Friends S07E11-12

歌曲 Friends S07E11-12
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第七季)


[00:05.77] You have got to try this cheesecake. 你得试试这块起司蛋糕
[00:08.37] You know, I'm not that much of a sweet tooth.. 我不是那么喜欢吃甜食…
[00:12.44] Oh, my God, it's so creamy! 我的天啊,它好香浓
[00:15.18] That's the best cheesecake I've ever had! 那是我吃过最棒的起司蛋糕!
[00:18.28] Where did you get this? 你在哪里买到它?
[00:20.62] It was at the front door when I got home. Somebody sent it to us. 我回家时它就已经放在门口了 有人把它寄给我们
[00:25.49] This isn't addressed to you. 收件人不是你
[00:27.46] This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs! 收件人是楼下的布雷曼太太!
[00:30.93] Thief! 小偷!
[00:33.40] I didn't read the box before I opened it... 我没看收件人姓名就打开了盒子…
[00:36.00] and you can't return a box after you opened it! 盒子已经打开了就无法退还!
[00:38.83] -Why not? -Because it's too delicious! -为什么? -因为它太好吃了
[00:43.71] You stole this cheesecake. That's wrong. 你偷了这个起司蛋糕,那是不对的
[00:46.47] No, it'll be okay because Mrs. Braverman will send for a free one. 不,没关系的,因为布雷曼太太 会免费再收到一个
[00:51.28] That way, we all win. 那可是双赢的局面
[00:53.21] The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate... 唯一的输家是大型起司蛋糕店…
[00:57.49] "Mama's Little Bakery." “小妈妈的面包店”
[01:00.92] I feel terrible. 我觉得好难过
[01:02.79] I'm a horrible, horrible person. 我是个大坏蛋
[01:06.56] I'm sorry, what? 对不起,你说什么?
[01:09.93] The One With All The Cheesecakes 本集播出:起司蛋糕
[01:49.77] I should get going. Big day at work. 我得走了,我今天工作很忙
[01:52.47] You know how I'm in a coma? 你们知道我怎么会昏迷不醒吗?
[01:55.04] Today they do a test on me and it turns out I'm not brain-dead. 今天他们要帮我做检查 结果发现我没有脑死
[01:59.71] So.. 所以…
[02:01.05] Mr. Smarty Pants. 聪明先生
[02:02.85] It's just my character that's not brain-dead. 没有脑死的是我演的角色
[02:06.32] Phoebe, still on for tonight? 菲比,今晚的事没取消吧?
[02:08.39] -Absolutely. -I'll see you at 8. -当然 -八点见
[02:10.86] What's at 8? 什么东西八点见?
[02:12.69] Dinner. We get together about once a month to discuss the rest of you. 我们约好吃晚餐,我们大约 一个月会约一次去讨论你们的事
[02:19.20] Wow! Did not know that. 哇!我真的不知道
[02:21.24] May I say how lovely you look today? 我能说你今天看起来很漂亮吗?
[02:24.01] Duly noted. 那当然
[02:26.34] zSo for tomorrow, do you want to rent a car and drive down together? 明天你要租辆车一起开过去吗?
[02:30.91] -What are you talking about? -Cousin Frannie's wedding. -你在说什么? -芬妮表妹的婚礼
[02:35.22] You were invited? 你被邀请了?
[02:38.99] No. 不
[02:40.76] Oh, my God, I can't believe this. 我的天啊,我不敢相信
[02:43.36] I thought only Mom and Dad were invited. 我以为他们只邀请了爸跟妈
[02:45.99] From the ages of 7 to 9, Frannie and I were inseparable. 七岁到九岁,芬妮跟我形影不离
[02:50.37] Maybe since the age of 9, Frannie's made some new friends. 或许九岁后,芬妮交了新朋友
[02:55.50] It's probably just a mistake. Let me call Aunt Cheryl. 或许这只是个误会 我打电话去问雪若阿姨
[02:59.14] Maybe you are invited and the invitation got lost in the mail. 或许他们邀请你了,只是请帖寄丢了
[03:02.71] You call her and tell her that when we were kids... 你可以打电话告诉她,我们小时候…
[03:05.98] her precious Frannie tried to undress me several times. 她的宝贝芬妮好几次想脱光我的衣服
[03:09.52] If I hadn't stopped her, there wouldn't be a wedding to go to. 要不是我阻止了她,她也结不了婚
[03:13.22] She tried to undress me too. 她也想脱我的衣服
[03:16.59] I used to undress my cousin Glenn. 我以前会帮葛兰表弟脱衣服
[03:26.57] Joseph Francis Tribbiani, are you home yet? 乔瑟夫法兰西斯崔比亚尼 你回家了吗?
[03:31.01] I think he's still out. What's wrong? 我想他还没有回家,怎么了?
[03:33.24] I'll tell you, Rachel Karen Greene. 我得告诉你,瑞秋凯伦葛林
[03:35.84] I had plans with Joey, and he left me this note. 我跟乔伊有约,他留了这张字条给我
[03:39.15] "Phoebe, can't make it. Got a date. Talk to you later. 菲比,我没办法赴约 我有约会,待会再谈
[03:42.75] "Big Daddy." 大爹地
[03:45.42] -"Big Daddy"? -That's a nickname we were trying. -“大爹地”? -那是我们之间的昵称
[03:48.69] You know what nickname never caught on? "The Ross-a-tron." 你知道什么样的昵称,不会跟 别人重覆吗?“罗斯原子超人”
[03:56.66] Here's Joseph Francis! 乔瑟夫法兰西斯回来了!
[03:58.93] Wait, what are you middle-naming me for? 等一下,你干嘛叫我的全名?
[04:02.37] I left you a note. 我留了字条给你
[04:04.04] That doesn't give you the right to ditch me! 那不是你放我鸽子的好理由
[04:06.64] You can cancel plans with friends if there's a possibility for sex. 如果你有机会上床 当然可以取消跟朋友的约会
[04:10.78] He's right. That is the rule. 他说的对,这是规则
[04:12.95] I don't accept it. When we make plans, I expect you to show up. 我无法接受这种事 我们约好后,我期待你会出现
[04:16.95] I'm not a way to kill time till you meet someone better. 我不是你泡到马子前 打发时间的代替品
[04:20.42] Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but this is for life. 男女朋友来来去去 但朋友是一辈子的
[04:25.36] I'm so sorry. I had no idea it would bother you this much. 我真的很抱歉,我不知道 这对你来说那么重要
[04:29.60] Well, it does. 喔,它的确很重要
[04:31.17] Well, can I make it up to you? 我可以弥补你吗?
[04:33.57] I'm sorry. 对不起
[04:35.07] How about dinner tomorrow night? I'll pay for myself. 明天晚上一起吃饭吧?我会自己付钱
[04:41.41] Okay, you wore me down. 好吧,你说服了我
[04:45.11] While you're over there, how about a beer for "The Ross-a-tron"? 既然你站在那边,拿罐啤酒给 “罗斯原子超人”吧?
[04:50.55] "Ross.." Is that back? “罗斯…”,它又回来了?
[04:58.23] The other cheesecake came. 又有起司蛋糕
[05:00.30] They delivered it here again. 他们又把它送到这里来
[05:03.60] Just bring it downstairs. What's the problem? 把它送到楼下去,那有什么问题?
[05:06.60] I can't seem to say goodbye. 我不知道该怎么说再见
[05:08.84] Are you serious? 你是说真的吗?
[05:10.34] We ate an entire cake two days ago and you want more? 两天前我们吃掉 一个蛋糕,你还想再吃?
[05:13.84] Well, I've forgotten what it tastes like. 喔,我已经忘记它的味道了
[05:16.74] It was cheesecake. It was fine. 它是起司蛋糕,它很好吃
[05:19.85] It had a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust... 它有又香又浓,酥酥的饼干…
[05:23.92] with a very rich... 还有非常浓郁…
[05:26.99] yet light cream cheese filling. 但不油腻的奶油起司
[05:33.16] Wow, my whole mouth just filled with saliva. 我的嘴巴全是口水
[05:36.53] Know what? Forget it. We're just hungry. 你知道吗?忘了它,我们只是饿了
[05:39.43] We haven't had lunch. We're just lightheaded. 我们没有吃午餐,所以头昏脑胀
[05:42.17] So let's go have lunch and forget about the cheesecake. 我们去吃午餐,忘了那个起司蛋糕吧
[05:45.94] We'll drop it off so we're not tempted. 我们得把它还回去,才不会被诱惑
[05:48.51] -Where do you want to eat? -Mama's Little Bakery, Chicago. -你要去哪里吃午餐? -芝加哥小妈妈面包店
[05:56.95] Mei Torme died. 梅尔多米死了
[05:59.75] Joey, that paper's like a year old. 乔伊,那是一年前的报纸
[06:02.52] Does that mean the Sam Goody's sale is over? 那表示山姆古迪商店 的大特卖结束了?
[06:09.33] So, I finally heard back from Aunt Cheryl... 我终于收到雪若阿姨的回音…
[06:12.37] and apparently it wasn't a mistake. 很明显地这不是误会
[06:15.17] There's limited seating.. 婚礼现场座位有限…
[06:17.17] Limited seating? I am just one tiny person! 座位有限?我是个瘦皮猴!
[06:22.71] Yeah, but she doesn't know that. 对,但是她不知道
[06:24.98] I mean, the last time she saw you... 我是说上次她看到你…
[06:27.78] you'd have turned one of those little wedding chairs into kindling. 你会把婚礼用的小椅子给压垮
[06:33.65] "Limited seating." That's such a lame excuse. “座位有限”那真是个烂借口
[06:36.52] That's not the reason she's not inviting me. 那不是她不邀请我的原因
[06:39.36] What's the big deal? I wasn't invited to the ceremony, just the reception. 那有什么大不了的呢? 我没办法观礼,只能去吃喜酒
[06:43.40] If it makes you feel any better, Joan and I will just make an appearance... 如果这能让你觉得开心一点 琼安跟我只会去亮个相…
[06:48.04] and then we'll leave early as a sign of protest. 我们会提早离开,以示抗议
[06:51.54] -Joan? -Yeah, my date. -琼安? -对,她是我的女伴
[06:54.11] Assistant professor in linguistics. Tall, very beautiful. 她是语言学系的助教,又高又漂亮
[06:58.41] And despite what some people say, not broad-backed. 虽然有些人说,别挑太魁梧的女孩
[07:03.75] Wait a minute. You got "Ross Geller and Guest"? 等一下,你收到的喜帖 是“请携伴参加”?
[07:07.22] I wasn't invited, and you got "and Guest"? 我没有被邀请 你却可以“携伴参加”?
[07:09.62] Excuse me, I do have to interrupt on Ross' behalf. 对不起,我真的得解释罗斯的行为
[07:13.03] I think the rule applies here. 我想规则也适用在这里
[07:15.13] Since he has a chance to get on broad-back.. 因为他有机会跟魁梧女人上床…
[07:17.60] Not broad-back! 她没有那么魁梧!
[07:20.44] Wait a minute. You're bringing me. 等一下,你得带我去
[07:23.14] I can't cancel on Joan. 我不能放琼安鸽子
[07:24.94] -Why not? -Did you not hear me? -为什么? -你没有听到吗?
[07:27.14] She's an assistant professor in the linguistics department. 她是语言学系的助教
[07:31.25] They're wild. 她们很辣
[07:33.88] -Why do you want to come anyway? -Because... -你到底为什么想去? -因为…
[07:37.42] she's my cousin. 她是我表妹
[07:39.22] I mean, we grew up together. 我们是一起长大的
[07:42.26] Family, you know? And all that's important to me. 我们是家人,你知道吗? 对我来说那很重要
[07:46.73] Okay, all right. I'll take you. 好吧,我带你去
[07:49.50] I'll go call Joan. 我去打电话给琼安
[07:52.43] Oh, that's nice. 那真的是太棒了
[07:54.27] Family should be there. 家人应该要出席的
[07:56.30] It's her wedding. Happiest day of her life. 这是她的婚礼 她一生中最快乐的日子
[07:58.74] We'll see. 我们等着瞧吧
[08:05.38] Well, thank you for lunch. 谢谢你请我吃午餐
[08:07.52] Wait, I thought you paid. 等一下,我以为你付了钱
[08:09.68] Apparently, we don't pay for food anymore. 很明显的,我们不必再掏钱买食物了
[08:15.39] -Do you see what I see? -It's still there. -我没有看错吧? -它还在那里
[08:19.09] Mrs. Braverman must be out. 布雷曼太太一定是出去了
[08:25.20] She could be out of town. Maybe gone for months. 她可能出城去了 或许几个月后才会回来
[08:28.44] By then, it may spoil. She can't come back to bad cheesecake. 到时候蛋糕一定坏了 不能让她回来时看到坏掉的起司蛋糕
[08:32.21] -It could kill her. -Don't want that. -她可能会中毒死掉 -我不希望发生那种事
[08:34.41] We're protecting her. 我们是在保护她
[08:35.78] -We'll take it. -But quick. -我们把它拿走 -但是快一点
[08:37.28] -Why? -I hear her in there. -为什么? -我听到她在里面走动的声音
[08:39.41] Go! Go! Go! 快走…
[08:45.82] Oh, my God, that's David. 天啊,是大卫
[08:47.92] -Who? -David, the scientist guy. -谁? -那个科学家大卫
[08:50.06] David that I was in love with. 我爱上的那个大卫
[08:52.23] Who went to Russia and broke my heart, David. 他到俄国去,伤了我的心,大卫
[08:55.00] Oh, my God! 我的天啊!
[08:56.33] Say their name enough, they turn around. 只要一直念某人的名字 那个人就会转过身来
[09:00.80] Phoebe. 菲比
[09:02.30] David. 大卫
[09:06.81] What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be in Russia? 你在做什么?你不是在俄国吗?
[09:10.14] I'm just in town for a conference. 我到城里来开会
[09:13.08] God, you look phenomenal. 天啊,你看起来美得出奇
[09:15.95] Well... 喔…
[09:17.55] Yeah. 对
[09:19.49] You look great too. Did you get a haircut? 你看起来也很棒,你剪了头发吗?
[09:22.66] Yeah. Well, I got like 30 of them. 对,我大概剪了三十次
[09:26.96] Look, I got a confession to make. 听着,我得跟你坦诚一件事
[09:29.40] I was hoping to run into you here. 我希望能在这里遇到你
[09:31.87] I didn't know if I should call. I was only in town a few days... 我不知道该不该打电话给你 我只会在城里待几天…
[09:35.87] and I didn't want to intrude on your life. 我不想打扰你的生活
[09:38.54] I really wanted to see you... 我真的想见你…
[09:40.68] but I didn't know if you wanted to see me. 但我不知道你要不要见我
[09:44.41] Of course I would want to see you. I think about you all the time. 我当然想见你,我常常想到你
[09:49.12] Really? Because I think about you all the time. 真的吗?因为我也常常想到你
[09:52.35] There's a statue in Minsk that reminds me of you so much. 明斯克有一座雕像,让我常常想起你
[09:56.62] It's actually of Lenin... 事实上那是列宁的雕像…
[09:59.06] but, you know, at certain angles... 但有些角度…
[10:03.10] Anyway, do you want to have dinner tonight? 总之,今晚你想跟我共进晚餐吗?
[10:06.00] Yes. 好
[10:07.60] Oh, no! 喔,不!
[10:10.20] -What? -I can't. -什么? -我不能
[10:12.01] I can't believe I have plans. Can you do it tomorrow? 我不敢相信 我有约了,明天可以吗?
[10:15.44] No, I have to go in a few hours. I have to be on the redeye. 不,再过几小时我就得离开 我得赶回去
[10:20.31] Listen, next time you're in Minsk... 听着,下次你到明斯克…
[10:23.28] Phoebe? Can I talk to you for a second? 菲比,我能跟你谈一谈吗?
[10:26.75] What are you doing? 你在做什么?
[10:28.46] I have plans with Joey. 我跟乔伊有约
[10:30.16] So? He'll understand. 所以呢?他会谅解的
[10:31.93] No, he won't. And that's not even the point. 不,他不会的,那根本不是重点
[10:34.83] I made a whole speech about how you do not cancel plans with friends. 我教训他不该见色忘友
[10:40.74] And now just because, potentially, the love of my life... 现在只因为可能是我真爱的人…
[10:44.17] returns from Russia for one night... 明天就要回俄国去…
[10:46.67] I should change my beliefs? 我就应该改变我的想法?
[10:49.74] I should change my beliefs! 我应该改变我的想法!
[10:52.35] No. If I don't have my principles, I don't have anything. 不,如果失去了原则 那么我什么都不会有
[10:57.15] You're so strong. 你太有说服力了
[10:58.59] Or I should rush through dinner with Joey and meet David at 9. 或许我可以赶快跟乔伊吃完晚餐 然后九点跟大卫见面
[11:09.96] Oh, my God, that is so good! 我的天啊,那真的是太棒了!
[11:12.47] I'm full. And yet I know if I stop eating this... 我吃饱了,但我知道 如果我现在停下来…
[11:16.17] I'll regret it. 我会后悔
[11:19.57] Hey, what have you got there? 嘿,你们在吃什么?
[11:21.81] Oh, it's... 喔,那是…
[11:23.41] It's tofu cake. Want some? 豆腐蛋糕,你要吃一点吗?
[11:29.88] What are you doing tonight? 今晚你要做什么?
[11:32.09] Dude. Dude. 兄弟
[11:35.42] Sorry. 对不起
[11:37.09] I got plans with Phoebe. 我跟菲比有约
[11:38.96] Really? Monica said she had a date at 9. 真的?摩妮卡说她九点有约会
[11:42.03] -What? Tonight? -That's what Monica said. -什么?今晚? -摩妮卡是那么说的
[11:44.97] After that speech, she makes a date on the same night she has plans with me? 她教训了我一顿 却同时约了我跟她的男伴?
[11:49.80] She's trying to pull a fast one on Big Daddy. 她想草草解决大爹地
[11:58.55] Here, I think this is us. 好了,我们的位置应该是这一桌
[12:02.18] Limited seating, my ass. 座位有限,我的天啊
[12:05.02] Let's see who made the cut. 我们来看看谁被邀请了
[12:07.32] Hi. I'm Monica Geller. 嗨,我是摩妮卡盖勒
[12:09.49] -How do you know the bride and groom? -I worked with Frannie. -你们跟新人是什么关系? -我是芬妮以前的同事
[12:13.19] Used to work with her. Used to. 以前的同事,以前
[12:15.76] I'm a relative and I didn't get invited. 我是她的亲戚却没有被邀请
[12:18.30] A blood relative. Blood. 我是她的血亲,血
[12:22.34] Stop saying "blood" to strangers. 别在陌生人面前提到“血”
[12:26.07] And you? How do you know the couple? 你呢?你跟快乐的新人是什么关系?
[12:28.64] We went to college with both of them. 我们是他们的大学同学
[12:31.08] Now we live next door. 现在是他们的邻居
[12:33.38] Okay, you're fine. 好吧,你还够格
[12:39.69] -Are you guys ready? -Yes. -你们要点菜了吗? -是的
[12:42.06] I'll have a green salad, house dressing and water's fine. 我要沙拉,特调酱汁,给我水就好了
[12:46.66] And for you, sir? 你呢?先生
[12:48.36] Yeah. This slow-roasted salmon... 对,慢烤鲑鱼…
[12:51.13] how slow are we talking? 那到底有多慢呢?
[12:53.67] It's already been roasted. 它已经烤好了
[12:56.10] Oh, then no. Maybe I should hear the specials again. 那么我不要,麻烦你 再告诉我一次今日特餐
[13:00.14] We've heard the specials three times. 我们已经听了三次
[13:02.98] There's prime rib, mahi-mahi and a very special lobster ravioli. 有烤肋排,鬼头刀鱼 跟特制龙虾饺子
[13:07.25] -Actually, we're out of the ravioli. -Well, that changes everything! -事实上我们没有饺子了 -那我们得重来一次
[13:13.52] You know what, Phoebe? You were right before. 你知道吗?菲比 之前你说的话是对的
[13:16.62] Friends are so important. 朋友太重要了
[13:18.86] Yeah, I'm very wise. I know. 对,我很聪明,我知道
[13:21.43] Know what I really want? 你知道我想做什么吗?
[13:23.20] -What? -Is to have a long, long talk. -什么? -我想花时间跟你长谈
[13:26.60] You know? Get Joey out on the open road and really open him up. 你知道吗?告诉我多一点人生道理
[13:31.64] -Any progress? -Yes. -可以点菜了吗? -是的
[13:34.11] I will have the lobster ravioli. 我要点龙虾饺子
[13:37.24] God, Joey, this is taking forever. 天啊,乔伊,这得花一辈子的时间
[13:39.85] -What's the rush? -Well... -干嘛这么急呢? -喔…
[13:41.65] I have an appointment. 我有个约会
[13:44.49] And it's very important. 它非常重要
[13:46.62] What is it? 怎么说?
[13:48.72] Well... 喔…
[13:50.26] it's a date. 我约了一个男人
[13:51.89] A date? No, you must be mistaken, because you wouldn't have a date... 你约了男人?不,你一定弄错了 因为你不能跟男人约会…
[13:56.66] on the same night you have plans with a friend. 同时又跟朋友约吃饭
[13:59.57] Don't make me feel badly. 别让我觉得内疚
[14:01.60] No, I'm gonna! 不,我就是要那么做!
[14:04.61] You made me feel really guilty about going out with that girl. 我跟那个女孩出去 你让我觉得非常内疚
[14:08.51] Like I did something terrible. Now you're doing the same thing. 好像我做了什么可怕的事 现在你也那么做
[14:12.65] It's not! It's totally different! 才怪,这完全不一样!
[14:15.15] This is with David. Remember David, the scientist guy? 我跟大卫有约 你还记得科学家大卫吗?
[14:18.62] He's very special to me. 对我来说他非常特别
[14:20.45] My girl the other night was special. She was a scientist too. 那晚我约的女孩也很特别 她也是个科学家
[14:24.19] -She was? -Well, she graduated high school. -是吗? -她高中毕业
[14:28.00] Whatever. Know what? 随便啦,你知道吗?
[14:29.93] He's only here for four hours and I'm gonna go see him. 他只会在这里待四小时,我得去见他
[14:33.70] -Fine! -Yeah. -好吧 -对
[14:37.64] What are you still doing here? I told you, lobster ravioli! 你还在这里做什么? 我说过了,龙虾饺子!
[14:45.41] I was about to leave. I didn't think you were coming. 我正要离开,我以为你不会来了
[14:48.52] I wouldn't have missed this. 我绝不会错过这次约会
[14:51.15] Well, I'm very glad you're here. 我很高兴你来了
[14:53.65] Oh, you're such a gentleman. 你是个绅士
[14:56.06] Come on, we're going to my place. 来吧,到我家去
[15:04.93] Are you eating the cheesecake without me? 你想一个人独吞起司蛋糕?
[15:10.47] I will give you $100 to whistle right now. 只要你现在能吹出口哨 我就给你一百块
[15:18.48] -How can you eat it without me? -What'll you do? -你怎么可以不管我一个人独吞? -你会怎么做呢?
[15:21.35] Tell Monica or Joey? No, you'd have to tell them everything. 告诉摩妮卡或乔伊? 不,你得把一切都告诉他们
[15:25.55] We're dessert stealers. We're living outside the law. 我们是甜点小偷,我们犯了法
[15:29.59] I don't trust you with this cake. 我不能让你跟蛋糕独处
[15:32.09] I got it first, and I'm taking it back! 我先发现它的,我要把它拿回来!
[15:34.76] -What? Oh, no. -Oh, yes. -什么?不 -对
[15:38.10] You think I trust you with it? 你以为我就能相信你吗?
[15:40.70] No, we'll split it. 不,我们平分它
[15:42.47] That's not fair. You had some. 那不公平,你已经吃掉一点了
[15:44.54] I think Monica would be very interested to know... 我想摩妮卡一定想知道…
[15:47.61] that you called her cheesecake "dry and mealy." 你说她做的起司蛋糕“又干又粗”
[15:50.78] What do we use to split it? 我们要用什么来切蛋糕?
[15:55.58] All right, pick a half. 好了,挑一块
[15:58.62] Well, this side looks bigger. 这块比较大
[16:02.92] But there's more crust on this side. 但这块饼干比较多
[16:06.36] Maybe if I measure it.. 或许我该量一下…
[16:08.30] Pick a piece! 快挑一块
[16:09.73] -All right, I pick that one. -It's the smaller piece. -好吧,我挑那一块 -那一块比较小
[16:14.27] Okay. There you go. 好了,拿去吧
[16:16.44] Enjoy your half, my friend. But that is it. 好好享受你的蛋糕吧 我的朋友,因为大势已定
[16:19.64] No sharing, no switching, and don't come crying to me... 我不会跟你分,不会跟你换 别哭着跑来找我…
[16:23.21] if you eat your piece too fast. 如果你一下子就把蛋糕吃完了
[16:36.12] -You gonna give me some of yours? -Oh, no. -你要给我一点蛋糕吗? -不
[16:40.13] No switching, no sharing. And don't come crying to me. 我不会跟你分,不会跟你换 别哭着跑来找我
[16:44.63] I may just sit here and have my cake all day. 我要坐在这里 花一整天好好享用我的蛋糕
[16:47.63] Just sit here in the hallway and eat my.. 我要坐在走廊上吃我的…
[17:02.62] Ross, sweetheart! 罗斯,甜心!
[17:04.82] Oh, hey, Aunt Millie. 嘿,米莉阿姨
[17:06.95] -Isn't it a beautiful wedding? -Yes, it is. -这个婚礼很温馨吧? -没错
[17:15.30] Every time, on the lips! 她每次都亲嘴巴!
[17:17.80] Why? Why on the lips? 为什么?为什么要亲嘴巴?
[17:23.00] There's Frannie. Won't she be happy to see me? 芬妮在那边,她看到我 一定会很高兴吧?
[17:25.81] You be nice, all right? 你得乖乖的,好吗?
[17:27.84] I didn't bring you to ambush her. 我不是带你来欺负她
[17:30.44] Frannie was the one who showed your Playboys to Mom. 芬妮把你的《花花公子》拿给妈妈看
[17:33.81] That bitch. 那个死小孩
[17:40.12] Monica! 摩妮卡!
[17:41.59] What..? 什么…?
[17:43.02] Am I doing here? Surprised to see me? 我在这里做什么? 你看到我很讶异吗?
[17:45.69] Ross brought me. How do you like that? 罗斯带我来的,你还喜欢吗?
[17:48.30] Hi, Frannie. Congratulations. 芬妮,恭喜
[17:52.60] You invite my whole family, and not me? Why? 你邀请我的家人 却不邀请我,为什么?
[17:56.04] Why wouldn't you want me here? What could I have done? 你为什么不希望我来?我做了什么?
[18:01.11] Stuart! 史都华!
[18:03.41] I believe you know my husband. 我相信你认识我丈夫
[18:07.21] So it's really a question of "who" could you have done. 问题应该是,你把上了“谁”
[18:20.06] I hate this, but I have to go. 我讨厌这样,但我得走了
[18:22.66] I can't miss my flight. 我不能错过飞机
[18:25.07] I bet there's another flight to Minsk in.. 我敢说下一班飞往 明斯克的飞机是在…
[18:27.67] July. 七月
[18:38.85] That's really beautiful. What does it mean? 那真的好窝心,它是什么意思?
[18:41.85] "Please clean my beakers." “请帮我把杯子洗干净”
[18:45.09] I don't get out of the lab much. 我不常离开实验室
[18:49.72] I thought it meant something else. 我以为它有别的意思
[18:52.56] Yeah, well, I really actually wanted to say... 对,事实上,我想说…
[18:56.36] that. 那个
[18:58.10] But I figured I probably shouldn't because... 我想或许我不该说,因为…
[19:02.54] I have to leave. 我得离开
[19:04.54] No, you're right. Don't say it. 不,你说的对,别说
[19:08.71] I do, though. 但我真的那么想
[19:12.98] I do too. 我也是
[19:23.22] Well, bye, Phoebe. 再见,菲比
[19:36.20] Now's not the time, Joey. You can yell at me tomorrow. 现在不是时候 乔伊,明天你可以骂我
[19:40.21] Wait, no, Phoebe. I'm not gonna yell at you. 等一下,不,菲比 我不会骂你
[19:43.24] I just started thinking about you and David... 我只是开始想到你跟大卫…
[19:46.08] and I remember how bummed you were the first time he left. 我记得他第一次离开时你有多难过
[19:52.49] Oh, Phoebe, come here. 菲比,过来
[19:55.32] -Are you okay? -No, I'm not okay. -你还好吧? -不,我一点都不好
[19:59.33] The only guy I've ever been crazy about is going to Minsk... 我唯一喜欢的男人要去明斯克…
[20:03.30] and I may never see him again. 或许我永远都不会再见到他
[20:06.37] You could always visit him. 你可以去看他
[20:08.24] Right. Like they'll let me have a passport. 对,你以为他们会给我护照
[20:12.17] Anything I can do? Whatever you need. 有什么我可以帮忙的吗?什么都行
[20:16.94] Well, now... 喔…
[20:19.25] if you achieve distillation of subatomic particles before he does... 如果你可以比他先 蒸馏出副原子粒子…
[20:23.55] then he could come back. 他就可以回来了
[20:32.03] I could give it a shot. 我可以试试看
[20:39.47] Oh, look! There's a piece that doesn't have floor on it. 你看!有一小块没有沾到地板
[20:43.14] -Stick to your side! -Come on, now! -别越界! -快点!
[20:57.15] All right, what are we having? 好了,我们要吃什么?
[21:07.33] Oh, wait, I forgot my wrap. 等一下,我忘了拿披肩
[21:10.00] Okay, wait here. 好吧,你在这里等我
[21:29.55] Hi, sweetie! Are you leaving? 嗨,甜心!你要走了吗?
[21:32.25] -Well.. -Give us a kiss. Come on. -喔… -亲阿姨一下,快点
[21:43.73] Why? Why on the lips? 为什么?为什么要亲嘴巴?


[00:05.77] You have got to try this cheesecake. nǐ dé shì shì zhè kuài qǐ sī dàn gāo
[00:08.37] You know, I' m not that much of a sweet tooth.. wǒ bú shì nà me xǐ huān chī tián shí
[00:12.44] Oh, my God, it' s so creamy! wǒ de tiān a, tā hǎo xiāng nóng
[00:15.18] That' s the best cheesecake I' ve ever had! nà shi wǒ chī guò zuì bàng de qǐ sī dàn gāo!
[00:18.28] Where did you get this? nǐ zài nǎ lǐ mǎi dào tā?
[00:20.62] It was at the front door when I got home. Somebody sent it to us. wǒ huí jiā shí tā jiù yǐ jīng fàng zài mén kǒu le yǒu rén bǎ tā jì gěi wǒ men
[00:25.49] This isn' t addressed to you. shōu jiàn rén bú shì nǐ
[00:27.46] This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs! shōu jiàn rén shì lóu xià de bù léi màn tài tài!
[00:30.93] Thief! xiǎo tōu!
[00:33.40] I didn' t read the box before I opened it... wǒ méi kàn shōu jiàn rén xìng míng jiù dǎ kāi le hé zi
[00:36.00] and you can' t return a box after you opened it! hé zi yǐ jīng dǎ kāi le jiù wú fǎ tuì huán!
[00:38.83] Why not? Because it' s too delicious! wèi shí me? yīn wèi tā tài hǎo chī le
[00:43.71] You stole this cheesecake. That' s wrong. nǐ tōu le zhè gè qǐ sī dàn gāo, nà shi bú duì de
[00:46.47] No, it' ll be okay because Mrs. Braverman will send for a free one. bù, méi guān xì de, yīn wèi bù léi màn tài tài huì miǎn fèi zài shōu dào yí gè
[00:51.28] That way, we all win. nà kě shì shuāng yíng de jú miàn
[00:53.21] The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate... wéi yī de shū jiā shì dà xíng qǐ sī dàn gāo diàn
[00:57.49] " Mama' s Little Bakery." " xiǎo mā mā de miàn bāo diàn"
[01:00.92] I feel terrible. wǒ jué de hǎo nán guò
[01:02.79] I' m a horrible, horrible person. wǒ shì gè dà huài dàn
[01:06.56] I' m sorry, what? duì bù qǐ, nǐ shuō shí mǒ?
[01:09.93] The One With All The Cheesecakes běn jí bō chū: qǐ sī dàn gāo
[01:49.77] I should get going. Big day at work. wǒ dé zǒu le, wǒ jīn tiān gōng zuò hěn máng
[01:52.47] You know how I' m in a coma? nǐ men zhī dào wǒ zěn me huì hūn mí bù xǐng ma?
[01:55.04] Today they do a test on me and it turns out I' m not braindead. jīn tiān tā men yào bāng wǒ zuò jiǎn chá jié guǒ fā xiàn wǒ méi yǒu nǎo sǐ
[01:59.71] So.. suǒ yǐ
[02:01.05] Mr. Smarty Pants. cōng míng xiān shēng
[02:02.85] It' s just my character that' s not braindead. méi yǒu nǎo sǐ de shì wǒ yǎn de jué sè
[02:06.32] Phoebe, still on for tonight? fēi bǐ, jīn wǎn de shì méi qǔ xiāo ba?
[02:08.39] Absolutely. I' ll see you at 8. dāng rán bā diǎn jiàn
[02:10.86] What' s at 8? shén me dōng xī bā diǎn jiàn?
[02:12.69] Dinner. We get together about once a month to discuss the rest of you. wǒ men yuē hǎo chī wǎn cān, wǒ men dà yuē yí gè yuè huì yuē yī cì qù tǎo lùn nǐ men de shì
[02:19.20] Wow! Did not know that. wa! wǒ zhēn de bù zhī dào
[02:21.24] May I say how lovely you look today? wǒ néng shuō nǐ jīn tiān kàn qǐ lái hěn piào liàng ma?
[02:24.01] Duly noted. nà dāng rán
[02:26.34] zSo for tomorrow, do you want to rent a car and drive down together? míng tiān nǐ yào zū liàng chē yì qǐ kāi guò qù ma?
[02:30.91] What are you talking about? Cousin Frannie' s wedding. nǐ zài shuō shí mǒ? fēn nī biǎo mèi de hūn lǐ
[02:35.22] You were invited? nǐ bèi yāo qǐng le?
[02:38.99] No. bù
[02:40.76] Oh, my God, I can' t believe this. wǒ de tiān a, wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn
[02:43.36] I thought only Mom and Dad were invited. wǒ yǐ wéi tā men zhǐ yāo qǐng le bà gēn mā
[02:45.99] From the ages of 7 to 9, Frannie and I were inseparable. qī suì dào jiǔ suì, fēn nī gēn wǒ xíng yǐng bù lí
[02:50.37] Maybe since the age of 9, Frannie' s made some new friends. huò xǔ jiǔ suì hòu, fēn nī jiāo le xīn péng yǒu
[02:55.50] It' s probably just a mistake. Let me call Aunt Cheryl. huò xǔ zhè zhǐ shì gè wù huì wǒ dǎ diàn huà qù wèn xuě ruò ā yí
[02:59.14] Maybe you are invited and the invitation got lost in the mail. huò xǔ tā men yāo qǐng nǐ le, zhǐ shì qǐng tiě jì diū le
[03:02.71] You call her and tell her that when we were kids... nǐ kě yǐ dǎ diàn huà gào sù tā, wǒ men xiǎo shí hòu
[03:05.98] her precious Frannie tried to undress me several times. tā de bǎo bèi fēn nī hǎo jǐ cì xiǎng tuō guāng wǒ de yī fú
[03:09.52] If I hadn' t stopped her, there wouldn' t be a wedding to go to. yào bú shì wǒ zǔ zhǐ le tā, tā yě jié bù liǎo hūn
[03:13.22] She tried to undress me too. tā yě xiǎng tuō wǒ de yī fú
[03:16.59] I used to undress my cousin Glenn. wǒ yǐ qián huì bāng gé lán biǎo dì tuō yī fu
[03:26.57] Joseph Francis Tribbiani, are you home yet? qiáo sè fū fǎ lán xī sī cuī bǐ yà ní nǐ huí jiā le ma?
[03:31.01] I think he' s still out. What' s wrong? wǒ xiǎng tā hái méi yǒu huí jiā, zěn me le?
[03:33.24] I' ll tell you, Rachel Karen Greene. wǒ dé gào sù nǐ, ruì qiū kǎi lún gé lín
[03:35.84] I had plans with Joey, and he left me this note. wǒ gēn qiáo yī yǒu yuē, tā liú le zhè zhāng zì tiáo gěi wǒ
[03:39.15] " Phoebe, can' t make it. Got a date. Talk to you later. fēi bǐ, wǒ méi bàn fǎ fù yuē wǒ yǒu yuē huì, dāi huì zài tán
[03:42.75] " Big Daddy." dà diē dì
[03:45.42] " Big Daddy"? That' s a nickname we were trying. " dà diē dì"? nà shi wǒ men zhī jiān de nì chēng
[03:48.69] You know what nickname never caught on? " The Rossatron." nǐ zhī dào shén me yàng de nì chēng, bú huì gēn bié rén chóng fù ma?" luó sī yuán zǐ chāo rén"
[03:56.66] Here' s Joseph Francis! qiáo sè fū fǎ lán xī sī huí lái le!
[03:58.93] Wait, what are you middlenaming me for? děng yī xià, nǐ gàn ma jiào wǒ de quán míng?
[04:02.37] I left you a note. wǒ liú le zì tiáo gěi nǐ
[04:04.04] That doesn' t give you the right to ditch me! nà bú shì nǐ fàng wǒ gē zi de hǎo lǐ yóu
[04:06.64] You can cancel plans with friends if there' s a possibility for sex. rú guǒ nǐ yǒu jī huì shàng chuáng dāng rán kě yǐ qǔ xiāo gēn péng yǒu de yuē huì
[04:10.78] He' s right. That is the rule. tā shuō de duì, zhè shì guī zé
[04:12.95] I don' t accept it. When we make plans, I expect you to show up. wǒ wú fǎ jiē shòu zhè zhǒng shì wǒ men yuē hǎo hòu, wǒ qī dài nǐ huì chū xiàn
[04:16.95] I' m not a way to kill time till you meet someone better. wǒ bú shì nǐ pào dào mǎ zǐ qián dǎ fā shí jiān de dài tì pǐn
[04:20.42] Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but this is for life. nán nǚ péng yǒu lái lái qù qù dàn péng yǒu shì yī bèi zi de
[04:25.36] I' m so sorry. I had no idea it would bother you this much. wǒ zhēn de hěn bào qiàn, wǒ bù zhī dào zhè duì nǐ lái shuō nà me zhòng yào
[04:29.60] Well, it does. ō, tā dí què hěn zhòng yào
[04:31.17] Well, can I make it up to you? wǒ kě yǐ mí bǔ nǐ ma?
[04:33.57] I' m sorry. duì bù qǐ
[04:35.07] How about dinner tomorrow night? I' ll pay for myself. míng tiān wǎn shàng yì qǐ chī fàn ba? wǒ huì zì jǐ fù qián
[04:41.41] Okay, you wore me down. hǎo ba, nǐ shuō fú le wǒ
[04:45.11] While you' re over there, how about a beer for " The Rossatron"? jì rán nǐ zhàn zài nà biān, ná guàn pí jiǔ gěi " luó sī yuán zǐ chāo rén" ba?
[04:50.55] " Ross.." Is that back? " luó sī", tā yòu huí lái le?
[04:58.23] The other cheesecake came. yòu yǒu qǐ sī dàn gāo
[05:00.30] They delivered it here again. tā men yòu bǎ tā sòng dào zhè lǐ lái
[05:03.60] Just bring it downstairs. What' s the problem? bǎ tā sòng dào lóu xià qù, nà yǒu shén me wèn tí?
[05:06.60] I can' t seem to say goodbye. wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me shuō zài jiàn
[05:08.84] Are you serious? nǐ shì shuō zhēn de ma?
[05:10.34] We ate an entire cake two days ago and you want more? liǎng tiān qián wǒ men chī diào yí gè dàn gāo, nǐ hái xiǎng zài chī?
[05:13.84] Well, I' ve forgotten what it tastes like. ō, wǒ yǐ jīng wàng jì tā de wèi dào le
[05:16.74] It was cheesecake. It was fine. tā shì qǐ sī dàn gāo, tā hěn hǎo chī
[05:19.85] It had a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust... tā yǒu yòu xiāng yòu nóng, sū sū de bǐng gān
[05:23.92] with a very rich... hái yǒu fēi cháng nóng yù
[05:26.99] yet light cream cheese filling. dàn bù yóu nì de nǎi yóu qǐ sī
[05:33.16] Wow, my whole mouth just filled with saliva. wǒ de zuǐ bā quán shì kǒu shuǐ
[05:36.53] Know what? Forget it. We' re just hungry. nǐ zhī dào ma? wàng le tā, wǒ men zhǐ shì è le
[05:39.43] We haven' t had lunch. We' re just lightheaded. wǒ men méi yǒu chī wǔ cān, suǒ yǐ tóu hūn nǎo zhàng
[05:42.17] So let' s go have lunch and forget about the cheesecake. wǒ men qù chī wǔ cān, wàng le nà gè qǐ sī dàn gāo ba
[05:45.94] We' ll drop it off so we' re not tempted. wǒ men dé bǎ tā hái huí qù, cái bú huì bèi yòu huò
[05:48.51] Where do you want to eat? Mama' s Little Bakery, Chicago. nǐ yào qù nǎ lǐ chī wǔ cān? zhī jiā gē xiǎo mā mā miàn bāo diàn
[05:56.95] Mei Torme died. méi ěr duō mǐ sǐ le
[05:59.75] Joey, that paper' s like a year old. qiáo yī, nà shi yī nián qián de bào zhǐ
[06:02.52] Does that mean the Sam Goody' s sale is over? nà biǎo shì shān mǔ gǔ dí shāng diàn de dà tè mài jié shù le?
[06:09.33] So, I finally heard back from Aunt Cheryl... wǒ zhōng yú shōu dào xuě ruò ā yí de huí yīn
[06:12.37] and apparently it wasn' t a mistake. hěn míng xiǎn dì zhè bú shì wù huì
[06:15.17] There' s limited seating.. hūn lǐ xiàn chǎng zuò wèi yǒu xiàn
[06:17.17] Limited seating? I am just one tiny person! zuò wèi yǒu xiàn? wǒ shì gè shòu pí hóu!
[06:22.71] Yeah, but she doesn' t know that. duì, dàn shì tā bù zhī dào
[06:24.98] I mean, the last time she saw you... wǒ shì shuō shàng cì tā kàn dào nǐ
[06:27.78] you' d have turned one of those little wedding chairs into kindling. nǐ huì bǎ hūn lǐ yòng de xiǎo yǐ zi gěi yā kuǎ
[06:33.65] " Limited seating." That' s such a lame excuse. " zuò wèi yǒu xiàn" nà zhēn shì gè làn jiè kǒu
[06:36.52] That' s not the reason she' s not inviting me. nà bú shì tā bù yāo qǐng wǒ de yuán yīn
[06:39.36] What' s the big deal? I wasn' t invited to the ceremony, just the reception. nà yǒu shén me dà bù liǎo de ne? wǒ méi bàn fǎ guān lǐ, zhǐ néng qù chī xǐ jiǔ
[06:43.40] If it makes you feel any better, Joan and I will just make an appearance... rú guǒ zhè néng ràng nǐ jué de kāi xīn yì diǎn qióng ān gēn wǒ zhǐ huì qù liàng gè xiāng
[06:48.04] and then we' ll leave early as a sign of protest. wǒ men huì tí zǎo lí kāi, yǐ shì kàng yì
[06:51.54] Joan? Yeah, my date. qióng ān? duì, tā shì wǒ de nǚ bàn
[06:54.11] Assistant professor in linguistics. Tall, very beautiful. tā shì yǔ yán xué xì de zhù jiào, yòu gāo yòu piào liàng
[06:58.41] And despite what some people say, not broadbacked. suī rán yǒu xiē rén shuō, bié tiāo tài kuí wú de nǚ hái
[07:03.75] Wait a minute. You got " Ross Geller and Guest"? děng yī xià, nǐ shōu dào de xǐ tiě shì" qǐng xié bàn cān jiā"?
[07:07.22] I wasn' t invited, and you got " and Guest"? wǒ méi yǒu bèi yāo qǐng nǐ què kě yǐ" xié bàn cān jiā"?
[07:09.62] Excuse me, I do have to interrupt on Ross' behalf. duì bù qǐ, wǒ zhēn de dé jiě shì luó sī de xíng wéi
[07:13.03] I think the rule applies here. wǒ xiǎng guī zé yě shì yòng zài zhè lǐ
[07:15.13] Since he has a chance to get on broadback.. yīn wèi tā yǒu jī huì gēn kuí wú nǚ rén shàng chuáng
[07:17.60] Not broadback! tā méi yǒu nà me kuí wú!
[07:20.44] Wait a minute. You' re bringing me. děng yī xià, nǐ dé dài wǒ qù
[07:23.14] I can' t cancel on Joan. wǒ bù néng fàng qióng ān gē zi
[07:24.94] Why not? Did you not hear me? wèi shí me? nǐ méi yǒu tīng dào ma?
[07:27.14] She' s an assistant professor in the linguistics department. tā shì yǔ yán xué xì de zhù jiào
[07:31.25] They' re wild. tā men hěn là
[07:33.88] Why do you want to come anyway? Because... nǐ dào dǐ wèi shí me xiǎng qù? yīn wèi
[07:37.42] she' s my cousin. tā shì wǒ biǎo mèi
[07:39.22] I mean, we grew up together. wǒ men shì yì qǐ zhǎng dà de
[07:42.26] Family, you know? And all that' s important to me. wǒ men shì jiā rén, nǐ zhī dào ma? duì wǒ lái shuō nà hěn zhòng yào
[07:46.73] Okay, all right. I' ll take you. hǎo ba, wǒ dài nǐ qù
[07:49.50] I' ll go call Joan. wǒ qù dǎ diàn huà gěi qióng ān
[07:52.43] Oh, that' s nice. nà zhēn de shì tài bàng le
[07:54.27] Family should be there. jiā rén yīng gāi yào chū xí de
[07:56.30] It' s her wedding. Happiest day of her life. zhè shì tā de hūn lǐ tā yī shēng zhōng zuì kuài lè de rì zi
[07:58.74] We' ll see. wǒ men děng zhe qiáo ba
[08:05.38] Well, thank you for lunch. xiè xiè nǐ qǐng wǒ chī wǔ cān
[08:07.52] Wait, I thought you paid. děng yī xià, wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ fù le qián
[08:09.68] Apparently, we don' t pay for food anymore. hěn míng xiǎn de, wǒ men bù bì zài tāo qián mǎi shí wù le
[08:15.39] Do you see what I see? It' s still there. wǒ méi yǒu kàn cuò ba? tā hái zài nà li
[08:19.09] Mrs. Braverman must be out. bù léi màn tài tài yí dìng shì chū qù le
[08:25.20] She could be out of town. Maybe gone for months. tā kě néng chū chéng qù le huò xǔ jǐ gè yuè hòu cái huì huí lái
[08:28.44] By then, it may spoil. She can' t come back to bad cheesecake. dào shí hòu dàn gāo yí dìng huài le bù néng ràng tā huí lái shí kàn dào huài diào de qǐ sī dàn gāo
[08:32.21] It could kill her. Don' t want that. tā kě néng huì zhòng dú sǐ diào wǒ bù xī wàng fā shēng nà zhǒng shì
[08:34.41] We' re protecting her. wǒ men shì zài bǎo hù tā
[08:35.78] We' ll take it. But quick. wǒ men bǎ tā ná zǒu dàn shì kuài yì diǎn
[08:37.28] Why? I hear her in there. wèi shí me? wǒ tīng dào tā zài lǐ miàn zǒu dòng de shēng yīn
[08:39.41] Go! Go! Go! kuài zǒu
[08:45.82] Oh, my God, that' s David. tiān a, shì dà wèi
[08:47.92] Who? David, the scientist guy. shuí? nà gè kē xué jiā dà wèi
[08:50.06] David that I was in love with. wǒ ài shàng de nà gè dà wèi
[08:52.23] Who went to Russia and broke my heart, David. tā dào é guó qù, shāng le wǒ de xīn, dà wèi
[08:55.00] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān a!
[08:56.33] Say their name enough, they turn around. zhǐ yào yī zhí niàn mǒu rén de míng zì nà gè rén jiù huì zhuǎn guò shēn lái
[09:00.80] Phoebe. fēi bǐ
[09:02.30] David. dà wèi
[09:06.81] What are you doing? Aren' t you supposed to be in Russia? nǐ zài zuò shí mǒ? nǐ bú shì zài é guó ma?
[09:10.14] I' m just in town for a conference. wǒ dào chéng lǐ lái kāi huì
[09:13.08] God, you look phenomenal. tiān a, nǐ kàn qǐ lái měi dé chū qí
[09:15.95] Well... ō
[09:17.55] Yeah. duì
[09:19.49] You look great too. Did you get a haircut? nǐ kàn qǐ lái yě hěn bàng, nǐ jiǎn le tóu fà ma?
[09:22.66] Yeah. Well, I got like 30 of them. duì, wǒ dà gài jiǎn le sān shí cì
[09:26.96] Look, I got a confession to make. tīng zhe, wǒ dé gēn nǐ tǎn chéng yī jiàn shì
[09:29.40] I was hoping to run into you here. wǒ xī wàng néng zài zhè lǐ yù dào nǐ
[09:31.87] I didn' t know if I should call. I was only in town a few days... wǒ bù zhī dào gāi bù gāi dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ wǒ zhǐ huì zài chéng lǐ dài jǐ tiān
[09:35.87] and I didn' t want to intrude on your life. wǒ bù xiǎng dǎ rǎo nǐ de shēng huó
[09:38.54] I really wanted to see you... wǒ zhēn de xiǎng jiàn nǐ
[09:40.68] but I didn' t know if you wanted to see me. dàn wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ yào bú yào jiàn wǒ
[09:44.41] Of course I would want to see you. I think about you all the time. wǒ dāng rán xiǎng jiàn nǐ, wǒ cháng cháng xiǎng dào nǐ
[09:49.12] Really? Because I think about you all the time. zhēn de ma? yīn wèi wǒ yě cháng cháng xiǎng dào nǐ
[09:52.35] There' s a statue in Minsk that reminds me of you so much. míng sī kè yǒu yī zuò diāo xiàng, ràng wǒ cháng cháng xiǎng qǐ nǐ
[09:56.62] It' s actually of Lenin... shì shí shàng nà shi liè níng de diāo xiàng
[09:59.06] but, you know, at certain angles... dàn yǒu xiē jiǎo dù
[10:03.10] Anyway, do you want to have dinner tonight? zǒng zhī, jīn wǎn nǐ xiǎng gēn wǒ gòng jìn wǎn cān ma?
[10:06.00] Yes. hǎo
[10:07.60] Oh, no! ō, bù!
[10:10.20] What? I can' t. shén me? wǒ bù néng
[10:12.01] I can' t believe I have plans. Can you do it tomorrow? wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ yǒu yuē le, míng tiān kě yǐ ma?
[10:15.44] No, I have to go in a few hours. I have to be on the redeye. bù, zài guò jǐ xiǎo shí wǒ jiù dé lí kāi wǒ dé gǎn huí qù
[10:20.31] Listen, next time you' re in Minsk... tīng zhe, xià cì nǐ dào míng sī kè
[10:23.28] Phoebe? Can I talk to you for a second? fēi bǐ, wǒ néng gēn nǐ tán yī tán ma?
[10:26.75] What are you doing? nǐ zài zuò shí mǒ?
[10:28.46] I have plans with Joey. wǒ gēn qiáo yī yǒu yuē
[10:30.16] So? He' ll understand. suǒ yǐ ne? tā huì liàng jiě de
[10:31.93] No, he won' t. And that' s not even the point. bù, tā bú huì de, nà gēn běn bú shì zhòng diǎn
[10:34.83] I made a whole speech about how you do not cancel plans with friends. wǒ jiào xùn tā bù gāi jiàn sè wàng yǒu
[10:40.74] And now just because, potentially, the love of my life... xiàn zài zhǐ yīn wèi kě néng shì wǒ zhēn ài de rén
[10:44.17] returns from Russia for one night... míng tiān jiù yào huí é guó qù
[10:46.67] I should change my beliefs? wǒ jiù yīng gāi gǎi biàn wǒ de xiǎng fǎ?
[10:49.74] I should change my beliefs! wǒ yīng gāi gǎi biàn wǒ de xiǎng fǎ!
[10:52.35] No. If I don' t have my principles, I don' t have anything. bù, rú guǒ shī qù le yuán zé nà me wǒ shén me dōu bú huì yǒu
[10:57.15] You' re so strong. nǐ tài yǒu shuō fú lì le
[10:58.59] Or I should rush through dinner with Joey and meet David at 9. huò xǔ wǒ kě yǐ gǎn kuài gēn qiáo yī chī wán wǎn cān rán hòu jiǔ diǎn gēn dà wèi jiàn miàn
[11:09.96] Oh, my God, that is so good! wǒ de tiān a, nà zhēn de shì tài bàng le!
[11:12.47] I' m full. And yet I know if I stop eating this... wǒ chī bǎo le, dàn wǒ zhī dào rú guǒ wǒ xiàn zài tíng xià lái
[11:16.17] I' ll regret it. wǒ huì hòu huǐ
[11:19.57] Hey, what have you got there? hēi, nǐ men zài chī shén me?
[11:21.81] Oh, it' s... ō, nà shi
[11:23.41] It' s tofu cake. Want some? dòu fǔ dàn gāo, nǐ yào chī yì diǎn ma?
[11:29.88] What are you doing tonight? jīn wǎn nǐ yào zuò shí mǒ?
[11:32.09] Dude. Dude. xiōng dì
[11:35.42] Sorry. duì bù qǐ
[11:37.09] I got plans with Phoebe. wǒ gēn fēi bǐ yǒu yuē
[11:38.96] Really? Monica said she had a date at 9. zhēn de? mó nī kǎ shuō tā jiǔ diǎn yǒu yuē huì
[11:42.03] What? Tonight? That' s what Monica said. shén me? jīn wǎn? mó nī kǎ shì nà me shuō de
[11:44.97] After that speech, she makes a date on the same night she has plans with me? tā jiào xùn le wǒ yī dùn què tóng shí yuē le wǒ gēn tā de nán bàn?
[11:49.80] She' s trying to pull a fast one on Big Daddy. tā xiǎng cǎo cǎo jiě jué dà diē dì
[11:58.55] Here, I think this is us. hǎo le, wǒ men de wèi zhì yīng gāi shì zhè yī zhuō
[12:02.18] Limited seating, my ass. zuò wèi yǒu xiàn, wǒ de tiān a
[12:05.02] Let' s see who made the cut. wǒ men lái kàn kàn shuí bèi yāo qǐng le
[12:07.32] Hi. I' m Monica Geller. hāi, wǒ shì mó nī kǎ gài lēi
[12:09.49] How do you know the bride and groom? I worked with Frannie. nǐ men gēn xīn rén shì shén me guān xì? wǒ shì fēn nī yǐ qián de tóng shì
[12:13.19] Used to work with her. Used to. yǐ qián de tóng shì, yǐ qián
[12:15.76] I' m a relative and I didn' t get invited. wǒ shì tā de qīn qī què méi yǒu bèi yāo qǐng
[12:18.30] A blood relative. Blood. wǒ shì tā de xuè qīn, xuè
[12:22.34] Stop saying " blood" to strangers. bié zài mò shēng rén miàn qián tí dào" xuè"
[12:26.07] And you? How do you know the couple? nǐ ne? nǐ gēn kuài lè de xīn rén shì shén me guān xì?
[12:28.64] We went to college with both of them. wǒ men shì tā men de dà xué tóng xué
[12:31.08] Now we live next door. xiàn zài shì tā men de lín jū
[12:33.38] Okay, you' re fine. hǎo ba, nǐ hái gòu gé
[12:39.69] Are you guys ready? Yes. nǐ men yào diǎn cài le ma? shì de
[12:42.06] I' ll have a green salad, house dressing and water' s fine. wǒ yào shā là, tè tiáo jiàng zhī, gěi wǒ shuǐ jiù hǎo le
[12:46.66] And for you, sir? nǐ ne? xiān shēng
[12:48.36] Yeah. This slowroasted salmon... duì, màn kǎo guī yú
[12:51.13] how slow are we talking? nà dào dǐ yǒu duō màn ne?
[12:53.67] It' s already been roasted. tā yǐ jīng kǎo hǎo le
[12:56.10] Oh, then no. Maybe I should hear the specials again. nà me wǒ bú yào, má fán nǐ zài gào sù wǒ yī cì jīn rì tè cān
[13:00.14] We' ve heard the specials three times. wǒ men yǐ jīng tīng le sān cì
[13:02.98] There' s prime rib, mahimahi and a very special lobster ravioli. yǒu kǎo lē pái, guǐ tóu dāo yú gēn tè zhì lóng xiā jiǎo zi
[13:07.25] Actually, we' re out of the ravioli. Well, that changes everything! shì shí shàng wǒ men méi yǒu jiǎo zi le nà wǒ men dé chóng lái yī cì
[13:13.52] You know what, Phoebe? You were right before. nǐ zhī dào ma? fēi bǐ zhī qián nǐ shuō de huà shì duì de
[13:16.62] Friends are so important. péng yǒu tài zhòng yào le
[13:18.86] Yeah, I' m very wise. I know. duì, wǒ hěn cōng míng, wǒ zhī dào
[13:21.43] Know what I really want? nǐ zhī dào wǒ xiǎng zuò shí mǒ ma?
[13:23.20] What? Is to have a long, long talk. shén me? wǒ xiǎng huā shí jiān gēn nǐ cháng tán
[13:26.60] You know? Get Joey out on the open road and really open him up. nǐ zhī dào ma? gào sù wǒ duō yì diǎn rén shēng dào lǐ
[13:31.64] Any progress? Yes. kě yǐ diǎn cài le ma? shì de
[13:34.11] I will have the lobster ravioli. wǒ yào diǎn lóng xiā jiǎo zi
[13:37.24] God, Joey, this is taking forever. tiān a, qiáo yī, zhè dé huā yī bèi zi de shí jiān
[13:39.85] What' s the rush? Well... gàn ma zhè me jí ne? ō
[13:41.65] I have an appointment. wǒ yǒu gè yuē huì
[13:44.49] And it' s very important. tā fēi cháng zhòng yào
[13:46.62] What is it? zěn me shuō?
[13:48.72] Well... ō
[13:50.26] it' s a date. wǒ yuē le yí gè nán rén
[13:51.89] A date? No, you must be mistaken, because you wouldn' t have a date... nǐ yuē le nán rén? bù, nǐ yí dìng nòng cuò le yīn wèi nǐ bù néng gēn nán rén yuē huì
[13:56.66] on the same night you have plans with a friend. tóng shí yòu gēn péng yǒu yuē chī fàn
[13:59.57] Don' t make me feel badly. bié ràng wǒ jué de nèi jiù
[14:01.60] No, I' m gonna! bù, wǒ jiù shì yào nà me zuò!
[14:04.61] You made me feel really guilty about going out with that girl. wǒ gēn nà gè nǚ hái chū qù nǐ ràng wǒ jué de fēi cháng nèi jiù
[14:08.51] Like I did something terrible. Now you' re doing the same thing. hǎo xiàng wǒ zuò le shén me kě pà de shì xiàn zài nǐ yě nà me zuò
[14:12.65] It' s not! It' s totally different! cái guài, zhè wán quán bù yí yàng!
[14:15.15] This is with David. Remember David, the scientist guy? wǒ gēn dà wèi yǒu yuē nǐ hái jì de kē xué jiā dà wèi ma?
[14:18.62] He' s very special to me. duì wǒ lái shuō tā fēi cháng tè bié
[14:20.45] My girl the other night was special. She was a scientist too. nà wǎn wǒ yuē de nǚ hái yě hěn tè bié tā yě shì gè kē xué jiā
[14:24.19] She was? Well, she graduated high school. shì ma? tā gāo zhōng bì yè
[14:28.00] Whatever. Know what? suí biàn la, nǐ zhī dào ma?
[14:29.93] He' s only here for four hours and I' m gonna go see him. tā zhǐ huì zài zhè lǐ dài sì xiǎo shí, wǒ dé qù jiàn tā
[14:33.70] Fine! Yeah. hǎo ba duì
[14:37.64] What are you still doing here? I told you, lobster ravioli! nǐ hái zài zhè lǐ zuò shí mǒ? wǒ shuō guò le, lóng xiā jiǎo zi!
[14:45.41] I was about to leave. I didn' t think you were coming. wǒ zhèng yào lí kāi, wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ bú huì lái le
[14:48.52] I wouldn' t have missed this. wǒ jué bú huì cuò guò zhè cì yuē huì
[14:51.15] Well, I' m very glad you' re here. wǒ hěn gāo xìng nǐ lái le
[14:53.65] Oh, you' re such a gentleman. nǐ shì gè shēn shì
[14:56.06] Come on, we' re going to my place. lái ba, dào wǒ jiā qù
[15:04.93] Are you eating the cheesecake without me? nǐ xiǎng yí ge rén dú tūn qǐ sī dàn gāo?
[15:10.47] I will give you 100 to whistle right now. zhǐ yào nǐ xiàn zài néng chuī chū kǒu shào wǒ jiù gěi nǐ yī bǎi kuài
[15:18.48] How can you eat it without me? What' ll you do? nǐ zěn me kě yǐ bù guǎn wǒ yí ge rén dú tūn? nǐ huì zěn me zuò ne?
[15:21.35] Tell Monica or Joey? No, you' d have to tell them everything. gào sù mó nī kǎ huò qiáo yī? bù, nǐ dé bǎ yī qiè dōu gào sù tā men
[15:25.55] We' re dessert stealers. We' re living outside the law. wǒ men shì tián diǎn xiǎo tōu, wǒ men fàn le fǎ
[15:29.59] I don' t trust you with this cake. wǒ bù néng ràng nǐ gēn dàn gāo dú chǔ
[15:32.09] I got it first, and I' m taking it back! wǒ xiān fā xiàn tā de, wǒ yào bǎ tā ná huí lái!
[15:34.76] What? Oh, no. Oh, yes. shén me? bù duì
[15:38.10] You think I trust you with it? nǐ yǐ wéi wǒ jiù néng xiāng xìn nǐ ma?
[15:40.70] No, we' ll split it. bù, wǒ men píng fēn tā
[15:42.47] That' s not fair. You had some. nà bù gōng píng, nǐ yǐ jīng chī diào yì diǎn le
[15:44.54] I think Monica would be very interested to know... wǒ xiǎng mó nī kǎ yí dìng xiǎng zhī dào
[15:47.61] that you called her cheesecake " dry and mealy." nǐ shuō tā zuò de qǐ sī dàn gāo" yòu gàn yòu cū"
[15:50.78] What do we use to split it? wǒ men yào yòng shén me lái qiè dàn gāo?
[15:55.58] All right, pick a half. hǎo le, tiāo yí kuài
[15:58.62] Well, this side looks bigger. zhè kuài bǐ jiào dà
[16:02.92] But there' s more crust on this side. dàn zhè kuài bǐng gān bǐ jiào duō
[16:06.36] Maybe if I measure it.. huò xǔ wǒ gāi liàng yī xià
[16:08.30] Pick a piece! kuài tiāo yí kuài
[16:09.73] All right, I pick that one. It' s the smaller piece. hǎo ba, wǒ tiāo nà yí kuài nà yí kuài bǐ jiào xiǎo
[16:14.27] Okay. There you go. hǎo le, ná qù ba
[16:16.44] Enjoy your half, my friend. But that is it. hǎo hǎo xiǎng shòu nǐ de dàn gāo ba wǒ de péng yǒu, yīn wèi dà shì yǐ dìng
[16:19.64] No sharing, no switching, and don' t come crying to me... wǒ bú huì gēn nǐ fēn, bú huì gēn nǐ huàn bié kū zhe pǎo lái zhǎo wǒ
[16:23.21] if you eat your piece too fast. rú guǒ nǐ yī xià zǐ jiù bǎ dàn gāo chī wán le
[16:36.12] You gonna give me some of yours? Oh, no. nǐ yào gěi wǒ yì diǎn dàn gāo ma? bù
[16:40.13] No switching, no sharing. And don' t come crying to me. wǒ bú huì gēn nǐ fēn, bú huì gēn nǐ huàn bié kū zhe pǎo lái zhǎo wǒ
[16:44.63] I may just sit here and have my cake all day. wǒ yào zuò zài zhè lǐ huā yī zhěng tiān hǎo hǎo xiǎng yòng wǒ de dàn gāo
[16:47.63] Just sit here in the hallway and eat my.. wǒ yào zuò zài zǒu láng shàng chī wǒ de
[17:02.62] Ross, sweetheart! luó sī, tián xīn!
[17:04.82] Oh, hey, Aunt Millie. hēi, mǐ lì ā yí
[17:06.95] Isn' t it a beautiful wedding? Yes, it is. zhè gè hūn lǐ hěn wēn xīn ba? méi cuò
[17:15.30] Every time, on the lips! tā měi cì dōu qīn zuǐ bā!
[17:17.80] Why? Why on the lips? wèi shí me? wèi shí me yào qīn zuǐ bā?
[17:23.00] There' s Frannie. Won' t she be happy to see me? fēn nī zài nà biān, tā kàn dào wǒ yí dìng huì hěn gāo xìng ba?
[17:25.81] You be nice, all right? nǐ dé guāi guāi de, hǎo ma?
[17:27.84] I didn' t bring you to ambush her. wǒ bú shì dài nǐ lái qī fù tā
[17:30.44] Frannie was the one who showed your Playboys to Mom. fēn nī bǎ nǐ de huā huā gōng zǐ ná gěi mā mā kàn
[17:33.81] That bitch. nà gè sǐ xiǎo hái
[17:40.12] Monica! mó nī kǎ!
[17:41.59] What..? shén me?
[17:43.02] Am I doing here? Surprised to see me? wǒ zài zhè lǐ zuò shí mǒ? nǐ kàn dào wǒ hěn yà yì ma?
[17:45.69] Ross brought me. How do you like that? luó sī dài wǒ lái de, nǐ hái xǐ huān ma?
[17:48.30] Hi, Frannie. Congratulations. fēn nī, gōng xǐ
[17:52.60] You invite my whole family, and not me? Why? nǐ yāo qǐng wǒ de jiā rén què bù yāo qǐng wǒ, wèi shí me?
[17:56.04] Why wouldn' t you want me here? What could I have done? nǐ wèi shí me bù xī wàng wǒ lái? wǒ zuò le shén me?
[18:01.11] Stuart! shǐ dōu huá!
[18:03.41] I believe you know my husband. wǒ xiāng xìn nǐ rèn shi wǒ zhàng fū
[18:07.21] So it' s really a question of " who" could you have done. wèn tí yīng gāi shì, nǐ bǎ shàng le" shuí"
[18:20.06] I hate this, but I have to go. wǒ tǎo yàn zhè yàng, dàn wǒ dé zǒu le
[18:22.66] I can' t miss my flight. wǒ bù néng cuò guò fēi jī
[18:25.07] I bet there' s another flight to Minsk in.. wǒ gǎn shuō xià yī bān fēi wǎng míng sī kè de fēi jī shì zài
[18:27.67] July. qī yuè
[18:38.85] That' s really beautiful. What does it mean? nà zhēn de hǎo wō xīn, tā shì shén me yì sī?
[18:41.85] " Please clean my beakers." " qǐng bāng wǒ bǎ bēi zi xǐ gān jìng"
[18:45.09] I don' t get out of the lab much. wǒ bù cháng lí kāi shí yàn shì
[18:49.72] I thought it meant something else. wǒ yǐ wéi tā yǒu bié de yì sī
[18:52.56] Yeah, well, I really actually wanted to say... duì, shì shí shàng, wǒ xiǎng shuō
[18:56.36] that. nà gè
[18:58.10] But I figured I probably shouldn' t because... wǒ xiǎng huò xǔ wǒ bù gāi shuō, yīn wèi
[19:02.54] I have to leave. wǒ dé lí kāi
[19:04.54] No, you' re right. Don' t say it. bù, nǐ shuō de duì, bié shuō
[19:08.71] I do, though. dàn wǒ zhēn de nà me xiǎng
[19:12.98] I do too. wǒ yě shì
[19:23.22] Well, bye, Phoebe. zài jiàn, fēi bǐ
[19:36.20] Now' s not the time, Joey. You can yell at me tomorrow. xiàn zài bú shì shí hòu qiáo yī, míng tiān nǐ kě yǐ mà wǒ
[19:40.21] Wait, no, Phoebe. I' m not gonna yell at you. děng yī xià, bù, fēi bǐ wǒ bú huì mà nǐ
[19:43.24] I just started thinking about you and David... wǒ zhǐ shì kāi shǐ xiǎng dào nǐ gēn dà wèi
[19:46.08] and I remember how bummed you were the first time he left. wǒ jì de tā dì yī cì lí kāi shí nǐ yǒu duō nàn guò
[19:52.49] Oh, Phoebe, come here. fēi bǐ, guò lái
[19:55.32] Are you okay? No, I' m not okay. nǐ hái hǎo ba? bù, wǒ yì diǎn dōu bù hǎo
[19:59.33] The only guy I' ve ever been crazy about is going to Minsk... wǒ wéi yī xǐ huān de nán rén yào qù míng sī kè
[20:03.30] and I may never see him again. huò xǔ wǒ yǒng yuǎn dōu bú huì zài jiàn dào tā
[20:06.37] You could always visit him. nǐ kě yǐ qù kàn tā
[20:08.24] Right. Like they' ll let me have a passport. duì, nǐ yǐ wéi tā men huì gěi wǒ hù zhào
[20:12.17] Anything I can do? Whatever you need. yǒu shén me wǒ kě yǐ bāng máng de ma? shén me dōu xíng
[20:16.94] Well, now... ō
[20:19.25] if you achieve distillation of subatomic particles before he does... rú guǒ nǐ kě yǐ bǐ tā xiān zhēng liú chū fù yuán zǐ lì zǐ
[20:23.55] then he could come back. tā jiù kě yǐ huí lái le
[20:32.03] I could give it a shot. wǒ kě yǐ shì shì kàn
[20:39.47] Oh, look! There' s a piece that doesn' t have floor on it. nǐ kàn! yǒu yī xiǎo kuài méi yǒu zhān dào dì bǎn
[20:43.14] Stick to your side! Come on, now! bié yuè jiè! kuài diǎn!
[20:57.15] All right, what are we having? hǎo le, wǒ men yào chī shén me?
[21:07.33] Oh, wait, I forgot my wrap. děng yī xià, wǒ wàng le ná pī jiān
[21:10.00] Okay, wait here. hǎo ba, nǐ zài zhè lǐ děng wǒ
[21:29.55] Hi, sweetie! Are you leaving? hāi, tián xīn! nǐ yào zǒu le ma?
[21:32.25] Well.. Give us a kiss. Come on. ō qīn ā yí yī xià, kuài diǎn
[21:43.73] Why? Why on the lips? wèi shí me? wèi shí me yào qīn zuǐ bā?