Friends S05E22

歌曲 Friends S05E22
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第五季)


[00:14.84] What's going on? 怎么了?
[00:16.31] My eye is a little itchy. 我的眼睛有点痒
[00:20.15] Mine too. Yeah. 我的也是
[00:23.15] It's really red. You should go see my eye doctor. 你的眼睛好红喔 你应该去看我的眼科医生
[00:26.52] I'm not gonna see your ex-boyfriend. 理查?我才不要 找你的前男友看眼睛
[00:29.02] That's all I hear. Richard, Richard, Richard. 理查…一天到晚理查个没完
[00:33.03] Since we've dated, I've said his name twice. 打从我们开始约会以后 我想我只提过两次他的名字
[00:35.93] Okay. So Richard, Richard. 那好,理查、理查
[00:39.30] It's not Richard. It's this new guy. He's good. 不是理查啦 我新找的眼科医生很棒
[00:42.44] I'm sorry. I'm not going to an eye doctor. 抱歉,我不去看眼科医生
[00:45.21] -Oh, God. Here we go. -What? 天啊,老毛病又犯了 什么?
[00:48.48] Anytime anything comes close to touching her eye or anyone else's... 每次只要碰到眼睛这档事 她马上就...
[00:52.38] ...she, like, freaks out. Watch. ...避之唯恐不及 注意看
[00:54.95] Ross, come on! 罗斯,你别闹了
[00:56.55] I have a weird thing with my eye. Can we not talk about it? 好,我对我的眼睛有怪癖 麻烦别再讨论了,行吗?
[01:00.32] 好吧…
[01:02.96] Hey,Rach. You know that great song? "Me, Myself and Eye." 瑞秋,还记得有首很棒的歌 我、我自己和… (“我”和“眼睛”同音)
[01:06.86] Monica! Come on! 摩妮卡,别闹啦
[01:08.53] All those in favor of getting lunch, say, "eye." 有没有人想吃午餐? 有意愿的请说…
[01:11.63] Ross! Stop it! 罗斯,拜托别闹了啦
[01:13.30] How much did I love The King and Eye? 我有多喜欢“国王与我”?
[01:16.37] Chandler! 钱德!
[01:17.54] Me too, me too! 我也是…
[01:18.74] Just stop it! That's enough! 够了,别玩了…
[01:22.54] -You okay there, man? -Yeah. I got too excited. 你还好吧? 对,我真的戳到了
[01:27.55] The One with Joey's Big Break 本集播出:“眼病难医”
[02:15.13] I gotta go. I'm taking Ben to the park. 先走了,我要带班去公园
[02:17.53] -Give him a kiss for me. -All right. Bye. 帮我亲一下他 好,再见
[02:21.10] Later. 再见…
[02:23.00] I'm so sorry you got caught in the middle of that. 很抱歉让你们夹在中间尴尬
[02:26.11] I didn't mean to be so out there, but I am furious with him. 我也不是故意这么夸张 但我真的很生他的气
[02:33.72] Calm down? 别激动
[02:36.65] I'm trying. Man, that guy can push my buttons! 我在克制 但一想到那个人我就有气
[02:40.99] Why are you so mad? 你干嘛那么气他?
[02:42.82] -I don't wanna talk about it. -lt seems like 我不想谈,好吗? 只是…
[02:45.66] You wanna be on my list too? Keep talking. 你想榜上有名就继续说啊
[02:49.80] Has anyone seen my list, by the way? 对了,谁有看到我的黑名单?
[02:53.30] No. What's it look like? 没看到,长什么样子?
[02:55.04] -A piece of paper and it says, "Ross." -I see. 就是张纸,上头写了“罗斯” 了解
[03:01.74] I just got off the phone with Estelle. Guess what? 我刚和艾斯黛讲完电话 你们猜怎么了?
[03:05.01] I got the lead in a movie!!! 我要当电影主角了!
[03:06.98] You got the lead in a movie? What's it about? 你要演电影主角,太厉害了 是什么电影?
[03:09.88] It's called Shutterspeed. It's really cool. 片名是“极限速度”, 超酷的
[03:13.35] I meet this girl in the subway and we fall in love in, like, a day. 我在地铁遇见一个女孩 一天之内坠入情网
[03:17.66] And then she disappears. But I find out where she lives. 后来她消失无踪 但我找出了她住在哪里
[03:21.76] This old lady answers the door. I say,"Where's Betsy?" 一个老太太出来开门 我问她“贝丝在哪里?”
[03:25.33] And she says, "Betsy's been dead for 10 years." 她说“贝丝已经过世十年了”
[03:32.91] Chilling! 好寒
[03:34.11] The best part is,we're filming in the desert outside of Vegas. 最棒的部分是 拍片地点在赌城外的沙漠
[03:38.05] -You know what that means. -I know. 兄弟,你知道那是啥意思 对,我知道
[03:40.28] Road trip! We can rent a car. I have to be there by Tuesday. 开车杀过去,我们可以租车 我周二以前到那里就行了
[03:44.62] Wait! My grandmother's dead. 等等,我祖母过世了
[03:52.53] We can talk about that too,Phoebe. 菲比,我们也可以聊聊那件事
[03:55.26] No, her cab. 不…我是说她的计程车
[03:56.46] She probably won't be using it. Drive it to Las Vegas. 她八成用不到了 你们可以开去赌城
[03:59.80] All right! Thanks! 好耶,菲比,谢了
[04:01.57] What are we gonna do about my job? 等等… 那我的工作怎么办?
[04:04.74] Not go. 别去了
[04:06.07] Great! Road trip,baby! 好耶!棒!上路罗!
[04:09.11] Is this okay? 你没意见吧?
[04:10.38] Chandler, you don't have to ask for my permission. 钱德,你不用徵求我的允许…
[04:13.92] You can go. 我让你去 谢谢
[04:16.38] Rach, we'll be late for the eye doctor. 瑞秋,快点,我们看医生要迟到了
[04:19.09] All right. Let's get this over with. 好啦,早去早解脱
[04:26.39] Look what I did. 糟糕,我真是笨手笨脚的
[04:31.97] I mean, look at this mess. 搞得一团乱
[04:34.44] We're gonna probably have to clean this up. 我得先来清理一下
[04:37.14] I mean, we're gonna have to reschedule! 看诊时间得要重约了
[04:40.81] If you thought that this mess was gonna bother me, you are wrong! 若你认为这点脏乱就会影响我 那你就错了
[04:45.18] All right, let's go, Blinky. 我们走吧,眨眼姑娘
[04:51.49] 钱德!
[04:55.82] “中央咖啡馆”
[04:58.76] Hey,Joey. What's up? 乔伊 你怎么了?
[05:01.46] I can't decide which route to take to Vegas. 我无法决定走哪条路去赌城
[05:04.53] You've traveled a lot, right? 你去过不少地方吧?
[05:06.67] Yeah,I've been around. 对,见过世面
[05:08.50] Which route should I take? The north or the south route? 那我该选哪一条? 北线还是南线?
[05:12.04] If you take the north route, there's a man with a beard of bees. 走北线途经伊利诺州 有个男人会用蜜蜂当胡子
[05:17.48] Great! Problem solved! 太棒了,问题解决
[05:20.78] On the south route, there's a chicken that plays tic-tac-toe. 但是走南线的话 可以看会玩井字游戏的鸡
[05:25.95] Well, back to square one. 又回到原点了
[05:28.89] I know a way that you can decide. 我知道有个方法能让你做决定
[05:31.06] I'll ask you a series of questions and you answer as quickly as you can. 我会问你一连串的问题 你回答得越快越好
[05:35.50] Yes! 好!
[05:36.86] Good. But wait. 很好,不过先别急
[05:40.17] Here we go. I want you to relax. 开始罗,你先放轻松
[05:42.74] Take a deep breath. 深呼吸一口气
[05:44.64] Clear your mind. 心里不要想事情
[05:46.97] -Peanut butter or egg whites? -Peanut butter. 花生酱和蛋白,你喜欢哪个? 花生酱
[05:49.51] -Be a fireman or a swimmer? -Swimmer. 你比较想当消防员还是游泳选手? 游泳选手
[05:51.88] -You'd sleep with Monica or Rachel? -Monica. 摩妮卡和瑞秋 你比较想跟谁上床? 摩妮卡…
[05:56.38] I always thought it'd be Rachel. 我一直都以为会是瑞秋呢
[05:58.92] -No thinking. Tie or ascot? -Ascot. 不要想事情… 领带或领巾? 领巾
[06:01.76] -North or south route? -North. 南线或北线? 北线
[06:03.42] Bam! There you go! Huh? 答案出现,厉害吧
[06:06.43] That was incredible! Beard of bees here I come! 不可思议 蜜蜂胡,我来罗
[06:13.20] This guy again. 这傢伙又来了
[06:17.94] Hey,what's up? 你好吗?
[06:19.44] Not much. Wanna see a movie tonight? 普通,今晚想看电影吗?
[06:21.94] What do you wanna see? 好啊,你要看什么?
[06:23.61] I don't know. 不知道…
[06:24.91] I know how to decide. Show him your game. 我知道我们要如何决定 菲比,让他见识你的游戏
[06:27.68] No, thank you. 免了,多谢
[06:31.22] What's with her? 她是怎么了?
[06:32.45] I don't know. I know how we can decide. 不知道,但我知道怎么决定了
[06:34.79] I'm gonna ask you questions and you answer real quick. 我问你问题,你要很快回答 好
[06:38.23] -Action or comedy? -Action. 动作片或喜剧 你比较喜欢哪一个? 动作片
[06:39.96] Who would you rather sleep with, Monica or Rachel? 摩妮卡和瑞秋 你比较想跟谁上床?
[06:47.20] Dude, you are sick. 老兄,你真变态
[06:52.31] I'm sorry. I forgot you had that whole Rachel thing. 抱歉,我忘了你迷恋过瑞秋
[07:01.55] Oh, my God. What does that thing do? 天啊,这是干嘛的?
[07:06.15] -An eye removal machine. -I'm out of here. 这是眼球摘除机 好了,我要走了
[07:08.82] I'm kidding. 开玩笑的啦…
[07:10.66] Rachel,I'm Dr. Miller. 瑞秋,我是米勒医生
[07:12.59] Monica said you were nervous. Everything will be fine. 摩妮卡说你有点紧张 不过别担心,不会有事的
[07:16.03] -So we're done. -Almost, but first we gotta start. 那就结束吧 快了,不过我们要先开始
[07:19.53] This is a glaucoma test. Sit down. 这是青光眼测试 请坐
[07:24.11] Put your chin here. 把脸颊放在这里
[07:26.71] Now, you'll feel a small puff of air in each eye. 好,眼睛会有风吹的感觉
[07:30.18] What? 什么?
[07:31.98] A small puff of air. Now, come on! 一点点的风啦,你快点!
[07:36.88] Here we go. 来罗 好
[07:38.69] One,two,three. 一、二、三…
[07:43.72] I'm sorry. All right. 抱歉…好吧
[07:45.39] I'm gonna stay in here this time. 我这次不会动
[07:48.33] Ready? 好了吗?
[07:49.53] -One,two -I'm sorry. 一、二… 抱歉
[07:52.70] You know what? I'm gonna hold her head. 我来抓她头好了
[07:55.54] That's okay. 好
[07:59.07] 一、二…
[08:01.41] I'm sorry. 对不起
[08:03.24] You're young. You don't have glaucoma. 你还年轻,应该没有青光眼
[08:09.82] So it was very, very nice to meet you, sir. 太好了,很高兴认识您
[08:13.09] What are you? Are you crazy? 你在干嘛?你疯了不成?
[08:15.66] You got a small, minor infection in that left eye. 好,你的左眼有些微感染
[08:19.43] Take these drops for a week and you'll be as good as new. 这眼药水一天点三次 连续一周你就宛如新生了
[08:23.33] No, I don't put things in my eye. 我不把任何东西放进眼睛里
[08:26.20] We'll see you here in three months. And I'll fit you for a glass eye. 那好吧,三个月后再见 太棒了 我到时帮你装上义眼
[08:30.71] Give me the damn drops! 好啦,把那死眼药水给我
[08:34.28] Dr. Miller? 米勒医生?
[08:37.08] P-E-C-F-D. P、E、C、F、D
[08:40.08] Very good, Monica! 摩妮卡,棒极了
[08:44.25] -You know where they are. -I sure do. 你知道奖品放在哪里 我当然知道
[08:50.59] And you don't get one. 你没有!
[08:57.13] You know,those eye drops are a miracle. 那眼药水实在是太神奇了
[08:59.80] My eye is 100 percent better. 我的眼睛百分之百好了
[09:01.90] -They're still in my coat. -Damn! 眼药水还放在我的外套里 可恶
[09:05.97] -You ready to go? -Yeah. 准备好上路了没? 好了
[09:07.24] How cold will it be there? Will all these sweater vests be enough? 不过那边会有多冷? 我要带外套 还是带这些毛衣就够了?
[09:12.98] -What? -I love you. 怎么了? 我爱你
[09:17.08] I wish Ross was coming with us. I'll miss him. 真希望罗斯也能一起去 我一定会很想念他的
[09:20.12] Thanks. I just got that jerk out of my mind. 真是多谢你了 我才刚把那个混蛋给忘掉
[09:24.43] Is the movie putting us up in a big hotel suite? 我们住哪里? 电影公司招待的饭店大套房?
[09:27.66] Not really. It's an independent film. 不算是,这是独立制片的电影
[09:30.00] We don't have a big budget. I'll stay in your room. 没有大预算 我想我住你房间好了
[09:34.84] Once you get paid, you'll be springing for a suite. 了解,但等你拿到酬劳之后 你会请我住饭店大套房吧?
[09:38.24] They must be paying you a lot. 主演电影的片酬一定不少吧?
[09:40.47] Yeah. For every dollar Shutterspeed makes... 是啊,我算给你听 “极限速度”每赚一块钱
[09:43.78] penny of it goes right in Joey's pocket. 乔伊就能分到百分之一
[09:47.75] You don't get paid unless it makes money? 所以电影赚钱你才有钱拿?
[09:50.75] Did you not hear the plot of the movie? 你不知道这电影的情节吗?
[09:54.46] "She's been dead for 10 years." “贝丝已经过世十年了”
[09:57.96] I'm gonna be a millionaire! 我就快变成百万富翁了
[10:02.43] I wanted to say goodbye. 我只是要来跟你们说个再见
[10:04.30] And to see if you guys would place a little bet for me. 顺便托你们帮我下个注
[10:07.87] Twenty bucks on black 15. 20美元押黑色15号
[10:10.37] -You got it! -All right. 没问题 好
[10:15.44] -You remember the number,right? -Yeah,black 13. 你记得号码吧? 记得,黑色13号
[10:18.08] -Black 15! -You got it. 黑色15号啦! 没问题
[10:21.95] -All right. Bye-bye,now. -Bye,you guys. 再见…
[10:25.09] I'll say bye at the car. 我去车子那里替你送行
[10:27.99] Anyone wanna say bye to me at the car? 谁要去车子那里替我送行?
[10:30.36] I'll say goodbye to you at the car if you don't mind the pus. 我可以替你送行 只要你不介意我眼睛化脓
[10:36.96] See you! 再见
[10:38.87] But wait a minute. The pus is good. It means it's healing. 等等,化脓是好现象 表示快要好了
[10:46.94] Hey, Phoebe. What you reading? 菲比,你在看什么?
[10:51.28] 菲比?
[10:54.88] Hello?
[10:59.52] 菲比?…
[11:03.62] Come on! 菲比?别闹了啦
[11:05.03] I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. 抱歉,我不知道你在这里
[11:09.23] Phoebe, are you mad at me or something? 菲比,你在生我的气吗?
[11:12.37] If you are, please tell me what it is I did. 我做了什么让你生气的事?
[11:15.14] -lf you don't know, I can't help you. -I don't know. 你不知道,我也帮不了你 我是不知道啊
[11:18.04] Well, I can't help you. 那我也无能为力了
[11:21.08] Well, whatever it is, I am very, very sorry. Okay? 不管是什么事,我都非常抱歉
[11:26.88] Apology accepted. 我接受你的道歉
[11:30.38] So we're good? 那我们没事了?
[11:33.52] 好吧
[11:37.06] I'll see you later,okay? 那晚点见罗
[11:38.89] Bye,fat-ass. 好,大屁股
[11:40.16] All right! 够了!
[11:43.10] Will you please tell me what it is that made you so mad at me? 菲比,你快点说 我做了什么让你这么不爽?
[11:47.03] I don't know! I don't remember! 我不知道,我不记得了
[11:50.91] What do you mean, you can't remember? 什么叫做你不记得了?
[11:53.14] I was so focused on being mad at you, I forgot what it was I was mad about. 我太专心在生你的气 气到都忘了生气的原因
[11:59.18] If you can't remember, can't we just forget about this? 既然忘了,那能不能就算了?
[12:02.72] Oh,no. I am mad at you. I know that much. 不行,我生你的气,这很确定
[12:06.22] But I'm sorry about the fat-ass thing because you have a sweet, little heinie. 但我很抱歉骂你大屁股 因为你的小屁屁很可爱
[12:19.90] I'm getting pretty tired. You'll have to take over soon. 我开得好累,你随时准备接手
[12:24.07] We've been driving for a half-hour. You haven't looked at the road once. 我们才上路半小时 而且你都没在看路
[12:28.51] Don't worry. It's out there. 别担心,路就是路嘛
[12:33.01] Maybe I just need lunch. You wanna eat? 我想我该吃午饭了 是啊 你要吃吗?
[12:36.02] My treat. 我请客
[12:38.69] Isn't that Ross' money? 那不是罗斯的钱吗?
[12:42.99] Ross' treat. Where do you wanna eat? 是啊,好吧,罗斯请客 你想吃什么?
[12:45.66] I don't know. 我不知道
[12:46.99] I know how we can decide. 我知道要怎么决定了
[12:48.90] I'll ask you questions. 我问你一堆问题
[12:51.10] And then you have to answer real fast. 你得很快回答
[12:53.73] So clear your mind. Clear it right out. Clear it out. 不要想事情,什么都不要想 好
[12:57.71] It's all clear except for this image of a small, purple lamp. 我没在想事情 但心里有个小紫灯的形象
[13:02.58] Is that all right if that stays in there? 这样不碍事吧?
[13:05.88] I don't see why not. I guess. 应该不碍事吧…
[13:08.45] You have to answer with the first thing that pops into your head, okay? 想到什么就直接回答 好
[13:12.55] -Would you rather be too wet or too dry? -Too dry. 你宁愿太湿或太干? 太干
[13:15.06] -Do you believe in ghosts? -No. 你相不相信有鬼? 不相信
[13:16.76] -Will this movie be my big break? -No. 这电影会让我翻身吗? 不会
[13:20.49] -What? -Yes. 什么? 会
[13:23.56] -Dude,you said,no. -I also said,yes. 你刚才说不会 我也说了会啊
[13:27.10] -This won't be my big break? -No. 你不觉得我这次会翻身? 对
[13:32.74] I don't believe this. 岂有此理
[13:34.51] Look, I just don't want you to get your hopes up too high. 乔伊,我只是不要你期望太高
[13:38.21] What are you talking about? I'm the lead in a movie! 你在胡说什么? 我是电影主角耶!
[13:41.42] They're not even paying you! This doesn't sound like a real movie! 那他们还不付你片酬? 这电影听来跟幌子一样
[13:45.85] I don't know why you're dumping all over my big break. 我不需要听这种话 搞不懂你干嘛泄我的气
[13:49.09] I don't think this is gonna be your big break. 乔伊,我不认为你这次能翻身
[13:52.06] Are you on this trip to make me feel like a loser? 所以你才来这趟? 让我觉得自己是窝囊废?
[13:55.13] -I'd rather be alone. -You don't want me here? 如果是这样,那我宁愿自己去
[13:58.10] Not if you're like this. 你不要我陪你去? 你这样我不要也罢
[13:59.70] The next time you ask me a question like that,I'll lie. 那好吧,下次你再问那种问题 我骗你就是了
[14:03.04] I don't want you on the trip. 对!我不要你一起去
[14:04.91] Why don't you pull over. I'll get out now. 好,无所谓… 你停车,我马上走
[14:07.71] Fine. 好啊
[14:11.65] Get out. 滚吧
[14:12.88] You can't stop on a bridge. 在桥上不能随便就停车
[14:14.88] -Get out! -Fine! 滚啦! 好啦!
[14:19.79] Wait! Wait! There's no sidewalk! 等等…桥上没有人行道!
[14:22.39] Yeah. I'm gonna die here. 我一定会死在这里
[14:25.79] “中央咖啡馆”
[14:28.26] Are you mad at me because my hair gel smells? 好,你生我的气 是因为我发胶有怪味?
[14:31.53] 不是
[14:33.33] Because I said your handwriting is childlike? 你生我的气 是因为我说你写字像小孩?
[14:36.94] No. That made me feel precious. 不是,这样才特别啊
[14:40.17] Because he's always correcting people's grammar? 我知道了 因为他老爱纠正别人文法?
[14:43.34] "Whom, whom." Sometimes it's "who"! 什么“WHOM”个没完 有时候是用“WHO”啦!
[14:48.08] Yeah? Sometimes it's: 是吗?有时候是…
[14:52.99] Did you beat him at a board game? He's such a baby when he loses. 还是你玩西洋棋赢了他? 他开始居于劣势就很孩子气
[14:57.26] Okay, I'm the baby. 好,我孩子气
[14:58.83] Hey! Stop it! 住手!
[15:02.53] What are you doing here? 钱德,你怎么会在这里?
[15:04.47] Joey kicked me out of the car on the bridge. 乔伊在华盛顿大桥上 把我赶下车
[15:07.03] -Why? -I don't know. He went crazy. 为什么?… 不知道,他突然发飙
[15:09.34] We played that game where you ask questions and answer fast. 我们在玩快问快答的游戏
[15:13.11] That game should not be played without my supervision. 没有我在场监督 绝对不能玩那个游戏
[15:17.88] I don't know what made him mad. 我不知道他干嘛气成那样
[15:19.65] All I said was that this wouldn't be his big break... 我只是说他这次不会翻身
[15:22.78] ...that it wouldn't do anything for him... 说这部电影帮不了他
[15:25.15] ...and that it didn't sound real. 说这部电影很像是幌子
[15:27.12] Okay, he should've pushed me off the bridge. 好啦,他该把我推下桥才对
[15:30.12] What's in the bag? 你袋子里有什么?
[15:31.36] I figured you'd be mad at me... 我猜想你们大家也会对我不爽
[15:33.23] I got gifts that I found on the roadside. 所以我在路边检了些礼物
[15:36.56] -Who wants the one-legged teddy bear? -I do! 谁要一条腿的泰迪熊? 我要
[15:43.77] 来了
[15:48.98] -Not even close. -I need help! I can't do this. 差远了 好啦,你帮我,我没办法
[15:52.65] Come on. Let's do it. 来,我帮你
[15:54.68] Sit down. All right, put your head back. 坐下 好 头往后仰 好
[15:59.82] -Now open your eyes. -Okay,they are. 把眼睛张开 好,张开了
[16:04.39] -How many fingers am I holding up? -Four. 我举了几只手指头? 四只
[16:07.06] I was thinking four. 天啊,我心里想的也是四只
[16:08.53] -Really? -Yes! 真的? 是啊
[16:10.86] Why don't we start with a practice one. 这样吧,我们先来预演一次 好
[16:14.07] -No drops. -Great! 不滴眼药水 太好了
[16:17.00] On three. One,two,three. 数到三,一、二、三…
[16:22.31] My pillow's all wet! 你害我沙发枕都湿了
[16:23.84] Well,you said it was practice! 你自己说是预演的
[16:26.05] Why did you move? 那你干嘛动?
[16:27.38] I knew you were lying! 因为我知道你在骗我
[16:31.45] -Come here. -What are you doing? 好吧,过来 你要干嘛?
[16:33.55] Stop it! Oh,my God! 摩妮卡,天啊!住手!…
[16:35.82] I am going.... 我要…
[16:37.96] Turn it over! 转回来!
[16:39.99] I am going to get... 我要把...
[16:43.36] ...get these drops in your eye. 把眼药水…滴进你眼睛
[16:45.23] Oh, my God! You really are freakishly strong. 天啊,你蛮力真大
[16:49.87] Stop! Stop! 摩妮卡,住手!…
[16:51.67] Stop it! 住手
[16:54.51] Damn,it's empty! 可恶,滴完了!
[16:56.71] If Joey and Chandler walked in now, we could make a fortune. 如果现在乔伊和钱德走进来 我们就发了
[17:07.32] That is definitely Chandler, Joey or Ross. 一定是钱德、乔伊或罗斯
[17:10.02] Or Rachel. 或是瑞秋
[17:15.50] It's Joey. 喂? 是乔伊
[17:18.57] Chandler told me what happened. He's really upset. 真高兴你打来 钱德都说了,他很难过
[17:22.20] Not as upset as he'll be when he finds out what I did with his sweater vests. 等他知道他毛衣的下场 他一定会更难过
[17:28.84] What did you do to them? 你把他的毛衣怎么了?
[17:30.44] There's a well-dressed pack of dogs in Ohio. 这么说吧,在俄亥俄州 有一伙打扮亮丽的狗
[17:36.42] I gotta ask Phoebe something about the car. 摩妮卡?菲比在吗? 我有车子的事要问她
[17:39.62] Hold on one second. 她在,你等等
[17:41.76] -Hey, dude. -Hey, Phoebe. 嗨 嗨,菲比,你听我说
[17:44.06] This wooden box keeps sliding out. What is it? 座位底下有个木盒滑出来 那是什么?
[17:47.23] My grandma. 那是我祖母
[17:52.27] And thanks. She's having a great time. 乔伊,谢谢你,她玩得很愉快
[17:57.30] Is that Joey? Let me talk to him. 是乔伊吗?我要跟他说…
[17:59.94] Chandler's here. He was wondering if 乔伊?钱德不知道你…
[18:02.78] I guess he ran out of change. 我想他零钱正好用完了
[18:06.38] How am I gonna apologize to him if he won't even talk to me? 他连话都不想跟我说 这样我要怎么跟他道歉?
[18:10.48] Send him something. So when he gets there, he'll know you're sorry. 或许你应该寄点东西给他 等他到了赌城 就知道你想表达歉意了
[18:14.82] That's a good idea. I wonder where I could get a basket of porn? 好主意,上哪儿找一堆A片?
[18:20.66] No,don't say, "I'm sorry," with porn. 不行,不能用A片道歉啦 真的?
[18:24.13] You should send him a carton of cigarettes. 你应该寄一条烟过去
[18:26.83] Because that way he can trade it for protection. 他可以用来换取保护
[18:30.14] No. That's prison. 错了,监狱里才是这样
[18:35.41] I know how we're gonna figure this out. 菲比,我知道要怎么找出原因
[18:38.01] Clear your mind... 好,什么都不要想
[18:39.48] ...and answer the first thing that comes into your head. 想到什么就直接回答
[18:44.45] -Do you like flora or fauna? -Fauna. 你比较喜欢植物还是动物? 动物
[18:46.92] -Simon or Garfunkel? -Garfunkel. 你想当赛门还是葛芬柯? 葛芬柯
[18:48.76] -Why are you mad? -You said I was boring. 你为何生我的气? 因为你说我很无趣
[18:54.29] When did I say that? 我何时说过你无趣了?
[18:56.03] Oh,my God! I remember now! We were playing chess. 天啊,我想起来了 我们下西洋棋那次
[18:59.33] Phoebe,you and l have never played chess. 菲比,我和你没下过西洋棋
[19:02.47] Remember that time on the frozen lake? We were playing. You said I was boring. 有啦,记得冰冻湖那次吗? 我们玩西洋棋,你说我很无趣
[19:07.84] Then you took off your energy mask and you were Cameron Diaz. 然后你脱下面具 变成了卡麦蓉狄亚
[19:14.88] There's a chance this may have been a dream. 好吧,这有可能是梦境
[19:20.39] So this entire time,you've been angry with me because of a dream? 所以你这阵子以来对我不爽 全是因为一场梦?
[19:27.19] Well, guess what, now I'm mad at you. 菲比,现在轮我不爽你了
[19:33.33] I wanted to make sure this wasn't a dream. 我想确定这次不是作梦
[19:35.70] Otherwise we're wasting our time. 免得浪费彼此的时间
[20:07.13] Stanley! 史丹利!
[20:09.97] Your leading man is here. Let's get to work. 你的主角来了,咱们开工吧
[20:13.04] Slight change of plans. 计划有些改变
[20:14.71] We've shut down. 我们停拍了
[20:17.08] What? Why? 什么?为什么?
[20:18.55] It's a money thing. We don't have any. 我们没钱
[20:23.75] You're kidding, right? 你在开玩笑吧? 不是
[20:26.09] What? 什么?
[20:27.45] It's probably just temporary. 这或许只是暂时的
[20:29.92] We're hoping to get some money soon. Just hang out. 我们希望能快点筹到资金 你先撑一下
[20:33.46] Hang out? How long? 撑一下?要撑多久?
[20:35.63] I don't know. A week. Maybe two. The money will turn up. 不知道,一、两个星期吧 资金会出现的
[20:39.50] People always wanna invest in movies. You're not rich? 大家都爱投资拍电影 你该不会是有钱人吧? 我不是
[20:43.90] Worth a shot. 问一下也无妨
[20:46.81] Well, Joey, let me know where you're staying,okay? 乔伊,让我知道你在哪儿落脚
[20:52.65] Hey, pal. Are you Joey Tribbiani? 你是乔伊崔比亚尼吗? 我是
[20:55.58] These got left for you. 这是有人留给你的
[20:57.25] Thanks. 谢了
[21:00.15] "Congratulations on your big break." 恭喜你翻身了
[21:36.09] -Monica, it's Joey. -Hey,Joey. 喂? 摩妮卡,我是乔伊
[21:38.89] You remember me even though you're a star. 你当了大明星还是记得我
[21:41.50] Come on. It'll be years before I forget you. 得了吧,忘记你也要好几年
[21:46.67] What's it like on a movie set? 拍片现场是什么样子?
[21:48.84] Do you have a dressing room and a chair with your name? 你有自己的更衣室吗? 有专属的私人座椅吗?
[21:52.17] Yeah,yeah,I got all that going on. 有啊,一切都在进行当中
[21:55.01] Tell Chandler he couldn't have been more wrong. 你一定要跟钱德说 他完完全全看走眼了
[21:58.18] I gotta go,Monica. My sushi's here. 摩妮卡,我得挂了 我的寿司送来了
[22:05.92] Sorry about that. Thanks for waiting. 抱歉,多谢你们等我 没关系
[22:09.29] Everybody smile. 大家笑一个,多谢
[22:13.03] Thanks a lot. Enjoy your stay at Caesars. We hope it's toga-rific. 希望你们在凯萨住得愉快 祝福你们“罗马”精神
[22:20.20] Kill me. Kill me now. 杀了我吧…
[22:26.71] Rach, can you pass me the TV Guide? 瑞秋,电视指南递给我好吗? 好啊
[22:30.24] Go! 上!
[22:31.75] What are you doing? Get off! Oh, my God! 住手!…天啊!
[22:35.48] Hold it open. Okay. 好了…
[22:43.79] We'll see you in about three or four hours. 三、四个小时后再见


[00:14.84] What' s going on? zěn me le?
[00:16.31] My eye is a little itchy. wǒ de yǎn jīng yǒu diǎn yǎng
[00:20.15] Mine too. Yeah. wǒ de yě shì
[00:23.15] It' s really red. You should go see my eye doctor. nǐ de yǎn jīng hǎo hóng ō nǐ yīng gāi qù kàn wǒ de yǎn kē yī shēng
[00:26.52] I' m not gonna see your exboyfriend. lǐ chá? wǒ cái bú yào zhǎo nǐ de qián nán yǒu kàn yǎn jīng
[00:29.02] That' s all I hear. Richard, Richard, Richard. lǐ chá yì tiān dào wǎn lǐ chá gè méi wán
[00:33.03] Since we' ve dated, I' ve said his name twice. dǎ cóng wǒ men kāi shǐ yuē huì yǐ hòu wǒ xiǎng wǒ zhǐ tí guò liǎng cì tā de míng zì
[00:35.93] Okay. So Richard, Richard. nà hǎo, lǐ chá lǐ chá
[00:39.30] It' s not Richard. It' s this new guy. He' s good. bú shì lǐ chá la wǒ xīn zhǎo de yǎn kē yī shēng hěn bàng
[00:42.44] I' m sorry. I' m not going to an eye doctor. bào qiàn, wǒ bù qù kàn yǎn kē yī shēng
[00:45.21] Oh, God. Here we go. What? tiān a, lǎo máo bìng yòu fàn le shén me?
[00:48.48] Anytime anything comes close to touching her eye or anyone else' s... měi cì zhǐ yào pèng dào yǎn jīng zhè dàng shì tā mǎ shàng jiù...
[00:52.38] ... she, like, freaks out. Watch. ... bì zhī wéi kǒng bù jí zhù yì kàn
[00:54.95] Ross, come on! luó sī, nǐ bié nào le
[00:56.55] I have a weird thing with my eye. Can we not talk about it? hǎo, wǒ duì wǒ de yǎn jīng yǒu guài pǐ má fán bié zài tǎo lùn le, xíng ma?
[01:00.32] hǎo ba
[01:02.96] Hey, Rach. You know that great song? " Me, Myself and Eye." ruì qiū, hái jì de yǒu shǒu hěn bàng de gē wǒ wǒ zì jǐ hé " wǒ" hé" yǎn jīng" tóng yīn
[01:06.86] Monica! Come on! mó nī kǎ, bié nào la
[01:08.53] All those in favor of getting lunch, say, " eye." yǒu méi yǒu rén xiǎng chī wǔ cān? yǒu yì yuàn de qǐng shuō
[01:11.63] Ross! Stop it! luó sī, bài tuō bié nào le la
[01:13.30] How much did I love The King and Eye? wǒ yǒu duō xǐ huān" guó wáng yǔ wǒ"?
[01:16.37] Chandler! qián dé!
[01:17.54] Me too, me too! wǒ yě shì
[01:18.74] Just stop it! That' s enough! gòu le, bié wán le
[01:22.54] You okay there, man? Yeah. I got too excited. nǐ hái hǎo ba? duì, wǒ zhēn de chuō dào le
[01:27.55] The One with Joey' s Big Break běn jí bō chū:" yǎn bìng nán yī"
[02:15.13] I gotta go. I' m taking Ben to the park. xiān zǒu le, wǒ yào dài bān qù gōng yuán
[02:17.53] Give him a kiss for me. All right. Bye. bāng wǒ qīn yī xià tā hǎo, zài jiàn
[02:21.10] Later. zài jiàn
[02:23.00] I' m so sorry you got caught in the middle of that. hěn bào qiàn ràng nǐ men jiā zài zhōng jiān gān gà
[02:26.11] I didn' t mean to be so out there, but I am furious with him. wǒ yě bú shì gù yì zhè me kuā zhāng dàn wǒ zhēn de hěn shēng tā de qì
[02:33.72] Calm down? bié jī dòng
[02:36.65] I' m trying. Man, that guy can push my buttons! wǒ zài kè zhì dàn yī xiǎng dào nà gè rén wǒ jiù yǒu qì
[02:40.99] Why are you so mad? nǐ gàn ma nà me qì tā?
[02:42.82] I don' t wanna talk about it. lt seems like wǒ bù xiǎng tán, hǎo ma? zhǐ shì
[02:45.66] You wanna be on my list too? Keep talking. nǐ xiǎng bǎng shàng yǒu míng jiù jì xù shuō a
[02:49.80] Has anyone seen my list, by the way? duì le, shuí yǒu kàn dào wǒ de hēi míng dān?
[02:53.30] No. What' s it look like? méi kàn dào, zhǎng shén me yàng zi?
[02:55.04] A piece of paper and it says, " Ross." I see. jiù shì zhāng zhǐ, shàng tou xiě le" luó sī" liǎo jiě
[03:01.74] I just got off the phone with Estelle. Guess what? wǒ gāng hé ài sī dài jiǎng wán diàn huà nǐ men cāi zěn me le?
[03:05.01] I got the lead in a movie!!! wǒ yào dāng diàn yǐng zhǔ jué le!
[03:06.98] You got the lead in a movie? What' s it about? nǐ yào yǎn diàn yǐng zhǔ jué, tài lì hài le shì shén me diàn yǐng?
[03:09.88] It' s called Shutterspeed. It' s really cool. piān míng shì" jí xiàn sù dù", chāo kù de
[03:13.35] I meet this girl in the subway and we fall in love in, like, a day. wǒ zài dì tiě yù jiàn yí gè nǚ hái yì tiān zhī nèi zhuì rù qíng wǎng
[03:17.66] And then she disappears. But I find out where she lives. hòu lái tā xiāo shī wú zōng dàn wǒ zhǎo chū le tā zhù zài nǎ lǐ
[03:21.76] This old lady answers the door. I say," Where' s Betsy?" yí gè lǎo tài tài chū lái kāi mén wǒ wèn tā" bèi sī zài nǎ lǐ?"
[03:25.33] And she says, " Betsy' s been dead for 10 years." tā shuō" bèi sī yǐ jīng guò shì shí nián le"
[03:32.91] Chilling! hǎo hán
[03:34.11] The best part is, we' re filming in the desert outside of Vegas. zuì bàng de bù fèn shì pāi piàn dì diǎn zài dǔ chéng wài de shā mò
[03:38.05] You know what that means. I know. xiōng dì, nǐ zhī dào nà shi shà yì sī duì, wǒ zhī dào
[03:40.28] Road trip! We can rent a car. I have to be there by Tuesday. kāi chē shā guò qù, wǒ men kě yǐ zū chē wǒ zhōu èr yǐ qián dào nà lǐ jiù xíng le
[03:44.62] Wait! My grandmother' s dead. děng děng, wǒ zǔ mǔ guò shì le
[03:52.53] We can talk about that too, Phoebe. fēi bǐ, wǒ men yě kě yǐ liáo liáo nà jiàn shì
[03:55.26] No, her cab. bù wǒ shì shuō tā de jì chéng chē
[03:56.46] She probably won' t be using it. Drive it to Las Vegas. tā bā chéng yòng bú dào le nǐ men kě yǐ kāi qù dǔ chéng
[03:59.80] All right! Thanks! hǎo yé, fēi bǐ, xiè le
[04:01.57] What are we gonna do about my job? děng děng nà wǒ de gōng zuò zěn me bàn?
[04:04.74] Not go. bié qù le
[04:06.07] Great! Road trip, baby! hǎo yé! bàng! shàng lù luó!
[04:09.11] Is this okay? nǐ méi yì jiàn ba?
[04:10.38] Chandler, you don' t have to ask for my permission. qián dé, nǐ bù yòng zhēng qiú wǒ de yǔn xǔ
[04:13.92] You can go. wǒ ràng nǐ qù xiè xiè
[04:16.38] Rach, we' ll be late for the eye doctor. ruì qiū, kuài diǎn, wǒ men kàn yī shēng yào chí dào le
[04:19.09] All right. Let' s get this over with. hǎo la, zǎo qù zǎo jiě tuō
[04:26.39] Look what I did. zāo gāo, wǒ zhēn shì bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo de
[04:31.97] I mean, look at this mess. gǎo dé yī tuán luàn
[04:34.44] We' re gonna probably have to clean this up. wǒ dé xiān lái qīng lǐ yī xià
[04:37.14] I mean, we' re gonna have to reschedule! kàn zhěn shí jiān de yào zhòng yuē le
[04:40.81] If you thought that this mess was gonna bother me, you are wrong! ruò nǐ rèn wéi zhè diǎn zāng luàn jiù huì yǐng xiǎng wǒ nà nǐ jiù cuò le
[04:45.18] All right, let' s go, Blinky. wǒ men zǒu ba, zhǎ yǎn gū niáng
[04:51.49] qián dé!
[04:55.82] " zhōng yāng kā fēi guǎn"
[04:58.76] Hey, Joey. What' s up? qiáo yī nǐ zěn me le?
[05:01.46] I can' t decide which route to take to Vegas. wǒ wú fǎ jué dìng zǒu nǎ tiáo lù qù dǔ chéng
[05:04.53] You' ve traveled a lot, right? nǐ qù guò bù shǎo dì fāng ba?
[05:06.67] Yeah, I' ve been around. duì, jiàn guò shì miàn
[05:08.50] Which route should I take? The north or the south route? nà wǒ gāi xuǎn nǎ yī tiáo? běi xiàn hái shì nán xiàn?
[05:12.04] If you take the north route, there' s a man with a beard of bees. zǒu běi xiàn tú jīng yī lì nuò zhōu yǒu gè nán rén huì yòng mì fēng dāng hú zǐ
[05:17.48] Great! Problem solved! tài bàng le, wèn tí jiě jué
[05:20.78] On the south route, there' s a chicken that plays tictactoe. dàn shì zǒu nán xiàn de huà kě yǐ kàn huì wán jǐng zì yóu xì de jī
[05:25.95] Well, back to square one. yòu huí dào yuán diǎn le
[05:28.89] I know a way that you can decide. wǒ zhī dào yǒu gè fāng fǎ néng ràng nǐ zuò jué dìng
[05:31.06] I' ll ask you a series of questions and you answer as quickly as you can. wǒ huì wèn nǐ yī lián chuàn de wèn tí nǐ huí dá dé yuè kuài yuè hǎo
[05:35.50] Yes! hǎo!
[05:36.86] Good. But wait. hěn hǎo, bù guò xiān bié jí
[05:40.17] Here we go. I want you to relax. kāi shǐ luó, nǐ xiān fàng qīng sōng
[05:42.74] Take a deep breath. shēn hū xī yī kǒu qì
[05:44.64] Clear your mind. xīn lǐ bú yào xiǎng shì qíng
[05:46.97] Peanut butter or egg whites? Peanut butter. huā shēng jiàng hé dàn bái, nǐ xǐ huān něi gè? huā shēng jiàng
[05:49.51] Be a fireman or a swimmer? Swimmer. nǐ bǐ jiào xiǎng dāng xiāo fáng yuán hái shì yóu yǒng xuǎn shǒu? yóu yǒng xuǎn shǒu
[05:51.88] You' d sleep with Monica or Rachel? Monica. mó nī kǎ hé ruì qiū nǐ bǐ jiào xiǎng gēn shuí shàng chuáng? mó nī kǎ
[05:56.38] I always thought it' d be Rachel. wǒ yī zhí dōu yǐ wéi huì shì ruì qiū ne
[05:58.92] No thinking. Tie or ascot? Ascot. bú yào xiǎng shì qíng lǐng dài huò lǐng jīn? lǐng jīn
[06:01.76] North or south route? North. nán xiàn huò běi xiàn? běi xiàn
[06:03.42] Bam! There you go! Huh? dá àn chū xiàn, lì hài ba
[06:06.43] That was incredible! Beard of bees here I come! bù kě sī yì mì fēng hú, wǒ lái luó
[06:13.20] This guy again. zhè jiā huǒ yòu lái le
[06:17.94] Hey, what' s up? nǐ hǎo ma?
[06:19.44] Not much. Wanna see a movie tonight? pǔ tōng, jīn wǎn xiǎng kàn diàn yǐng ma?
[06:21.94] What do you wanna see? hǎo a, nǐ yào kàn shén me?
[06:23.61] I don' t know. bù zhī dào
[06:24.91] I know how to decide. Show him your game. wǒ zhī dào wǒ men yào rú hé jué dìng fēi bǐ, ràng tā jiàn shí nǐ de yóu xì
[06:27.68] No, thank you. miǎn le, duō xiè
[06:31.22] What' s with her? tā shì zěn me le?
[06:32.45] I don' t know. I know how we can decide. bù zhī dào, dàn wǒ zhī dào zěn me jué dìng le
[06:34.79] I' m gonna ask you questions and you answer real quick. wǒ wèn nǐ wèn tí, nǐ yào hěn kuài huí dá hǎo
[06:38.23] Action or comedy? Action. dòng zuò piàn huò xǐ jù nǐ bǐ jiào xǐ huān nǎ yī ge? dòng zuò piàn
[06:39.96] Who would you rather sleep with, Monica or Rachel? mó nī kǎ hé ruì qiū nǐ bǐ jiào xiǎng gēn shuí shàng chuáng?
[06:47.20] Dude, you are sick. lǎo xiōng, nǐ zhēn biàn tài
[06:52.31] I' m sorry. I forgot you had that whole Rachel thing. bào qiàn, wǒ wàng le nǐ mí liàn guò ruì qiū
[07:01.55] Oh, my God. What does that thing do? tiān a, zhè shì gàn ma de?
[07:06.15] An eye removal machine. I' m out of here. zhè shì yǎn qiú zhāi chú jī hǎo le, wǒ yào zǒu le
[07:08.82] I' m kidding. kāi wán xiào de la
[07:10.66] Rachel, I' m Dr. Miller. ruì qiū, wǒ shì mǐ lēi yī shēng
[07:12.59] Monica said you were nervous. Everything will be fine. mó nī kǎ shuō nǐ yǒu diǎn jǐn zhāng bù guò bié dān xīn, bú huì yǒu shì de
[07:16.03] So we' re done. Almost, but first we gotta start. nà jiù jié shù ba kuài le, bù guò wǒ men yào xiān kāi shǐ
[07:19.53] This is a glaucoma test. Sit down. zhè shì qīng guāng yǎn cè shì qǐng zuò
[07:24.11] Put your chin here. bǎ liǎn jiá fàng zài zhè lǐ
[07:26.71] Now, you' ll feel a small puff of air in each eye. hǎo, yǎn jīng huì yǒu fēng chuī de gǎn jué
[07:30.18] What? shén me?
[07:31.98] A small puff of air. Now, come on! yì diǎn diǎn de fēng la, nǐ kuài diǎn!
[07:36.88] Here we go. lái luó hǎo
[07:38.69] One, two, three. yī èr sān
[07:43.72] I' m sorry. All right. bào qiàn hǎo ba
[07:45.39] I' m gonna stay in here this time. wǒ zhè cì bú huì dòng
[07:48.33] Ready? hǎo le ma?
[07:49.53] One, two I' m sorry. yī èr bào qiàn
[07:52.70] You know what? I' m gonna hold her head. wǒ lái zhuā tā tóu hǎo le
[07:55.54] That' s okay. hǎo
[07:59.07] yī èr
[08:01.41] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[08:03.24] You' re young. You don' t have glaucoma. nǐ hái nián qīng, yīng gāi méi yǒu qīng guāng yǎn
[08:09.82] So it was very, very nice to meet you, sir. tài hǎo le, hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nín
[08:13.09] What are you? Are you crazy? nǐ zài gàn ma? nǐ fēng liǎo bù chéng?
[08:15.66] You got a small, minor infection in that left eye. hǎo, nǐ de zuǒ yǎn yǒu xiē wēi gǎn rǎn
[08:19.43] Take these drops for a week and you' ll be as good as new. zhè yǎn yào shuǐ yì tiān diǎn sān cì lián xù yī zhōu nǐ jiù wǎn rú xīn shēng le
[08:23.33] No, I don' t put things in my eye. wǒ bù bǎ rèn hé dōng xī fàng jìn yǎn jīng lǐ
[08:26.20] We' ll see you here in three months. And I' ll fit you for a glass eye. nà hǎo ba, sān ge yuè hòu zài jiàn tài bàng le wǒ dào shí bāng nǐ zhuāng shàng yì yǎn
[08:30.71] Give me the damn drops! hǎo la, bǎ nà sǐ yǎn yào shuǐ gěi wǒ
[08:34.28] Dr. Miller? mǐ lēi yī shēng?
[08:37.08] PECFD. P E C F D
[08:40.08] Very good, Monica! mó nī kǎ, bàng jí le
[08:44.25] You know where they are. I sure do. nǐ zhī dào jiǎng pǐn fàng zài nǎ lǐ wǒ dāng rán zhī dào
[08:50.59] And you don' t get one. nǐ méi yǒu!
[08:57.13] You know, those eye drops are a miracle. nà yǎn yào shuǐ shí zài shì tài shén qí le
[08:59.80] My eye is 100 percent better. wǒ de yǎn jīng bǎi fēn zhī bǎi hǎo le
[09:01.90] They' re still in my coat. Damn! yǎn yào shuǐ hái fàng zài wǒ de wài tào lǐ kě wù
[09:05.97] You ready to go? Yeah. zhǔn bèi hǎo shàng lù le méi? hǎo le
[09:07.24] How cold will it be there? Will all these sweater vests be enough? bù guò nà biān huì yǒu duō lěng? wǒ yào dài wài tào hái shì dài zhèi xiē máo yī jiù gòu le?
[09:12.98] What? I love you. zěn me le? wǒ ài nǐ
[09:17.08] I wish Ross was coming with us. I' ll miss him. zhēn xī wàng luó sī yě néng yì qǐ qù wǒ yí dìng huì hěn xiǎng niàn tā de
[09:20.12] Thanks. I just got that jerk out of my mind. zhēn shì duō xiè nǐ le wǒ cái gāng bǎ nà gè hún dàn gěi wàng diào
[09:24.43] Is the movie putting us up in a big hotel suite? wǒ men zhù nǎ lǐ? diàn yǐng gōng sī zhāo dài de fàn diàn dà tào fáng?
[09:27.66] Not really. It' s an independent film. bù suàn shì, zhè shì dú lì zhì piàn de diàn yǐng
[09:30.00] We don' t have a big budget. I' ll stay in your room. méi yǒu dà yù suàn wǒ xiǎng wǒ zhù nǐ fáng jiān hǎo le
[09:34.84] Once you get paid, you' ll be springing for a suite. liǎo jiě, dàn děng nǐ ná dào chóu láo zhī hòu nǐ huì qǐng wǒ zhù fàn diàn dà tào fáng ba?
[09:38.24] They must be paying you a lot. zhǔ yǎn diàn yǐng de piàn chóu yí dìng bù shǎo ba?
[09:40.47] Yeah. For every dollar Shutterspeed makes... shì a, wǒ suàn gěi nǐ tīng " jí xiàn sù dù" měi zhuàn yí kuài qián
[09:43.78] ... one penny of it goes right in Joey' s pocket. qiáo yī jiù néng fēn dào bǎi fēn zhī yī
[09:47.75] You don' t get paid unless it makes money? suǒ yǐ diàn yǐng zhuàn qián nǐ cái yǒu qián ná?
[09:50.75] Did you not hear the plot of the movie? nǐ bù zhī dào zhè diàn yǐng de qíng jié ma?
[09:54.46] " She' s been dead for 10 years." " bèi sī yǐ jīng guò shì shí nián le"
[09:57.96] I' m gonna be a millionaire! wǒ jiù kuài biàn chéng bǎi wàn fù wēng le
[10:02.43] I wanted to say goodbye. wǒ zhǐ shì yào lái gēn nǐ men shuō gè zài jiàn
[10:04.30] And to see if you guys would place a little bet for me. shùn biàn tuō nǐ men bāng wǒ xià gè zhù
[10:07.87] Twenty bucks on black 15. 20 měi yuán yā hēi sè 15 hào
[10:10.37] You got it! All right. méi wèn tí hǎo
[10:15.44] You remember the number, right? Yeah, black 13. nǐ jì de hào mǎ ba? jì de, hēi sè 13 hào
[10:18.08] Black 15! You got it. hēi sè 15 hào la! méi wèn tí
[10:21.95] All right. Byebye, now. Bye, you guys. zài jiàn
[10:25.09] I' ll say bye at the car. wǒ qù chē zi nà lǐ tì nǐ sòng xíng
[10:27.99] Anyone wanna say bye to me at the car? shuí yào qù chē zi nà lǐ tì wǒ sòng xíng?
[10:30.36] I' ll say goodbye to you at the car if you don' t mind the pus. wǒ kě yǐ tì nǐ sòng xíng zhǐ yào nǐ bù jiè yì wǒ yǎn jīng huà nóng
[10:36.96] See you! zài jiàn
[10:38.87] But wait a minute. The pus is good. It means it' s healing. děng děng, huà nóng shì hǎo xiàn xiàng biǎo shì kuài yāo hǎo le
[10:46.94] Hey, Phoebe. What you reading? fēi bǐ, nǐ zài kàn shén me?
[10:51.28] fēi bǐ?
[10:54.88] Hello?
[10:59.52] fēi bǐ?
[11:03.62] Come on! fēi bǐ? bié nào le la
[11:05.03] I' m sorry, I didn' t see you there. bào qiàn, wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ zài zhè lǐ
[11:09.23] Phoebe, are you mad at me or something? fēi bǐ, nǐ zài shēng wǒ de qì ma?
[11:12.37] If you are, please tell me what it is I did. wǒ zuò le shén me ràng nǐ shēng qì de shì?
[11:15.14] lf you don' t know, I can' t help you. I don' t know. nǐ bù zhī dào, wǒ yě bāng bù liǎo nǐ wǒ shì bù zhī dào a
[11:18.04] Well, I can' t help you. nà wǒ yě wú néng wéi lì le
[11:21.08] Well, whatever it is, I am very, very sorry. Okay? bù guǎn shì shén me shì, wǒ dōu fēi cháng bào qiàn
[11:26.88] Apology accepted. wǒ jiē shòu nǐ de dào qiàn
[11:30.38] So we' re good? nà wǒ men méi shì le?
[11:33.52] hǎo ba
[11:37.06] I' ll see you later, okay? nà wǎn diǎn jiàn luó
[11:38.89] Bye, fatass. hǎo, dà pì gǔ
[11:40.16] All right! gòu le!
[11:43.10] Will you please tell me what it is that made you so mad at me? fēi bǐ, nǐ kuài diǎn shuō wǒ zuò le shén me ràng nǐ zhè me bù shuǎng?
[11:47.03] I don' t know! I don' t remember! wǒ bù zhī dào, wǒ bù jì de le
[11:50.91] What do you mean, you can' t remember? shén me jiào zuò nǐ bù jì de le?
[11:53.14] I was so focused on being mad at you, I forgot what it was I was mad about. wǒ tài zhuān xīn zài shēng nǐ de qì qì dào dōu wàng le shēng qì de yuán yīn
[11:59.18] If you can' t remember, can' t we just forget about this? jì rán wàng le, nà néng bù néng jiù suàn le?
[12:02.72] Oh, no. I am mad at you. I know that much. bù xíng, wǒ shēng nǐ de qì, zhè hěn què dìng
[12:06.22] But I' m sorry about the fatass thing because you have a sweet, little heinie. dàn wǒ hěn bào qiàn mà nǐ dà pì gǔ yīn wèi nǐ de xiǎo pì pì hěn kě ài
[12:19.90] I' m getting pretty tired. You' ll have to take over soon. wǒ kāi dé hǎo lèi, nǐ suí shí zhǔn bèi jiē shǒu
[12:24.07] We' ve been driving for a halfhour. You haven' t looked at the road once. wǒ men cái shàng lù bàn xiǎo shí ér qiě nǐ dōu méi zài kàn lù
[12:28.51] Don' t worry. It' s out there. bié dān xīn, lù jiù shì lù ma
[12:33.01] Maybe I just need lunch. You wanna eat? wǒ xiǎng wǒ gāi chī wǔ fàn le shì a nǐ yào chī ma?
[12:36.02] My treat. wǒ qǐng kè
[12:38.69] Isn' t that Ross' money? nà bú shì luó sī de qián ma?
[12:42.99] Ross' treat. Where do you wanna eat? shì a, hǎo ba, luó sī qǐng kè nǐ xiǎng chī shén me?
[12:45.66] I don' t know. wǒ bù zhī dào
[12:46.99] I know how we can decide. wǒ zhī dào yào zěn me jué dìng le
[12:48.90] I' ll ask you questions. wǒ wèn nǐ yī duī wèn tí
[12:51.10] And then you have to answer real fast. nǐ de hěn kuài huí dá
[12:53.73] So clear your mind. Clear it right out. Clear it out. bú yào xiǎng shì qíng, shén me dōu bú yào xiǎng hǎo
[12:57.71] It' s all clear except for this image of a small, purple lamp. wǒ méi zài xiǎng shì qíng dàn xīn lǐ yǒu gè xiǎo zǐ dēng de xíng xiàng
[13:02.58] Is that all right if that stays in there? zhè yàng bù ài shì ba?
[13:05.88] I don' t see why not. I guess. yīng gāi bù ài shì ba
[13:08.45] You have to answer with the first thing that pops into your head, okay? xiǎng dào shén me jiù zhí jiē huí dá hǎo
[13:12.55] Would you rather be too wet or too dry? Too dry. nǐ nìng yuàn tài shī huò tài gàn? tài gàn
[13:15.06] Do you believe in ghosts? No. nǐ xiāng bù xiāng xìn yǒu guǐ? bù xiāng xìn
[13:16.76] Will this movie be my big break? No. zhè diàn yǐng huì ràng wǒ fān shēn ma? bú huì
[13:20.49] What? Yes. shén me? huì
[13:23.56] Dude, you said, no. I also said, yes. nǐ gāng cái shuō bú huì wǒ yě shuō le huì a
[13:27.10] This won' t be my big break? No. nǐ bù jué de wǒ zhè cì huì fān shēn? duì
[13:32.74] I don' t believe this. qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ
[13:34.51] Look, I just don' t want you to get your hopes up too high. qiáo yī, wǒ zhǐ shì bú yào nǐ qī wàng tài gāo
[13:38.21] What are you talking about? I' m the lead in a movie! nǐ zài hú shuō shí mǒ? wǒ shì diàn yǐng zhǔ jué yé!
[13:41.42] They' re not even paying you! This doesn' t sound like a real movie! nà tā men hái bù fù nǐ piàn chóu? zhè diàn yǐng tīng lái gēn huǎng zi yí yàng
[13:45.85] I don' t know why you' re dumping all over my big break. wǒ bù xū yào tīng zhè zhǒng huà gǎo bu dǒng nǐ gàn ma xiè wǒ de qì
[13:49.09] I don' t think this is gonna be your big break. qiáo yī, wǒ bù rèn wéi nǐ zhè cì néng fān shēn
[13:52.06] Are you on this trip to make me feel like a loser? suǒ yǐ nǐ cái lái zhè tàng? ràng wǒ jué de zì jǐ shì wō nāng fèi?
[13:55.13] I' d rather be alone. You don' t want me here? rú guǒ shì zhè yàng, nà wǒ nìng yuàn zì jǐ qù
[13:58.10] Not if you' re like this. nǐ bú yào wǒ péi nǐ qù? nǐ zhè yàng wǒ bú yào yě bà
[13:59.70] The next time you ask me a question like that, I' ll lie. nà hǎo ba, xià cì nǐ zài wèn nà zhǒng wèn tí wǒ piàn nǐ jiù shì le
[14:03.04] I don' t want you on the trip. duì! wǒ bú yào nǐ yì qǐ qù
[14:04.91] Why don' t you pull over. I' ll get out now. hǎo, wú suǒ wèi nǐ tíng chē, wǒ mǎ shàng zǒu
[14:07.71] Fine. hǎo a
[14:11.65] Get out. gǔn ba
[14:12.88] You can' t stop on a bridge. zài qiáo shàng bù néng suí biàn jiù tíng chē
[14:14.88] Get out! Fine! gǔn la! hǎo la!
[14:19.79] Wait! Wait! There' s no sidewalk! děng děng qiáo shàng méi yǒu rén háng dào!
[14:22.39] Yeah. I' m gonna die here. wǒ yí dìng huì sǐ zài zhè lǐ
[14:25.79] " zhōng yāng kā fēi guǎn"
[14:28.26] Are you mad at me because my hair gel smells? hǎo, nǐ shēng wǒ de qì shì yīn wèi wǒ fā jiāo yǒu guài wèi?
[14:31.53] bú shì
[14:33.33] Because I said your handwriting is childlike? nǐ shēng wǒ de qì shì yīn wèi wǒ shuō nǐ xiě zì xiàng xiǎo hái?
[14:36.94] No. That made me feel precious. bú shì, zhè yàng cái tè bié a
[14:40.17] Because he' s always correcting people' s grammar? wǒ zhī dào le yīn wèi tā lǎo ài jiū zhèng bié rén wén fǎ?
[14:43.34] " Whom, whom." Sometimes it' s " who"! shén me" WHOM" gè méi wán yǒu shí hou shì yòng" WHO" la!
[14:48.08] Yeah? Sometimes it' s: shì ma? yǒu shí hou shì
[14:52.99] Did you beat him at a board game? He' s such a baby when he loses. hái shì nǐ wán xī yáng qí yíng le tā? tā kāi shǐ jū yú liè shì jiù hěn hái zi qì
[14:57.26] Okay, I' m the baby. hǎo, wǒ hái zi qì
[14:58.83] Hey! Stop it! zhù shǒu!
[15:02.53] What are you doing here? qián dé, nǐ zěn me huì zài zhè lǐ?
[15:04.47] Joey kicked me out of the car on the bridge. qiáo yī zài huá shèng dùn dà qiáo shàng bǎ wǒ gǎn xià chē
[15:07.03] Why? I don' t know. He went crazy. wèi shí me? bù zhī dào, tā tū rán fā biāo
[15:09.34] We played that game where you ask questions and answer fast. wǒ men zài wán kuài wèn kuài dá de yóu xì
[15:13.11] That game should not be played without my supervision. méi yǒu wǒ zài chǎng jiān dū jué duì bù néng wán nà gè yóu xì
[15:17.88] I don' t know what made him mad. wǒ bù zhī dào tā gàn ma qì chéng nà yàng
[15:19.65] All I said was that this wouldn' t be his big break... wǒ zhǐ shì shuō tā zhè cì bú huì fān shēn
[15:22.78] ... that it wouldn' t do anything for him... shuō zhè bù diàn yǐng bāng bù liǎo tā
[15:25.15] ... and that it didn' t sound real. shuō zhè bù diàn yǐng hěn xiàng shì huǎng zi
[15:27.12] Okay, he should' ve pushed me off the bridge. hǎo la, tā gāi bǎ wǒ tuī xià qiáo cái duì
[15:30.12] What' s in the bag? nǐ dài zi lǐ yǒu shén me?
[15:31.36] I figured you' d be mad at me... wǒ cāi xiǎng nǐ men dà jiā yě huì duì wǒ bù shuǎng
[15:33.23] ... so I got gifts that I found on the roadside. suǒ yǐ wǒ zài lù biān jiǎn le xiē lǐ wù
[15:36.56] Who wants the onelegged teddy bear? I do! shuí yào yī tiáo tuǐ de tài dí xióng? wǒ yào
[15:43.77] lái le
[15:48.98] Not even close. I need help! I can' t do this. chà yuǎn le hǎo la, nǐ bāng wǒ, wǒ méi bàn fǎ
[15:52.65] Come on. Let' s do it. lái, wǒ bāng nǐ
[15:54.68] Sit down. All right, put your head back. zuò xià hǎo tóu wǎng hòu yǎng hǎo
[15:59.82] Now open your eyes. Okay, they are. bǎ yǎn jīng zhāng kāi hǎo, zhāng kāi le
[16:04.39] How many fingers am I holding up? Four. wǒ jǔ le jǐ zhǐ shǒu zhí tou? sì zhǐ
[16:07.06] I was thinking four. tiān a, wǒ xīn lǐ xiǎng de yě shì sì zhǐ
[16:08.53] Really? Yes! zhēn de? shì a
[16:10.86] Why don' t we start with a practice one. zhè yàng ba, wǒ men xiān lái yù yǎn yī cì hǎo
[16:14.07] No drops. Great! bù dī yǎn yào shuǐ tài hǎo le
[16:17.00] On three. One, two, three. shù dào sān, yī èr sān
[16:22.31] My pillow' s all wet! nǐ hài wǒ shā fā zhěn dōu shī le
[16:23.84] Well, you said it was practice! nǐ zì jǐ shuō shì yù yǎn de
[16:26.05] Why did you move? nà nǐ gàn ma dòng?
[16:27.38] I knew you were lying! yīn wèi wǒ zhī dào nǐ zài piàn wǒ
[16:31.45] Come here. What are you doing? hǎo ba, guò lái nǐ yào gàn ma?
[16:33.55] Stop it! Oh, my God! mó nī kǎ, tiān a! zhù shǒu!
[16:35.82] I am going.... wǒ yào
[16:37.96] Turn it over! zhuǎn huí lái!
[16:39.99] I am going to get... wǒ yào bǎ...
[16:43.36] ... get these drops in your eye. bǎ yǎn yào shuǐ dī jìn nǐ yǎn jīng
[16:45.23] Oh, my God! You really are freakishly strong. tiān a, nǐ mán lì zhēn dà
[16:49.87] Stop! Stop! mó nī kǎ, zhù shǒu!
[16:51.67] Stop it! zhù shǒu
[16:54.51] Damn, it' s empty! kě wù, dī wán le!
[16:56.71] If Joey and Chandler walked in now, we could make a fortune. rú guǒ xiàn zài qiáo yī hé qián dé zǒu jìn lái wǒ men jiù fā le
[17:07.32] That is definitely Chandler, Joey or Ross. yí dìng shì qián dé qiáo yī huò luó sī
[17:10.02] Or Rachel. huò shì ruì qiū
[17:15.50] It' s Joey. wèi? shì qiáo yī
[17:18.57] Chandler told me what happened. He' s really upset. zhēn gāo xìng nǐ dǎ lái qián dé dū shuō le, tā hěn nán guò
[17:22.20] Not as upset as he' ll be when he finds out what I did with his sweater vests. děng tā zhī dào tā máo yī de xià chǎng tā yí dìng huì gèng nán guò
[17:28.84] What did you do to them? nǐ bǎ tā de máo yī zěn me le?
[17:30.44] There' s a welldressed pack of dogs in Ohio. zhè me shuō ba, zài é hài é zhōu yǒu yī huǒ dǎ bàn liàng lì de gǒu
[17:36.42] I gotta ask Phoebe something about the car. mó nī kǎ? fēi bǐ zài ma? wǒ yǒu chē zi de shì yào wèn tā
[17:39.62] Hold on one second. tā zài, nǐ děng děng
[17:41.76] Hey, dude. Hey, Phoebe. hāi hāi, fēi bǐ, nǐ tīng wǒ shuō
[17:44.06] This wooden box keeps sliding out. What is it? zuò wèi dǐ xià yǒu gè mù hé huá chū lái nà shi shén me?
[17:47.23] My grandma. nà shi wǒ zǔ mǔ
[17:52.27] And thanks. She' s having a great time. qiáo yī, xiè xiè nǐ, tā wán de hěn yú kuài
[17:57.30] Is that Joey? Let me talk to him. shì qiáo yī ma? wǒ yào gēn tā shuō
[17:59.94] Chandler' s here. He was wondering if qiáo yī? qián dé bù zhī dào nǐ
[18:02.78] I guess he ran out of change. wǒ xiǎng tā líng qián zhèng hǎo yòng wán le
[18:06.38] How am I gonna apologize to him if he won' t even talk to me? tā lián huà dōu bù xiǎng gēn wǒ shuō zhè yàng wǒ yào zěn me gēn tā dào qiàn?
[18:10.48] Send him something. So when he gets there, he' ll know you' re sorry. huò xǔ nǐ yīng gāi jì diǎn dōng xī gěi tā děng tā dào le dǔ chéng jiù zhī dào nǐ xiǎng biǎo dá qiàn yì le
[18:14.82] That' s a good idea. I wonder where I could get a basket of porn? hǎo zhǔ yì, shàng nǎ ér zhǎo yī duī A piàn?
[18:20.66] No, don' t say, " I' m sorry," with porn. bù xíng, bù néng yòng A piàn dào qiàn la zhēn de?
[18:24.13] You should send him a carton of cigarettes. nǐ yīng gāi jì yī tiáo yān guò qù
[18:26.83] Because that way he can trade it for protection. tā kě yǐ yòng lái huàn qǔ bǎo hù
[18:30.14] No. That' s prison. cuò le, jiān yù lǐ cái shì zhè yàng
[18:35.41] I know how we' re gonna figure this out. fēi bǐ, wǒ zhī dào yào zěn me zhǎo chū yuán yīn
[18:38.01] Clear your mind... hǎo, shén me dōu bú yào xiǎng
[18:39.48] ... and answer the first thing that comes into your head. xiǎng dào shén me jiù zhí jiē huí dá
[18:44.45] Do you like flora or fauna? Fauna. nǐ bǐ jiào xǐ huān zhí wù hái shì dòng wù? dòng wù
[18:46.92] Simon or Garfunkel? Garfunkel. nǐ xiǎng dāng sài mén hái shì gé fēn kē? gé fēn kē
[18:48.76] Why are you mad? You said I was boring. nǐ wèi hé shēng wǒ de qì? yīn wèi nǐ shuō wǒ hěn wú qù
[18:54.29] When did I say that? wǒ hé shí shuō guò nǐ wú qù le?
[18:56.03] Oh, my God! I remember now! We were playing chess. tiān a, wǒ xiǎng qǐ lái le wǒ men xià xī yáng qí nà cì
[18:59.33] Phoebe, you and l have never played chess. fēi bǐ, wǒ hé nǐ méi xià guò xī yáng qí
[19:02.47] Remember that time on the frozen lake? We were playing. You said I was boring. yǒu la, jì de bīng dòng hú nà cì ma? wǒ men wán xī yáng qí, nǐ shuō wǒ hěn wú qù
[19:07.84] Then you took off your energy mask and you were Cameron Diaz. rán hòu nǐ tuō xià miàn jù biàn chéng le kǎ mài róng dí yà
[19:14.88] There' s a chance this may have been a dream. hǎo ba, zhè yǒu kě néng shì mèng jìng
[19:20.39] So this entire time, you' ve been angry with me because of a dream? suǒ yǐ nǐ zhè zhèn zi yǐ lái duì wǒ bù shuǎng quán shì yīn wèi yī chǎng mèng?
[19:27.19] Well, guess what, now I' m mad at you. fēi bǐ, xiàn zài lún wǒ bù shuǎng nǐ le
[19:33.33] I wanted to make sure this wasn' t a dream. wǒ xiǎng què dìng zhè cì bú shì zuò mèng
[19:35.70] Otherwise we' re wasting our time. miǎn de làng fèi bǐ cǐ de shí jiān
[20:07.13] Stanley! shǐ dān lì!
[20:09.97] Your leading man is here. Let' s get to work. nǐ de zhǔ jué lái le, zán men kāi gōng ba
[20:13.04] Slight change of plans. jì huà yǒu xiē gǎi biàn
[20:14.71] We' ve shut down. wǒ men tíng pāi le
[20:17.08] What? Why? shén me? wèi shí me?
[20:18.55] It' s a money thing. We don' t have any. wǒ men méi qián
[20:23.75] You' re kidding, right? nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ba? bú shì
[20:26.09] What? shén me?
[20:27.45] It' s probably just temporary. zhè huò xǔ zhǐ shì zàn shí de
[20:29.92] We' re hoping to get some money soon. Just hang out. wǒ men xī wàng néng kuài diǎn chóu dào zī jīn nǐ xiān chēng yī xià
[20:33.46] Hang out? How long? chēng yī xià? yào chēng duō jiǔ?
[20:35.63] I don' t know. A week. Maybe two. The money will turn up. bù zhī dào, yī liǎng gè xīng qī ba zī jīn huì chū xiàn de
[20:39.50] People always wanna invest in movies. You' re not rich? dà jiā dōu ài tóu zī pāi diàn yǐng nǐ gāi bú huì shì yǒu qián rén ba? wǒ bú shì
[20:43.90] Worth a shot. wèn yī xià yě wú fáng
[20:46.81] Well, Joey, let me know where you' re staying, okay? qiáo yī, ràng wǒ zhī dào nǐ zài nǎ ér luò jiǎo
[20:52.65] Hey, pal. Are you Joey Tribbiani? nǐ shì qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní ma? wǒ shì
[20:55.58] These got left for you. zhè shì yǒu rén liú gěi nǐ de
[20:57.25] Thanks. xiè le
[21:00.15] " Congratulations on your big break." gōng xǐ nǐ fān shēn le
[21:36.09] Monica, it' s Joey. Hey, Joey. wèi? mó nī kǎ, wǒ shì qiáo yī
[21:38.89] You remember me even though you' re a star. nǐ dāng le dà míng xīng hái shì jì de wǒ
[21:41.50] Come on. It' ll be years before I forget you. dé le ba, wàng jì nǐ yě yāo hǎo jǐ nián
[21:46.67] What' s it like on a movie set? pāi piàn xiàn chǎng shì shén me yàng zi?
[21:48.84] Do you have a dressing room and a chair with your name? nǐ yǒu zì jǐ de gēng yī shì ma? yǒu zhuān shǔ de sī rén zuò yǐ ma?
[21:52.17] Yeah, yeah, I got all that going on. yǒu a, yī qiè dōu zài jìn háng dāng zhōng
[21:55.01] Tell Chandler he couldn' t have been more wrong. nǐ yí dìng yào gēn qián dé shuō tā wán wán quán quán kàn zǒu yǎn le
[21:58.18] I gotta go, Monica. My sushi' s here. mó nī kǎ, wǒ dé guà le wǒ de shòu sī sòng lái le
[22:05.92] Sorry about that. Thanks for waiting. bào qiàn, duō xiè nǐ men děng wǒ méi guān xì
[22:09.29] Everybody smile. dà jiā xiào yí gè, duō xiè
[22:13.03] Thanks a lot. Enjoy your stay at Caesars. We hope it' s togarific. xī wàng nǐ men zài kǎi sà zhù dé yú kuài zhù fú nǐ men" luó mǎ" jīng shén
[22:20.20] Kill me. Kill me now. shā le wǒ ba
[22:26.71] Rach, can you pass me the TV Guide? ruì qiū, diàn shì zhǐ nán dì gěi wǒ hǎo ma? hǎo a
[22:30.24] Go! shàng!
[22:31.75] What are you doing? Get off! Oh, my God! zhù shǒu! tiān a!
[22:35.48] Hold it open. Okay. hǎo le
[22:43.79] We' ll see you in about three or four hours. sān sì gè xiǎo shí hòu zài jiàn