Build a School in Burma

歌曲 Build a School in Burma
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:教育报道


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:02.10] this is the Education Report.
[00:05.08] Burma also known as Myanmar,
[00:07.88] is one of the poorest countries in the world.
[00:11.46] United Nations says people there
[00:13.80] earn an average of about $460 a year.
[00:18.03] For more than twenty years,
[00:20.27] the military ruled the country
[00:22.37] leading to international economic sanctions.
[00:26.40] The country now has an elected government
[00:28.99] and international aid has begun to arrive,
[00:32.77] but there are few resources for education
[00:35.87] in rural villages.
[00:37.86] Bob Cornwell and the group called
[00:40.45] Build a School in Burma are trying to change that.
[00:45.07] Three years ago,
[00:46.62] he was a financial advisor to several foreign government.
[00:50.96] Today, he is building schools in Burma.
[00:54.79] "We're really trying to help kids on the margin
[00:58.17] who wouldn't otherwise get an education,
[00:59.92] and kids not having an education is just a recipe
[01:03.61] for every kind of personal disaster."
[01:06.60] He met some of those children in 2010.
[01:10.44] He and a friend were travelling from village to village
[01:14.18] in the northwestern province of Burma.
[01:17.22] "None of these villages had electricity.
[01:19.66] Many of them are not really accessible even by road.
[01:22.30] And lots of kids.
[01:24.60] Maybe like five on average per family. No school."
[01:28.61] Bob Cornwell returned to his home in California.
[01:32.84] Back home, he learned that the cost of
[01:35.48] building a primary school in Burma was just $15,000 to $20,000.
[01:43.30] So he sold his interest in the financial consulting company
[01:47.08] that he had started 25 years earlier, and returned to Burma.
[01:52.22] He looked for villages that would give land
[01:55.35] and construction help in exchange for school.
[01:59.00] Rick Heizman, an expert on Burmese music volunteers to help.
[02:05.37] He had been working on humanitarian
[02:08.52] and education projects in Burma for more than twenty years.
[02:13.74] (Music)
[02:27.03] Rick Heizman is married to a well-known Burmese harpist Su Wei.
[02:32.21] They live in San Francisco, California.
[02:35.37] But they return to Burma often to visit the school projects.
[02:39.70] Su Wei says the children are excited to learn to read and write,
[02:44.78] and she says their parents are happy that their children
[02:48.13] can getting an education without having to leave their village.
[02:52.72] "You know, The school is inside their village, nearby,
[02:56.40] so, at least, they don't have to worry about taking the kids
[02:59.89] to the school in faraway places. You know like that."
[03:03.09] Build a School in Burma has built two schools,
[03:06.47] and a third one is almost completed.
[03:10.04] In June, construction or renovation began on two more.
[03:15.03] Bob Cornwell says the group works with community leaders.
[03:19.32] "They have a very good connection to the local people.
[03:23.10] They understand what the needs are.
[03:25.24] So having someone who really understands the local situation is crucial.
[03:30.53] They are underground there all the time,
[03:32.33] so we really focused on those groups."
[03:34.92] Bob Cornwell is applying for grants and asking for donations,
[03:40.53] so he can build more schools.
[03:42.53] He says spending his retirement years this way
[03:46.12] has made him happier than he ever imagined he would be.
[03:50.15] And that's the Education Report from VOA Learning English,
[03:55.12] I'm Jerilyn Watson.


[00:00.10] lái zì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí
[00:02.10] jiào yù bào dào zhuān lán
[00:05.08] miǎn diàn, yě bèi chēng zhī wéi miǎn diàn lián bāng
[00:07.88] shì shì jiè shang zuì pín qióng de guó jiā zhī yī
[00:11.46] lián hé guó chēng miǎn diàn rén mín de nián píng jūn shōu rù
[00:13.80] zài 460 měi yuán zuǒ yòu
[00:18.03] èr shí duō nián yǐ lái
[00:20.27] jūn duì tǒng zhì zhe zhè gè guó jiā
[00:22.37] bìng yóu cǐ dǎo zhì le guó jì jīng jì zhì cái
[00:26.40] xiàn zài, zhè gè guó jiā xuǎn jǔ le xīn zhèng fǔ
[00:28.99] duì miǎn diàn de guó jì yuán zhù yě zhú jiàn kāi shǐ
[00:32.77] dàn shì zài nóng cūn dì qū
[00:35.87] jiào yù zī yuán yī jiù shí fēn kuì fá
[00:37.86] Bob Cornwell hé míng wéi" zài miǎn diàn jiàn suǒ xué xiào" de tuán duì
[00:40.45] zhèng cháng shì qù gǎi biàn zhè zhǒng xiàn zhuàng
[00:45.07] sān nián qián
[00:46.62] tā shì jǐ gè wài guó zhèng fǔ de jīn róng gù wèn
[00:50.96] xiàn zài, tā zhèng zài miǎn diàn chuàng jiàn xué xiào
[00:54.79] wǒ men zhèng jié jìn suǒ néng ràng zhèi xiē
[00:58.17] chǔ yú jiào yù biān yuán de hái zi men dé dào shòu jiào yù de jī huì
[00:59.92] méi yǒu jiē shòu jiào yù jiù shì dǎo zhì
[01:03.61] hái zi men rén shēng zāi nàn de yí gè yīn sù
[01:06.60] tā zài 2010 nián yǔ yī bù fen zhè yàng de hái zi men huì miàn
[01:10.44] rán hòu, tā hé tā de yī wèi péng yǒu zài miǎn diàn xī běi
[01:14.18] de gè gè cūn zhuāng zhōng lǚ xíng
[01:17.22] zhè lǐ de cūn zǐ dōu méi yǒu tōng diàn
[01:19.66] hěn duō cūn zi shèn zhì dōu méi yǒu yǔ wài jiè xiāng tōng de dào lù, yǔ shì gé jué
[01:22.30] ér qiě, cūn mín men yǒu xǔ duō hái zi
[01:24.60] dà gài píng jūn yī jiā wǔ gè, méi yǒu xué xiào.
[01:28.61] Bob Cornwell zhī hòu fǎn huí dào tā zài jiā lì fú ní yà de jiā
[01:32.84] zài jiā lǐ, tā liǎo jiě dào
[01:35.48] zài miǎn diàn jiàn zào yī suǒ xiǎo xué jǐn jǐn xū yào 15000 měi yuán dào 20000 měi yuán
[01:43.30] suǒ yǐ, tā mài diào le zì jǐ zài 25 nián qián chuàng jiàn de jīn róng zī xún gōng sī de gǔ fèn
[01:47.08] rán hòu fǎn huí le miǎn diàn
[01:52.22] tā xún zhǎo nèi xiē kě yǐ tí gōng tǔ dì hé jiàn zào bāng zhù
[01:55.35] yǐ jiāo huàn xué xiào de cūn zhuāng
[01:59.00] Rick Heizman, yí gè miǎn diàn de yīn yuè zhuān jiā yě tóu shēn zhì yuàn huó dòng
[02:05.37] tā yǐ jīng wèi miǎn diàn de rén dào zhǔ yì hé jiào yù xiàng mù
[02:08.52] gōng zuò chāo guò èr shí nián le
[02:13.74] yīn yuè
[02:27.03] Rick Heizman qǔ le miǎn diàn zhī míng de shù qín jiā Su Wei
[02:32.21] tā men shēng huó zài jiā zhōu de jiù jīn shān
[02:35.37] dàn shì, tā men fǎn huí miǎn diàn qù cān guān xué xiào de gōng chéng
[02:39.70] Su Wei shuō hái zi men tè bié jī dòng kě yǐ yǒu jī huì xué xí dú shū xiě zì
[02:44.78] ér qiě, zhèi xiē hái zi de fù mǔ yě wèi tā men de hái zi zài cūn zi lǐ jiù kě yǐ
[02:48.13] jiē shòu jiào yù ér gǎn dào kāi xīn
[02:52.72] nǐ zhī dào, xué xiào jiù zài cūn zi lǐ, cūn zi fù jìn
[02:56.40] suǒ yǐ zhì shǎo, fù mǔ men bù yòng dān xīn sòng hái zi qù
[02:59.89] hěn yuǎn de dì fāng xué xí
[03:03.09] " zài miǎn diàn jiàn suǒ xué xiào" tuán duì yǐ jīng zài miǎn diàn jiàn zào le liǎng suǒ xué xiào
[03:06.47] dì sān suǒ yě jí jiāng wán gōng
[03:10.04] zài liù yuè, liǎng suǒ yǐ shàng de xué xiào jiāng kāi shǐ jiàn zào huò wéi xiū de gōng chéng
[03:15.03] Bob Cornwell shuō, tuán duì yǔ dāng dì de shè qū lǐng dǎo zhě hé zuò
[03:19.32] tā men yǔ dāng dì jū mín yǒu hěn hǎo de lián xì
[03:23.10] tā men zhī dào dāng dì rén de xū qiú suǒ zài
[03:25.24] suǒ yǐ shuō yǒu xiē dǒng de dāng dì qíng kuàng de rén zài shì zhì guān zhòng yào de
[03:30.53] tā men yī zhí dōu zài na r
[03:32.33] suǒ yǐ wǒ men zhēn de shí fēn guān zhù zhèi xiē qún tǐ
[03:34.92] Bob Cornwel xiàn zài zhèng zài shēn qǐng bǔ zhù bìng hū yù juān kuǎn
[03:40.53] zhè yàng jiù kě yǐ jiàn zào gèng duō de xué xiào
[03:42.53] tā shuō, yòng zhè yàng de fāng shì dù guò tā de tuì xiū suì yuè
[03:46.12] shǐ tā gǎn shòu dào qián suǒ wèi yǒu yě wèi zēng xiǎng xiàng guò de kāi xīn
[03:50.15] zhè jiù shì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí de jiào yù bào dào zhuān lán le
[03:55.12] wǒ shì Jerilyn Watson.