Friends S07E09

歌曲 Friends S07E09
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第七季)


[00:06.03] -I'm ready. -You sure? -
[00:08.74] Let me just straighten out your helmet there.
[00:11.61] -Thanks, Daddy. -No, no. One daddy, two mommies. -
[00:16.98] -All right, it's all yours. -Okay, okay. -
[00:20.22] There you go, there you go.
[00:22.22] Wow, Ben's first big kid's bike. This is so exciting!
[00:26.39] Oh, yeah, I remember mine.
[00:28.56] It was my sixth birthday. I went to the park...
[00:31.26] -and I got on it and it bent. -Yeah. -
[00:35.80] -I never had a bike of my own. -What? -
[00:38.60] We didn't have a lot of money.
[00:40.60] But the girl across the street had the best bike.
[00:43.57] It was pink and it had rainbow-colored tassels hanging off the handles...
[00:48.24] and a bell and this big, white wicker basket...
[00:51.45] with those plastic daisies stuck on.
[00:54.98] That sounds like my first bike.
[00:58.72] My dad gave me his old one.
[01:01.66] -Did the girl ever let you ride it? -No. -
[01:04.03] But she gave me the box that it came in.
[01:06.93] It had a picture of the bike on the front.
[01:10.37] So I would sit on it and my stepdad would drag me around the backyard.
[01:15.34] That is so unfair.
[01:17.31] Not really, I got to drag him around too.
[01:21.04] The One With All the Candy
[02:05.29] Hey, what are you guys doing?
[02:07.32] Making candy for the neighbors.
[02:09.86] I'm sorry, who?
[02:12.43] I'm gonna hang a basket on the door.
[02:14.73] When the neighbors walk by, they can take a piece.
[02:19.10] -But we don't know the neighbors. -I do. -
[02:21.54] There's, let's see, the guy with the mustache...
[02:24.91] smokes-a-lot lady, some kids I've seen...
[02:28.51] and the red-haired guy who does not like to be called Rusty.
[02:33.18] See, this is exactly why I'm making this candy.
[02:36.08] We can get to know our neighbors.
[02:38.19] Wouldn't it be easier if we just moved?
[02:43.19] Good morning!
[02:45.59] -Somebody's in a good mood. -Well, why shouldn't I be? -
[02:49.13] I have great friends. I have a wonderful job..
[02:52.33] Where you can make out with your assistant.
[02:55.60] It's not a big deal.
[02:56.97] We stayed up creating a plan so that us dating won't be a problem.
[03:01.24] Oh, yeah? What's the plan?
[03:06.45] We.. We are not...
[03:10.69] going to let it...
[03:12.82] be a problem.
[03:15.52] It took you all night to come up with that plan?
[03:18.83] Well, you know, we did other stuff too.
[03:22.66] Did you two...?
[03:23.87] Oh, I don't sleep with guys on the first date.
[03:26.67] -Matt Wire, Mark Lynn, Ben Wise.. -Anymore! -
[03:36.24] Hi, Tag, I have a conference call today, is that correct?
[03:39.85] -Yes, at 4. -Okay, thank you, that'll be all. -
[03:43.59] Wait, wait.
[03:49.19] Did you see that?
[03:50.43] He had no idea there was something going on between us.
[04:01.24] -I'd better get back to my desk. -Okay, hard worker. -
[04:06.74] I'll put that in your evaluation.
[04:09.24] -My what? -You've been here for two months now. -
[04:12.25] And your boss is required to hand in a performance evaluation.
[04:16.12] But you know, there is one thing that I have yet to evaluate.
[04:26.83] -Are you serious? -No, but I've always wanted to do that. -
[04:31.47] Can you help me clean this up?
[04:39.14] The basket is totally empty! The neighbors ate it all!
[04:42.54] Well, either that or...
[04:46.61] Joey!
[04:49.88] Yeah?
[04:51.22] -Did you eat all the neighbor candy? -That was the plan. -
[04:54.56] When I got to it, there was only a few pieces left.
[04:58.03] They've come by all day. They love it.
[05:00.83] They love my candy?
[05:03.23] -Oh, man, I gotta go make more. -Hey, Mon. -
[05:06.47] Make some more lasagna too. Something might have happened to a chunk of it.
[05:12.34] Ross, the neighbors ate all my candy.
[05:14.71] Mine stole my newspaper.
[05:16.51] It's like a crime wave.
[05:22.25] Phoebe, you got a second?
[05:24.65] Sure.
[05:26.65] Ever since you told me about that bike...
[05:29.32] I couldn't stop thinking about it.
[05:31.69] I mean, everyone should have a first bike, you know? So...
[05:39.23] Oh, my God, Ross!
[05:42.37] -You like it? -I love it! -
[05:44.47] -Yeah? -Oh, oh, God..
[05:46.97] And I love you.
[05:49.38] Not that way.
[05:51.51] But the bike got you a lot closer.
[05:54.35] Well, take it downstairs.
[05:56.35] You know, give it a test drive.
[05:58.39] Okay. Oh, my God.
[06:01.02] My first bike!
[06:03.22] Thank you for the best present I've ever gotten.
[06:06.86] You're welcome.
[06:10.63] Oh, and Chandler's about to cry.
[06:15.04] Am not.
[06:22.88] Don't worry, I'm brave.
[06:24.61] I.. I am brave.
[06:28.52] No, no, no, no!
[06:31.59] Can you tell me who is there, please?
[06:34.92] My name's Gary. I live upstairs.
[06:39.93] -Hi. -Hi.
[06:41.43] -Do you know what time it is? -It's candy time. -
[06:45.47] My roommate says they taste like little drops of heaven.
[06:48.80] Oh, please.
[06:51.04] Did you hear that? "Little drops of heaven."
[06:55.44] Four a.m.
[06:57.25] So can I get some candy?
[06:59.65] I am sorry, but some of us have to get up early and go to work.
[07:04.35] He does not know that I am not "some of us."
[07:09.76] I'm sorry, but I'll put some out in the morning.
[07:12.96] Okay, I'll swing by later.
[07:15.60] You live in this building?
[07:18.63] Seems like I'd remember you.
[07:23.70] Night, Gar.
[07:37.95] So did you read your evaluation yet?
[07:40.49] No, it was marked "confidential."
[07:43.12] I just sent it to human resources.
[07:48.53] Please, you're kidding, right? I wrote that one as a joke for you.
[07:52.63] A joke they would appreciate?
[07:54.67] I'm thinking, no.
[07:57.71] -What did you say? -I said you were a good kisser... -
[08:02.31] and that I liked your teeny, tiny tushy.
[08:07.62] No, not my tushy.
[08:10.02] It gets worse.
[08:11.35] About your initiative, I wrote:
[08:13.69] "He was able to unhook my bra with minimal supervision." “
[08:18.33] Under problems with performance, I wrote, "Dear God, I hope not."
[08:23.50] And then.. And then I drew a little smiley face.
[08:27.77] And then a small pornographic sketch.
[08:40.28] That is so sweet of you to get Phoebe that bike.
[08:43.42] When I heard the story, I almost cried.
[08:45.92] Almost cried, huh?
[08:47.69] Hear that, Chandler? "Almost" cried.
[08:51.26] Hey, you cry every time somebody talks about Titanic.
[08:54.90] Those two had only each other.
[08:58.47] She really likes it, huh?
[09:00.10] Oh, yeah. I saw her walking it down the street.
[09:02.90] She had these flowers in the basket. It was so cute.
[09:06.24] I saw her this morning, walking it by the park.
[09:09.88] Wait, she was walking the bike?
[09:12.11] Both times?
[09:15.05] -Hey, Phoebe. -Oh, hi!
[09:17.49] -Hey, so you enjoying the bike? -Oh, uh-huh, so much. -
[09:21.99] Phoebe, you do know how to ride a bike, don't you?
[09:28.90] Of course.
[09:32.20] Can we see you ride it?
[09:33.83] Okay.
[09:49.82] See?
[09:59.79] I told you not to get involved with your assistant.
[10:02.80] There's no such thing as a secret when it comes to affairs.
[10:07.10] Did you hear that, Chandler?
[10:09.97] No such thing.
[10:13.04] What happened? I'm just eating candy.
[10:17.55] Maybe it's not that bad. They might not take it the way I meant it.
[10:21.58] Absolutely, you know? Because "tushy" can mean both ass...
[10:25.55] and good worker.
[10:28.86] I just gotta get the thing back.
[10:31.16] Rach? That sketch you mentioned?
[10:33.33] Might it have looked a little like this?
[10:36.36] Oh, my God, Joey!
[10:39.90] -What is the matter with you? -God! -
[10:43.90] This little talent came in handy before I could afford porn.
[10:53.15] Hi, I'm sorry. I know it's after hours, but I really need candy.
[10:57.99] I'm sorry, I can't help you. See? Rules are rules.
[11:01.26] Please, I have people coming from out of town today.
[11:04.46] -I told them all about your candy. -You're kidding. -
[11:07.56] Out-of-towners, huh? What did you tell them?
[11:10.80] I told them your candy was absolutely indescribable.
[11:14.47] Some people have said it's "little drops of heaven." But whatever.
[11:20.01] -Please, can't you help me out? -Hey, Chandler, do we know that lady? -
[11:24.18] Isn't she the woman who lives below you and has sex really loud?
[11:28.45] All right, I'll do it just this once.
[11:30.85] -But you can't tell anyone. -Please, just give it to me. -
[11:34.32] Yeah, that's her.
[11:37.32] -Thank you. -Unbelievable! -
[11:39.53] I can't believe that sign didn't work.
[11:42.16] You know what would work? Stop making candy.
[11:46.10] But they like it.
[11:48.24] You mean they like you.
[11:51.01] Maybe.
[11:52.37] Is that why you became a chef, so people would like you?
[11:55.84] You want to talk about getting people to like you, huh, funny man?
[12:09.62] Just remember everything I taught you and you'll be fine.
[12:13.06] Okay? Here we go.
[12:15.03] Ready, set..
[12:17.16] Wait, this seat is really uncomfortable.
[12:20.33] Maybe before we start we should just get another one.
[12:23.67] Perhaps like an airplane seat, or a beanbag chair!
[12:28.01] You can't get out of this. You have to learn how to ride a bike.
[12:32.38] Why? Why do I have to learn?
[12:36.28] -Well, in case of an emergency. -What kind of emergency? -
[12:40.89] Well, what if a man comes along and puts a gun to your head and says:
[12:45.56] "You ride this bike or I'll..
[12:48.53] I'll shoot you."
[12:51.37] I would ring the bell to distract him.
[12:53.90] Then I would knock the gun away with a Chinese throwing star.
[12:58.74] Okay, Phoebe, just get on the bike...
[13:02.24] and, hey, I'll hold you up and push you. Okay?
[13:07.41] You won't let go?
[13:09.18] -No. -You swear? -
[13:10.68] I swear.
[13:13.79] -Okay. -Come on.
[13:18.69] Here we go. All right?
[13:20.39] All right?
[13:21.66] Feel good? All right, try pedaling.
[13:23.83] That's it, you're doing great. Yes, take control.
[13:27.23] Yes, yes, yes!
[13:31.84] Oh, no!
[13:35.48] You swore!
[13:36.98] -I just thought you were doing so well. -I am shocked. Shocked! -
[13:46.25] It's a legitimate learning technique.
[13:49.89] Wow.
[13:59.80] Hey, there's some people outside asking about candy.
[14:04.37] They'll just have to wait, okay? I only got two hands!
[14:08.18] -Need some help? -No, you don't know the system. -
[14:11.48] I don't need nobody messing with the system!
[14:14.82] By the way, the week before your wedding, you may not see a lot of me.
[14:29.40] Oh, hello, liar.
[14:33.87] Look, I'm really sorry I let go of the bike.
[14:37.91] I could've been killed, you know.
[14:41.91] I know, I know.
[14:45.45] But can we please try it again?
[14:47.85] I mean, you were so close, Phoebe.
[14:50.38] Well, I would love to...
[14:53.72] but the bike got stolen and the police have no suspects.
[15:03.40] -Phoebe. -What?
[15:07.77] What the hell?
[15:11.14] You know what?
[15:12.41] If you won't learn how to ride, then I'm sorry...
[15:15.74] -I have to take it back. -But why? -
[15:19.08] Because it's...
[15:22.25] It'd be like you having this guitar...
[15:25.85] and never playing it.
[15:27.89] Okay, this guitar wants to be played.
[15:30.99] And this bike wants to be ridden.
[15:34.36] And if you don't ride it...
[15:36.86] you're killing its spirit.
[15:42.90] The bike...
[15:45.07] is dying.
[15:50.81] All right. If you care enough to make up that load of crap, okay.
[15:55.82] Great.
[15:59.79] You're making the bike very happy.
[16:02.02] Okay, Ross.
[16:06.19] Please don't die!
[16:11.63] To get the evaluation before they see it...
[16:14.34] we gotta get into Zelner's office. He doesn't get in until 10.
[16:19.11] But his assistant, Betty, comes in early to eat breakfast at her desk.
[16:23.34] -That's kind of sad. -Yeah, well, Betty's kind of sad. -
[16:27.01] Which is why I believe I can lure her away with these chocolates.
[16:32.32] While I distract her, you go in.
[16:34.62] -Got it. -Let's roll. -
[16:37.69] Hello, Rachel. You got a minute?
[16:40.13] Yeah, sure, Mr. Zelner. For you? Anything. Minute.
[16:43.66] Okay, great.
[16:45.73] Abort the plan.
[16:48.14] Actually, I'd like to speak to both of you.
[16:51.24] Okay.
[16:53.57] Well, can we get you anything, Mr. Zelner? Maybe some chocolates.
[16:59.58] No, thanks, but I'll give these to Betty.
[17:04.35] So, I read your evaluation of Tag.
[17:07.32] Or, to use his full name, Tag "Sweet Cheeks" Jones?
[17:12.39] Is something going on with you two?
[17:16.06] Oh, my God, can you imagine if there was?
[17:21.97] I mean, what would happen exactly?
[17:26.71] Well, I'd be forced to file a report.
[17:29.41] I'd have to consult with the legal department.
[17:32.35] And your future at the company would be in jeopardy.
[17:36.75] -Well.. -Mr. Zelner...
[17:39.05] I filled in that evaluation.
[17:41.42] -Oh, no.. -Yeah, yeah.
[17:43.02] I thought it would be funny.
[17:46.29] You wrote that you have a cute tushy?
[17:50.73] Yes.
[17:52.00] I have a weird sense of humor.
[17:54.70] And I'm kind of strangely proud of my butt.
[17:58.64] It's kind of a risky joke, Tag.
[18:01.51] What is this drawing? I can't figure it out.
[18:04.41] It's upside down, you gotta.. It doesn't matter.
[18:09.15] It's not like I don't have a sense of humor.
[18:11.89] Hell, I even enjoy a naughty limerick every now and then.
[18:18.09] There's a time and a place.
[18:21.73] Unless you have a limerick right now.
[18:27.03] No? Okay. Well, you've got my fax number.
[18:38.81] I can't believe you did that. That was sweet.
[18:41.62] -Don't worry about it. -You could've lost your job. -
[18:44.75] Are you kidding me? With this cute butt, I'd find work.
[18:50.16] Thank you, you're great.
[18:54.19] -You know what? -What?
[18:56.43] I feel great.
[18:58.83] In fact...
[19:05.44] What?
[19:07.17] It's just.. It took me so long to get that desk organized.
[19:11.45] I'm sorry.
[19:14.35] There it is.
[19:28.16] What is going on?
[19:29.60] We're waiting for the candy. Bring out the candy!
[19:33.17] Yeah, lady, give us candy.
[19:37.10] Joey!
[19:39.04] -What's up, buddy? -What are you doing? -
[19:42.91] Waiting to get candy.
[19:45.15] Get in here.
[19:47.11] Hey, and you cannot smoke in here.
[19:54.05] Merry Christmas.
[19:56.66] The candy is coming! I need another 15 minutes for it to cool.
[20:02.40] All right, everybody, just be quiet. Be quiet! Be quiet! Pipe down!
[20:07.23] What is the matter with you people?
[20:09.57] This woman was trying to do a nice thing for you.
[20:12.91] She was making candy so she could get to know all of you...
[20:16.58] and I'll bet that not one of you can tell me her name.
[20:20.25] Am I right?
[20:22.42] Candy Lady?
[20:25.59] No, not "Candy Lady."
[20:28.69] If we know it, can we have candy?
[20:32.23] All right, you know what?
[20:34.70] Forget it, you've ruined it.
[20:36.93] Go home. You've ruined it.
[20:39.20] That's all wrong! You guys ruined everything. You ruined it!
[20:49.78] -Thank you. -You're welcome. -
[20:54.38] Did you smoke?
[20:56.18] No, smokes-a-lot lady blew smoke directly into my mouth.
[21:02.59] Are you okay?
[21:04.19] Fine, but it was really scary for a while.
[21:06.99] Someone slipped a threatening note under the door!
[21:10.30] Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Mob mentality or whatever.
[21:25.18] I can't believe it. I did it. I rode a bike!
[21:28.58] I never thought I'd be able to do that. Thank you.
[21:31.79] Oh, hey, don't thank me. Thank yourself.
[21:34.35] You're the one who faced your fears and ultimately overcame them.
[21:38.39] Don't be so corny, Ross. It's not an After School Special.
[00:00.00] undefined


[00:06.03] I' m ready. You sure?
[00:08.74] Let me just straighten out your helmet there.
[00:11.61] Thanks, Daddy. No, no. One daddy, two mommies.
[00:16.98] All right, it' s all yours. Okay, okay.
[00:20.22] There you go, there you go.
[00:22.22] Wow, Ben' s first big kid' s bike. This is so exciting!
[00:26.39] Oh, yeah, I remember mine.
[00:28.56] It was my sixth birthday. I went to the park...
[00:31.26] and I got on it and it bent. Yeah.
[00:35.80] I never had a bike of my own. What?
[00:38.60] We didn' t have a lot of money.
[00:40.60] But the girl across the street had the best bike.
[00:43.57] It was pink and it had rainbowcolored tassels hanging off the handles...
[00:48.24] and a bell and this big, white wicker basket...
[00:51.45] with those plastic daisies stuck on.
[00:54.98] That sounds like my first bike.
[00:58.72] My dad gave me his old one.
[01:01.66] Did the girl ever let you ride it? No.
[01:04.03] But she gave me the box that it came in.
[01:06.93] It had a picture of the bike on the front.
[01:10.37] So I would sit on it and my stepdad would drag me around the backyard.
[01:15.34] That is so unfair.
[01:17.31] Not really, I got to drag him around too.
[01:21.04] The One With All the Candy
[02:05.29] Hey, what are you guys doing?
[02:07.32] Making candy for the neighbors.
[02:09.86] I' m sorry, who?
[02:12.43] I' m gonna hang a basket on the door.
[02:14.73] When the neighbors walk by, they can take a piece.
[02:19.10] But we don' t know the neighbors. I do.
[02:21.54] There' s, let' s see, the guy with the mustache...
[02:24.91] smokesalot lady, some kids I' ve seen...
[02:28.51] and the redhaired guy who does not like to be called Rusty.
[02:33.18] See, this is exactly why I' m making this candy.
[02:36.08] We can get to know our neighbors.
[02:38.19] Wouldn' t it be easier if we just moved?
[02:43.19] Good morning!
[02:45.59] Somebody' s in a good mood. Well, why shouldn' t I be?
[02:49.13] I have great friends. I have a wonderful job..
[02:52.33] Where you can make out with your assistant.
[02:55.60] It' s not a big deal.
[02:56.97] We stayed up creating a plan so that us dating won' t be a problem.
[03:01.24] Oh, yeah? What' s the plan?
[03:06.45] We.. We are not...
[03:10.69] going to let it...
[03:12.82] be a problem.
[03:15.52] It took you all night to come up with that plan?
[03:18.83] Well, you know, we did other stuff too.
[03:22.66] Did you two...?
[03:23.87] Oh, I don' t sleep with guys on the first date.
[03:26.67] Matt Wire, Mark Lynn, Ben Wise.. Anymore!
[03:36.24] Hi, Tag, I have a conference call today, is that correct?
[03:39.85] Yes, at 4. Okay, thank you, that' ll be all.
[03:43.59] Wait, wait.
[03:49.19] Did you see that?
[03:50.43] He had no idea there was something going on between us.
[04:01.24] I' d better get back to my desk. Okay, hard worker.
[04:06.74] I' ll put that in your evaluation.
[04:09.24] My what? You' ve been here for two months now.
[04:12.25] And your boss is required to hand in a performance evaluation.
[04:16.12] But you know, there is one thing that I have yet to evaluate.
[04:26.83] Are you serious? No, but I' ve always wanted to do that.
[04:31.47] Can you help me clean this up?
[04:39.14] The basket is totally empty! The neighbors ate it all!
[04:42.54] Well, either that or...
[04:46.61] Joey!
[04:49.88] Yeah?
[04:51.22] Did you eat all the neighbor candy? That was the plan.
[04:54.56] When I got to it, there was only a few pieces left.
[04:58.03] They' ve come by all day. They love it.
[05:00.83] They love my candy?
[05:03.23] Oh, man, I gotta go make more. Hey, Mon.
[05:06.47] Make some more lasagna too. Something might have happened to a chunk of it.
[05:12.34] Ross, the neighbors ate all my candy.
[05:14.71] Mine stole my newspaper.
[05:16.51] It' s like a crime wave.
[05:22.25] Phoebe, you got a second?
[05:24.65] Sure.
[05:26.65] Ever since you told me about that bike...
[05:29.32] I couldn' t stop thinking about it.
[05:31.69] I mean, everyone should have a first bike, you know? So...
[05:39.23] Oh, my God, Ross!
[05:42.37] You like it? I love it!
[05:44.47] Yeah? Oh, oh, God..
[05:46.97] And I love you.
[05:49.38] Not that way.
[05:51.51] But the bike got you a lot closer.
[05:54.35] Well, take it downstairs.
[05:56.35] You know, give it a test drive.
[05:58.39] Okay. Oh, my God.
[06:01.02] My first bike!
[06:03.22] Thank you for the best present I' ve ever gotten.
[06:06.86] You' re welcome.
[06:10.63] Oh, and Chandler' s about to cry.
[06:15.04] Am not.
[06:22.88] Don' t worry, I' m brave.
[06:24.61] I.. I am brave.
[06:28.52] No, no, no, no!
[06:31.59] Can you tell me who is there, please?
[06:34.92] My name' s Gary. I live upstairs.
[06:39.93] Hi. Hi.
[06:41.43] Do you know what time it is? It' s candy time.
[06:45.47] My roommate says they taste like little drops of heaven.
[06:48.80] Oh, please.
[06:51.04] Did you hear that? " Little drops of heaven."
[06:55.44] Four a. m.
[06:57.25] So can I get some candy?
[06:59.65] I am sorry, but some of us have to get up early and go to work.
[07:04.35] He does not know that I am not " some of us."
[07:09.76] I' m sorry, but I' ll put some out in the morning.
[07:12.96] Okay, I' ll swing by later.
[07:15.60] You live in this building?
[07:18.63] Seems like I' d remember you.
[07:23.70] Night, Gar.
[07:37.95] So did you read your evaluation yet?
[07:40.49] No, it was marked " confidential."
[07:43.12] I just sent it to human resources.
[07:48.53] Please, you' re kidding, right? I wrote that one as a joke for you.
[07:52.63] A joke they would appreciate?
[07:54.67] I' m thinking, no.
[07:57.71] What did you say? I said you were a good kisser...
[08:02.31] and that I liked your teeny, tiny tushy.
[08:07.62] No, not my tushy.
[08:10.02] It gets worse.
[08:11.35] About your initiative, I wrote:
[08:13.69] " He was able to unhook my bra with minimal supervision." "
[08:18.33] Under problems with performance, I wrote, " Dear God, I hope not."
[08:23.50] And then.. And then I drew a little smiley face.
[08:27.77] And then a small pornographic sketch.
[08:40.28] That is so sweet of you to get Phoebe that bike.
[08:43.42] When I heard the story, I almost cried.
[08:45.92] Almost cried, huh?
[08:47.69] Hear that, Chandler? " Almost" cried.
[08:51.26] Hey, you cry every time somebody talks about Titanic.
[08:54.90] Those two had only each other.
[08:58.47] She really likes it, huh?
[09:00.10] Oh, yeah. I saw her walking it down the street.
[09:02.90] She had these flowers in the basket. It was so cute.
[09:06.24] I saw her this morning, walking it by the park.
[09:09.88] Wait, she was walking the bike?
[09:12.11] Both times?
[09:15.05] Hey, Phoebe. Oh, hi!
[09:17.49] Hey, so you enjoying the bike? Oh, uhhuh, so much.
[09:21.99] Phoebe, you do know how to ride a bike, don' t you?
[09:28.90] Of course.
[09:32.20] Can we see you ride it?
[09:33.83] Okay.
[09:49.82] See?
[09:59.79] I told you not to get involved with your assistant.
[10:02.80] There' s no such thing as a secret when it comes to affairs.
[10:07.10] Did you hear that, Chandler?
[10:09.97] No such thing.
[10:13.04] What happened? I' m just eating candy.
[10:17.55] Maybe it' s not that bad. They might not take it the way I meant it.
[10:21.58] Absolutely, you know? Because " tushy" can mean both ass...
[10:25.55] and good worker.
[10:28.86] I just gotta get the thing back.
[10:31.16] Rach? That sketch you mentioned?
[10:33.33] Might it have looked a little like this?
[10:36.36] Oh, my God, Joey!
[10:39.90] What is the matter with you? God!
[10:43.90] This little talent came in handy before I could afford porn.
[10:53.15] Hi, I' m sorry. I know it' s after hours, but I really need candy.
[10:57.99] I' m sorry, I can' t help you. See? Rules are rules.
[11:01.26] Please, I have people coming from out of town today.
[11:04.46] I told them all about your candy. You' re kidding.
[11:07.56] Outoftowners, huh? What did you tell them?
[11:10.80] I told them your candy was absolutely indescribable.
[11:14.47] Some people have said it' s " little drops of heaven." But whatever.
[11:20.01] Please, can' t you help me out? Hey, Chandler, do we know that lady?
[11:24.18] Isn' t she the woman who lives below you and has sex really loud?
[11:28.45] All right, I' ll do it just this once.
[11:30.85] But you can' t tell anyone. Please, just give it to me.
[11:34.32] Yeah, that' s her.
[11:37.32] Thank you. Unbelievable!
[11:39.53] I can' t believe that sign didn' t work.
[11:42.16] You know what would work? Stop making candy.
[11:46.10] But they like it.
[11:48.24] You mean they like you.
[11:51.01] Maybe.
[11:52.37] Is that why you became a chef, so people would like you?
[11:55.84] You want to talk about getting people to like you, huh, funny man?
[12:09.62] Just remember everything I taught you and you' ll be fine.
[12:13.06] Okay? Here we go.
[12:15.03] Ready, set..
[12:17.16] Wait, this seat is really uncomfortable.
[12:20.33] Maybe before we start we should just get another one.
[12:23.67] Perhaps like an airplane seat, or a beanbag chair!
[12:28.01] You can' t get out of this. You have to learn how to ride a bike.
[12:32.38] Why? Why do I have to learn?
[12:36.28] Well, in case of an emergency. What kind of emergency?
[12:40.89] Well, what if a man comes along and puts a gun to your head and says:
[12:45.56] " You ride this bike or I' ll..
[12:48.53] I' ll shoot you."
[12:51.37] I would ring the bell to distract him.
[12:53.90] Then I would knock the gun away with a Chinese throwing star.
[12:58.74] Okay, Phoebe, just get on the bike...
[13:02.24] and, hey, I' ll hold you up and push you. Okay?
[13:07.41] You won' t let go?
[13:09.18] No. You swear?
[13:10.68] I swear.
[13:13.79] Okay. Come on.
[13:18.69] Here we go. All right?
[13:20.39] All right?
[13:21.66] Feel good? All right, try pedaling.
[13:23.83] That' s it, you' re doing great. Yes, take control.
[13:27.23] Yes, yes, yes!
[13:31.84] Oh, no!
[13:35.48] You swore!
[13:36.98] I just thought you were doing so well. I am shocked. Shocked!
[13:46.25] It' s a legitimate learning technique.
[13:49.89] Wow.
[13:59.80] Hey, there' s some people outside asking about candy.
[14:04.37] They' ll just have to wait, okay? I only got two hands!
[14:08.18] Need some help? No, you don' t know the system.
[14:11.48] I don' t need nobody messing with the system!
[14:14.82] By the way, the week before your wedding, you may not see a lot of me.
[14:29.40] Oh, hello, liar.
[14:33.87] Look, I' m really sorry I let go of the bike.
[14:37.91] I could' ve been killed, you know.
[14:41.91] I know, I know.
[14:45.45] But can we please try it again?
[14:47.85] I mean, you were so close, Phoebe.
[14:50.38] Well, I would love to...
[14:53.72] but the bike got stolen and the police have no suspects.
[15:03.40] Phoebe. What?
[15:07.77] What the hell?
[15:11.14] You know what?
[15:12.41] If you won' t learn how to ride, then I' m sorry...
[15:15.74] I have to take it back. But why?
[15:19.08] Because it' s...
[15:22.25] It' d be like you having this guitar...
[15:25.85] and never playing it.
[15:27.89] Okay, this guitar wants to be played.
[15:30.99] And this bike wants to be ridden.
[15:34.36] And if you don' t ride it...
[15:36.86] you' re killing its spirit.
[15:42.90] The bike...
[15:45.07] is dying.
[15:50.81] All right. If you care enough to make up that load of crap, okay.
[15:55.82] Great.
[15:59.79] You' re making the bike very happy.
[16:02.02] Okay, Ross.
[16:06.19] Please don' t die!
[16:11.63] To get the evaluation before they see it...
[16:14.34] we gotta get into Zelner' s office. He doesn' t get in until 10.
[16:19.11] But his assistant, Betty, comes in early to eat breakfast at her desk.
[16:23.34] That' s kind of sad. Yeah, well, Betty' s kind of sad.
[16:27.01] Which is why I believe I can lure her away with these chocolates.
[16:32.32] While I distract her, you go in.
[16:34.62] Got it. Let' s roll.
[16:37.69] Hello, Rachel. You got a minute?
[16:40.13] Yeah, sure, Mr. Zelner. For you? Anything. Minute.
[16:43.66] Okay, great.
[16:45.73] Abort the plan.
[16:48.14] Actually, I' d like to speak to both of you.
[16:51.24] Okay.
[16:53.57] Well, can we get you anything, Mr. Zelner? Maybe some chocolates.
[16:59.58] No, thanks, but I' ll give these to Betty.
[17:04.35] So, I read your evaluation of Tag.
[17:07.32] Or, to use his full name, Tag " Sweet Cheeks" Jones?
[17:12.39] Is something going on with you two?
[17:16.06] Oh, my God, can you imagine if there was?
[17:21.97] I mean, what would happen exactly?
[17:26.71] Well, I' d be forced to file a report.
[17:29.41] I' d have to consult with the legal department.
[17:32.35] And your future at the company would be in jeopardy.
[17:36.75] Well.. Mr. Zelner...
[17:39.05] I filled in that evaluation.
[17:41.42] Oh, no.. Yeah, yeah.
[17:43.02] I thought it would be funny.
[17:46.29] You wrote that you have a cute tushy?
[17:50.73] Yes.
[17:52.00] I have a weird sense of humor.
[17:54.70] And I' m kind of strangely proud of my butt.
[17:58.64] It' s kind of a risky joke, Tag.
[18:01.51] What is this drawing? I can' t figure it out.
[18:04.41] It' s upside down, you gotta.. It doesn' t matter.
[18:09.15] It' s not like I don' t have a sense of humor.
[18:11.89] Hell, I even enjoy a naughty limerick every now and then.
[18:18.09] There' s a time and a place.
[18:21.73] Unless you have a limerick right now.
[18:27.03] No? Okay. Well, you' ve got my fax number.
[18:38.81] I can' t believe you did that. That was sweet.
[18:41.62] Don' t worry about it. You could' ve lost your job.
[18:44.75] Are you kidding me? With this cute butt, I' d find work.
[18:50.16] Thank you, you' re great.
[18:54.19] You know what? What?
[18:56.43] I feel great.
[18:58.83] In fact...
[19:05.44] What?
[19:07.17] It' s just.. It took me so long to get that desk organized.
[19:11.45] I' m sorry.
[19:14.35] There it is.
[19:28.16] What is going on?
[19:29.60] We' re waiting for the candy. Bring out the candy!
[19:33.17] Yeah, lady, give us candy.
[19:37.10] Joey!
[19:39.04] What' s up, buddy? What are you doing?
[19:42.91] Waiting to get candy.
[19:45.15] Get in here.
[19:47.11] Hey, and you cannot smoke in here.
[19:54.05] Merry Christmas.
[19:56.66] The candy is coming! I need another 15 minutes for it to cool.
[20:02.40] All right, everybody, just be quiet. Be quiet! Be quiet! Pipe down!
[20:07.23] What is the matter with you people?
[20:09.57] This woman was trying to do a nice thing for you.
[20:12.91] She was making candy so she could get to know all of you...
[20:16.58] and I' ll bet that not one of you can tell me her name.
[20:20.25] Am I right?
[20:22.42] Candy Lady?
[20:25.59] No, not " Candy Lady."
[20:28.69] If we know it, can we have candy?
[20:32.23] All right, you know what?
[20:34.70] Forget it, you' ve ruined it.
[20:36.93] Go home. You' ve ruined it.
[20:39.20] That' s all wrong! You guys ruined everything. You ruined it!
[20:49.78] Thank you. You' re welcome.
[20:54.38] Did you smoke?
[20:56.18] No, smokesalot lady blew smoke directly into my mouth.
[21:02.59] Are you okay?
[21:04.19] Fine, but it was really scary for a while.
[21:06.99] Someone slipped a threatening note under the door!
[21:10.30] Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Mob mentality or whatever.
[21:25.18] I can' t believe it. I did it. I rode a bike!
[21:28.58] I never thought I' d be able to do that. Thank you.
[21:31.79] Oh, hey, don' t thank me. Thank yourself.
[21:34.35] You' re the one who faced your fears and ultimately overcame them.
[21:38.39] Don' t be so corny, Ross. It' s not an After School Special.
[00:00.00] undefined


[00:06.03] wǒ zhǔn bèi hǎo le nǐ què dìng?
[00:08.74] ràng wǒ bāng nǐ bǎ tóu kuī dài hǎo
[00:11.61] xiè xiè nǐ, bà bà bù, yí gè bà bà, èr gè mā mā
[00:16.98] hǎo le, nǐ qù ba méi wèn tí
[00:20.22] jiā yóu
[00:22.22] zhè shì bān dì yī cì qí jiǎo tà chē wǒ zhēn de shì hǎo xīng fèn
[00:26.39] duì, wǒ hái jì de wǒ de dì yī cì
[00:28.56] nà shi wǒ liù suì de shēng rì wǒ dào gōng yuán qù
[00:31.26] zuò shàng jiǎo tà chē, tā jiù kuǎ le méi cuò
[00:35.80] wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu shǔ yú zì jǐ de jiǎo tà chē shén me?
[00:38.60] wǒ men jiā hěn qióng
[00:40.60] dàn zhù zài duì jiē de nǚ hái yǒu yī liàng zuì kù de jiǎo tà chē
[00:43.57] tā shì fěn hóng sè de bǎ shǒu guà zhe wǔ yán liù sè de liú sū
[00:48.24] hái yǒu líng dāng yí gè bái sè de dà lán zi
[00:51.45] shàng miàn nián zhe sù jiāo zuò de xiǎo chú jú
[00:54.98] tīng qǐ lái hěn xiàng shì wǒ de dì yī liàng jiǎo tà chē
[00:58.72] wǒ bà bǎ tā yǐ qián de jiǎo tà chē sòng gěi wǒ
[01:01.66] nà gè nǚ hái ràng nǐ qí tā ma? bù
[01:04.03] dàn tā bǎ zhuāng jiǎo tà chē de zhǐ xiāng sòng gěi wǒ
[01:06.93] zhǐ xiāng qián miàn yìn le jiǎo tà chē de tú àn
[01:10.37] wǒ kě yǐ zuò zài shàng miàn wǒ jì fù huì tuō zhe wǒ zài hòu yuàn pǎo
[01:15.34] nà zhēn de tài bù gōng píng le
[01:17.31] yě bù néng nà me shuō wǒ yě huì tuō zhe tā pǎo
[01:21.04] běn jí bō chū: táng guǒ huáng hòu
[02:05.29] nǐ men zài zuò shí mǒ?
[02:07.32] wǒ zài wèi lín jū zuò táng guǒ
[02:09.86] duì bù qǐ, nǐ shuō shuí?
[02:12.43] wǒ yào zài mén shàng guà yí gè lán zi
[02:14.73] zhǐ yào lín jū yī zǒu guò qù tā men jiù kě yǐ ná yí kuài táng guǒ
[02:19.10] dàn wǒ men bù rèn shi wǒ men de lín jū wǒ rèn shi
[02:21.54] ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng nà gè liú hú zǐ de nán rén
[02:24.91] lǎo yān qiāng pó pó wǒ kàn guò yī xiē hái zi
[02:28.51] hái yǒu hóng tóu fà de nán rén tā bù xǐ huān bié rén jiào tā xiǎo hóng
[02:33.18] kàn ba, zhè jiù shì wǒ yào zuò táng guǒ de yuán yīn
[02:36.08] wǒ men kě yǐ rèn shi lín jū
[02:38.19] bān jiā yīng gāi huì bǐ jiào jiǎn dān yì diǎn ba?
[02:43.19] zǎo ān
[02:45.59] yǒu rén xīn qíng bù cuò wǒ wèi shí me yào xīn qíng bù hǎo?
[02:49.13] wǒ yǒu hěn bàng de péng yǒu yǒu hěn bàng de gōng zuò
[02:52.33] ér qiě kě yǐ zài bàn gōng shì gēn zhù lǐ guǐ hùn
[02:55.60] nà méi yǒu shén me dà bù liǎo de
[02:56.97] wǒ men zhěng wǎn méi shuì zài xiǎng jì huà què bǎo wǒ men de jiāo wǎng bú huì yǒu wèn tí
[03:01.24] shì ma? nǐ men xiǎng chū shén me jì huà?
[03:06.45] wǒ men wǒ men bú huì
[03:10.69] ràng tā
[03:12.82] biàn chéng wèn tí
[03:15.52] nǐ men huā le yī zhěng wǎn xiǎng chū nà gè jì huà?
[03:18.83] nǐ zhī dào de wǒ men hái zuò le bié de shì
[03:22.66] nǐ men liǎng gè
[03:23.87] ō, wǒ bú huì zài dì yī cì yuē huì shí jiù gēn nán bàn shàng chuáng
[03:26.67] mài tè wēi ěr, mǎ kè lín ēn, bān wéi sī wǒ yǐ jīng bú huì le
[03:36.24] tài gé, jīn tiān wǒ yào kāi huì duì ba?
[03:39.85] méi cuò, sì diǎn kāi huì xiè xiè nǐ, méi shì le
[03:43.59] děng yī xià
[03:49.19] nǐ kàn dào le ma?
[03:50.43] tā méi fā xiàn wǒ men zài liàn ài
[04:01.24] wǒ dé huí qù gōng zuò le hǎo ba, gōng zuò kuáng
[04:06.74] wǒ huì zài nǐ de píng gū biǎo lǐ tí dào nà yì diǎn
[04:09.24] wǒ de shén me? nǐ yǐ jīng lái shàng bān liǎng ge yuè le
[04:12.25] nǐ de shàng sī bì xū wèi nǐ de biǎo xiàn zuò píng gū
[04:16.12] dàn yǒu yī jiàn shì wǒ hái méi yǒu zuò píng gū
[04:26.83] nǐ shì rèn zhēn de ma? bù, wǒ yī zhí dōu xiǎng nà me zuò
[04:31.47] nǐ kě yǐ bāng wǒ bǎ dōng xī jiǎn qǐ lái ma?
[04:39.14] lán zi shì kōng de lín jū men bǎ táng guǒ chī diào le
[04:42.54] ō, bù rán de huà jiù shì
[04:46.61] qiáo yī
[04:51.22] nǐ chī diào gěi lín jū men de táng guǒ le ma? běn lái wǒ dǎ suàn yào nà me zuò
[04:54.56] wǒ zǒu dào lán zi biān shí lǐ miàn zhǐ shèng jǐ kuài táng guǒ
[04:58.03] zhěng tiān rén cháo chuān liú bù xī tā men xǐ huān tā
[05:00.83] tā men xǐ huān wǒ de táng guǒ?
[05:03.23] tiān a, wǒ dé duō zuò yì diǎn hēi, mó nī kǎ
[05:06.47] duō zuò yì diǎn qiān céng miàn huò xǔ tā yě huì hěn shòu huān yíng
[05:12.34] luó sī, lín jū men chī guāng le wǒ de táng guǒ
[05:14.71] wǒ de lín jū tōu zǒu wǒ de bào zhǐ
[05:16.51] zhè jiǎn zhí shì fàn zuì cháo
[05:22.25] fēi bǐ, nǐ yǒu kòng ma?
[05:24.65] dāng rán yǒu
[05:26.65] zì cóng nǐ gào sù wǒ nà gè jiǎo tà chē de gù shì
[05:29.32] tā yī zhí zài wǒ nǎo zhōng huī zhī bù qù
[05:31.69] wǒ shì shuō dà jiā dōu gāi yǒu dì yī liàng jiǎo tà chē nǐ zhī dào ma? suǒ yǐ
[05:39.23] wǒ de tiān a, luó sī
[05:42.37] nǐ xǐ huān ma? wǒ ài sǐ tā le
[05:44.47] shì ma? ō, tiān a
[05:46.97] wǒ ài nǐ
[05:49.38] bú shì nà yī zhǒng ài
[05:51.51] dàn zhè liàng jiǎo tà chē ràng nǐ gēn wǒ gèng qīn jìn le
[05:54.35] ō, bǎ tā qiān dào lóu xià qù
[05:56.35] shì qí yī xià
[05:58.39] hǎo de, wǒ de tiān a
[06:01.02] wǒ de dì yī liàng jiǎo tà chē
[06:03.22] xiè xiè nǐ zhè shì wǒ shōu guò zuì bàng de lǐ wù
[06:06.86] bié kè qi
[06:10.63] qián dé kuài kū le
[06:15.04] wǒ cái méi yǒu
[06:20.94] Who is that? shì shuí?
[06:22.88] bié dān xīn, wǒ hěn yǒng gǎn
[06:24.61] wǒ wǒ hěn yǒng gǎn
[06:31.59] qǐng wèn nǐ shì shuí?
[06:34.92] wǒ shì gài ruì, wǒ zhù zài lóu shàng
[06:39.93] hāi hāi
[06:41.43] nǐ zhī dào xiàn zài jǐ diǎn le ma? xiàn zài shì táng guǒ shí jiān
[06:45.47] wǒ shì yǒu shuō tā men chī qǐ lái jiù xiàng shì tiān shàng diào xià lái de lǐ wù
[06:48.80] ō, bài tuō
[06:51.04] nǐ tīng dào le ma? " tiān shàng diào xià lái de lǐ wù"
[06:55.44] líng chén sì diǎn
[06:57.25] nǐ néng gěi wǒ yì diǎn táng guǒ ma?
[06:59.65] duì bù qǐ, dàn wǒ men zhī zhōng yǒu rén hái dé zǎo qǐ qù shàng bān
[07:04.35] tā bù zhī dào wǒ bú shì" nà gè rén"
[07:09.76] duì bù qǐ dàn míng tiān yī dà zǎo wǒ huì zuò yī xiē táng guǒ
[07:12.96] hǎo ba, wǒ dāi huì zài lái
[07:15.60] nǐ zhù zài zhè lǐ?
[07:18.63] wǒ yīng gāi huì jì de nǐ
[07:23.70] wǎn ān, gài ruì
[07:37.95] nǐ kàn le nǐ de píng gū biǎo ma?
[07:40.49] bù, shàng miàn xiě le" jí jī mì"
[07:43.12] wǒ gāng gāng bǎ tā sòng dào rén shì chù le
[07:48.53] bài tuō, nǐ shì zài kāi wán xiào, duì ba? wǒ gù yì xiě nà fèn píng gū biǎo lái gēn nǐ kāi wán xiào
[07:52.63] tā men huì xǐ huān zhè gè wán xiào ma?
[07:54.67] wǒ xiǎng bú huì
[07:57.71] nǐ xiě le shén me? wǒ shuō nǐ shì jiē wěn gāo shǒu
[08:02.31] wǒ xǐ huān nǐ yòu xiǎo yòu tǐng de
[08:07.62] bù, nǐ bù gāi nà me shuō
[08:10.02] hái yǒu gèng zāo gāo de shì
[08:11.35] guān yú nǐ de zhǔ dòng xìng, wǒ shuō:
[08:13.69] tā jī hū bù xū yào zhǐ dǎo jiù néng jiě kāi wǒ de xiōng zhào"
[08:18.33] zhì yú nǐ de biǎo xiàn huì bú huì yǒu wèn tí wǒ shuō:" tiān a, xī wàng bú yào yǒu"
[08:23.50] rán hòu rán hòu wǒ huà le yí gè wēi xiào de xiǎo liǎn
[08:27.77] hái yǒu yī zhāng sè qíng xiǎo sù miáo
[08:40.28] nǐ sòng fēi bǐ jiǎo tà chē zhēn de tài tiē xīn le
[08:43.42] wǒ tīng dào nà gè gù shì shí chà diǎn jiù kū le
[08:45.92] nǐ chà diǎn kū le?
[08:47.69] nǐ tīng dào le ma? qián dé," chà diǎn" kū le
[08:51.26] zhǐ yào yǒu rén tí dào tiě dá ní kè hào nǐ měi cì dōu huì kū
[08:54.90] tā men liǎng gè zhǐ yǒu bǐ cǐ
[08:58.47] tā zhēn de hěn xǐ huān tā ba?
[09:00.10] duì, wǒ kàn dào tā qiān zhe tā guò jiē
[09:02.90] tā de lán zi lǐ miàn hái yǒu huā nà zhēn de hěn kě ài
[09:06.24] jīn tiān zǎo shàng wǒ kàn dào tā qiān zhe tā zài gōng yuán sàn bù
[09:09.88] děng yī xià, tā qiān zhe jiǎo tà chē?
[09:12.11] liǎng cì dōu shì?
[09:15.05] hāi, fēi bǐ hāi
[09:17.49] nǐ xǐ huān nǐ de jiǎo tà chē ma? fēi cháng xǐ huān
[09:21.99] fēi bǐ, nǐ huì qí jiǎo tà chē ba?
[09:28.90] dāng rán
[09:32.20] wǒ men néng kàn nǐ qí jiǎo tà chē ma?
[09:33.83] hǎo ba
[09:49.82] nǐ men kàn dào le ma?
[09:59.79] wǒ zǎo jiù gēn nǐ shuō bú yào gēn zhù lǐ jiāo wǎng
[10:02.80] zhǐ yào shì dì xià qíng jué duì shì zhǐ bāo bú zhù huǒ de
[10:07.10] nǐ tīng dào le ma? qián dé
[10:09.97] zhǐ shì bāo bú zhù huǒ de
[10:13.04] fā shēng le shén me shì? wǒ zhǐ shì zài chī táng guǒ
[10:17.55] huò xǔ méi yǒu nà me zāo gāo tā men kě néng kàn bu dǒng wǒ de yì sī
[10:21.58] dāng rán luō, nǐ zhī dào ma? yīn wèi" xiǎo pì pì" kě yǐ zhǐ
[10:25.55] gēn hǎo yuán gōng
[10:28.86] wǒ dé bǎ píng gū biǎo ná huí lái
[10:31.16] ruì qiū, hái jì de nǐ tí dào de sù miáo ma?
[10:33.33] tā gēn zhè fú sù miáo hěn xiàng ma?
[10:36.36] wǒ de tiān a, qiáo yī
[10:39.90] nǐ shì zěn me le? tiān a
[10:43.90] zài wǒ mǎi bu qǐ sè qíng zá zhì qián zhè diǎn tiān fèn hái mán yǒu yòng de
[10:53.15] hāi, duì bù qǐ, wǒ zhī dào xiàn zài shì xiū xī shí jiān, dàn wǒ zhēn de xū yào táng guǒ
[10:57.99] duì bù qǐ, wǒ bāng bù liǎo nǐ kàn dào le méi? guī dìng jiù shì guī dìng
[11:01.26] bài tuō, wǒ zhù zài wài dì de péng yǒu jīn tiān lái kàn wǒ
[11:04.46] wǒ gēn tā men tí qǐ nǐ de táng guǒ nǐ shì zài kāi wán xiào
[11:07.56] tā men shì wài dì lái de? nǐ zěn me gēn tā men shuō de?
[11:10.80] wǒ gào sù tā men nǐ de táng guǒ zhēn de shì hǎo chī dào wú fǎ xíng róng
[11:14.47] yǒu rén shuō tā shì" tiān shàng diào xià lái de lǐ wù", dàn nà bù zhòng yào
[11:20.01] bài tuō, nǐ bù néng bāng bāng wǒ ma? qián dé, wǒ men rèn shi nà wèi nǚ shì ma?
[11:24.18] tā bú shì zhù zài nǐ lóu xià shí huì dà jiào de nà gè nǚ rén ma?
[11:28.45] hǎo ba, wǒ zhǐ pò lì yī cì
[11:30.85] dàn nǐ bù néng gào sù rèn hé rén qiú qiú nǐ, kuài gěi wǒ ba
[11:34.32] duì, jiù shì tā
[11:37.32] xiè xiè nǐ bù kě sī yì
[11:39.53] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn zhǐ tiáo méi yǒu yòng
[11:42.16] nǐ zhī dào shén me cái huì yǒu yòng ma? bié zài zuò táng guǒ le
[11:46.10] dàn tā men xǐ huān tā
[11:48.24] nǐ shì shuō tā men xǐ huān nǐ
[11:51.01] huò xǔ ba
[11:52.37] nà jiù shì nǐ dāng chú shī de yuán yīn? nǐ yào dà jiā xǐ huān nǐ?
[11:55.84] nǐ yào gēn wǒ tán zěn me ràng bié rén xǐ huān nǐ ma? xiǎo chǒu
[12:09.62] jì zhù wǒ jiào nǐ de yī qiè nǐ huì méi shì de
[12:13.06] hǎo ma? kāi shǐ ba
[12:15.03] jiù wèi, yù bèi
[12:17.16] děng yī xià, zhè gè yǐ zi zhēn de hěn bù shū fu
[12:20.33] huò xǔ wǒ men dé huàn zhāng yǐ zi zài lái liàn xí
[12:23.67] huò xǔ wǒ men gāi huàn gè fēi jī zuò yǐ huò lǎn gǔ tou
[12:28.01] nǐ bù néng táo bì zhè jiàn shì nǐ dé xué huì qí jiǎo tà chē
[12:32.38] wèi shí me wǒ fēi xué bù kě?
[12:36.28] yǐ fáng fā shēng jǐn jí shì gù shén me yàng de jǐn jí shì gù?
[12:40.89] rú guǒ yǒu rén zǒu guò lái ná qiāng dǐ zhe nǐ de tóu shuō:
[12:45.56] kuài qí shàng jiǎo tà chē, bù rán wǒ huì
[12:48.53] wǒ huì kāi qiāng dǎ nǐ
[12:51.37] wǒ huì àn líng dāng fēn sǎn tā de zhù yì lì
[12:53.90] rán hòu wǒ huì yòng zhōng guó de fēi biāo bǎ nà gè jiā huo qiāo hūn
[12:58.74] hǎo ba, fēi bǐ, kuài zuò shàng jiǎo tà chē
[13:02.24] wǒ huì fú zhe nǐ bāng nǐ tuī, hǎo ma?
[13:07.41] nǐ bú huì fàng shǒu?
[13:09.18] wǒ bú huì nǐ fā shì
[13:10.68] wǒ fā shì
[13:13.79] hǎo ba lái ba
[13:18.69] hǎo le, yào kāi shǐ le, hǎo ma?
[13:20.39] hǎo ba hǎo ma?
[13:21.66] gǎn jué bù cuò ba? hǎo le, shì zhe cǎi tà bǎn
[13:23.83] duì le, nǐ zuò de hěn hǎo duì, kòng zhì zhù chē zi
[13:27.23] zhè jiù duì le
[13:31.84] ō, bù
[13:35.48] nǐ fā guò shì de
[13:36.98] wǒ rèn wéi nǐ qí de hěn hǎo wǒ zhēn de hěn zhèn jīng
[13:46.25] dà jiā dōu shì nà yàng zi xué jiǎo tà chē de
[13:49.89] wa
[13:59.80] hēi, wài miàn yǒu xiē rén zài wèn táng guǒ de shì
[14:04.37] tā men dé děng, hǎo ma? wǒ zhǐ yǒu liǎng zhī shǒu
[14:08.18] xū yào wǒ bāng máng ma? bù, nǐ bù shú xī liú chéng
[14:11.48] wǒ bù xī wàng rèn hé rén pò huài wǒ de liú chéng
[14:14.82] hái yǒu, nǐ jié hūn qián yí gè xīng qī bú huì cháng cháng kàn dào wǒ
[14:29.40] hāi, piàn zi
[14:33.87] tīng zhe, wǒ zhēn de hěn bào qiàn fàng kāi le nǐ de jiǎo tà chē
[14:37.91] wǒ kě néng huì méi mìng de
[14:41.91] wǒ zhī dào
[14:45.45] dàn nǐ néng zài shì yī cì ma?
[14:47.85] wǒ shì shuō nǐ zhǐ chà yì diǎn jiù chéng gōng le, fēi bǐ
[14:50.38] ō, wǒ hěn lè yì
[14:53.72] dàn jiǎo tà chē bèi tōu le jǐng chá zhǎo bu dào xián fàn
[15:03.40] fēi bǐ shén me?
[15:07.77] zěn me huì zhè yàng?
[15:11.14] nǐ zhī dào ma?
[15:12.41] rú guǒ nǐ bù xué qí jiǎo tà chē nà me wǒ hěn bào qiàn
[15:15.74] wǒ dé bǎ tā shōu huí qù shén me? wèi shí me?
[15:19.08] yīn wèi tā
[15:22.25] tā jiù xiàng nǐ mǎi le zhè bǎ jí tā
[15:25.85] què cóng lái bù dàn tā
[15:27.89] hǎo ba, zhè bǎ jí tā xī wàng bèi dàn
[15:30.99] zhè liàng jiǎo tà chē xī wàng bèi qí
[15:34.36] rú guǒ nǐ bù qí tā
[15:36.86] nǐ jiù shì zài è shā tā de líng hún
[15:42.90] jiǎo tà chē
[15:45.07] kuài sǐ le
[15:50.81] hǎo ba, rú guǒ nǐ zhēn de nà me zài hu bù xī sā xià màn tiān dà huǎng, wǒ xué jiù shì le
[15:55.82] tài bàng le
[15:59.79] nǐ ràng jiǎo tà chē fēi cháng kuài lè
[16:02.02] zhī dào la, luó sī
[16:06.19] qǐng bú yào sǐ diào
[16:11.63] wǒ men dé zài tā men kàn dào píng gū biǎo qián bǎ tā ná huí lái
[16:14.34] suǒ yǐ wǒ men dé liū jìn chá nà de bàn gōng shì tōng cháng tā shí diǎn cái huì dào
[16:19.11] dàn tā de zhù lǐ bèi dì yī dà zǎo jiù huì dào bàn gōng shì chī zǎo cān
[16:23.34] nà zhēn de hěn bēi cǎn méi cuò, bèi dì yǒu diǎn cǎn
[16:27.01] suǒ yǐ wǒ xiāng xìn wǒ kě yǐ yòng zhèi xiē qiǎo kè lì bǎ tā yòu kāi
[16:32.32] wǒ yòu kāi tā hòu, nǐ jiù pǎo jìn qù
[16:34.62] wǒ zhī dào le wǒ men xíng dòng ba
[16:37.69] hāi, ruì qiū, nǐ yǒu kòng ma?
[16:40.13] dāng rán, chá nà xiān shēng nǐ yǒu shì ma? wǒ suí shí dōu yǒu kòng
[16:43.66] hǎo ba, tài bàng le
[16:45.73] qǔ xiāo jì huà
[16:48.14] shì shí shàng, wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ men liǎng gè tán yī tán
[16:51.24] hǎo de
[16:53.57] yǒu shén me shì xū yào bāng máng ma? chá nà xiān shēng huò xǔ nǐ xiǎng chī diǎn qiǎo kè lì
[16:59.58] bù, xiè xiè nǐ dàn wǒ kě yǐ bǎ tā men sòng gěi bèi dì
[17:04.35] wǒ kàn guò nǐ duì tài gé zuò de píng gū biǎo
[17:07.32] huò xǔ wǒ gāi jiào tā de quán míng tài gé" xiǎo kě ài" qióng sī?
[17:12.39] nǐ men zhī jiān yǒu shén me ma?
[17:16.06] wǒ de tiān a nǐ néng xiǎng xiàng rú guǒ yǒu huì zěn me yàng ma?
[17:21.97] rú guǒ shì nà yàng de huà huì zěn yàng?
[17:26.71] nà yàng a, wǒ yí dìng dé xiě fèn bào gào
[17:29.41] wǒ dé gēn fǎ lǜ bù mén shāng liáng
[17:32.35] nǐ men zài gōng sī de wèi lái kě néng huì yǒu wèn tí
[17:36.75] ō chá nà xiān shēng
[17:39.05] nà fèn píng gū biǎo shì wǒ xiě de
[17:41.42] ō, bù duì
[17:43.02] wǒ yǐ wéi zhè huì hěn hǎo wán
[17:46.29] nǐ xiě zhe nǐ yǒu kě ài de xiǎo pì pì?
[17:50.73] duì
[17:52.00] wǒ de yōu mò gǎn hěn qí guài
[17:54.70] hěn qí guài dì wǒ yǐ zì jǐ de wèi róng
[17:58.64] kāi zhè zhǒng wán xiào tài wēi xiǎn le, tài gé
[18:01.51] zhè dào dǐ shì zài huà shén me? wǒ kàn bu dǒng
[18:04.41] tā dào guò lái le, nǐ dé nà bù zhòng yào
[18:09.15] wǒ bú shì méi yǒu yōu mò gǎn de rén
[18:11.89] méi cuò, wǒ shèn zhì hěn xǐ huān xiě dǎ yóu shī
[18:18.09] dàn shí jiān gēn dì diǎn shì hěn zhòng yào de
[18:21.73] chú fēi nǐ yǒu xiě dǎ yóu shī de líng gǎn
[18:27.03] méi yǒu ma? hǎo ba nǐ zhī dào wǒ de chuán zhēn jī hào mǎ
[18:38.81] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ huì nà me zuò nà tài tiē xīn le
[18:41.62] bié dān xīn nǐ kě néng huì diū diào gōng zuò
[18:44.75] nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ma? yǒu zhè me kě ài de wǒ yí dìng néng zhǎo dào gōng zuò
[18:50.16] xiè xiè nǐ, nǐ tài bàng le
[18:54.19] nǐ zhī dào ma? shén me?
[18:56.43] wǒ gǎn jué bàng jí le
[18:58.83] shì shí shàng
[19:05.44] shén me?
[19:07.17] wǒ zhǐ shì wǒ huā le hěn duō shí jiān cái bǎ zhuō zi zhěng lǐ hǎo
[19:11.45] duì bù qǐ
[19:14.35] zhè jiù duì le
[19:28.16] zěn me le?
[19:29.60] wǒ men zài děng táng guǒ bǎ táng guǒ ná chū lái
[19:33.17] duì, xiǎo jiě, kuài gěi wǒ men táng guǒ
[19:37.10] qiáo yī
[19:39.04] shén me shì? xiōng dì nǐ zài zuò shí mǒ?
[19:42.91] wǒ zài děng zhe ná táng guǒ
[19:45.15] kuài jìn lái
[19:47.11] hēi, nǐ bù néng zài zhè lǐ chōu yān
[19:54.05] yé dàn kuài lè
[19:56.66] táng guǒ zuò hǎo le, wǒ dé ràng tā lěng què shí wǔ fēn zhōng
[20:02.40] hǎo le, dà huǒ men, ān jìng ān jìng, qǐng bì zuǐ
[20:07.23] nǐ men shì zěn me le?
[20:09.57] zhè gè nǚ rén zài wèi nǐ men zuò hǎo shì
[20:12.91] tā xiǎng zuò táng guǒ shì wèi le yào rèn shi nǐ men
[20:16.58] wǒ gǎn shuō nǐ men méi yǒu rén néng jiào chū tā de míng zì
[20:20.25] wǒ méi shuō cuò ba?
[20:22.42] tā shì táng guǒ xiǎo jiě?
[20:25.59] bù, bú shì" táng guǒ xiǎo jiě"
[20:28.69] zhī dào tā de míng zì jiù néng ná dào táng guǒ ma?
[20:32.23] hǎo ba, nǐ men zhī dào ma?
[20:34.70] wàng le táng guǒ, nǐ men huǐ le yī qiè
[20:36.93] huí jiā qù ba, nǐ men huǐ le yī qiè
[20:39.20] nà shi bú duì de, nǐ men huǐ le yī qiè nǐ men huǐ le zhè gè jī huì
[20:49.78] xiè xiè bié kè qi
[20:54.38] nǐ chōu le yān ma?
[20:56.18] bù, lǎo yān qiāng pó pó bǎ yān zhí jiē pēn rù wǒ de zuǐ bā lǐ
[21:02.59] nǐ méi shì ba?
[21:04.19] wǒ méi shì dàn gāng gāng zhēn de yǒu diǎn kě pà
[21:06.99] yǒu rén huì jiāng kǒng hè zhǐ tiáo sāi dào mén fèng xià
[21:10.30] duì le, wǒ hěn bào qiàn wǒ de bào lì qīng xiàng fā zuò le
[21:25.18] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn, wǒ bàn dào le wǒ huì qí jiǎo tà chē le
[21:28.58] wǒ cóng lái méi xiǎng guò wǒ néng zhè me zuò, xiè xiè nǐ
[21:31.79] hēi, bié xiè wǒ xiè xiè nǐ zì jǐ
[21:34.35] shì nǐ miàn duì le zì jǐ de kǒng jù zhōng yú kè fú le tā men
[21:38.39] bié shuō xiē chén qiāng làn diào de huà zhè bú shì fǔ dǎo kè