Friends S06E11

歌曲 Friends S06E11
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第六季)


[00:07.57] You think I have a chance with Janine? 你们觉得我追得到吉宁吗?
[00:10.24] We've been through this. 我们讨论过这件事了
[00:11.84] Don't do this to yourself. 对啊,别折磨自己了
[00:13.54] She made it clear it isn't going to happen. 她已经明白表示不可能
[00:16.11] All right,then. I guess I shouldn't get too excited... 那我也不该太兴奋
[00:19.78] that I just kissed her! 即使刚刚吻了她
[00:21.62] -Are you serious? -That's great! 真的假的? 太好了
[00:24.39] Yeah,well,we'll see. 还得观察
[00:27.92] You kissed her? 你吻了她
[00:29.42] We kissed it up real nice. 吻得可火热了
[00:32.69] So you ended up with Janine. 所以你跟吉宁在一起了
[00:36.30] Well, congratulations, you won fair and square. 恭喜,你赢得光明正大
[00:40.04] Yeah, it was real neck and neck there for awhile. 是啊,原本你们还平分秋色
[00:44.01] So you kissed. Then what happened? 所以你吻了她,然后呢?
[00:46.47] I came over here to tell you guys. 我就跑来告诉你们
[00:49.71] So she's waiting over there for you? 而她在对面等你?
[00:53.42] Yeah.
[00:59.42] The One With The Apothecary Table 本集播出:“见色不忘友”
[01:39.23] -I gotta go. -Okay. 我得走了 好
[01:44.03] I'm gonna be late for dance class. 我上舞蹈课要迟到了
[01:46.33] Okay. 好
[01:49.87] -Okay,now I'm really leaving. -All right. 我真的已经迟到了 好
[01:52.74] But can you just... 但你可以...
[01:54.11] just leave your lips? 把嘴唇留下来吗?
[01:58.45] 再见
[02:02.78] Have you kissed her yet? 你们吻过她吗?
[02:06.25] It's awesome! 有够销魂的
[02:07.96] I could do it forever. 我怎么吻都吻不腻
[02:09.69] You know what? She kisses better than my mom cooks. 她的吻功比我妈的厨艺还强
[02:14.60] I'm so glad you said, "cooks." 幸好你说的是厨艺
[02:18.23] Look,it's like imagine your best kiss ever. 想像你们最销魂蚀骨的吻
[02:22.64] Right? Okay, now multiply that by, like, 10. 然后乘以十倍
[02:30.25] Wait a second, you dated Ross. 等等,你跟罗斯交往
[02:32.65] And you date Chandler. Okay,multiply it by,like,50. 你跟钱德交往 乘以五十倍
[02:38.12] Rachel,you've got to tell the post office that you've moved. 瑞秋,你得通知邮局你搬家了
[02:42.09] We still get your bills and stuff. 你的信件还是都寄到这里来
[02:44.99] Pottery Barn! You can throw the rest away. 陶瓷货仓,剩下的可以扔了
[02:48.66] I'm not your garbage man. 我不是你的清洁工
[02:51.47] I'm your mailman. 我是你的邮差
[02:54.54] Monica,look. 摩妮卡你看
[02:56.34] Here is that table that I ordered. 这里有我订的桌子
[02:59.34] -You got it from Pottery Barn? -Yeah. It's an apothecary table. 你是在陶瓷货仓买的? 对,这叫药师桌
[03:03.81] Does anyone even know what an apothecary is? 有谁知道药师是什么?
[03:06.21] A pharmacist. 就是药剂师
[03:09.15] "A pharmacist." “药剂师”
[03:12.89] Phoebe hates Pottery Barn. 菲比最讨厌陶瓷货仓了
[03:15.09] I hate Pottery Barn too. 我也讨厌陶瓷货仓
[03:16.82] They kicked me out just because I sat on a bed. 我才在床上坐坐,就被赶出去
[03:20.16] You took off your pants and got under the sheets. 你脱了裤子钻进被子里
[03:25.70] I was tired. 我累了
[03:29.10] Phoebe hates Pottery Barn? 菲比讨厌陶瓷货仓?
[03:31.04] She hates mass-produced stuff. 量产的东西她都讨厌
[03:33.17] She thinks her furniture should have a story behind it. 她觉得她的傢俱 应该要有历史,有典故
[03:36.28] This has a story behind it. 它有典故啊
[03:38.51] They had to ship it all the way from the White Plains store. 它是大老远从白原店运来的
[03:45.59] It's got to be one-of-a-kind. 她喜欢独一无二
[03:48.06] Like that God-awful ceramic fruit bowl she has on her counter? 就像她那个丑到爆的水果陶碗
[03:52.19] Hey! I made that for her. 那是我做的
[03:56.56] -You made pottery? -Yeah. 你会捏陶? 对
[03:58.23] I made it out of a fruit bowl I found in the garbage. 是从垃圾堆检来的啦
[04:03.57] If you put that in her apartment, you'll never hear the end of it. 你把桌子搬回家 肯定会被念到死
[04:07.41] I'll tell her that it's an antique. 好,我就说那是古董
[04:09.88] She doesn't have to know where it came from. 她不必知道它的出处
[04:12.98] I love these little drawers. 你看这些小抽屉
[04:14.92] Oh,look! It says that it holds 300 CDs. 上面说可以放三百张CD
[04:18.05] Just like the apothecary tables of yore. 正如往昔的药师桌
[04:23.26] Your what? 正如什么?
[04:25.99] -What? -What? 什么?
[04:27.56] Enjoy the catalog,sweetheart. 慢慢看你的型录吧
[04:36.70] So the farmer says: 然后农夫说
[04:38.07] "That's not a cow, and you're not milking." “那不是母牛 你也不是在挤奶”
[04:43.01] I'm so glad you're together. 你们能在一起真好
[04:45.05] We wanted a couple to go out with, and now we have one. 我们总算找到一对情侣朋友了
[04:48.55] We're a couple of couples. 我们是成双又成对
[04:51.59] I had so much fun tonight. What a great restaurant! 今晚真开心,那家餐厅好棒
[04:54.82] And,Chandler, I can't believe I let you pay for this one. 钱德,我居然让你请客
[05:01.43] Thanks again,man. 再次感谢
[05:03.90] If you come over tomorrow, I'll make pasta. 明天要不要过来? 我来做我说的那种意大利面
[05:07.07] -That'd be great! -Okay. 那太好了
[05:09.17] But at least let us bring the wine. 不过至少让我们带酒来
[05:11.37] -You don't have to. -I insist. 不必客气了 不行,我坚持
[05:17.95] -You'll get the wine,right? -Yeah. 你会买吧? 会啦
[05:21.68] -Okay,good night. -See you tomorrow. 那就晚安 明天见
[05:24.29] Can't wait. 好期待喔
[05:30.46] How are we going to get out of that one? 我们要怎么逃过一劫?
[05:37.40] -What? -I can't handle two nights in a row with them. 什么? 我没办法连续应酬他们两晚
[05:42.47] What's wrong with them? 摩妮卡和钱德有什么不好?
[05:44.27] They're just a little... 不晓得,他们就是有点...
[05:46.24] blah! 哈啦
[05:48.81] Blah? 哈啦?
[05:50.88] Well,you know,he's blah. She's just... 他很哈啦 她...
[05:54.62] She's very loud for such a small person. 她很娇小嗓门却很大
[06:01.72] They're my best friends. 他们是我最要好的朋友
[06:03.29] Are you saying we can't go out? Because that'd be a problem. 我们不能跟他们往来吗? 那可就麻烦了
[06:07.26] Of course we can still hang out with them. 不是,往来当然可以
[06:10.13] Just not two nights in a row. 只是不要连续两晚
[06:13.94] -Okay? -I guess. 好吗? 好吧
[06:17.27] Thank you. 谢谢
[06:22.61] I'll sell my friends and use the money to buy you presents. 要我卖了朋友给你买礼物都行
[06:34.59] What a great table! Where did you get it? 好棒的桌子,在哪里买的?
[06:39.03] Guess. 你猜
[06:42.00] A flea market? 跳蚤市场?
[06:43.93] I knew you would get it on the first guess. 我就知道你会一猜就中
[06:48.00] Isn't it cool? It's an apothecary table. 很酷吧,这是药师桌
[06:52.71] You can just imagine that this is where... 你可以想象...
[06:55.61] they kept all their stuff to make potions. 他们就是把药材存放在这里面
[07:00.28] You can almost smell the opium. 几乎能闻到鸦片的味道
[07:04.65] Almost. 就是啊
[07:06.19] How much was it? 多少钱?
[07:07.56] Just only 500 bucks. 才5百
[07:09.29] Five hundred bucks at a flea market? 跳蚤市场买的要5百?
[07:11.73] I thought you meant how much was it... 我以为你是问
[07:14.96] when it was new,back then. 当年全新时的价钱
[07:18.47] It was at a flea market, so it was like a dollar. 因为是跳蚤市场 所以差不多1块钱
[07:23.47] -A dollar? -And 50? 1块钱? 再加50元
[07:26.47] So it was like one and 50 dollars. 总共51元
[07:30.14] -They gave you the old-time pricing. -Yeah. 他们算你当年的价格 对
[07:34.35] Well,what period is it from? 它是哪个年代的?
[07:36.55] It's from yore. 往昔年代
[07:38.09] Like the "days of yore," you know? 就是往昔的时代
[07:41.56] Yes,I do. 我知道
[07:42.92] -It's just perfect. -Oh,good. 天哪,真是太完美了
[07:46.36] I bet it has a great story too. 它一定有很棒的典故
[07:48.60] Did they tell you where it's from or...? 卖方有提到它的出处或…
[07:51.00] Yes,that I know. This is from White Plains. 有,这个我知道,它来自白原
[07:56.10] White Plains. 白原
[07:57.67] It sounds like such a magical place. 听起来好神奇
[08:06.05] -I'm here. -Hi! 我们来了
[08:09.02] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[08:10.45] -You like it? -Oh,my God! 你喜欢吗? 完了
[08:12.42] It's my new apothecary table! 这是我的新药师桌
[08:15.86] Phoebe will be here any second. She can't see this. 罗斯,菲比就快到了 不能让她看到
[08:18.69] Why not? She'll love it. It's the real thing. 为什么? 她一定会喜欢,这是好东西
[08:21.63] I got it at Pottery Barn. 是在陶瓷货仓买的
[08:24.40] I know. I bought the same one. 我知道,我也买了一张
[08:26.60] And if she sees your table, she'll know I lied. 她看到你的桌子 就会知道我骗她
[08:29.54] -I said ours was an original. -Why? 我说我们的是原版 为什么?
[08:32.41] Because she hates Pottery Barn. 因为她讨厌陶瓷货仓
[08:34.61] She hates Pottery Barn? 她讨厌陶瓷货仓?
[08:38.78] I know. I know. She says it's all mass-produced... 我也很惊讶,她说那是量产
[08:41.08] nothing is authentic,and everyone winds up having the same stuff. 没有真品,大家买的都一样
[08:47.79] So come on! Can we cover this up,please? 她随时会进来 拿个东西盖住它好吗?
[08:52.09] No,no. I am not gonna hide it from Phoebe. 不要,我才不要遮遮掩掩的
[08:54.46] Although I did get some great Pottery Barn sheets. 不过我也买了很漂亮的床单
[08:59.07] I forgot they made sheets! 我忘了他们也有出床单
[09:05.17] I still can't believe she hates Pottery Barn. 她居然会讨厌陶瓷货仓
[09:08.48] It's not like she hates you. 别再念了,她又不是讨厌你
[09:10.28] Yeah,but Pottery Barn? 但是陶瓷货仓耶
[09:15.28] You know what I think? She's just weird. 我觉得根本是她怪胎
[09:18.15] It's because she's a twin. Twins are weird. 因为她是双胞胎 双胞胎都很怪
[09:22.32] She's not weird. She likes her stuff to be one-of-a-kind. 她不是怪 她只是希望她的东西独一无二
[09:27.30] You know what's not one-of-a-kind? A twin! 什么最不独一无二?双胞胎
[09:35.50] Let's turn out the lights and watch the movie. 菲比来了,把灯关掉看电影吧
[09:39.47] -Hey,cool sheet! -You like it? 好…好漂亮的床单 喜欢是吧?
[09:42.28] -You want to know where I got it? -Sure. 想知道哪里买的吗 好啊
[09:45.28] At a flea market. 他是在跳蚤市场买的
[09:48.22] You buy your sheets at a flea market? 你上跳蚤市场买床单?
[09:51.62] Come on, you gotta loosen the purse strings a little. 罗斯,别这么小器吧
[09:58.46] Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. 再过20分钟就能吃了 好兴奋喔
[10:01.16] Here is the wine to bring over tonight. 这是你今晚要带过来的酒
[10:05.07] You were also gonna buy Monica flowers... 你想送花给摩妮卡...
[10:07.50] but you couldn't,because you paid for dinner last night. 却买不起 因为你付了昨晚的钱
[10:11.81] Thanks. But it's just gonna be me tonight. 谢谢,但今晚只有我要过去
[10:15.21] -What happened to Janine? -She's really sick. 吉宁怎么了? 她病得很重
[10:19.51] -That's too bad. -Yeah,she's been in there all day. 真糟糕 对啊,她整天都在房里
[10:22.58] High fever,nose problem. It's... 发高烧,鼻塞
[10:26.42] phlegm,phlegm, phlegm,phlegm,phlegm. 痰痰痰痰痰
[10:31.76] Monica! Chandler! 摩妮卡,钱德
[10:35.33] I'm sorry about tonight. I don't know if Joey told you... 今晚真抱歉,乔伊说了吗?
[10:39.07] but I couldn't get out of going to this play. 有出戏我一定得去看,抱歉
[10:44.74] Have a great time,huh? 玩得开心点 好
[10:51.01] That's funny, I saw no phlegm. 怪了,没有痰啊
[10:54.42] Oh,no,she really is sick. 不,她真的病得很重
[10:56.18] Then why is she going to a play? 那她为什么要去看戏?
[10:58.29] Well,you know,"Starve a fever... 你知道的 感冒想退烧
[11:00.89] go to a play for a cold." 就要去看戏
[11:04.39] Why is Janine not coming over for dinner? 乔伊,吉宁为什么不来吃饭?
[11:07.96] She didn't want to hang out with you guys two nights in a row. 她不想连续陪你们两晚
[11:12.30] I'm so sorry. 对不起
[11:14.37] Why doesn't she want to hang out with us? 她为什么不想陪我们?
[11:18.21] Because she thinks that you are blah. 因为她觉得你很哈啦
[11:24.11] And that you,Monica, are too loud. 而摩妮卡你的嗓门太大
[11:26.91] What?! 什么?
[11:29.92] What? 什么?
[11:32.42] So she just pretended to have a good time? 所以她昨晚只是假装开心?
[11:34.72] She was lying to our faces? 她当面骗我们?
[11:36.89] I can't believe this. Who is she to judge us? 太扯了,她凭什么批评我们?
[11:39.39] -We couldn't have been nicer to her. -And I am not blah. I am a hoot! 我们对她多好 我才不哈啦,我是谈笑风生
[11:45.27] Come on,please,you guys. Don't be mad. 拜托啦,别生气
[11:47.84] I'm sure she said it... 她一定是...
[11:49.74] because she was nervous because you're my best friends. 紧张才会这么说 你们是我最要好的朋友
[11:53.27] And it was our first date. 我们又是第一次约会
[11:55.51] Plus,she's really sick. 而且她病得很重
[12:00.45] You said you made that up! 你明明说那是假的
[12:02.62] But isn't the sick thing better than the play thing? 但你不觉得生病比看戏好吗?
[12:06.69] They're both good. I generally just go with, "Monica's drunk again." 都很好 我通常都说摩妮卡又醉了
[12:12.33] Come on,please just give her another chance. 拜托啦,再给她一次机会
[12:15.76] -She'll come around,I promise. -Of course we will. 她一定会喜欢你们的 当然好
[12:19.43] -Come on,we gotta make dinner. -Okay. 回去煮饭吧 好
[12:26.61] I do not like that woman! 我不喜欢那个女人
[12:28.61] I can hear you! 我听得见
[12:31.98] I am loud! 我的嗓门真的很大
[12:42.96] 真好笑
[12:44.56] Can you please not put your feet up on my new..? 菲比,别把脚翘在我的新…
[12:48.20] Old sheet. 旧床单上
[12:50.36] Oh,sure. 好
[12:52.80] My apothecary table! 我的药师桌
[12:55.64] -What? -No! 什么? 不
[12:58.57] -Where did you get this? -At Pottery Barn,okay? 这张桌子是哪里买的? 陶瓷货仓,好吗?
[13:04.38] Oh,my God! 天哪
[13:06.58] Pottery Barn has ripped off the design of our antique! 陶瓷货仓抄袭我们的古董
[13:12.85] If they've ripped off our table... 天哪,要是他们会抄袭
[13:15.59] ours must be worth much more than one and 50 dollars. 那张桌子一定不只值51元
[13:20.59] This doesn't even smell like opium. 这张连鸦片的味道都没有
[13:23.26] It smells like wine, which you spilled. 当然没有,只有你沥的酒味
[13:26.33] And thanks for wrecking my sheet. 谢谢你还毁了我的床单
[13:28.74] Ross,calm down. I'll give you the 80 cents. 别激动,我赔你80分就是了
[13:37.88] Okay,one more time. 再来一次
[13:39.75] Would you like some orange juice? 钱德,你还要柳橙汁吗?
[13:41.75] -Perfect decibel. -I know! 音量刚刚好 就是啊
[13:48.76] What are you guys doing? 你们在干什么?
[13:50.86] Nothing. We're just talking. You know,blah-blah-blah. 没什么,就是聊天哈啦
[13:55.73] Come on, you said you were gonna try. 别这样,你们说过要尽力的
[13:58.53] I came over to invite you to a movie with me and Janine. 我来找你们一起去看电影
[14:02.37] -What do you say? -I'd like to... 你们觉得呢? 非常乐意
[14:04.24] but I'm not sure if we have the time. 不过不确定我们有没有时间
[14:07.64] Very funny. I don't know what to do. 真好笑…我也很无奈
[14:10.31] I really want you to get along. 我真的很希望你们能处得来
[14:12.55] Please come to the movie with us. You owe me. 拜托你们跟我们去吧 这是你们欠我的
[14:15.58] -We owe you? -That's right. 我们欠你? 没错
[14:17.32] I helped you out in the start of your relationship. 你们刚交往时,我帮了很多忙
[14:20.55] I helped you sneak around for six months. 我帮你们偷鸡摸狗6个月
[14:22.99] I looked like an idiot. 跟白痴一样
[14:24.89] And I was humiliated. 还被羞辱
[14:26.66] And I only made $200. 却只赚了2百
[14:30.50] We didn't give you any money. 我们没有给你钱
[14:36.10] You don't think I know that? 你以为我不知道吗?
[14:42.28] I can't decide if it goes better by the new chair... 我不知道该拿它配柳条餐桌椅
[14:45.68] the Sahara desk... 黄色书桌
[14:47.08] or the Parker console table. 还是螺形托脚桌
[14:49.32] I didn't know there was a Pottery Barn up here. 原来这里也有陶瓷货仓
[14:53.25] -I know,I went a little crazy. -A little? 我知道,我有点买疯了 有点?
[14:55.66] Your place looks like page 72 of the catalog. 这里就像型录第72页
[14:59.93] Look at that! 看
[15:01.43] The ornamental birdcage! Large. 装饰鸟笼,大号的
[15:08.34] Oh,Ross? Be careful. That is very old. 罗斯,小心,那个很旧
[15:11.64] Colonial bird merchants used to bring their birds to market in that. 殖民地时代早期的鸟商 都用它带鸟上市场
[15:17.38] Fascinating. 有意思
[15:20.85] Another amazing find! 又一个惊人的发现
[15:24.89] -I bet this has a great story too. -It does. 它一定也有很棒的典故 没错
[15:28.02] It is a room-separating apparatus from Colonial times. 这是殖民地时期 分隔房间的装置
[15:34.56] A lot of this stuff is from the Colonial times. 有好多东西都来自殖民地时期
[15:37.87] What are some other time periods,Rachel? 还有哪些时期呢,瑞秋?
[15:43.47] Well,there's yore. 有往昔
[15:47.54] And,you know,yesteryear. 还有昨年
[15:52.71] Rachel has such a good eye for this stuff. 瑞秋对这种东西真的很有眼光
[15:56.05] Ross,if you ever decide to redecorate... 罗斯,如果你家要重新布置
[15:58.69] and I think you should... 我觉得很有必要
[16:01.09] you should ask Rachel to help. 你应该找瑞秋帮忙
[16:03.16] He doesn't need my help. 他才不需要我的帮忙
[16:04.99] I think he's ready to get rid of the.. What'd you call it? 拜托,他早该扔掉那些… 你是怎么说的?
[16:08.60] The "cheap knockoffs and dinosaur junk"? 廉价的赝品和恐龙垃圾
[16:15.37] Really? 是吗?
[16:18.27] You know, since you have such a great sense of what I need.. 你知道吗? 既然你这么清楚我的需求
[16:22.58] Here's 60 bucks. 我这里有60元
[16:24.78] Why don't you take Phoebe down to that Colonial flea market... 你带着菲比 去殖民时期跳蚤市场...
[16:29.22] and get me some stuff. 帮我办货
[16:35.39] I don't think Phoebe wants to come. 我觉得菲比不会想去
[16:37.76] -I do want to. -She does want to. 不,我想去 她想去
[16:39.69] -She does want to. -Yeah! 她想去 没错
[16:41.23] -I'm gonna get my purse. -Okay. 我去拿我包包 好的
[16:44.33] Hey,can I have all this stuff when she makes you throw it out? 等她逼你扔掉这些东西 我可以接收吗?
[16:48.97] Well, sure, and I'll show you right where you can put it. 当然可以,我还会教你怎么摆
[16:58.81] I guess the flea market was just better last time. 我不知道该说什么 上次比较有得逛
[17:02.62] Well, at least I got these sheets for Ross. 至少我帮罗斯买了床单 没错
[17:06.92] Look at this. Pottery Barn. 看,是陶瓷货仓
[17:10.52] You know what? Don't look at it. 别看了
[17:13.46] -Seriously,don't look at it. -Look! 真的,别看了 你看
[17:16.13] There's the table they stole from us. 他们抄袭我们的咖啡桌
[17:18.37] Oh,those bastards! Let's go. 那些混蛋!我们走
[17:22.00] That fan kind of looks like ours and the birdcage and... 那台电风扇跟我们的有点像 还有那个鸟笼和…
[17:27.01] Wait a second, this is our exact living room! 这根本就是我们的客厅
[17:30.01] No,it's not. 才不是呢
[17:32.45] Come on,ours is totally different. 我们的完全不一样
[17:35.05] I mean,we don't have the.. We don't have that lamp. 我们没有… 我们没有那盏灯
[17:39.52] And that screen is on the other side. 还有那扇隔板是在另一边
[17:44.86] Oh,my God. This is where you got all our stuff. 天哪,那些东西是这里买的
[17:48.30] Pottery Barn! Oh,my God! 陶瓷货仓 我的天哪
[17:51.33] Okay,I did,all right? I'm sorry. 你说对了,对不起
[17:54.07] I wanted this stuff,and I know how you feel about Pottery Barn. 我想要这些东西 又知道你讨厌陶瓷货仓
[17:58.37] -Come on,don't be mad. -No,but I am mad. 你不要生气 但是我气死了
[18:01.41] Because this stuff is what's wrong with the world... 这些代表世间丑恶的东西
[18:04.98] and it's in my living room... 都在我的客厅里
[18:07.25] and all I can think about is how I don't have that lamp! 而我却只想着我没有那盏灯
[18:12.42] Well,then,honey,buy the lamp. 那就买下那盏灯
[18:14.52] We have that 60 bucks from Ross. 我们有罗斯给的60元
[18:18.59] I can't! I can't! 我不行…
[18:21.66] Unless... 除非…
[18:23.43] Are you saying you'd move out if I didn't buy that lamp? 你是说我不买那盏灯 你就要搬走吗?
[18:27.40] No,I'm not gonna move out! 不,我不会搬走
[18:29.57] But are you saying that you would move out if I didn't buy that lamp? 你是说我不买那盏灯 你就要搬走吗?
[18:34.61] -Yes! I would so move out. -Then I don't have a choice. 没错,我一定会搬走 那我就没办法了
[18:38.71] -I have to buy that lamp! -That's right. 我得买下那盏灯 没错
[18:42.52] But at least the apothecary table's real. 不过至少那张药师桌是真货
[18:50.62] This was great. Didn't everybody have a great time? 真好,大家都很尽兴吧?
[18:54.26] I did. I really did, and I've got to say... 我很尽兴,真的
[18:57.13] I'm sorry if I was weird after the last time we went out. 还有很抱歉上次聚会后 我态度怪怪的
[19:00.70] I guess I was just nervous. 可能是紧张吧
[19:02.80] -That's understandable. -Don't worry about it. 我们完全可以理解 别放在心上
[19:05.64] So we can go out again? 所以我们可以再出去罗?
[19:07.54] -Absolutely. -Well,good. 当然可以 那就晚安 晚安
[19:15.95] See? 看吧?
[19:17.62] Wasn't that fun? 很开心吧?
[19:18.92] We have got to move. 我们非搬家不可
[19:21.72] What? 什么?
[19:23.39] I knew it! 我就知道
[19:26.46] You're not so quiet yourself, missy! 你的嗓门也不小,死丫头
[19:30.73] I'm blah? The only thing more boring than modern dance... 我哈啦? 比看现代舞更无聊的
[19:33.97] is you talking about it. 就是听你聊现代舞
[19:35.47] "Oh,Chandler,I just lost myself in the movement." “钱德,我刚才浑然忘我”
[19:42.34] You know,I know you're talking... 我知道你在说话
[19:44.78] but all I hear is, "Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah." 但我只听到叽哩呱啦叽哩呱啦
[19:47.75] All right,you and me! Let's go right now! 我们现在就出去决胜负
[19:51.19] All right,enough! 好了,够了…
[19:53.42] Enough! You two, go home. I gotta talk to Janine. 你们回去,我要跟吉宁谈一谈
[19:57.02] I really think you could take her. 你绝对可以撂倒她
[20:00.03] You better hope I don't see you in the hallway! 别让我在走廊上碰到你
[20:07.60] All right. 好了…
[20:09.37] Look,we got a little bit of a problem here. 我们有个小小的问题
[20:12.37] You can't my treat my friends that way. 他们是我的朋友 你不能对他们无礼
[20:14.81] -They said stuff to me too. -I know,I'll talk to them about it. 他们也对我出言不逊 我知道,我会找他们谈
[20:19.78] They mean so much to me. 他们对我很重要
[20:21.55] They're like my family, you know? 就像我的家人
[20:24.12] If you guys are gonna be fighting all the time.... 如果你们一见面就吵,我…
[20:28.62] I don't think we can be together. It just can't work,okay? 我们就不能在一起 这是行不通的
[20:32.53] It can't. 这不行
[20:34.13] I'm very upset. 我很不开心
[20:37.46] Okay. 好
[20:39.17] Would it help if I apologized? 要是我过去道歉呢?
[20:41.90] Yeah.
[20:43.47] That'd be very helpful. 那就太好了
[20:50.24] What did I tell you about the hall? 我说在走廊上碰到会怎样?
[20:55.05] I was coming over to apologize for my behavior. 我只是要过去向你们道歉
[20:59.49] I'd really like it if we could be friends. 我很希望能跟你们做朋友
[21:04.86] Well,I know that would make Joey happy,so... 我知道那样乔伊会很高兴 所以...
[21:09.40] I would like that too. 我也愿意
[21:12.40] -Great. -Now,come on. 太好了 来吧
[21:18.21] -I'm glad we worked it out. -Me too. 很高兴能达成共识 我也是
[21:20.71] -I'll see you. -Bye. 回头见 再见
[21:22.84] -Or I'll hear you. -That's it, big girl! 听都听得见 够了,来吧
[21:27.91] Wait! 慢着
[21:33.25] You'd better run! 你最好快逃
[21:36.36] Did you hear that? 你听见了吗? 听见了
[21:39.46] -What am I gonna do? -I'm sorry,man. 我该怎么办? 难为你了
[21:44.30] -Want to go watch? -Yeah! 要去看吗? 当然
[21:53.91] You know,I'm not sure you could have taken Janine. 你不见得打得过吉宁
[21:57.38] I could have taken her. 我当然打得过
[21:59.31] -She's much bigger than you. -Are you kidding me? 她比你高多了 开什么玩笑
[22:03.05] I know what to do with tall girls. You go for their knees. 我有对付高个子的诀窍 就是攻她的膝盖
[22:10.79] -How you doing? -So did she move out? 你们好 她搬出去了吗?
[22:13.99] Pretty much. 差不多了
[22:15.86] I can't believe you just broke up with her. 你居然就这样跟她分手
[22:18.33] When it's not right, you know it. 不适合就是不适合
[22:20.73] -You okay? -I'll be all right. 你还好吗? 死不了
[22:25.54] -You know what would cheer you up? -What? 我有办法让你开心 什么办法?
[22:28.81] I'm giving this lecture on erosion theories tomorrow night. 我明晚要教侵食理论
[22:34.75] I think you should come. 你应该来听
[22:43.42] You're right, that did cheer me up. 我确实开心多了


[00:07.57] You think I have a chance with Janine? nǐ men jué de wǒ zhuī dé dào jí níng ma?
[00:10.24] We' ve been through this. wǒ men tǎo lùn guò zhè jiàn shì le
[00:11.84] Don' t do this to yourself. duì a, bié zhé mó zì jǐ le
[00:13.54] She made it clear it isn' t going to happen. tā yǐ jīng míng bái biǎo shì bù kě néng
[00:16.11] All right, then. I guess I shouldn' t get too excited... nà wǒ yě bù gāi tài xīng fèn
[00:19.78] that I just kissed her! jí shǐ gāng gāng wěn le tā
[00:21.62] Are you serious? That' s great! zhēn de jiǎ de? tài hǎo le
[00:24.39] Yeah, well, we' ll see. hái dé guān chá
[00:27.92] You kissed her? nǐ wěn le tā
[00:29.42] We kissed it up real nice. wěn dé kě huǒ rè le
[00:32.69] So you ended up with Janine. suǒ yǐ nǐ gēn jí níng zài yì qǐ le
[00:36.30] Well, congratulations, you won fair and square. gōng xǐ, nǐ yíng de guāng míng zhèng dà
[00:40.04] Yeah, it was real neck and neck there for awhile. shì a, yuán běn nǐ men hái píng fēn qiū sè
[00:44.01] So you kissed. Then what happened? suǒ yǐ nǐ wěn le tā, rán hòu ne?
[00:46.47] I came over here to tell you guys. wǒ jiù pǎo lái gào sù nǐ men
[00:49.71] So she' s waiting over there for you? ér tā zài duì miàn děng nǐ?
[00:53.42] Yeah.
[00:59.42] The One With The Apothecary Table běn jí bō chū:" jiàn sè bù wàng yǒu"
[01:39.23] I gotta go. Okay. wǒ dé zǒu le hǎo
[01:44.03] I' m gonna be late for dance class. wǒ shàng wǔ dǎo kè yào chí dào le
[01:46.33] Okay. hǎo
[01:49.87] Okay, now I' m really leaving. All right. wǒ zhēn de yǐ jīng chí dào le hǎo
[01:52.74] But can you just... dàn nǐ kě yǐ...
[01:54.11] just leave your lips? bǎ zuǐ chún liú xià lái ma?
[01:58.45] zài jiàn
[02:02.78] Have you kissed her yet? nǐ men wěn guò tā ma?
[02:06.25] It' s awesome! yǒu gòu xiāo hún de
[02:07.96] I could do it forever. wǒ zěn me wěn dōu wěn bù nì
[02:09.69] You know what? She kisses better than my mom cooks. tā de wěn gōng bǐ wǒ mā de chú yì hái qiáng
[02:14.60] I' m so glad you said, " cooks." xìng hǎo nǐ shuō de shì chú yì
[02:18.23] Look, it' s like imagine your best kiss ever. xiǎng xiàng nǐ men zuì xiāo hún shí gǔ de wěn
[02:22.64] Right? Okay, now multiply that by, like, 10. rán hòu chéng yǐ shí bèi
[02:30.25] Wait a second, you dated Ross. děng děng, nǐ gēn luó sī jiāo wǎng
[02:32.65] And you date Chandler. Okay, multiply it by, like, 50. nǐ gēn qián dé jiāo wǎng chéng yǐ wǔ shí bèi
[02:38.12] Rachel, you' ve got to tell the post office that you' ve moved. ruì qiū, nǐ dé tōng zhī yóu jú nǐ bān jiā le
[02:42.09] We still get your bills and stuff. nǐ de xìn jiàn hái shì dōu jì dào zhè lǐ lái
[02:44.99] Pottery Barn! You can throw the rest away. táo cí huò cāng, shèng xià de kě yǐ rēng le
[02:48.66] I' m not your garbage man. wǒ bú shì nǐ de qīng jié gōng
[02:51.47] I' m your mailman. wǒ shì nǐ de yóu chāi
[02:54.54] Monica, look. mó nī kǎ nǐ kàn
[02:56.34] Here is that table that I ordered. zhè lǐ yǒu wǒ dìng de zhuō zi
[02:59.34] You got it from Pottery Barn? Yeah. It' s an apothecary table. nǐ shì zài táo cí huò cāng mǎi de? duì, zhè jiào yào shī zhuō
[03:03.81] Does anyone even know what an apothecary is? yǒu shéi zhī dào yào shī shì shén me?
[03:06.21] A pharmacist. jiù shì yào jì shī
[03:09.15] " A pharmacist." " yào jì shī"
[03:12.89] Phoebe hates Pottery Barn. fēi bǐ zuì tǎo yàn táo cí huò cāng le
[03:15.09] I hate Pottery Barn too. wǒ yě tǎo yàn táo cí huò cāng
[03:16.82] They kicked me out just because I sat on a bed. wǒ cái zài chuáng shàng zuò zuò, jiù bèi gǎn chū qù
[03:20.16] You took off your pants and got under the sheets. nǐ tuō le kù zi zuān jìn bèi zi lǐ
[03:25.70] I was tired. wǒ lèi le
[03:29.10] Phoebe hates Pottery Barn? fēi bǐ tǎo yàn táo cí huò cāng?
[03:31.04] She hates massproduced stuff. liàng chǎn de dōng xī tā dōu tǎo yàn
[03:33.17] She thinks her furniture should have a story behind it. tā jué de tā de jiā jù yīng gāi yào yǒu lì shǐ, yǒu diǎn gù
[03:36.28] This has a story behind it. tā yǒu diǎn gù a
[03:38.51] They had to ship it all the way from the White Plains store. tā shì dà lǎo yuǎn cóng bái yuán diàn yùn lái de
[03:45.59] It' s got to be oneofakind. tā xǐ huān dú yī wú èr
[03:48.06] Like that Godawful ceramic fruit bowl she has on her counter? jiù xiàng tā nà gè chǒu dào bào de shuǐ guǒ táo wǎn
[03:52.19] Hey! I made that for her. nà shi wǒ zuò de
[03:56.56] You made pottery? Yeah. nǐ huì niē táo? duì
[03:58.23] I made it out of a fruit bowl I found in the garbage. shì cóng lā jī duī jiǎn lái de la
[04:03.57] If you put that in her apartment, you' ll never hear the end of it. nǐ bǎ zhuō zi bān huí jiā kěn dìng huì bèi niàn dào sǐ
[04:07.41] I' ll tell her that it' s an antique. hǎo, wǒ jiù shuō nà shi gǔ dǒng
[04:09.88] She doesn' t have to know where it came from. tā bù bì zhī dào tā de chū chù
[04:12.98] I love these little drawers. nǐ kàn zhèi xiē xiǎo chōu tì
[04:14.92] Oh, look! It says that it holds 300 CDs. shàng miàn shuō kě yǐ fàng sān bǎi zhāng CD
[04:18.05] Just like the apothecary tables of yore. zhèng rú wǎng xī de yào shī zhuō
[04:23.26] Your what? zhèng rú shén me?
[04:25.99] What? What? shén me?
[04:27.56] Enjoy the catalog, sweetheart. màn màn kàn nǐ de xíng lù ba
[04:36.70] So the farmer says: rán hòu nóng fū shuō
[04:38.07] " That' s not a cow, and you' re not milking." " nà bú shì mǔ niú nǐ yě bú shì zài jǐ nǎi"
[04:43.01] I' m so glad you' re together. nǐ men néng zài yì qǐ zhēn hǎo
[04:45.05] We wanted a couple to go out with, and now we have one. wǒ men zǒng suàn zhǎo dào yī duì qíng lǚ péng yǒu le
[04:48.55] We' re a couple of couples. wǒ men shì chéng shuāng yòu chéng duì
[04:51.59] I had so much fun tonight. What a great restaurant! jīn wǎn zhēn kāi xīn, nà jiā cān tīng hǎo bàng
[04:54.82] And, Chandler, I can' t believe I let you pay for this one. qián dé, wǒ jū rán ràng nǐ qǐng kè
[05:01.43] Thanks again, man. zài cì gǎn xiè
[05:03.90] If you come over tomorrow, I' ll make pasta. míng tiān yào bú yào guò lái? wǒ lái zuò wǒ shuō de nà zhǒng yì dà lì miàn
[05:07.07] That' d be great! Okay. nà tài hǎo le
[05:09.17] But at least let us bring the wine. bù guò zhì shǎo ràng wǒ men dài jiǔ lái
[05:11.37] You don' t have to. I insist. bù bì kè qì le bù xíng, wǒ jiān chí
[05:17.95] You' ll get the wine, right? Yeah. nǐ huì mǎi ba? huì la
[05:21.68] Okay, good night. See you tomorrow. nà jiù wǎn ān míng tiān jiàn
[05:24.29] Can' t wait. hǎo qī dài ō
[05:30.46] How are we going to get out of that one? wǒ men yào zěn me táo guò yī jié?
[05:37.40] What? I can' t handle two nights in a row with them. shén me? wǒ méi bàn fǎ lián xù yìng chóu tā men liǎng wǎn
[05:42.47] What' s wrong with them? mó nī kǎ hé qián dé yǒu shén me bù hǎo?
[05:44.27] They' re just a little... bù xiǎo de, tā men jiù shì yǒu diǎn...
[05:46.24] blah! hā la
[05:48.81] Blah? hā la?
[05:50.88] Well, you know, he' s blah. She' s just... tā hěn hā la tā...
[05:54.62] She' s very loud for such a small person. tā hěn jiāo xiǎo sǎng mén què hěn dà
[06:01.72] They' re my best friends. tā men shì wǒ zuì yāo hǎo de péng yǒu
[06:03.29] Are you saying we can' t go out? Because that' d be a problem. wǒ men bù néng gēn tā men wǎng lái ma? nà kě jiù má fán le
[06:07.26] Of course we can still hang out with them. bú shì, wǎng lái dāng rán kě yǐ
[06:10.13] Just not two nights in a row. zhǐ shì bú yào lián xù liǎng wǎn
[06:13.94] Okay? I guess. hǎo ma? hǎo ba
[06:17.27] Thank you. xiè xiè
[06:22.61] I' ll sell my friends and use the money to buy you presents. yào wǒ mài le péng yǒu gěi nǐ mǎi lǐ wù dōu xíng
[06:34.59] What a great table! Where did you get it? hǎo bàng de zhuō zi, zài nǎ lǐ mǎi de?
[06:39.03] Guess. nǐ cāi
[06:42.00] A flea market? tiào zǎo shì chǎng?
[06:43.93] I knew you would get it on the first guess. wǒ jiù zhī dào nǐ huì yī cāi jiù zhōng
[06:48.00] Isn' t it cool? It' s an apothecary table. hěn kù ba, zhè shì yào shī zhuō
[06:52.71] You can just imagine that this is where... nǐ kě yǐ xiǎng xiàng...
[06:55.61] they kept all their stuff to make potions. tā men jiù shì bǎ yào cái cún fàng zài zhè lǐ miàn
[07:00.28] You can almost smell the opium. jī hū néng wén dào yā piàn de wèi dào
[07:04.65] Almost. jiù shì a
[07:06.19] How much was it? duō shǎo qián?
[07:07.56] Just only 500 bucks. cái 5 bǎi
[07:09.29] Five hundred bucks at a flea market? tiào zǎo shì chǎng mǎi de yào 5 bǎi?
[07:11.73] I thought you meant how much was it... wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ shì wèn
[07:14.96] when it was new, back then. dāng nián quán xīn shí de jià qián
[07:18.47] It was at a flea market, so it was like a dollar. yīn wéi shì tiào zǎo shì chǎng suǒ yǐ chà bù duō 1 kuài qián
[07:23.47] A dollar? And 50? 1 kuài qián? zài jiā 50 yuán
[07:26.47] So it was like one and 50 dollars. zǒng gòng 51 yuán
[07:30.14] They gave you the oldtime pricing. Yeah. tā men suàn nǐ dāng nián de jià gé duì
[07:34.35] Well, what period is it from? tā shì něi gè nián dài de?
[07:36.55] It' s from yore. wǎng xī nián dài
[07:38.09] Like the " days of yore," you know? jiù shì wǎng xī de shí dài
[07:41.56] Yes, I do. wǒ zhī dào
[07:42.92] It' s just perfect. Oh, good. tiān na, zhēn shì tài wán měi le
[07:46.36] I bet it has a great story too. tā yí dìng yǒu hěn bàng de diǎn gù
[07:48.60] Did they tell you where it' s from or...? mài fāng yǒu tí dào tā de chū chù huò
[07:51.00] Yes, that I know. This is from White Plains. yǒu, zhè gè wǒ zhī dào, tā lái zì bái yuán
[07:56.10] White Plains. bái yuán
[07:57.67] It sounds like such a magical place. tīng qǐ lái hǎo shén qí
[08:06.05] I' m here. Hi! wǒ men lái le
[08:09.02] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān na
[08:10.45] You like it? Oh, my God! nǐ xǐ huān ma? wán le
[08:12.42] It' s my new apothecary table! zhè shì wǒ de xīn yào shī zhuō
[08:15.86] Phoebe will be here any second. She can' t see this. luó sī, fēi bǐ jiù kuài dào le bù néng ràng tā kàn dào
[08:18.69] Why not? She' ll love it. It' s the real thing. wèi shí me? tā yí dìng huì xǐ huān, zhè shì hǎo dōng xī
[08:21.63] I got it at Pottery Barn. shì zài táo cí huò cāng mǎi de
[08:24.40] I know. I bought the same one. wǒ zhī dào, wǒ yě mǎi le yī zhāng
[08:26.60] And if she sees your table, she' ll know I lied. tā kàn dào nǐ de zhuō zi jiù huì zhī dào wǒ piàn tā
[08:29.54] I said ours was an original. Why? wǒ shuō wǒ men de shì yuán bǎn wèi shí me?
[08:32.41] Because she hates Pottery Barn. yīn wèi tā tǎo yàn táo cí huò cāng
[08:34.61] She hates Pottery Barn? tā tǎo yàn táo cí huò cāng?
[08:38.78] I know. I know. She says it' s all massproduced... wǒ yě hěn jīng yà, tā shuō nà shi liàng chǎn
[08:41.08] nothing is authentic, and everyone winds up having the same stuff. méi yǒu zhēn pǐn, dà jiā mǎi de dōu yí yàng
[08:47.79] So come on! Can we cover this up, please? tā suí shí huì jìn lái ná gè dōng xī gài zhù tā hǎo ma?
[08:52.09] No, no. I am not gonna hide it from Phoebe. bú yào, wǒ cái bú yào zhē zhē yǎn yǎn de
[08:54.46] Although I did get some great Pottery Barn sheets. bù guò wǒ yě mǎi le hěn piào liàng de chuáng dān
[08:59.07] I forgot they made sheets! wǒ wàng le tā men yě yǒu chū chuáng dān
[09:05.17] I still can' t believe she hates Pottery Barn. tā jū rán huì tǎo yàn táo cí huò cāng
[09:08.48] It' s not like she hates you. bié zài niàn le, tā yòu bú shì tǎo yàn nǐ
[09:10.28] Yeah, but Pottery Barn? dàn shì táo cí huò cāng yé
[09:15.28] You know what I think? She' s just weird. wǒ jué de gēn běn shì tā guài tāi
[09:18.15] It' s because she' s a twin. Twins are weird. yīn wèi tā shì shuāng bāo tāi shuāng bāo tāi dōu hěn guài
[09:22.32] She' s not weird. She likes her stuff to be oneofakind. tā bú shì guài tā zhǐ shì xī wàng tā de dōng xī dú yī wú èr
[09:27.30] You know what' s not oneofakind? A twin! shén me zuì bù dú yī wú èr? shuāng bāo tāi
[09:35.50] Let' s turn out the lights and watch the movie. fēi bǐ lái le, bǎ dēng guān diào kàn diàn yǐng ba
[09:39.47] Hey, cool sheet! You like it? hǎo hǎo piào liàng de chuáng dān xǐ huān shì ba?
[09:42.28] You want to know where I got it? Sure. xiǎng zhī dào nǎ lǐ mǎi de ma hǎo a
[09:45.28] At a flea market. tā shì zài tiào zǎo shì chǎng mǎi de
[09:48.22] You buy your sheets at a flea market? nǐ shàng tiào zǎo shì chǎng mǎi chuáng dān?
[09:51.62] Come on, you gotta loosen the purse strings a little. luó sī, bié zhè me xiǎo qì ba
[09:58.46] Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. zài guò 20 fēn zhōng jiù néng chī le hǎo xīng fèn ō
[10:01.16] Here is the wine to bring over tonight. zhè shì nǐ jīn wǎn yào dài guò lái de jiǔ
[10:05.07] You were also gonna buy Monica flowers... nǐ xiǎng sòng huā gěi mó nī kǎ...
[10:07.50] but you couldn' t, because you paid for dinner last night. què mǎi bu qǐ yīn wèi nǐ fù le zuó wǎn de qián
[10:11.81] Thanks. But it' s just gonna be me tonight. xiè xiè, dàn jīn wǎn zhǐ yǒu wǒ yào guò qù
[10:15.21] What happened to Janine? She' s really sick. jí níng zěn me le? tā bìng de hěn zhòng
[10:19.51] That' s too bad. Yeah, she' s been in there all day. zhēn zāo gāo duì a, tā zhěng tiān dū zài fáng lǐ
[10:22.58] High fever, nose problem. It' s... fā gāo shāo, bí sāi
[10:26.42] phlegm, phlegm, phlegm, phlegm, phlegm. tán tán tán tán tán
[10:31.76] Monica! Chandler! mó nī kǎ, qián dé
[10:35.33] I' m sorry about tonight. I don' t know if Joey told you... jīn wǎn zhēn bào qiàn, qiáo yī shuō le ma?
[10:39.07] but I couldn' t get out of going to this play. yǒu chū xì wǒ yí dìng dé qù kàn, bào qiàn
[10:44.74] Have a great time, huh? wán dé kāi xīn diǎn hǎo
[10:51.01] That' s funny, I saw no phlegm. guài le, méi yǒu tán a
[10:54.42] Oh, no, she really is sick. bù, tā zhēn de bìng de hěn zhòng
[10:56.18] Then why is she going to a play? nà tā wèi shí me yào qù kàn xì?
[10:58.29] Well, you know," Starve a fever... nǐ zhī dào de gǎn mào xiǎng tuì shāo
[11:00.89] go to a play for a cold." jiù yào qù kàn xì
[11:04.39] Why is Janine not coming over for dinner? qiáo yī, jí níng wèi shí me bù lái chī fàn?
[11:07.96] She didn' t want to hang out with you guys two nights in a row. tā bù xiǎng lián xù péi nǐ men liǎng wǎn
[11:12.30] I' m so sorry. duì bù qǐ
[11:14.37] Why doesn' t she want to hang out with us? tā wèi shí me bù xiǎng péi wǒ men?
[11:18.21] Because she thinks that you are blah. yīn wèi tā jué de nǐ hěn hā la
[11:24.11] And that you, Monica, are too loud. ér mó nī kǎ nǐ de sǎng mén tài dà
[11:26.91] What?! shén me?
[11:29.92] What? shén me?
[11:32.42] So she just pretended to have a good time? suǒ yǐ tā zuó wǎn zhǐ shì jiǎ zhuāng kāi xīn?
[11:34.72] She was lying to our faces? tā dāng miàn piàn wǒ men?
[11:36.89] I can' t believe this. Who is she to judge us? tài chě le, tā píng shén me pī píng wǒ men?
[11:39.39] We couldn' t have been nicer to her. And I am not blah. I am a hoot! wǒ men duì tā duō hǎo wǒ cái bù hā la, wǒ shì tán xiào fēng shēng
[11:45.27] Come on, please, you guys. Don' t be mad. bài tuō la, bié shēng qì
[11:47.84] I' m sure she said it... tā yí dìng shì...
[11:49.74] because she was nervous because you' re my best friends. jǐn zhāng cái huì zhè me shuō nǐ men shì wǒ zuì yāo hǎo de péng yǒu
[11:53.27] And it was our first date. wǒ men yòu shì dì yī cì yuē huì
[11:55.51] Plus, she' s really sick. ér qiě tā bìng de hěn zhòng
[12:00.45] You said you made that up! nǐ míng míng shuō nà shi jiǎ de
[12:02.62] But isn' t the sick thing better than the play thing? dàn nǐ bù jué de shēng bìng bǐ kàn xì hǎo ma?
[12:06.69] They' re both good. I generally just go with, " Monica' s drunk again." dōu hěn hǎo wǒ tōng cháng dōu shuō mó nī kǎ yòu zuì le
[12:12.33] Come on, please just give her another chance. bài tuō la, zài gěi tā yī cì jī huì
[12:15.76] She' ll come around, I promise. Of course we will. tā yí dìng huì xǐ huān nǐ men de dāng rán hǎo
[12:19.43] Come on, we gotta make dinner. Okay. huí qù zhǔ fàn ba hǎo
[12:26.61] I do not like that woman! wǒ bù xǐ huān nà gè nǚ rén
[12:28.61] I can hear you! wǒ tīng dé jiàn
[12:31.98] I am loud! wǒ de sǎng mén zhēn de hěn dà
[12:42.96] zhēn hǎo xiào
[12:44.56] Can you please not put your feet up on my new..? fēi bǐ, bié bǎ jiǎo qiào zài wǒ de xīn
[12:48.20] Old sheet. jiù chuáng dān shàng
[12:50.36] Oh, sure. hǎo
[12:52.80] My apothecary table! wǒ de yào shī zhuō
[12:55.64] What? No! shén me? bù
[12:58.57] Where did you get this? At Pottery Barn, okay? zhè zhāng zhuō zi shì nǎ lǐ mǎi de? táo cí huò cāng, hǎo ma?
[13:04.38] Oh, my God! tiān na
[13:06.58] Pottery Barn has ripped off the design of our antique! táo cí huò cāng chāo xí wǒ men de gǔ dǒng
[13:12.85] If they' ve ripped off our table... tiān na, yào shì tā men huì chāo xí
[13:15.59] ours must be worth much more than one and 50 dollars. nà zhāng zhuō zi yí dìng bù zhǐ zhí 51 yuán
[13:20.59] This doesn' t even smell like opium. zhè zhāng lián yā piàn de wèi dào dōu méi yǒu
[13:23.26] It smells like wine, which you spilled. dāng rán méi yǒu, zhǐ yǒu nǐ lì de jiǔ wèi
[13:26.33] And thanks for wrecking my sheet. xiè xiè nǐ hái huǐ le wǒ de chuáng dān
[13:28.74] Ross, calm down. I' ll give you the 80 cents. bié jī dòng, wǒ péi nǐ 80 fēn jiù shì le
[13:37.88] Okay, one more time. zài lái yī cì
[13:39.75] Would you like some orange juice? qián dé, nǐ hái yào liǔ chéng zhī ma?
[13:41.75] Perfect decibel. I know! yīn liàng gāng gāng hǎo jiù shì a
[13:48.76] What are you guys doing? nǐ men zài gàn shén me?
[13:50.86] Nothing. We' re just talking. You know, blahblahblah. méi shén me, jiù shì liáo tiān hā la
[13:55.73] Come on, you said you were gonna try. bié zhè yàng, nǐ men shuō guò yào jìn lì de
[13:58.53] I came over to invite you to a movie with me and Janine. wǒ lái zhǎo nǐ men yì qǐ qù kàn diàn yǐng
[14:02.37] What do you say? I' d like to... nǐ men jué de ne? fēi cháng lè yì
[14:04.24] but I' m not sure if we have the time. bù guò bù què dìng wǒ men yǒu méi yǒu shí jiān
[14:07.64] Very funny. I don' t know what to do. zhēn hǎo xiào wǒ yě hěn wú nài
[14:10.31] I really want you to get along. wǒ zhēn de hěn xī wàng nǐ men néng chù de lái
[14:12.55] Please come to the movie with us. You owe me. bài tuō nǐ men gēn wǒ men qù ba zhè shì nǐ men qiàn wǒ de
[14:15.58] We owe you? That' s right. wǒ men qiàn nǐ? méi cuò
[14:17.32] I helped you out in the start of your relationship. nǐ men gāng jiāo wǎng shí, wǒ bāng le hěn duō máng
[14:20.55] I helped you sneak around for six months. wǒ bāng nǐ men tōu jī mō gǒu 6 gè yuè
[14:22.99] I looked like an idiot. gēn bái chī yí yàng
[14:24.89] And I was humiliated. hái bèi xiū rǔ
[14:26.66] And I only made 200. què zhǐ zhuàn le 2 bǎi
[14:30.50] We didn' t give you any money. wǒ men méi yǒu gěi nǐ qián
[14:36.10] You don' t think I know that? nǐ yǐ wéi wǒ bù zhī dào ma?
[14:42.28] I can' t decide if it goes better by the new chair... wǒ bù zhī dào gāi ná tā pèi liǔ tiáo cān zhuō yǐ
[14:45.68] the Sahara desk... huáng sè shū zhuō
[14:47.08] or the Parker console table. hái shì luó xíng tuō jiǎo zhuō
[14:49.32] I didn' t know there was a Pottery Barn up here. yuán lái zhè lǐ yě yǒu táo cí huò cāng
[14:53.25] I know, I went a little crazy. A little? wǒ zhī dào, wǒ yǒu diǎn mǎi fēng le yǒu diǎn?
[14:55.66] Your place looks like page 72 of the catalog. zhè lǐ jiù xiàng xíng lù dì 72 yè
[14:59.93] Look at that! kàn
[15:01.43] The ornamental birdcage! Large. zhuāng shì niǎo lóng, dà hào de
[15:08.34] Oh, Ross? Be careful. That is very old. luó sī, xiǎo xīn, nà gè hěn jiù
[15:11.64] Colonial bird merchants used to bring their birds to market in that. zhí mín dì shí dài zǎo qī de niǎo shāng dōu yòng tā dài niǎo shàng shì chǎng
[15:17.38] Fascinating. yǒu yì sī
[15:20.85] Another amazing find! yòu yí gè jīng rén de fā xiàn
[15:24.89] I bet this has a great story too. It does. tā yí dìng yě yǒu hěn bàng de diǎn gù méi cuò
[15:28.02] It is a roomseparating apparatus from Colonial times. zhè shì zhí mín dì shí qī fēn gé fáng jiān de zhuāng zhì
[15:34.56] A lot of this stuff is from the Colonial times. yǒu hǎo duō dōng xī dōu lái zì zhí mín dì shí qī
[15:37.87] What are some other time periods, Rachel? hái yǒu něi xiē shí qī ne, ruì qiū?
[15:43.47] Well, there' s yore. yǒu wǎng xī
[15:47.54] And, you know, yesteryear. hái yǒu zuó nián
[15:52.71] Rachel has such a good eye for this stuff. ruì qiū duì zhè zhǒng dōng xī zhēn de hěn yǒu yǎn guāng
[15:56.05] Ross, if you ever decide to redecorate... luó sī, rú guǒ nǐ jiā yào chóng xīn bù zhì
[15:58.69] and I think you should... wǒ jué de hěn yǒu bì yào
[16:01.09] you should ask Rachel to help. nǐ yīng gāi zhǎo ruì qiū bāng máng
[16:03.16] He doesn' t need my help. tā cái bù xū yào wǒ de bāng máng
[16:04.99] I think he' s ready to get rid of the.. What' d you call it? bài tuō, tā zǎo gāi rēng diào nèi xiē nǐ shì zěn me shuō de?
[16:08.60] The " cheap knockoffs and dinosaur junk"? lián jià de yàn pǐn hé kǒng lóng lā jī
[16:15.37] Really? shì ma?
[16:18.27] You know, since you have such a great sense of what I need.. nǐ zhī dào ma? jì rán nǐ zhè me qīng chǔ wǒ de xū qiú
[16:22.58] Here' s 60 bucks. wǒ zhè lǐ yǒu 60 yuán
[16:24.78] Why don' t you take Phoebe down to that Colonial flea market... nǐ dài zhe fēi bǐ qù zhí mín shí qī tiào zǎo shì chǎng...
[16:29.22] and get me some stuff. bāng wǒ bàn huò
[16:35.39] I don' t think Phoebe wants to come. wǒ jué de fēi bǐ bú huì xiǎng qù
[16:37.76] I do want to. She does want to. bù, wǒ xiǎng qù tā xiǎng qù
[16:39.69] She does want to. Yeah! tā xiǎng qù méi cuò
[16:41.23] I' m gonna get my purse. Okay. wǒ qù ná wǒ bāo bāo hǎo de
[16:44.33] Hey, can I have all this stuff when she makes you throw it out? děng tā bī nǐ rēng diào zhèi xiē dōng xī wǒ kě yǐ jiē shōu ma?
[16:48.97] Well, sure, and I' ll show you right where you can put it. dāng rán kě yǐ, wǒ hái huì jiào nǐ zěn me bǎi
[16:58.81] I guess the flea market was just better last time. wǒ bù zhī dào gāi shuō shí mǒ shàng cì bǐ jiào yǒu de guàng
[17:02.62] Well, at least I got these sheets for Ross. zhì shǎo wǒ bāng luó sī mǎi le chuáng dān méi cuò
[17:06.92] Look at this. Pottery Barn. kàn, shì táo cí huò cāng
[17:10.52] You know what? Don' t look at it. bié kàn le
[17:13.46] Seriously, don' t look at it. Look! zhēn de, bié kàn le nǐ kàn
[17:16.13] There' s the table they stole from us. tā men chāo xí wǒ men de kā fēi zhuō
[17:18.37] Oh, those bastards! Let' s go. nèi xiē hún dàn! wǒ men zǒu
[17:22.00] That fan kind of looks like ours and the birdcage and... nà tái diàn fēng shàn gēn wǒ men de yǒu diǎn xiàng hái yǒu nà gè niǎo lóng hé
[17:27.01] Wait a second, this is our exact living room! zhè gēn běn jiù shì wǒ men de kè tīng
[17:30.01] No, it' s not. cái bú shì ne
[17:32.45] Come on, ours is totally different. wǒ men de wán quán bù yí yàng
[17:35.05] I mean, we don' t have the.. We don' t have that lamp. wǒ men méi yǒu wǒ men méi yǒu nà zhǎn dēng
[17:39.52] And that screen is on the other side. hái yǒu nà shàn gé bǎn shì zài lìng yī biān
[17:44.86] Oh, my God. This is where you got all our stuff. tiān na, nèi xiē dōng xī shì zhè lǐ mǎi de
[17:48.30] Pottery Barn! Oh, my God! táo cí huò cāng wǒ de tiān na
[17:51.33] Okay, I did, all right? I' m sorry. nǐ shuō duì le, duì bù qǐ
[17:54.07] I wanted this stuff, and I know how you feel about Pottery Barn. wǒ xiǎng yào zhèi xiē dōng xī yòu zhī dào nǐ tǎo yàn táo cí huò cāng
[17:58.37] Come on, don' t be mad. No, but I am mad. nǐ bú yào shēng qì dàn shì wǒ qì sǐ le
[18:01.41] Because this stuff is what' s wrong with the world... zhèi xiē dài biǎo shì jiān chǒu è de dōng xī
[18:04.98] and it' s in my living room... dōu zài wǒ de kè tīng lǐ
[18:07.25] and all I can think about is how I don' t have that lamp! ér wǒ què zhǐ xiǎng zhe wǒ méi yǒu nà zhǎn dēng
[18:12.42] Well, then, honey, buy the lamp. nà jiù mǎi xià nà zhǎn dēng
[18:14.52] We have that 60 bucks from Ross. wǒ men yǒu luó sī gěi de 60 yuán
[18:18.59] I can' t! I can' t! wǒ bù xíng
[18:21.66] Unless... chú fēi
[18:23.43] Are you saying you' d move out if I didn' t buy that lamp? nǐ shì shuō wǒ bù mǎi nà zhǎn dēng nǐ jiù yào bān zǒu ma?
[18:27.40] No, I' m not gonna move out! bù, wǒ bú huì bān zǒu
[18:29.57] But are you saying that you would move out if I didn' t buy that lamp? nǐ shì shuō wǒ bù mǎi nà zhǎn dēng nǐ jiù yào bān zǒu ma?
[18:34.61] Yes! I would so move out. Then I don' t have a choice. méi cuò, wǒ yí dìng huì bān zǒu nà wǒ jiù méi bàn fǎ le
[18:38.71] I have to buy that lamp! That' s right. wǒ dé mǎi xià nà zhǎn dēng méi cuò
[18:42.52] But at least the apothecary table' s real. bù guò zhì shǎo nà zhāng yào shī zhuō shì zhēn huò
[18:50.62] This was great. Didn' t everybody have a great time? zhēn hǎo, dà jiā dōu hěn jìn xìng ba?
[18:54.26] I did. I really did, and I' ve got to say... wǒ hěn jìn xìng, zhēn de
[18:57.13] I' m sorry if I was weird after the last time we went out. hái yǒu hěn bào qiàn shàng cì jù huì hòu wǒ tài dù guài guài de
[19:00.70] I guess I was just nervous. kě néng shì jǐn zhāng ba
[19:02.80] That' s understandable. Don' t worry about it. wǒ men wán quán kě yǐ lǐ jiě bié fàng zài xīn shàng
[19:05.64] So we can go out again? suǒ yǐ wǒ men kě yǐ zài chū qù luó?
[19:07.54] Absolutely. Well, good. dāng rán kě yǐ nà jiù wǎn ān wǎn ān
[19:15.95] See? kàn ba?
[19:17.62] Wasn' t that fun? hěn kāi xīn ba?
[19:18.92] We have got to move. wǒ men fēi bān jiā bù kě
[19:21.72] What? shén me?
[19:23.39] I knew it! wǒ jiù zhī dào
[19:26.46] You' re not so quiet yourself, missy! nǐ de sǎng mén yě bù xiǎo, sǐ yā tou
[19:30.73] I' m blah? The only thing more boring than modern dance... wǒ hā la? bǐ kàn xiàn dài wǔ gèng wú liáo de
[19:33.97] is you talking about it. jiù shì tīng nǐ liáo xiàn dài wǔ
[19:35.47] " Oh, Chandler, I just lost myself in the movement." " qián dé, wǒ gāng cái hún rán wàng wǒ"
[19:42.34] You know, I know you' re talking... wǒ zhī dào nǐ zài shuō huà
[19:44.78] but all I hear is, " Blahblahblahblahblah." dàn wǒ zhǐ tīng dào jī lī gū la jī lī gū la
[19:47.75] All right, you and me! Let' s go right now! wǒ men xiàn zài jiù chū qù jué shèng fù
[19:51.19] All right, enough! hǎo le, gòu le
[19:53.42] Enough! You two, go home. I gotta talk to Janine. nǐ men huí qù, wǒ yào gēn jí níng tán yī tán
[19:57.02] I really think you could take her. nǐ jué duì kě yǐ liào dǎo tā
[20:00.03] You better hope I don' t see you in the hallway! bié ràng wǒ zài zǒu láng shàng pèng dào nǐ
[20:07.60] All right. hǎo le
[20:09.37] Look, we got a little bit of a problem here. wǒ men yǒu gè xiǎo xiǎo de wèn tí
[20:12.37] You can' t my treat my friends that way. tā men shì wǒ de péng yǒu nǐ bù néng duì tā men wú lǐ
[20:14.81] They said stuff to me too. I know, I' ll talk to them about it. tā men yě duì wǒ chū yán bù xùn wǒ zhī dào, wǒ huì zhǎo tā men tán
[20:19.78] They mean so much to me. tā men duì wǒ hěn zhòng yào
[20:21.55] They' re like my family, you know? jiù xiàng wǒ de jiā rén
[20:24.12] If you guys are gonna be fighting all the time.... rú guǒ nǐ men yī jiàn miàn jiù chǎo, wǒ
[20:28.62] I don' t think we can be together. It just can' t work, okay? wǒ men jiù bù néng zài yì qǐ zhè shì xíng bù tōng de
[20:32.53] It can' t. zhè bù xíng
[20:34.13] I' m very upset. wǒ hěn bù kāi xīn
[20:37.46] Okay. hǎo
[20:39.17] Would it help if I apologized? yào shì wǒ guò qù dào qiàn ne?
[20:41.90] Yeah.
[20:43.47] That' d be very helpful. nà jiù tài hǎo le
[20:50.24] What did I tell you about the hall? wǒ shuō zài zǒu láng shàng pèng dào huì zěn yàng?
[20:55.05] I was coming over to apologize for my behavior. wǒ zhǐ shì yào guò qù xiàng nǐ men dào qiàn
[20:59.49] I' d really like it if we could be friends. wǒ hěn xī wàng néng gēn nǐ men zuò péng yǒu
[21:04.86] Well, I know that would make Joey happy, so... wǒ zhī dào nà yàng qiáo yī huì hěn gāo xìng suǒ yǐ...
[21:09.40] I would like that too. wǒ yě yuàn yì
[21:12.40] Great. Now, come on. tài hǎo le lái ba
[21:18.21] I' m glad we worked it out. Me too. hěn gāo xīng néng dá chéng gòng shí wǒ yě shì
[21:20.71] I' ll see you. Bye. huí tóu jiàn zài jiàn
[21:22.84] Or I' ll hear you. That' s it, big girl! tīng dōu tīng dé jiàn gòu le, lái ba
[21:27.91] Wait! màn zhe
[21:33.25] You' d better run! nǐ zuì hǎo kuài táo
[21:36.36] Did you hear that? nǐ tīng jiàn le ma? tīng jiàn le
[21:39.46] What am I gonna do? I' m sorry, man. wǒ gāi zěn me bàn? nán wéi nǐ le
[21:44.30] Want to go watch? Yeah! yào qù kàn ma? dāng rán
[21:53.91] You know, I' m not sure you could have taken Janine. nǐ bú jiàn de dǎ dé guò jí níng
[21:57.38] I could have taken her. wǒ dāng rán dǎ dé guò
[21:59.31] She' s much bigger than you. Are you kidding me? tā bǐ nǐ gāo duō le kāi shén me wán xiào
[22:03.05] I know what to do with tall girls. You go for their knees. wǒ yǒu duì fù gāo gè zi de jué qiào jiù shì gōng tā de xī gài
[22:10.79] How you doing? So did she move out? nǐ men hǎo tā bān chū qù le ma?
[22:13.99] Pretty much. chà bù duō le
[22:15.86] I can' t believe you just broke up with her. nǐ jū rán jiù zhè yàng gēn tā fēn shǒu
[22:18.33] When it' s not right, you know it. bù shì hé jiù shì bù shì hé
[22:20.73] You okay? I' ll be all right. nǐ hái hǎo ma? sǐ bù liǎo
[22:25.54] You know what would cheer you up? What? wǒ yǒu bàn fǎ ràng nǐ kāi xīn shén me bàn fǎ?
[22:28.81] I' m giving this lecture on erosion theories tomorrow night. wǒ míng wǎn yào jiào qīn shí lǐ lùn
[22:34.75] I think you should come. nǐ yīng gāi lái tīng
[22:43.42] You' re right, that did cheer me up. wǒ què shí kāi xīn duō le