Affirmative action in admissions

歌曲 Affirmative action in admissions
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:教育报道


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:03.14] this is the Education Report.
[00:06.43] Reaction appears mixed to a recent
[00:09.72] United States Supreme Court decision
[00:12.37] on affirmative action in university admissions.
[00:16.80] Affirmative action in admissions
[00:19.34] means that schools give special consideration
[00:22.63] to some racial or ethnic minorities.
[00:26.47] The goal is to create a more diverse campus,
[00:30.50] and to give more opportunities to groups
[00:33.45] that are under-represented in higher education.
[00:37.23] The Supreme Court ruled that race
[00:39.92] can be one of many factors considered
[00:43.60] when a student applies to a college or university.
[00:47.40] The court said education
[00:49.54] benefits from having diverse student populations.
[00:53.04] Some legal experts expressed surprise at the decision.
[00:58.41] They thought the justices would strike down
[01:01.41] a 2003 Supreme Court ruling.
[01:04.54] That ruling let universities use race in admissions decisions,
[01:10.98] but also said race needs to be just one factor among others.
[01:16.53] In the new decision,
[01:18.27] the justices did not deal with
[01:21.35] the question of affirmative action itself
[01:24.25] as many observers had expected.
[01:27.29] The court did not decide whether the idea
[01:30.84] violates the right of equal protection under the law,
[01:34.82] as guaranteed by the constitution.
[01:38.25] Instead, the justices sent the case
[01:42.30] back to a lower court for further consideration.
[01:46.82] A white woman who had been denied admission
[01:50.36] to the University of Texas at Austin brought the legal case.
[01:55.24] Abigail Fisher argued that it was wrong to reject her,
[01:59.78] when minority students with similar grades
[02:03.28] and test scores were accepted because of affirmative action.
[02:08.45] Wade Henderson is president of the Leadership Conference
[02:13.24] on Civil and Human Rights.
[02:15.43] He said the new decision reconfirms that it is an America's
[02:21.16] interest to increase opportunities for everyone.
[02:25.19] Justice Clarence Thomas,
[02:27.73] the only African-American on the Supreme Court,
[02:31.27] voted with the majority but wrote a separate opinion.
[02:35.81] His opinion strongly attacked affirmative action
[02:40.09] in college admissions as violating the constitution.
[02:44.73] He also said that the diversity by itself
[02:47.67] does not have any educational benefit.
[02:51.25] Ada Meloy is general counsel for the non-profit American Council on Education.
[02:58.68] "...that the colleges and universities should have the right
[03:04.81] to decide upon who will be admitted to the institution.
[03:09.79] And those that feel they need to consider race or ethnicity
[03:15.32] and make that decision should be able to do so,
[03:18.51] in line with the law that has been proclaimed
[03:23.24] by the Supreme Court since the 1970's."
[03:25.89] She said it was not clear how many of the 4,000 or so
[03:30.32] higher learning institutions in the United States
[03:33.95] use those criteria in deciding which student to accept.
[03:39.33] Ms. Meloy said many of the schools do not generally
[03:44.32] give special consideration to their applicants' race or ethnicity.
[03:49.95] And that's the Education Report from VOA Learning English.
[03:54.49] I'm Karen Leggett.


[00:00.10] lái zì měi guó zhī yīn yīng yǔ xué xí,
[00:03.14] zhè shì yī fèn jiào yù bào gào.
[00:06.43] guān yú zuì jìn
[00:09.72] měi guó zuì gāo fǎ yuàn duì dà xué rù xué kěn dìng xíng dòng
[00:12.37] de jué dìng.
[00:16.80] rù xué shí cǎi qǔ píng quán xíng dòng
[00:19.34] yì wèi zhe xué xiào jiāng gěi yī xiē
[00:22.63] zhǒng zú huò shǎo shù mín zú tè bié kǎo lǜ.
[00:26.47] mù biāo shì chuàng zào yí gè gèng jiā duō yàng huà de xiào yuán,
[00:30.50] bìng gěi tuán tǐ gèng duō de jī huì,
[00:33.45] zhè zài gāo děng jiào yù zhōng hái bù jù dài biǎo xìng.
[00:37.23] zuì gāo fǎ yuàn cái dìng zhǒng zú
[00:39.92] kě yǐ shì xué shēng shēn qǐng dà xué huò dà xué shí
[00:43.60] zhòng duō kǎo lǜ de yīn sù zhōng de yí gè.
[00:47.40] fǎ yuàn shuō jiào yù
[00:49.54] dé yì yú jù yǒu duō yàng huà de xué shēng.
[00:53.04] yī xiē fǎ lǜ zhuān jiā duì cǐ jué dìng biǎo shì jīng yà.
[00:58.41] tā men rèn wéi fǎ guān huì
[01:01.41] bó huí 2003 nián zuì gāo fǎ yuàn de cái jué.
[01:04.54] zhè xiàng cái jué ràng dà xué zài zhāo shēng jué dìng zhōng kǎo lǜ zhǒng zú,
[01:10.98] dàn yě biǎo shì zhǒng zú xū yào zhǐ shì qí zhōng yí gè yīn sù.
[01:16.53] zài zhè gè xīn de jué dìng zhōng
[01:18.27] fǎ guān men méi yǒu xiàng
[01:21.35] xǔ duō páng guān zhě suǒ yù qī de nà yàng
[01:24.25] chǔ lǐ gāi xíng dòng běn shēn de wèn tí.
[01:27.29] fǎ yuàn méi yǒu jué dìng zhè yī xiǎng fǎ
[01:30.84] shì fǒu wéi fǎn le fǎ lǜ guī dìng de píng děng bǎo hù quán,
[01:34.82] bìng shòu xiàn fǎ bǎo zhèng.
[01:38.25] xiāng fǎn, fǎ guān jiāng àn jiàn
[01:42.30] sòng huí xià jí fǎ yuàn jìn yī bù shěn lǐ.
[01:46.82] yí gè bái rén fù nǚ bèi jù jué jìn rù dé kè sà sī dà xué
[01:50.36] ào sī tīng fēn xiào yǐn fā le yí gè àn jiàn.
[01:55.24] Abigail Fisher rèn wéi xué xiào jù jué tā, què gēn jù kěn dìng xíng dòng
[01:59.78] jiē shōu jù yǒu xiāng sì chéng jī hé kǎo shì fēn shù
[02:03.28] de shǎo shù mín zú xué shēng shì cuò wù de.
[02:08.45] Wade Henderson shì gōng mín quán lì
[02:13.24] hé rén quán lǐng dǎo huì yì de zhǔ xí.
[02:15.43] tā shuō, xīn de jué dìng zhèng shí,
[02:21.16] zēng jiā měi ge rén de jī huì shì měi guó de lì yì.
[02:25.19] Justice Clarence Thomas,
[02:27.73] zuì gāo fǎ yuàn de wéi yī de fēi yì měi guó rén.
[02:31.27] tóu piào gěi le dà duō shù, dàn xiě le yí gè dān dú de yì jiàn.
[02:35.81] tā měng liè pēng jī dà xué rù xué zhōng
[02:40.09] de kěn dìng xíng wéi, rèn wéi qí wéi fǎn xiàn fǎ.
[02:44.73] tā hái shuō
[02:47.67] duō yàng xìng běn shēn méi yǒu rèn hé jiào yù yì yì.
[02:51.25] Ada Meloy shì fēi yíng lì de měi guó jiào yù wěi yuán huì de zǒng gù wèn.
[02:58.68] "... gāo děng yuàn xiào yīng yǒu quán jué dìng
[03:04.81] shuí jiāng bèi lù qǔ rù xué yuàn.
[03:09.79] ruò tā men xiǎng yào kǎo lǜ zhǒng zú huò mín zú,
[03:15.32] nà tā men néng gòu nà me zuò.
[03:18.51] gēn jù zì 1970 nián dài yǐ lái
[03:23.24] zuì gāo fǎ yuàn xuān bù de fǎ lǜ."
[03:25.89] tā shuō, bù qīng chǔ zài měi guó
[03:30.32] 4000 duō suǒ gāo děng xué xiào zhōng yǒu duō shǎo shǐ yòng
[03:33.95] zhèi xiē biāo zhǔn lái jué dìng jiē shòu něi gè xué shēng.
[03:39.33] Meloy nǚ shì hái shuō,
[03:44.32] xǔ duō xué xiào yì bān bú huì kè yì kǎo lǜ zhǒng zú huò mín zú.
[03:49.95] zhè shì lái zì měi guó zhī yīn yīng yǔ xué xí de yī fèn jiào yù bào gào.
[03:54.49] wǒ shì Karen Leggett.