Friends S06E03

Friends S06E03 歌词

歌曲 Friends S06E03
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第六季)
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[0-1:59.530] Check it out,this is unbelievable! 你看,太不可思议了
[00:01.840] Joey's been holding his breath for almost four minutes. 乔伊已经闷气将近4分钟
[00:10.440] You trying to kill me? 猪头,你想闷死我啊?
[00:13.850] -I want to ask you something. -What? 菲比,我问你一件事 什么事?
[00:16.320] Since I'm moving out, and you're so beautiful... 既然我要搬出去 你又这么美丽…
[00:20.890] how about I move in with you? 我搬去跟你住如何?
[00:22.520] That would be great, but what do we do about Denise? 太好了,但是狄妮丝怎么办?
[00:27.090] -Who's Denise? -My roommate. 谁是狄妮丝? 我的室友
[00:29.030] Your roommate? 你有室友?
[00:30.230] Yes,Denise. Denise! 对,狄妮丝,狄妮丝
[00:34.030] What is with the secrecy,Phoebe? 你干嘛这么神秘?
[00:36.670] What about Denise? She cute? 这个狄妮丝可爱吗?
[00:40.610] How can you have a roommate that we don't know about? 我们怎么会不知道你有室友?
[00:42.780] Because you never listen to what I say. 也许是因为都没人在听我讲话
[00:45.310] I talk about her all the time. Denise! 我一天到晚提起她,狄妮丝!
[00:49.780] I'm gonna have an extra room over at my place. 瑞秋,我在想 我那里会多一个房间
[00:53.120] -That's true. -Move in with me. 没错 你何不搬来跟我住?
[00:55.490] We can stay up late talking, and watch movies. 多好啊 我们可以熬夜谈心,看电影
[00:58.860] You know about naked Thursdays, right? 你知道赤裸星期四的规定吧?
[01:03.100] Yeah,yeah. I think I'll find my own place. 我还是自己找房子好了
[01:06.430] Hey! I thought naked Thursdays was just our thing,man. 我以为赤裸星期四 是我们的专利
[01:12.610] The One With Ross' Denial 本集播出:“爱与不爱”
[01:52.350] What did Rachel say when you told her you were still married to her? 你没办注销,瑞秋怎么说?
[01:55.420] Oh,that. 那个啊
[01:57.220] She took it really well. 她还蛮平静的
[01:59.550] -You didn't tell her,did you? -No. 你没说对吧? 没有
[02:02.360] Because you're in love with her. 当然没有,因为你爱她
[02:04.490] I am not in love with her. She was upset about having to move out. 我并不爱她 她在为搬家的事难过
[02:08.960] If she knew we were still married, she'd have been more upset. 所以我没说,免得她更不开心
[02:12.130] So I comforted her. As a friend. 我只以朋友的身分安慰她
[02:14.630] You "comforted her"? 什么叫安慰她?
[02:16.340] Nothing. I just gave her a hug. 也没什么,我抱了抱她
[02:18.640] A classic sign of love, the hug. 拥抱正是爱的表示
[02:21.710] It's also a sign of friendship. 也是友情的表现
[02:23.810] Not in your case, "Lovey Loverson." 在这里不是,痴情男
[02:27.550] It was a hug. Okay? 那只是个拥抱
[02:29.520] A simple hug. 一个单纯的拥抱
[02:31.180] I was a friend being a friend to a friend. 我只是对朋友尽朋友的心意
[02:35.290] Use the word "friend" more. 你太强调朋友了
[02:37.760] Did you,or did you not, smell her hair? 告诉我,你有没有闻她的头发
[02:41.260] Smell her hair? 闻她的头发?
[02:43.600] What if I did? 如果有呢?
[02:45.100] Ninety percent of a woman's pheromones come out of her head. 九成的女性费洛蒙散发自头部
[02:49.270] That's why women are shorter. 所以女人都比较矮
[02:51.910] So that men will fall in love when they hug them. 好让男人在拥抱时爱上她们
[02:55.580] Come on,Ross, you're a scientist. 拜托,你是科学家耶
[02:59.580] I was hugging her as a friend. 我是以朋友的身分抱她
[03:01.950] It's not my fault her hair got in my face. 又不是我把脸埋进她的头发
[03:04.450] She's got a lot of it, and it smells all... all... 她的头发很多,有一股…
[03:08.460] coconutty. 椰子香
[03:11.930] What? It doesn't mean I have feelings for Rachel. 怎样?那不代表我对她有感觉
[03:15.360] Maybe it means I have feelings for coconuts. 或许我是对椰子有感觉
[03:19.170] Okay,but be careful. Rachel's not in the same place you are. 好,随你怎么说 但你要小心 瑞秋的心情和你不同
[03:23.700] If the place you're referring to is being in love... 如果这个心情是指爱情
[03:26.740] she is in the same place as me, because I am not in that place. 那她和我的心情一样 因为我不是那个心情
[03:32.680] I didn't understand that. 好,我听不懂
[03:35.820] Maybe that's because you were speaking the secret language of love. 或许因为你讲的是爱的秘语
[03:45.060] -A guy just called for you. -Who was it? 刚才有你的电话 是谁?
[03:47.690] I don't know. How about "Thanks for taking the message"? 我哪知? 你怎么不谢我帮你留言?
[03:54.500] When you move in... 等你搬进来
[03:55.740] Rachel's room will be empty. Let's talk about what to do with it. 瑞秋的房间就空出来了 要不要来讨论怎么利用?
[03:59.670] I think we should have a beautiful guest room... 好啊 我想我们应该弄个漂亮的客房
[04:02.610] with a mahogany sleigh bed and bedside tables with fresh flowers. 有红木雪橇床 床头桌上永远插着鲜花
[04:07.180] And comment cards so people could tell us how great their stay was. 再摆张卷盖式书桌放上留言卡 让客人表达他们的开心之类的
[04:13.720] I really haven't thought about it that much. 我还没有想太多
[04:16.790] Well,I like that idea... obviously. 我喜欢这个主意…当然喜欢
[04:20.360] I was thinking maybe... maybe it could be a game room. 我在想或许可以弄个游戏房
[04:23.860] You can buy old arcade games, like Space lnvaders and Asteroids... 我们可以买旧的游戏机 像太空入侵者和小行星
[04:28.370] for $200. The real ones. The big,big,big ones! 只要2百元,正港又大台
[04:33.370] No. 不要
[04:36.640] You mean "No" as in: 你的意思是“天哪,钱德”
[04:39.050] "What an interesting idea. Let's discuss it before we reject it." “好有趣的主意” “我们先讨论再全盘否定”
[04:43.780] I'm sorry. 对不起,当然啦
[04:47.090] Interesting idea. But no. 很有趣的主意 谈过了,但是不要
[04:51.220] So that's it? 就这样?
[04:52.990] I just don't think arcade games go in a beautiful guest room... 漂亮的客房不适合放游戏机
[04:56.930] filled with antiques. 漂亮的客房里会有很多古董
[04:59.330] Which is why Asteroids is perfect. It's the oldest game. 所以小行星才适合 那是最古老的游戏机
[05:04.570] What's wrong with a beautiful guest room? 你对漂亮的客房有什么意见?
[05:06.840] I'm not against it. 我没有意见
[05:09.080] Especially since everybody we know lives about 30 seconds away. 尤其是我们认识的人都住在方圆数公尺内
[05:14.080] Are you mocking me? 你在嘲笑我吗?
[05:15.580] No,I'm not mocking you or your beautiful guest room. 我没有在嘲笑你 或是你漂亮的客房
[05:23.590] 怎么了?
[05:25.430] Monica and l had a stupid fight. 没事,摩妮卡和我吵架了
[05:27.760] You're still moving in together, right? My ad came out today. 但你们还是要同居吧? 我的广告今天出来了
[05:32.170] "Wanted: Female roommate, nonsmoker,nonugly." “诚徵女性室友” “不抽烟,不丑”
[05:38.670] Nice. 漂亮
[05:40.140] I figured it'd be more interesting to have a female roommate. 我想说在你之后 换个女室友会蛮有趣的
[05:45.010] Someone I could learn from. Someone who's different than me. 一个我可以学习 和我不一样的人
[05:48.850] And what's more different than me, a guy who's not 19... 谁和我最不一样? 年过19的男人
[05:52.690] than a girl who is 19? 还是19岁的女孩?
[05:57.490] Not just a hatrack,my friend. 我可不是草包
[06:01.360] Phoebe,I have to ask you.. 菲比,我想问…
[06:03.400] I'm swamped right now. 嘘…我正在忙
[06:06.300] You're just staring into space. 你只是在发呆
[06:08.800] I'm trying to move that pencil. 我想移动那支铅笔
[06:12.710] -This one? -lt worked! 这支吗? 成功了
[06:16.710] Phoebe,this whole apartment thing is a nightmare. 菲比,找房子真是恶梦
[06:20.250] Anything I can afford comes with a roommate who is a freak. Look. 我租得起的地方都有怪胎室友 你看嘛
[06:25.090] "Wanted: Female roommate, nonsmoker,nonugly." “诚徵女性室友” “不抽烟,不丑”
[06:33.030] That's probably some 12-year-old kid trying to get girls to call. 可能是想跟女生讲电话的小鬼
[06:37.800] There's nothing. This city is full. 没房子了,纽约都住满了
[06:40.900] Wait! Look at this! 等等,这里有
[06:42.240] "Two bedroom,two bath. Must be nonsmoker. Satan worshipers okay." “两房两卫,不得抽烟” “拜撒旦者可”
[06:48.010] Yeah,but it's on the ground floor. 不过是一楼
[06:54.050] -Rach,you still looking for a place? -Yeah,why? 瑞秋,你还在找房子? 对,怎样?
[06:58.080] This guy,Warren,from the museum is going on a dig for two years. 好,我们博物馆有个华伦 要去参与挖掘工作2年
[07:02.920] He's got this great place he needs to sublet. You interested? 他有个漂亮的家要转租 你有兴趣吗?
[07:07.060] Great! I'd love to live at Warren's. I love Warren! 听起来好棒 我愿意住华伦家,我爱华伦
[07:10.700] Oh,wait. Is he the guy that asked you for naked pictures of me? 等等,是他跟你要我的裸照吗
[07:15.540] That doesn't matter, he won't be there! 反正他要走了
[07:17.640] -Thank you! -Don't thank me. 谢谢你 别谢我
[07:20.070] Thank the volcano that erupted thousands of years ago... 要就谢那座火山几千年前爆发
[07:23.910] killing, but perfectly preserving, an entire civilization. 毁灭却也保存了一整个文明
[07:29.680] Here's Warren's number. 这是华伦的电话
[07:32.650] This is great. I'm gonna call him right now! Thank you! 太好了,我现在就打给他 谢谢你
[07:40.160] Okay, you go call him. 好,快去吧
[07:43.200] I saw it. 我看到了
[07:45.830] What are you talking about? 我不知道你在说什么
[07:48.300] I'm talking about what you already know but won't admit. 我在说你知道却不肯承认的事
[07:51.540] You love her again. You re-love her. 你又爱上她了,你重复爱她
[07:54.640] I do not re-love her. 我没有重复爱她
[07:57.040] I can't believe you won't just admit it. 你居然这么嘴硬
[08:00.750] Promise me you won't do anything stupid. 总之你千万别做蠢事
[08:03.720] We're just friends now. Why would I do anything stupid? 我们现在只是朋友 我为什么要做蠢事?
[08:08.660] The apartment is already subletted. 房子已经租出去了
[08:11.090] It's hopeless. I'll never find anything. 没希望了,我找不到房子了
[08:14.930] Live with me. 你可以来跟我住
[08:16.260] -What? -What?! 什么? 什么?
[08:19.030] What? 怎样?
[08:21.270] Are you serious? 天哪,你是说真的吗?
[08:25.440] I would love to live with you. That's great. Thank you. 我求之不得,太好了,谢谢你
[08:28.840] I'm just glad I could help you out. 有帮到你就好
[08:32.950] Wow,I'm so happy for you guys. This is so, so, not stupid. 我真替你们高兴 这真是非常的不蠢
[08:40.290] Ross, you have no idea what this means to me. 罗斯,这对我太重要了
[08:43.020] I was gonna be homeless. You just saved me. You're my hero. 我差点就要流落街头 你救了我,你是我的英雄
[08:48.160] Hero? I don't know. Well, all right. 说英雄就太…好吧
[08:52.870] I have to go tell Monica what a wonderful brother she has. 我要去告诉摩妮卡 她的哥哥有多棒
[08:56.900] Oh,please. 别这样
[09:05.850] You're gonna say things now, aren't you? 你又有话要说了吧?
[09:09.150] No. No,I won't. 没有
[09:11.520] But I should tell you this. 但是我告诉你
[09:13.890] The same thing happened to my roommate,Denise. 我的室友狄妮丝就是这样
[09:16.820] She moved in with a guy who was secretly married to her. 她搬去跟一个偷娶她的人住
[09:19.360] He said he didn't love her, but he really did. And it just blew up. 他嘴上说不爱,其实很爱她 他嘴上说不爱,其实很爱她
[09:23.330] And that's how she ended up living with me. 后来事情爆发 所以她才搬来跟我住
[09:29.170] Okay, that's a lie. 好吧,我骗你的
[09:32.310] -You don't have a roommate. -Denise! 你才没有室友 狄妮丝
[09:36.780] No one ever listens to me! 都没有人听我讲话
[09:47.590] Listen,I'm sorry about before. I don't need a game room. 刚才很抱歉,我不需要游戏房
[09:50.390] I only played those games because I couldn't get girls. Now I can get.. 我以前把不到马子才去打游戏 现在我把得到了…
[09:56.630] Now I have you. 现在我有了你
[09:59.430] No,not that I think I have you... 我并不是把你当成
[10:01.940] or think of you as property in any sort of way. I see women.... 或想成一件财产 我对女人…
[10:06.370] Stop it,Chandler. 别再说了
[10:09.380] I'm sorry too. 我也很抱歉
[10:11.140] -Really? -Yeah. Oh,yes. 真的? 对,当然
[10:15.750] We can think of something to do with the room together. 我们不必弄一个客房 我们可以一起想要怎么利用
[10:19.390] Great idea. We can easily think of a way for us both to enjoy the room. 好主意 要做到皆大欢喜很容易
[10:23.490] Totally. 就是啊
[10:30.160] -We don't have to decide now. -Good. 我们不必现在想 好
[10:33.330] Let's think about changes we can make in the living room. 不如来想想客厅要怎么变化
[10:36.770] Changes? 变化?
[10:38.970] We'll have to move some furniture to make room for my chair. 对,我们得移动一些傢俱 来放我的椅子
[10:44.940] You're bringing the Barcalounger over here? 你要把懒人椅搬过来?
[10:47.850] Is that a problem? 有问题吗?
[10:50.850] It's just that they're a set and should stay together. 那是一组的,应该摆在一起
[10:54.190] That's cool. I'll bring them both over. 那好,那我就都搬过来
[10:57.020] You're taking them away from their home. 你是要它们离开老家
[11:01.160] I get it. I get nothing. Nothing here is mine. Everything is yours. 好,我懂了,这里没我的东西 只有你的东西
[11:05.100] I'll get up in the morning,put on your clothes and go off to work! 我早上起床就穿上你的衣服 然后去上班
[11:08.970] Yeah,that's it. Everything will be mine. Nothing will be yours. 没错,这里只有我的东西 没有你的,这是我说的
[11:14.010] I'm talking about the Barcalounger. 拜托!我是在讲懒人椅
[11:16.040] It doesn't match. Where will it go? 它跟这里不搭,你要摆哪里?
[11:18.480] In the game room! 游戏房里
[11:20.310] It is not my fault your chairs are incredibly ugly. 你的椅子丑到爆又不是我的错
[11:23.820] That's fine. 好
[11:25.490] I won't bring the chairs. I won't bring anything! 我不搬椅子过来 我什么都不搬过来
[11:27.990] I wouldn't want to ruin the ambiance over here at grandma's place! 我可不想破坏老奶奶家的调调
[11:33.160] Everything on your application looks really good. 你的条件看起来很好
[11:36.160] Just one last question. 最后一个问题
[11:38.130] Will your friends be over here, partying and hanging out? 你和你朋友 会不会常来这里狂欢聚会?
[11:41.630] Don't worry. I'm not a party girl. 放心,我不太爱玩
[11:46.640] Don't just be blurting stuff out. 别想都不想就说
[11:49.240] I want you to really think about your answers. 我要你想清楚再答
[11:53.680] Call off the roommate search. Hi. I'll be living here. 你不必找室友了 你好,我要住在这里
[11:58.020] Ignore him. He's just some guy who wants the apartment. 别理他,他很想住进来
[12:01.250] But he's not going to get it. 但我不会选他
[12:04.560] You took down the shower curtain? 你干嘛把浴帘拿掉?
[12:06.590] That thing was a hazard! 那个东西很危险
[12:09.700] I'm very safety conscious. 我很注重安全
[12:21.010] I was just clearing some space for your stuff. 我正在清一些空间给你
[12:24.380] Thanks. 谢谢
[12:25.580] But listen,Monica and Chandler had a big fight and they're not moving in. 但我刚去找摩妮卡 她和钱德大吵一架不同居了
[12:30.680] What do you mean, not moving in? They're still moving in, right? 什么叫不同居了? 他们还是要同居吧?
[12:35.790] No, they just had a big blowout over what to do with my room. 不,他们为了怎么利用空房 大吵一架
[12:39.630] Over a stupid room? 就为了一个烂房间?
[12:42.460] I feel kind of bad for them,but now I don't have to move in here! 我也有点替他们可惜 却又很高兴不必搬过来了
[12:47.230] Oh, no. Yeah, that part's great. 没错,这一点的确很棒
[12:52.110] What's all this about you guys fighting? 你们两个是在吵什么?
[12:55.640] Is this really over a room? 真的就为了一个房间?
[12:58.580] That is so silly. 真是太傻了
[13:02.320] -We can handle this. -Apparently not. 罗斯,我们自己可以摆平 显然不行
[13:05.590] And I can't stand by and watch two people I care about so much... 我不能坐视两个我关心的人
[13:10.920] be hurt by something that is so silly. 为了这么傻的事伤感情
[13:16.460] Enough of the silliness. 别再傻了
[13:19.600] Tell her to stop being silly. 你叫她别傻啊
[13:27.140] Two very good points. 双方都有理
[13:30.940] I've known you both a long time. 我认识你们两个很久了
[13:34.310] And I've never seen either of you one-millionth as happy... 你们在一起之后
[13:38.150] as you've been since you got together. 比以前快乐一百万倍
[13:41.420] Do you really want to throw that all away over a room? 你们真的要为了一个房间 放弃这一切?
[13:45.360] That is so silly. 多傻啊
[13:48.190] What's more important,love... 什么比较重要 爱情...
[13:51.600] or silliness? 还是傻气?
[13:54.700] Well,we are fond of the silliness. 我们喜欢傻气
[13:57.840] But we also have a soft spot for the love. 但面对爱情也会心软
[14:01.110] -Love is the best medicine. -That's "laughter." 爱是万灵药 欢笑才是吧?
[14:03.880] -Why do you do it? -I don't know. 你为什么这样? 我不知道
[14:10.380] Now, Chandler, you want to live with Monica, right? 钱德,你想跟摩妮卡住吧?
[14:16.020] Yeah, I do. 对
[14:17.520] And,Mon,you want to live with Chandler? 摩妮卡,你想跟钱德住吧?
[14:20.190] Yes. 对
[14:21.460] A verbal contract is binding in the state of New York! 很好,口头契约 在纽约州有约束力
[14:34.170] So I understand you're looking for a place? 我听说你在找房子
[14:39.080] No, I'm staying put. 不,我不搬了
[14:44.020] I was going to offer you my apartment. 我本来打算找你来我家住
[14:48.350] Why? Where you going? 为什么?你要去哪里?
[14:51.320] I don't know. 我不知道
[14:55.330] 瑞秋
[14:57.500] You won't believe it. 说了你一定不信
[14:59.430] Monica and Chandler are moving in again. 钱德和摩妮卡又要同居了
[15:01.670] That's great news, right? I mean, for them, right? 真是太好了… 对他们来说,对吧?
[15:06.840] But on the bright side, we get to be roommates again. 不过好处是我们又能当室友了
[15:10.740] Yeah. You know,about that.... 是啊,关于这件事…
[15:15.680] I really appreciate your offer to let me move in and everything... 我很感谢你主动提议,但是…
[15:19.720] but don't you think it'll be weird? 你不觉得会很怪吗?
[15:24.590] Why? Why would it.... Why would it be weird? 为什么?为…为什么会怪?
[15:28.560] Well, you know, because of us. 因为我们
[15:31.900] Because of our history. 因为我们的过去
[15:34.370] No! 不会 不会吗?
[15:35.900] No,no! 不会
[15:37.900] It would only be weird if we were still in "that place." 除非我们还余情未了
[15:41.640] Are you still in that place? 你还余情未了吗?
[15:45.380] -No,not at all. -Good. Me neither. 一点也没有 很好,我也没有
[15:48.580] So it's not a problem. 那就没问题了
[15:50.750] We're just two friends who happen to be roommates. 我们只是刚好是室友的朋友
[15:54.050] Okay, but eventually you and I will be dating. 好,但我们迟早会约会
[16:00.460] Really? We are? 是吗?
[16:02.730] Yeah. I'll have a boyfriend and you'll have a girlfriend. 是啊,我会有男朋友 你会有女朋友
[16:09.000] That'd be great. 那太好了
[16:11.640] But if you think it'll be okay, we'll just work out a system. 不过如果你觉得无所谓 我们就想一套做法
[16:15.310] It'll be like in college. I'll hang a sign on the door: 就像大学时代 我在门上挂个牌子
[16:19.110] "Come back later. I'm getting lucky." “暂且回避,正在炒饭”
[16:27.250] Yeah,I didn't think of that. 我想都没想过
[16:32.120] So are you sure about this whole moving-in thing? 你们确定要住在一起?
[16:36.460] It's a really big step. And what's the rush? 这是很大的进展,急什么呢?
[16:44.840] That's very funny. 真好笑
[16:46.510] He's being silly because he knows we enjoy the silliness. 他在装傻 因为他知道我们喜欢傻气
[16:51.440] No,I'm serious. Think about it. You move in. 我是说真的,你们想想 你搬进来
[16:55.980] You start fighting over game rooms. Next thing you know, you break up. 你们为了游戏房的事吵架 接下来就会分手
[17:01.190] It was just a stupid fight about a room. 罗斯,你说得对 吵那种架很蠢
[17:04.390] There are no stupid fights! 一点也不蠢
[17:07.530] This isn't about the room. 重点不是房间
[17:09.860] This is about what the room represents. 而是房间代表什么
[17:13.800] And unfortunately, this room could destroy you! 很不幸的 这个房间会毁了你们
[17:19.010] -I'm not so worried. -Me neither. 我没那么担心 我也是
[17:21.810] Fine. It's your life! 好吧,这是你们的人生
[17:25.010] I just don't want to see you break up. 我只是不想看到你们分手
[17:27.210] Which you will do if you move in together. 你们要是同居就会分手
[17:33.390] But if that's what you want, there's nothing I can do. 但你们想这样,我也没办法
[17:36.560] Don't do it! 不要同居
[17:43.400] -You still want to move in together? -Of course. 你还是想搬进来吧? 当然
[17:46.230] Ross didn't scare you? 罗斯没吓到你?
[17:47.600] Scared me out of wanting to live with him. 吓得我死也不敢跟他住
[17:51.570] -I gotta show you something. -Okay. 我给你看个东西 好
[17:57.240] Oh,my God! Someone's killed Square Man! 天哪,正方形人被杀了
[18:01.950] The Barcalounger can go here. 我觉得懒人椅可以放这里
[18:04.020] You can see the TV,and it's still walking distance to the kitchen. 你可以看电视
[18:07.950] Oh,that's so sweet. 离厨房又够近 真周到
[18:10.790] I want to show you something too. 我也有事要说 好
[18:12.290] You know those big road signs that say "merge"? 你知道道路会合的标志吧?
[18:16.860] I thought we could get one of those signs and hang it over our bed. 我想我们可以弄一个挂在床头
[18:23.270] Because that's you and I together. 因为你和我就是那样
[18:26.140] "Merge!" 合而为一
[18:29.280] -I love that! -Really? 天哪,我好喜欢喔 真的?
[18:31.240] "No!" 才怪
[18:36.080] I found you in my bed 我发现你在我床上
[18:39.450] How'd you wind up there? 你怎么会在那里?
[18:42.490] You are a mystery 你真是个谜
[18:45.320] Little black curly hair 小黑卷毛男
[18:51.330] Little black,little black, little black 小黑卷毛…小黑卷毛
[18:54.170] Little black curly hair 小黑卷毛男
[19:04.610] If you want to receive e-mails about my upcoming shows... 如果想收到我的演出讯息
[19:07.810] please give me money so I can buy a computer. 请捐钱给我,让我买电脑
[19:16.690] Where are the other guys? 其他人呢?
[19:18.520] Well,Monica and Chandler are occupied. 摩妮卡和钱德在忙
[19:21.460] -Fighting? -The other thing. 吵架? 不,是忙别的
[19:24.660] It's great they worked things out. 真高兴他们能和好
[19:26.800] There's no breaking them up, is there? 谁也别想拆散他们,对吧?
[19:30.770] Can I borrow the key to your house so I can go make a copy? 可以跟你借钥匙去打一副吗?
[19:34.310] -Here. -Thank you. 当然可以,拿去 谢谢
[19:36.780] Are you sure? Once I make a copy, there's no turning back. 你确定吗? 打了钥匙就不能反悔了
[19:41.910] Yeah, I'm sure. Now get out of here before I change my mind. 我确定 趁我改变心意前快去吧
[19:53.330] You think moving in with Rachel is a good idea? 罗斯,跟瑞秋住真的好吗?
[19:56.300] I've been back and forth. 我也在摇摆不定
[19:59.270] Well,maybe you should go back. 也许你应该摆回去
[20:02.430] She moves in, and before you know it... 瑞秋搬进去
[20:04.600] you're right where you don't want to be,back together. 不知不觉间你们就又复合了
[20:07.010] I don't think so. She's already talking about dating other guys. 应该不会 她已经在谈交男朋友的事
[20:11.340] That's not going to work out. She'll come home all weepy... 不会有结果的 她会哭着回家
[20:15.650] and you'll be telling her, "Oh, that's okay. You'll find someone." 你会告诉她 “没关系,你会找到好男人”
[20:19.290] And then, bam! She finds you! 接着砰!她找到了你
[20:25.190] Maybe you're right. 也许你说得对
[20:26.630] Ross,she is definitely gonna fall in love with you again. 她绝对会再爱上你
[20:30.400] Is that what you want? 这样你也愿意吗?
[20:32.200] Is that what I want? 我愿意吗?
[20:33.870] Yes. 是的
[20:38.200] Here she comes. I'm gonna make your life much easier. 她来了,我来替你省点事
[20:40.870] The place was closed, so I'll copy it later. 五金行打烊了,改天再打
[20:44.110] Or not. 或是别打了
[20:46.210] Why don't you move in with me? 瑞秋,你就搬来跟我住嘛
[20:49.580] Whoa, Joey! 乔伊 等等…
[20:52.690] Look, I know I scared you with that whole naked-Thursdays thing... 瑞秋,我知道赤裸星期四 把你吓跑了
[20:57.360] but we don't have to do that. 但是我们也可以不那样做
[21:01.460] It would be easier to move across the hall. 搬到对面确实比较轻松
[21:06.930] Unless you're thinking about naked Wednesdays. 慢着 除非你想改成赤裸星期三
[21:11.570] Thursday's clearly not good for you. Pick a day! 你不喜欢星期四,那就挑一天
[21:21.050] Come on in. Thanks for coming back. 请进,谢谢你再跑一趟
[21:23.750] There's a lot of people interested in the room. 有很多人想租
[21:26.620] But I've narrowed it down, and you're one of the finalists. 但我经过筛选 你是最后人选之一
[21:29.590] -Great! -Before I decide... 太好了
[21:32.320] I want to be sure our personalities match. 在做决定之前 我想确定我们合得来
[21:35.530] So I made up a little test. 所以我发明了一个小测验
[21:37.900] I'll say a word,and you say the first thing that comes to mind. 我说一个词 你就说出第一个联想
[21:41.400] -I can do that. -Okay, here we go. 没问题 好,那我们开始
[21:44.240] -Pillow. -Fight. 枕头 仗
[21:45.870] Very good. 很好
[21:49.740] "G." G
[21:50.940] -String? -Excellent! 丁字 裤? 非常好
[21:57.580] Doggy. 狗
[22:00.790] -Kitten? -Sorry! 猫? 很抱歉
[22:05.660] So close, though. Bye-bye! 就差那么一点点,再见
[0-1:59.530] Check it out, this is unbelievable! ni kan, tai bu ke si yi le
[00:01.840] Joey' s been holding his breath for almost four minutes. qiao yi yi jing men qi jiang jin 4 fen zhong
[00:10.440] You trying to kill me? zhu tou, ni xiang men si wo a?
[00:13.850] I want to ask you something. What? fei bi, wo wen ni yi jian shi shen me shi?
[00:16.320] Since I' m moving out, and you' re so beautiful... ji ran wo yao ban chu qu ni you zhe me mei li
[00:20.890] how about I move in with you? wo ban qu gen ni zhu ru he?
[00:22.520] That would be great, but what do we do about Denise? tai hao le, dan shi di ni si zen me ban?
[00:27.090] Who' s Denise? My roommate. shui shi di ni si? wo de shi you
[00:29.030] Your roommate? ni you shi you?
[00:30.230] Yes, Denise. Denise! dui, di ni si, di ni si
[00:34.030] What is with the secrecy, Phoebe? ni gan ma zhe me shen mi?
[00:36.670] What about Denise? She cute? zhe ge di ni si ke ai ma?
[00:40.610] How can you have a roommate that we don' t know about? wo men zen me hui bu zhi dao ni you shi you?
[00:42.780] Because you never listen to what I say. ye xu shi yin wei dou mei ren zai ting wo jiang hua
[00:45.310] I talk about her all the time. Denise! wo yi tian dao wan ti qi ta, di ni si!
[00:49.780] I' m gonna have an extra room over at my place. rui qiu, wo zai xiang wo na li hui duo yi ge fang jian
[00:53.120] That' s true. Move in with me. mei cuo ni he bu ban lai gen wo zhu?
[00:55.490] We can stay up late talking, and watch movies. duo hao a wo men ke yi ao ye tan xin, kan dian ying
[00:58.860] You know about naked Thursdays, right? ni zhi dao chi luo xing qi si de gui ding ba?
[01:03.100] Yeah, yeah. I think I' ll find my own place. wo hai shi zi ji zhao fang zi hao le
[01:06.430] Hey! I thought naked Thursdays was just our thing, man. wo yi wei chi luo xing qi si shi wo men de zhuan li
[01:12.610] The One With Ross' Denial ben ji bo chu:" ai yu bu ai"
[01:52.350] What did Rachel say when you told her you were still married to her? ni mei ban zhu xiao, rui qiu zen me shuo?
[01:55.420] Oh, that. na ge a
[01:57.220] She took it really well. ta hai man ping jing de
[01:59.550] You didn' t tell her, did you? No. ni mei shuo dui ba? mei you
[02:02.360] Because you' re in love with her. dang ran mei you, yin wei ni ai ta
[02:04.490] I am not in love with her. She was upset about having to move out. wo bing bu ai ta ta zai wei ban jia de shi nan guo
[02:08.960] If she knew we were still married, she' d have been more upset. suo yi wo mei shuo, mian de ta geng bu kai xin
[02:12.130] So I comforted her. As a friend. wo zhi yi peng you de shen fen an wei ta
[02:14.630] You " comforted her"? shen me jiao an wei ta?
[02:16.340] Nothing. I just gave her a hug. ye mei shen me, wo bao le bao ta
[02:18.640] A classic sign of love, the hug. yong bao zheng shi ai de biao shi
[02:21.710] It' s also a sign of friendship. ye shi you qing de biao xian
[02:23.810] Not in your case, " Lovey Loverson." zai zhe li bu shi, chi qing nan
[02:27.550] It was a hug. Okay? na zhi shi ge yong bao
[02:29.520] A simple hug. yi ge dan chun de yong bao
[02:31.180] I was a friend being a friend to a friend. wo zhi shi dui peng you jin peng you de xin yi
[02:35.290] Use the word " friend" more. ni tai qiang diao peng you le
[02:37.760] Did you, or did you not, smell her hair? gao su wo, ni you mei you wen ta de tou fa
[02:41.260] Smell her hair? wen ta de tou fa?
[02:43.600] What if I did? ru guo you ne?
[02:45.100] Ninety percent of a woman' s pheromones come out of her head. jiu cheng de nv xing fei luo meng san fa zi tou bu
[02:49.270] That' s why women are shorter. suo yi nv ren dou bi jiao ai
[02:51.910] So that men will fall in love when they hug them. hao rang nan ren zai yong bao shi ai shang ta men
[02:55.580] Come on, Ross, you' re a scientist. bai tuo, ni shi ke xue jia ye
[02:59.580] I was hugging her as a friend. wo shi yi peng you de shen fen bao ta
[03:01.950] It' s not my fault her hair got in my face. you bu shi wo ba lian mai jin ta de tou fa
[03:04.450] She' s got a lot of it, and it smells all... all... ta de tou fa hen duo, you yi gu
[03:08.460] coconutty. ye zi xiang
[03:11.930] What? It doesn' t mean I have feelings for Rachel. zen yang? na bu dai biao wo dui ta you gan jue
[03:15.360] Maybe it means I have feelings for coconuts. huo xu wo shi dui ye zi you gan jue
[03:19.170] Okay, but be careful. Rachel' s not in the same place you are. hao, sui ni zen me shuo dan ni yao xiao xin rui qiu de xin qing he ni bu tong
[03:23.700] If the place you' re referring to is being in love... ru guo zhe ge xin qing shi zhi ai qing
[03:26.740] she is in the same place as me, because I am not in that place. na ta he wo de xin qing yi yang yin wei wo bu shi na ge xin qing
[03:32.680] I didn' t understand that. hao, wo ting bu dong
[03:35.820] Maybe that' s because you were speaking the secret language of love. huo xu yin wei ni jiang de shi ai de mi yu
[03:45.060] A guy just called for you. Who was it? gang cai you ni de dian hua shi shui?
[03:47.690] I don' t know. How about " Thanks for taking the message"? wo na zhi? ni zen me bu xie wo bang ni liu yan?
[03:54.500] When you move in... deng ni ban jin lai
[03:55.740] Rachel' s room will be empty. Let' s talk about what to do with it. rui qiu de fang jian jiu kong chu lai le yao bu yao lai tao lun zen me li yong?
[03:59.670] I think we should have a beautiful guest room... hao a wo xiang wo men ying gai nong ge piao liang de ke fang
[04:02.610] with a mahogany sleigh bed and bedside tables with fresh flowers. you hong mu xue qiao chuang chuang tou zhuo shang yong yuan cha zhe xian hua
[04:07.180] And comment cards so people could tell us how great their stay was. zai bai zhang juan gai shi shu zhuo fang shang liu yan ka rang ke ren biao da ta men de kai xin zhi lei de
[04:13.720] I really haven' t thought about it that much. wo hai mei you xiang tai duo
[04:16.790] Well, I like that idea... obviously. wo xi huan zhe ge zhu yi dang ran xi huan
[04:20.360] I was thinking maybe... maybe it could be a game room. wo zai xiang huo xu ke yi nong ge you xi fang
[04:23.860] You can buy old arcade games, like Space lnvaders and Asteroids... wo men ke yi mai jiu de you xi ji xiang tai kong ru qin zhe he xiao xing xing
[04:28.370] for 200. The real ones. The big, big, big ones! zhi yao 2 bai yuan, zheng gang you da tai
[04:33.370] No. bu yao
[04:36.640] You mean " No" as in: ni de yi si shi" tian na, qian de"
[04:39.050] " What an interesting idea. Let' s discuss it before we reject it." " hao you qu de zhu yi" " wo men xian tao lun zai quan pan fou ding"
[04:43.780] I' m sorry. dui bu qi, dang ran la
[04:47.090] Interesting idea. But no. hen you qu de zhu yi tan guo le, dan shi bu yao
[04:51.220] So that' s it? jiu zhe yang?
[04:52.990] I just don' t think arcade games go in a beautiful guest room... piao liang de ke fang bu shi he fang you xi ji
[04:56.930] filled with antiques. piao liang de ke fang li hui you hen duo gu dong
[04:59.330] Which is why Asteroids is perfect. It' s the oldest game. suo yi xiao xing xing cai shi he na shi zui gu lao de you xi ji
[05:04.570] What' s wrong with a beautiful guest room? ni dui piao liang de ke fang you shen me yi jian?
[05:06.840] I' m not against it. wo mei you yi jian
[05:09.080] Especially since everybody we know lives about 30 seconds away. you qi shi wo men ren shi de ren dou zhu zai fang yuan shu gong chi nei
[05:14.080] Are you mocking me? ni zai chao xiao wo ma?
[05:15.580] No, I' m not mocking you or your beautiful guest room. wo mei you zai chao xiao ni huo shi ni piao liang de ke fang
[05:23.590] zen me le?
[05:25.430] Monica and l had a stupid fight. mei shi, mo ni ka he wo chao jia le
[05:27.760] You' re still moving in together, right? My ad came out today. dan ni men hai shi yao tong ju ba? wo de guang gao jin tian chu lai le
[05:32.170] " Wanted: Female roommate, nonsmoker, nonugly." " cheng zheng nv xing shi you" " bu chou yan, bu chou"
[05:38.670] Nice. piao liang
[05:40.140] I figured it' d be more interesting to have a female roommate. wo xiang shuo zai ni zhi hou huan ge nv shi you hui man you qu de
[05:45.010] Someone I could learn from. Someone who' s different than me. yi ge wo ke yi xue xi he wo bu yi yang de ren
[05:48.850] And what' s more different than me, a guy who' s not 19... shui he wo zui bu yi yang? nian guo 19 de nan ren
[05:52.690] than a girl who is 19? hai shi 19 sui de nv hai?
[05:57.490] Not just a hatrack, my friend. wo ke bu shi cao bao
[06:01.360] Phoebe, I have to ask you.. fei bi, wo xiang wen
[06:03.400] I' m swamped right now. xu wo zheng zai mang
[06:06.300] You' re just staring into space. ni zhi shi zai fa dai
[06:08.800] I' m trying to move that pencil. wo xiang yi dong na zhi qian bi
[06:12.710] This one? lt worked! zhe zhi ma? cheng gong le
[06:16.710] Phoebe, this whole apartment thing is a nightmare. fei bi, zhao fang zi zhen shi e meng
[06:20.250] Anything I can afford comes with a roommate who is a freak. Look. wo zu de qi de di fang dou you guai tai shi you ni kan ma
[06:25.090] " Wanted: Female roommate, nonsmoker, nonugly." " cheng zheng nv xing shi you" " bu chou yan, bu chou"
[06:33.030] That' s probably some 12yearold kid trying to get girls to call. ke neng shi xiang gen nv sheng jiang dian hua de xiao gui
[06:37.800] There' s nothing. This city is full. mei fang zi le, niu yue dou zhu man le
[06:40.900] Wait! Look at this! deng deng, zhe li you
[06:42.240] " Two bedroom, two bath. Must be nonsmoker. Satan worshipers okay." " liang fang liang wei, bu de chou yan" " bai sa dan zhe ke"
[06:48.010] Yeah, but it' s on the ground floor. bu guo shi yi lou
[06:54.050] Rach, you still looking for a place? Yeah, why? rui qiu, ni hai zai zhao fang zi? dui, zen yang?
[06:58.080] This guy, Warren, from the museum is going on a dig for two years. hao, wo men bo wu guan you ge hua lun yao qu can yu wa jue gong zuo 2 nian
[07:02.920] He' s got this great place he needs to sublet. You interested? ta you ge piao liang de jia yao zhuan zu ni you xing qu ma?
[07:07.060] Great! I' d love to live at Warren' s. I love Warren! ting qi lai hao bang wo yuan yi zhu hua lun jia, wo ai hua lun
[07:10.700] Oh, wait. Is he the guy that asked you for naked pictures of me? deng deng, shi ta gen ni yao wo de luo zhao ma
[07:15.540] That doesn' t matter, he won' t be there! fan zheng ta yao zou le
[07:17.640] Thank you! Don' t thank me. xie xie ni bie xie wo
[07:20.070] Thank the volcano that erupted thousands of years ago... yao jiu xie na zuo huo shan ji qian nian qian bao fa
[07:23.910] killing, but perfectly preserving, an entire civilization. hui mie que ye bao cun le yi zheng ge wen ming
[07:29.680] Here' s Warren' s number. zhe shi hua lun de dian hua
[07:32.650] This is great. I' m gonna call him right now! Thank you! tai hao le, wo xian zai jiu da gei ta xie xie ni
[07:40.160] Okay, you go call him. hao, kuai qu ba
[07:43.200] I saw it. wo kan dao le
[07:45.830] What are you talking about? wo bu zhi dao ni zai shuo shi mo
[07:48.300] I' m talking about what you already know but won' t admit. wo zai shuo ni zhi dao que bu ken cheng ren de shi
[07:51.540] You love her again. You relove her. ni you ai shang ta le, ni chong fu ai ta
[07:54.640] I do not relove her. wo mei you chong fu ai ta
[07:57.040] I can' t believe you won' t just admit it. ni ju ran zhe me zui ying
[08:00.750] Promise me you won' t do anything stupid. zong zhi ni qian wan bie zuo chun shi
[08:03.720] We' re just friends now. Why would I do anything stupid? wo men xian zai zhi shi peng you wo wei shi me yao zuo chun shi?
[08:08.660] The apartment is already subletted. fang zi yi jing zu chu qu le
[08:11.090] It' s hopeless. I' ll never find anything. mei xi wang le, wo zhao bu dao fang zi le
[08:14.930] Live with me. ni ke yi lai gen wo zhu
[08:16.260] What? What?! shen me? shen me?
[08:19.030] What? zen yang?
[08:21.270] Are you serious? tian na, ni shi shuo zhen de ma?
[08:25.440] I would love to live with you. That' s great. Thank you. wo qiu zhi bu de, tai hao le, xie xie ni
[08:28.840] I' m just glad I could help you out. you bang dao ni jiu hao
[08:32.950] Wow, I' m so happy for you guys. This is so, so, not stupid. wo zhen ti ni men gao xing zhe zhen shi fei chang de bu chun
[08:40.290] Ross, you have no idea what this means to me. luo si, zhe dui wo tai zhong yao le
[08:43.020] I was gonna be homeless. You just saved me. You' re my hero. wo cha dian jiu yao liu luo jie tou ni jiu le wo, ni shi wo de ying xiong
[08:48.160] Hero? I don' t know. Well, all right. shuo ying xiong jiu tai hao ba
[08:52.870] I have to go tell Monica what a wonderful brother she has. wo yao qu gao su mo ni ka ta de ge ge you duo bang
[08:56.900] Oh, please. bie zhe yang
[09:05.850] You' re gonna say things now, aren' t you? ni you you hua yao shuo le ba?
[09:09.150] No. No, I won' t. mei you
[09:11.520] But I should tell you this. dan shi wo gao su ni
[09:13.890] The same thing happened to my roommate, Denise. wo de shi you di ni si jiu shi zhe yang
[09:16.820] She moved in with a guy who was secretly married to her. ta ban qu gen yi ge tou qu ta de ren zhu
[09:19.360] He said he didn' t love her, but he really did. And it just blew up. ta zui shang shuo bu ai, qi shi hen ai ta ta zui shang shuo bu ai, qi shi hen ai ta
[09:23.330] And that' s how she ended up living with me. hou lai shi qing bao fa suo yi ta cai ban lai gen wo zhu
[09:29.170] Okay, that' s a lie. hao ba, wo pian ni de
[09:32.310] You don' t have a roommate. Denise! ni cai mei you shi you di ni si
[09:36.780] No one ever listens to me! dou mei you ren ting wo jiang hua
[09:47.590] Listen, I' m sorry about before. I don' t need a game room. gang cai hen bao qian, wo bu xu yao you xi fang
[09:50.390] I only played those games because I couldn' t get girls. Now I can get.. wo yi qian ba bu dao ma zi cai qu da you xi xian zai wo ba de dao le
[09:56.630] Now I have you. xian zai wo you le ni
[09:59.430] No, not that I think I have you... wo bing bu shi ba ni dang cheng
[10:01.940] or think of you as property in any sort of way. I see women.... huo xiang cheng yi jian cai chan wo dui nv ren
[10:06.370] Stop it, Chandler. bie zai shuo le
[10:09.380] I' m sorry too. wo ye hen bao qian
[10:11.140] Really? Yeah. Oh, yes. zhen de? dui, dang ran
[10:15.750] We can think of something to do with the room together. wo men bu bi nong yi ge ke fang wo men ke yi yi qi xiang yao zen me li yong
[10:19.390] Great idea. We can easily think of a way for us both to enjoy the room. hao zhu yi yao zuo dao jie da huan xi hen rong yi
[10:23.490] Totally. jiu shi a
[10:30.160] We don' t have to decide now. Good. wo men bu bi xian zai xiang hao
[10:33.330] Let' s think about changes we can make in the living room. bu ru lai xiang xiang ke ting yao zen me bian hua
[10:36.770] Changes? bian hua?
[10:38.970] We' ll have to move some furniture to make room for my chair. dui, wo men de yi dong yi xie jia ju lai fang wo de yi zi
[10:44.940] You' re bringing the Barcalounger over here? ni yao ba lan ren yi ban guo lai?
[10:47.850] Is that a problem? you wen ti ma?
[10:50.850] It' s just that they' re a set and should stay together. na shi yi zu de, ying gai bai zai yi qi
[10:54.190] That' s cool. I' ll bring them both over. na hao, na wo jiu dou ban guo lai
[10:57.020] You' re taking them away from their home. ni shi yao ta men li kai lao jia
[11:01.160] I get it. I get nothing. Nothing here is mine. Everything is yours. hao, wo dong le, zhe li mei wo de dong xi zhi you ni de dong xi
[11:05.100] I' ll get up in the morning, put on your clothes and go off to work! wo zao shang qi chuang jiu chuan shang ni de yi fu ran hou qu shang ban
[11:08.970] Yeah, that' s it. Everything will be mine. Nothing will be yours. mei cuo, zhe li zhi you wo de dong xi mei you ni de, zhe shi wo shuo de
[11:14.010] I' m talking about the Barcalounger. bai tuo! wo shi zai jiang lan ren yi
[11:16.040] It doesn' t match. Where will it go? ta gen zhe li bu da, ni yao bai na li?
[11:18.480] In the game room! you xi fang li
[11:20.310] It is not my fault your chairs are incredibly ugly. ni de yi zi chou dao bao you bu shi wo de cuo
[11:23.820] That' s fine. hao
[11:25.490] I won' t bring the chairs. I won' t bring anything! wo bu ban yi zi guo lai wo shen me dou bu ban guo lai
[11:27.990] I wouldn' t want to ruin the ambiance over here at grandma' s place! wo ke bu xiang po huai lao nai nai jia de tiao diao
[11:33.160] Everything on your application looks really good. ni de tiao jian kan qi lai hen hao
[11:36.160] Just one last question. zui hou yi ge wen ti
[11:38.130] Will your friends be over here, partying and hanging out? ni he ni peng you hui bu hui chang lai zhe li kuang huan ju hui?
[11:41.630] Don' t worry. I' m not a party girl. fang xin, wo bu tai ai wan
[11:46.640] Don' t just be blurting stuff out. bie xiang dou bu xiang jiu shuo
[11:49.240] I want you to really think about your answers. wo yao ni xiang qing chu zai da
[11:53.680] Call off the roommate search. Hi. I' ll be living here. ni bu bi zhao shi you le ni hao, wo yao zhu zai zhe li
[11:58.020] Ignore him. He' s just some guy who wants the apartment. bie li ta, ta hen xiang zhu jin lai
[12:01.250] But he' s not going to get it. dan wo bu hui xuan ta
[12:04.560] You took down the shower curtain? ni gan ma ba yu lian na diao?
[12:06.590] That thing was a hazard! na ge dong xi hen wei xian
[12:09.700] I' m very safety conscious. wo hen zhu zhong an quan
[12:21.010] I was just clearing some space for your stuff. wo zheng zai qing yi xie kong jian gei ni
[12:24.380] Thanks. xie xie
[12:25.580] But listen, Monica and Chandler had a big fight and they' re not moving in. dan wo gang qu zhao mo ni ka ta he qian de da chao yi jia bu tong ju le
[12:30.680] What do you mean, not moving in? They' re still moving in, right? shen me jiao bu tong ju le? ta men hai shi yao tong ju ba?
[12:35.790] No, they just had a big blowout over what to do with my room. bu, ta men wei le zen me li yong kong fang da chao yi jia
[12:39.630] Over a stupid room? jiu wei le yi ge lan fang jian?
[12:42.460] I feel kind of bad for them, but now I don' t have to move in here! wo ye you dian ti ta men ke xi que you hen gao xing bu bi ban guo lai le
[12:47.230] Oh, no. Yeah, that part' s great. mei cuo, zhe yi dian di que hen bang
[12:52.110] What' s all this about you guys fighting? ni men liang ge shi zai chao shen me?
[12:55.640] Is this really over a room? zhen de jiu wei le yi ge fang jian?
[12:58.580] That is so silly. zhen shi tai sha le
[13:02.320] We can handle this. Apparently not. luo si, wo men zi ji ke yi bai ping xian ran bu xing
[13:05.590] And I can' t stand by and watch two people I care about so much... wo bu neng zuo shi liang ge wo guan xin de ren
[13:10.920] be hurt by something that is so silly. wei le zhe me sha de shi shang gan qing
[13:16.460] Enough of the silliness. bie zai sha le
[13:19.600] Tell her to stop being silly. ni jiao ta bie sha a
[13:23.570] hao
[13:27.140] Two very good points. shuang fang dou you li
[13:30.940] I' ve known you both a long time. wo ren shi ni men liang ge hen jiu le
[13:34.310] And I' ve never seen either of you onemillionth as happy... ni men zai yi qi zhi hou
[13:38.150] as you' ve been since you got together. bi yi qian kuai le yi bai wan bei
[13:41.420] Do you really want to throw that all away over a room? ni men zhen de yao wei le yi ge fang jian fang qi zhe yi qie?
[13:45.360] That is so silly. duo sha a
[13:48.190] What' s more important, love... shen me bi jiao zhong yao ai qing...
[13:51.600] or silliness? hai shi sha qi?
[13:54.700] Well, we are fond of the silliness. wo men xi huan sha qi
[13:57.840] But we also have a soft spot for the love. dan mian dui ai qing ye hui xin ruan
[14:01.110] Love is the best medicine. That' s " laughter." ai shi wan ling yao huan xiao cai shi ba?
[14:03.880] Why do you do it? I don' t know. ni wei shi me zhe yang? wo bu zhi dao
[14:10.380] Now, Chandler, you want to live with Monica, right? qian de, ni xiang gen mo ni ka zhu ba?
[14:16.020] Yeah, I do. dui
[14:17.520] And, Mon, you want to live with Chandler? mo ni ka, ni xiang gen qian de zhu ba?
[14:20.190] Yes. dui
[14:21.460] A verbal contract is binding in the state of New York! hen hao, kou tou qi yue zai niu yue zhou you yue shu li
[14:34.170] So I understand you' re looking for a place? wo ting shuo ni zai zhao fang zi
[14:39.080] No, I' m staying put. bu, wo bu ban le
[14:44.020] I was going to offer you my apartment. wo ben lai da suan zhao ni lai wo jia zhu
[14:48.350] Why? Where you going? wei shi me? ni yao qu na li?
[14:51.320] I don' t know. wo bu zhi dao
[14:55.330] rui qiu
[14:57.500] You won' t believe it. shuo le ni yi ding bu xin
[14:59.430] Monica and Chandler are moving in again. qian de he mo ni ka you yao tong ju le
[15:01.670] That' s great news, right? I mean, for them, right? zhen shi tai hao le dui ta men lai shuo, dui ba?
[15:06.840] But on the bright side, we get to be roommates again. bu guo hao chu shi wo men you neng dang shi you le
[15:10.740] Yeah. You know, about that.... shi a, guan yu zhe jian shi
[15:15.680] I really appreciate your offer to let me move in and everything... wo hen gan xie ni zhu dong ti yi, dan shi
[15:19.720] but don' t you think it' ll be weird? ni bu jue de hui hen guai ma?
[15:24.590] Why? Why would it.... Why would it be weird? wei shi me? wei wei shi me hui guai?
[15:28.560] Well, you know, because of us. yin wei wo men
[15:31.900] Because of our history. yin wei wo men de guo qu
[15:34.370] No! bu hui bu hui ma?
[15:35.900] No, no! bu hui
[15:37.900] It would only be weird if we were still in " that place." chu fei wo men hai yu qing wei liao
[15:41.640] Are you still in that place? ni hai yu qing wei liao ma?
[15:45.380] No, not at all. Good. Me neither. yi dian ye mei you hen hao, wo ye mei you
[15:48.580] So it' s not a problem. na jiu mei wen ti le
[15:50.750] We' re just two friends who happen to be roommates. wo men zhi shi gang hao shi shi you de peng you
[15:54.050] Okay, but eventually you and I will be dating. hao, dan wo men chi zao hui yue hui
[16:00.460] Really? We are? shi ma?
[16:02.730] Yeah. I' ll have a boyfriend and you' ll have a girlfriend. shi a, wo hui you nan peng you ni hui you nv peng you
[16:09.000] That' d be great. na tai hao le
[16:11.640] But if you think it' ll be okay, we' ll just work out a system. bu guo ru guo ni jue de wu suo wei wo men jiu xiang yi tao zuo fa
[16:15.310] It' ll be like in college. I' ll hang a sign on the door: jiu xiang da xue shi dai wo zai men shang gua ge pai zi
[16:19.110] " Come back later. I' m getting lucky." " zan qie hui bi, zheng zai chao fan"
[16:27.250] Yeah, I didn' t think of that. wo xiang dou mei xiang guo
[16:32.120] So are you sure about this whole movingin thing? ni men que ding yao zhu zai yi qi?
[16:36.460] It' s a really big step. And what' s the rush? zhe shi hen da de jin zhan, ji shen me ne?
[16:44.840] That' s very funny. zhen hao xiao
[16:46.510] He' s being silly because he knows we enjoy the silliness. ta zai zhuang sha yin wei ta zhi dao wo men xi huan sha qi
[16:51.440] No, I' m serious. Think about it. You move in. wo shi shuo zhen de, ni men xiang xiang ni ban jin lai
[16:55.980] You start fighting over game rooms. Next thing you know, you break up. ni men wei le you xi fang de shi chao jia jie xia lai jiu hui fen shou
[17:01.190] It was just a stupid fight about a room. luo si, ni shuo de dui chao na zhong jia hen chun
[17:04.390] There are no stupid fights! yi dian ye bu chun
[17:07.530] This isn' t about the room. zhong dian bu shi fang jian
[17:09.860] This is about what the room represents. er shi fang jian dai biao shen me
[17:13.800] And unfortunately, this room could destroy you! hen bu xing de zhe ge fang jian hui hui le ni men
[17:19.010] I' m not so worried. Me neither. wo mei na me dan xin wo ye shi
[17:21.810] Fine. It' s your life! hao ba, zhe shi ni men de ren sheng
[17:25.010] I just don' t want to see you break up. wo zhi shi bu xiang kan dao ni men fen shou
[17:27.210] Which you will do if you move in together. ni men yao shi tong ju jiu hui fen shou
[17:33.390] But if that' s what you want, there' s nothing I can do. dan ni men xiang zhe yang, wo ye mei ban fa
[17:36.560] Don' t do it! bu yao tong ju
[17:43.400] You still want to move in together? Of course. ni hai shi xiang ban jin lai ba? dang ran
[17:46.230] Ross didn' t scare you? luo si mei xia dao ni?
[17:47.600] Scared me out of wanting to live with him. xia de wo si ye bu gan gen ta zhu
[17:51.570] I gotta show you something. Okay. wo gei ni kan ge dong xi hao
[17:57.240] Oh, my God! Someone' s killed Square Man! tian na, zheng fang xing ren bei sha le
[18:01.950] The Barcalounger can go here. wo jue de lan ren yi ke yi fang zhe li
[18:04.020] You can see the TV, and it' s still walking distance to the kitchen. ni ke yi kan dian shi
[18:07.950] Oh, that' s so sweet. li chu fang you gou jin zhen zhou dao
[18:10.790] I want to show you something too. wo ye you shi yao shuo hao
[18:12.290] You know those big road signs that say " merge"? ni zhi dao dao lu hui he de biao zhi ba?
[18:16.860] I thought we could get one of those signs and hang it over our bed. wo xiang wo men ke yi nong yi ge gua zai chuang tou
[18:23.270] Because that' s you and I together. yin wei ni he wo jiu shi na yang
[18:26.140] " Merge!" he er wei yi
[18:29.280] I love that! Really? tian na, wo hao xi huan o zhen de?
[18:31.240] " No!" cai guai
[18:36.080] I found you in my bed wo fa xian ni zai wo chuang shang
[18:39.450] How' d you wind up there? ni zen me hui zai na li?
[18:42.490] You are a mystery ni zhen shi ge mi
[18:45.320] Little black curly hair xiao hei juan mao nan
[18:51.330] Little black, little black, little black xiao hei juan mao xiao hei juan mao
[18:54.170] Little black curly hair xiao hei juan mao nan
[19:04.610] If you want to receive emails about my upcoming shows... ru guo xiang shou dao wo de yan chu xun xi
[19:07.810] please give me money so I can buy a computer. qing juan qian gei wo, rang wo mai dian nao
[19:16.690] Where are the other guys? qi ta ren ne?
[19:18.520] Well, Monica and Chandler are occupied. mo ni ka he qian de zai mang
[19:21.460] Fighting? The other thing. chao jia? bu, shi mang bie de
[19:24.660] It' s great they worked things out. zhen gao xing ta men neng he hao
[19:26.800] There' s no breaking them up, is there? shui ye bie xiang chai san ta men, dui ba?
[19:30.770] Can I borrow the key to your house so I can go make a copy? ke yi gen ni jie yao shi qu da yi fu ma?
[19:34.310] Here. Thank you. dang ran ke yi, na qu xie xie
[19:36.780] Are you sure? Once I make a copy, there' s no turning back. ni que ding ma? da le yao shi jiu bu neng fan hui le
[19:41.910] Yeah, I' m sure. Now get out of here before I change my mind. wo que ding chen wo gai bian xin yi qian kuai qu ba
[19:53.330] You think moving in with Rachel is a good idea? luo si, gen rui qiu zhu zhen de hao ma?
[19:56.300] I' ve been back and forth. wo ye zai yao bai bu ding
[19:59.270] Well, maybe you should go back. ye xu ni ying gai bai hui qu
[20:02.430] She moves in, and before you know it... rui qiu ban jin qu
[20:04.600] you' re right where you don' t want to be, back together. bu zhi bu jue jian ni men jiu you fu he le
[20:07.010] I don' t think so. She' s already talking about dating other guys. ying gai bu hui ta yi jing zai tan jiao nan peng you de shi
[20:11.340] That' s not going to work out. She' ll come home all weepy... bu hui you jie guo de ta hui ku zhe hui jia
[20:15.650] and you' ll be telling her, " Oh, that' s okay. You' ll find someone." ni hui gao su ta " mei guan xi, ni hui zhao dao hao nan ren"
[20:19.290] And then, bam! She finds you! jie zhe peng! ta zhao dao le ni
[20:25.190] Maybe you' re right. ye xu ni shuo de dui
[20:26.630] Ross, she is definitely gonna fall in love with you again. ta jue dui hui zai ai shang ni
[20:30.400] Is that what you want? zhe yang ni ye yuan yi ma?
[20:32.200] Is that what I want? wo yuan yi ma?
[20:33.870] Yes. shi de
[20:38.200] Here she comes. I' m gonna make your life much easier. ta lai le, wo lai ti ni sheng dian shi
[20:40.870] The place was closed, so I' ll copy it later. wu jin xing da yang le, gai tian zai da
[20:44.110] Or not. huo shi bie da le
[20:46.210] Why don' t you move in with me? rui qiu, ni jiu ban lai gen wo zhu ma
[20:49.580] Whoa, Joey! qiao yi deng deng
[20:52.690] Look, I know I scared you with that whole nakedThursdays thing... rui qiu, wo zhi dao chi luo xing qi si ba ni xia pao le
[20:57.360] but we don' t have to do that. dan shi wo men ye ke yi bu na yang zuo
[21:01.460] It would be easier to move across the hall. ban dao dui mian que shi bi jiao qing song
[21:06.930] Unless you' re thinking about naked Wednesdays. man zhe chu fei ni xiang gai cheng chi luo xing qi san
[21:11.570] Thursday' s clearly not good for you. Pick a day! ni bu xi huan xing qi si, na jiu tiao yi tian
[21:21.050] Come on in. Thanks for coming back. qing jin, xie xie ni zai pao yi tang
[21:23.750] There' s a lot of people interested in the room. you hen duo ren xiang zu
[21:26.620] But I' ve narrowed it down, and you' re one of the finalists. dan wo jing guo shai xuan ni shi zui hou ren xuan zhi yi
[21:29.590] Great! Before I decide... tai hao le
[21:32.320] I want to be sure our personalities match. zai zuo jue ding zhi qian wo xiang que ding wo men he de lai
[21:35.530] So I made up a little test. suo yi wo fa ming liao yi ge xiao ce yan
[21:37.900] I' ll say a word, and you say the first thing that comes to mind. wo shuo yi ge ci ni jiu shuo chu di yi ge lian xiang
[21:41.400] I can do that. Okay, here we go. mei wen ti hao, na wo men kai shi
[21:44.240] Pillow. Fight. zhen tou zhang
[21:45.870] Very good. hen hao
[21:49.740] " G." G
[21:50.940] String? Excellent! ding zi ku? fei chang hao
[21:57.580] Doggy. gou
[22:00.790] Kitten? Sorry! mao? hen bao qian
[22:05.660] So close, though. Byebye! jiu cha na me yi dian dian, zai jian
[0-1:59.530] Check it out, this is unbelievable! nǐ kàn, tài bù kě sī yì le
[00:01.840] Joey' s been holding his breath for almost four minutes. qiáo yī yǐ jīng mēn qì jiāng jìn 4 fēn zhōng
[00:10.440] You trying to kill me? zhū tóu, nǐ xiǎng mèn sǐ wǒ a?
[00:13.850] I want to ask you something. What? fēi bǐ, wǒ wèn nǐ yī jiàn shì shén me shì?
[00:16.320] Since I' m moving out, and you' re so beautiful... jì rán wǒ yào bān chū qù nǐ yòu zhè me měi lì
[00:20.890] how about I move in with you? wǒ bān qù gēn nǐ zhù rú hé?
[00:22.520] That would be great, but what do we do about Denise? tài hǎo le, dàn shì dí nī sī zěn me bàn?
[00:27.090] Who' s Denise? My roommate. shuí shì dí nī sī? wǒ de shì yǒu
[00:29.030] Your roommate? nǐ yǒu shì yǒu?
[00:30.230] Yes, Denise. Denise! duì, dí nī sī, dí nī sī
[00:34.030] What is with the secrecy, Phoebe? nǐ gàn ma zhè me shén mì?
[00:36.670] What about Denise? She cute? zhè gè dí nī sī kě ài ma?
[00:40.610] How can you have a roommate that we don' t know about? wǒ men zěn me huì bù zhī dào nǐ yǒu shì yǒu?
[00:42.780] Because you never listen to what I say. yě xǔ shì yīn wèi dōu méi rén zài tīng wǒ jiǎng huà
[00:45.310] I talk about her all the time. Denise! wǒ yì tiān dào wǎn tí qǐ tā, dí nī sī!
[00:49.780] I' m gonna have an extra room over at my place. ruì qiū, wǒ zài xiǎng wǒ nà lǐ huì duō yí gè fáng jiān
[00:53.120] That' s true. Move in with me. méi cuò nǐ hé bù bān lái gēn wǒ zhù?
[00:55.490] We can stay up late talking, and watch movies. duō hǎo a wǒ men kě yǐ áo yè tán xīn, kàn diàn yǐng
[00:58.860] You know about naked Thursdays, right? nǐ zhī dào chì luǒ xīng qī sì de guī dìng ba?
[01:03.100] Yeah, yeah. I think I' ll find my own place. wǒ hái shì zì jǐ zhǎo fáng zi hǎo le
[01:06.430] Hey! I thought naked Thursdays was just our thing, man. wǒ yǐ wéi chì luǒ xīng qī sì shì wǒ men de zhuān lì
[01:12.610] The One With Ross' Denial běn jí bō chū:" ài yǔ bù ài"
[01:52.350] What did Rachel say when you told her you were still married to her? nǐ méi bàn zhù xiāo, ruì qiū zěn me shuō?
[01:55.420] Oh, that. nà gè a
[01:57.220] She took it really well. tā hái mán píng jìng de
[01:59.550] You didn' t tell her, did you? No. nǐ méi shuō duì ba? méi yǒu
[02:02.360] Because you' re in love with her. dāng rán méi yǒu, yīn wèi nǐ ài tā
[02:04.490] I am not in love with her. She was upset about having to move out. wǒ bìng bù ài tā tā zài wèi bān jiā de shì nán guò
[02:08.960] If she knew we were still married, she' d have been more upset. suǒ yǐ wǒ méi shuō, miǎn de tā gèng bù kāi xīn
[02:12.130] So I comforted her. As a friend. wǒ zhǐ yǐ péng yǒu de shēn fèn ān wèi tā
[02:14.630] You " comforted her"? shén me jiào ān wèi tā?
[02:16.340] Nothing. I just gave her a hug. yě méi shén me, wǒ bào le bào tā
[02:18.640] A classic sign of love, the hug. yōng bào zhèng shì ài de biǎo shì
[02:21.710] It' s also a sign of friendship. yě shì yǒu qíng de biǎo xiàn
[02:23.810] Not in your case, " Lovey Loverson." zài zhè lǐ bú shì, chī qíng nán
[02:27.550] It was a hug. Okay? nà zhǐ shì gè yōng bào
[02:29.520] A simple hug. yí gè dān chún de yōng bào
[02:31.180] I was a friend being a friend to a friend. wǒ zhǐ shì duì péng yǒu jǐn péng yǒu de xīn yì
[02:35.290] Use the word " friend" more. nǐ tài qiáng diào péng yǒu le
[02:37.760] Did you, or did you not, smell her hair? gào sù wǒ, nǐ yǒu méi yǒu wén tā de tóu fà
[02:41.260] Smell her hair? wén tā de tóu fà?
[02:43.600] What if I did? rú guǒ yǒu ne?
[02:45.100] Ninety percent of a woman' s pheromones come out of her head. jiǔ chéng de nǚ xìng fèi luò méng sàn fà zì tóu bù
[02:49.270] That' s why women are shorter. suǒ yǐ nǚ rén dōu bǐ jiào ǎi
[02:51.910] So that men will fall in love when they hug them. hǎo ràng nán rén zài yōng bào shí ài shàng tā men
[02:55.580] Come on, Ross, you' re a scientist. bài tuō, nǐ shì kē xué jiā yé
[02:59.580] I was hugging her as a friend. wǒ shì yǐ péng yǒu de shēn fèn bào tā
[03:01.950] It' s not my fault her hair got in my face. yòu bú shì wǒ bǎ liǎn mái jìn tā de tóu fà
[03:04.450] She' s got a lot of it, and it smells all... all... tā de tóu fà hěn duō, yǒu yī gǔ
[03:08.460] coconutty. yē zi xiāng
[03:11.930] What? It doesn' t mean I have feelings for Rachel. zěn yàng? nà bù dài biǎo wǒ duì tā yǒu gǎn jué
[03:15.360] Maybe it means I have feelings for coconuts. huò xǔ wǒ shì duì yē zi yǒu gǎn jué
[03:19.170] Okay, but be careful. Rachel' s not in the same place you are. hǎo, suí nǐ zěn me shuō dàn nǐ yào xiǎo xīn ruì qiū de xīn qíng hé nǐ bù tóng
[03:23.700] If the place you' re referring to is being in love... rú guǒ zhè gè xīn qíng shì zhǐ ài qíng
[03:26.740] she is in the same place as me, because I am not in that place. nà tā hé wǒ de xīn qíng yí yàng yīn wèi wǒ bú shì nà gè xīn qíng
[03:32.680] I didn' t understand that. hǎo, wǒ tīng bù dǒng
[03:35.820] Maybe that' s because you were speaking the secret language of love. huò xǔ yīn wèi nǐ jiǎng de shì ài de mì yǔ
[03:45.060] A guy just called for you. Who was it? gāng cái yǒu nǐ de diàn huà shì shuí?
[03:47.690] I don' t know. How about " Thanks for taking the message"? wǒ nǎ zhī? nǐ zěn me bù xiè wǒ bāng nǐ liú yán?
[03:54.500] When you move in... děng nǐ bān jìn lái
[03:55.740] Rachel' s room will be empty. Let' s talk about what to do with it. ruì qiū de fáng jiān jiù kōng chū lái le yào bú yào lái tǎo lùn zěn me lì yòng?
[03:59.670] I think we should have a beautiful guest room... hǎo a wǒ xiǎng wǒ men yīng gāi nòng gè piào liàng de kè fáng
[04:02.610] with a mahogany sleigh bed and bedside tables with fresh flowers. yǒu hóng mù xuě qiāo chuáng chuáng tóu zhuō shàng yǒng yuǎn chā zhe xiān huā
[04:07.180] And comment cards so people could tell us how great their stay was. zài bǎi zhāng juǎn gài shì shū zhuō fàng shàng liú yán kǎ ràng kè rén biǎo dá tā men de kāi xīn zhī lèi de
[04:13.720] I really haven' t thought about it that much. wǒ hái méi yǒu xiǎng tài duō
[04:16.790] Well, I like that idea... obviously. wǒ xǐ huān zhè gè zhǔ yì dāng rán xǐ huān
[04:20.360] I was thinking maybe... maybe it could be a game room. wǒ zài xiǎng huò xǔ kě yǐ nòng gè yóu xì fáng
[04:23.860] You can buy old arcade games, like Space lnvaders and Asteroids... wǒ men kě yǐ mǎi jiù de yóu xì jī xiàng tài kōng rù qīn zhě hé xiǎo xíng xīng
[04:28.370] for 200. The real ones. The big, big, big ones! zhǐ yào 2 bǎi yuán, zhèng gǎng yòu dà tái
[04:33.370] No. bú yào
[04:36.640] You mean " No" as in: nǐ de yì sī shì" tiān na, qián dé"
[04:39.050] " What an interesting idea. Let' s discuss it before we reject it." " hǎo yǒu qù de zhǔ yì" " wǒ men xiān tǎo lùn zài quán pán fǒu dìng"
[04:43.780] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ, dāng rán la
[04:47.090] Interesting idea. But no. hěn yǒu qù de zhǔ yì tán guò le, dàn shì bú yào
[04:51.220] So that' s it? jiù zhè yàng?
[04:52.990] I just don' t think arcade games go in a beautiful guest room... piào liàng de kè fáng bù shì hé fàng yóu xì jī
[04:56.930] filled with antiques. piào liàng de kè fáng lǐ huì yǒu hěn duō gǔ dǒng
[04:59.330] Which is why Asteroids is perfect. It' s the oldest game. suǒ yǐ xiǎo xíng xīng cái shì hé nà shi zuì gǔ lǎo de yóu xì jī
[05:04.570] What' s wrong with a beautiful guest room? nǐ duì piào liàng de kè fáng yǒu shén me yì jiàn?
[05:06.840] I' m not against it. wǒ méi yǒu yì jiàn
[05:09.080] Especially since everybody we know lives about 30 seconds away. yóu qí shì wǒ men rèn shi de rén dōu zhù zài fāng yuán shù gōng chǐ nèi
[05:14.080] Are you mocking me? nǐ zài cháo xiào wǒ ma?
[05:15.580] No, I' m not mocking you or your beautiful guest room. wǒ méi yǒu zài cháo xiào nǐ huò shì nǐ piào liàng de kè fáng
[05:23.590] zěn me le?
[05:25.430] Monica and l had a stupid fight. méi shì, mó nī kǎ hé wǒ chǎo jià le
[05:27.760] You' re still moving in together, right? My ad came out today. dàn nǐ men hái shì yào tóng jū ba? wǒ de guǎng gào jīn tiān chū lái le
[05:32.170] " Wanted: Female roommate, nonsmoker, nonugly." " chéng zhēng nǚ xìng shì yǒu" " bù chōu yān, bù chǒu"
[05:38.670] Nice. piào liàng
[05:40.140] I figured it' d be more interesting to have a female roommate. wǒ xiǎng shuō zài nǐ zhī hòu huàn gè nǚ shì yǒu huì mán yǒu qù de
[05:45.010] Someone I could learn from. Someone who' s different than me. yí gè wǒ kě yǐ xué xí hé wǒ bù yí yàng de rén
[05:48.850] And what' s more different than me, a guy who' s not 19... shuí hé wǒ zuì bù yí yàng? nián guò 19 de nán rén
[05:52.690] than a girl who is 19? hái shì 19 suì de nǚ hái?
[05:57.490] Not just a hatrack, my friend. wǒ kě bú shì cǎo bāo
[06:01.360] Phoebe, I have to ask you.. fēi bǐ, wǒ xiǎng wèn
[06:03.400] I' m swamped right now. xū wǒ zhèng zài máng
[06:06.300] You' re just staring into space. nǐ zhǐ shì zài fā dāi
[06:08.800] I' m trying to move that pencil. wǒ xiǎng yí dòng nà zhī qiān bǐ
[06:12.710] This one? lt worked! zhè zhī ma? chéng gōng le
[06:16.710] Phoebe, this whole apartment thing is a nightmare. fēi bǐ, zhǎo fáng zǐ zhēn shì è mèng
[06:20.250] Anything I can afford comes with a roommate who is a freak. Look. wǒ zū dé qǐ de dì fāng dōu yǒu guài tāi shì yǒu nǐ kàn ma
[06:25.090] " Wanted: Female roommate, nonsmoker, nonugly." " chéng zhēng nǚ xìng shì yǒu" " bù chōu yān, bù chǒu"
[06:33.030] That' s probably some 12yearold kid trying to get girls to call. kě néng shì xiǎng gēn nǚ shēng jiǎng diàn huà de xiǎo guǐ
[06:37.800] There' s nothing. This city is full. méi fáng zi le, niǔ yuē dōu zhù mǎn le
[06:40.900] Wait! Look at this! děng děng, zhè lǐ yǒu
[06:42.240] " Two bedroom, two bath. Must be nonsmoker. Satan worshipers okay." " liǎng fáng liǎng wèi, bù dé chōu yān" " bài sā dàn zhě kě"
[06:48.010] Yeah, but it' s on the ground floor. bù guò shì yī lóu
[06:54.050] Rach, you still looking for a place? Yeah, why? ruì qiū, nǐ hái zài zhǎo fáng zi? duì, zěn yàng?
[06:58.080] This guy, Warren, from the museum is going on a dig for two years. hǎo, wǒ men bó wù guǎn yǒu gè huá lún yào qù cān yù wā jué gōng zuò 2 nián
[07:02.920] He' s got this great place he needs to sublet. You interested? tā yǒu gè piào liàng de jiā yào zhuǎn zū nǐ yǒu xìng qù ma?
[07:07.060] Great! I' d love to live at Warren' s. I love Warren! tīng qǐ lái hǎo bàng wǒ yuàn yì zhù huá lún jiā, wǒ ài huá lún
[07:10.700] Oh, wait. Is he the guy that asked you for naked pictures of me? děng děng, shì tā gēn nǐ yào wǒ de luǒ zhào ma
[07:15.540] That doesn' t matter, he won' t be there! fǎn zhèng tā yào zǒu le
[07:17.640] Thank you! Don' t thank me. xiè xiè nǐ bié xiè wǒ
[07:20.070] Thank the volcano that erupted thousands of years ago... yào jiù xiè nà zuò huǒ shān jǐ qiān nián qián bào fā
[07:23.910] killing, but perfectly preserving, an entire civilization. huǐ miè què yě bǎo cún le yī zhěng gè wén míng
[07:29.680] Here' s Warren' s number. zhè shì huá lún de diàn huà
[07:32.650] This is great. I' m gonna call him right now! Thank you! tài hǎo le, wǒ xiàn zài jiù dǎ gěi tā xiè xiè nǐ
[07:40.160] Okay, you go call him. hǎo, kuài qù ba
[07:43.200] I saw it. wǒ kàn dào le
[07:45.830] What are you talking about? wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ
[07:48.300] I' m talking about what you already know but won' t admit. wǒ zài shuō nǐ zhī dào què bù kěn chéng rèn de shì
[07:51.540] You love her again. You relove her. nǐ yòu ài shàng tā le, nǐ chóng fù ài tā
[07:54.640] I do not relove her. wǒ méi yǒu chóng fù ài tā
[07:57.040] I can' t believe you won' t just admit it. nǐ jū rán zhè me zuǐ yìng
[08:00.750] Promise me you won' t do anything stupid. zǒng zhī nǐ qiān wàn bié zuò chǔn shì
[08:03.720] We' re just friends now. Why would I do anything stupid? wǒ men xiàn zài zhǐ shì péng yǒu wǒ wèi shí me yào zuò chǔn shì?
[08:08.660] The apartment is already subletted. fáng zi yǐ jīng zū chū qù le
[08:11.090] It' s hopeless. I' ll never find anything. méi xī wàng le, wǒ zhǎo bu dào fáng zi le
[08:14.930] Live with me. nǐ kě yǐ lái gēn wǒ zhù
[08:16.260] What? What?! shén me? shén me?
[08:19.030] What? zěn yàng?
[08:21.270] Are you serious? tiān na, nǐ shì shuō zhēn de ma?
[08:25.440] I would love to live with you. That' s great. Thank you. wǒ qiú zhī bù dé, tài hǎo le, xiè xiè nǐ
[08:28.840] I' m just glad I could help you out. yǒu bāng dào nǐ jiù hǎo
[08:32.950] Wow, I' m so happy for you guys. This is so, so, not stupid. wǒ zhēn tì nǐ men gāo xìng zhè zhēn shì fēi cháng de bù chǔn
[08:40.290] Ross, you have no idea what this means to me. luó sī, zhè duì wǒ tài zhòng yào le
[08:43.020] I was gonna be homeless. You just saved me. You' re my hero. wǒ chà diǎn jiù yào liú luò jiē tóu nǐ jiù le wǒ, nǐ shì wǒ de yīng xióng
[08:48.160] Hero? I don' t know. Well, all right. shuō yīng xióng jiù tài hǎo ba
[08:52.870] I have to go tell Monica what a wonderful brother she has. wǒ yào qù gào sù mó nī kǎ tā de gē ge yǒu duō bàng
[08:56.900] Oh, please. bié zhè yàng
[09:05.850] You' re gonna say things now, aren' t you? nǐ yòu yǒu huà yào shuō le ba?
[09:09.150] No. No, I won' t. méi yǒu
[09:11.520] But I should tell you this. dàn shì wǒ gào sù nǐ
[09:13.890] The same thing happened to my roommate, Denise. wǒ de shì yǒu dí nī sī jiù shì zhè yàng
[09:16.820] She moved in with a guy who was secretly married to her. tā bān qù gēn yí gè tōu qǔ tā de rén zhù
[09:19.360] He said he didn' t love her, but he really did. And it just blew up. tā zuǐ shàng shuō bù ài, qí shí hěn ài tā tā zuǐ shàng shuō bù ài, qí shí hěn ài tā
[09:23.330] And that' s how she ended up living with me. hòu lái shì qíng bào fā suǒ yǐ tā cái bān lái gēn wǒ zhù
[09:29.170] Okay, that' s a lie. hǎo ba, wǒ piàn nǐ de
[09:32.310] You don' t have a roommate. Denise! nǐ cái méi yǒu shì yǒu dí nī sī
[09:36.780] No one ever listens to me! dōu méi yǒu rén tīng wǒ jiǎng huà
[09:47.590] Listen, I' m sorry about before. I don' t need a game room. gāng cái hěn bào qiàn, wǒ bù xū yào yóu xì fáng
[09:50.390] I only played those games because I couldn' t get girls. Now I can get.. wǒ yǐ qián bǎ bú dào mǎ zǐ cái qù dǎ yóu xì xiàn zài wǒ bǎ dé dào le
[09:56.630] Now I have you. xiàn zài wǒ yǒu le nǐ
[09:59.430] No, not that I think I have you... wǒ bìng bú shì bǎ nǐ dàng chéng
[10:01.940] or think of you as property in any sort of way. I see women.... huò xiǎng chéng yī jiàn cái chǎn wǒ duì nǚ rén
[10:06.370] Stop it, Chandler. bié zài shuō le
[10:09.380] I' m sorry too. wǒ yě hěn bào qiàn
[10:11.140] Really? Yeah. Oh, yes. zhēn de? duì, dāng rán
[10:15.750] We can think of something to do with the room together. wǒ men bù bì nòng yí gè kè fáng wǒ men kě yǐ yì qǐ xiǎng yào zěn me lì yòng
[10:19.390] Great idea. We can easily think of a way for us both to enjoy the room. hǎo zhǔ yì yào zuò dào jiē dà huān xǐ hěn róng yì
[10:23.490] Totally. jiù shì a
[10:30.160] We don' t have to decide now. Good. wǒ men bù bì xiàn zài xiǎng hǎo
[10:33.330] Let' s think about changes we can make in the living room. bù rú lái xiǎng xiǎng kè tīng yào zěn me biàn huà
[10:36.770] Changes? biàn huà?
[10:38.970] We' ll have to move some furniture to make room for my chair. duì, wǒ men dé yí dòng yī xiē jiā jù lái fàng wǒ de yǐ zi
[10:44.940] You' re bringing the Barcalounger over here? nǐ yào bǎ lǎn rén yǐ bān guò lái?
[10:47.850] Is that a problem? yǒu wèn tí ma?
[10:50.850] It' s just that they' re a set and should stay together. nà shi yī zǔ de, yīng gāi bǎi zài yì qǐ
[10:54.190] That' s cool. I' ll bring them both over. nà hǎo, nà wǒ jiù dōu bān guò lái
[10:57.020] You' re taking them away from their home. nǐ shì yào tā men lí kāi lǎo jiā
[11:01.160] I get it. I get nothing. Nothing here is mine. Everything is yours. hǎo, wǒ dǒng le, zhè lǐ méi wǒ de dōng xī zhǐ yǒu nǐ de dōng xī
[11:05.100] I' ll get up in the morning, put on your clothes and go off to work! wǒ zǎo shàng qǐ chuáng jiù chuān shang nǐ de yī fú rán hòu qù shàng bān
[11:08.970] Yeah, that' s it. Everything will be mine. Nothing will be yours. méi cuò, zhè lǐ zhǐ yǒu wǒ de dōng xī méi yǒu nǐ de, zhè shì wǒ shuō de
[11:14.010] I' m talking about the Barcalounger. bài tuō! wǒ shì zài jiǎng lǎn rén yǐ
[11:16.040] It doesn' t match. Where will it go? tā gēn zhè lǐ bù dā, nǐ yào bǎi nǎ lǐ?
[11:18.480] In the game room! yóu xì fáng lǐ
[11:20.310] It is not my fault your chairs are incredibly ugly. nǐ de yǐ zǐ chǒu dào bào yòu bú shì wǒ de cuò
[11:23.820] That' s fine. hǎo
[11:25.490] I won' t bring the chairs. I won' t bring anything! wǒ bù bān yǐ zi guò lái wǒ shén me dōu bù bān guò lái
[11:27.990] I wouldn' t want to ruin the ambiance over here at grandma' s place! wǒ kě bù xiǎng pò huài lǎo nǎi nǎi jiā de tiáo diào
[11:33.160] Everything on your application looks really good. nǐ de tiáo jiàn kàn qǐ lái hěn hǎo
[11:36.160] Just one last question. zuì hòu yí gè wèn tí
[11:38.130] Will your friends be over here, partying and hanging out? nǐ hé nǐ péng yǒu huì bú huì cháng lái zhè lǐ kuáng huān jù huì?
[11:41.630] Don' t worry. I' m not a party girl. fàng xīn, wǒ bù tài ài wán
[11:46.640] Don' t just be blurting stuff out. bié xiǎng dōu bù xiǎng jiù shuō
[11:49.240] I want you to really think about your answers. wǒ yào nǐ xiǎng qīng chǔ zài dá
[11:53.680] Call off the roommate search. Hi. I' ll be living here. nǐ bù bì zhǎo shì yǒu le nǐ hǎo, wǒ yào zhù zài zhè lǐ
[11:58.020] Ignore him. He' s just some guy who wants the apartment. bié lǐ tā, tā hěn xiǎng zhù jìn lái
[12:01.250] But he' s not going to get it. dàn wǒ bú huì xuǎn tā
[12:04.560] You took down the shower curtain? nǐ gàn ma bǎ yù lián ná diào?
[12:06.590] That thing was a hazard! nà gè dōng xī hěn wēi xiǎn
[12:09.700] I' m very safety conscious. wǒ hěn zhù zhòng ān quán
[12:21.010] I was just clearing some space for your stuff. wǒ zhèng zài qīng yī xiē kōng jiān gěi nǐ
[12:24.380] Thanks. xiè xiè
[12:25.580] But listen, Monica and Chandler had a big fight and they' re not moving in. dàn wǒ gāng qù zhǎo mó nī kǎ tā hé qián dé dà chǎo yī jià bù tóng jū le
[12:30.680] What do you mean, not moving in? They' re still moving in, right? shén me jiào bù tóng jū le? tā men hái shì yào tóng jū ba?
[12:35.790] No, they just had a big blowout over what to do with my room. bù, tā men wèi le zěn me lì yòng kōng fáng dà chǎo yī jià
[12:39.630] Over a stupid room? jiù wèi le yí gè làn fáng jiān?
[12:42.460] I feel kind of bad for them, but now I don' t have to move in here! wǒ yě yǒu diǎn tì tā men kě xī què yòu hěn gāo xìng bù bì bān guò lái le
[12:47.230] Oh, no. Yeah, that part' s great. méi cuò, zhè yì diǎn dí què hěn bàng
[12:52.110] What' s all this about you guys fighting? nǐ men liǎng gè shì zài chǎo shén me?
[12:55.640] Is this really over a room? zhēn de jiù wèi le yí gè fáng jiān?
[12:58.580] That is so silly. zhēn shì tài shǎ le
[13:02.320] We can handle this. Apparently not. luó sī, wǒ men zì jǐ kě yǐ bǎi píng xiǎn rán bù xíng
[13:05.590] And I can' t stand by and watch two people I care about so much... wǒ bù néng zuò shì liǎng gè wǒ guān xīn de rén
[13:10.920] be hurt by something that is so silly. wèi le zhè me shǎ de shì shāng gǎn qíng
[13:16.460] Enough of the silliness. bié zài shǎ le
[13:19.600] Tell her to stop being silly. nǐ jiào tā bié shǎ a
[13:23.570] hǎo
[13:27.140] Two very good points. shuāng fāng dōu yǒu lǐ
[13:30.940] I' ve known you both a long time. wǒ rèn shi nǐ men liǎng gè hěn jiǔ le
[13:34.310] And I' ve never seen either of you onemillionth as happy... nǐ men zài yì qǐ zhī hòu
[13:38.150] as you' ve been since you got together. bǐ yǐ qián kuài lè yī bǎi wàn bèi
[13:41.420] Do you really want to throw that all away over a room? nǐ men zhēn de yào wèi le yí gè fáng jiān fàng qì zhè yī qiè?
[13:45.360] That is so silly. duō shǎ a
[13:48.190] What' s more important, love... shén me bǐ jiào zhòng yào ài qíng...
[13:51.600] or silliness? hái shì shǎ qì?
[13:54.700] Well, we are fond of the silliness. wǒ men xǐ huān shǎ qì
[13:57.840] But we also have a soft spot for the love. dàn miàn duì ài qíng yě huì xīn ruǎn
[14:01.110] Love is the best medicine. That' s " laughter." ài shì wàn líng yào huān xiào cái shì ba?
[14:03.880] Why do you do it? I don' t know. nǐ wèi shí me zhè yàng? wǒ bù zhī dào
[14:10.380] Now, Chandler, you want to live with Monica, right? qián dé, nǐ xiǎng gēn mó nī kǎ zhù ba?
[14:16.020] Yeah, I do. duì
[14:17.520] And, Mon, you want to live with Chandler? mó nī kǎ, nǐ xiǎng gēn qián dé zhù ba?
[14:20.190] Yes. duì
[14:21.460] A verbal contract is binding in the state of New York! hěn hǎo, kǒu tóu qì yuē zài niǔ yuē zhōu yǒu yuē shù lì
[14:34.170] So I understand you' re looking for a place? wǒ tīng shuō nǐ zài zhǎo fáng zi
[14:39.080] No, I' m staying put. bù, wǒ bù bān le
[14:44.020] I was going to offer you my apartment. wǒ běn lái dǎ suàn zhǎo nǐ lái wǒ jiā zhù
[14:48.350] Why? Where you going? wèi shí me? nǐ yào qù nǎ lǐ?
[14:51.320] I don' t know. wǒ bù zhī dào
[14:55.330] ruì qiū
[14:57.500] You won' t believe it. shuō le nǐ yí dìng bù xìn
[14:59.430] Monica and Chandler are moving in again. qián dé hé mó nī kǎ yòu yào tóng jū le
[15:01.670] That' s great news, right? I mean, for them, right? zhēn shì tài hǎo le duì tā men lái shuō, duì ba?
[15:06.840] But on the bright side, we get to be roommates again. bù guò hǎo chù shì wǒ men yòu néng dāng shì yǒu le
[15:10.740] Yeah. You know, about that.... shì a, guān yú zhè jiàn shì
[15:15.680] I really appreciate your offer to let me move in and everything... wǒ hěn gǎn xiè nǐ zhǔ dòng tí yì, dàn shì
[15:19.720] but don' t you think it' ll be weird? nǐ bù jué de huì hěn guài ma?
[15:24.590] Why? Why would it.... Why would it be weird? wèi shí me? wèi wèi shí me huì guài?
[15:28.560] Well, you know, because of us. yīn wèi wǒ men
[15:31.900] Because of our history. yīn wèi wǒ men de guò qù
[15:34.370] No! bú huì bú huì ma?
[15:35.900] No, no! bú huì
[15:37.900] It would only be weird if we were still in " that place." chú fēi wǒ men hái yú qíng wèi liǎo
[15:41.640] Are you still in that place? nǐ hái yú qíng wèi liǎo ma?
[15:45.380] No, not at all. Good. Me neither. yì diǎn yě méi yǒu hěn hǎo, wǒ yě méi yǒu
[15:48.580] So it' s not a problem. nà jiù méi wèn tí le
[15:50.750] We' re just two friends who happen to be roommates. wǒ men zhǐ shì gāng hǎo shì shì yǒu de péng yǒu
[15:54.050] Okay, but eventually you and I will be dating. hǎo, dàn wǒ men chí zǎo huì yuē huì
[16:00.460] Really? We are? shì ma?
[16:02.730] Yeah. I' ll have a boyfriend and you' ll have a girlfriend. shì a, wǒ huì yǒu nán péng yǒu nǐ huì yǒu nǚ péng yǒu
[16:09.000] That' d be great. nà tài hǎo le
[16:11.640] But if you think it' ll be okay, we' ll just work out a system. bù guò rú guǒ nǐ jué de wú suǒ wèi wǒ men jiù xiǎng yī tào zuò fǎ
[16:15.310] It' ll be like in college. I' ll hang a sign on the door: jiù xiàng dà xué shí dài wǒ zài mén shàng guà gè pái zi
[16:19.110] " Come back later. I' m getting lucky." " zàn qiě huí bì, zhèng zài chǎo fàn"
[16:27.250] Yeah, I didn' t think of that. wǒ xiǎng dōu méi xiǎng guò
[16:32.120] So are you sure about this whole movingin thing? nǐ men què dìng yào zhù zài yì qǐ?
[16:36.460] It' s a really big step. And what' s the rush? zhè shì hěn dà de jìn zhǎn, jí shén me ne?
[16:44.840] That' s very funny. zhēn hǎo xiào
[16:46.510] He' s being silly because he knows we enjoy the silliness. tā zài zhuāng shǎ yīn wèi tā zhī dào wǒ men xǐ huān shǎ qì
[16:51.440] No, I' m serious. Think about it. You move in. wǒ shì shuō zhēn de, nǐ men xiǎng xiǎng nǐ bān jìn lái
[16:55.980] You start fighting over game rooms. Next thing you know, you break up. nǐ men wèi le yóu xì fáng de shì chǎo jià jiē xià lái jiù huì fēn shǒu
[17:01.190] It was just a stupid fight about a room. luó sī, nǐ shuō de duì chǎo nà zhǒng jià hěn chǔn
[17:04.390] There are no stupid fights! yì diǎn yě bù chǔn
[17:07.530] This isn' t about the room. zhòng diǎn bú shì fáng jiān
[17:09.860] This is about what the room represents. ér shì fáng jiān dài biǎo shén me
[17:13.800] And unfortunately, this room could destroy you! hěn bù xìng de zhè gè fáng jiān huì huǐ le nǐ men
[17:19.010] I' m not so worried. Me neither. wǒ méi nà me dān xīn wǒ yě shì
[17:21.810] Fine. It' s your life! hǎo ba, zhè shì nǐ men de rén shēng
[17:25.010] I just don' t want to see you break up. wǒ zhǐ shì bù xiǎng kàn dào nǐ men fēn shǒu
[17:27.210] Which you will do if you move in together. nǐ men yào shì tóng jū jiù huì fēn shǒu
[17:33.390] But if that' s what you want, there' s nothing I can do. dàn nǐ men xiǎng zhè yàng, wǒ yě méi bàn fǎ
[17:36.560] Don' t do it! bú yào tóng jū
[17:43.400] You still want to move in together? Of course. nǐ hái shì xiǎng bān jìn lái ba? dāng rán
[17:46.230] Ross didn' t scare you? luó sī méi xià dào nǐ?
[17:47.600] Scared me out of wanting to live with him. xià dé wǒ sǐ yě bù gǎn gēn tā zhù
[17:51.570] I gotta show you something. Okay. wǒ gěi nǐ kàn gè dōng xī hǎo
[17:57.240] Oh, my God! Someone' s killed Square Man! tiān na, zhèng fāng xíng rén bèi shā le
[18:01.950] The Barcalounger can go here. wǒ jué de lǎn rén yǐ kě yǐ fàng zhè lǐ
[18:04.020] You can see the TV, and it' s still walking distance to the kitchen. nǐ kě yǐ kàn diàn shì
[18:07.950] Oh, that' s so sweet. lí chú fáng yòu gòu jìn zhēn zhōu dào
[18:10.790] I want to show you something too. wǒ yě yǒu shì yào shuō hǎo
[18:12.290] You know those big road signs that say " merge"? nǐ zhī dào dào lù huì hé de biāo zhì ba?
[18:16.860] I thought we could get one of those signs and hang it over our bed. wǒ xiǎng wǒ men kě yǐ nòng yí gè guà zài chuáng tóu
[18:23.270] Because that' s you and I together. yīn wèi nǐ hé wǒ jiù shì nà yàng
[18:26.140] " Merge!" hé ér wéi yī
[18:29.280] I love that! Really? tiān na, wǒ hǎo xǐ huān ō zhēn de?
[18:31.240] " No!" cái guài
[18:36.080] I found you in my bed wǒ fā xiàn nǐ zài wǒ chuáng shàng
[18:39.450] How' d you wind up there? nǐ zěn me huì zài nà li?
[18:42.490] You are a mystery nǐ zhēn shì gè mí
[18:45.320] Little black curly hair xiǎo hēi juǎn máo nán
[18:51.330] Little black, little black, little black xiǎo hēi juǎn máo xiǎo hēi juǎn máo
[18:54.170] Little black curly hair xiǎo hēi juǎn máo nán
[19:04.610] If you want to receive emails about my upcoming shows... rú guǒ xiǎng shōu dào wǒ de yǎn chū xùn xī
[19:07.810] please give me money so I can buy a computer. qǐng juān qián gěi wǒ, ràng wǒ mǎi diàn nǎo
[19:16.690] Where are the other guys? qí tā rén ne?
[19:18.520] Well, Monica and Chandler are occupied. mó nī kǎ hé qián dé zài máng
[19:21.460] Fighting? The other thing. chǎo jià? bù, shì máng bié de
[19:24.660] It' s great they worked things out. zhēn gāo xìng tā men néng hé hǎo
[19:26.800] There' s no breaking them up, is there? shuí yě bié xiǎng chāi sàn tā men, duì ba?
[19:30.770] Can I borrow the key to your house so I can go make a copy? kě yǐ gēn nǐ jiè yào shi qù dǎ yī fù ma?
[19:34.310] Here. Thank you. dāng rán kě yǐ, ná qù xiè xiè
[19:36.780] Are you sure? Once I make a copy, there' s no turning back. nǐ què dìng ma? dǎ le yào shi jiù bù néng fǎn huǐ le
[19:41.910] Yeah, I' m sure. Now get out of here before I change my mind. wǒ què dìng chèn wǒ gǎi biàn xīn yì qián kuài qù ba
[19:53.330] You think moving in with Rachel is a good idea? luó sī, gēn ruì qiū zhù zhēn de hǎo ma?
[19:56.300] I' ve been back and forth. wǒ yě zài yáo bǎi bù dìng
[19:59.270] Well, maybe you should go back. yě xǔ nǐ yīng gāi bǎi huí qù
[20:02.430] She moves in, and before you know it... ruì qiū bān jìn qù
[20:04.600] you' re right where you don' t want to be, back together. bù zhī bù jué jiān nǐ men jiù yòu fù hé le
[20:07.010] I don' t think so. She' s already talking about dating other guys. yīng gāi bú huì tā yǐ jīng zài tán jiāo nán péng yǒu de shì
[20:11.340] That' s not going to work out. She' ll come home all weepy... bú huì yǒu jié guǒ de tā huì kū zhe huí jiā
[20:15.650] and you' ll be telling her, " Oh, that' s okay. You' ll find someone." nǐ huì gào sù tā " méi guān xì, nǐ huì zhǎo dào hǎo nán rén"
[20:19.290] And then, bam! She finds you! jiē zhe pēng! tā zhǎo dào le nǐ
[20:25.190] Maybe you' re right. yě xǔ nǐ shuō de duì
[20:26.630] Ross, she is definitely gonna fall in love with you again. tā jué duì huì zài ài shàng nǐ
[20:30.400] Is that what you want? zhè yàng nǐ yě yuàn yì ma?
[20:32.200] Is that what I want? wǒ yuàn yì ma?
[20:33.870] Yes. shì de
[20:38.200] Here she comes. I' m gonna make your life much easier. tā lái le, wǒ lái tì nǐ shěng diǎn shì
[20:40.870] The place was closed, so I' ll copy it later. wǔ jīn xíng dǎ yàng le, gǎi tiān zài dǎ
[20:44.110] Or not. huò shì bié dǎ le
[20:46.210] Why don' t you move in with me? ruì qiū, nǐ jiù bān lái gēn wǒ zhù ma
[20:49.580] Whoa, Joey! qiáo yī děng děng
[20:52.690] Look, I know I scared you with that whole nakedThursdays thing... ruì qiū, wǒ zhī dào chì luǒ xīng qī sì bǎ nǐ xià pǎo le
[20:57.360] but we don' t have to do that. dàn shì wǒ men yě kě yǐ bù nà yàng zuò
[21:01.460] It would be easier to move across the hall. bān dào duì miàn què shí bǐ jiào qīng sōng
[21:06.930] Unless you' re thinking about naked Wednesdays. màn zhe chú fēi nǐ xiǎng gǎi chéng chì luǒ xīng qī sān
[21:11.570] Thursday' s clearly not good for you. Pick a day! nǐ bù xǐ huān xīng qī sì, nà jiù tiāo yì tiān
[21:21.050] Come on in. Thanks for coming back. qǐng jìn, xiè xiè nǐ zài pǎo yī tàng
[21:23.750] There' s a lot of people interested in the room. yǒu hěn duō rén xiǎng zū
[21:26.620] But I' ve narrowed it down, and you' re one of the finalists. dàn wǒ jīng guò shāi xuǎn nǐ shì zuì hòu rén xuǎn zhī yī
[21:29.590] Great! Before I decide... tài hǎo le
[21:32.320] I want to be sure our personalities match. zài zuò jué dìng zhī qián wǒ xiǎng què dìng wǒ men hé de lái
[21:35.530] So I made up a little test. suǒ yǐ wǒ fā míng liǎo yí gè xiǎo cè yàn
[21:37.900] I' ll say a word, and you say the first thing that comes to mind. wǒ shuō yí gè cí nǐ jiù shuō chū dì yí gè lián xiǎng
[21:41.400] I can do that. Okay, here we go. méi wèn tí hǎo, nà wǒ men kāi shǐ
[21:44.240] Pillow. Fight. zhěn tou zhàng
[21:45.870] Very good. hěn hǎo
[21:49.740] " G." G
[21:50.940] String? Excellent! dīng zì kù? fēi cháng hǎo
[21:57.580] Doggy. gǒu
[22:00.790] Kitten? Sorry! māo? hěn bào qiàn
[22:05.660] So close, though. Byebye! jiù chà nà me yì diǎn diǎn, zài jiàn
Friends S06E03 歌词
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