Friends S06E10

歌曲 Friends S06E10
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第六季)


[00:02.930] Why is everybody using these tiny,little lights nowadays?
[00:06.970] I remember when people used big ones. 我记得以前都用大灯泡
[00:09.200] That's a good story,Grandpa. 钱德爷爷话当年
[00:15.540] Wow. Monica's letting other people help decorate her tree? 摩妮卡让别人布置她的圣诞树
[00:19.810] Did someone get her drunk again,or...? 谁又把她灌醉了吗?
[00:23.720] Having a perfect tree is not what Christmas is about. 圣诞节的意义不在于圣诞树
[00:27.160] It's about being with loved ones. 而在于与所爱的人共度
[00:29.190] That is nice. And we're done. Ta-da! 真好,布置好了
[00:33.830] It just doesn't quite feel like Christmas to me. 我总觉得它少了一股圣诞味
[00:37.800] Oh,here. 那这样呢
[00:42.900] See,now it feels like Christmas. 这样才像圣诞节
[00:46.540] The One With The Routine 本集播出:“舞林高手”
[01:24.050] And that's the story of the dreidel. 这就是犹太陀螺的由来
[01:28.680] Some people trace the Christmas tree to the Egyptians... 有些人说圣诞树源自古埃及
[01:32.750] who'd bring palm branches into huts on the shortest day of the year... 在每年白画最短的日子 他们会把棕榈枝带进屋里
[01:37.760] symbolizing life's triumph over death. 象徵生命战胜死亡
[01:40.530] And that was,like,4000 years ago. 那是4千年前的事了
[01:43.700] Around the same time that you started this story. 你开始讲古也差不多是那时候
[01:50.770] -Hey,you guys. -Hey. What's up? 你们好 乔伊
[01:53.140] I had to get out of the apartment. Janine's stretching all over. 我不出门不行 吉宁到处拉筋
[01:57.710] Everywhere I look she's like.... 一转头就看到她在…
[02:03.990] I can see why that's hard to resist. 难怪你无法抗拒
[02:07.090] I like her so much. 我好喜欢她
[02:09.290] I'm sorry she doesn't feel the same. 可惜她对你没感觉
[02:11.330] I know. And she's so sweet. 就是啊,她好可爱
[02:13.290] I just want to feed her grapes and brush her hair. 我好想喂她吃葡萄 帮她梳头
[02:17.970] You are aware that she's not a monkey,right? 你知道她不是猴子吧?
[02:23.240] I am so over Janine. 我已经不在乎吉宁了
[02:26.980] Yeah,at first I thought she was hot, but now she's like old news. 我原本觉得她很火辣 现在她已经成了过去式
[02:32.580] -Hey,guys. -Janine! 你们好 吉宁
[02:37.490] I'm gonna be a dancer on a TV special for New Year's Eve. 我刚接到除夕特别节目的通告
[02:40.790] It's called some sort of Dickin' Rockin' Dicky Eve. 叫什么狄克摇滚狄奇之夜的
[02:47.700] Hold it. 慢着
[02:49.600] Are you talking about Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve? 是狄克克拉克新年摇滚之夜吗
[02:53.300] Yeah,that's what I said. 就是那个
[02:57.710] Oh,my God, we love that show! 天哪,我们爱死那个节目了
[03:00.810] Ross and I have been watching it since I can remember. 从我有记忆以来 罗斯和我每年都看
[03:04.050] You're still just a little fat girl inside, aren't you? 内心深处的你仍是个小胖妹
[03:09.550] I'm gonna be one of the party people. 我今年要去当狂欢派对来宾
[03:12.520] You're gonna be a party person? Those guys rock the most! 你要当去派对来宾? 那些人最酷了
[03:17.690] They said to bring someone. Want to be my dance partner? 他们叫我带人去 你愿意当我的舞伴吗?
[03:21.300] I would love to spend New Year's with you. 当然,我很愿意跟你跨年
[03:24.230] They're taping tomorrow. I don't understand why.. 明天就要录影了,我也不太懂
[03:27.300] Well,how it works is... 是这样的
[03:28.900] the part with Dick Clark in Times Square is actually live. 时代广场的部分是现场直播
[03:32.970] But they tape some of the party stuff ahead of time. 但他们会预录狂欢派对的画面
[03:36.240] Not a lot of people know that. 知道的人并不多
[03:40.050] Do you guys want to come too? 你们也想去吗?
[03:42.480] -Are you serious? -We are there! 真的还假的? 一言为定
[03:49.160] What are you laughing at? 你笑什么笑?
[03:51.060] Well,I used to date him, but you're still going out with her. 我跟他交往过 但你还跟她在一起
[03:57.870] Thanks. Great,so we can all go together. 谢谢…那我们就一起去
[04:00.670] I gotta run. I'll catch you later. 我得走了,回头见
[04:03.200] Bye,Janine. 再见 吉宁再见
[04:07.180] Did she just ask me out on a date? 她是不是约我了?
[04:09.840] I don't think so. 应该不是
[04:12.350] She invited him to the biggest party of the millennium. 她找他参加 千禧年最盛大的晚会耶
[04:15.950] Yeah,but she also invited you and Ross. 但她也找了你和罗斯
[04:18.720] I'm sorry,I don't think that that was a romantic thing. 很抱歉,那应该不算约会
[04:22.120] Well, maybe. But,hey, I know how I can find out. 或许吧,但我有一个办法
[04:25.290] It's a New Year's Eve party. 我们不是要参加跨年晚会?
[04:27.260] So at midnight,I can kiss her. And if she kisses me back, great. 到了午夜,我可以亲她 要是她也回吻,漂亮
[04:32.400] If she says, "What are you doing?" 要是她说“你干什么?”
[04:34.970] I can say, "lt wasn't me, it was New Year's." 我就说“都是新年害的”
[04:39.770] That's better than Ross kissing me in high school... 比高中时罗斯想亲我要好
[04:42.710] and saying that he did it because he needed Chap Stick. 他说他需要护唇膏
[04:48.580] It was a dry day. 那天很干燥
[04:53.820] We are going to Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve! 我们要上狄克克拉克跨年晚会
[04:58.430] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[05:00.500] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[05:03.060] Oh,my God! 我的天啊
[05:12.110] Okay,I've been on sets before... 听着,我录过影
[05:14.410] so let me give you some advice. 我有些建议
[05:16.310] It's a show,but we're just dancing. It's no big deal. 虽然是上电视,我们只管跳舞 没什么大不了的
[05:19.980] Important thing to remember: Stay cool. 最重要的是要酷
[05:23.250] -Got it. -Okay. 了解
[05:25.450] Oh,my God! It's just like I dreamed it! 天哪,跟我梦想的一样
[05:29.520] Everyone! Gather up! 全体集合
[05:31.690] -Excuse us! -Excuse us! 借过
[05:34.960] The music's gonna start, you're gonna dance... 我们的做法是 音乐一放,你们就跳舞
[05:37.870] we'll tape it. Don't look at the camera. Questions? 我们会录影,你们不要看镜头 有问题吗?
[05:41.200] Yeah,I have a question. When is this gonna air? 我有,什么时候播出?
[05:46.340] Yeah. Now,you guys dance over there... 好,你们去那边跳
[05:49.180] you guys,over there. I want you two here. 你们去那边跳 你们两个在这里
[05:52.050] Everyone else,spread out. 其他人散开
[05:53.480] We'd rather not dance together because we're brother and sister. 我们最好不要配一对 因为我们是兄妹
[05:56.580] Yeah,it would seem kind of weird. 对,那样会有点怪
[05:58.420] As weird as coming all the way down here and then having to go home right now? 会比大老远跑来 却得立刻滚回家来得怪吗?
[06:05.890] So when is it gonna air? 所以是什么时候播?
[06:13.130] You look in the kitchen, I got the closet. 你找厨房,我找后面的柜子
[06:15.700] I can save you time,ladies. I'm right here. 不必浪费时间了,我在这里
[06:19.670] Yeah. Why don't you take a walk? This doesn't concern you. 钱德,你出去一下 这件事与你无关
[06:24.910] We're looking for our presents from Monica. 我们在找摩妮卡送的圣诞礼物
[06:27.550] That's terrible. 什么?太差劲了
[06:29.080] No, we do it every year. 不会,我们每年都找
[06:30.990] Oh, well, that makes it not terrible. 那就不差劲了
[06:34.890] Yeah,we never find them. 但我们没有找到过
[06:36.660] She's always bested us, that wily...minx. 她老是打败我们,奸诈的查某
[06:41.360] We'll search here for an hour... 放心,我们找个1小时
[06:43.600] and then we'll go to Joey's and search,okay? 就会换到乔伊那边找,好吗?
[06:46.530] -You can't look for Monica's presents. -We have to. 不好,你们不能找她送的礼物 我们一定要找
[06:50.070] You don't have to. And you can't, because I live here too. 你们不一定要找,也不能找 因为我也住在这里
[06:55.340] Well,then you should look with us. 那你应该跟我们一起找
[06:58.780] Why? 为什么?
[06:59.950] Aren't you worried about what to get Monica? 你都不愁要送摩妮卡什么吗?
[07:02.850] No,I have a great idea for her present. 不会,我有个很棒的构想
[07:05.290] Oh,that's it? A great idea? Oh,yeah? 就只有很棒的构想?
[07:09.420] What if she gets you a great present... 那样是不够的 要是她送你一个大礼
[07:12.290] two mediums and lots of little ones... 两个普通礼和一堆小礼呢?
[07:14.630] and you just get her one present? She'll feel bad. 而你只送她一个大礼 她一定会很难过
[07:18.070] Why would you do that to her? Why? Why? 你为什么要让她难过? 为什么…
[07:22.600] -If I help,we can find them faster! -Right! 有我帮忙找得更快 没错
[07:27.410] We have a live one! 逮到一个了
[07:28.640] -Oh,it's a Macy's bag! -Yeah. 是梅西百货的袋子
[07:32.380] Who's it for? 这是给谁的?
[07:36.620] "Dear losers, do you really think I'd hide presents under the couch? 亲爱的俗辣 你们真以为我会藏在沙发下?
[07:42.460] P.S. Chandler, I knew they'd break you." 又:钱德,我就知道你会让步
[07:48.130] Uh-oh. She may be onto us. 她可能已经发现了
[07:51.570] We are so gonna find them this year. 我们今年一定要找到
[07:54.840] You said you'd go across the hall and look. Do you do that every year? 你们刚才说会到对面去找 该不会是每年都去吧?
[07:58.840] Yeah. 是啊
[08:00.170] You don't go into the back of my closet... 你们没有到我的柜子里面
[08:03.110] and look under my gym bag or anything? 翻我的健身袋底下吧?
[08:07.110] -No. Never do that. -No. 没有,从来没有
[08:11.750] That's where Joey gave me stuff to store that I've never seen. 乔伊会托我保管东西 我看都没看过
[08:17.660] Okay, that did not just happen. 刚才的事是幻觉
[08:27.940] Here comes a camera. 又有摄影机来了
[08:29.170] Right. No biggie. Stay loose. 好,小意思,放轻松
[08:41.850] Why do they keep doing that? 他们为什么一直避开?
[08:44.190] We have to get up on one of those platforms. 想上镜头就得上那些平台
[08:47.290] They've been taping them all day. 他们一直拍平台上的人
[08:49.220] Right. 没错
[08:55.230] What'd you guys do to get up on there? 你们为什么能上去?
[08:57.830] We learned how to dance. 我们有练过
[09:00.870] When you learned to dance, did you forget how to put on underpants? 你练舞时也忘了穿内裤吗?
[09:04.640] Yeah!
[09:09.840] -Hey,you're a good dancer. -Really? 你跳得很好嘛 是吗?
[09:13.050] You'd be better if you loosened your hips. 臀部再放松一点会更好
[09:15.480] -What do you mean? -Like this. 怎么说? 像这样
[09:19.990] That's it. Feel the rhythm. That's better. 就是这样,跟着节奏摆动 好多了
[09:26.690] You're dancing with her. 你去跟那个女生跳
[09:28.400] -We're together. -Yeah,we came together. 不,我们是一起来的
[09:31.670] I don't see it. 我看不出来
[09:34.040] You are dancing with the tall guy. Tall guy,raise your hand! 你去跟那个高个子跳 高个子,举手
[09:38.610] Hey,buddy. Let me dance with her. I like her, and I think I have a shot. 不…老兄,拜托让我跟她跳 我很喜欢她,我觉得我有机会
[09:43.510] Really,you think so? I don't. 你觉得有?我觉得没有
[10:00.800] I couldn't find anything.. Hey,wait! 乔伊那里什么都没… 等等!
[10:03.600] Yeah,we found them. 我们找到了
[10:04.970] They were in the guest-room closet. 在客房衣橱的外套后面
[10:07.300] You have nothing to worry about because they're crap. 你不必担心了,都是些烂东西
[10:13.170] Those are mine. I got those for you. 那是我要送给你们的礼物
[10:18.410] Oh. Thanks,Chandler,they're great! 谢了,好棒喔
[10:23.150] Chandler,what is this very weird metal A-Z thing? 这个奇怪的金属AZ是什么
[10:26.650] Those are bookends. That's a great gift. 那是书挡,是很棒的礼物
[10:30.090] Oh. Okay,I'm sorry. Thank you for my "az." 好,抱歉,谢谢你送的AZ (AZ音近屁股ass)
[10:36.000] Make sure you put all that stuff back in the closet. 记得放回衣柜里,好吗?
[10:39.170] Yes,okay. 好…
[10:40.700] By the way,I think it's really nice of you that even after you moved... 对了,你人真好 都搬家了...
[10:45.440] you still keep storing that stuff for Joey. 还帮乔伊保管东西
[11:04.660] Hey,dancing girl? 喂,舞女
[11:07.400] Can I go to the bathroom? 我想上厕所
[11:11.570] Here we go. Yeah. 来转一下 好了
[11:18.810] Looking good,Gellers! 很不错喔,盖勒兄妹
[11:21.480] We know! 还用你说
[11:24.680] That snippy guy's the one who decides who gets on the platform. 你看那个拽人 他专门指定上平台的人
[11:28.480] -We should go dance by him. -Okay. 我们应该去他面前跳 好
[11:38.390] Okay,everybody,hold! 全部暂停
[11:42.030] Next on the platforms are.... 接下来的平台舞者有…
[11:48.840] You two! And.... 你们两个,还有…
[11:53.840] -You two! -Cool! 你们两个
[11:55.710] Excuse me,sir? 请问一下
[11:57.010] Would it help if I weren't wearing underpants? 如果我不穿内裤会入选吗?
[11:59.410] Monica! 摩妮卡
[12:01.120] Would it? 会吗?
[12:05.050] How about me? 那我不穿呢?
[12:13.890] Hey,tall guy! 高个子
[12:17.870] I want to talk to you about that girl you're dancing with. 我想跟你聊聊你的舞伴
[12:21.200] She's nice, huh? To think I almost brought my wife to this. 她真不赖,我还差点带老婆来
[12:25.610] Yeah. Yeah. Okay. 是啊…好
[12:31.450] Look,I came with that girl,okay? 老兄,我和她是一起来的
[12:33.950] I plan to kiss her at the New Year's countdown. 我想在倒数时吻她
[12:36.880] I'm trying to win her over. I.. 我想追她 所以能不能…
[12:38.850] I don't think so. 不行
[12:40.620] You can dance with my partner. 拜托啦,你可以跟我的舞伴跳
[12:42.690] She's real mellow. 她跳得强强滚
[12:46.030] Look,you dating this girl you came with? 你在跟这个女生交往吗?
[12:49.800] I was hoping after tonight that maybe I could.... 我希望过了今晚可以…
[12:52.570] No. No. She's fair game if you ask me. Sorry,buddy. 那就是公平竞争,抱歉
[12:56.200] All right. Hey. 好吧
[12:57.910] Fair is fair. When you're right, you're right. What can I say? 公平竞争 你说得对,我还能说什么
[13:06.610] Are you in second grade? 你是小学生吗?
[13:08.280] Hey, man, you're the one who wet his pants. 尿裤子的是你
[13:16.360] Monica would not hide the presents down here. 摩妮卡不会把礼物藏在这里的
[13:19.990] No,but she did. Look,there's that old hippie I've always wanted. 怎么不会 我一直想要一个老嬉皮
[13:25.530] If they are here, Gunther knows about it. 要是藏在这里,阿甘一定知道
[13:29.140] And I could get it out of him. He's had a huge crush on me. 我可以去套他,他很喜欢我
[13:33.970] That's not fair to play with his head, though. You do it. 这样利用他不公平,还是你去
[13:37.440] Okay. 好
[13:41.280] Hey,Gunther. 阿甘
[13:43.850] Hi.
[13:45.190] Getting to be that holiday time again,huh? 圣诞佳节又要来了
[13:49.260] Yes,it's like a miracle. 圣诞节确实很神奇
[13:52.330] I was thinking,since it's the time of giving gifts... 我想说既然到了送礼的季节
[13:57.600] I was wondering,are there any presents around here for me? 不知道这里有没有我的礼物?
[14:01.200] You know what I mean? 你懂我的意思吧
[14:04.970] -I think I found them. -That's the Toys for Tots collection bin. 我找到了 那是要捐出去的玩具
[14:08.740] -That's awfully convenient,don't you think? -For the tots it is. 很方便不是吗? 对捐赠单位来说
[14:14.920] -Hey,you guys,guess what. -Did you find them? 你们猜怎样? 你找到了吗?
[14:17.520] No,Gunther fainted. 不是,阿甘昏倒了
[14:25.760] Man,this sucks. 真讨厌
[14:27.330] If Mom and Dad don't see us on TV after we made them jealous... 要是跟爸妈爱现完却没上电视
[14:30.760] then who's gonna be the losers then? 到时候是谁逊?
[14:34.740] I know what'll get us up on a platform. 我知道怎样可以上平台了
[14:37.810] What? 怎样?
[14:39.410] The routine! 跳招牌舞
[14:42.440] We haven't done the routine since middle school. 我们中学毕业后就没跳过了
[14:45.550] When the snippy guy sees the routine... 等那个拽人看过招牌舞
[14:48.180] he'll want to build us our own platform. 搭都会帮我们搭一座平台
[14:50.890] Was it that good? 有那么赞吗?
[14:52.390] We got honorable mention in the brother/sister dance category! 我们得了兄弟姐妹组的特别奖
[14:56.760] It's almost fake midnight. Do we really have any other choice? 假午夜快到了,我们还能怎样
[15:01.860] Okay,let's do it. 那好吧
[15:04.130] Mom and Dad are gonna be so faced! 爸妈会嫉妒死
[15:13.710] Five,six,seven,eight! 五六七八
[15:57.620] So do we really need to ask who's going up on the platform next? 接下来该谁上平台还用问吗?
[16:02.460] You get up there and do that again, exactly like that. 不用,你们上去照样再跳一遍
[16:09.160] Get this. Dick will want it for the Bloopers show. 拍下来当漏网镜头用
[16:13.300] All right,cut! Listen up,everyone! 卡 全体注意
[16:16.200] When we start again, it'll be the countdown... 接下来是倒数计时
[16:18.670] so I want to see everybody's excitement! 大家要high
[16:22.040] Hey,guy!
[16:23.480] You got three seconds to get away. 限你3秒钟之内离开我的舞伴
[16:25.710] What's going on here? 怎么了?
[16:27.350] Take a look at the guy's pants! 你看他的裤子
[16:30.220] You told us to show excitement, but don't you think he went overboard? 你是叫我们要high 但他也high过头了吧?
[16:35.860] What's the matter with you? Go! 你变态啊?给我出场
[16:37.690] Yeah,take a hike,wet pants! 滚啦,失禁男
[16:42.360] Can you believe this? 你相信吗?
[16:43.900] We're on the platform for the millennial moment! 进入千禧年时我们会在平台上
[16:46.300] I know! 就是啊
[16:47.630] You haven't been practicing the routine, have you? 你没有偷练招牌舞吧?
[16:51.140] No. 当然没有
[16:53.970] Me too! 我也有
[16:56.340] When the music starts... 回到现场时...
[16:58.010] I was thinking about maybe going into the robot. 我想跳机器人舞步
[17:04.180] Ross, we should stick to the routine. We don't want to look stupid. 罗斯 跳招牌舞就好,免得丢脸
[17:10.090] All right, we're back! Ten seconds left. 回到现场,倒数10秒 258 00:17:12,930 --> 00:17:16,050 -Ten. -Nine,eight. 10,9,8,
[17:16.260] -Seven. -Okay,it all comes down to this. 7… 好,这一刻终于来了
[17:19.900] Whatever happens,happens. 一切顺其自然
[17:23.440] Destiny. 听天由命
[17:25.510] three,two,one! 3,2,1
[17:28.780] -Cut! -No! 卡 不!
[17:32.750] Year! 快乐
[17:34.720] Happy "No" Year! 新年不快乐
[17:38.890] Now we go to the live shot of Times Square. That's a wrap! 接着是时代广场的现场画面 大家辛苦了,收工
[17:48.930] What did that snippy guy say? 那个拽人说什么?
[17:51.030] I think he's kicking out anyone who's not dancing. 他把不跳舞的人赶走了
[17:54.500] So just keep dancing. 所以继续跳
[18:09.220] Hey,look who I found. 看我找到什么
[18:10.680] Oh,hi,guys! 你们好
[18:12.790] Birds have a very good sense of direction. 鸟类的方向感很好
[18:15.420] I thought maybe they could help us find the presents. 或许它们可以帮忙找出礼物
[18:19.390] Yes,if the presents are hidden south for the winter. 如果礼物藏在南方过冬的话
[18:23.360] Or we could just follow your clever jokes. Any ideas? Didn't think so. 顺着你的笑话去找也行 你知道在哪里吗?当然不知道
[18:29.370] Come on,show us where the presents are. 来,把礼物找出来
[18:32.070] The duck seems to think that Monica got me garbage. 鸭子似乎认为摩妮卡送我垃圾
[18:35.280] I wonder what I could get Monica that's as good as garbage. 什么样的回礼能跟垃圾一样好
[18:39.880] How about my "az"? 我的AZ如何?
[18:46.250] -Hey. This is hollow. -What? 这是空的 什么?
[18:50.190] This bench,it's hollow. I can't believe I never knew that! 这排座椅是空心的 我居然都不知道
[18:55.660] -Oh,the presents! -Don't look directly at them! 我们的礼物 不!不要直视它们
[19:00.900] What? 什么?
[19:02.170] All right,no,we could look at them. 没事,可以看
[19:04.810] This one's for me! 这是我的
[19:06.470] This one's for Chandler. Here. 这是钱德的,拿去
[19:08.980] -And the big one's for me! -Oh,let's open them! 大包的是我的 赶快拆来看
[19:13.750] -Wait a minute. We can't do this. -Why? 等等,我们不能这样 为什么?
[19:17.180] I don't want to know what Monica got me. 我不想知道摩妮卡送我什么
[19:20.690] I'm sure she worked hard at getting it and wanting to surprise me. 她一定很用心的替我找礼物 想给我惊喜
[19:24.660] And you guys are gonna ruin that. 你们这样会坏事
[19:26.930] We have to put these back. This is not what Christmas is about. 我们得把礼物放回去 这样不叫圣诞节
[19:31.670] Whatever,Linus. I'm opening mine. 谁理你,我要拆我的
[19:36.600] Nobody is opening anything, okay? 谁也不准拆
[19:40.140] I want to see the look on her face when I give her my present. 我不知道你们怎么想 但我想看摩妮卡收到我礼物的表情
[19:44.110] I'm sure she wants to see the look on my face when I get mine. 她一定也想看 我收到礼物的表情
[19:47.850] So,please,please,can we just...? Can we put them back? 所以求求你们放回去
[19:52.690] -Will you get us better gifts? -Fine. 你会送我们更好的礼物吗? 好啦
[19:57.460] Hey,guys. 我回来了
[20:00.990] You found the presents? 你们找到礼物了?
[20:03.030] You let them find the presents? 钱德,你让她们找到?
[20:05.230] Great. 帅啊
[20:06.430] Do you know how long it took me to find you that water purifier? 你知道那个滤水器多难找吗?
[20:11.210] -That's what you got me? -Yes,I see. That look is priceless. 你送我滤水器? 这下我懂了,你的表情真棒
[20:21.420] Home sweet home,huh? 甜蜜的家
[20:24.480] Nice to get back to reality. 回到现实真好
[20:29.320] Plus,we know how the New Year's gonna go off. 我们也知道新年会怎样了
[20:33.260] I guess there's no reason for all that Y2K panic,you know? 千禧虫根本没什么,对吧?
[20:38.600] Anyway,good night. 好吧,晚安
[20:41.200] -Joey? -Yeah? 乔伊 怎样?
[20:45.410] Three... 3...
[20:47.240] two,one. 2,1
[20:56.780] Happy New Year. 新年快乐
[21:03.060] What was that for? 这是干什么?
[21:05.090] Tonight when they yelled "cut" and we didn't get to kiss... 今晚当他们喊卡 我们没能接吻
[21:08.460] I was really,really disappointed, and I just.... 我真的很失望 我真的…
[21:12.930] I just really wanted to kiss you. 真的很想亲你
[21:15.400] Really? 真的?
[21:18.270] In the moment,I really wanted to kiss you too. In the moment. 那时候我也很想亲你… 那时候
[21:22.810] -In the moment. -But only in the moment. 那时候 只有那时候
[21:27.310] So do you want to kiss again? 你…想再亲一次吗?
[21:32.290] Sure. New Year's Eve is only two weeks away. 想啊,离除夕只有2个星期
[21:35.790] Can you wait? 你能等吗?
[21:37.290] No. 不能
[21:40.590] Me neither. 我也是
[21:44.930] Three,two.... 3,2…
[21:48.000] You don't have to count down every time we kiss. 不必每次接吻都倒数
[21:50.570] Oh. Okay. 好
[21:53.510] Except I sort of felt like I needed a couple seconds to get ready. 但我觉得我需要几秒钟做准备
[22:21.200] We were on the platform,ready to dance into the new millennium... 我们在平台上 准备带全世界跳进千禧年
[22:24.910] and the guy yells,"Cut!" 那傢伙却喊了卡
[22:27.940] -So Joey didn't get to kiss Janine? -Nope,he sure didn't. 所以乔伊也没亲到吉宁? 当然没有
[22:33.710] I guess that means that you guys are still tied. 所以你和乔伊还是平分秋色罗
[22:37.420] I don't know about that. I think she saw us do our routine. 那可不见得 她应该看到我们的招牌舞了
[22:41.660] I may have boogied right into first place. 我用布吉舞步打头阵
[22:45.890] So you guys are telling me that you actually did... 等等,你们真的跳了
[22:49.960] the routine from eighth grade? 八年级的招牌舞?
[22:52.730] Yeah! But of course we had to update it a little bit. 对,不过当然得稍做修正
[22:56.570] Hey, by the way, quick thinking about catching me. 你反应真快,知道要接住我
[23:00.770] There's no way you could've done the end... 我正想说 你们绝不可能...
[23:03.680] the way you guys did it back then. 照以前的结尾跳
[23:06.980] What? We could do it. 什么?当然可以
[23:10.750] I don't know. You were a lot bigger.. I mean,stronger back then. 不行吧,你以前胖…壮多了
[23:17.620] I can do it,okay? 我可以,好吗?
[23:19.690] Come on,let's go! Come on. 来吧
[23:23.300] One,two,three,four... 一二三四
[23:25.730] five,six,seven,eight. 五六七八
[23:28.030] I can't do it! 我不行
[23:31.870] Now,you do that,you're on TV. 那样跳就能上电视了


[00:02.930] Why is everybody using these tiny, little lights nowadays?
[00:06.970] I remember when people used big ones. wǒ jì de yǐ qián dōu yòng dà dēng pào
[00:09.200] That' s a good story, Grandpa. qián dé yé ye huà dāng nián
[00:15.540] Wow. Monica' s letting other people help decorate her tree? mó nī kǎ ràng bié rén bù zhì tā de shèng dàn shù
[00:19.810] Did someone get her drunk again, or...? shuí yòu bǎ tā guàn zuì le ma?
[00:23.720] Having a perfect tree is not what Christmas is about. shèng dàn jié de yì yì bù zài yú shèng dàn shù
[00:27.160] It' s about being with loved ones. ér zài yú yǔ suǒ ài de rén gòng dù
[00:29.190] That is nice. And we' re done. Tada! zhēn hǎo, bù zhì hǎo le
[00:33.830] It just doesn' t quite feel like Christmas to me. wǒ zǒng jué de tā shǎo le yī gǔ shèng dàn wèi
[00:37.800] Oh, here. nà zhè yàng ne
[00:42.900] See, now it feels like Christmas. zhè yàng cái xiàng shèng dàn jié
[00:46.540] The One With The Routine běn jí bō chū:" wǔ lín gāo shǒu"
[01:24.050] And that' s the story of the dreidel. zhè jiù shì yóu tài tuó luó de yóu lái
[01:28.680] Some people trace the Christmas tree to the Egyptians... yǒu xiē rén shuō shèng dàn shù yuán zì gǔ āi jí
[01:32.750] who' d bring palm branches into huts on the shortest day of the year... zài měi nián bái huà zuì duǎn de rì zi tā men huì bǎ zōng lǘ zhī dài jìn wū lǐ
[01:37.760] symbolizing life' s triumph over death. xiàng zhēng shēng mìng zhàn shèng sǐ wáng
[01:40.530] And that was, like, 4000 years ago. nà shi 4 qiān nián qián de shì le
[01:43.700] Around the same time that you started this story. nǐ kāi shǐ jiǎng gǔ yě chà bù duō shì nà shí hou
[01:50.770] Hey, you guys. Hey. What' s up? nǐ men hǎo qiáo yī
[01:53.140] I had to get out of the apartment. Janine' s stretching all over. wǒ bù chū mén bù xíng jí níng dào chù lā jīn
[01:57.710] Everywhere I look she' s like.... yī zhuǎn tóu jiù kàn dào tā zài
[02:03.990] I can see why that' s hard to resist. nán guài nǐ wú fǎ kàng jù
[02:07.090] I like her so much. wǒ hǎo xǐ huān tā
[02:09.290] I' m sorry she doesn' t feel the same. kě xī tā duì nǐ méi gǎn jué
[02:11.330] I know. And she' s so sweet. jiù shì a, tā hǎo kě ài
[02:13.290] I just want to feed her grapes and brush her hair. wǒ hǎo xiǎng wèi tā chī pú táo bāng tā shū tóu
[02:17.970] You are aware that she' s not a monkey, right? nǐ zhī dào tā bú shì hóu zi ba?
[02:23.240] I am so over Janine. wǒ yǐ jīng bù zài hu jí níng le
[02:26.980] Yeah, at first I thought she was hot, but now she' s like old news. wǒ yuán běn jué de tā hěn huǒ là xiàn zài tā yǐ jīng chéng le guò qù shì
[02:32.580] Hey, guys. Janine! nǐ men hǎo jí níng
[02:37.490] I' m gonna be a dancer on a TV special for New Year' s Eve. wǒ gāng jiē dào chú xī tè bié jié mù dì tōng gào
[02:40.790] It' s called some sort of Dickin' Rockin' Dicky Eve. jiào shén me dí kè yáo gǔn dí qí zhī yè de
[02:47.700] Hold it. màn zhe
[02:49.600] Are you talking about Dick Clark' s New Year' s Rockin' Eve? shì dí kè kè lā kè xīn nián yáo gǔn zhī yè ma
[02:53.300] Yeah, that' s what I said. jiù shì nà gè
[02:57.710] Oh, my God, we love that show! tiān na, wǒ men ài sǐ nà gè jié mù le
[03:00.810] Ross and I have been watching it since I can remember. cóng wǒ yǒu jì yì yǐ lái luó sī hé wǒ měi nián dōu kàn
[03:04.050] You' re still just a little fat girl inside, aren' t you? nèi xīn shēn chù de nǐ réng shì gè xiǎo pàng mèi
[03:09.550] I' m gonna be one of the party people. wǒ jīn nián yào qù dāng kuáng huān pài duì lái bīn
[03:12.520] You' re gonna be a party person? Those guys rock the most! nǐ yào dāng qù pài duì lái bīn? nèi xiē rén zuì kù le
[03:17.690] They said to bring someone. Want to be my dance partner? tā men jiào wǒ dài rén qù nǐ yuàn yì dāng wǒ de wǔ bàn ma?
[03:21.300] I would love to spend New Year' s with you. dāng rán, wǒ hěn yuàn yì gēn nǐ kuà nián
[03:24.230] They' re taping tomorrow. I don' t understand why.. míng tiān jiù yào lù yǐng le, wǒ yě bù tài dǒng
[03:27.300] Well, how it works is... shì zhè yàng de
[03:28.900] the part with Dick Clark in Times Square is actually live. shí dài guǎng chǎng de bù fèn shì xiàn chǎng zhí bō
[03:32.970] But they tape some of the party stuff ahead of time. dàn tā men huì yù lù kuáng huān pài duì de huà miàn
[03:36.240] Not a lot of people know that. zhī dào de rén bìng bù duō
[03:40.050] Do you guys want to come too? nǐ men yě xiǎng qù ma?
[03:42.480] Are you serious? We are there! zhēn de hái jiǎ de? yī yán wéi dìng
[03:49.160] What are you laughing at? nǐ xiào shén me xiào?
[03:51.060] Well, I used to date him, but you' re still going out with her. wǒ gēn tā jiāo wǎng guò dàn nǐ hái gēn tā zài yì qǐ
[03:57.870] Thanks. Great, so we can all go together. xiè xiè nà wǒ men jiù yì qǐ qù
[04:00.670] I gotta run. I' ll catch you later. wǒ dé zǒu le, huí tóu jiàn
[04:03.200] Bye, Janine. zài jiàn jí níng zài jiàn
[04:07.180] Did she just ask me out on a date? tā shì bú shì yuē wǒ le?
[04:09.840] I don' t think so. yīng gāi bú shì
[04:12.350] She invited him to the biggest party of the millennium. tā zhǎo tā cān jiā qiān xǐ nián zuì shèng dà de wǎn huì yé
[04:15.950] Yeah, but she also invited you and Ross. dàn tā yě zhǎo le nǐ hé luó sī
[04:18.720] I' m sorry, I don' t think that that was a romantic thing. hěn bào qiàn, nà yīng gāi bù suàn yuē huì
[04:22.120] Well, maybe. But, hey, I know how I can find out. huò xǔ ba, dàn wǒ yǒu yí gè bàn fǎ
[04:25.290] It' s a New Year' s Eve party. wǒ men bú shì yào cān jiā kuà nián wǎn huì?
[04:27.260] So at midnight, I can kiss her. And if she kisses me back, great. dào le wǔ yè, wǒ kě yǐ qīn tā yào shì tā yě huí wěn, piào liàng
[04:32.400] If she says, " What are you doing?" yào shì tā shuō" nǐ gàn shén me?"
[04:34.970] I can say, " lt wasn' t me, it was New Year' s." wǒ jiù shuō" dōu shì xīn nián hài de"
[04:39.770] That' s better than Ross kissing me in high school... bǐ gāo zhōng shí luó sī xiǎng qīn wǒ yāo hǎo
[04:42.710] and saying that he did it because he needed Chap Stick. tā shuō tā xū yào hù chún gāo
[04:48.580] It was a dry day. nà tiān hěn gān zào
[04:53.820] We are going to Dick Clark' s New Year' s Rockin' Eve! wǒ men yào shàng dí kè kè lā kè kuà nián wǎn huì
[04:58.430] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān na
[05:00.500] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān na
[05:03.060] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān a
[05:12.110] Okay, I' ve been on sets before... tīng zhe, wǒ lù guò yǐng
[05:14.410] so let me give you some advice. wǒ yǒu xiē jiàn yì
[05:16.310] It' s a show, but we' re just dancing. It' s no big deal. suī rán shì shàng diàn shì, wǒ men zhǐ guǎn tiào wǔ méi shén me dà bù liǎo de
[05:19.980] Important thing to remember: Stay cool. zuì zhòng yào de shì yào kù
[05:23.250] Got it. Okay. liǎo jiě
[05:25.450] Oh, my God! It' s just like I dreamed it! tiān na, gēn wǒ mèng xiǎng de yí yàng
[05:29.520] Everyone! Gather up! quán tǐ jí hé
[05:31.690] Excuse us! Excuse us! jiè guò
[05:34.960] The music' s gonna start, you' re gonna dance... wǒ men de zuò fǎ shì yīn yuè yī fàng, nǐ men jiù tiào wǔ
[05:37.870] we' ll tape it. Don' t look at the camera. Questions? wǒ men huì lù yǐng, nǐ men bú yào kàn jìng tóu yǒu wèn tí ma?
[05:41.200] Yeah, I have a question. When is this gonna air? wǒ yǒu, shén me shí hòu bō chū?
[05:46.340] Yeah. Now, you guys dance over there... hǎo, nǐ men qù nà biān tiào
[05:49.180] you guys, over there. I want you two here. nǐ men qù nà biān tiào nǐ men liǎng gè zài zhè lǐ
[05:52.050] Everyone else, spread out. qí tā rén sàn kāi
[05:53.480] We' d rather not dance together because we' re brother and sister. wǒ men zuì hǎo bú yào pèi yī duì yīn wèi wǒ men shì xiōng mèi
[05:56.580] Yeah, it would seem kind of weird. duì, nà yàng huì yǒu diǎn guài
[05:58.420] As weird as coming all the way down here and then having to go home right now? huì bǐ dà lǎo yuǎn pǎo lái què dé lì kè gǔn huí jiā lái de guài ma?
[06:05.890] So when is it gonna air? suǒ yǐ shì shén me shí hòu bō?
[06:13.130] You look in the kitchen, I got the closet. nǐ zhǎo chú fáng, wǒ zhǎo hòu miàn dí guì zi
[06:15.700] I can save you time, ladies. I' m right here. bù bì làng fèi shí jiān le, wǒ zài zhè lǐ
[06:19.670] Yeah. Why don' t you take a walk? This doesn' t concern you. qián dé, nǐ chū qù yī xià zhè jiàn shì yǔ nǐ wú guān
[06:24.910] We' re looking for our presents from Monica. wǒ men zài zhǎo mó nī kǎ sòng de shèng dàn lǐ wù
[06:27.550] That' s terrible. shén me? tài chà jìn le
[06:29.080] No, we do it every year. bú huì, wǒ men měi nián dōu zhǎo
[06:30.990] Oh, well, that makes it not terrible. nà jiù bù chà jìn le
[06:34.890] Yeah, we never find them. dàn wǒ men méi yǒu zhǎo dào guò
[06:36.660] She' s always bested us, that wily... minx. tā lǎo shì dǎ bài wǒ men, jiān zhà de chá mǒu
[06:41.360] We' ll search here for an hour... fàng xīn, wǒ men zhǎo gè 1 xiǎo shí
[06:43.600] and then we' ll go to Joey' s and search, okay? jiù huì huàn dào qiáo yī nà biān zhǎo, hǎo ma?
[06:46.530] You can' t look for Monica' s presents. We have to. bù hǎo, nǐ men bù néng zhǎo tā sòng de lǐ wù wǒ men yí dìng yào zhǎo
[06:50.070] You don' t have to. And you can' t, because I live here too. nǐ men bù yí dìng yào zhǎo, yě bù néng zhǎo yīn wèi wǒ yě zhù zài zhè lǐ
[06:55.340] Well, then you should look with us. nà nǐ yīng gāi gēn wǒ men yì qǐ zhǎo
[06:58.780] Why? wèi shí me?
[06:59.950] Aren' t you worried about what to get Monica? nǐ dōu bù chóu yào sòng mó nī kǎ shén me ma?
[07:02.850] No, I have a great idea for her present. bú huì, wǒ yǒu gè hěn bàng de gòu xiǎng
[07:05.290] Oh, that' s it? A great idea? Oh, yeah? jiù zhǐ yǒu hěn bàng de gòu xiǎng?
[07:09.420] What if she gets you a great present... nà yàng shì bù gòu de yào shì tā sòng nǐ yí gè dà lǐ
[07:12.290] two mediums and lots of little ones... liǎng gè pǔ tōng lǐ hé yī duī xiǎo lǐ ne?
[07:14.630] and you just get her one present? She' ll feel bad. ér nǐ zhǐ sòng tā yí gè dà lǐ tā yí dìng huì hěn nán guò
[07:18.070] Why would you do that to her? Why? Why? nǐ wèi shí me yào ràng tā nán guò? wèi shí me
[07:22.600] If I help, we can find them faster! Right! yǒu wǒ bāng máng zhǎo dé gèng kuài méi cuò
[07:27.410] We have a live one! dǎi dào yí gè le
[07:28.640] Oh, it' s a Macy' s bag! Yeah. shì méi xī bǎi huò de dài zi
[07:32.380] Who' s it for? zhè shì gěi shuí de?
[07:36.620] " Dear losers, do you really think I' d hide presents under the couch? qīn ài de sú là nǐ men zhēn yǐ wéi wǒ huì cáng zài shā fā xià?
[07:42.460] P. S. Chandler, I knew they' d break you." yòu: qián dé, wǒ jiù zhī dào nǐ huì ràng bù
[07:48.130] Uhoh. She may be onto us. tā kě néng yǐ jīng fā xiàn le
[07:51.570] We are so gonna find them this year. wǒ men jīn nián yí dìng yào zhǎo dào
[07:54.840] You said you' d go across the hall and look. Do you do that every year? nǐ men gāng cái shuō huì dào duì miàn qù zhǎo gāi bú huì shì měi nián dōu qù ba?
[07:58.840] Yeah. shì a
[08:00.170] You don' t go into the back of my closet... nǐ men méi yǒu dào wǒ de guì zi lǐ miàn
[08:03.110] and look under my gym bag or anything? fān wǒ de jiàn shēn dài dǐ xià ba?
[08:07.110] No. Never do that. No. méi yǒu, cóng lái méi yǒu
[08:11.750] That' s where Joey gave me stuff to store that I' ve never seen. qiáo yī huì tuō wǒ bǎo guǎn dōng xī wǒ kàn dōu méi kàn guò
[08:17.660] Okay, that did not just happen. gāng cái de shì shì huàn jué
[08:27.940] Here comes a camera. yòu yǒu shè yǐng jī lái le
[08:29.170] Right. No biggie. Stay loose. hǎo, xiǎo yì sī, fàng qīng sōng
[08:41.850] Why do they keep doing that? tā men wèi shí me yī zhí bì kāi?
[08:44.190] We have to get up on one of those platforms. xiǎng shàng jìng tóu jiù dé shàng nèi xiē píng tái
[08:47.290] They' ve been taping them all day. tā men yī zhí pāi píng tái shàng de rén
[08:49.220] Right. méi cuò
[08:55.230] What' d you guys do to get up on there? nǐ men wèi shí me néng shǎng qù?
[08:57.830] We learned how to dance. wǒ men yǒu liàn guò
[09:00.870] When you learned to dance, did you forget how to put on underpants? nǐ liàn wǔ shí yě wàng le chuān nèi kù ma?
[09:04.640] Yeah!
[09:09.840] Hey, you' re a good dancer. Really? nǐ tiào de hěn hǎo ma shì ma?
[09:13.050] You' d be better if you loosened your hips. tún bù zài fàng sōng yì diǎn huì gèng hǎo
[09:15.480] What do you mean? Like this. zěn me shuō? xiàng zhè yàng
[09:19.990] That' s it. Feel the rhythm. That' s better. jiù shì zhè yàng, gēn zhe jié zòu bǎi dòng hǎo duō le
[09:26.690] You' re dancing with her. nǐ qù gēn nà gè nǚ shēng tiào
[09:28.400] We' re together. Yeah, we came together. bù, wǒ men shì yì qǐ lái de
[09:31.670] I don' t see it. wǒ kàn bu chū lái
[09:34.040] You are dancing with the tall guy. Tall guy, raise your hand! nǐ qù gēn nà gè gāo gè zi tiào gāo gè zi, jǔ shǒu
[09:38.610] Hey, buddy. Let me dance with her. I like her, and I think I have a shot. bù lǎo xiōng, bài tuō ràng wǒ gēn tā tiào wǒ hěn xǐ huān tā, wǒ jué de wǒ yǒu jī huì
[09:43.510] Really, you think so? I don' t. nǐ jué de yǒu? wǒ jué de méi yǒu
[10:00.800] I couldn' t find anything.. Hey, wait! qiáo yī nà lǐ shén me dōu méi děng děng!
[10:03.600] Yeah, we found them. wǒ men zhǎo dào le
[10:04.970] They were in the guestroom closet. zài kè fáng yī chú de wài tào hòu miàn
[10:07.300] You have nothing to worry about because they' re crap. nǐ bù bì dān xīn le, dōu shì xiē làn dōng xī
[10:13.170] Those are mine. I got those for you. nà shi wǒ yào sòng gěi nǐ men de lǐ wù
[10:18.410] Oh. Thanks, Chandler, they' re great! xiè le, hǎo bàng ō
[10:23.150] Chandler, what is this very weird metal AZ thing? zhè gè qí guài de jīn shǔ AZ shì shén me
[10:26.650] Those are bookends. That' s a great gift. nà shi shū dǎng, shì hěn bàng de lǐ wù
[10:30.090] Oh. Okay, I' m sorry. Thank you for my " az." hǎo, bào qiàn, xiè xiè nǐ sòng de AZ AZ yīn jìn pì gǔ ass
[10:36.000] Make sure you put all that stuff back in the closet. jì de fàng huí yī guì lǐ, hǎo ma?
[10:39.170] Yes, okay. hǎo
[10:40.700] By the way, I think it' s really nice of you that even after you moved... duì le, nǐ rén zhēn hǎo dōu bān jiā le...
[10:45.440] you still keep storing that stuff for Joey. hái bāng qiáo yī bǎo guǎn dōng xī
[11:04.660] Hey, dancing girl? wèi, wǔ nǚ
[11:07.400] Can I go to the bathroom? wǒ xiǎng shàng cè suǒ
[11:11.570] Here we go. Yeah. lái zhuǎn yī xià hǎo le
[11:18.810] Looking good, Gellers! hěn bù cuò ō, gài lēi xiōng mèi
[11:21.480] We know! hái yòng nǐ shuō
[11:24.680] That snippy guy' s the one who decides who gets on the platform. nǐ kàn nà gè zhuāi rén tā zhuān mén zhǐ dìng shàng píng tái de rén
[11:28.480] We should go dance by him. Okay. wǒ men yīng gāi qù tā miàn qián tiào hǎo
[11:38.390] Okay, everybody, hold! quán bù zàn tíng
[11:42.030] Next on the platforms are.... jiē xià lái de píng tái wǔ zhě yǒu
[11:48.840] You two! And.... nǐ men liǎng gè, hái yǒu
[11:53.840] You two! Cool! nǐ men liǎng gè
[11:55.710] Excuse me, sir? qǐng wèn yī xià
[11:57.010] Would it help if I weren' t wearing underpants? rú guǒ wǒ bù chuān nèi kù huì rù xuǎn ma?
[11:59.410] Monica! mó nī kǎ
[12:01.120] Would it? huì ma?
[12:05.050] How about me? nà wǒ bù chuān ne?
[12:13.890] Hey, tall guy! gāo gè zi
[12:17.870] I want to talk to you about that girl you' re dancing with. wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ liáo liáo nǐ de wǔ bàn
[12:21.200] She' s nice, huh? To think I almost brought my wife to this. tā zhēn bù lài, wǒ hái chà diǎn dài lǎo pó lái
[12:25.610] Yeah. Yeah. Okay. shì a hǎo
[12:31.450] Look, I came with that girl, okay? lǎo xiōng, wǒ hé tā shì yì qǐ lái de
[12:33.950] I plan to kiss her at the New Year' s countdown. wǒ xiǎng zài dào shǔ shí wěn tā
[12:36.880] I' m trying to win her over. I.. wǒ xiǎng zhuī tā suǒ yǐ néng bù néng
[12:38.850] I don' t think so. bù xíng
[12:40.620] You can dance with my partner. bài tuō la, nǐ kě yǐ gēn wǒ de wǔ bàn tiào
[12:42.690] She' s real mellow. tā tiào dé qiáng qiáng gǔn
[12:46.030] Look, you dating this girl you came with? nǐ zài gēn zhè gè nǚ shēng jiāo wǎng ma?
[12:49.800] I was hoping after tonight that maybe I could.... wǒ xī wàng guò le jīn wǎn kě yǐ
[12:52.570] No. No. She' s fair game if you ask me. Sorry, buddy. nà jiù shì gōng píng jìng zhēng, bào qiàn
[12:56.200] All right. Hey. hǎo ba
[12:57.910] Fair is fair. When you' re right, you' re right. What can I say? gōng píng jìng zhēng nǐ shuō de duì, wǒ hái néng shuō shí mǒ
[13:06.610] Are you in second grade? nǐ shì xiǎo xué shēng ma?
[13:08.280] Hey, man, you' re the one who wet his pants. niào kù zi de shì nǐ
[13:16.360] Monica would not hide the presents down here. mó nī kǎ bú huì bǎ lǐ wù cáng zài zhè lǐ de
[13:19.990] No, but she did. Look, there' s that old hippie I' ve always wanted. zěn me bú huì wǒ yī zhí xiǎng yào yí gè lǎo xī pí
[13:25.530] If they are here, Gunther knows about it. yào shì cáng zài zhè lǐ, ā gān yí dìng zhī dào
[13:29.140] And I could get it out of him. He' s had a huge crush on me. wǒ kě yǐ qù tào tā, tā hěn xǐ huān wǒ
[13:33.970] That' s not fair to play with his head, though. You do it. zhè yàng lì yòng tā bù gōng píng, hái shì nǐ qù
[13:37.440] Okay. hǎo
[13:41.280] Hey, Gunther. ā gān
[13:43.850] Hi.
[13:45.190] Getting to be that holiday time again, huh? shèng dàn jiā jié yòu yào lái le
[13:49.260] Yes, it' s like a miracle. shèng dàn jié què shí hěn shén qí
[13:52.330] I was thinking, since it' s the time of giving gifts... wǒ xiǎng shuō jì rán dào le sòng lǐ de jì jié
[13:57.600] I was wondering, are there any presents around here for me? bù zhī dào zhè lǐ yǒu méi yǒu wǒ de lǐ wù?
[14:01.200] You know what I mean? nǐ dǒng wǒ de yì sī ba
[14:04.970] I think I found them. That' s the Toys for Tots collection bin. wǒ zhǎo dào le nà shi yào juān chū qù de wán jù
[14:08.740] That' s awfully convenient, don' t you think? For the tots it is. hěn fāng biàn bú shì ma? duì juān zèng dān wèi lái shuō
[14:14.920] Hey, you guys, guess what. Did you find them? nǐ men cāi zěn yàng? nǐ zhǎo dào le ma?
[14:17.520] No, Gunther fainted. bú shì, ā gān hūn dǎo le
[14:25.760] Man, this sucks. zhēn tǎo yàn
[14:27.330] If Mom and Dad don' t see us on TV after we made them jealous... yào shì gēn bà mā ài xiàn wán què méi shàng diàn shì
[14:30.760] then who' s gonna be the losers then? dào shí hòu shì shuí xùn?
[14:34.740] I know what' ll get us up on a platform. wǒ zhī dào zěn yàng kě yǐ shàng píng tái le
[14:37.810] What? zěn yàng?
[14:39.410] The routine! tiào zhāo pái wǔ
[14:42.440] We haven' t done the routine since middle school. wǒ men zhōng xué bì yè hòu jiù méi tiào guò le
[14:45.550] When the snippy guy sees the routine... děng nà gè zhuāi rén kàn guò zhāo pái wǔ
[14:48.180] he' ll want to build us our own platform. dā dōu huì bāng wǒ men dā yī zuò píng tái
[14:50.890] Was it that good? yǒu nà me zàn ma?
[14:52.390] We got honorable mention in the brother sister dance category! wǒ men dé le xiōng dì jiě mèi zǔ de tè bié jiǎng
[14:56.760] It' s almost fake midnight. Do we really have any other choice? jiǎ wǔ yè kuài dào le, wǒ men hái néng zěn yàng
[15:01.860] Okay, let' s do it. nà hǎo ba
[15:04.130] Mom and Dad are gonna be so faced! bà mā huì jí dù sǐ
[15:13.710] Five, six, seven, eight! wǔ liù qī bā
[15:57.620] So do we really need to ask who' s going up on the platform next? jiē xià lái gāi shuí shàng píng tái hái yòng wèn ma?
[16:02.460] You get up there and do that again, exactly like that. bù yòng, nǐ men shǎng qù zhào yàng zài tiào yī biàn
[16:09.160] Get this. Dick will want it for the Bloopers show. pāi xià lái dāng lòu wǎng jìng tóu yòng
[16:13.300] All right, cut! Listen up, everyone! kǎ quán tǐ zhù yì
[16:16.200] When we start again, it' ll be the countdown... jiē xià lái shì dào shǔ jì shí
[16:18.670] so I want to see everybody' s excitement! dà jiā yào high
[16:22.040] Hey, guy!
[16:23.480] You got three seconds to get away. xiàn nǐ 3 miǎo zhōng zhī nèi lí kāi wǒ de wǔ bàn
[16:25.710] What' s going on here? zěn me le?
[16:27.350] Take a look at the guy' s pants! nǐ kàn tā de kù zi
[16:30.220] You told us to show excitement, but don' t you think he went overboard? nǐ shì jiào wǒ men yào high dàn tā yě high guò tóu le ba?
[16:35.860] What' s the matter with you? Go! nǐ biàn tài a? gěi wǒ chū chǎng
[16:37.690] Yeah, take a hike, wet pants! gǔn la, shī jìn nán
[16:42.360] Can you believe this? nǐ xiāng xìn ma?
[16:43.900] We' re on the platform for the millennial moment! jìn rù qiān xǐ nián shí wǒ men huì zài píng tái shàng
[16:46.300] I know! jiù shì a
[16:47.630] You haven' t been practicing the routine, have you? nǐ méi yǒu tōu liàn zhāo pái wǔ ba?
[16:51.140] No. dāng rán méi yǒu
[16:53.970] Me too! wǒ yě yǒu
[16:56.340] When the music starts... huí dào xiàn chǎng shí...
[16:58.010] I was thinking about maybe going into the robot. wǒ xiǎng tiào jī qì rén wǔ bù
[17:04.180] Ross, we should stick to the routine. We don' t want to look stupid. luó sī tiào zhāo pái wǔ jiù hǎo, miǎn de diū liǎn
[17:10.090] All right, we' re back! Ten seconds left. huí dào xiàn chǎng, dào shǔ 10 miǎo 258 00: 17: 12, 930 00: 17: 16, 050 Ten. Nine, eight. 10, 9, 8,
[17:16.260] Seven. Okay, it all comes down to this. 7 hǎo, zhè yī kè zhōng yú lái le
[17:19.900] Whatever happens, happens. yī qiè shùn qí zì rán
[17:23.440] Destiny. tīng tiān yóu mìng
[17:25.510] three, two, one! 3, 2, 1
[17:28.780] Cut! No! kǎ bù!
[17:32.750] Year! kuài lè
[17:34.720] Happy " No" Year! xīn nián bù kuài lè
[17:38.890] Now we go to the live shot of Times Square. That' s a wrap! jiē zhe shì shí dài guǎng chǎng de xiàn chǎng huà miàn dà jiā xīn kǔ le, shōu gōng
[17:48.930] What did that snippy guy say? nà gè zhuāi rén shuō shí mǒ?
[17:51.030] I think he' s kicking out anyone who' s not dancing. tā bǎ bù tiào wǔ de rén gǎn zǒu le
[17:54.500] So just keep dancing. suǒ yǐ jì xù tiào
[18:09.220] Hey, look who I found. kàn wǒ zhǎo dào shén me
[18:10.680] Oh, hi, guys! nǐ men hǎo
[18:12.790] Birds have a very good sense of direction. niǎo lèi de fāng xiàng gǎn hěn hǎo
[18:15.420] I thought maybe they could help us find the presents. huò xǔ tā men kě yǐ bāng máng zhǎo chū lǐ wù
[18:19.390] Yes, if the presents are hidden south for the winter. rú guǒ lǐ wù cáng zài nán fāng guò dōng de huà
[18:23.360] Or we could just follow your clever jokes. Any ideas? Didn' t think so. shùn zhe nǐ de xiào huà qù zhǎo yě xíng nǐ zhī dào zài nǎ lǐ ma? dāng rán bù zhī dào
[18:29.370] Come on, show us where the presents are. lái, bǎ lǐ wù zhǎo chū lái
[18:32.070] The duck seems to think that Monica got me garbage. yā zǐ sì hū rèn wéi mó nī kǎ sòng wǒ lā jī
[18:35.280] I wonder what I could get Monica that' s as good as garbage. shén me yàng de huí lǐ néng gēn lā jī yí yàng hǎo
[18:39.880] How about my " az"? wǒ de AZ rú hé?
[18:46.250] Hey. This is hollow. What? zhè shì kōng de shén me?
[18:50.190] This bench, it' s hollow. I can' t believe I never knew that! zhè pái zuò yǐ shì kōng xīn de wǒ jū rán dōu bù zhī dào
[18:55.660] Oh, the presents! Don' t look directly at them! wǒ men de lǐ wù bù! bú yào zhí shì tā men
[19:00.900] What? shén me?
[19:02.170] All right, no, we could look at them. méi shì, kě yǐ kàn
[19:04.810] This one' s for me! zhè shì wǒ de
[19:06.470] This one' s for Chandler. Here. zhè shì qián dé de, ná qù
[19:08.980] And the big one' s for me! Oh, let' s open them! dà bāo de shì wǒ de gǎn kuài chāi lái kàn
[19:13.750] Wait a minute. We can' t do this. Why? děng děng, wǒ men bù néng zhè yàng wèi shí me?
[19:17.180] I don' t want to know what Monica got me. wǒ bù xiǎng zhī dào mó nī kǎ sòng wǒ shén me
[19:20.690] I' m sure she worked hard at getting it and wanting to surprise me. tā yí dìng hěn yòng xīn de tì wǒ zhǎo lǐ wù xiǎng gěi wǒ jīng xǐ
[19:24.660] And you guys are gonna ruin that. nǐ men zhè yàng huì huài shì
[19:26.930] We have to put these back. This is not what Christmas is about. wǒ men dé bǎ lǐ wù fàng huí qù zhè yàng bù jiào shèng dàn jié
[19:31.670] Whatever, Linus. I' m opening mine. shuí lǐ nǐ, wǒ yào chāi wǒ de
[19:36.600] Nobody is opening anything, okay? shuí yě bù zhǔn chāi
[19:40.140] I want to see the look on her face when I give her my present. wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ men zěn me xiǎng dàn wǒ xiǎng kàn mó nī kǎ shōu dào wǒ lǐ wù de biǎo qíng
[19:44.110] I' m sure she wants to see the look on my face when I get mine. tā yí dìng yě xiǎng kàn wǒ shōu dào lǐ wù de biǎo qíng
[19:47.850] So, please, please, can we just...? Can we put them back? suǒ yǐ qiú qiú nǐ men fàng huí qù
[19:52.690] Will you get us better gifts? Fine. nǐ huì sòng wǒ men gèng hǎo de lǐ wù ma? hǎo la
[19:57.460] Hey, guys. wǒ huí lái le
[20:00.990] You found the presents? nǐ men zhǎo dào lǐ wù le?
[20:03.030] You let them find the presents? qián dé, nǐ ràng tā men zhǎo dào?
[20:05.230] Great. shuài a
[20:06.430] Do you know how long it took me to find you that water purifier? nǐ zhī dào nà gè lǜ shuǐ qì duō nàn zhǎo ma?
[20:11.210] That' s what you got me? Yes, I see. That look is priceless. nǐ sòng wǒ lǜ shuǐ qì? zhè xià wǒ dǒng le, nǐ de biǎo qíng zhēn bàng
[20:21.420] Home sweet home, huh? tián mì de jiā
[20:24.480] Nice to get back to reality. huí dào xiàn shí zhēn hǎo
[20:29.320] Plus, we know how the New Year' s gonna go off. wǒ men yě zhī dào xīn nián huì zěn yàng le
[20:33.260] I guess there' s no reason for all that Y2K panic, you know? qiān xǐ chóng gēn běn méi shén me, duì ba?
[20:38.600] Anyway, good night. hǎo ba, wǎn ān
[20:41.200] Joey? Yeah? qiáo yī zěn yàng?
[20:45.410] Three... 3...
[20:47.240] two, one. 2, 1
[20:56.780] Happy New Year. xīn nián kuài lè
[21:03.060] What was that for? zhè shì gàn shén me?
[21:05.090] Tonight when they yelled " cut" and we didn' t get to kiss... jīn wǎn dāng tā men hǎn kǎ wǒ men méi néng jiē wěn
[21:08.460] I was really, really disappointed, and I just.... wǒ zhēn de hěn shī wàng wǒ zhēn de
[21:12.930] I just really wanted to kiss you. zhēn de hěn xiǎng qīn nǐ
[21:15.400] Really? zhēn de?
[21:18.270] In the moment, I really wanted to kiss you too. In the moment. nà shí hou wǒ yě hěn xiǎng qīn nǐ nà shí hou
[21:22.810] In the moment. But only in the moment. nà shí hou zhǐ yǒu nà shí hou
[21:27.310] So do you want to kiss again? nǐ xiǎng zài qīn yī cì ma?
[21:32.290] Sure. New Year' s Eve is only two weeks away. xiǎng a, lí chú xī zhǐ yǒu 2 gè xīng qī
[21:35.790] Can you wait? nǐ néng děng ma?
[21:37.290] No. bù néng
[21:40.590] Me neither. wǒ yě shì
[21:44.930] Three, two.... 3, 2
[21:48.000] You don' t have to count down every time we kiss. bù bì měi cì jiē wěn dōu dào shǔ
[21:50.570] Oh. Okay. hǎo
[21:53.510] Except I sort of felt like I needed a couple seconds to get ready. dàn wǒ jué de wǒ xū yào jǐ miǎo zhōng zuò zhǔn bèi
[22:21.200] We were on the platform, ready to dance into the new millennium... wǒ men zài píng tái shàng zhǔn bèi dài quán shì jiè tiào jìn qiān xǐ nián
[22:24.910] and the guy yells," Cut!" nà jiā huǒ què hǎn le kǎ
[22:27.940] So Joey didn' t get to kiss Janine? Nope, he sure didn' t. suǒ yǐ qiáo yī yě méi qīn dào jí níng? dāng rán méi yǒu
[22:33.710] I guess that means that you guys are still tied. suǒ yǐ nǐ hé qiáo yī hái shì píng fēn qiū sè luó
[22:37.420] I don' t know about that. I think she saw us do our routine. nà kě bú jiàn de tā yīng gāi kàn dào wǒ men de zhāo pái wǔ le
[22:41.660] I may have boogied right into first place. wǒ yòng bù jí wǔ bù dǎ tóu zhèn
[22:45.890] So you guys are telling me that you actually did... děng děng, nǐ men zhēn de tiào le
[22:49.960] the routine from eighth grade? bā nián jí de zhāo pái wǔ?
[22:52.730] Yeah! But of course we had to update it a little bit. duì, bù guò dāng rán dé shāo zuò xiū zhèng
[22:56.570] Hey, by the way, quick thinking about catching me. nǐ fǎn yìng zhēn kuài, zhī dào yào jiē zhù wǒ
[23:00.770] There' s no way you could' ve done the end... wǒ zhèng xiǎng shuō nǐ men jué bù kě néng...
[23:03.680] the way you guys did it back then. zhào yǐ qián de jié wěi tiào
[23:06.980] What? We could do it. shén me? dāng rán kě yǐ
[23:10.750] I don' t know. You were a lot bigger.. I mean, stronger back then. bù xíng ba, nǐ yǐ qián pàng zhuàng duō le
[23:17.620] I can do it, okay? wǒ kě yǐ, hǎo ma?
[23:19.690] Come on, let' s go! Come on. lái ba
[23:23.300] One, two, three, four... yī èr sān sì
[23:25.730] five, six, seven, eight. wǔ liù qī bā
[23:28.030] I can' t do it! wǒ bù xíng
[23:31.870] Now, you do that, you' re on TV. nà yàng tiào jiù néng shàng diàn shì le