Friends S06E15

歌曲 Friends S06E15
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第六季)


[00:02.40] So it seems like this lnternet thing is here to stay,huh? 看来网际网路是不会消失了
[00:08.67] It's okay not to talk. 不说话也没关系
[00:11.84] Hey,you guys,guess what. 你们猜怎样?
[00:13.68] -Barry and Mindy are getting a divorce. -Oh,my God. -贝瑞和明蒂要离婚了 -天哪
[00:17.45] What is the matter with you? 你是怎么搞的?
[00:21.85] No. Barry and Mindy. 不,是贝瑞和明蒂
[00:24.19] Oh,sorry. I hear "divorce," I immediately go to Ross. 对不起 我一听到离婚就觉得是罗斯
[00:28.96] Who's Barry and Mindy? 谁是贝瑞和明蒂?
[00:30.79] Barry was the guy that I almost married, and Mindy was my best friend. 贝瑞是我差点要嫁的人 明蒂是我最要好的朋友
[00:34.30] Wasn't he cheating on you with her? 他们不是有一腿?
[00:36.10] But that just means he was falling asleep on top of her instead of me. 对,但那只表示他做到一半 会在她身上睡着
[00:40.77] -Why did they get divorced? -Well,apparently... -他们为什么要离婚? -显然是...
[00:43.34] she caught him cheating on her with someone else. 他外遇被她逮到
[00:46.74] Isn't that sad? 很悲哀吧?
[00:50.45] Can you imagine if I'd married him? How different would my life be? 要是我真的嫁给他 我的人生会多么不同
[00:54.58] I've always wondered how different my life would be... 我懂你的意思,我总是在想
[00:57.52] if I'd never gotten divorced. 要是我没有离婚会怎样
[00:59.59] -Which time? -The first time! 哪一次? 第一次啦
[01:02.66] Imagine if Carol hadn't realized she was a lesbian. 真的,要是卡萝没发现 她是同性恋
[01:08.03] I can't. I keep seeing it the good way. 我无法想像 我老是往好的方面去想
[01:14.07] I bet I'd still be doing my karate. 那我一定还在练控手道 (空手道)
[01:17.91] Towards the end of our marriage, I did a lot of karate to release the tension... 后来我经常练控手道
[01:23.04] from not doing anything else physical. 好发泄缺乏肉体运动的精力
[01:26.31] Maybe the problem was you were pronouncing it "ka-ra-tay." 也许你不念成控手道就没事了
[01:30.42] What if I was still fat? 如果我还是很胖呢?
[01:32.32] You wouldn't be dating me, that's for sure. 你一定不会跟我交往
[01:35.06] -Sure I would. -Come on. 当然会 少来了
[01:38.33] You guys really think I'm that shallow? 你们真的觉得我那么肤浅?
[01:40.50] No,I just think Monica was that fat. 不,我只是觉得摩妮卡太胖
[01:44.37] Hey,imagine if I'd never got fired off Days of Our Lives. 要是我没被 “我们的岁月”开除呢?
[01:48.10] Hey. Hey,there's Carol again. 卡萝又出现了
[01:51.84] What if I had had the guts to quit my job? 要是我有勇气辞职呢?
[01:54.91] I'd probably be writing for The New Yorker, being paid to be funny. 我可能在帮“纽约客”写稿 拿钱搞笑
[01:59.05] But my job's fun too. I mean,tomorrow... 现在的工作也很有趣 明天...
[02:02.28] I don't have to wear a tie. 我不必打领带
[02:05.45] What if I'd taken that job at Merrill Lynch? 要是我去美林证券上班呢?
[02:08.02] -What? -Merrill Lynch? 什么? 美林证券?
[02:10.02] I had a massage client who worked there, and he said I had a knack for stocks. 对,我有个客人在那里上班 他说我有炒股票的头脑
[02:14.56] Why didn't you take the job? 那你怎么不去?
[02:16.03] Because at that time,I thought that everything that rhymed was true. 因为当时我很相信押韵这回事
[02:19.80] I thought if I worked with stocks... 我觉得要是我去做股票
[02:22.10] I'd have to live in a box and only eat lox and have a pet fox. 就得住地窖 只能吃安眠药,养三脚猫
[02:27.08] Yeah,you don't want that in a broker. 这种股票经纪人的确不优
[02:31.05] Do you guys think if all those things happened, we'd still hang out? 你们觉得如果有这些事 我们还会在一起吗?
[02:37.62] The One That Could Have Been 本集播出:“虚拟六人行”
[02:40.32] rainystar压制iPod-MP4
[03:39.21] Oh,my God. Rachel Green? 天哪,瑞秋葛林?
[03:41.68] Rob Tilman! 劳勃提尔曼
[03:43.52] No, no, it's me. Ross. 不对,是我,罗斯
[03:46.85] Oh,I'm sorry. Ross Tilman. 对不起,罗斯提尔曼
[03:51.09] -No. No,no. Ross Geller. -Of course! Monica's brother. -不是,是罗斯盖勒 -对哦,摩妮卡的哥哥
[03:56.13] -Yeah. Right. -Wow! How are you? 没错 你好吗?
[03:58.97] Good. Good. I'm married. 很好,我结婚了
[04:01.27] Me too! 我也是
[04:03.61] -Isn't it the best? -Oh,it's the best. 结婚真好不是吗? 就是啊
[04:09.54] -So how's Monica? -Really,really great. 摩妮卡好吗? 非常好
[04:13.21] Actually,she's right down the street. You should stop by and say hi. 事实上她就在前面 你应该过去打个招呼
[04:18.22] -I would love to. -She'd be so excited. 好啊 她会很高兴
[04:20.99] -Okay. -Come on. 好 走吧
[04:22.46] Wait,don't you have to pay for... 等等,你不是要买…
[04:24.59] Busty Ladies? “**女郞”?
[04:28.93] No,that's okay. Some kid asked me to pick it up for him, but I.... 没关系,有个小孩托我帮他买 走吧
[04:37.87] Don't you have to give him his money back? 你不是应该把钱还给他?
[04:44.11] Here you go,buddy. Sorry,no porn for you. 拿去吧,抱歉,你不能看A书
[04:46.71] Okay,let's go see Monica. 我们去找摩妮卡吧
[04:55.56] So,Monica. Still going out with Dr. Boring,huh? 摩妮卡 你还在跟无聊医生交往?
[05:00.83] He's not boring. He's just... 他才不无聊,他只是…
[05:06.07] He's low-key. 只是比较低调
[05:08.07] -Here you go, one hazelnut latte. -Thank you. 你的榛果拿铁 谢谢
[05:11.24] You know, the hazelnut, actually not a nut. 其实榛果不是果实
[05:15.18] It's a seed. 而是种子
[05:17.85] Wow.
[05:20.28] Can anyone else name a well-known seed that's been masquerading as a nut? 还有谁能说出一种 假装是果实的常见种子?
[05:25.12] Oh,dear God. Let me think. 天哪,我想想看
[05:31.13] What's the matter? 你怎么了?
[05:32.86] I got another rejection letter. 我又被退稿了
[05:34.53] They said my writing was funny, just not "Archie Comic" funny. 他们说我的东西很有趣 只是不符合“阿奇漫画”风
[05:39.40] I gotta get back to the hospital. 亲爱的,我得回医院了
[05:42.64] -Bye. -Bye-bye. 再见
[05:44.77] By the way, the answer is: the Brazil nut. 对了,答案是巴西果
[05:52.81] Was his question, "What's more boring than him?" 他的问题比他的人更无趣
[05:56.22] And nice sweater vest, by the way. 好帅的毛线背心啊
[05:59.59] -Stop it,guys. He's sweet. -Yeah,yeah. 你们别这样,他人很好 是啊
[06:02.69] Hey,man. Sorry about the Archie thing. 老兄,退稿的事真可惜
[06:05.36] You need me to give you some money? 你要我给你一些钱吗?
[06:07.16] I may have no money, but I still have my pride. 我穷归穷,还是有骨气
[06:11.90] Really? 是吗?
[06:17.41] Joey doesn't have to give you the money. 也许乔伊不必给你钱
[06:19.84] -TV stars have assistants,right? -That's an idea. -电视明星都有助理对吧?-可行喔
[06:22.88] If I hire an assistant, would you take money from her? 要是我请助理转交 你会收吗?
[06:26.51] No,Joey. Chandler could be your assistant. 不是啦,钱德可以当你的助理
[06:29.58] He could answer all your fan mail and stuff. 他可以帮你回信给影迷
[06:32.02] -That would be great! Let's do that! -I could use the money. -太好了,好主意,就这么办吧 -我有钱领
[06:35.09] I'd have time to write. 还有时间写作
[06:38.29] All right. Now,I need to use the bathroom. 我现在要去上厕所
[06:40.60] Since I don't need any assistance in there,take a break! 我上厕所不用人帮 你就休息吧 106 00:06:44,030 --> 00:06:45,230 All right. 好
[06:47.57] -Hey. -Hey,Phoebe. 菲比,
[06:48.90] Guess what. Joey just hired Chandler to be his assistant. 你猜怎样?乔伊找钱德当他的助理
[06:51.87] That's so sweet. 真好
[06:54.24] Oh! Hang on! 等一下
[06:56.81] Hang on! 等我一下
[07:01.32] Go! 说
[07:03.55] No. No,no. I said sell when it hits 50! 不对,不对 我是说一到50点就卖
[07:06.82] Five-oh! It's a number! It comes after four-nine! 50是一个数字,在49后面
[07:11.16] No,it's okay. It's okay. You're allowed one mistake. 没关系,一次错误可以接受
[07:14.83] Just kidding. You are,of course,fired. 开玩笑的,你当然被开除了
[07:20.87] Oh,what a shame. I really liked her. 真可惜,我很喜欢她
[07:24.44] Hey,Mon? Mon,look who I ran into! 摩妮卡,你看我遇见谁
[07:27.78] Oh,my God,Rachel! 天哪,瑞秋
[07:33.55] -God,you look terrific! -So do you! -你好漂亮 -你也是
[07:38.19] -Did you lose weight? -You are so sweet to notice. -你是不是瘦了?-你居然注意到了
[07:41.66] Yes,I lost 3.5 pounds! 没错,我瘦了3.5磅
[07:46.99] You remember my friend Chandler. 记得我的朋友钱德吧
[07:50.33] -And that's Phoebe over there. -Hi. 那位是菲比
[07:52.43] Sit down. How long has it been since we've seen each other? 天哪,快坐下 我们多久没见面了?
[07:56.37] 1987,the day after Christmas. Sean McMahan's party. 1987年,圣诞节第二天 西恩麦克曼的派对
[08:00.21] I played you one of my songs,you know, "lnterplanetary Courtship Ritual." 我弹了我的创作曲给你听 “星际求爱仪式”
[08:06.21] Oh,yeah. Right. 喔对
[08:09.08] -So,now,do you still do music? -Well,sometimes. -你还在玩音乐吗? -偶尔
[08:12.59] -Come over sometime. I'll play you.. -Oh,my God! 你应该来我家,我弹… 天哪
[08:15.62] Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives just walked in here! “我们的岁月”的 乔伊崔比亚尼刚刚走进来
[08:21.20] -Rach,he's a friend of ours. -You're friends with Dr. Drake Ramoray? -瑞秋,他是我们的朋友 -你们是拉莫瑞医生的朋友?
[08:27.70] It's hard to be friends with Drake... 要跟他交朋友有点难
[08:29.64] because of his busy schedule and the fact that he's not real. 因为他很忙,又是个虚构人物
[08:34.84] Hey,or I could bring my keyboard here sometime. 我也可以把键盘带来
[08:38.58] -He's coming over. -Joey? 他过来了 乔伊
[08:40.25] I know. Here,here. 好啦,拿去
[08:43.85] No. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. 不是啦,这是我朋友瑞秋 我们是高中同学
[08:47.36] -Hi. -Hi.
[08:51.86] I love you on that show. 我好喜欢你演的戏
[08:54.23] I watch you every day. 我每天都看
[08:56.10] When you took out your own kidney to save your ex-wife... 你还捐肾救你的前妻…
[08:59.37] even though she tried to kill you... 明明知道她想杀你
[09:02.84] It's always nice to meet fans. 遇见影迷总是很开心
[09:06.21] -She's not crazy,is she? -No. 她不会很神经吧? 不会
[09:08.78] So how you doing? 所以…你好吗?
[09:19.29] Hang on. 等等…
[09:21.52] Hang on. Hang on. 等等,等一下
[09:26.03] Go! 说
[09:27.40] Who's this? 谁?
[09:28.90] You're gonna like working for me. 好,你要替我工作
[09:31.20] What's your name? What kind of name is "Brindy"? 你叫什么名字? 布伦蒂是什么鸟名字?
[09:37.14] Stop talking. 闭嘴
[09:39.47] All right, from now on your name is Joan. 好,以后你就叫琼安
[09:42.68] You can pick your own last name. 姓你自己选
[09:46.51] I can't find my pen. Did you eat that too? 我找不到我的笔 也被你吃掉了吗?
[09:51.85] -There you are. -Uh-oh,it's my boss. 你在这里 是老板大人
[09:54.99] Here's a list of things for you to do today. 这是你今天的工作项目
[09:58.09] This is gonna be so great. Thank you so much. 太好了,谢谢你
[10:00.60] I gotta go to work. I'm delivering twins today, but only one of them is mine. 我要去接生双胞胎了 但只有一个是我的骨肉
[10:09.67] "Drop off my dry cleaning. Pick up my vitamins." 把衣服送去干洗 去拿我的维他命
[10:14.34] "Teach me how to spell vitamins." 教我怎么写维他命
[10:18.11] "Wear in my new jeans." 把我的新牛仔裤穿软
[10:22.05] -You realize what you are,don't you? -What? 你知道你的角色吧?什么角色?
[10:24.55] You're his bitch! 你是他的喽罗
[10:27.62] No,no! No! 不!不
[10:30.42] Wait! You didn't sit on my Kit Kats did you? 你不是压坏了我的巧克力酥吧
[10:33.26] No,there was a little, little dip in the market... 不是,市场出了点变化
[10:36.70] and I lost 13 million dollars. 我损失了1千3百万
[10:38.90] But the Kit Kats are all right? 不过巧克力酥没事吧?
[10:41.90] What am I gonna do? I can't call my office, they'll kill me. 怎么办?怎么办? 通知公司我会被砍死
[10:45.04] I can't call my clients, they'll kill themselves! 通知客户他们会砍自己
[10:48.38] -Great,now my chest hurts. -What? 帅啊,现在又胸口痛 什么?
[10:51.28] My chest hurts. 我的胸口在痛
[10:53.31] -And now I can't breathe. -Are you having a heart attack? 现在是喘不过气来 菲比,你是心脏病发作吗?
[10:58.62] If I were, would I have shooting pains up and down my left arm? 如果是,左臂会来回抽痛吗?
[11:02.49] -Yes. -Then,yes. That is what I'm having. 会 那就是了
[11:05.56] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[11:11.17] Okay,this thing is useless. So will you dial 911 for me? 我的手动不了了 帮我叫救护车好吗?
[11:18.91] Come on,Phoebe, it's not that bad. 别这样,没那么严重
[11:21.51] Most people would be excited if they didn't work for a couple weeks. 一般人如果可以休息两星期 会放鞭炮庆祝
[11:24.88] Most people don't like their jobs. I love my job. 一般人不喜欢他们的工作 我喜欢我的工作
[11:28.15] I've been not working for three hours, and I'm already going crazy. 我才休息3小时就快疯掉了
[11:32.42] I miss Joan. 我想念琼安
[11:35.36] Honey, having a heart attack is nature's way of telling you to slow down. 心脏病发就表示你该放慢脚步
[11:39.19] I always thought having a heart attack was nature's way of telling you to die. 我一直以为心脏病发 就表示你要死了
[11:44.57] You're not gonna die. 但是你不会死
[11:46.27] I mean,you are going to die, but you're not gonna die today. 你迟早会死,但不是今天
[11:50.87] I wish I was dead. 我去死算了
[11:53.84] Let's take a walk. 我们去走走
[11:55.18] You should consider writing for Talking Out of Your Ass magazine. 你应该考虑去替 “讲话不经大脑”杂志写稿
[12:02.72] What's going on with you? 你最近怎么样?
[12:04.75] Well,I've been doing a lot more of my karate. 我练控手道练得更勤了
[12:11.26] -Still a dry spell with Carol? -Yeah. 跟卡萝还在干枯期? 对
[12:13.76] How long has it been since you've had sex? 你们多久没上床了?
[12:16.53] -Well,last weekend... -Oh,that's not so bad. 到上个周末… 那还好嘛
[12:19.80] will be two months... 就已经2个月…
[12:22.97] since I stopped trying. 放弃尝试了
[12:26.91] You need to spice things up. 也许你应该玩一点刺激的
[12:28.88] -What do you mean? -I don't know. 怎么说?不晓得
[12:30.58] You could tie her up. You could eat stuff off each other. 你们可以绑住对方 可以在对方身上吃东西
[12:35.28] Dirty talk, menage a trois, toys. 淫言秽语,3P,辅助工具
[12:39.89] Role-playing. You're the warden, she's the prisoner. 角色扮演 你当典狱长她当囚犯
[12:42.59] -You're the pirate, she's the wench. -Okay,I think I got it. 你当海盗她当村姑 好,我懂了
[12:46.29] Or you could be two stockbrokers, and you're rolling naked on the trading floor... 或者你们都当股票经纪人 在号子的地板上翻滚...
[12:50.40] and everybody's watching. 给大家看
[12:54.07] It never happened. 我没干过
[13:03.88] Sorry. 抱歉
[13:06.58] -So how is it going with Joey? -Just great. He beeps me now with codes. 你帮乔伊工作得怎样? 很好,他现在都用暗号呼叫我
[13:10.45] One is: "Bring me food." 1是“带吃的来”
[13:12.35] Two is: "I'm with a girl. Bring us food." 2是“有女伴,带吃的来”
[13:15.82] Three is: "I'm lost and I can't find food." 3是“迷路,找不到吃的”
[13:19.23] Oh,sweetie. 辛苦你了
[13:21.76] Is there any food around here? 这附近有吃的吗?
[13:26.47] -Is she gonna be all right? -Yeah,she's in there. 她不会有事吧? 对,她在里面
[13:28.90] Oh,great. 那就好
[13:31.24] Go take off those pants. They look ready. 脱裤子吧,看起来够软了
[13:39.65] And over there is Brady's Pub... 那里是布瑞帝酒吧
[13:41.78] where I like to unwind after a long day of "surgeoning." 我行完医喜欢去轻松一下
[13:44.95] This is so amazing. What else? 好棒喔,还有呢?
[13:47.89] Well,that is a large piece of television equipment. 那是一个大型电视台设备
[13:51.16] And that is an old man. 那是一个老男人
[13:53.13] -Hey,old man! -Hey. 老男人你好
[13:54.90] Alrighty. What do you say we head back to my place? 我们要不要回我家去?
[13:58.93] You know,I would really love to, but I shouldn't. 我很想去,但是不行
[14:04.10] Why? Why can't the world stop turning... 为什么? 为什么世界不能停止转动
[14:09.74] just for a moment, just for us? 只要一下下,只为了我们?
[14:14.45] Isn't that a line from the show? 那不是戏里的台词吗?
[14:18.52] Yeah,but... 对,不过
[14:20.52] I may have said those things before, but... 我或许说过同样的话,但是…
[14:23.66] I never truly meant them until now. 只有这一刻 我才是真心的
[14:29.36] That's a line from the show too! 那也是戏里的台词
[14:32.10] Okay,you watch too much TV. 你看太多电视了
[14:34.50] Here's the freshly squeezed orange juice you asked for. 乔伊,现榨的柳橙汁来了
[14:37.64] Thanks. 谢谢
[14:39.94] There's pulp in that. 里面有果肉
[14:44.04] 怎样?
[14:46.05] I thought we talked about this. I don't like pulp. 我们不是讲过了 我不喜欢果肉
[14:49.38] No pulp. Pulp isn't juice. All juice. 不要果肉 果肉不是果汁,我要纯果汁
[14:53.15] I'm sorry. I guess I just like the pulp. 对不起,我就是喜欢果肉
[14:57.46] I'm sorry. I am being so rude. 天哪,抱歉,我太不客气了
[15:00.13] Rachel,would you like a soda or something? 瑞秋,你要喝汽水什么的吗?
[15:03.00] Because Chandler will run right out and get it. 钱德会马上去帮你买
[15:07.23] Yeah, well, sure, iced tea would be great. 好啊,就冰红茶吧
[15:10.07] Iced tea. 冰红茶
[15:14.38] Okay. Anything for you,sir? 好,那您要什么?
[15:17.68] Did I not just tell him? 我刚才不是说了吗?
[15:21.32] Okay, look, Chandler, if this is gonna work... 钱德,你想替我工作
[15:24.22] you have got to listen. 就要专心听我说话
[15:30.66] You're gonna throw that juice at me, aren't you? 你要拿果汁泼我对不对?
[15:34.03] It's not all juice. 这不是纯果汁
[15:41.37] So,honey,this morning was fun,huh? 亲爱的,早上很有意思吧?
[15:43.37] Me hopping in on you in the shower there? 我在淋浴间扑向你
[15:47.37] Yeah, maybe someday we could get a place with two bathrooms. 是啊,也许以后可以换一栋 有两间浴室的房子
[15:54.45] Look,Carol,I was thinking maybe... 卡萝,我在想
[15:58.39] Maybe we can spice things up a little. 或许我们可以玩一点刺激的
[16:01.46] -What do you mean? -Carol,our sex life. It's just not.. 怎么说?卡萝,我们的性生活不美…
[16:04.93] -Dad! -Hey there,little fella! 爸 小鬼头
[16:08.63] Why don't we get some shoes on you,huh? 你要不要去穿鞋?
[16:10.93] Why don't you show Dad how you can put your shoes on in your room. 自己去房里穿鞋给爸爸看
[16:18.27] Seriously,our sex life. 说真的,我们的性生活…
[16:21.48] I was thinking maybe,I don't know... 我想说或许…
[16:23.88] we could try some new things,you know,for fun. 我们可以换个新花样玩玩
[16:26.98] -Like what? -Well,I don't know. 像什么? 我不知道
[16:33.82] What if we were to... 互相把对方...
[16:37.22] tie each other up? 绑起来如何?
[16:46.83] Some people eat stuff off one another. 有些人会在对方身上吃东西
[16:52.97] Yeah. 不好
[16:54.84] You know,we could try dirty talk. 我们可以说脏话助长情趣
[17:00.58] -We could have a threesome. -I love that idea! -我们可以玩3P -这个我喜欢
[17:07.96] Who sold a story to Archie Comics? 谁的故事 被“阿奇漫画”采用了?
[17:09.86] Oh, my God, that's so great. 天哪,太棒了
[17:13.83] You're a published writer. I wish I had a present for you. 你有著作了,真想送你贺礼
[17:17.26] Wait a minute. 等等
[17:21.10] My last Kit Kat bar. 我的最后一个巧克力酥
[17:27.81] -You want to share it? -Okay! 要不要跟我分? 好啊
[17:33.85] Chandler,I know you're mad. I'm sorry. 钱德,我知道你很生气 我想跟你道歉
[17:36.78] I was a total jerk. Completely over the line. 我太混蛋、太超过了
[17:41.49] I just... I hate pulp. 但我就是讨厌果肉
[17:44.89] You know how Monica feels about low-fat mayonnaise? 就像摩妮卡 对低脂美乃滋的感觉
[17:47.83] It's not mayonnaise! 那不是美乃滋
[17:51.17] Anyway,I just wanted to say I'm sorry,and here. 总之我只想说对不起 这个给你
[17:56.67] -What's this? -Fresh-squeezed orange juice,with pulp. 什么东西?现榨的柳橙汁
[18:00.54] -Just the way you like it. -Thanks,man. 有你喜欢的果肉 谢了
[18:06.05] Hey,Joey. 乔伊
[18:09.62] Joey? Chandler sold a story to Archie Comics. 乔伊,钱德的故事 被“阿奇漫画”采用了
[18:13.09] That's great! Congratulations! What's the story? 天哪,太棒了,恭喜 是什么故事?
[18:16.62] You wouldn't care. It's just a stupid comic book story. 也没什么 只是个白痴的漫画故事
[18:20.09] Are you kidding me? I love Archie and the whole gang. 开什么玩笑 我最爱阿奇那票人了
[18:25.87] Well,Archie needs money to fix his jalopy. 阿奇需要钱修他的老爷车
[18:34.04] But he doesn't want Reggie to just give him the money. 但他不想跟瑞吉拿钱
[18:37.88] So Reggie hires him as his assist.. 所以瑞吉就找他当助…
[18:42.75] As his butler. 当管家
[18:45.25] And then makes him do crazy things... 然后叫他做一堆无聊事
[18:47.29] Like bring him milk shakes that can't have lumps in them. 例如叫他买不能有结块的奶昔
[18:52.56] Wait a minute. That sounds a little familiar. 等等,有点耳熟喔
[18:57.97] Did they already do that one? I think I read it! 这个故事画过了吧 我觉得我看过
[19:04.94] Monica,listen. I have to ask. 摩妮卡,我一定要问
[19:07.67] Okay,Joey Tribbiani invited me back to his apartment. 乔伊崔比亚尼找我去他家
[19:12.15] -Does he do this with a lot of girls? -Yeah,a lot. A lot,a lot. 他经常找女人去他家吗? 对,经常,经常的经常
[19:17.38] And I'm one of them. 而我是其中之一
[19:21.99] I just cannot believe this. I mean,Joey Tribbiani. 我真不敢相信 乔伊崔比亚尼耶
[19:26.66] You don't have to use his last name. 你不必一直叫他的姓
[19:28.53] But, Monica, come on, it's Joey Tribbiani. 但是他是乔伊崔比亚尼
[19:32.73] I guess you have to. 看来你是非叫不可
[19:34.97] It's none of my business, but aren't you married? 虽然与我无关 但你不是结婚了?
[19:37.60] Yeah. 对啊
[19:41.28] I wish we could just not be married for a little bit. 真希望我们能不结婚一下
[19:44.65] You know,I just wish we could be, like,on a break. 真希望我们能分开一下
[19:52.05] Well,you're not. 你们没有
[19:53.55] It's easy for you. You're not married. You can have sex with whoever you want. 你当然轻松,你又没结婚 爱跟谁上床就跟谁上床
[19:57.32] Yeah,I can. 没错
[20:00.33] Don't think I don't. I do. 别以为我没有
[20:02.13] I mean,all the time. You bet! 我一天到晚都有
[20:06.50] Monica? 摩妮卡
[20:09.44] You've done it,right? 你有经验了吧?
[20:13.81] Of course I have. What do you think, I'm,like,some 30-year-old virgin? 当然有 你以为我是30岁的老处女吗
[20:19.15] Oh,my God. You're a 30-year-old virgin. 天哪,你是30岁的老处女
[20:24.35] Say it louder. The guy in the back didn't hear you. 再大声一点 后面那个人应该没听到
[20:27.15] Yeah,I heard it. 我听到了


[00:02.40] So it seems like this lnternet thing is here to stay, huh? kàn lái wǎng jì wǎng lù shì bú huì xiāo shī le
[00:08.67] It' s okay not to talk. bù shuō huà yě méi guān xì
[00:11.84] Hey, you guys, guess what. nǐ men cāi zěn yàng?
[00:13.68] Barry and Mindy are getting a divorce. Oh, my God. bèi ruì hé míng dì yào lí hūn le tiān na
[00:17.45] What is the matter with you? nǐ shì zěn me gǎo de?
[00:21.85] No. Barry and Mindy. bù, shì bèi ruì hé míng dì
[00:24.19] Oh, sorry. I hear " divorce," I immediately go to Ross. duì bù qǐ wǒ yī tīng dào lí hūn jiù jué de shì luó sī
[00:28.96] Who' s Barry and Mindy? shuí shì bèi ruì hé míng dì?
[00:30.79] Barry was the guy that I almost married, and Mindy was my best friend. bèi ruì shì wǒ chà diǎn yào jià de rén míng dì shì wǒ zuì yāo hǎo de péng yǒu
[00:34.30] Wasn' t he cheating on you with her? tā men bú shì yǒu yī tuǐ?
[00:36.10] But that just means he was falling asleep on top of her instead of me. duì, dàn nà zhǐ biǎo shì tā zuò dào yī bàn huì zài tā shēn shàng shuì zháo
[00:40.77] Why did they get divorced? Well, apparently... tā men wèi shí me yào lí hūn? xiǎn rán shì...
[00:43.34] she caught him cheating on her with someone else. tā wài yù bèi tā dǎi dào
[00:46.74] Isn' t that sad? hěn bēi āi ba?
[00:50.45] Can you imagine if I' d married him? How different would my life be? yào shì wǒ zhēn de jià gěi tā wǒ de rén shēng huì duō me bù tóng
[00:54.58] I' ve always wondered how different my life would be... wǒ dǒng nǐ de yì sī, wǒ zǒng shì zài xiǎng
[00:57.52] if I' d never gotten divorced. yào shì wǒ méi yǒu lí hūn huì zěn yàng
[00:59.59] Which time? The first time! nǎ yī cì? dì yī cì la
[01:02.66] Imagine if Carol hadn' t realized she was a lesbian. zhēn de, yào shì kǎ luó méi fā xiàn tā shì tóng xìng liàn
[01:08.03] I can' t. I keep seeing it the good way. wǒ wú fǎ xiǎng xiàng wǒ lǎo shì wǎng hǎo de fāng miàn qù xiǎng
[01:14.07] I bet I' d still be doing my karate. nà wǒ yí dìng hái zài liàn kòng shǒu dào kōng shǒu dào
[01:17.91] Towards the end of our marriage, I did a lot of karate to release the tension... hòu lái wǒ jīng cháng liàn kòng shǒu dào
[01:23.04] from not doing anything else physical. hǎo fā xiè quē fá ròu tǐ yùn dòng de jīng lì
[01:26.31] Maybe the problem was you were pronouncing it " karatay." yě xǔ nǐ bù niàn chéng kòng shǒu dào jiù méi shì le
[01:30.42] What if I was still fat? rú guǒ wǒ hái shì hěn pàng ne?
[01:32.32] You wouldn' t be dating me, that' s for sure. nǐ yí dìng bú huì gēn wǒ jiāo wǎng
[01:35.06] Sure I would. Come on. dāng rán huì shǎo lái le
[01:38.33] You guys really think I' m that shallow? nǐ men zhēn de jué de wǒ nà me fū qiǎn?
[01:40.50] No, I just think Monica was that fat. bù, wǒ zhǐ shì jué de mó nī kǎ tài pàng
[01:44.37] Hey, imagine if I' d never got fired off Days of Our Lives. yào shì wǒ méi bèi " wǒ men de suì yuè" kāi chú ne?
[01:48.10] Hey. Hey, there' s Carol again. kǎ luó yòu chū xiàn le
[01:51.84] What if I had had the guts to quit my job? yào shì wǒ yǒu yǒng qì cí zhí ne?
[01:54.91] I' d probably be writing for The New Yorker, being paid to be funny. wǒ kě néng zài bāng" niǔ yuē kè" xiě gǎo ná qián gǎo xiào
[01:59.05] But my job' s fun too. I mean, tomorrow... xiàn zài de gōng zuò yě hěn yǒu qù míng tiān...
[02:02.28] I don' t have to wear a tie. wǒ bù bì dǎ lǐng dài
[02:05.45] What if I' d taken that job at Merrill Lynch? yào shì wǒ qù měi lín zhèng quàn shàng bān ne?
[02:08.02] What? Merrill Lynch? shén me? měi lín zhèng quàn?
[02:10.02] I had a massage client who worked there, and he said I had a knack for stocks. duì, wǒ yǒu gè kè rén zài nà li shàng bān tā shuō wǒ yǒu chǎo gǔ piào de tóu nǎo
[02:14.56] Why didn' t you take the job? nà nǐ zěn me bù qù?
[02:16.03] Because at that time, I thought that everything that rhymed was true. yīn wèi dāng shí wǒ hěn xiāng xìn yā yùn zhè huí shì
[02:19.80] I thought if I worked with stocks... wǒ jué de yào shì wǒ qù zuò gǔ piào
[02:22.10] I' d have to live in a box and only eat lox and have a pet fox. jiù dé zhù dì jiào zhǐ néng chī ān mián yào, yǎng sān jiǎo māo
[02:27.08] Yeah, you don' t want that in a broker. zhè zhǒng gǔ piào jīng jì rén dí què bù yōu
[02:31.05] Do you guys think if all those things happened, we' d still hang out? nǐ men jué de rú guǒ yǒu zhèi xiē shì wǒ men hái huì zài yì qǐ ma?
[02:37.62] The One That Could Have Been běn jí bō chū:" xū nǐ liù rén xíng"
[02:40.32] rainystar yā zhì iPodMP4
[03:39.21] Oh, my God. Rachel Green? tiān na, ruì qiū gé lín?
[03:41.68] Rob Tilman! láo bó tí ěr màn
[03:43.52] No, no, it' s me. Ross. bú duì, shì wǒ, luó sī
[03:46.85] Oh, I' m sorry. Ross Tilman. duì bù qǐ, luó sī tí ěr màn
[03:51.09] No. No, no. Ross Geller. Of course! Monica' s brother. bú shì, shì luó sī gài lēi duì ó, mó nī kǎ de gē ge
[03:56.13] Yeah. Right. Wow! How are you? méi cuò nǐ hǎo ma?
[03:58.97] Good. Good. I' m married. hěn hǎo, wǒ jié hūn le
[04:01.27] Me too! wǒ yě shì
[04:03.61] Isn' t it the best? Oh, it' s the best. jié hūn zhēn hǎo bú shì ma? jiù shì a
[04:09.54] So how' s Monica? Really, really great. mó nī kǎ hǎo ma? fēi cháng hǎo
[04:13.21] Actually, she' s right down the street. You should stop by and say hi. shì shí shàng tā jiù zài qián miàn nǐ yīng gāi guò qù dǎ gè zhāo hū
[04:18.22] I would love to. She' d be so excited. hǎo a tā huì hěn gāo xìng
[04:20.99] Okay. Come on. hǎo zǒu ba
[04:22.46] Wait, don' t you have to pay for... děng děng, nǐ bú shì yào mǎi
[04:24.59] Busty Ladies? " nǚ láng"?
[04:28.93] No, that' s okay. Some kid asked me to pick it up for him, but I.... méi guān xì, yǒu gè xiǎo hái tuō wǒ bāng tā mǎi zǒu ba
[04:37.87] Don' t you have to give him his money back? nǐ bú shì yīng gāi bǎ qián huán gěi tā?
[04:44.11] Here you go, buddy. Sorry, no porn for you. ná qù ba, bào qiàn, nǐ bù néng kàn A shū
[04:46.71] Okay, let' s go see Monica. wǒ men qù zhǎo mó nī kǎ ba
[04:55.56] So, Monica. Still going out with Dr. Boring, huh? mó nī kǎ nǐ hái zài gēn wú liáo yī shēng jiāo wǎng?
[05:00.83] He' s not boring. He' s just... tā cái bù wú liáo, tā zhǐ shì
[05:06.07] He' s lowkey. zhǐ shì bǐ jiào dī diào
[05:08.07] Here you go, one hazelnut latte. Thank you. nǐ de zhēn guǒ ná tiě xiè xiè
[05:11.24] You know, the hazelnut, actually not a nut. qí shí zhēn guǒ bú shì guǒ shí
[05:15.18] It' s a seed. ér shì zhǒng zi
[05:17.85] Wow.
[05:20.28] Can anyone else name a wellknown seed that' s been masquerading as a nut? hái yǒu shuí néng shuō chū yī zhǒng jiǎ zhuāng shì guǒ shí de cháng jiàn zhǒng zi?
[05:25.12] Oh, dear God. Let me think. tiān na, wǒ xiǎng xiǎng kàn
[05:31.13] What' s the matter? nǐ zěn me le?
[05:32.86] I got another rejection letter. wǒ yòu bèi tuì gǎo le
[05:34.53] They said my writing was funny, just not " Archie Comic" funny. tā men shuō wǒ de dōng xī hěn yǒu qù zhǐ shì bù fú hé" ā qí màn huà" fēng
[05:39.40] I gotta get back to the hospital. qīn ài de, wǒ dé huí yī yuàn le
[05:42.64] Bye. Byebye. zài jiàn
[05:44.77] By the way, the answer is: the Brazil nut. duì le, dá àn shì bā xī guǒ
[05:52.81] Was his question, " What' s more boring than him?" tā de wèn tí bǐ tā de rén gèng wú qù
[05:56.22] And nice sweater vest, by the way. hǎo shuài de máo xiàn bèi xīn a
[05:59.59] Stop it, guys. He' s sweet. Yeah, yeah. nǐ men bié zhè yàng, tā rén hěn hǎo shì a
[06:02.69] Hey, man. Sorry about the Archie thing. lǎo xiōng, tuì gǎo de shì zhēn kě xī
[06:05.36] You need me to give you some money? nǐ yào wǒ gěi nǐ yī xiē qián ma?
[06:07.16] I may have no money, but I still have my pride. wǒ qióng guī qióng, hái shì yǒu gǔ qì
[06:11.90] Really? shì ma?
[06:17.41] Joey doesn' t have to give you the money. yě xǔ qiáo yī bù bì gěi nǐ qián
[06:19.84] TV stars have assistants, right? That' s an idea. diàn shì míng xīng dōu yǒu zhù lǐ duì ba? kě xíng ō
[06:22.88] If I hire an assistant, would you take money from her? yào shì wǒ qǐng zhù lǐ zhuǎn jiāo nǐ huì shōu ma?
[06:26.51] No, Joey. Chandler could be your assistant. bú shì la, qián dé kě yǐ dāng nǐ de zhù lǐ
[06:29.58] He could answer all your fan mail and stuff. tā kě yǐ bāng nǐ huí xìn gěi yǐng mí
[06:32.02] That would be great! Let' s do that! I could use the money. tài hǎo le, hǎo zhǔ yì, jiù zhè me bàn ba wǒ yǒu qián lǐng
[06:35.09] I' d have time to write. hái yǒu shí jiān xiě zuò
[06:38.29] All right. Now, I need to use the bathroom. wǒ xiàn zài yào qù shàng cè suǒ
[06:40.60] Since I don' t need any assistance in there, take a break! wǒ shàng cè suǒ bù yòng rén bāng nǐ jiù xiū xī ba 106 00: 06: 44, 030 00: 06: 45, 230 All right. hǎo
[06:47.57] Hey. Hey, Phoebe. fēi bǐ,
[06:48.90] Guess what. Joey just hired Chandler to be his assistant. nǐ cāi zěn yàng? qiáo yī zhǎo qián dé dāng tā de zhù lǐ
[06:51.87] That' s so sweet. zhēn hǎo
[06:54.24] Oh! Hang on! děng yī xià
[06:56.81] Hang on! děng wǒ yī xià
[07:01.32] Go! shuō
[07:03.55] No. No, no. I said sell when it hits 50! bú duì, bú duì wǒ shì shuō yí dào 50 diǎn jiù mài
[07:06.82] Fiveoh! It' s a number! It comes after fournine! 50 shì yí gè shù zì, zài 49 hòu miàn
[07:11.16] No, it' s okay. It' s okay. You' re allowed one mistake. méi guān xì, yī cì cuò wù kě yǐ jiē shòu
[07:14.83] Just kidding. You are, of course, fired. kāi wán xiào de, nǐ dāng rán bèi kāi chú le
[07:20.87] Oh, what a shame. I really liked her. zhēn kě xī, wǒ hěn xǐ huān tā
[07:24.44] Hey, Mon? Mon, look who I ran into! mó nī kǎ, nǐ kàn wǒ yù jiàn shuí
[07:27.78] Oh, my God, Rachel! tiān na, ruì qiū
[07:33.55] God, you look terrific! So do you! nǐ hǎo piào liàng nǐ yě shì
[07:38.19] Did you lose weight? You are so sweet to notice. nǐ shì bú shì shòu le? nǐ jū rán zhù yì dào le
[07:41.66] Yes, I lost 3. 5 pounds! méi cuò, wǒ shòu le 3. 5 bàng
[07:46.99] You remember my friend Chandler. jì de wǒ de péng yǒu qián dé ba
[07:50.33] And that' s Phoebe over there. Hi. nà wèi shì fēi bǐ
[07:52.43] Sit down. How long has it been since we' ve seen each other? tiān na, kuài zuò xià wǒ men duō jiǔ méi jiàn miàn le?
[07:56.37] 1987, the day after Christmas. Sean McMahan' s party. 1987 nián, shèng dàn jié dì èr tiān xī ēn mài kè màn de pài duì
[08:00.21] I played you one of my songs, you know, " lnterplanetary Courtship Ritual." wǒ dàn le wǒ de chuàng zuò qǔ gěi nǐ tīng " xīng jì qiú ài yí shì"
[08:06.21] Oh, yeah. Right. ō duì
[08:09.08] So, now, do you still do music? Well, sometimes. nǐ hái zài wán yīn yuè ma? ǒu ěr
[08:12.59] Come over sometime. I' ll play you.. Oh, my God! nǐ yīng gāi lái wǒ jiā, wǒ dàn tiān na
[08:15.62] Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives just walked in here! " wǒ men de suì yuè" de qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní gāng gāng zǒu jìn lái
[08:21.20] Rach, he' s a friend of ours. You' re friends with Dr. Drake Ramoray? ruì qiū, tā shì wǒ men de péng yǒu nǐ men shì lā mò ruì yī shēng de péng yǒu?
[08:27.70] It' s hard to be friends with Drake... yào gēn tā jiāo péng yǒu yǒu diǎn nán
[08:29.64] because of his busy schedule and the fact that he' s not real. yīn wèi tā hěn máng, yòu shì gè xū gòu rén wù
[08:34.84] Hey, or I could bring my keyboard here sometime. wǒ yě kě yǐ bǎ jiàn pán dài lái
[08:38.58] He' s coming over. Joey? tā guò lái le qiáo yī
[08:40.25] I know. Here, here. hǎo la, ná qù
[08:43.85] No. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. bú shì la, zhè shì wǒ péng yǒu ruì qiū wǒ men shì gāo zhōng tóng xué
[08:47.36] Hi. Hi.
[08:51.86] I love you on that show. wǒ hǎo xǐ huān nǐ yǎn de xì
[08:54.23] I watch you every day. wǒ měi tiān dū kàn
[08:56.10] When you took out your own kidney to save your exwife... nǐ hái juān shèn jiù nǐ de qián qī
[08:59.37] even though she tried to kill you... míng míng zhī dào tā xiǎng shā nǐ
[09:02.84] It' s always nice to meet fans. yù jiàn yǐng mí zǒng shì hěn kāi xīn
[09:06.21] She' s not crazy, is she? No. tā bú huì hěn shén jīng ba? bú huì
[09:08.78] So how you doing? suǒ yǐ nǐ hǎo ma?
[09:19.29] Hang on. děng děng
[09:21.52] Hang on. Hang on. děng děng, děng yī xià
[09:26.03] Go! shuō
[09:27.40] Who' s this? shuí?
[09:28.90] You' re gonna like working for me. hǎo, nǐ yào tì wǒ gōng zuò
[09:31.20] What' s your name? What kind of name is " Brindy"? nǐ jiào shén me míng zì? bù lún dì shì shén me niǎo míng zì?
[09:37.14] Stop talking. bì zuǐ
[09:39.47] All right, from now on your name is Joan. hǎo, yǐ hòu nǐ jiù jiào qióng ān
[09:42.68] You can pick your own last name. xìng nǐ zì jǐ xuǎn
[09:46.51] I can' t find my pen. Did you eat that too? wǒ zhǎo bu dào wǒ de bǐ yě bèi nǐ chī diào le ma?
[09:51.85] There you are. Uhoh, it' s my boss. nǐ zài zhè lǐ shì lǎo bǎn dà rén
[09:54.99] Here' s a list of things for you to do today. zhè shì nǐ jīn tiān de gōng zuò xiàng mù
[09:58.09] This is gonna be so great. Thank you so much. tài hǎo le, xiè xiè nǐ
[10:00.60] I gotta go to work. I' m delivering twins today, but only one of them is mine. wǒ yào qù jiē shēng shuāng bāo tāi le dàn zhǐ yǒu yí gè shì wǒ de gǔ ròu
[10:09.67] " Drop off my dry cleaning. Pick up my vitamins." bǎ yī fú sòng qù gān xǐ qù ná wǒ de wéi tā mìng
[10:14.34] " Teach me how to spell vitamins." jiào wǒ zěn me xiě wéi tā mìng
[10:18.11] " Wear in my new jeans." bǎ wǒ de xīn niú zǎi kù chuān ruǎn
[10:22.05] You realize what you are, don' t you? What? nǐ zhī dào nǐ de jué sè ba? shén me jué sè?
[10:24.55] You' re his bitch! nǐ shì tā de lóu luó
[10:27.62] No, no! No! bù! bù
[10:30.42] Wait! You didn' t sit on my Kit Kats did you? nǐ bú shì yā huài le wǒ de qiǎo kè lì sū ba
[10:33.26] No, there was a little, little dip in the market... bú shì, shì chǎng chū le diǎn biàn huà
[10:36.70] and I lost 13 million dollars. wǒ sǔn shī le 1 qiān 3 bǎi wàn
[10:38.90] But the Kit Kats are all right? bù guò qiǎo kè lì sū méi shì ba?
[10:41.90] What am I gonna do? I can' t call my office, they' ll kill me. zěn me bàn? zěn me bàn? tōng zhī gōng sī wǒ huì bèi kǎn sǐ
[10:45.04] I can' t call my clients, they' ll kill themselves! tōng zhī kè hù tā men huì kǎn zì jǐ
[10:48.38] Great, now my chest hurts. What? shuài a, xiàn zài yòu xiōng kǒu tòng shén me?
[10:51.28] My chest hurts. wǒ de xiōng kǒu zài tòng
[10:53.31] And now I can' t breathe. Are you having a heart attack? xiàn zài shì chuǎn bu guò qì lái fēi bǐ, nǐ shì xīn zāng bìng fā zuò ma?
[10:58.62] If I were, would I have shooting pains up and down my left arm? rú guǒ shì, zuǒ bì huì lái huí chōu tòng ma?
[11:02.49] Yes. Then, yes. That is what I' m having. huì nà jiù shì le
[11:05.56] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān na
[11:11.17] Okay, this thing is useless. So will you dial 911 for me? wǒ de shǒu dòng bù liǎo le bāng wǒ jiào jiù hù chē hǎo ma?
[11:18.91] Come on, Phoebe, it' s not that bad. bié zhè yàng, méi nà me yán zhòng
[11:21.51] Most people would be excited if they didn' t work for a couple weeks. yì bān rén rú guǒ kě yǐ xiū xī liǎng xīng qī huì fàng biān pào qìng zhù
[11:24.88] Most people don' t like their jobs. I love my job. yì bān rén bù xǐ huān tā men de gōng zuò wǒ xǐ huān wǒ de gōng zuò
[11:28.15] I' ve been not working for three hours, and I' m already going crazy. wǒ cái xiū xī 3 xiǎo shí jiù kuài fēng diào le
[11:32.42] I miss Joan. wǒ xiǎng niàn qióng ān
[11:35.36] Honey, having a heart attack is nature' s way of telling you to slow down. xīn zāng bìng fā jiù biǎo shì nǐ gāi fàng màn jiǎo bù
[11:39.19] I always thought having a heart attack was nature' s way of telling you to die. wǒ yī zhí yǐ wéi xīn zāng bìng fā jiù biǎo shì nǐ yào sǐ le
[11:44.57] You' re not gonna die. dàn shì nǐ bú huì sǐ
[11:46.27] I mean, you are going to die, but you' re not gonna die today. nǐ chí zǎo huì sǐ, dàn bú shì jīn tiān
[11:50.87] I wish I was dead. wǒ qù sǐ suàn le
[11:53.84] Let' s take a walk. wǒ men qù zǒu zǒu
[11:55.18] You should consider writing for Talking Out of Your Ass magazine. nǐ yīng gāi kǎo lǜ qù tì " jiǎng huà bù jīng dà nǎo" zá zhì xiě gǎo
[12:02.72] What' s going on with you? nǐ zuì jìn zěn me yàng?
[12:04.75] Well, I' ve been doing a lot more of my karate. wǒ liàn kòng shǒu dào liàn dé gèng qín le
[12:11.26] Still a dry spell with Carol? Yeah. gēn kǎ luó hái zài gān kū qī? duì
[12:13.76] How long has it been since you' ve had sex? nǐ men duō jiǔ méi shàng chuáng le?
[12:16.53] Well, last weekend... Oh, that' s not so bad. dào shàng ge zhōu mò nà hái hǎo ma
[12:19.80] will be two months... jiù yǐ jīng 2 gè yuè
[12:22.97] since I stopped trying. fàng qì cháng shì le
[12:26.91] You need to spice things up. yě xǔ nǐ yīng gāi wán yì diǎn cì jī de
[12:28.88] What do you mean? I don' t know. zěn me shuō? bù xiǎo de
[12:30.58] You could tie her up. You could eat stuff off each other. nǐ men kě yǐ bǎng zhù duì fāng kě yǐ zài duì fāng shēn shàng chī dōng xī
[12:35.28] Dirty talk, menage a trois, toys. yín yán huì yǔ, 3P, fǔ zhù gōng jù
[12:39.89] Roleplaying. You' re the warden, she' s the prisoner. jué sè bàn yǎn nǐ dāng diǎn yù zhǎng tā dāng qiú fàn
[12:42.59] You' re the pirate, she' s the wench. Okay, I think I got it. nǐ dāng hǎi dào tā dāng cūn gū hǎo, wǒ dǒng le
[12:46.29] Or you could be two stockbrokers, and you' re rolling naked on the trading floor... huò zhě nǐ men dōu dāng gǔ piào jīng jì rén zài hào zǐ de dì bǎn shàng fān gǔn...
[12:50.40] and everybody' s watching. gěi dà jiā kàn
[12:54.07] It never happened. wǒ méi gàn guò
[13:03.88] Sorry. bào qiàn
[13:06.58] So how is it going with Joey? Just great. He beeps me now with codes. nǐ bāng qiáo yī gōng zuò dé zěn yàng? hěn hǎo, tā xiàn zài dōu yòng àn hào hū jiào wǒ
[13:10.45] One is: " Bring me food." 1 shì" dài chī de lái"
[13:12.35] Two is: " I' m with a girl. Bring us food." 2 shì" yǒu nǚ bàn, dài chī de lái"
[13:15.82] Three is: " I' m lost and I can' t find food." 3 shì" mí lù, zhǎo bu dào chī de"
[13:19.23] Oh, sweetie. xīn kǔ nǐ le
[13:21.76] Is there any food around here? zhè fù jìn yǒu chī de ma?
[13:26.47] Is she gonna be all right? Yeah, she' s in there. tā bú huì yǒu shì ba? duì, tā zài lǐ miàn
[13:28.90] Oh, great. nà jiù hǎo
[13:31.24] Go take off those pants. They look ready. tuō kù zi ba, kàn qǐ lái gòu ruǎn le
[13:39.65] And over there is Brady' s Pub... nà lǐ shì bù ruì dì jiǔ bā
[13:41.78] where I like to unwind after a long day of " surgeoning." wǒ xíng wán yī xǐ huān qù qīng sōng yī xià
[13:44.95] This is so amazing. What else? hǎo bàng ō, hái yǒu ne?
[13:47.89] Well, that is a large piece of television equipment. nà shi yí gè dà xíng diàn shì tái shè bèi
[13:51.16] And that is an old man. nà shi yí gè lǎo nán rén
[13:53.13] Hey, old man! Hey. lǎo nán rén nǐ hǎo
[13:54.90] Alrighty. What do you say we head back to my place? wǒ men yào bú yào huí wǒ jiā qù?
[13:58.93] You know, I would really love to, but I shouldn' t. wǒ hěn xiǎng qù, dàn shì bù xíng
[14:04.10] Why? Why can' t the world stop turning... wèi shí me? wèi shí me shì jiè bù néng tíng zhǐ zhuàn dòng
[14:09.74] just for a moment, just for us? zhǐ yào yī xià xià, zhǐ wèi le wǒ men?
[14:14.45] Isn' t that a line from the show? nà bú shì xì lǐ de tái cí ma?
[14:18.52] Yeah, but... duì, bù guò
[14:20.52] I may have said those things before, but... wǒ huò xǔ shuō guò tóng yàng de huà, dàn shì
[14:23.66] I never truly meant them until now. zhǐ yǒu zhè yī kè wǒ cái shì zhēn xīn de
[14:29.36] That' s a line from the show too! nà yě shì xì lǐ de tái cí
[14:32.10] Okay, you watch too much TV. nǐ kàn tài duō diàn shì le
[14:34.50] Here' s the freshly squeezed orange juice you asked for. qiáo yī, xiàn zhà de liǔ chéng zhī lái le
[14:37.64] Thanks. xiè xiè
[14:39.94] There' s pulp in that. lǐ miàn yǒu guǒ ròu
[14:44.04] zěn yàng?
[14:46.05] I thought we talked about this. I don' t like pulp. wǒ men bú shì jiǎng guò le wǒ bù xǐ huān guǒ ròu
[14:49.38] No pulp. Pulp isn' t juice. All juice. bú yào guǒ ròu guǒ ròu bú shì guǒ zhī, wǒ yào chún guǒ zhī
[14:53.15] I' m sorry. I guess I just like the pulp. duì bù qǐ, wǒ jiù shì xǐ huān guǒ ròu
[14:57.46] I' m sorry. I am being so rude. tiān na, bào qiàn, wǒ tài bù kè qì le
[15:00.13] Rachel, would you like a soda or something? ruì qiū, nǐ yào hē qì shuǐ shén me de ma?
[15:03.00] Because Chandler will run right out and get it. qián dé huì mǎ shǎng qù bāng nǐ mǎi
[15:07.23] Yeah, well, sure, iced tea would be great. hǎo a, jiù bīng hóng chá ba
[15:10.07] Iced tea. bīng hóng chá
[15:14.38] Okay. Anything for you, sir? hǎo, nà nín yào shén me?
[15:17.68] Did I not just tell him? wǒ gāng cái bú shì shuō le ma?
[15:21.32] Okay, look, Chandler, if this is gonna work... qián dé, nǐ xiǎng tì wǒ gōng zuò
[15:24.22] you have got to listen. jiù yào zhuān xīn tīng wǒ shuō huà
[15:30.66] You' re gonna throw that juice at me, aren' t you? nǐ yào ná guǒ zhī pō wǒ duì bú duì?
[15:34.03] It' s not all juice. zhè bú shì chún guǒ zhī
[15:41.37] So, honey, this morning was fun, huh? qīn ài de, zǎo shàng hěn yǒu yì sī ba?
[15:43.37] Me hopping in on you in the shower there? wǒ zài lín yù jiān pū xiàng nǐ
[15:47.37] Yeah, maybe someday we could get a place with two bathrooms. shì a, yě xǔ yǐ hòu kě yǐ huàn yī dòng yǒu liǎng jiān yù shì de fáng zi
[15:54.45] Look, Carol, I was thinking maybe... kǎ luó, wǒ zài xiǎng
[15:58.39] Maybe we can spice things up a little. huò xǔ wǒ men kě yǐ wán yì diǎn cì jī de
[16:01.46] What do you mean? Carol, our sex life. It' s just not.. zěn me shuō? kǎ luó, wǒ men de xìng shēng huó bù měi
[16:04.93] Dad! Hey there, little fella! bà xiǎo guǐ tóu
[16:08.63] Why don' t we get some shoes on you, huh? nǐ yào bú yào qù chuān xié?
[16:10.93] Why don' t you show Dad how you can put your shoes on in your room. zì jǐ qù fáng lǐ chuān xié gěi bà bà kàn
[16:18.27] Seriously, our sex life. shuō zhēn de, wǒ men de xìng shēng huó
[16:21.48] I was thinking maybe, I don' t know... wǒ xiǎng shuō huò xǔ
[16:23.88] we could try some new things, you know, for fun. wǒ men kě yǐ huàn gè xīn huā yàng wán wán
[16:26.98] Like what? Well, I don' t know. xiàng shén me? wǒ bù zhī dào
[16:33.82] What if we were to... hù xiāng bǎ duì fāng...
[16:37.22] tie each other up? bǎng qǐ lái rú hé?
[16:46.83] Some people eat stuff off one another. yǒu xiē rén huì zài duì fāng shēn shàng chī dōng xī
[16:52.97] Yeah. bù hǎo
[16:54.84] You know, we could try dirty talk. wǒ men kě yǐ shuō zāng huà zhù zhǎng qíng qù
[17:00.58] We could have a threesome. I love that idea! wǒ men kě yǐ wán 3P zhè gè wǒ xǐ huān
[17:07.96] Who sold a story to Archie Comics? shuí de gù shì bèi" ā qí màn huà" cǎi yòng le?
[17:09.86] Oh, my God, that' s so great. tiān na, tài bàng le
[17:13.83] You' re a published writer. I wish I had a present for you. nǐ yǒu zhù zuò le, zhēn xiǎng sòng nǐ hè lǐ
[17:17.26] Wait a minute. děng děng
[17:21.10] My last Kit Kat bar. wǒ de zuì hòu yí gè qiǎo kè lì sū
[17:27.81] You want to share it? Okay! yào bú yào gēn wǒ fēn? hǎo a
[17:33.85] Chandler, I know you' re mad. I' m sorry. qián dé, wǒ zhī dào nǐ hěn shēng qì wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ dào qiàn
[17:36.78] I was a total jerk. Completely over the line. wǒ tài hún dàn tài chāo guò le
[17:41.49] I just... I hate pulp. dàn wǒ jiù shì tǎo yàn guǒ ròu
[17:44.89] You know how Monica feels about lowfat mayonnaise? jiù xiàng mó nī kǎ duì dī zhī měi nǎi zī de gǎn jué
[17:47.83] It' s not mayonnaise! nà bú shì měi nǎi zī
[17:51.17] Anyway, I just wanted to say I' m sorry, and here. zǒng zhī wǒ zhǐ xiǎng shuō duì bù qǐ zhè gè gěi nǐ
[17:56.67] What' s this? Freshsqueezed orange juice, with pulp. shén me dōng xī? xiàn zhà de liǔ chéng zhī
[18:00.54] Just the way you like it. Thanks, man. yǒu nǐ xǐ huān de guǒ ròu xiè le
[18:06.05] Hey, Joey. qiáo yī
[18:09.62] Joey? Chandler sold a story to Archie Comics. qiáo yī, qián dé de gù shì bèi" ā qí màn huà" cǎi yòng le
[18:13.09] That' s great! Congratulations! What' s the story? tiān na, tài bàng le, gōng xǐ shì shén me gù shì?
[18:16.62] You wouldn' t care. It' s just a stupid comic book story. yě méi shén me zhǐ shì gè bái chī de màn huà gù shì
[18:20.09] Are you kidding me? I love Archie and the whole gang. kāi shén me wán xiào wǒ zuì ài ā qí nà piào rén le
[18:25.87] Well, Archie needs money to fix his jalopy. ā qí xū yào qián xiū tā de lǎo yé chē
[18:34.04] But he doesn' t want Reggie to just give him the money. dàn tā bù xiǎng gēn ruì jí ná qián
[18:37.88] So Reggie hires him as his assist.. suǒ yǐ ruì jí jiù zhǎo tā dāng zhù
[18:42.75] As his butler. dāng guǎn jiā
[18:45.25] And then makes him do crazy things... rán hòu jiào tā zuò yī duī wú liáo shì
[18:47.29] Like bring him milk shakes that can' t have lumps in them. lì rú jiào tā mǎi bù néng yǒu jié kuài de nǎi xī
[18:52.56] Wait a minute. That sounds a little familiar. děng děng, yǒu diǎn ěr shú ō
[18:57.97] Did they already do that one? I think I read it! zhè gè gù shì huà guò le ba wǒ jué de wǒ kàn guò
[19:04.94] Monica, listen. I have to ask. mó nī kǎ, wǒ yí dìng yào wèn
[19:07.67] Okay, Joey Tribbiani invited me back to his apartment. qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní zhǎo wǒ qù tā jiā
[19:12.15] Does he do this with a lot of girls? Yeah, a lot. A lot, a lot. tā jīng cháng zhǎo nǚ rén qù tā jiā ma? duì, jīng cháng, jīng cháng de jīng cháng
[19:17.38] And I' m one of them. ér wǒ shì qí zhōng zhī yī
[19:21.99] I just cannot believe this. I mean, Joey Tribbiani. wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní yé
[19:26.66] You don' t have to use his last name. nǐ bù bì yī zhí jiào tā de xìng
[19:28.53] But, Monica, come on, it' s Joey Tribbiani. dàn shì tā shì qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní
[19:32.73] I guess you have to. kàn lái nǐ shì fēi jiào bù kě
[19:34.97] It' s none of my business, but aren' t you married? suī rán yǔ wǒ wú guān dàn nǐ bú shì jié hūn le?
[19:37.60] Yeah. duì a
[19:41.28] I wish we could just not be married for a little bit. zhēn xī wàng wǒ men néng bù jié hūn yī xià
[19:44.65] You know, I just wish we could be, like, on a break. zhēn xī wàng wǒ men néng fēn kāi yī xià
[19:52.05] Well, you' re not. nǐ men méi yǒu
[19:53.55] It' s easy for you. You' re not married. You can have sex with whoever you want. nǐ dāng rán qīng sōng, nǐ yòu méi jié hūn ài gēn shuí shàng chuáng jiù gēn shuí shàng chuáng
[19:57.32] Yeah, I can. méi cuò
[20:00.33] Don' t think I don' t. I do. bié yǐ wéi wǒ méi yǒu
[20:02.13] I mean, all the time. You bet! wǒ yì tiān dào wǎn dōu yǒu
[20:06.50] Monica? mó nī kǎ
[20:09.44] You' ve done it, right? nǐ yǒu jīng yàn le ba?
[20:13.81] Of course I have. What do you think, I' m, like, some 30yearold virgin? dāng rán yǒu nǐ yǐ wéi wǒ shì 30 suì de lǎo chǔ nǚ ma
[20:19.15] Oh, my God. You' re a 30yearold virgin. tiān na, nǐ shì 30 suì de lǎo chǔ nǚ
[20:24.35] Say it louder. The guy in the back didn' t hear you. zài dà shēng yì diǎn hòu miàn nà gè rén yīng gāi méi tīng dào
[20:27.15] Yeah, I heard it. wǒ tīng dào le