Friends S05E20

歌曲 Friends S05E20
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第五季)


[00:02.76] Okay, guys, listen. 好,大家注意听
[00:04.83] Tomorrow, Emily gets married again. 明天是艾蜜莉再婚的日子
[00:07.60] So try to really keep Ross' mind off of it. 我们要尽全力 转移罗斯的注意力
[00:10.57] Good idea. 对,好主意
[00:12.11] Hey,man. What's up? 你怎么了?
[00:15.04] Just thinking about Emily getting married tomorrow. 正在想艾蜜莉明天结婚的事
[00:19.71] Oh,Ross! Look,look! 罗斯,你看
[00:24.22] What? Where? 看什么?在哪里?
[00:25.45] Right over there! There! Look,look,look! 就在那儿啊,快看…
[00:29.52] -What am I looking at? -Somebody help me out here. 你要我看什么? 谁来帮帮我啊
[00:33.46] Hey! 你们好吗?
[00:36.13] Monica,sorry I didn't come by. I was out with Gary. 摩妮卡,抱歉我昨晚没过去 我跟盖瑞在一起
[00:39.37] He let me ride around with him. We saw and prevented crimes. 他用警车载我去兜风 我们还阻止了一起犯罪
[00:44.07] You got to go on a ride-along? 你可以坐警车去兜风?
[00:46.31] -I want to go on a ride-along! -Me too! 我也要坐警车兜风 我也是
[00:48.98] -Okay. -Yeah! Me too! 好啊 我也要
[00:50.95] Really? You? 你真的要?
[00:54.88] Yeah. 是啊
[00:56.99] -Well,it's kind of dangerous. -Well,I like danger. 有点危险喔 我喜欢危险
[01:00.82] -Okay, you guys free tonight? -Yeah! 好,你们今天晚上有空吗? 有…
[01:04.73] You didn't say it was gonna be at nighttime. 今晚?你刚才没说是在晚上
[01:09.20] The One With the Ride-Along 本集播出:“抢救三明治”
[01:59.45] I'm so glad you're home. We can finally organize these photos. 真高兴你回家了 今晚总算能整理这些相片
[02:02.52] Oh,thank God! 谢天谢地
[02:04.69] Finally! 终于!
[02:07.29] I've broken them down into categories. 我已经把照片分门别类
[02:09.96] We got holidays, birthdays, candids.... 有假日类、生日和偷拍
[02:13.06] And I've cross-referenced them by subject. 我已经依照主题 做好了交叉搜寻
[02:15.60] So if you're looking up,say... 好比你要找...
[02:17.93] ...birthdays and dogs, you get photo 152. ...生日和狗 就会找到152号相片
[02:20.97] See? 你看
[02:23.74] Oh,it's me and LePoo. 是我和拉普
[02:26.47] Wow,I miss that dog. 我真怀念那条狗
[02:28.61] You can also find him under "dog" and "dead." 你也能在狗和死亡项目之中 找到拉普
[02:33.82] Great. Thanks. 太好了,多谢
[02:35.55] Hand me that other box of photos. That's the last one. 把另一箱照片递给我 那是最后一箱
[02:44.79] Oops. 糟糕
[02:46.66] Sorry. 对不起啦
[02:48.00] Good thing you numbered them. 幸好你有写上号码,对吧?
[02:50.03] I hadn't. 还没
[02:51.30] Photo 152 was a prototype. 152号相片是范例
[02:55.60] Honey, it's okay. It's okay. 别难过…
[02:57.94] How about I fix you a drink? Maybe a margarita? 我帮你弄杯喝的 玛格莉特好吗?
[03:01.61] Ross has the blender. 果汁机在罗斯那里
[03:03.58] Everything's just falling apart. 一切都毁了
[03:08.18] It's okay. I'll go to Ross', get the blender. 亲爱的,不碍事 我去找罗斯拿果汁机
[03:10.75] -You get the margarita stuff ready. -All right. 你先准备玛格莉特的材料 好吧
[03:13.45] His keys are in the drawer. Also,I need some cash. 他家钥匙放在抽屉里 我还需要一些现金
[03:16.52] Want me to stop at the ATM? 你要我去自动柜员机取吗?
[03:18.13] No. While you're at Ross', if you see any lying around. 不用,到罗斯家里拿就好
[03:23.46] -What? -What? 什么? 什么?
[03:25.47] I don't do that. 我不做那种事的
[03:37.38] That was so cool,man. The way you leaned on that guy. 你逼问那家伙的方式 真是太酷了
[03:41.45] It is starting to get dark out there. 天色越来越黑了
[03:44.65] He told you everything. You cracked him. 他什么都招了 他对你毫不保留
[03:47.52] He was the victim. They're usually pretty talkative. 对,他是受害者 他们通常都很多话
[03:51.49] Okay, but it is officially nighttime. 好,正式进入夜晚了
[03:56.13] -Want me to grab the berry for you? -It's called a cherry. 盖瑞,要我帮你拿红灯吗? 这叫做“警灯”
[03:59.37] It's called Chandler! 这叫做“警灯”
[04:06.74] Okay,I got it. 买到了
[04:09.31] This place makes the best sandwich in the world. 这家店做的三明治 世界第一
[04:12.68] Does it have meatballs? 乔伊,里头有肉球吗?
[04:14.58] Oh,yeah. 没错
[04:15.75] Melted cheese and marinara sauce? 有融化的起司 和大蒜番茄酱吗?
[04:17.72] Yep. 有
[04:19.05] You can't eat that in my car. 那就不能在我的车上吃
[04:23.22] Yeah,okay. 好吧
[04:25.09] Even though my tax dollars paid for this car. 买这部警车的钱 我缴的税也有一份
[04:29.26] Your tax dollars? 你缴的税?
[04:33.60] Yeah,okay. 好啦(你缴的税)
[04:42.08] Wow,that sandwich smells good. 这个三明治还真香
[04:44.35] Did I say you could smell it? 我有说你可以闻吗?
[04:47.28] I can't smell it? 闻个三明治都不行?
[04:48.95] Half the taste is in the smell. You're sucking up all the taste units. 香味就佔去了好吃的一半 你把好吃都吸光了
[04:53.89] Okay,I'll give them back. 好吧,还给你
[04:59.26] What is so great about that sandwich? 这三明治到底棒在哪里?
[05:02.80] Imagine the best sex you ever had. 想想你做爱最爽的一次 好
[05:06.40] -Are you thinking about Monica? -Yeah. 你想的是摩妮卡吗? 是啊
[05:08.94] What's that like? 是什么感觉?
[05:23.32] Please don't be from a real dinosaur. Please,please. 拜托不要是真的恐龙
[05:26.75] Please,please. 千万不要…
[05:30.46] "Made in Mexico." Yes! 墨西哥制造,好耶
[05:34.93] Who would buy this? 谁会买这种东西?
[05:44.51] Rach, it's me. Pick up! 瑞秋,是我,快接啊
[05:48.84] What's up? 什么事?
[05:50.11] I need a few more things for the margaritas. 我做玛格莉特还缺材料
[05:52.31] I need some salt, some margarita mix and tequila. 我要盐巴、玛格莉特调汁 还有龙舌蘭酒
[05:58.95] So all we had was ice? 我们家里只有冰块喔?
[06:00.79] See if he has ice. 看看他有没有冰块
[06:04.19] 好吧
[06:16.27] Hello,Ross? 罗斯
[06:17.51] It's Emily here. 我是艾蜜莉
[06:19.17] I know this is out of the blue, but I'm getting married tomorrow. 我知道这很突然 但是我明天就要结婚了
[06:23.48] Well,maybe I am.... 或许啦… 我...
[06:25.65] I keep thinking about you. 我一直在想你
[06:28.35] And I'm wondering if we made a mistake giving up so fast. 不知道我们太快放弃 是不是一个错误
[06:32.22] Are you thinking about me? 你有在想我吗?
[06:34.36] No,of course you're not. But if you are,call me tonight. 一定没有 如果有的话 今晚打给我
[06:38.06] Okay, bye. 好吧,再见
[06:49.04] Where we going? 下一站是哪里?
[06:50.20] This witness won't return my calls. We'll surprise him coming home. 这个目击证人不回我电话 我们去他家堵他
[06:53.74] Surprise him? We're not gonna make anybody mad,are we? 去堵他?他不会生气吧?
[06:57.88] Come on, man. 得了吧你
[06:59.71] You gonna squeeze the perp's shoes a bit before he lawyers up? 那你会在那贼人的律师出现前 先从他身上挤出一些汁来?
[07:04.22] He's a witness, not a perp. And no one talks like that. 那是目击证人,不是贼人 而且没有人会那样说话
[07:08.39] Yeah. No one talks like that. 是啊,没人会那样说话
[07:11.16] -Oh,what,like you're Mr. Cop? -I'm more cop than you two. 难不成你是警察? 我比你们两个都像警察
[07:15.06] How do you figure that? 这是什么道理?
[07:16.90] I'm in the front seat,okay? 醒醒吧,我坐在前座
[07:19.93] I'm Gary's partner. 我是盖瑞的搭档
[07:22.50] When you say "partner," it doesn't sound cop. 你说搭档的时候不像警察
[07:25.41] It sounds gay. 倒像是同志
[07:29.04] Jealous. 爱吃醋
[07:31.95] -Hey,we're undercover here. -Oh,yeah. No problem. 我们这是秘密出勤 好,没问题
[07:36.42] -Ross! -Sorry. 罗斯 抱歉…
[07:39.45] There. 好了
[07:43.72] Hey,Gary. Who am l? 盖瑞,我是谁?
[07:45.73] Phone home. 打电话回家
[07:50.77] Look at Officer Ross riding back here with the visitors. 看看这位罗斯警官 被打入后座了
[07:55.30] What's up with that,Serpico? 是啊,
[07:58.61] "What's up with that,Serpico?" 这是怎么一回事呢?
[08:03.85] Are you thinking about me? No,of course you're not. 你有在想我吗? 一定没有
[08:07.35] But if you are,call me tonight. 如果有的话,今晚打给我
[08:09.55] Okay,bye. 好吧,再见
[08:12.92] No. 不会吧
[08:16.12] I know! 我知道
[08:18.93] Thank God you were here. We have to erase that. 幸好先被你听到了 我们一定要把这留言洗掉
[08:22.40] What? We can't do that. 什么?我们不能那样
[08:24.37] We have to. What if Ross hears that... 非这样不可 万一罗斯听到了
[08:26.63] ...and calls her back and they get back together? 回电给她 他们又复合了怎么办?
[08:29.04] Is that what you want? Ross back with that controlling... 你希望那样吗? 看到罗斯跟那个控制欲超强
[08:32.27] ...neurotic,crazy Emily? The Emily that wouldn't let him see you? 神经兮兮的疯子艾蜜莉复合? 那个不让罗斯见你的艾蜜莉?
[08:36.14] No! Oh,no,no. 不行,万万不可…
[08:38.25] God,no! He should not get back with her. 罗斯绝对不能和她复合
[08:41.08] I know that,you know that. Even Ross knows that. 你知我知,就连罗斯都知道
[08:44.79] But we have no right to erase his message. 但我们还是没有权力 擅自洗掉给罗斯的留言
[08:47.32] Look,I'm his sister and I love him. I don't want to see him get hurt. 我可是他的妹妹 我爱他,不想看他受到伤害
[08:52.16] Doesn't that give me the right to control him? 得了 我这样还没有权控制…
[08:56.33] Help him? 帮助他吗?
[08:58.80] He's not the one who needs help. 我觉得需要帮忙的不是他
[09:03.24] She's obviously unstable. 艾蜜莉非常不稳定
[09:05.17] She's thinking about running out on her wedding day. 她竟然想在结婚当天落跑
[09:12.35] Okay,fine. But look at the position she's putting him in. 好啦,但你看看 她让罗斯陷入了什么处境
[09:16.58] And what's he gonna do? 你要罗斯怎么办?
[09:18.45] Run over there on the wedding day and break up the marriage? 难不成在艾蜜莉结婚当天 跑去破坏婚礼?
[09:21.79] Who would do that? 谁做得出那种事?
[09:27.30] Okay,fine. All right. But that was different. 好啦,不过这是两码子事
[09:31.77] Although it did involve a lot of the same people. 虽然有很多人都是重复的
[09:35.20] This is some twisted joke she's playing on him. 艾蜜莉显然想用变态的笑话 来恶整罗斯
[09:38.37] You are crazy. She sounded genuinely upset. 够了,你疯了 她听起来真的很沮丧
[09:41.78] I mean,listen. 你听听就知道
[09:43.28] Your messages have been erased. 您的留言已经清除
[09:45.81] No! 不会吧…
[09:49.42] Well,that worked out well. Margarita? 这样就省事多了 来杯玛格莉特?
[09:58.13] Okay,but we're safe, right? Nothing bad's gonna go down. 我们很安全,对吧? 不可能会有厄运降临
[10:02.06] No. But that reminds me. Sign this. 对,不过我倒想起来了 签一下这个
[10:04.67] What is it? 这是什么?
[10:06.00] It just says you can't sue if you scrape your knee... 没什么,只是不能告到市政府头上 就算断腿...
[10:08.90] ...or get your head blown off. ...或者脑袋开花
[10:12.54] Oh,hurry up. I want to sign that. 快点喔,我要签
[10:16.08] Here he comes. 好,他来了
[10:18.65] What is he doing? What the hell is he doing? 他在干嘛?搞什么鬼?
[10:21.15] What is it? 什么?…怎么了?
[10:22.32] -ls everything okay? -What? 没事吧? 发生什么事?
[10:24.05] He sees us. Don't move. And don't look at him! 他看到我们了,别动 不要看他
[10:42.67] Hey,it's okay. It was just a car backfire. 没事的,只是车子逆火
[10:46.74] Hey, look at that. You tried to save your buddy. 看看,你想用身体掩护朋友
[10:50.71] You see that? 你看到了没?
[10:52.11] You see what he did? 看到他冒命拯救朋友没?
[10:54.45] You okay,man? 你没事吧?
[10:59.75] Thanks,Joey. 乔伊,谢了
[11:03.36] Hello? 那我呢?
[11:07.56] Hi. 嗨
[11:10.77] You all right? 没事吧?
[11:16.54] We should go. 我们应该走了
[11:17.84] No,wait. 等等…
[11:19.01] Oh,yeah. Right. 对,钱拿走
[11:20.44] No. Monica. 不是啦,摩妮卡…
[11:23.04] Monica,we have to fix this. 摩妮卡,我们得补救这个
[11:25.11] What can we do? You erased the message. 我们无能为力啊 你已经把留言洗掉了
[11:27.68] Yeah,but maybe I could call his machine and re-create the message. 或许我可以再打电话进来 重新假造一段同样的留言
[11:32.52] All right,okay.... 我来试试…
[11:34.79] Hello,Ross,this is Rachel Emily. 罗斯,我是瑞秋…艾蜜莉
[11:37.86] God,what is it with those two names? 天啊 我怎么连名字都说不好
[11:42.83] I do so wanted to say that I'm going to be getting married... 我打来只是要说我就快要…
[11:48.14] another British person. 跟另外一个英国人结婚了
[11:51.54] And I'm having doubts and scones.... 我心里很疑惑…
[11:58.71] -I can't remember what she said. -Yeah,that's the problem with this plan. 我忘记她说了什么 是啊,计划的问题就在这里
[12:03.12] Rachel,come on. The message is erased, there's nothing we can do. 瑞秋,留言已经洗掉了 我们无能为力
[12:06.42] He's never gonna find out. 罗斯永远不会发现的
[12:08.09] I could tell him about it. 我可以老实跟他说啊
[12:10.22] If you want to be rational, I can't argue with you. 如果你想要这么明理的话 我也争不过你
[12:13.86] All right? 好啦
[12:15.60] Fine,tell him. I just don't want to be a part of it. 你要说就说 我不想介入
[12:20.70] Maybe that's Emily leaving the exact same message. 或许又是艾蜜莉打来的 她想说一样的话
[12:25.37] Hey,Ross,it's you. I just want you to remember this feeling. 罗斯,是你啊 我只是要你记得这种感觉
[12:30.38] You are lucky to be alive. 活着是一种幸运
[12:33.25] So live every day to the fullest. 所以每一天都要活得精彩
[12:36.72] Love yourself, okay? 珍爱自己,好吗?
[12:40.15] And also get stamps. Bye. 好吧,也别忘了买邮票,再见
[12:43.89] Play that message for Emily, and this problem goes away. 只要把这留言放给艾蜜莉听 所有的问题就都解决了
[12:47.63] Right? 是吗?
[12:50.30] Anybody want to meet a hero? 谁要来见见英雄?
[12:52.33] John Glenn is here? 约翰葛林来了?
[12:55.17] No. Joey. 不,是乔伊
[12:56.67] Joey's never been in outer space. 乔伊没有上过太空啊
[13:00.14] We had the most incredible night. 菲比,今晚真是太不可思议了
[13:02.61] -We're in the car -Wait. Hold on. 我们在警车里… 慢着…
[13:07.65] -Hi. -Hi. 嗨 嗨
[13:08.95] Okay,go ahead. 好,继续说
[13:11.52] So we're in the car,and bang! A shot was fired. 好…我们在警车里 突然呯一声 有人开枪
[13:15.72] And Joey,with no regard for his own safety... 乔伊完全不顾自己的安危
[13:19.29] ...throws himself on me. 扑到我身上保护我
[13:21.56] My God! 天啊,乔伊
[13:22.90] It was a car backfire. 那是汽车逆火放屁的声音
[13:25.63] But he didn't know that. 对,但是当时他并不知道
[13:27.33] Yeah,I didn't know that. 对,我不知道
[13:31.01] It could just as easily have been a bullet. 那很有可能会是子弹的
[13:34.14] Ever think about joining the force? We could use a guy like you. 乔伊,有没有想过要当警察? 警界很需要你这种人
[13:37.41] Who jumps at loud noises. 听到巨响就吓得跳起来
[13:41.48] Wow. I could have died tonight. 我今晚有可能丧命的
[13:44.79] Yeah,if the car that backfired had run over you! 对,如果那部放屁的车 把你碾过去的话
[13:48.89] I'm gonna go home,before Ross starts rambling about his newfound respect for life. 我先回家去了 省得罗斯大谈人生新发现
[13:53.39] I do have a newfound respect for life. 我的人生的确有了新发现
[13:58.30] Oh,my God! 天啊
[14:02.60] Ross,I could have told you you weren't gonna die today. 罗斯,我早该跟你说 你今天不会有死劫的
[14:06.01] What? You know when I'm gonna die? 你知道我为什么会死?
[14:12.41] -You want to get some dinner? -Sure. 亲爱的,你要吃晚餐吗? 好啊,当然
[14:17.25] You know what? If I heard a shot right now, I'd throw my body on you. 你知道吗,若现在听到枪声 我一定会扑倒你身上
[14:20.86] Maybe we should walk in a bad neighborhood. 是吗?那我们或许应该 去穷凶恶极的社区散步
[14:23.72] Okay. 好
[14:26.36] Bye. 再见 再见
[14:32.93] Cut it out. 罗斯,你别再闹了
[14:34.77] I'd hate to save your life and kick your ass on the same day. 我不想在同一天里 先是救你又痛扁你一顿
[14:49.25] Why'd you take off? 你刚才怎么先闪了?
[14:50.62] Just going for a walk. 我只是去散步
[14:53.42] Around the living room,whatever. 在客厅里绕来绕去
[14:56.56] -ls something wrong? -No. No,I'm just tired. 有什么不对吗? 没有,我只是累了
[15:00.26] You know,from the walk. 走路走累了
[15:05.00] You dove in front of Ross! 好吧 你扑上去救罗斯
[15:07.90] Ross! 罗斯耶!
[15:10.10] That's what this is about. 原来是这么一回事
[15:14.14] Oh,my God. You hate Ross! 天啊,你恨罗斯
[15:18.15] I don't hate Ross. 我没有恨罗斯
[15:19.48] Of course you do. I saved him. You're mad at me. It adds up. 你当然有! 我救了他,你生我的气 这样全都说得通了
[15:23.52] You want Ross out of the picture. 你想铲除罗斯?
[15:26.79] What picture? 铲除什么?
[15:27.99] I don't know. But I don't like what I'm hearing. 不知道,但是你说的话很吓人
[15:31.09] I'm glad you saved Ross in the car backfire. But it could've been a bullet. 我很高兴你在汽车放屁事件中 救了罗斯一命 但那若真的是子弹怎么办?
[15:35.10] And you didn't try to save me. 你竟然救他不救我
[15:39.30] You're upset because you think I chose Ross over you. 原来你是在气这个 你以为我觉得罗斯比你重要
[15:42.77] No,I knew you could take care of yourself. 不是这样的… 我知道你能照顾自己
[15:47.44] You know? I mean,Ross needs help. He's not "street" like us. 罗斯需要别人帮忙 他不像你我见过大场面
[15:51.81] You'd risk your life for Ross before you would for me. 话说到头,你宁愿先去救罗斯 也不来救我
[15:55.45] That's the bottom line. 这才是重点
[15:58.49] No,not exactly. 不完全是这样
[16:00.65] All right,look. 好吧,好吧
[16:02.72] I wasn't trying to save Ross. 其实我那不是要救罗斯
[16:06.03] Okay?
[16:08.30] My sandwich was next to Ross. 我的三明治在罗斯旁边
[16:12.90] All right?
[16:15.67] I was trying to save my sandwich. 我是要救我的三明治
[16:20.34] From a bullet? 怕它被枪打到?
[16:23.08] -I know it doesn't make much sense. -"Much" sense? 我知道这说来没啥道理… 岂止没啥道理
[16:27.21] Look,it was instinct! I just went for it. 钱德,那是本能反应 当下就扑过去了
[16:30.02] You risked your life for a sandwich? 所以你冒命去救三明治
[16:32.65] I know it sounds crazy... 我知道这听起来很夸张
[16:34.99] ...but this is the greatest sandwich in the world! 但这可是世界上最棒的三明治
[16:41.50] So you didn't choose Ross before me? 所以你并不觉得罗斯比我重要
[16:44.57] No. I would never do that. 是啊,我绝对不会那样
[16:47.23] You're like my brother. 你就像是我的亲兄弟
[16:50.00] -Really? -Yeah. 真的? 对
[16:52.37] In fact,to prove how much you mean to me.... 为了证明你对我的意义
[17:01.58] Here. 给你
[17:03.52] -Thanks. -Easy, it's not a hot dog! 谢了 轻一点,这不是热狗
[17:12.53] How good is that? 是不是很好吃?
[17:16.96] See? 看吧
[17:18.43] What are you doing? 慢着,你在干嘛?
[17:21.47] You're showing me how much I mean to you. 你不是要证明我对你的意义?
[17:23.90] With a bite. 是啊,咬一口来证明
[17:26.21] Jeez! 你也帮帮忙
[17:46.06] What are you doing here? 瑞秋,你在这里干嘛?
[17:47.80] Hey,you know what?
[17:48.96] You are in our apartment all the time! 你动不动就往我们的公寓跑
[17:51.83] This is just a drop in the bucket,mister! 我这只是小巫见大巫而已
[17:56.24] It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you're here. 没关系啦,重点是你来了
[18:00.67] You're my friend and you're here. 你是我朋友,而你来到了这里
[18:09.42] Okay,just a little scared. What's going on? 好,我有一点点害怕 罗斯,你是怎么了?
[18:12.49] The most amazing thing happened tonight. 今晚发生了最不寻常的事
[18:15.26] I thought my number was up. 我还以为自己要去见阎王了
[18:17.12] I had an actual near-death experience. 我真正面临到了濒死经验
[18:20.93] What happened? 什么?…怎么回事?
[18:22.43] We were on the ride-along with Gary and somebody took a shot at me! 我们不是跟盖瑞 坐警车兜风吗? 有人朝我开枪!
[18:30.20] Really? 真的吗?
[18:31.97] No. A car backfired. 不是,是车子放屁
[18:35.98] But I thought somebody was taking a shot at me. And,Rach... 但我当时以为是有人对我开枪 瑞秋
[18:40.18] ...I survived! 我劫后余生
[18:43.52] And I was filled with this great respect for life. 我的人生拥有了全新视野
[18:47.82] I want to experience every moment. 我要真切体验每一刻
[18:50.36] I want to seize every opportunity. 我要把握每一个机会
[18:53.83] I am seeing everything so clearly now. 现在的一切都变得好清晰
[18:57.73] Because a car backfired? 全都是因为汽车放屁?
[19:00.53] Okay. Why are you here? 好吧,你来这里干嘛?
[19:04.24] I don't know how this fits into your whole "seizing" thing... 我不知道这件事符不符合 你所谓的“把握今朝”
[19:08.68] ...but Emily called you today. 不过艾蜜莉今天打了电话给你
[19:11.58] -You talked to her? -She left a message. 你跟她说了话? 没有,她在你电话里留言
[19:14.01] But it kind of got erased. 不过留言被洗掉了
[19:16.18] I mean,there's something wrong with your machine. 你的答录机有问题
[19:19.92] What did she say? 那她说了什么?
[19:22.02] Something about having second thoughts about the wedding... 说什么对结婚的事有点反悔
[19:26.16] ...and did you guys make a mistake breaking up? 说你们分手是个错误
[19:29.73] And she wants you to call her. 她要你回电
[19:32.73] Wow.
[19:34.20] That was a good thing that I told you, right? 我跟你说这件事很对吧?
[19:37.94] Yeah. Yes. Of course. 是啊,当然是这样
[19:40.04] Okay,thank you. Thank you. Because 谢谢你… 谢谢 因为...
[19:43.28] I'm gonna go tell Monica I was right. 我要去跟摩妮卡说 我这样做是对的
[19:45.95] Because she didn't want 因为你知道吗?她不希望…
[19:47.88] Not important. Point is, I was right. Your decision. 那不重要 重点是我是对的,你自己决定
[19:52.45] Okay?
[19:53.72] I was right. 我是对的
[19:55.29] Your decision. 你自己决定要不要回电
[19:57.29] Right. 对
[19:58.93] I guess I should call Emily. 我猜我应该回电给艾蜜莉
[20:01.43] No, that's not the right decision. 不对,你的决定不对…
[20:03.93] That's not right. 这样不对
[20:05.70] Ross,come on! 罗斯,你清醒一点
[20:07.20] I mean... 我是说...
[20:08.97] ...that woman made you miserable! ...那个女人把你给整惨了
[20:12.94] Do you really want to get back into that? 罗斯,你真的想要再来一次?
[20:17.21] Okay,look. Yesterday... 如果她是在昨天打来的
[20:19.21] ...I wouldn't have even considered calling her back. 我压根不会想回电
[20:22.55] But my ex-wife calls on the same day... 但在我面对濒死经验的同一天
[20:25.22] ...I have a near-death experience? 我的前妻正好打电话来
[20:27.92] That's gotta mean something. 这一定有所含意
[20:30.12] That was not a near-death experience. That was barely an experience. 罗斯,那不是濒死经验 就连经验都谈不上了
[20:35.43] You weren't there! 当时你并不在场
[20:39.17] Maybe this is something that I'm supposed to seize, you know? 或许这就是我应该把握的事
[20:43.90] Okay. You know what? 好吧,你知道吗?
[20:46.41] Maybe this is not about seizing stuff. 或许这无关把握或是不把握
[20:50.48] Maybe this is about escaping stuff. 或许这是关于逃避
[20:54.62] Okay? Look at today. 就拿今天来说
[20:56.28] I mean,you escaped... 你逃过了…
[20:58.49] ...death. 死忘
[21:01.69] And maybe this is a chance for you to escape... 或许这是你逃避机会
[21:05.26] ...getting back together with Emily. 不去和艾蜜莉复合
[21:08.53] That does make sense. 这还蛮有道理的
[21:11.93] Because I do want to seize some opportunity... 因为我要把握住这个机会
[21:15.87] ...but I really don't want to see or talk to her. 不和她见面或联络
[21:21.28] Well,there you go! 这不就结了
[21:24.51] Yeah,maybe today's just... 或许今天只是...
[21:27.11] ..."close call" day. ...“千钧一发”日
[21:31.65] Hey, thanks, Rach. 瑞秋,谢了
[21:33.69] Oh, honey. No problem. 亲爱的,甭客气
[21:36.46] Wait, wait. The message is blinking. 等等…留言灯号在闪
[21:39.46] Maybe you didn't erase it. 或许留言没被洗掉
[21:41.50] Hey,Ross,it's you 罗斯,是你啊
[21:44.56] That's an old message. Nobody needs to hear that. 这是旧的留言 没什么好听的 没错
[21:50.84] -Hey,was Monica here? -Yeah. 摩妮卡有来过吗? 有啊
[21:53.71] I want my money back. 要她把我的钱还来
[21:56.71] You probably need that for stamps, right? 是要用来买邮票的吧?
[22:07.55] Has Gary ever been shot at for real? 菲比,盖瑞有真的中枪过吗?
[22:09.52] Yes,once. 有,一次
[22:11.86] A little. 小小的一次
[22:13.09] He kind of did it to himself. 算是他自己打的
[22:16.03] It's not really a good story. 这故事没什么好讲的
[22:18.90] I wonder how I'd react under fire. And not backfire... 不知道我置身战火会怎样 不是汽车放屁
[22:22.60] ...but heavy fire. 是枪林弹雨
[22:24.40] Like,if I was in a war. 好比我在战场上之类的
[22:26.61] Man,I would be great in a war! 我去打仗一定很厉害
[22:28.84] I think I'd make a fantastic military leader. 一定会是很棒的军事领袖
[22:32.01] I mean,I know I'd make general before any of you guys. 跟你们这些人比起来 我一定会最先当上将军
[22:36.12] Before or after you were shot by your own troops? 在你被自己的部下枪杀前 还是之后?
[22:39.89] I know Joey would be in the foxhole protecting all of us. 我知道乔伊一定会在散兵坑里保护大家
[22:43.89] If the foxhole was lined with sandwiches. 对,如果那个散兵坑 是用三明治围起来的话
[22:47.93] Yeah, hero sandwiches. 没错,英雄三明治
[22:52.60] You all know I'm a pacifist, so I'm not interested in war in any way. 你们知道我主张和平 我对什么战争都没兴趣
[22:57.37] But when the revolution comes, I'll have to destroy you all. 不过等到革命的那一天来临 我一定要把你们消灭光光
[23:01.88] Not you, Joey. 乔伊,你例外


[00:02.76] Okay, guys, listen. hǎo, dà jiā zhù yì tīng
[00:04.83] Tomorrow, Emily gets married again. míng tiān shì ài mì lì zài hūn de rì zi
[00:07.60] So try to really keep Ross' mind off of it. wǒ men yào jìn quán lì zhuǎn yí luó sī de zhù yì lì
[00:10.57] Good idea. duì, hǎo zhǔ yì
[00:12.11] Hey, man. What' s up? nǐ zěn me le?
[00:15.04] Just thinking about Emily getting married tomorrow. zhèng zài xiǎng ài mì lì míng tiān jié hūn de shì
[00:19.71] Oh, Ross! Look, look! luó sī, nǐ kàn
[00:24.22] What? Where? kàn shén me? zài nǎ lǐ?
[00:25.45] Right over there! There! Look, look, look! jiù zài na r a, kuài kàn
[00:29.52] What am I looking at? Somebody help me out here. nǐ yào wǒ kàn shén me? shuí lái bāng bāng wǒ a
[00:33.46] Hey! nǐ men hǎo ma?
[00:36.13] Monica, sorry I didn' t come by. I was out with Gary. mó nī kǎ, bào qiàn wǒ zuó wǎn méi guò qù wǒ gēn gài ruì zài yì qǐ
[00:39.37] He let me ride around with him. We saw and prevented crimes. tā yòng jǐng chē zài wǒ qù dōu fēng wǒ men hái zǔ zhǐ le yì qǐ fàn zuì
[00:44.07] You got to go on a ridealong? nǐ kě yǐ zuò jǐng chē qù dōu fēng?
[00:46.31] I want to go on a ridealong! Me too! wǒ yě yào zuò jǐng chē dōu fēng wǒ yě shì
[00:48.98] Okay. Yeah! Me too! hǎo a wǒ yě yào
[00:50.95] Really? You? nǐ zhēn de yào?
[00:54.88] Yeah. shì a
[00:56.99] Well, it' s kind of dangerous. Well, I like danger. yǒu diǎn wēi xiǎn ō wǒ xǐ huān wēi xiǎn
[01:00.82] Okay, you guys free tonight? Yeah! hǎo, nǐ men jīn tiān wǎn shàng yǒu kòng ma? yǒu
[01:04.73] You didn' t say it was gonna be at nighttime. jīn wǎn? nǐ gāng cái méi shuō shì zài wǎn shàng
[01:09.20] The One With the RideAlong běn jí bō chū:" qiǎng jiù sān míng zhì"
[01:59.45] I' m so glad you' re home. We can finally organize these photos. zhēn gāo xìng nǐ huí jiā le jīn wǎn zǒng suàn néng zhěng lǐ zhèi xiē xiàng piān
[02:02.52] Oh, thank God! xiè tiān xiè dì
[02:04.69] Finally! zhōng yú!
[02:07.29] I' ve broken them down into categories. wǒ yǐ jīng bǎ zhào piān fēn mén bié lèi
[02:09.96] We got holidays, birthdays, candids.... yǒu jià rì lèi shēng rì hé tōu pāi
[02:13.06] And I' ve crossreferenced them by subject. wǒ yǐ jīng yī zhào zhǔ tí zuò hǎo le jiāo chā sōu xún
[02:15.60] So if you' re looking up, say... hǎo bǐ nǐ yào zhǎo...
[02:17.93] ... birthdays and dogs, you get photo 152. ... shēng rì hé gǒu jiù huì zhǎo dào 152 hào xiàng piān
[02:20.97] See? nǐ kàn
[02:23.74] Oh, it' s me and LePoo. shì wǒ hé lā pǔ
[02:26.47] Wow, I miss that dog. wǒ zhēn huái niàn nà tiáo gǒu
[02:28.61] You can also find him under " dog" and " dead." nǐ yě néng zài gǒu hé sǐ wáng xiàng mù zhī zhōng zhǎo dào lā pǔ
[02:33.82] Great. Thanks. tài hǎo le, duō xiè
[02:35.55] Hand me that other box of photos. That' s the last one. bǎ lìng yī xiāng zhào piān dì gěi wǒ nà shi zuì hòu yī xiāng
[02:44.79] Oops. zāo gāo
[02:46.66] Sorry. duì bù qǐ la
[02:48.00] Good thing you numbered them. xìng hǎo nǐ yǒu xiě shàng hào mǎ, duì ba?
[02:50.03] I hadn' t. hái méi
[02:51.30] Photo 152 was a prototype. 152 hào xiàng piān shì fàn lì
[02:55.60] Honey, it' s okay. It' s okay. bié nán guò
[02:57.94] How about I fix you a drink? Maybe a margarita? wǒ bāng nǐ nòng bēi hē de mǎ gé lì tè hǎo ma?
[03:01.61] Ross has the blender. guǒ zhī jī zài luó sī nà lǐ
[03:03.58] Everything' s just falling apart. yī qiè dōu huǐ le
[03:08.18] It' s okay. I' ll go to Ross', get the blender. qīn ài de, bù ài shì wǒ qù zhǎo luó sī ná guǒ zhī jī
[03:10.75] You get the margarita stuff ready. All right. nǐ xiān zhǔn bèi mǎ gé lì tè de cái liào hǎo ba
[03:13.45] His keys are in the drawer. Also, I need some cash. tā jiā yào shi fàng zài chōu tì lǐ wǒ hái xū yào yī xiē xiàn jīn
[03:16.52] Want me to stop at the ATM? nǐ yào wǒ qù zì dòng guì yuán jī qǔ ma?
[03:18.13] No. While you' re at Ross', if you see any lying around. bù yòng, dào luó sī jiā lǐ ná jiù hǎo
[03:23.46] What? What? shén me? shén me?
[03:25.47] I don' t do that. wǒ bù zuò nà zhǒng shì de
[03:37.38] That was so cool, man. The way you leaned on that guy. nǐ bī wèn nà jiā huo de fāng shì zhēn shì tài kù le
[03:41.45] It is starting to get dark out there. tiān sè yuè lái yuè hēi le
[03:44.65] He told you everything. You cracked him. tā shén me dōu zhāo le tā duì nǐ háo bù bǎo liú
[03:47.52] He was the victim. They' re usually pretty talkative. duì, tā shì shòu hài zhě tā men tōng cháng dōu hěn duō huà
[03:51.49] Okay, but it is officially nighttime. hǎo, zhèng shì jìn rù yè wǎn le
[03:56.13] Want me to grab the berry for you? It' s called a cherry. gài ruì, yào wǒ bāng nǐ ná hóng dēng ma? zhè jiào zuò" jǐng dēng"
[03:59.37] It' s called Chandler! zhè jiào zuò" jǐng dēng"
[04:06.74] Okay, I got it. mǎi dào le
[04:09.31] This place makes the best sandwich in the world. zhè jiā diàn zuò de sān míng zhì shì jiè dì yī
[04:12.68] Does it have meatballs? qiáo yī, lǐ tou yǒu ròu qiú ma?
[04:14.58] Oh, yeah. méi cuò
[04:15.75] Melted cheese and marinara sauce? yǒu róng huà de qǐ sī hé dà suàn fān qié jiàng ma?
[04:17.72] Yep. yǒu
[04:19.05] You can' t eat that in my car. nà jiù bù néng zài wǒ de chē shàng chī
[04:23.22] Yeah, okay. hǎo ba
[04:25.09] Even though my tax dollars paid for this car. mǎi zhè bù jǐng chē de qián wǒ jiǎo de shuì yě yǒu yī fèn
[04:29.26] Your tax dollars? nǐ jiǎo de shuì?
[04:33.60] Yeah, okay. hǎo la nǐ jiǎo de shuì
[04:42.08] Wow, that sandwich smells good. zhè gè sān míng zhì hái zhēn xiāng
[04:44.35] Did I say you could smell it? wǒ yǒu shuō nǐ kě yǐ wén ma?
[04:47.28] I can' t smell it? wén gè sān míng zhì dōu bù xíng?
[04:48.95] Half the taste is in the smell. You' re sucking up all the taste units. xiāng wèi jiù zhàn qù le hǎo chī de yī bàn nǐ bǎ hǎo chī dōu xī guāng le
[04:53.89] Okay, I' ll give them back. hǎo ba, huán gěi nǐ
[04:59.26] What is so great about that sandwich? zhè sān míng zhì dào dǐ bàng zài nǎ lǐ?
[05:02.80] Imagine the best sex you ever had. xiǎng xiǎng nǐ zuò ài zuì shuǎng de yī cì hǎo
[05:06.40] Are you thinking about Monica? Yeah. nǐ xiǎng de shì mó nī kǎ ma? shì a
[05:08.94] What' s that like? shì shén me gǎn jué?
[05:23.32] Please don' t be from a real dinosaur. Please, please. bài tuō bú yào shì zhēn de kǒng lóng
[05:26.75] Please, please. qiān wàn bú yào
[05:30.46] " Made in Mexico." Yes! mò xī gē zhì zào, hǎo yé
[05:34.93] Who would buy this? shuí huì mǎi zhè zhǒng dōng xī?
[05:44.51] Rach, it' s me. Pick up! ruì qiū, shì wǒ, kuài jiē a
[05:48.84] What' s up? shén me shì?
[05:50.11] I need a few more things for the margaritas. wǒ zuò mǎ gé lì tè hái quē cái liào
[05:52.31] I need some salt, some margarita mix and tequila. wǒ yào yán bā mǎ gé lì tè tiáo zhī hái yǒu lóng shé lán jiǔ
[05:58.95] So all we had was ice? wǒ men jiā lǐ zhǐ yǒu bīng kuài ō?
[06:00.79] See if he has ice. kàn kàn tā yǒu méi yǒu bīng kuài
[06:04.19] hǎo ba
[06:16.27] Hello, Ross? luó sī
[06:17.51] It' s Emily here. wǒ shì ài mì lì
[06:19.17] I know this is out of the blue, but I' m getting married tomorrow. wǒ zhī dào zhè hěn tū rán dàn shì wǒ míng tiān jiù yào jié hūn le
[06:23.48] Well, maybe I am.... huò xǔ la wǒ...
[06:25.65] I keep thinking about you. wǒ yī zhí zài xiǎng nǐ
[06:28.35] And I' m wondering if we made a mistake giving up so fast. bù zhī dào wǒ men tài kuài fàng qì shì bú shì yí gè cuò wù
[06:32.22] Are you thinking about me? nǐ yǒu zài xiǎng wǒ ma?
[06:34.36] No, of course you' re not. But if you are, call me tonight. yí dìng méi yǒu rú guǒ yǒu de huà jīn wǎn dǎ gěi wǒ
[06:38.06] Okay, bye. hǎo ba, zài jiàn
[06:49.04] Where we going? xià yī zhàn shì nǎ lǐ?
[06:50.20] This witness won' t return my calls. We' ll surprise him coming home. zhè gè mù jī zhèng rén bù huí wǒ diàn huà wǒ men qù tā jiā dǔ tā
[06:53.74] Surprise him? We' re not gonna make anybody mad, are we? qù dǔ tā? tā bú huì shēng qì ba?
[06:57.88] Come on, man. dé le ba nǐ
[06:59.71] You gonna squeeze the perp' s shoes a bit before he lawyers up? nà nǐ huì zài nà zéi rén de lǜ shī chū xiàn qián xiān cóng tā shēn shàng jǐ chū yī xiē zhī lái?
[07:04.22] He' s a witness, not a perp. And no one talks like that. nà shi mù jī zhèng rén, bú shì zéi rén ér qiě méi yǒu rén huì nà yàng shuō huà
[07:08.39] Yeah. No one talks like that. shì a, méi rén huì nà yàng shuō huà
[07:11.16] Oh, what, like you' re Mr. Cop? I' m more cop than you two. nán bù chéng nǐ shì jǐng chá? wǒ bǐ nǐ men liǎng gè dōu xiàng jǐng chá
[07:15.06] How do you figure that? zhè shì shén me dào lǐ?
[07:16.90] I' m in the front seat, okay? xǐng xǐng ba, wǒ zuò zài qián zuò
[07:19.93] I' m Gary' s partner. wǒ shì gài ruì de dā dàng
[07:22.50] When you say " partner," it doesn' t sound cop. nǐ shuō dā dàng de shí hòu bù xiàng jǐng chá
[07:25.41] It sounds gay. dào xiàng shì tóng zhì
[07:29.04] Jealous. ài chī cù
[07:31.95] Hey, we' re undercover here. Oh, yeah. No problem. wǒ men zhè shì mì mì chū qín hǎo, méi wèn tí
[07:36.42] Ross! Sorry. luó sī bào qiàn
[07:39.45] There. hǎo le
[07:43.72] Hey, Gary. Who am l? gài ruì, wǒ shì shuí?
[07:45.73] Phone home. dǎ diàn huà huí jiā
[07:50.77] Look at Officer Ross riding back here with the visitors. kàn kàn zhè wèi luó sī jǐng guān bèi dǎ rù hòu zuò le
[07:55.30] What' s up with that, Serpico? shì a,
[07:58.61] " What' s up with that, Serpico?" zhè shì zěn me yī huí shì ne?
[08:03.85] Are you thinking about me? No, of course you' re not. nǐ yǒu zài xiǎng wǒ ma? yí dìng méi yǒu
[08:07.35] But if you are, call me tonight. rú guǒ yǒu de huà, jīn wǎn dǎ gěi wǒ
[08:09.55] Okay, bye. hǎo ba, zài jiàn
[08:12.92] No. bú huì ba
[08:16.12] I know! wǒ zhī dào
[08:18.93] Thank God you were here. We have to erase that. xìng hǎo xiān bèi nǐ tīng dào le wǒ men yí dìng yào bǎ zhè liú yán xǐ diào
[08:22.40] What? We can' t do that. shén me? wǒ men bù néng nà yàng
[08:24.37] We have to. What if Ross hears that... fēi zhè yàng bù kě wàn yī luó sī tīng dào le
[08:26.63] ... and calls her back and they get back together? huí diàn gěi tā tā men yòu fù hé le zěn me bàn?
[08:29.04] Is that what you want? Ross back with that controlling... nǐ xī wàng nà yàng ma? kàn dào luó sī gēn nà gè kòng zhì yù chāo qiáng
[08:32.27] ... neurotic, crazy Emily? The Emily that wouldn' t let him see you? shén jīng xī xī de fēng zi ài mì lì fù hé? nà gè bù ràng luó sī jiàn nǐ de ài mì lì?
[08:36.14] No! Oh, no, no. bù xíng, wàn wàn bù kě
[08:38.25] God, no! He should not get back with her. luó sī jué duì bù néng hé tā fù hé
[08:41.08] I know that, you know that. Even Ross knows that. nǐ zhī wǒ zhī, jiù lián luó sī dōu zhī dào
[08:44.79] But we have no right to erase his message. dàn wǒ men hái shì méi yǒu quán lì shàn zì xǐ diào gěi luó sī de liú yán
[08:47.32] Look, I' m his sister and I love him. I don' t want to see him get hurt. wǒ kě shì tā de mèi mei wǒ ài tā, bù xiǎng kàn tā shòu dào shāng hài
[08:52.16] Doesn' t that give me the right to control him? dé le wǒ zhè yàng hái méi yǒu quán kòng zhì
[08:56.33] Help him? bāng zhù tā ma?
[08:58.80] He' s not the one who needs help. wǒ jué de xū yào bāng máng de bú shì tā
[09:03.24] She' s obviously unstable. ài mì lì fēi cháng bù wěn dìng
[09:05.17] She' s thinking about running out on her wedding day. tā jìng rán xiǎng zài jié hūn dàng tiān luò pǎo
[09:12.35] Okay, fine. But look at the position she' s putting him in. hǎo la, dàn nǐ kàn kàn tā ràng luó sī xiàn rù le shén me chǔ jìng
[09:16.58] And what' s he gonna do? nǐ yào luó sī zěn me bàn?
[09:18.45] Run over there on the wedding day and break up the marriage? nán bù chéng zài ài mì lì jié hūn dàng tiān pǎo qù pò huài hūn lǐ?
[09:21.79] Who would do that? shuí zuò dé chū nà zhǒng shì?
[09:27.30] Okay, fine. All right. But that was different. hǎo la, bù guò zhè shì liǎng mǎ zǐ shì
[09:31.77] Although it did involve a lot of the same people. suī rán yǒu hěn duō rén dōu shì chóng fù de
[09:35.20] This is some twisted joke she' s playing on him. ài mì lì xiǎn rán xiǎng yòng biàn tài de xiào huà lái è zhěng luó sī
[09:38.37] You are crazy. She sounded genuinely upset. gòu le, nǐ fēng le tā tīng qǐ lái zhēn de hěn jǔ sàng
[09:41.78] I mean, listen. nǐ tīng tīng jiù zhī dào
[09:43.28] Your messages have been erased. nín de liú yán yǐ jīng qīng chú
[09:45.81] No! bú huì ba
[09:49.42] Well, that worked out well. Margarita? zhè yàng jiù shěng shì duō le lái bēi mǎ gé lì tè?
[09:58.13] Okay, but we' re safe, right? Nothing bad' s gonna go down. wǒ men hěn ān quán, duì ba? bù kě néng huì yǒu è yùn jiàng lín
[10:02.06] No. But that reminds me. Sign this. duì, bù guò wǒ dǎo xiǎng qǐ lái le qiān yī xià zhè gè
[10:04.67] What is it? zhè shì shén me?
[10:06.00] It just says you can' t sue if you scrape your knee... méi shén me, zhǐ shì bù néng gào dào shì zhèng fǔ tóu shàng jiù suàn duàn tuǐ...
[10:08.90] ... or get your head blown off. ... huò zhě nǎo dài kāi huā
[10:12.54] Oh, hurry up. I want to sign that. kuài diǎn ō, wǒ yào qiān
[10:16.08] Here he comes. hǎo, tā lái le
[10:18.65] What is he doing? What the hell is he doing? tā zài gàn ma? gǎo shén me guǐ?
[10:21.15] What is it? shén me? zěn me le?
[10:22.32] ls everything okay? What? méi shì ba? fā shēng shén me shì?
[10:24.05] He sees us. Don' t move. And don' t look at him! tā kàn dào wǒ men le, bié dòng bú yào kàn tā
[10:42.67] Hey, it' s okay. It was just a car backfire. méi shì de, zhǐ shì chē zi nì huǒ
[10:46.74] Hey, look at that. You tried to save your buddy. kàn kàn, nǐ xiǎng yòng shēn tǐ yǎn hù péng yǒu
[10:50.71] You see that? nǐ kàn dào le méi?
[10:52.11] You see what he did? kàn dào tā mào mìng zhěng jiù péng yǒu méi?
[10:54.45] You okay, man? nǐ méi shì ba?
[10:59.75] Thanks, Joey. qiáo yī, xiè le
[11:03.36] Hello? nà wǒ ne?
[11:07.56] Hi. hāi
[11:10.77] You all right? méi shì ba?
[11:16.54] We should go. wǒ men yīng gāi zǒu le
[11:17.84] No, wait. děng děng
[11:19.01] Oh, yeah. Right. duì, qián ná zǒu
[11:20.44] No. Monica. bú shì la, mó nī kǎ
[11:23.04] Monica, we have to fix this. mó nī kǎ, wǒ men dé bǔ jiù zhè gè
[11:25.11] What can we do? You erased the message. wǒ men wú néng wéi lì a nǐ yǐ jīng bǎ liú yán xǐ diào le
[11:27.68] Yeah, but maybe I could call his machine and recreate the message. huò xǔ wǒ kě yǐ zài dǎ diàn huà jìn lái chóng xīn jiǎ zào yī duàn tóng yàng de liú yán
[11:32.52] All right, okay.... wǒ lái shì shì
[11:34.79] Hello, Ross, this is Rachel Emily. luó sī, wǒ shì ruì qiū ài mì lì
[11:37.86] God, what is it with those two names? tiān a wǒ zěn me lián míng zì dōu shuō bù hǎo
[11:42.83] I do so wanted to say that I' m going to be getting married... wǒ dǎ lái zhǐ shì yào shuō wǒ jiù kuài yào
[11:48.14] ... to another British person. gēn lìng wài yí gè yīng guó rén jié hūn le
[11:51.54] And I' m having doubts and scones.... wǒ xīn lǐ hěn yí huò
[11:58.71] I can' t remember what she said. Yeah, that' s the problem with this plan. wǒ wàng jì tā shuō le shén me shì a, jì huà de wèn tí jiù zài zhè lǐ
[12:03.12] Rachel, come on. The message is erased, there' s nothing we can do. ruì qiū, liú yán yǐ jīng xǐ diào le wǒ men wú néng wéi lì
[12:06.42] He' s never gonna find out. luó sī yǒng yuǎn bú huì fā xiàn de
[12:08.09] I could tell him about it. wǒ kě yǐ lǎo shí gēn tā shuō a
[12:10.22] If you want to be rational, I can' t argue with you. rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng yào zhè me míng lǐ de huà wǒ yě zhēng bù guò nǐ
[12:13.86] All right? hǎo la
[12:15.60] Fine, tell him. I just don' t want to be a part of it. nǐ yào shuō jiù shuō wǒ bù xiǎng jiè rù
[12:20.70] Maybe that' s Emily leaving the exact same message. huò xǔ yòu shì ài mì lì dǎ lái de tā xiǎng shuō yí yàng de huà
[12:25.37] Hey, Ross, it' s you. I just want you to remember this feeling. luó sī, shì nǐ a wǒ zhǐ shì yào nǐ jì de zhè zhǒng gǎn jué
[12:30.38] You are lucky to be alive. huó zhe shì yī zhǒng xìng yùn
[12:33.25] So live every day to the fullest. suǒ yǐ měi yì tiān dōu yào huó dé jīng cǎi
[12:36.72] Love yourself, okay? zhēn ài zì jǐ, hǎo ma?
[12:40.15] And also get stamps. Bye. hǎo ba, yě bié wàng le mǎi yóu piào, zài jiàn
[12:43.89] Play that message for Emily, and this problem goes away. zhǐ yào bǎ zhè liú yán fàng gěi ài mì lì tīng suǒ yǒu de wèn tí jiù dōu jiě jué le
[12:47.63] Right? shì ma?
[12:50.30] Anybody want to meet a hero? shuí yào lái jiàn jiàn yīng xióng?
[12:52.33] John Glenn is here? yuē hàn gé lín lái le?
[12:55.17] No. Joey. bù, shì qiáo yī
[12:56.67] Joey' s never been in outer space. qiáo yī méi yǒu shàng guò tài kōng a
[13:00.14] We had the most incredible night. fēi bǐ, jīn wǎn zhēn shì tài bù kě sī yì le
[13:02.61] We' re in the car Wait. Hold on. wǒ men zài jǐng chē lǐ màn zhe
[13:07.65] Hi. Hi. hāi hāi
[13:08.95] Okay, go ahead. hǎo, jì xù shuō
[13:11.52] So we' re in the car, and bang! A shot was fired. hǎo wǒ men zài jǐng chē lǐ tū rán píng yī shēng yǒu rén kāi qiāng
[13:15.72] And Joey, with no regard for his own safety... qiáo yī wán quán bù gù zì jǐ de ān wēi
[13:19.29] ... throws himself on me. pū dào wǒ shēn shàng bǎo hù wǒ
[13:21.56] My God! tiān a, qiáo yī
[13:22.90] It was a car backfire. nà shi qì chē nì huǒ fàng pì de shēng yīn
[13:25.63] But he didn' t know that. duì, dàn shì dāng shí tā bìng bù zhī dào
[13:27.33] Yeah, I didn' t know that. duì, wǒ bù zhī dào
[13:31.01] It could just as easily have been a bullet. nà hěn yǒu kě néng huì shì zǐ dàn de
[13:34.14] Ever think about joining the force? We could use a guy like you. qiáo yī, yǒu méi yǒu xiǎng guò yào dāng jǐng chá? jǐng jiè hěn xū yào nǐ zhè zhǒng rén
[13:37.41] Who jumps at loud noises. tīng dào jù xiǎng jiù xià dé tiào qǐ lái
[13:41.48] Wow. I could have died tonight. wǒ jīn wǎn yǒu kě néng sàng mìng de
[13:44.79] Yeah, if the car that backfired had run over you! duì, rú guǒ nà bù fàng pì de chē bǎ nǐ niǎn guò qù de huà
[13:48.89] I' m gonna go home, before Ross starts rambling about his newfound respect for life. wǒ xiān huí jiā qù le shěng de luó sī dà tán rén shēng xīn fā xiàn
[13:53.39] I do have a newfound respect for life. wǒ de rén shēng dí què yǒu le xīn fā xiàn
[13:58.30] Oh, my God! tiān a
[14:02.60] Ross, I could have told you you weren' t gonna die today. luó sī, wǒ zǎo gāi gēn nǐ shuō nǐ jīn tiān bú huì yǒu sǐ jié de
[14:06.01] What? You know when I' m gonna die? nǐ zhī dào wǒ wèi shí me huì sǐ?
[14:12.41] You want to get some dinner? Sure. qīn ài de, nǐ yào chī wǎn cān ma? hǎo a, dāng rán
[14:17.25] You know what? If I heard a shot right now, I' d throw my body on you. nǐ zhī dào ma, ruò xiàn zài tīng dào qiāng shēng wǒ yí dìng huì pū dǎo nǐ shēn shàng
[14:20.86] Maybe we should walk in a bad neighborhood. shì ma? nà wǒ men huò xǔ yīng gāi qù qióng xiōng è jí de shè qū sàn bù
[14:23.72] Okay. hǎo
[14:26.36] Bye. zài jiàn zài jiàn
[14:32.93] Cut it out. luó sī, nǐ bié zài nào le
[14:34.77] I' d hate to save your life and kick your ass on the same day. wǒ bù xiǎng zài tóng yì tiān lǐ xiān shì jiù nǐ yòu tòng biǎn nǐ yī dùn
[14:49.25] Why' d you take off? nǐ gāng cái zěn me xiān shǎn le?
[14:50.62] Just going for a walk. wǒ zhǐ shì qù sàn bù
[14:53.42] Around the living room, whatever. zài kè tīng lǐ rào lái rào qù
[14:56.56] ls something wrong? No. No, I' m just tired. yǒu shén me bú duì ma? méi yǒu, wǒ zhǐ shì lèi le
[15:00.26] You know, from the walk. zǒu lù zǒu lèi le
[15:05.00] You dove in front of Ross! hǎo ba nǐ pū shǎng qù jiù luó sī
[15:07.90] Ross! luó sī yé!
[15:10.10] That' s what this is about. yuán lái shì zhè me yī huí shì
[15:14.14] Oh, my God. You hate Ross! tiān a, nǐ hèn luó sī
[15:18.15] I don' t hate Ross. wǒ méi yǒu hèn luó sī
[15:19.48] Of course you do. I saved him. You' re mad at me. It adds up. nǐ dāng rán yǒu! wǒ jiù le tā, nǐ shēng wǒ de qì zhè yàng quán dōu shuō de tōng le
[15:23.52] You want Ross out of the picture. nǐ xiǎng chǎn chú luó sī?
[15:26.79] What picture? chǎn chú shén me?
[15:27.99] I don' t know. But I don' t like what I' m hearing. bù zhī dào, dàn shì nǐ shuō de huà hěn xià rén
[15:31.09] I' m glad you saved Ross in the car backfire. But it could' ve been a bullet. wǒ hěn gāo xìng nǐ zài qì chē fàng pì shì jiàn zhōng jiù le luó sī yī mìng dàn nà ruò zhēn de shì zǐ dàn zěn me bàn?
[15:35.10] And you didn' t try to save me. nǐ jìng rán jiù tā bù jiù wǒ
[15:39.30] You' re upset because you think I chose Ross over you. yuán lái nǐ shì zài qì zhè gè nǐ yǐ wéi wǒ jué de luó sī bǐ nǐ zhòng yào
[15:42.77] No, I knew you could take care of yourself. bú shì zhè yàng de wǒ zhī dào nǐ néng zhào gù zì jǐ
[15:47.44] You know? I mean, Ross needs help. He' s not " street" like us. luó sī xū yào bié rén bāng máng tā bù xiàng nǐ wǒ jiàn guò dà chǎng miàn
[15:51.81] You' d risk your life for Ross before you would for me. huà shuō dào tóu, nǐ nìng yuàn xiān qù jiù luó sī yě bù lái jiù wǒ
[15:55.45] That' s the bottom line. zhè cái shì zhòng diǎn
[15:58.49] No, not exactly. bù wán quán shì zhè yàng
[16:00.65] All right, look. hǎo ba, hǎo ba
[16:02.72] I wasn' t trying to save Ross. qí shí wǒ nà bú shì yào jiù luó sī
[16:06.03] Okay?
[16:08.30] My sandwich was next to Ross. wǒ de sān míng zhì zài luó sī páng biān
[16:12.90] All right?
[16:15.67] I was trying to save my sandwich. wǒ shì yào jiù wǒ de sān míng zhì
[16:20.34] From a bullet? pà tā bèi qiāng dǎ dào?
[16:23.08] I know it doesn' t make much sense. " Much" sense? wǒ zhī dào zhè shuō lái méi shà dào lǐ qǐ zhǐ méi shà dào lǐ
[16:27.21] Look, it was instinct! I just went for it. qián dé, nà shi běn néng fǎn yìng dāng xià jiù pū guò qù le
[16:30.02] You risked your life for a sandwich? suǒ yǐ nǐ mào mìng qù jiù sān míng zhì
[16:32.65] I know it sounds crazy... wǒ zhī dào zhè tīng qǐ lái hěn kuā zhāng
[16:34.99] ... but this is the greatest sandwich in the world! dàn zhè kě shì shì jiè shang zuì bàng de sān míng zhì
[16:41.50] So you didn' t choose Ross before me? suǒ yǐ nǐ bìng bù jué de luó sī bǐ wǒ zhòng yào
[16:44.57] No. I would never do that. shì a, wǒ jué duì bú huì nà yàng
[16:47.23] You' re like my brother. nǐ jiù xiàng shì wǒ de qīn xiōng dì
[16:50.00] Really? Yeah. zhēn de? duì
[16:52.37] In fact, to prove how much you mean to me.... wèi le zhèng míng nǐ duì wǒ de yì yì
[17:01.58] Here. gěi nǐ
[17:03.52] Thanks. Easy, it' s not a hot dog! xiè le qīng yì diǎn, zhè bú shì rè gǒu
[17:12.53] How good is that? shì bú shì hěn hǎo chī?
[17:16.96] See? kàn ba
[17:18.43] What are you doing? màn zhe, nǐ zài gàn ma?
[17:21.47] You' re showing me how much I mean to you. nǐ bú shì yào zhèng míng wǒ duì nǐ de yì yì?
[17:23.90] With a bite. shì a, yǎo yī kǒu lái zhèng míng
[17:26.21] Jeez! nǐ yě bāng bāng máng
[17:43.52] hāi
[17:46.06] What are you doing here? ruì qiū, nǐ zài zhè lǐ gàn ma?
[17:47.80] Hey, you know what?
[17:48.96] You are in our apartment all the time! nǐ dòng bù dòng jiù wǎng wǒ men de gōng yù pǎo
[17:51.83] This is just a drop in the bucket, mister! wǒ zhè zhǐ shì xiǎo wū jiàn dà wū ér yǐ
[17:56.24] It doesn' t matter. The important thing is that you' re here. méi guān xì la, zhòng diǎn shì nǐ lái le
[18:00.67] You' re my friend and you' re here. nǐ shì wǒ péng yǒu, ér nǐ lái dào le zhè lǐ
[18:09.42] Okay, just a little scared. What' s going on? hǎo, wǒ yǒu yì diǎn diǎn hài pà luó sī, nǐ shì zěn me le?
[18:12.49] The most amazing thing happened tonight. jīn wǎn fā shēng le zuì bù xún cháng de shì
[18:15.26] I thought my number was up. wǒ hái yǐ wéi zì jǐ yào qù jiàn yán wáng le
[18:17.12] I had an actual neardeath experience. wǒ zhēn zhèng miàn lín dào le bīn sǐ jīng yàn
[18:20.93] What happened? shén me? zěn me huí shì?
[18:22.43] We were on the ridealong with Gary and somebody took a shot at me! wǒ men bú shì gēn gài ruì zuò jǐng chē dōu fēng ma? yǒu rén cháo wǒ kāi qiāng!
[18:30.20] Really? zhēn de ma?
[18:31.97] No. A car backfired. bú shì, shì chē zi fàng pì
[18:35.98] But I thought somebody was taking a shot at me. And, Rach... dàn wǒ dāng shí yǐ wéi shì yǒu rén duì wǒ kāi qiāng ruì qiū
[18:40.18] ... I survived! wǒ jié hòu yú shēng
[18:43.52] And I was filled with this great respect for life. wǒ de rén shēng yōng yǒu le quán xīn shì yě
[18:47.82] I want to experience every moment. wǒ yào zhēn qiè tǐ yàn měi yī kè
[18:50.36] I want to seize every opportunity. wǒ yào bǎ wò měi yí gè jī huì
[18:53.83] I am seeing everything so clearly now. xiàn zài de yī qiè dōu biàn de hǎo qīng xī
[18:57.73] Because a car backfired? quán dōu shì yīn wèi qì chē fàng pì?
[19:00.53] Okay. Why are you here? hǎo ba, nǐ lái zhè lǐ gàn ma?
[19:04.24] I don' t know how this fits into your whole " seizing" thing... wǒ bù zhī dào zhè jiàn shì fú bù fú hé nǐ suǒ wèi de" bǎ wò jīn zhāo"
[19:08.68] ... but Emily called you today. bù guò ài mì lì jīn tiān dǎ le diàn huà gěi nǐ
[19:11.58] You talked to her? She left a message. nǐ gēn tā shuō le huà? méi yǒu, tā zài nǐ diàn huà lǐ liú yán
[19:14.01] But it kind of got erased. bù guò liú yán bèi xǐ diào le
[19:16.18] I mean, there' s something wrong with your machine. nǐ de dá lù jī yǒu wèn tí
[19:19.92] What did she say? nà tā shuō le shén me?
[19:22.02] Something about having second thoughts about the wedding... shuō shí mǒ duì jié hūn de shì yǒu diǎn fǎn huǐ
[19:26.16] ... and did you guys make a mistake breaking up? shuō nǐ men fēn shǒu shì gè cuò wù
[19:29.73] And she wants you to call her. tā yào nǐ huí diàn
[19:32.73] Wow.
[19:34.20] That was a good thing that I told you, right? wǒ gēn nǐ shuō zhè jiàn shì hěn duì ba?
[19:37.94] Yeah. Yes. Of course. shì a, dāng rán shì zhè yàng
[19:40.04] Okay, thank you. Thank you. Because xiè xiè nǐ xiè xiè yīn wèi...
[19:43.28] I' m gonna go tell Monica I was right. wǒ yào qù gēn mó nī kǎ shuō wǒ zhè yàng zuò shì duì de
[19:45.95] Because she didn' t want yīn wèi nǐ zhī dào ma? tā bù xī wàng
[19:47.88] Not important. Point is, I was right. Your decision. nà bù zhòng yào zhòng diǎn shì wǒ shì duì de, nǐ zì jǐ jué dìng
[19:52.45] Okay?
[19:53.72] I was right. wǒ shì duì de
[19:55.29] Your decision. nǐ zì jǐ jué dìng yào bú yào huí diàn
[19:57.29] Right. duì
[19:58.93] I guess I should call Emily. wǒ cāi wǒ yīng gāi huí diàn gěi ài mì lì
[20:01.43] No, that' s not the right decision. bú duì, nǐ de jué dìng bú duì
[20:03.93] That' s not right. zhè yàng bú duì
[20:05.70] Ross, come on! luó sī, nǐ qīng xǐng yì diǎn
[20:07.20] I mean... wǒ shì shuō...
[20:08.97] ... that woman made you miserable! ... nà gè nǚ rén bǎ nǐ gěi zhěng cǎn le
[20:12.94] Do you really want to get back into that? luó sī, nǐ zhēn de xiǎng yào zài lái yī cì?
[20:17.21] Okay, look. Yesterday... rú guǒ tā shì zài zuó tiān dǎ lái de
[20:19.21] ... I wouldn' t have even considered calling her back. wǒ yà gēn bú huì xiǎng huí diàn
[20:22.55] But my exwife calls on the same day... dàn zài wǒ miàn duì bīn sǐ jīng yàn de tóng yì tiān
[20:25.22] ... I have a neardeath experience? wǒ de qián qī zhèng hǎo dǎ diàn huà lái
[20:27.92] That' s gotta mean something. zhè yí dìng yǒu suǒ hán yì
[20:30.12] That was not a neardeath experience. That was barely an experience. luó sī, nà bú shì bīn sǐ jīng yàn jiù lián jīng yàn dōu tán bù shàng le
[20:35.43] You weren' t there! dāng shí nǐ bìng bù zài chǎng
[20:39.17] Maybe this is something that I' m supposed to seize, you know? huò xǔ zhè jiù shì wǒ yīng gāi bǎ wò de shì
[20:43.90] Okay. You know what? hǎo ba, nǐ zhī dào ma?
[20:46.41] Maybe this is not about seizing stuff. huò xǔ zhè wú guān bǎ wò huò shì bù bǎ wò
[20:50.48] Maybe this is about escaping stuff. huò xǔ zhè shì guān yú táo bì
[20:54.62] Okay? Look at today. jiù ná jīn tiān lái shuō
[20:56.28] I mean, you escaped... nǐ táo guò le
[20:58.49] ... death. sǐ wàng
[21:01.69] And maybe this is a chance for you to escape... huò xǔ zhè shì nǐ táo bì jī huì
[21:05.26] ... getting back together with Emily. bù qù hé ài mì lì fù hé
[21:08.53] That does make sense. zhè hái mán yǒu dào li de
[21:11.93] Because I do want to seize some opportunity... yīn wèi wǒ yào bǎ wò zhù zhè gè jī huì
[21:15.87] ... but I really don' t want to see or talk to her. bù hé tā jiàn miàn huò lián luò
[21:21.28] Well, there you go! zhè bù jiù jié le
[21:24.51] Yeah, maybe today' s just... huò xǔ jīn tiān zhǐ shì...
[21:27.11] ..." close call" day. ..." qiān jūn yī fà" rì
[21:31.65] Hey, thanks, Rach. ruì qiū, xiè le
[21:33.69] Oh, honey. No problem. qīn ài de, béng kè qì
[21:36.46] Wait, wait. The message is blinking. děng děng liú yán dēng hào zài shǎn
[21:39.46] Maybe you didn' t erase it. huò xǔ liú yán méi bèi xǐ diào
[21:41.50] Hey, Ross, it' s you luó sī, shì nǐ a
[21:44.56] That' s an old message. Nobody needs to hear that. zhè shì jiù de liú yán méi shén me hǎo tīng de méi cuò
[21:50.84] Hey, was Monica here? Yeah. mó nī kǎ yǒu lái guò ma? yǒu a
[21:53.71] I want my money back. yào tā bǎ wǒ de qián hái lái
[21:56.71] You probably need that for stamps, right? shì yào yòng lái mǎi yóu piào de ba?
[22:07.55] Has Gary ever been shot at for real? fēi bǐ, gài ruì yǒu zhēn de zhòng qiāng guò ma?
[22:09.52] Yes, once. yǒu, yī cì
[22:11.86] A little. xiǎo xiǎo de yī cì
[22:13.09] He kind of did it to himself. suàn shì tā zì jǐ dǎ de
[22:16.03] It' s not really a good story. zhè gù shì méi shén me hǎo jiǎng de
[22:18.90] I wonder how I' d react under fire. And not backfire... bù zhī dào wǒ zhì shēn zhàn huǒ huì zěn yàng bú shì qì chē fàng pì
[22:22.60] ... but heavy fire. shì qiāng lín dàn yǔ
[22:24.40] Like, if I was in a war. hǎo bǐ wǒ zài zhàn chǎng shàng zhī lèi de
[22:26.61] Man, I would be great in a war! wǒ qù dǎ zhàng yí dìng hěn lì hài
[22:28.84] I think I' d make a fantastic military leader. yí dìng huì shì hěn bàng de jūn shì lǐng xiù
[22:32.01] I mean, I know I' d make general before any of you guys. gēn nǐ men zhèi xiē rén bǐ qǐ lái wǒ yí dìng huì zuì xiān dāng shàng jiàng jūn
[22:36.12] Before or after you were shot by your own troops? zài nǐ bèi zì jǐ de bù xià qiāng shā qián hái shì zhī hòu?
[22:39.89] I know Joey would be in the foxhole protecting all of us. wǒ zhī dào qiáo yī yí dìng huì zài sǎn bīng kēng lǐ bǎo hù dà jiā
[22:43.89] If the foxhole was lined with sandwiches. duì, rú guǒ nà gè sǎn bīng kēng shì yòng sān míng zhì wéi qǐ lái de huà
[22:47.93] Yeah, hero sandwiches. méi cuò, yīng xióng sān míng zhì
[22:52.60] You all know I' m a pacifist, so I' m not interested in war in any way. nǐ men zhī dào wǒ zhǔ zhāng hé píng wǒ duì shén me zhàn zhēng dōu méi xìng qù
[22:57.37] But when the revolution comes, I' ll have to destroy you all. bù guò děng dào gé mìng de nà yì tiān lái lín wǒ yí dìng yào bǎ nǐ men xiāo miè guāng guāng
[23:01.88] Not you, Joey. qiáo yī, nǐ lì wài