Making sure children in Africa get a good education

歌曲 Making sure children in Africa get a good education
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:教育报道


[00:00.00] From VOA Learning English,
[00:02.80] this is the Education Report.
[00:05.78] Recently, there have been efforts
[00:08.72] to make sure children in Africa
[00:10.80] get a good strong education.
[00:13.93] But a new report says governments
[00:17.06] are losing about $129 billion every year
[00:22.33] on poor quality education.
[00:25.73] As a result, about one in four students in poor countries
[00:31.52] cannot read a complete sentence,
[00:35.48] that represents about 175 million young people.
[00:41.78] The report comes from UNESCO -
[00:45.13] the United Nations Educational,
[00:48.23] Scientific and Cultural Organization.
[00:51.27] It says poor teacher training and spending cuts
[00:56.07] are just two of the reasons for underperforming school systems.
[01:01.71] Pauline Rose, an education specialist directed the report.
[01:08.29] She says more teachers are needed across Africa,
[01:13.35] especially in countries south of the Saharan desert.
[01:17.87] She says the area would need about 225,000 additional teachers
[01:24.53] a year to guarantee a primary school education
[01:28.83] for all boys and girls by 2015.
[01:32.79] Miss Rose says governments like to save money
[01:38.30] by using contract teachers.
[01:40.78] These educators are not government employees
[01:45.19] but work under a special agreement.
[01:48.70] Contract teachers can be easily dismissed
[01:52.98] if found to be underperforming.
[01:55.36] They also earn far less money than teachers working for the government.
[02:01.01] Contract teachers represent more than half of
[02:05.77] the teaching work force in many West African countries.
[02:10.93] Pauline Rose says teachers need to have a strong desire
[02:16.41] to help children learn.
[02:18.38] She says they should want to be in the classroom
[02:22.68] instead of doing other jobs.
[02:25.48] In recent years, financial support for education
[02:31.26] has gone down or stayed the same in many countries.
[02:36.44] The UNESCO report says governments
[02:40.79] will need to increase spending on education.
[02:45.51] Miss Rose says governments can do better on collecting taxes
[02:52.91] and making sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes.
[02:57.59] She says governments could also offer good housing
[03:03.09] to make sure impoverished areas have enough teachers.
[03:08.70] The report says South Africa gives six times more money
[03:15.23] to students in areas with low education levels and high unemployment.
[03:21.76] Malawi is creating teacher colleges to train new candidates
[03:28.44] for teaching positions in skills for rural areas.
[03:33.97] And Ethiopia is urging mentors and supervisors
[03:39.94] to help support teaching candidates.
[03:43.00] And that's the Education Report from VOA Learning English,
[03:49.84] I'm Mario Ritter.


[00:00.00] VOA bào dào
[00:02.80] zhè lǐ shì jiào yù lèi bào dào
[00:05.78] zuì jìn, zuò chū le xǔ duō nǔ lì
[00:08.72] wèi le shǐ fēi zhōu de hái zi men
[00:10.80] jiē shòu liáng hǎo ér cháng jiǔ de jiào yù
[00:13.93] dàn dàn shì yī fèn xīn bào gào chēng, zhèng fǔ
[00:17.06] měi nián sǔn shī yuē 1290 yì měi yuán
[00:22.33] yīn jiào yù zhì liàng dī liè
[00:25.73] yóu yú quē fá jiào yù, pín qióng guó jiā zhōng dà yuē sì fēn zhī yī de xué shēng
[00:31.52] bù néng wán zhěng de dú wán yī jù huà
[00:35.48] qí zhōng bāo kuò dà yuē 175 bǎi wàn nián qīng rén
[00:41.78] zhè fèn bào gào lái zì UNESCO
[00:45.13] lián hé guó jiào yù
[00:48.23] kē xué yǔ wén huà zǔ zhī
[00:51.27] jù bào dào jiào shī péi xùn de fá shàn kě chén, hé jīng fèi suō jiǎn
[00:56.07] shì xué xiào jiào yù bù rú rén yì de liǎng dà yuán yīn
[01:01.71] Pauline Rose, biān jí zhè fèn bào gào de yī wèi jiào yù zhuān jiā
[01:08.29] zhěng gè fēi zhōu dì qū dōu quē fá jiào shī
[01:13.35] yóu qí zài sā hā lā shā mò yǐ nán de fēi zhōu
[01:17.87] tā shuō zhè gè qū yù dào 2015 nián dà gài yī nián hái xū yào 225, 000 míng jiào shī
[01:24.53] yǐ què bǎo xiǎo xué jiào yù
[01:28.83] fù gài suǒ yǒu de nán hái hé nǚ hái
[01:32.79] Miss Rose zhèng fǔ wèi le shěng qián
[01:38.30] xǐ huān gù yōng qì yuē xíng jiào shī
[01:40.78] zhèi xiē jiào yù zhě bú shì zhèng fǔ de yuán gōng
[01:45.19] dàn zài tè dìng de hé tóng nèi gōng zuò
[01:48.70] qì yuē xíng jiào shī hé róng yì bèi jiě gù
[01:52.98] rú guǒ tā men biǎo xiàn bù hǎo
[01:55.36] tā men de gōng zī yě yuǎn shǎo yú wéi zhèng fǔ gōng zuò de jiào shī
[02:01.01] zài xǔ duō xī fēi guó jiā, qì yuē xìng jiào shī zhàn jù yī bàn
[02:05.77] jiào shī láo lì
[02:10.93] Pauline Rose biǎo shì jiào shī yīng gāi jù yǒu qiáng liè de yì yuàn
[02:16.41] bāng zhù hái zi men xué xí
[02:18.38] tā shuō jiào shī men yīng gāi xiāng dài zài jiào shì lǐ jiāo kè
[02:22.68] ér bú shì zuò qí tā gōng zuò
[02:25.48] zài zuì jìn jǐ nián, xǔ duō guó jiā duì jiào yù de fèi yòng zhī chí
[02:31.26] zài xià huá huò méi yǒu zēng zhǎng
[02:36.44] UNESCO bào gào chēng zhèng fǔ xū yào zēng jiā jiào yù zhī chū
[02:45.51] Miss Rose zhèng fǔ zài zhēng shōu shuì fāng miàn kě yǐ zuò dé gèng hǎo
[02:52.91] yǐ què bǎo měi ge rén jiāo gāi jiāo de shuì
[02:57.59] hái biǎo shì zhèng fǔ yīng gāi tí gōng liáng hǎo de zhù fáng tiáo jiàn
[03:03.09] què bǎo pín kùn dì qū yǒu zú gòu de jiào shī
[03:08.70] zhè fèn bào gào xiǎn shì nán fēi tóu rù 6 bèi duō de zī jīn zhī zhù nèi xiē
[03:15.23] zài dī jiào yù hé gāo shī yè lǜ dì qū
[03:21.76] mǎ lā wéi zhèng zài chuàng jiàn yī suǒ yòng yú péi xùn hòu bèi jiào shī de dà xué
[03:28.44] zhèi xiē jiào shī wèi nóng cūn dì qū jiào shòu jì néng
[03:33.97] hái yǒu, āi sāi zhèng zài jī lì dǎo shī hé guǎn jiào rén yuán
[03:39.94] lái bāng zhù jiào yù jiào shòu zhèi xiē hòu bèi shī zī
[03:43.00] zhè shì lái zì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí de jiào yù lèi bào dào
[03:49.84] wǒ shì Mario Ritter