the restaurant -I got it! 等等,冰块可以从餐厅拿… 冰块是我的!…
[08:19.49] -How did the audition go? -Not so good. 试镜顺利吗? 不太顺利
[08:23.30] Wait a minute. Are you doing Joey's: 慢着,你在学乔伊那招吗?
[08:26.73] "The audition didn't go so well.... Yeah,it did"? “试镜不太顺利” 事实上很顺利!对吧?
[08:32.44] Yeah,I am! 没错!
[08:36.18] -Yeah,Ben got a second audition. -That's great! 班取得了第二次试镜的资格 太棒了
[08:39.01] I had to teach Ross my bit because I actually didn't get a callback. 我得教导罗斯我的戏份 因为我没有过关
[08:44.62] You got a callback too, didn't you? 你也过关了,对吧?
[08:48.86] Yeah,I did! 没错!
[08:56.93] What are you doing out here? 瑞秋,你怎么会来这里?
[08:58.83] It got kind of lonely up there, so I thought I would come out here... 里头有点无聊 我想说来这里...
[09:03.30] ...and get some fresh air. ...透透气
[09:05.97] We're discussing the fall collection. 南茜和我正好讨论到秋装
[09:08.01] Oh,great. 太好了
[09:09.18] Anyway,we really 所以这是要…
[09:10.78] -Sorry. We're smoking all over you. -That's okay. 抱歉,瞧你被我们熏的 不好意思 没关系
[09:13.88] We'll move. You stay there. 不成…你待着,我们走
[09:16.38] I sent the designs to Ralph. He was excited about it. 反正我把设计寄给拉夫 他对衬里很中意
[09:19.72] That's great! You are the best! 太好了,你是最棒的
[09:23.29] Excuse me. Can I bum one of those? 不好意思,能给支烟吗?
[09:25.66] Actually, this one's.... 这支就好…
[09:30.73] What's so funny over here? 你们在聊什么好笑的?
[09:32.73] I thought you didn't smoke. 我还以为你不抽烟的
[09:34.80] You know,I thought you guys meant marijuana cigarettes. 我以为你们是说**烟
[09:40.98] You know what I mean? Doobies? 像是天使尘那种
[09:44.75] Actually,I thought to myself, "Those guys are crazy!" 我还纳闷你们是疯了不成
[09:48.08] But no,I smoke the regular ones all the time. 没啦,我自己也抽烟 照三餐天天都抽
[09:51.59] We get high. 我们是在抽**
[09:55.32] Me too. 我也是
[09:58.43] I'm kidding. 闹你的
[10:00.70] Me too. 我也是
[10:05.10] Oh,God! This is so nerve-racking. How do you do this? 老天,这真是折磨人 你是怎么习惯的?
[10:08.94] Fortunately,I don't get many callbacks, so.... 我过关的经验不多,所以…
[10:12.74] Is it a good sign that they asked us to wait? 我们在试镜之后被留下来 这是好现象吗?
[10:15.71] Who knows? 天知道
[10:20.01] We have narrowed it down to Raymond, Ben, Kyle... 最**围的是雷蒙、班 凯尔...
[10:24.42] ...and Joey. The rest of you,thank you. 和乔伊 其余的人,辛苦了,谢谢
[10:26.89] Yes! I knew it! 好耶,我就知道!
[10:30.63] Bye-bye. 再会
[10:33.06] So long. 别过
[10:35.80] Later. 后会有期
[10:37.26] I'm not married to him anymore. He's my ex-husband. I'm totally gay! 我不是他老婆喔,他是我前夫 我百分之百是女同志
[10:43.37] This is great! I might get to play Ben's dad. 太棒了 我有可能饰演班的爸爸
[10:45.91] Actually,that can't happen. 其实那是不可能的
[10:47.61] Because you have such different looks... 因为你们各自的长相都不同
[10:49.91] ...we're putting you with Raymond and Kyle with Ben. 所以我们把你和雷蒙配对 凯尔和班是一组
[10:53.08] So it'll either be you two or you two. 所以最后只有一组会出线
[10:59.92] -This is gonna be kind of weird. -Yeah,it is. 要命,这样就有点尴尬了 真的是
[11:03.22] Yeah. It's gonna be weird. 对,一定会很尴尬
[11:07.70] No. We're like best friends. That's why it's weird. 因为我们是最好的朋友 所以才会尴尬
[11:13.03] I thought we were just talking. 原来如此…我只是答腔而已
[11:23.21] If Ben gets this commercial, do you think you can get me some free soup? 如果班拿到广告演出机会 你能帮我弄些免费的汤吗?
[11:27.78] Chandler, a can of soup is like 60 cents. 钱德,一罐汤又不用多少钱
[11:30.25] Yeah, okay,but I have been supporting a 29-year-old ltalian for five years. 对,但是我这五年来 都在供养这29岁的意大利人
[11:36.89] Is it okay if I leave this here till Rachel's birthday party? 我能把这些东西放这里 等着给瑞秋过生日吗?
[11:40.70] -Sure. What's in them? -Cups. 当然可以,里头是什么? 杯子
[11:44.47] Good, because we got Rachel 800 gallons of water. 那好,因为我们替瑞秋 准备了八百加仑的水
[11:49.50] That's a lot of cups. 老实说,这些杯子还真不少
[11:51.07] I'm in charge of cups and ice. 对,这是因为我负责杯子和冰块
[11:53.57] And Monica's gonna rue the day she put me in charge of cups and ice. 摩妮卡在这一天将后悔莫及 因为她要我负责杯子和冰块
[11:58.85] You know,I rued the day once. Didn't get a whole lot else done. 我也后悔过一次 除了后悔没做别的
[12:03.88] Okay, time to bring up the rest of the cups. 好吧,该把其他杯子搬上来了
[12:08.96] 乔伊 菲比
[12:12.59] Ross, I'm glad you're here. 罗斯,你在这里正好
[12:14.76] -I want to talk to you. -What's up? 我有事要跟你说 怎么了?
[12:19.33] I've been thinking about this commercial thing. Me against Ben. 我一直在想这次拍广告的事 我和班硬碰硬
[12:23.17] The two of us competing. That can't lead to anything good. 捉对厮杀 这样横竖都不会有好结果
[12:28.44] I think I'm just gonna step aside. I'll tell them that I won't audition. 我想我还是退出好了 告诉他们我不去试镜
[12:36.18] Joey, that's great. Thanks,man. 乔伊,太好了,多谢
[12:43.76] That's it? 就这样?
[12:46.69] You're gonna let me do this? It's my career we're talking about! 你真要让我这样做? 这事关我的职业生涯耶
[12:50.23] But you just 可是你说…
[12:51.40] I just said that so you wouldn't let Ben do it. 我是要套你说出让班退出
[12:55.04] If anyone should step aside, it should be Ben. 罗斯,如果真有人要退出 那也应该是班
[12:57.71] -What? -Chandler,tell him! 什么? 钱德,告诉他为什么
[13:02.31] Well, let me get the door first. 我先去开门
[13:06.61] Hi,no one! 没有人,你好
[13:11.82] Why should Ben step aside? 班为什么应该退出?
[13:13.79] It was his audition in the first place. You tagged along. 这原本就是他的试镜 你是跟过去的
[13:17.42] You're like the tagalong dad! 就像是跟班老爹
[13:20.16] At least I care about his feelings. 起码我有顾虑到班的感受
[13:22.40] What? 什么?
[13:23.60] You know how hard it'll be on him when he doesn't get it? 你知道万一他没通过试镜 到时他会有多难过吗?
[13:26.83] And why wouldn't he get it? 那他又为什么不会通过?
[13:29.40] Come on! 得了吧?
[13:31.14] Have you seen what my kid can do? 你有没有看过 跟我同组的小子有多厉害?
[13:34.84] He dials phones, he eats tortilla chips. 他会拨电话、吃墨西哥脆片
[13:37.75] He plays soccer with the cartoon tiger! 还会凭空踢足球演对手戏呢
[13:41.25] Are you saying your kid eats soup better than my kid? 你是说你的小子喝汤 比我儿子厉害?
[13:45.15] You just give him a spoon,baby. 你儿子才刚学会喝汤呢
[13:48.12] Oh,yeah? I guess we'll see! 是吗?我们走着瞧
[13:50.66] This commercial belongs to me and Mitch! 好啊,这支广告片的主角 非我和米契莫属
[13:52.93] -Your kid's name is Raymond! -Yeah? So is yours! 你的孩子叫做雷蒙 对,你的也是!
[13:58.53] (中央咖啡馆)
[14:01.67] -How did work go? -lt was great. 有没有用? 很棒…
[14:03.94] I went down there like you said. And we talked business. 我听你们的建议 去她们抽烟的地方 我们讨论到了生意
[14:07.27] And Kim took my opinions. 阿金完全接受我的意见
[14:09.34] You stink! 你浑身烟味
[14:12.51] -Thanks. -No,I'm serious. 多谢 我是说真的
[14:15.05] That's because I went down there and they were smoking. 因为那里的人全都在抽烟
[14:17.69] This is actually the smell of success. 这其实是成功的味道
[14:21.06] But there's something different 不过有点怪怪的
[14:23.36] Oh,my God! You smoked! 天啊,你有抽烟
[14:26.46] I did not. 我没有
[14:27.66] Yes, you did. You look happy and sick. You smoked! 才怪,你看起来生病又快乐 你一定有抽烟
[14:31.70] All right, fine! But I had to. I had to do it for my career. 好啦…我有抽 为了事业不得已
[14:35.67] I wish I had to smoke for my career. 好羡慕
[14:39.24] But it's so gross! 这样很恶心耶
[14:41.31] It's not that bad, you know? 没那么糟啦
[14:43.38] Yeah,my tongue feels a little fuzzy and my fingers sort of smell. 虽然舌头有点打结 手指也有点怪味
[14:48.58] I actually feel like I could throw up. 其实我感觉快吐了
[14:51.32] -Can you hear yourself? -I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 听你自己在说什么 我知道…我也很后悔
[14:54.26] I'm not myself. I smoked like half a pack. 我都不是我自己了 我抽了半包烟
[14:57.09] I feel a little shaky and a little weird. 感觉怪怪的,还在发抖
[15:00.06] But you gotta push past this, okay? Because it's about to get so good. 好,但你一定要撑过这一关 再来就会是快乐无比了
[15:05.67] 钱德
[15:07.84] You smell so smoky, I gotta get up. 你浑身烟味,我得去透透气
[15:11.17] I'm not kidding. 我没骗你
[15:13.17] I think you smell great. 我觉得你闻起来很香
[15:20.55] So we're decided. No on plaid, yes on pink. 所以大家都同意了 不要格子图案,要粉红?
[15:23.45] Absolutely. 完全正确
[15:25.25] I'm so onboard. 我举双手双脚赞成
[15:30.02] -Didn't you just light that? -Yeah. 瑞秋,这支烟不是才刚点? 是啊
[15:32.19] But you know what? 但是...
[15:33.56] I'm just really,really trying to cut back, you know. 我正在努力少抽烟
[15:37.43] Good luck, Rach. “瑞秋,我等着看笑话”
[15:41.20] I've been thinking about quitting. 其实我最近有想要戒烟
[15:43.37] Every Sunday night, I tell myself I'm quitting. 那可不,我每周日晚上 都告诉自己要戒烟
[15:46.01] Every Monday morning, it's like: 结果周一还不是狂抽猛抽
[15:48.34] Tell me about it. 还用你说
[15:49.68] We'll just quit. Let's all quit! 那就戒了吧,我们一起戒烟
[15:52.78] It sounds appealing. 听起来是很诱人啦
[15:54.11] -I never could do it. -But you could. Absolutely. 我戒烟从没成功过 你可以的,一定行
[15:57.08] We can help each other. We could get those patches. 我们可以互相帮忙 用那个什么戒烟贴布的
[16:00.22] We could be like the Patch Sisters. 我们能组成戒烟三姐妹
[16:02.79] You know,we really should quit. Okay, let's quit! 其实我们真的应该戒烟 好吧,一起来戒烟
[16:06.56] Great! Give me those cigs. Come on! 太棒了,把香烟给我 来
[16:08.86] Give it! Out. Done. Quit. 通通交出来
[16:13.47] My late husband gave me that lighter. 那个打火机是我先夫送我的
[16:17.94] I'm not kidding. 我没在开玩笑
[16:20.07] Okay,then. 那好吧
[16:24.24] Mmm...soup. 汤
[16:27.38] Mmm...soup. 汤
[16:31.79] Mmm...soup. 汤
[16:34.05] Joey, Ross is gonna be here any second, would you mind watching Ben for me while I use the ladies' room? 乔伊,罗斯随时会到 我去上个厕所 帮我看一下班,好吗?
[16:38.33] -No problem. -Thanks. 好啊,没问题 谢谢
[16:50.37] 嗨,班
[16:52.61] So you want to be an actor? I gotta tell you, it's no picnic. 你想当演员啊? 告诉你,演戏可不像野餐
[16:56.64] There's tons of rejection. No stability. 有碰不完的钉子 一点都不稳定
[17:00.15] I mean,one day, you're Dr. Drake Ramoray. 前一天你还是德瑞克医生
[17:04.32] The next day,you're eating ketchup out of the bottle. 隔天你就要去啃番茄酱
[17:07.76] It's a tough life. I mean, sure, you can get up whenever you want... 这可是艰苦的生活 没错啦,你是能决定起床时间
[17:11.86] TV all day... 整天看电视也行
[17:14.13] tons of women in acting class.... 在演员训练班里 认识一卡车的女孩
[17:18.03] Oh, who am I kidding. I can't talk you out of this. It's a great life. 小子,我干嘛劝你打消念头 这种生活太棒了
[17:24.64] -Joey. -Ross. 乔伊 罗斯
[17:30.08] Ben. 班
[17:32.15] I mean,Ben. Ben. 班…
[17:35.52] Raymond, Joey, you're up. 雷蒙,乔伊,该你们上场了
[17:42.59] So here's what.... 好,现在要…
[17:44.53] Are you sure that I haven't seen you somewhere before? 我一定有在哪里见过你
[17:47.53] No, I haven't been in any plays. 没有,我都待在家
[17:51.13] All right,let's try one. Whenever you guys are ready. 好吧,我们来试一次 你们准备好了就开始
[17:57.17] Is there a problem? 有问题吗?
[17:58.41] Well,this is noodle soup. And I've been working with tomato. 这是面汤 我练习时是用番茄汤
[18:02.78] But that's okay. No problem. 不过没关系…
[18:05.08] Mmm...noodle soup. 面汤…
[18:07.41] You know,that's fine. But the line is,"Mmm...soup." 你那样不错 不过台词是“汤”
[18:11.35] -What'd I say? -"Mmm...noodle soup." 那我刚才说什么? “面汤”
[18:16.29] How's that different? 有什么不一样?
[18:20.89] 对…
[18:23.86] All right. Let's try one. 好,我们来试一次
[18:29.80] Mmm...
[18:31.07] ...noodle soup. 面汤
[18:37.04] Let's do it again. 好,我们再来一次
[18:42.48] Mmm...soup. 汤
[18:44.95] I mean, noodle soup. I mean, soup! 我是说“面汤” 不对,是“汤”
[18:47.05] Come on! 你争气点
[18:50.92] You know what? We need to move on. 我们得换下一组了
[18:53.39] No,I could do it one more time. 不…我再演一次
[18:55.63] Look. 你看
[18:56.96] Mmm...noodle soup. 面汤…
[18:59.33] Damn it! 可恶!
[19:04.37] So I think that if we get these samples into the magazine by Monday,we'll be fine. 周一前把样品交给杂志社 应该就没问题了
[19:08.24] Sounds good. So, Rach, how you doing? 听起来不错 瑞秋,你还好吗?
[19:10.94] -I'm great! -No, with the not-smoking thing. 好极了 不,我是说戒烟的事
[19:15.22] Kill me now. 可把我给搞死了
[19:17.68] Let me tell you something, I ate 40 Mallomars today. 跟你说 我今天吃了40个棉花糖
[19:21.46] I mean, I have patches all over my body, you know? 全身贴满了戒烟贴布
[19:25.16] -I mean,I haven't slept in two days. -We quit yesterday. 我连续两天都失眠 我们昨天才戒烟的
[19:29.83] That's counting today. 我连今天都算进去了
[19:33.07] But anyway, so these samples,I think 言归正传,我想这些样品…
[19:35.67] Oh,my God! 天啊
[19:37.27] I'm so sorry, I forgot. I have to go to the mailroom and mail some proofs. 我忘记了,真的很抱歉 我得去收发室寄送样张
[19:41.91] Go ahead. Rachel and I will just sit here and keep brainstorming. 尽管去 我和瑞秋继续来脑力激荡
[19:46.95] Also,Vogue called. And they were wondering 时尚杂志也想知道… 你知道吗?…
[19:49.15] You know what? I'm a little hungry. I'm just gonna run down to the vending machines. 我有点饿了 我要去贩卖机买东西
[19:53.79] All right. 好吧
[20:04.87] Busted! 被逮到了
[20:06.90] Come on! What are you doing? I thought we were the Patch Sisters. 你们这是在干嘛? 我们不是戒烟姐妹花吗?
[20:11.47] That didn't work out. 对,那样行不通
[20:13.51] Wait a minute. What about all we've talked about? 那我们说过的那些事呢?
[20:15.74] You know,the disgusting place, the ugly people. 说这恶心的地方,丑陋的人
[20:21.92] Hey,how you doing? 你好吗?
[20:27.45] We tried to quit. But it was too hard. 瑞秋,我们有试着戒烟 但那实在是太难了
[20:29.89] If you started smoking again, you could have at least told me. 你们开始抽烟 起码也该告诉我嘛
[20:33.56] Give me one of those. What are we talking about? 快点来一支,刚才说到哪里?
[20:36.30] No! You're doing great! Don't you give up. 不行,你戒烟很成功 不许放弃
[20:37.93] That's why we didn't tell you, and we won't drag you down. 所以我们才没跟你说 我们不想拖你下水
[20:41.07] Wait. No,no. Drag me down. 等等,别这样,拖我下水…
[20:43.34] Forget it. We're so proud of how well you're doing. 瑞秋,万万不可 你戒烟成功,我们都替你骄傲
[20:46.34] I won't let you blow it. If I catch you, you're fired. 我不能让你前功尽弃 若被我捉到 我一定炒你鱿鱼
[20:49.78] Go on,get out of here. I don't want you breathing this stuff. 走吧,离开这里 我不要你吸二手烟
[20:53.78] So, okay. You'll come with me on the Paris trip? 好,你和我一起去法国出差
[20:56.85] Oh,man! 要命!
[21:03.36] Check it out. Cup hat, cup banner... 你瞧瞧,杯子帽 杯子布条
[21:07.16] ...cup chandelier, and the thing that started it all: the cup! 杯子吊灯 还有本尊:杯子
[21:12.13] Great job with the cups. 菲比,你对杯子还真有一套
[21:15.37] Why don't you just go out with her? 你干脆跟她去约会算了
[21:19.54] Did you notice the ice? Look! 你有没有注意到冰?
[21:21.51] We have it all. We have crushed, cubed and dry. Watch. 各式各样的都有 有碎冰、冰块 还有干冰 注意看
[21:28.65] Mystical. 很有神秘感吧?
[21:35.06] Everyone-no one's eating my Tuscan finger food. Because they're all filling up on Phoebe's snow cones! 没人想吃我的小点心 他们全跑去吃菲比的雪花冰
[21:38.63] There are snow cones? 有雪花冰?
[21:40.59] Snow cones! Yuck! 雪花冰最恶心了!
[21:43.83] -Go,go! Right there! -Thank you. 你去吃啦 谢谢…
[21:48.94] 菲比?
[21:50.90] -You really did do a nice job. -Thank you... 你做的很棒 谢谢你
[21:53.67] ...for stating the obvious. 看就知道
[21:56.68] I deserve that. 我活该
[21:58.71] I just want you to know that if we ever cohost a party together again... 我只是要让你知道 若我们下回再一起主办派对
[22:02.62] can do whatever you want. -Joey's got a birthday coming up. 你想要怎么做都行 乔伊的生日快到了
[22:05.79] -Really? What do you wanna do? -Okay,I'd like to be in charge of beer. 真的? 那你要怎么帮他庆祝? 好,我想要负责啤酒
[22:10.06] Well,then there's nothing left for me. 那我就没的做了
[22:14.39] -Look,look! -Surprise! 注意!… 惊喜!
[22:17.73] What? My birthday is not for another month. 什么啊? 一个月后才是我生日啊
[22:21.77] That's the surprise. 这样才惊喜啊
[22:24.97] Oh,my God, you guys! This is so great! It's so unexpected. 天啊,你们太棒了 我完全没想到
[22:29.28] I mean,Chandler's birthday is even before mine. 钱德的生日还比我早到呢
[22:36.12] Surprise! 惊喜!
[22:41.05] This is so great! Look at all these... 真是太棒了,看看这些...
[22:44.79] ...cups. ...杯子
[22:45.96] This is so weird. 真是怪怪的
[22:48.43] I was in charge of cups. 杯子是我负责的
[22:50.56] Oh,okay. Not so weird. 好,那就没那么怪了
[22:54.03] -Chandler, what are you doing? -Nothing. 钱德,你在干嘛? 没干嘛
[22:59.01] -What's in your hand? -Money. I'm stealing all the money. 你手里拿是什么? 钱,我偷走了所有的钱
[23:03.81] Chandler. 钱德
[23:08.05] But just one, okay? Because nobody knows when my birthday is. 抽一支就好 因为没有人记得我的生日
[23:12.29] Let me make this clear to you,okay? 或许这能让你清醒一点
[23:14.15] It's either that... 有香烟…
[23:15.92] ...or this. 就没有我
[23:24.13] They were menthol. 刚才那是薄荷烟
[23:33.57] Listen, man. I'm sorry the audition didn't go well. 我很遗憾你试镜不顺利
[23:37.88] Yeah, right. 是喔
[23:39.65] No, really. I am, Joey. I feel bad. 乔伊,我是真的很遗憾
[23:42.55] Look, Ross. You don't have to,okay? 罗斯,你用不着遗憾
[23:46.32] It's not your fault I suck. 是我自己逊,怨不得你
[23:48.22] What kind of an actor can't even say, "Mmm...noodle soup"? 连“面汤”都说不好 还算哪门子的演员?
[23:56.53] You know what? Maybe you didn't mess up your audition because you suck. 你知道吗?或许你搞砸了试镜 不是因为你逊
[24:01.54] Maybe you messed up because you care more about your godson. 或许你搞砸了试镜 是因为你更在意你的教子
[24:07.01] What do you mean? 什么意思?
[24:08.51] I think, subconsciously 我认为,在潜意识里…
[24:10.71] You lost me. 等等,我听不懂
[24:16.62] I think,on some level, you sabotaged... 我觉得在某种程度上 你破坏了....
[24:20.85] ...your own audition so Ben would get the part. 自己的试镜 才好让班拿到那个角色
[24:27.69] Your way sounds a lot better than mine. 你的说法比我的好多了
[24:32.90] It's not that I'm a bad actor. 对,不是我演技烂
[24:35.57] No,it's just that I care so damn much about little Ben... 对 只是我考虑的都是班
[24:39.77] ...that it was more important for me to see him succeed. 看到他成功对我来说更重要
[24:43.31] -There you go. Thank you. -Thank you. 就是这样,谢谢你 谢谢你
[24:46.11] -So did he get it? -No. 那他拿到角色没? 没有
[24:48.11] What are you gonna do? 不如意事十之八九嘛
[24:54.69] Excuse me, is Rachel Green here? I'm meeting her for lunch. 不好意思,瑞秋葛林在吗? 我跟她约了吃中饭
[24:58.19] She doesn't come down anymore. You can find her up on 10. 她现在不会下来这里了 她在十楼
[25:01.36] Okay,great. 好…
[25:03.60] So we talked about the presentation. 我们昨天中饭聊到提案报告
[25:06.03] He wondered if one person would be enough. 他担心一个人出差不够看
[25:08.94] And I said, "Yeah,absolutely." 我说绝对没问题
[25:16.71] I'll catch you guys later. 后会有期了


[00:02.90] Pick a card. xuǎn yī zhāng
[00:04.90] All right. Now, memorize it. hǎo jì zhù huā sè hào mǎ
[00:07.84] You got it? Oh, yes. hǎo le méi? hǎo le
[00:10.57] Is that your card? shì zhè zhāng ma?
[00:15.91] Yes. jiù shì zhè zhāng
[00:20.32] Hey, guys. Hi there! dà jiā hǎo
[00:23.75] Guess what. Ben is gonna be in a TV commercial. nǐ men cāi zěn me zhāo? bān yào shàng diàn shì pāi guǎng gào le
[00:27.66] What are you talking about? nǐ men zài shuō shí mǒ?
[00:29.66] It' s not for sure, but... hái méi yǒu dìng àn
[00:31.49] ... we met this guy in the park who thought Ben was cute. bù guò wǒ men zài gōng yuán lǐ yù dào yí ge rén tā jué de bān hěn kě ài
[00:34.83] You know, which he is. He gave us his card... zhè yě shì shì shí la nà gè rén liú le zhāng míng piàn
[00:38.30] ... and told us to bring him for this commercial he' s auditioning. yào wǒ dài bān qù cān jiā guǎng gào shì jìng
[00:43.77] This guy' s the biggest commercial casting director in town! zhè gè rén shì běn dì zuì dà de xuǎn jiǎo dǎo yǎn
[00:47.24] Ben takes one lousy walk in the park and gets an audition? bān qù gōng yuán suí biàn sàn gè bù jiù yǒu shì jìng zì dòng sòng shàng mén!
[00:53.55] I mean, way to go, Ben! wǒ shì shuō, bān, zhēn yǒu nǐ de
[00:58.05] I' ve been in that park a million times and no one' s offered me an audition. nà gè gōng yuán wǒ dōu qù làn le cóng lái méi rén zhǔ dòng zhǎo wǒ qù shì jìng
[01:02.26] It' s crazy. We were pushing Ben on the swings wǒ zhī dào, zhēn de hěn shén qí wǒ men zhǐ shì zài péi bān wán dàng qiū qiān
[01:05.03] I' m always on the swings! wǒ měi cì dōu zài wán dàng qiū qiān a
[01:08.60] What am I doing wrong? wǒ shì nǎ lǐ zuò cuò le?
[01:11.10] That. jiù shì nà lǐ
[01:14.44] The One Where Rachel Smokes běn jí bō chū:" dǎ rù chōu yān quān"
[02:01.92] Gotta go. Wish me luck. Good luck. wǒ yào chū mén le, zhù wǒ hǎo yùn
[02:04.92] Since you work at Ralph Lauren, can you get me some shirts? ruì qiū, jì rán nǐ zài lā fū luó lún gōng zuò néng bù néng dài jǐ jiàn mǎ qiú shān huí lái?
[02:08.32] I don' t know if I' d feel comfortable stealing on my very first day. dì yì tiān shàng bān jiù tōu gōng sī dōng xī wǒ kě néng xià bù liǎo shǒu ō
[02:14.33] Unwilling to steal from work. bù yuàn yì kāng gōng sī zhī kǎi
[02:16.80] Interesting. yǒu yì sī le
[02:18.60] If anybody gets free stuff, it' s me. jiù suàn yǒu rén néng ná miǎn fèi de nà yě fēi wǒ mò shǔ
[02:21.17] Okay, guys, way to wish me luck. hǎo le, gè wèi, zhù wǒ hǎo yùn ba
[02:24.37] Go get ' em! zhù nǐ hǎo yùn, gěi tā men hǎo kàn
[02:26.31] Let' s discuss Rachel' s birthday. hǎo, lái tǎo lùn bāng ruì qiū qìng shēng de shì
[02:28.68] I say we throw a surprise party this weekend. wǒ jiàn yì zài zhōu mò bàn jīng xǐ pài duì
[02:31.18] But her birthday' s not for another month. kě shì yí gè yuè hòu cái shì tā shēng rì a
[02:33.68] If we throw her party on her birthday, it' s not a surprise. shì méi cuò, dàn zài shēng rì dàng tiān kāi pài duì nà jiù bù jīng xǐ la
[02:38.72] Great! We can have a dinner party and just invite her close friends. wǒ jué de zhè zhǔ yì bù cuò wǒ men bàn gè wǎn cān pài duì yāo qǐng hǎo péng you guò lái
[02:42.56] Ross! We' re having a surprise party for Rachel. luó sī! wǒ men yào bāng ruì qiū bàn jīng xǐ pài duì gē
[02:46.23] Done. gǎo dìng
[02:49.30] Great. Wanna do it together? hǎo, nà nǐ yào yì qǐ lái ma?
[02:51.50] I' d love to do it together! lè yì zhī zhì
[02:57.47] They' re gonna do it together. tā men yào yì qǐ lái yé
[03:00.07] That' s my girlfriend. xiōng dì, nà wèi kě shì wǒ nǚ yǒu
[03:01.58] So I gotta shut it down now? suǒ yǐ wǒ jiù dé bì zuǐ?
[03:05.71] I gotta go. I' m picking up Ben... hǎo, wǒ dé zǒu le wǒ yào jiē bān...
[03:08.05] ... and then we' re off to the big audition. ... qù cān jiā dà shì jìng
[03:10.72] It' s gonna be weird seeing some actor pretending to be Ben' s dad. kàn dào yǒu yǎn yuán jiǎ zhuāng shì bān de fù qīn nà zhǒng gǎn jué yí dìng hěn guài
[03:14.39] Weirder than seeing his two moms make out? shì a guài guò kàn bān de liǎng gè mā mā wēn cún?
[03:18.73] Dad? There' s a dad in the commercial? bà bà? guǎng gào lǐ miàn yǒu bà bà?
[03:21.33] Yeah. The dad and Ben eat soup and pretend to enjoy it. shì a, bān hé bà bà hē tāng yǎn de hěn táo zuì de yàng zi
[03:24.77] Maybe I' ll go with you and audition as the dad. huò xǔ wǒ kě yǐ gēn nǐ men yì qǐ qù gǎo bù hǎo néng shì jìng yǎn nà gè bà bà
[03:27.77] Who better to play Ben' s father than his godfather? shuō dào bàn yǎn bān de bà bà yóu wǒ zhè jiào fù shàng chǎng gèng zuì shì hé le
[03:30.51] You' re not his godfather. What? nǐ bú shì bān de jiào fù shén me?
[03:34.28] Are you kidding? nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ba?
[03:37.75] Of course I am. dāng rán shì a
[03:40.88] Okay, let' s go, godfather. All right! wǒ men zǒu ba, jiào fù hǎo yé
[03:51.89] They' re gonna let me audition! wǒ huò xuǎn le, tā men ràng wǒ shì jìng
[03:53.46] Really? That' s great! zhēn de? tài bàng le
[03:55.10] One of the casting ladies has actually seen me in a play. yǒu gè nǚ de kàn guò wǒ yǎn wǔ tái jù
[03:58.83] So I steered clear of her. suǒ yǐ wǒ lí tā lí dé yuǎn yuǎn de
[04:00.64] And the other one, I know from.... lìng yí gè wǒ yě rèn shi
[04:02.80] Well, you know. yuán yīn nǐ yě zhī dào
[04:06.64] That kid looks familiar. Oh, yeah. nà gè hái zi kàn qǐ lái hěn yǎn shú shì a
[04:08.84] He' s done tons of commercials. I' ve seen him in Sugar Smacks, PlayStation... tā pāi guò yī duī guǎng gào yǒu táng guǒ guǎng gào xīn lì PS yóu xì jī
[04:13.01] ... and that one for the phone company. hái bāng diàn huà gōng sī pāi guò guǎng gào
[04:14.98] He was so good, he convinced me to switch phone companies. tā yǎn dé shí zài shì tài hǎo le wǒ suǒ xìng gēn zhe huàn le diàn huà gōng sī
[04:19.19] Chandler was mad. qián dé yīn cǐ hái qì dé bàn sǐ
[04:22.36] He' s not gonna get this one. Ben is way cuter than that kid. bù guò tā zhè cì xiū xiǎng ná dào zhè jué sè yīn wèi bān bǐ tā kě ài duō le
[04:26.23] I mean, look at him. kàn jiù zhī dào, bǎo bèi, kàn kàn nǐ
[04:34.40] That' s great. hěn hǎo
[04:35.67] Wouldn' t it be great if I got to play Ben' s dad? bù guò ruò wǒ néng yǎn bān de bà bà zhè yàng shì bú shì hěn bàng?
[04:38.71] You look nothing like Ben. qiáo yī, nǐ gēn bān yì diǎn dōu bù xiàng
[04:41.61] I look more like him than you do. bǐ nǐ gēn tā xiàng duō le
[04:46.18] I really don' t know you well enough for you to do that. wǒ gēn nǐ hái bù shú nǎ lǐ shēng de chū xiǎo hái?
[04:54.56] So it' s down to these two. Nancy, I know you like this one. xiàn zài shì zuì hòu de èr xuǎn yī nán qiàn, wǒ zhī dào nǐ xǐ huān zhè yí gè
[04:58.69] I think I agree. Rachel, what do you think? wǒ yě yǒu tóng gǎn ruì qiū, nǐ jué de ne?
[05:01.53] Well, that one is pretty... nà gè shì hěn piào liàng
[05:04.13] ... but I just love this fabric. dàn wǒ chāo ài zhè gè de zhì liào
[05:06.80] Sorry. bào qiàn le
[05:07.97] Don' t be. Part of your job is to give your opinions. bù yòng bào qiàn tí gōng yì jiàn shì nǐ de zhí zé zhī yī
[05:11.11] Then I take credit for them. I' m kidding! gōng láo guī wǒ, kāi wán xiào de
[05:14.04] She is kidding. But don' t ever disagree with her again. tā zhè cì shì zài kāi wán xiào dàn xià cì kě bié gēn tā yì jiàn xiāng zuǒ
[05:17.55] Okay, now I' m kidding! zhè cì huàn wǒ zài kāi wán xiào
[05:19.65] What a fun office. zhè gè bàn gōng shì zhēn yǒu qù
[05:23.12] I don' t know which one. But I do know I need a cigarette. wǒ bù zhī dào yào xuǎn nǎ yī ge bù guò xiān lái gēn yān dǎo shì zhēn de
[05:26.72] Let' s take a break, go outside and sort this out when we return. bù rú wǒ men chū qù xiū xī yī xià děng huí lái zhī hòu zài jiě jué?
[05:34.96] You smoke? No. nǐ chōu yān ma? bù chōu
[05:36.30] My dad' s a doctor. And he would always tell me horror stories.... bù chōu, wǒ bà shì yī shēng lǎo gēn wǒ shuō xiē kǒng bù de gù shì
[05:43.97] About ghosts and goblins... shuō nèi xiē guǐ shén jīng líng de
[05:47.68] ... who totally supported the princess' right to smoke. wán quán zàn tóng gōng zhǔ chōu yān
[05:57.49] And then they came back from smoking and they' d made all of the decisions. tā men zài chōu yān de shí hòu jiù bēi zhe wǒ zuò chū le jué dìng
[06:01.76] That' s not fair. I know. zhè yàng bù tài gōng píng wǒ zhī dào a!
[06:03.49] It' s like I' m being punished for not having this disgusting, poisonous habit. wǒ bù tóng liú hé wū hái bèi chǔ fá! chōu yān kě shì ě xīn yòu shāng shēn de xí guàn
[06:07.43] Yeah, it is the best. duì, chōu yān zuì bàng le
[06:10.77] What if this keeps happening? wàn yī zhè zhǒng shì méi wán méi liǎo zěn me bàn?
[06:12.63] They' ll be smoking, making the decisions... tā men zài wài tou chōu yān zuò jué dìng
[06:15.10] ... and I' ll be up in my office breathing in my stupid clean air. wǒ zhǐ néng zài bàn gōng shì lǐ hū xī yú chǔn de xīn xiān kōng qì
[06:19.67] And when Kim wants to promote one of us... dào shí děng ā jīn yào shēng wǒ men de zhí
[06:22.31] ... who do you think she' ll pick? Me or Smokey Smokerson? nǐ men xiǎng tā huì xuǎn shuí? shì wǒ hái shì wū yān zhàng qì de mào yān nǚ?
[06:25.98] We used to have a smoking area at work. wǒ men yǐ qián de gōng sī yǒu chōu yān qū
[06:28.05] It was great. There was this big flowerpot with dirt in it. hěn bàng de ō yǒu gè xiǎo huā pén, lǐ tou yǒu tǔ
[06:30.79] We used to put our cigarettes out in it. bǎ yān fàng jìn qù niǎn xī jiù xíng le
[06:33.15] One of the oldtimers told me there used to be a little tree in there. gōng sī yǒu gè yuán lǎo gào sù wǒ yǐ qián lǐ tou hái yǒu kē xiǎo shù ne
[06:37.93] You can go down there and not smoke. Say you want some fresh air. ruì qiū, nǐ yě kě yǐ yì qǐ qù bù yòng chōu yān, jiù shuō yào qù tòu tòu qì
[06:44.20] I could do that. duì, zhè shì fāng fǎ
[06:45.80] Or you could do the easy thing and smoke. jiǎn dān diǎn de jiù shì yì qǐ chōu yān
[06:49.30] You gotta take long, deep drags. shēn shēn xī tā gè yī kǒu
[06:55.58] Wow, I still don' t have my lung capacity back yet. wǒ de fèi huó liàng hái méi huī fù
[07:00.38] Rach, do you wanna go get coffee? ruì qiū, yào qù hē kā fēi ma?
[07:02.32] I would love to. Oh, good. lè yì zhī zhì hǎo
[07:04.42] I' m gonna go too. bǎo bèi, wǒ yě xiǎng yì qǐ qù
[07:05.89] Oh, good. hǎo a
[07:09.19] Oh, I changed my mind. děng děng, wǒ biàn guà le
[07:14.06] Let' s talk about the party. I have so many ideas. hǎo, lái tǎo lùn pài duì de shì wǒ yǒu yī dà duī diǎn zǐ
[07:17.53] Me too! wǒ yě shì
[07:20.44] Oh, look at that. zhēn shì zhuàng guān
[07:24.41] This is a little sketch of the cake. See? hǎo, zhè shì dàn gāo de sù miáo tú
[07:27.51] Some sample menus. hái yǒu yī xiē cài dān de yàng běn
[07:29.28] I thought we' d start with a Tuscanstyle finger food. bù rú yòng yì guó xiǎo diǎn xīn dāng qián cài
[07:32.51] And for music, here' s an alphabetized list of all of my CDs. zhì yú yīn yuè ne zhè shì wǒ CD shōu cáng de zì mǔ liè biǎo
[07:36.68] I' ve highlighted the ones that' ll go with the food. gēn shí wù chāo dā pèi de hái zuò le jì hào
[07:40.32] What about the intimate dinner party? We' re not doing that. bú shì shuō yào qīn mì de wǎn cān pài duì ma? xiàn zài bù nà yàng zuò le
[07:46.09] Looks like you took care of everything. Thanks a lot, cohost. kàn lái nǐ quán bāo bàn le, duō xiè " gòng tóng" zhǔ bàn rén
[07:50.36] Wait a minute. There' s plenty of things for you to do. zěn me le? wǒ méi yǒu yī shǒu bāo bàn a nǐ yào zuò de shì hái yǒu hěn duō
[07:54.44] Like what? jǔ gè lì zi?
[07:56.80] Cups. bēi zi
[07:59.31] You' re giving me cups? bēi zi? nǐ ràng wǒ zhǔn bèi bēi zi?
[08:01.64] And ice. hái yǒu bīng kuài
[08:04.05] Cups and ice? I get to be in charge of cups and ice? bēi zi hé bīng kuài? wǒ kě yǐ fù zé bēi zi hé bīng kuài?
[08:07.48] All right. hǎo ba
[08:09.65] Fine. I will be in charge of cups and ice. xíng, wǒ jiù lái fù zé bēi zi hé bīng kuài
[08:13.05] I can get ice at the restaurant I got it! děng děng, bīng kuài kě yǐ cóng cān tīng ná bīng kuài shì wǒ de!
[08:19.49] How did the audition go? Not so good. shì jìng shùn lì ma? bù tài shùn lì
[08:23.30] Wait a minute. Are you doing Joey' s: màn zhe, nǐ zài xué qiáo yī nà zhāo ma?
[08:26.73] " The audition didn' t go so well.... Yeah, it did"? " shì jìng bù tài shùn lì" shì shí shàng hěn shùn lì! duì ba?
[08:32.44] Yeah, I am! méi cuò!
[08:36.18] Yeah, Ben got a second audition. That' s great! bān qǔ de le dì èr cì shì jìng de zī gé tài bàng le
[08:39.01] I had to teach Ross my bit because I actually didn' t get a callback. wǒ dé jiào dǎo luó sī wǒ de xì fèn yīn wèi wǒ méi yǒu guò guān
[08:44.62] You got a callback too, didn' t you? nǐ yě guò guān le, duì ba?
[08:48.86] Yeah, I did! méi cuò!
[08:56.93] What are you doing out here? ruì qiū, nǐ zěn me huì lái zhè lǐ?
[08:58.83] It got kind of lonely up there, so I thought I would come out here... lǐ tou yǒu diǎn wú liáo wǒ xiǎng shuō lái zhè lǐ...
[09:03.30] ... and get some fresh air. ... tòu tòu qì
[09:05.97] We' re discussing the fall collection. nán qiàn hé wǒ zhèng hǎo tǎo lùn dào qiū zhuāng
[09:08.01] Oh, great. tài hǎo le
[09:09.18] Anyway, we really suǒ yǐ zhè shì yào
[09:10.78] Sorry. We' re smoking all over you. That' s okay. bào qiàn, qiáo nǐ bèi wǒ men xūn de bù hǎo yì sī méi guān xì
[09:13.88] We' ll move. You stay there. bù chéng nǐ dài zhe, wǒ men zǒu
[09:16.38] I sent the designs to Ralph. He was excited about it. fǎn zhèng wǒ bǎ shè jì jì gěi lā fū tā duì chèn lǐ hěn zhòng yì
[09:19.72] That' s great! You are the best! tài hǎo le, nǐ shì zuì bàng de
[09:23.29] Excuse me. Can I bum one of those? bù hǎo yì sī, néng gěi zhī yān ma?
[09:25.66] Actually, this one' s.... zhè zhī jiù hǎo
[09:30.73] What' s so funny over here? nǐ men zài liáo shén me hǎo xiào de?
[09:32.73] I thought you didn' t smoke. wǒ hái yǐ wéi nǐ bù chōu yān de
[09:34.80] You know, I thought you guys meant marijuana cigarettes. wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ men shì shuō yān
[09:40.98] You know what I mean? Doobies? xiàng shì tiān shǐ chén nà zhǒng
[09:44.75] Actually, I thought to myself, " Those guys are crazy!" wǒ hái nà mèn nǐ men shì fēng liǎo bù chéng
[09:48.08] But no, I smoke the regular ones all the time. méi la, wǒ zì jǐ yě chōu yān zhào sān cān tiān tiān dū chōu
[09:51.59] We get high. wǒ men shì zài chōu
[09:55.32] Me too. wǒ yě shì
[09:58.43] I' m kidding. nào nǐ de
[10:00.70] Me too. wǒ yě shì
[10:05.10] Oh, God! This is so nerveracking. How do you do this? lǎo tiān, zhè zhēn shì zhé mó rén nǐ shì zěn me xí guàn de?
[10:08.94] Fortunately, I don' t get many callbacks, so.... wǒ guò guān de jīng yàn bù duō, suǒ yǐ
[10:12.74] Is it a good sign that they asked us to wait? wǒ men zài shì jìng zhī hòu bèi liú xià lái zhè shì hǎo xiàn xiàng ma?
[10:15.71] Who knows? tiān zhī dào
[10:20.01] We have narrowed it down to Raymond, Ben, Kyle... zuì wéi de shì léi méng bān kǎi ěr...
[10:24.42] ... and Joey. The rest of you, thank you. hé qiáo yī qí yú de rén, xīn kǔ le, xiè xiè
[10:26.89] Yes! I knew it! hǎo yé, wǒ jiù zhī dào!
[10:30.63] Byebye. zài huì
[10:33.06] So long. bié guò
[10:35.80] Later. hòu huì yǒu qī
[10:37.26] I' m not married to him anymore. He' s my exhusband. I' m totally gay! wǒ bú shì tā lǎo pó ō, tā shì wǒ qián fū wǒ bǎi fēn zhī bǎi shì nǚ tóng zhì
[10:43.37] This is great! I might get to play Ben' s dad. tài bàng le wǒ yǒu kě néng shì yǎn bān de bà bà
[10:45.91] Actually, that can' t happen. qí shí nà shi bù kě néng de
[10:47.61] Because you have such different looks... yīn wèi nǐ men gè zì de zhǎng xiàng dōu bù tóng
[10:49.91] ... we' re putting you with Raymond and Kyle with Ben. suǒ yǐ wǒ men bǎ nǐ hé léi méng pèi duì kǎi ěr hé bān shì yī zǔ
[10:53.08] So it' ll either be you two or you two. suǒ yǐ zuì hòu zhǐ yǒu yī zǔ huì chū xiàn
[10:59.92] This is gonna be kind of weird. Yeah, it is. yào mìng, zhè yàng jiù yǒu diǎn gān gà le zhēn de shì
[11:03.22] Yeah. It' s gonna be weird. duì, yí dìng huì hěn gān gà
[11:07.70] No. We' re like best friends. That' s why it' s weird. yīn wèi wǒ men shì zuì hǎo de péng yǒu suǒ yǐ cái huì gān gà
[11:13.03] I thought we were just talking. yuán lái rú cǐ wǒ zhǐ shì dā qiāng ér yǐ
[11:23.21] If Ben gets this commercial, do you think you can get me some free soup? rú guǒ bān ná dào guǎng gào yǎn chū jī huì nǐ néng bāng wǒ nòng xiē miǎn fèi de tāng ma?
[11:27.78] Chandler, a can of soup is like 60 cents. qián dé, yī guàn tāng yòu bù yòng duō shǎo qián
[11:30.25] Yeah, okay, but I have been supporting a 29yearold ltalian for five years. duì, dàn shì wǒ zhè wǔ nián lái dōu zài gōng yǎng zhè 29 suì de yì dà lì rén
[11:36.89] Is it okay if I leave this here till Rachel' s birthday party? wǒ néng bǎ zhèi xiē dōng xī fàng zhè lǐ děng zhe gěi ruì qiū guò shēng rì ma?
[11:40.70] Sure. What' s in them? Cups. dāng rán kě yǐ, lǐ tou shì shén me? bēi zi
[11:44.47] Good, because we got Rachel 800 gallons of water. nà hǎo, yīn wèi wǒ men tì ruì qiū zhǔn bèi le bā bǎi jiā lún de shuǐ
[11:49.50] That' s a lot of cups. lǎo shí shuō, zhèi xiē bēi zi hái zhēn bù shǎo
[11:51.07] I' m in charge of cups and ice. duì, zhè shì yīn wèi wǒ fù zé bēi zi hé bīng kuài
[11:53.57] And Monica' s gonna rue the day she put me in charge of cups and ice. mó nī kǎ zài zhè yì tiān jiāng hòu huǐ mò jí yīn wèi tā yào wǒ fù zé bēi zi hé bīng kuài
[11:58.85] You know, I rued the day once. Didn' t get a whole lot else done. wǒ yě hòu huǐ guò yī cì chú le hòu huǐ méi zuò bié de
[12:03.88] Okay, time to bring up the rest of the cups. hǎo ba, gāi bǎ qí tā bēi zi bān shàng lái le
[12:08.96] qiáo yī fēi bǐ
[12:12.59] Ross, I' m glad you' re here. luó sī, nǐ zài zhè lǐ zhèng hǎo
[12:14.76] I want to talk to you. What' s up? wǒ yǒu shì yào gēn nǐ shuō zěn me le?
[12:19.33] I' ve been thinking about this commercial thing. Me against Ben. wǒ yī zhí zài xiǎng zhè cì pāi guǎng gào de shì wǒ hé bān yìng pèng yìng
[12:23.17] The two of us competing. That can' t lead to anything good. zhuō duì sī shā zhè yàng héng shù dōu bú huì yǒu hǎo jié guǒ
[12:28.44] I think I' m just gonna step aside. I' ll tell them that I won' t audition. wǒ xiǎng wǒ hái shì tuì chū hǎo le gào sù tā men wǒ bù qù shì jìng
[12:36.18] Joey, that' s great. Thanks, man. qiáo yī, tài hǎo le, duō xiè
[12:43.76] That' s it? jiù zhè yàng?
[12:46.69] You' re gonna let me do this? It' s my career we' re talking about! nǐ zhēn yào ràng wǒ zhè yàng zuò? zhè shì guān wǒ de zhí yè shēng yá yé
[12:50.23] But you just kě shì nǐ shuō
[12:51.40] I just said that so you wouldn' t let Ben do it. wǒ shì yào tào nǐ shuō chū ràng bān tuì chū
[12:55.04] If anyone should step aside, it should be Ben. luó sī, rú guǒ zhēn yǒu rén yào tuì chū nà yě yīng gāi shì bān
[12:57.71] What? Chandler, tell him! shén me? qián dé, gào sù tā wèi shí me
[13:02.31] Well, let me get the door first. wǒ xiān qù kāi mén
[13:06.61] Hi, no one! méi yǒu rén, nǐ hǎo
[13:11.82] Why should Ben step aside? bān wèi shí me yīng gāi tuì chū?
[13:13.79] It was his audition in the first place. You tagged along. zhè yuán běn jiù shì tā de shì jìng nǐ shì gēn guò qù de
[13:17.42] You' re like the tagalong dad! jiù xiàng shì gēn bān lǎo diē
[13:20.16] At least I care about his feelings. qǐ mǎ wǒ yǒu gù lǜ dào bān de gǎn shòu
[13:22.40] What? shén me?
[13:23.60] You know how hard it' ll be on him when he doesn' t get it? nǐ zhī dào wàn yī tā méi tōng guò shì jìng dào shí tā huì yǒu duō nàn guò ma?
[13:26.83] And why wouldn' t he get it? nà tā yòu wèi shí me bú huì tōng guò?
[13:29.40] Come on! dé le ba?
[13:31.14] Have you seen what my kid can do? nǐ yǒu méi yǒu kàn guò gēn wǒ tóng zǔ de xiǎo zi yǒu duō lì hài?
[13:34.84] He dials phones, he eats tortilla chips. tā huì bō diàn huà chī mò xī gē cuì piàn
[13:37.75] He plays soccer with the cartoon tiger! hái huì píng kōng tī zú qiú yǎn duì shǒu xì ne
[13:41.25] Are you saying your kid eats soup better than my kid? nǐ shì shuō nǐ de xiǎo zi hē tāng bǐ wǒ ér zi lì hài?
[13:45.15] You just give him a spoon, baby. nǐ ér zi cái gāng xué huì hē tāng ne
[13:48.12] Oh, yeah? I guess we' ll see! shì ma? wǒ men zǒu zhe qiáo
[13:50.66] This commercial belongs to me and Mitch! hǎo a, zhè zhī guǎng gào piàn de zhǔ jué fēi wǒ hé mǐ qì mò shǔ
[13:52.93] Your kid' s name is Raymond! Yeah? So is yours! nǐ de hái zi jiào zuò léi méng duì, nǐ de yě shì!
[13:58.53] zhōng yāng kā fēi guǎn
[14:01.67] How did work go? lt was great. yǒu méi yǒu yòng? hěn bàng
[14:03.94] I went down there like you said. And we talked business. wǒ tīng nǐ men de jiàn yì qù tā men chōu yān de dì fāng wǒ men tǎo lùn dào le shēng yì
[14:07.27] And Kim took my opinions. ā jīn wán quán jiē shòu wǒ de yì jiàn
[14:09.34] You stink! nǐ hún shēn yān wèi
[14:12.51] Thanks. No, I' m serious. duō xiè wǒ shì shuō zhēn de
[14:15.05] That' s because I went down there and they were smoking. yīn wèi nà lǐ de rén quán dōu zài chōu yān
[14:17.69] This is actually the smell of success. zhè qí shí shì chéng gōng de wèi dào
[14:21.06] But there' s something different bù guò yǒu diǎn guài guài de
[14:23.36] Oh, my God! You smoked! tiān a, nǐ yǒu chōu yān
[14:26.46] I did not. wǒ méi yǒu
[14:27.66] Yes, you did. You look happy and sick. You smoked! cái guài, nǐ kàn qǐ lái shēng bìng yòu kuài lè nǐ yí dìng yǒu chōu yān
[14:31.70] All right, fine! But I had to. I had to do it for my career. hǎo la wǒ yǒu chōu wèi liǎo shì yè bù dé yǐ
[14:35.67] I wish I had to smoke for my career. hǎo xiàn mù
[14:39.24] But it' s so gross! zhè yàng hěn ě xīn yé
[14:41.31] It' s not that bad, you know? méi nà me zāo la
[14:43.38] Yeah, my tongue feels a little fuzzy and my fingers sort of smell. suī rán shé tou yǒu diǎn dǎ jié shǒu zhǐ yě yǒu diǎn guài wèi
[14:48.58] I actually feel like I could throw up. qí shí wǒ gǎn jué kuài tǔ le
[14:51.32] Can you hear yourself? I know. I' m sorry. I' m sorry. tīng nǐ zì jǐ zài shuō shí mǒ wǒ zhī dào wǒ yě hěn hòu huǐ
[14:54.26] I' m not myself. I smoked like half a pack. wǒ dōu bú shì wǒ zì jǐ le wǒ chōu le bàn bāo yān
[14:57.09] I feel a little shaky and a little weird. gǎn jué guài guài de, hái zài fā dǒu
[15:00.06] But you gotta push past this, okay? Because it' s about to get so good. hǎo, dàn nǐ yí dìng yào chēng guò zhè yī guān zài lái jiù huì shì kuài lè wú bǐ le
[15:05.67] qián dé
[15:07.84] You smell so smoky, I gotta get up. nǐ hún shēn yān wèi, wǒ dé qù tòu tòu qì
[15:11.17] I' m not kidding. wǒ méi piàn nǐ
[15:13.17] I think you smell great. wǒ jué de nǐ wén qǐ lái hěn xiāng
[15:20.55] So we' re decided. No on plaid, yes on pink. suǒ yǐ dà jiā dōu tóng yì le bú yào gé zi tú àn, yào fěn hóng?
[15:23.45] Absolutely. wán quán zhèng què
[15:25.25] I' m so onboard. wǒ jǔ shuāng shǒu shuāng jiǎo zàn chéng
[15:30.02] Didn' t you just light that? Yeah. ruì qiū, zhè zhī yān bú shì cái gāng diǎn? shì a
[15:32.19] But you know what? dàn shì...
[15:33.56] I' m just really, really trying to cut back, you know. wǒ zhèng zài nǔ lì shǎo chōu yān
[15:37.43] Good luck, Rach. " ruì qiū, wǒ děng zhe kàn xiào huà"
[15:41.20] I' ve been thinking about quitting. qí shí wǒ zuì jìn yǒu xiǎng yào jiè yān
[15:43.37] Every Sunday night, I tell myself I' m quitting. nà kě bù, wǒ měi zhōu rì wǎn shàng dōu gào sù zì jǐ yào jiè yān
[15:46.01] Every Monday morning, it' s like: jié guǒ zhōu yī hái bú shì kuáng chōu měng chōu
[15:48.34] Tell me about it. hái yòng nǐ shuō
[15:49.68] We' ll just quit. Let' s all quit! nà jiù jiè le ba, wǒ men yì qǐ jiè yān
[15:52.78] It sounds appealing. tīng qǐ lái shì hěn yòu rén la
[15:54.11] I never could do it. But you could. Absolutely. wǒ jiè yān cóng méi chéng gōng guò nǐ kě yǐ de, yí dìng xíng
[15:57.08] We can help each other. We could get those patches. wǒ men kě yǐ hù xiāng bāng máng yòng nà gè shén me jiè yān tiē bù de
[16:00.22] We could be like the Patch Sisters. wǒ men néng zǔ chéng jiè yān sān jiě mèi
[16:02.79] You know, we really should quit. Okay, let' s quit! qí shí wǒ men zhēn de yìng gāi jiè yān hǎo ba, yì qǐ lái jiè yān
[16:06.56] Great! Give me those cigs. Come on! tài bàng le, bǎ xiāng yān gěi wǒ lái
[16:08.86] Give it! Out. Done. Quit. tōng tōng jiāo chū lái
[16:13.47] My late husband gave me that lighter. nà gè dǎ huǒ jī shì wǒ xiān fū sòng wǒ de
[16:17.94] I' m not kidding. wǒ méi zài kāi wán xiào
[16:20.07] Okay, then. nà hǎo ba
[16:24.24] Mmm... soup. tāng
[16:27.38] Mmm... soup. tāng
[16:31.79] Mmm... soup. tāng
[16:34.05] Joey, Ross is gonna be here any second, would you mind watching Ben for me while I use the ladies' room? qiáo yī, luó sī suí shí huì dào wǒ qù shàng ge cè suǒ bāng wǒ kàn yī xià bān, hǎo ma?
[16:38.33] No problem. Thanks. hǎo a, méi wèn tí xiè xiè
[16:50.37] hāi, bān
[16:52.61] So you want to be an actor? I gotta tell you, it' s no picnic. nǐ xiǎng dāng yǎn yuán a? gào sù nǐ, yǎn xì kě bù xiàng yě cān
[16:56.64] There' s tons of rejection. No stability. yǒu pèng bù wán de dīng zi yì diǎn dōu bù wěn dìng
[17:00.15] I mean, one day, you' re Dr. Drake Ramoray. qián yì tiān nǐ hái shì dé ruì kè yī shēng
[17:04.32] The next day, you' re eating ketchup out of the bottle. gé tiān nǐ jiù yào qù kěn fān qié jiàng
[17:07.76] It' s a tough life. I mean, sure, you can get up whenever you want... zhè kě shì jiān kǔ de shēng huó méi cuò la, nǐ shì néng jué dìng qǐ chuáng shí jiān
[17:11.86] ... watch TV all day... zhěng tiān kàn diàn shì yě xíng
[17:14.13] ... meet tons of women in acting class.... zài yǎn yuán xùn liàn bān lǐ rèn shi yī kǎ chē de nǚ hái
[17:18.03] Oh, who am I kidding. I can' t talk you out of this. It' s a great life. xiǎo zi, wǒ gàn ma quàn nǐ dǎ xiāo niàn tou zhè zhǒng shēng huó tài bàng le
[17:24.64] Joey. Ross. qiáo yī luó sī
[17:30.08] Ben. bān
[17:32.15] I mean, Ben. Ben. bān
[17:35.52] Raymond, Joey, you' re up. léi méng, qiáo yī, gāi nǐ men shàng chǎng le
[17:42.59] So here' s what.... hǎo, xiàn zài yào
[17:44.53] Are you sure that I haven' t seen you somewhere before? wǒ yí dìng yǒu zài nǎ lǐ jiàn guò nǐ
[17:47.53] No, I haven' t been in any plays. méi yǒu, wǒ dōu dài zài jiā
[17:51.13] All right, let' s try one. Whenever you guys are ready. hǎo ba, wǒ men lái shì yī cì nǐ men zhǔn bèi hǎo le jiù kāi shǐ
[17:57.17] Is there a problem? yǒu wèn tí ma?
[17:58.41] Well, this is noodle soup. And I' ve been working with tomato. zhè shì miàn tāng wǒ liàn xí shí shì yòng fān qié tāng
[18:02.78] But that' s okay. No problem. bù guò méi guān xì
[18:05.08] Mmm... noodle soup. miàn tāng
[18:07.41] You know, that' s fine. But the line is," Mmm... soup." nǐ nà yàng bù cuò bù guò tái cí shì" tāng"
[18:11.35] What' d I say? " Mmm... noodle soup." nà wǒ gāng cái shuō shí mǒ? " miàn tāng"
[18:16.29] How' s that different? yǒu shén me bù yí yàng?
[18:20.89] duì
[18:23.86] All right. Let' s try one. hǎo, wǒ men lái shì yī cì
[18:29.80] Mmm...
[18:31.07] ... noodle soup. miàn tāng
[18:37.04] Let' s do it again. hǎo, wǒ men zài lái yī cì
[18:42.48] Mmm... soup. tāng
[18:44.95] I mean, noodle soup. I mean, soup! wǒ shì shuō" miàn tāng" bú duì, shì" tāng"
[18:47.05] Come on! nǐ zhēng qì diǎn
[18:50.92] You know what? We need to move on. wǒ men dé huàn xià yī zǔ le
[18:53.39] No, I could do it one more time. bù wǒ zài yǎn yī cì
[18:55.63] Look. nǐ kàn
[18:56.96] Mmm... noodle soup. miàn tāng
[18:59.33] Damn it! kě wù!
[19:04.37] So I think that if we get these samples into the magazine by Monday, we' ll be fine. zhōu yī qián bǎ yàng pǐn jiāo gěi zá zhì shè yīng gāi jiù méi wèn tí le
[19:08.24] Sounds good. So, Rach, how you doing? tīng qǐ lái bù cuò ruì qiū, nǐ hái hǎo ma?
[19:10.94] I' m great! No, with the notsmoking thing. hǎo jí le bù, wǒ shì shuō jiè yān de shì
[19:15.22] Kill me now. kě bǎ wǒ gěi gǎo sǐ le
[19:17.68] Let me tell you something, I ate 40 Mallomars today. gēn nǐ shuō wǒ jīn tiān chī le 40 gè mián huā táng
[19:21.46] I mean, I have patches all over my body, you know? quán shēn tiē mǎn le jiè yān tiē bù
[19:25.16] I mean, I haven' t slept in two days. We quit yesterday. wǒ lián xù liǎng tiān dū shī mián wǒ men zuó tiān cái jiè yān de
[19:29.83] That' s counting today. wǒ lián jīn tiān dū suàn jìn qù le
[19:33.07] But anyway, so these samples, I think yán guī zhèng zhuàn, wǒ xiǎng zhèi xiē yàng pǐn
[19:35.67] Oh, my God! tiān a
[19:37.27] I' m so sorry, I forgot. I have to go to the mailroom and mail some proofs. wǒ wàng jì le, zhēn de hěn bào qiàn wǒ dé qù shōu fā shì jì sòng yàng zhāng
[19:41.91] Go ahead. Rachel and I will just sit here and keep brainstorming. jǐn guǎn qù wǒ hé ruì qiū jì xù lái nǎo lì jī dàng
[19:46.95] Also, Vogue called. And they were wondering shí shàng zá zhì yě xiǎng zhī dào nǐ zhī dào ma?
[19:49.15] You know what? I' m a little hungry. I' m just gonna run down to the vending machines. wǒ yǒu diǎn è le wǒ yào qù fàn mài jī mǎi dōng xi
[19:53.79] All right. hǎo ba
[20:04.87] Busted! bèi dǎi dào le
[20:06.90] Come on! What are you doing? I thought we were the Patch Sisters. nǐ men zhè shì zài gàn ma? wǒ men bú shì jiè yān jiě mèi huā ma?
[20:11.47] That didn' t work out. duì, nà yàng xíng bù tōng
[20:13.51] Wait a minute. What about all we' ve talked about? nà wǒ men shuō guò de nèi xiē shì ne?
[20:15.74] You know, the disgusting place, the ugly people. shuō zhè ě xīn de dì fāng, chǒu lòu de rén
[20:21.92] Hey, how you doing? nǐ hǎo ma?
[20:27.45] We tried to quit. But it was too hard. ruì qiū, wǒ men yǒu shì zhe jiè yān dàn nà shí zài shì tài nán le
[20:29.89] If you started smoking again, you could have at least told me. nǐ men kāi shǐ chōu yān qǐ mǎ yě gāi gào sù wǒ ma
[20:33.56] Give me one of those. What are we talking about? kuài diǎn lái yī zhī, gāng cái shuō dào nǎ lǐ?
[20:36.30] No! You' re doing great! Don' t you give up. bù xíng, nǐ jiè yān hěn chéng gōng bù xǔ fàng qì
[20:37.93] That' s why we didn' t tell you, and we won' t drag you down. suǒ yǐ wǒ men cái méi gēn nǐ shuō wǒ men bù xiǎng tuō nǐ xià shuǐ
[20:41.07] Wait. No, no. Drag me down. děng děng, bié zhè yàng, tuō wǒ xià shuǐ
[20:43.34] Forget it. We' re so proud of how well you' re doing. ruì qiū, wàn wàn bù kě nǐ jiè yān chéng gōng, wǒ men dōu tì nǐ jiāo ào
[20:46.34] I won' t let you blow it. If I catch you, you' re fired. wǒ bù néng ràng nǐ qián gōng jìn qì ruò bèi wǒ zhuō dào wǒ yí dìng chǎo nǐ yóu yú
[20:49.78] Go on, get out of here. I don' t want you breathing this stuff. zǒu ba, lí kāi zhè lǐ wǒ bú yào nǐ xī èr shǒu yān
[20:53.78] So, okay. You' ll come with me on the Paris trip? hǎo, nǐ hé wǒ yì qǐ qù fǎ guó chū chāi
[20:56.85] Oh, man! yào mìng!
[21:03.36] Check it out. Cup hat, cup banner... nǐ qiáo qiáo, bēi zi mào bēi zi bù tiáo
[21:07.16] ... cup chandelier, and the thing that started it all: the cup! bēi zi diào dēng hái yǒu běn zūn: bēi zi
[21:12.13] Great job with the cups. fēi bǐ, nǐ duì bēi zi hái zhēn yǒu yī tào
[21:15.37] Why don' t you just go out with her? nǐ gān cuì gēn tā qù yuē huì suàn le
[21:19.54] Did you notice the ice? Look! nǐ yǒu méi yǒu zhù yì dào bīng?
[21:21.51] We have it all. We have crushed, cubed and dry. Watch. gè shì gè yàng de dōu yǒu yǒu suì bīng bīng kuài hái yǒu gān bīng zhù yì kàn
[21:28.65] Mystical. hěn yǒu shén mì gǎn ba?
[21:35.06] Everyoneno one' s eating my Tuscan finger food. Because they' re all filling up on Phoebe' s snow cones! méi rén xiǎng chī wǒ de xiǎo diǎn xīn tā men quán pǎo qù chī fēi bǐ de xuě huā bīng
[21:38.63] There are snow cones? yǒu xuě huā bīng?
[21:40.59] Snow cones! Yuck! xuě huā bīng zuì ě xīn le!
[21:43.83] Go, go! Right there! Thank you. nǐ qù chī la xiè xiè
[21:48.94] fēi bǐ?
[21:50.90] You really did do a nice job. Thank you... nǐ zuò de hěn bàng xiè xiè nǐ
[21:53.67] ... for stating the obvious. kàn jiù zhī dào
[21:56.68] I deserve that. wǒ huó gāi
[21:58.71] I just want you to know that if we ever cohost a party together again... wǒ zhǐ shì yào ràng nǐ zhī dào ruò wǒ men xià huí zài yì qǐ zhǔ bàn pài duì
[22:02.62] ... you can do whatever you want. Joey' s got a birthday coming up. nǐ xiǎng yào zěn me zuò dōu xíng qiáo yī de shēng rì kuài dào le
[22:05.79] Really? What do you wanna do? Okay, I' d like to be in charge of beer. zhēn de? nà nǐ yào zěn me bāng tā qìng zhù? hǎo, wǒ xiǎng yào fù zé pí jiǔ
[22:10.06] Well, then there' s nothing left for me. nà wǒ jiù méi de zuò le
[22:14.39] Look, look! Surprise! zhù yì! jīng xǐ!
[22:17.73] What? My birthday is not for another month. shén me a? yí gè yuè hòu cái shì wǒ shēng rì a
[22:21.77] That' s the surprise. zhè yàng cái jīng xǐ a
[22:24.97] Oh, my God, you guys! This is so great! It' s so unexpected. tiān a, nǐ men tài bàng le wǒ wán quán méi xiǎng dào
[22:29.28] I mean, Chandler' s birthday is even before mine. qián dé de shēng rì hái bǐ wǒ zǎo dào ne
[22:36.12] Surprise! jīng xǐ!
[22:41.05] This is so great! Look at all these... zhēn shì tài bàng le, kàn kàn zhèi xiē...
[22:44.79] ... cups. ... bēi zi
[22:45.96] This is so weird. zhēn shì guài guài de
[22:48.43] I was in charge of cups. bēi zi shì wǒ fù zé de
[22:50.56] Oh, okay. Not so weird. hǎo, nà jiù méi nà me guài le
[22:54.03] Chandler, what are you doing? Nothing. qián dé, nǐ zài gàn ma? méi gàn ma
[22:59.01] What' s in your hand? Money. I' m stealing all the money. nǐ shǒu lǐ ná shì shén me? qián, wǒ tōu zǒu le suǒ yǒu de qián
[23:03.81] Chandler. qián dé
[23:08.05] But just one, okay? Because nobody knows when my birthday is. chōu yī zhī jiù hǎo yīn wèi méi yǒu rén jì de wǒ de shēng rì
[23:12.29] Let me make this clear to you, okay? huò xǔ zhè néng ràng nǐ qīng xǐng yì diǎn
[23:14.15] It' s either that... yǒu xiāng yān
[23:15.92] ... or this. jiù méi yǒu wǒ
[23:24.13] They were menthol. gāng cái nà shi bò he yān
[23:33.57] Listen, man. I' m sorry the audition didn' t go well. wǒ hěn yí hàn nǐ shì jìng bù shùn lì
[23:37.88] Yeah, right. shì ō
[23:39.65] No, really. I am, Joey. I feel bad. qiáo yī, wǒ shì zhēn de hěn yí hàn
[23:42.55] Look, Ross. You don' t have to, okay? luó sī, nǐ yòng bù zháo yí hàn
[23:46.32] It' s not your fault I suck. shì wǒ zì jǐ xùn, yuàn bù dé nǐ
[23:48.22] What kind of an actor can' t even say, " Mmm... noodle soup"? lián" miàn tāng" dōu shuō bù hǎo hái suàn nǎ mén zǐ de yǎn yuán?
[23:56.53] You know what? Maybe you didn' t mess up your audition because you suck. nǐ zhī dào ma? huò xǔ nǐ gǎo zá le shì jìng bú shì yīn wèi nǐ xùn
[24:01.54] Maybe you messed up because you care more about your godson. huò xǔ nǐ gǎo zá le shì jìng shì yīn wèi nǐ gèng zài yì nǐ de jiào zǐ
[24:07.01] What do you mean? shén me yì sī?
[24:08.51] I think, subconsciously wǒ rèn wéi, zài qián yì shí lǐ
[24:10.71] You lost me. děng děng, wǒ tīng bù dǒng
[24:16.62] I think, on some level, you sabotaged... wǒ jué de zài mǒu zhǒng chéng dù shàng nǐ pò huài le....
[24:20.85] ... your own audition so Ben would get the part. zì jǐ de shì jìng cái hǎo ràng bān ná dào nà gè jué sè
[24:27.69] Your way sounds a lot better than mine. nǐ de shuō fǎ bǐ wǒ de hǎo duō le
[24:32.90] It' s not that I' m a bad actor. duì, bú shì wǒ yǎn jì làn
[24:35.57] No, it' s just that I care so damn much about little Ben... duì zhǐ shì wǒ kǎo lǜ de dōu shì bān
[24:39.77] ... that it was more important for me to see him succeed. kàn dào tā chéng gōng duì wǒ lái shuō gèng zhòng yào
[24:43.31] There you go. Thank you. Thank you. jiù shì zhè yàng, xiè xiè nǐ xiè xiè nǐ
[24:46.11] So did he get it? No. nà tā ná dào jué sè méi? méi yǒu
[24:48.11] What are you gonna do? bù rú yì shì shí zhī bā jiǔ ma
[24:54.69] Excuse me, is Rachel Green here? I' m meeting her for lunch. bù hǎo yì sī, ruì qiū gé lín zài ma? wǒ gēn tā yuē le chī zhōng fàn
[24:58.19] She doesn' t come down anymore. You can find her up on 10. tā xiàn zài bú huì xià lái zhè lǐ le tā zài shí lóu
[25:01.36] Okay, great. hǎo
[25:03.60] So we talked about the presentation. wǒ men zuó tiān zhōng fàn liáo dào tí àn bào gào
[25:06.03] He wondered if one person would be enough. tā dān xīn yí ge rén chū chāi bù gòu kàn
[25:08.94] And I said, " Yeah, absolutely." wǒ shuō jué duì méi wèn tí
[25:16.71] I' ll catch you guys later. hòu huì yǒu qī le