Friends S07E13

歌曲 Friends S07E13
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第七季)


[00:04.27] -Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨
[00:06.20] -What are you doing? -I was thinking of moving the couch. -你在做什么? -我想把沙发搬开
[00:10.54] Why would you want to do that? 你为什么要那么做?
[00:12.11] So there'd be a decent place for me to sit? 那样子我就有好位置可以坐了?
[00:15.94] -Rach, there is a decent place. -And your lap does not count. -瑞秋,你本来就有好位置坐了 -你的大腿不算
[00:21.95] -Come on, help me move this. -No, no, no. -来吧,帮我把它搬开 -不
[00:25.05] -No? -No. -你不要? -我不要
[00:26.39] Rosita does not move. 萝希塔不想移开
[00:30.96] I'm sorry. Rosita? As in..? 对不起,萝希塔,它是…?
[00:33.83] As in "Rosita does not move." 就是“不想动的萝希塔”
[00:36.43] It's just a chair. What's the big deal? 它只是一张椅子 它有什么大不了的?
[00:38.77] It's the exact equal distance from the bathroom to the kitchen... 它到浴室跟到厨房的距离是一样的…
[00:42.47] and it's at an angle where you don't get any glare coming off Stevie. 而且它的角度让你完全 看不到史提夫的闪光
[00:48.24] Stevie the TV? 电视机史提夫?
[00:52.38] -Is there a problem? -No. -有问题吗? -没有
[00:57.62] What does he know? 他又知道什么?
[00:59.12] Come on, Rosita. Us chicas gotta stick together. 来吧,萝希塔 我们这些辣妹得合作才行
[01:11.03] You bitch! 你这个臭女人!
[01:15.37] The One Where Rosita Dies 本集播出:萝希塔之死
[01:53.31] Hey, Ross? 嘿,罗斯?
[01:54.54] I checked the real estate section. 我看过房地产广告版
[01:57.75] Look at this. 你看这个
[01:59.15] Looks like Mom and Dad's house. 看起来好像爸妈的房子
[02:01.15] Even has a tree with a broken limb out front. 院子里的树 正前方也有根断掉的树枝
[02:04.75] And the window in the attic... 阁楼的窗户…
[02:08.86] Oh, my God! 喔,我的天啊!
[02:11.53] What happened to the window in the attic? 阁楼的窗户怎么了?
[02:15.23] -I can't believe they're selling it. -And they didn't tell us. -我不敢相信他们要把它卖掉 -却没有告诉我们
[02:19.40] What happened to the window in the attic? 阁楼的窗户怎么了?
[02:24.17] I'll buy you a new one, okay? 我会买张新椅子赔你,好吗?
[02:26.27] We'll go to the store and get you a new chair right now. 我们马上到店里去 帮你买一张新椅子
[02:32.91] She's not even cold yet. 她还尸骨未寒
[02:37.22] Wouldn't Rosita have wanted you to move on? 萝希塔不希望你继续过你的日子吗?
[02:40.59] I mean, you know, she did always put your comfort first. 我是说她永远 把你的幸福放在第一顺位
[02:47.26] That's true. 没错
[02:53.10] I can't believe we have to say goodbye to the house we grew up in. 我不敢相信 我们得跟小时候的家说再见
[02:57.14] Man, some stranger's gonna be in my room. 天啊,有个陌生人 就要搬进我的房间里
[03:00.31] For 15 years they kept it as a shrine to you. 十五年来,他们把你房间 弄得跟神龛差不多
[03:03.38] It's time the velvet ropes came down. 现在一切都该落幕了
[03:07.08] They kept your room a while. 他们也保留你房间有一阵子
[03:08.78] Please! Dad turned my room into a gym 20 minutes after I moved out. 拜托,我搬出来二十分钟后 爸就把我的房间变成健身房
[03:13.62] I gotta say, a tanning bed and a stack of Victoria's Secret catalogs? 我很怀疑,一张日光浴椅 跟一堆维多利亚秘密的目录?
[03:17.96] Not a gym. 那不是健身房
[03:20.13] -Come on. You know they love you. -As much as they love you? -别这样,你知道他们爱你 -就跟他们爱你一样?
[03:23.80] They thought she was barren until I was born. It's not my fault. 我没出生前,他们以为她不会生 那不是我的错
[03:31.17] I hate this year. 我讨厌今年
[03:33.17] What's wrong with this year? 今年有什么不对的?
[03:35.08] It's February and I've only given two massages... 现在已经是二月 我只接到两个按摩客人…
[03:38.58] and they were both horrible tippers. 而且他们给小费都给得很吝啬
[03:41.12] That was me and Ross. 你是指我跟罗斯
[03:44.49] Oh, that's right. 喔,没错
[03:47.36] If you want some extra cash... 如果你需要钱…
[03:49.09] some college friends made good money doing telemarketing. 我大学的朋友 做电话行销赚了不少钱
[03:53.13] It'd be better than the last telephone job I had. 它一定比上次 我做的电话行销工作还棒
[03:56.26] I probably won't have to say "spank" as much. 或许我不必常常说“打我屁股吧”
[04:02.57] What? 什么?
[04:04.51] Oh, yeah, like you never called. 对,你从来没打过那种电话
[04:13.82] This is very easy. You read from the script... 这真的很简单,你只要照着稿子念…
[04:17.02] and try to sell as much toner as you can. 试着多卖一点碳粉
[04:19.85] Okay, I can do that. 好吧,我办得到
[04:21.79] By the way, I love my office. 对了,我喜欢我的办公室
[04:25.33] -Why don't we do a trial run? -Oh, okay. -我们为什么不来练习一下? -好吧
[04:30.63] All right. 好了
[04:32.40] Hi, this is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. 嗨,我是帝国办公室文具公司的菲比
[04:35.34] -Can I speak to your supply manager? -I'm the supply manager. -请问总务部经理在吗? -我就是总务部经理
[04:39.57] I'd like to talk about your toner needs. 我想跟你谈谈买碳粉的事
[04:41.94] We don't need any. 我们不需要碳粉
[04:43.14] Okay, sorry to bother you. Bye-bye. 好吧,抱歉打扰你了,再见
[04:46.35] Yeah, you're right. This is easy. 你说的对,这真的很容易
[04:47.95] Okay. What was wrong with that call? 好吧,那通电话哪里不对劲呢?
[04:51.12] Oh, well, all right. 好吧
[04:52.75] No offense, but you were kind of rude. 我没有恶意,但你的态度真的很不好
[04:57.66] They always say they don't need toner. That's okay. 他们永远都会说 他们不需要碳粉,没关系
[05:00.80] Whatever they say, you can find the answer to it, here in the script. 不管他们说什么 你都会在稿子里找到标准解答
[05:05.63] So I think you're ready to sell toner. 我想你准备好要卖碳粉了
[05:08.24] -Do you have any last questions? -No. -你还有问题吗? -没有了
[05:10.57] Wait, yes, I do have one question: 等一下,对了,我的确有一个问题
[05:13.11] What is toner? 什么是碳粉?
[05:17.78] Joey? 乔伊?
[05:21.18] Joe? 乔伊?
[05:26.85] Full bag? 原封未动?
[05:30.29] Beer's still cold. 啤酒还是冰的
[05:34.36] Something terrible must have happened here. 这里一定发生了很可怕的事
[05:45.84] Oh, no, no, no! 喔,不…
[05:50.61] Stevie, I was never here. 史提夫,我没来过这里
[05:57.29] -Dad? -I'm here! -爸? -我在这里!
[06:00.49] -Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨
[06:02.29] Seems like just yesterday you guys used to come out to watch me work. 感觉上好像以前你们 跑来这里看我工作的时候
[06:06.79] We can't believe you're selling the house. 我们不敢相信你们要卖掉房子
[06:09.40] Time for a new family to start here. 也该让新的家庭 在这里开始他们的新生活了
[06:11.53] I hope their check clears before they find the crack... 我希望在支票兑现前 他们不会发现…
[06:14.94] in the foundation and the asbestos in the ceiling. 地基有裂痕,天花板的石棉瓦破了
[06:19.71] Let's grab our stuff and get the hell out of here. 我们快把东西拿一拿,离开这里吧
[06:23.11] -Sorry we can't store your things. -Oh, it's okay. -抱歉我们不能收藏你们的东西 -没关系
[06:26.78] I can't wait to see everything again. 我等不及要再看到那些东西了
[06:29.22] I don't know what's down here. 我不知道这里放了什么
[06:31.32] But there are six or seven Easy-Bake Ovens in the attic. 但阁楼上有六,七箱简易烘焙烤箱
[06:36.06] I used to love to play restaurant. 我以前最喜欢玩开餐厅的游戏了
[06:38.29] Not as much as you loved to play "uncooked batter eater." 但你最爱的还是“吃面粉糊”
[06:42.73] You can't expect a child to wait for a light bulb to cook brownies. 你不能要求小孩子 等着电灯泡把饼干烤好
[06:48.70] So I think your boxes are over here. 我想你的箱子应该都在这里
[06:51.44] Oh, great. 太棒了
[06:53.07] Hey... 嘿…
[06:54.98] whose cigarettes are these? 这是谁的烟?
[06:59.08] I don't know. 我不知道
[07:01.42] They must be your mother's. 一定是你妈的
[07:04.02] But please, please don't ask her. I'll throw these away. 但求求你别去质问她 我来把烟丢掉
[07:12.73] Cool! Dad, my report cards! 酷啊!爸,是我的成绩单!
[07:16.33] Hey, check this out. 嘿,快来看看
[07:17.93] Math, "A." Science, "A." History, "A." Gym... 数学“优等”,自然“优等” 历史“优等”,体育…
[07:29.14] My rock polisher! 我的磨石机!
[07:35.65] -Uh-oh. -What? -惨了 -怎么了?
[07:37.89] You know how the garage floods every spring? 你知道每年春天车库都会淹水吗?
[07:40.29] How are you ever gonna sell this place? 你要怎么把房子卖掉?
[07:43.72] I think I accidentally used Monica's boxes... 我想我不小心拿摩妮卡的箱子…
[07:46.69] to keep the water away from the Porsche. 来挡水,免得保时捷进了水
[07:51.80] Oh, no, Dad. Dad? 喔,不,爸,爸?
[07:55.24] What the.. 搞什么…
[07:56.47] Oh, God. Everything's ruined! 喔,天啊,一切都毁了!
[08:01.08] Dad, she's gonna be crushed. 爸,她一定会崩溃的
[08:05.15] You don't secretly smoke, do you? 你该不会是偷偷在抽烟吧?
[08:09.12] No. 不
[08:10.79] So it's just your mother then. 是你妈在抽烟
[08:16.42] Hi. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. 嗨,我是帝国办公室文具公司的菲比
[08:20.03] Can I speak to your supply manager, please? 请问总务部经理在吗?
[08:24.03] Earl. Thanks. 厄尔,谢谢
[08:26.73] Hi, Earl. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. 嗨,厄尔,我是帝国办公室 文具公司的菲比
[08:30.97] I'd like to talk to you about your toner needs. 我想跟你谈谈买碳粉的事
[08:33.94] I don't need any toner. 我不需要碳粉
[08:37.48] I hear what you're saying, but at our prices, everyone needs toner. 我知道了,但是听了我们的价格 大家都会想买碳粉
[08:42.32] Not me. 我不要
[08:45.29] May I ask why? 能请问你为什么吗?
[08:47.29] You want to know why? 你想知道为什么?
[08:50.53] You want to know why? 你想知道为什么?
[08:52.06] I surely do. 我真的很想
[08:54.66] Okay. 好吧
[08:56.36] I don't need any toner... 我不需要碳粉…
[08:59.30] because I'm gonna kill myself. 因为我就要自杀了
[09:14.05] Is that because you're out of toner? 那是因为你的碳粉用完了吗?
[09:21.36] Okay, so no toner today. Thanks anyway. Bye-bye. 好吧,今天我不需要碳粉 谢谢你,再见
[09:26.83] Wait, wait! I can't let you hang up. Just please talk to me. 等一下!我不能让你挂电话 请你跟我说话
[09:31.77] Well... 喔…
[09:34.27] I only had one thing to do today. 今天我只需要做一件事
[09:36.40] (今天的工作 自杀)
[09:39.41] I guess I could push it back. 我猜我能把它延期一下吧
[09:42.61] Yeah. Now, why do you want to kill yourself? 好吧,你为什么要自杀?
[09:46.98] I've been working for 10 years now at this... 十年来,我一直在做…
[09:50.22] meaningless, dead-end job... 这份没有意义又没有前途的工作…
[09:52.52] and nobody here even knows that I exist. 办公室里的人根本不知道我的存在
[09:56.76] Chandler? 钱德?
[10:02.90] I'm sorry? 你说什么?
[10:06.53] Look... 听着…
[10:08.10] I'm sure that people know you exist. 我相信他们都知道你的存在
[10:10.91] Oh, yeah? I work in a cubicle... 是吗?我在一个小房间工作…
[10:13.24] surrounded by people. 四周都是人
[10:14.94] I've been talking to you for five minutes now about killing myself... 我已经跟你谈了五分钟 我要自杀的问题…
[10:19.75] and no one's even looked up from their desk. Hang on. 没有人抬头起来看我一眼,等一下
[10:23.22] Hey, everybody... 嘿,大伙们…
[10:25.22] I'm gonna kill myself. 我要自杀了
[10:31.43] I got nothing. 他们不理我
[10:35.96] Good chair. 好漂亮的椅子
[10:38.23] Now, if anybody asks... 好了,如果有人问起…
[10:40.03] your name is Rosita. 你的名字就叫萝希塔
[11:06.09] Poor thing. Cut down in her prime. 可怜的小东西,她是英年早逝
[11:10.70] Joey, the new chair will be here in an hour. 乔伊,新椅子一小时内就会送来
[11:13.57] Maybe we should move Rosita out of here. 或许我们该把萝希塔搬出去
[11:16.37] Start the healing process. 开始疗伤止痛
[11:19.74] Yeah, I guess you're right. 好吧,我猜你说的对
[11:42.80] She's healed! 她好了!
[11:49.04] That's weird. 那太奇怪了
[11:50.27] No, it's not weird. 不,一点都不奇怪
[11:51.91] It's a miracle! 这是奇迹!
[11:54.68] It's not a miracle. I'm sure there's an explanation. 这不是奇迹 我相信这一定有合理的解释
[11:57.78] There is. If your heart is pure, wondrous things can happen. 没错,只要你的心地纯正 奇迹一定会发生
[12:04.55] She'll understand. I didn't do it on purpose. 她会了解的,我不是故意的
[12:07.42] Dad, that won't matter to her. 爸,对她来说那并不重要
[12:09.32] Look, all my stuff is safe and dry. 你看,我的箱子完全没事
[12:11.83] And all her stuff is... 她的东西都…
[12:13.56] growing new stuff. 长出新的东西了
[12:16.90] This is the kind of thing... 就是这样的事…
[12:18.60] that makes her think you love me more than you lovr her. 让她认为你们爱我更胜于爱她
[12:22.10] Oh my God. Does she realy think that? 天啊,她真的那么认为?
[12:24.21] -Well, can you blame her? -I don't know. -你能怪她吗? -我不知道
[12:26.61] We may have favored you unconsciously. You were a marvel. 或许我们在潜意识里 是偏爱你的,你是个奇迹
[12:30.34] -The doctors said your mom couldn't.. -I don't want to hear about it. -医生说你妈没办法… -我不想听
[12:33.91] -Really? -Well, not right now. -真的吗? -现在不想
[12:37.35] Monica came here for some memories. Damn it, we'll give her some. 摩妮卡来这里找回忆 该死,我们得给她一些回忆
[12:41.62] Okay, grab... 好吧,拿…
[12:43.56] Grab some boxes. We'll take stuff from mine... 把空箱子拿过来 我们拿一些我的东西…
[12:46.93] and whatever we can pass off as hers, we'll put in there. 放在这些箱子里 只要能骗过她的就行
[12:52.07] Like, this. She could have made this. 譬如说这个,这可能是她做的
[12:54.50] -This could have been hers. -Sure. -这可能是她的 -没错
[12:59.27] If you want to tell the medical marvel story while we work, that'd be fine. 现在是告诉我那个“医学奇迹” 的适当时机了
[13:08.02] I am so psyched I kept this chair for myself. 我好高兴我能把这张椅子 留下来给自己用
[13:15.56] Yeah. Me too. 对,我也是
[13:20.73] You know, this thing has speakers in the headrest? 你知道这张椅子的头垫上 还附了喇叭吗?
[13:25.40] -No, really? -Yeah. -不,真的吗? -没错
[13:26.97] You can hook it to the TV and you get radio. 你可以把它跟电视机接在一起 还可以听收音机
[13:34.94] My chair heals itself. 我的椅子有自疗的功能
[13:39.48] All right. Let's just forget about the people at the office, okay? 好吧,我们别提 办公室的同事了,好吗?
[13:42.62] There's gotta be someone worth sticking around for. 一定有人值得你留恋
[13:46.59] What about family or friends? Maybe a girlfriend? 你的家人跟朋友呢? 或许你有女朋友?
[13:51.29] Yeah, right. 是啊
[13:52.83] Oh, sorry. Boyfriend? 喔,抱歉,你的男朋友呢?
[13:56.13] Okay, I should... 好了,我应该…
[13:57.57] be getting back to my thing now. 去做我想做的事了
[14:00.33] See you. 再见
[14:02.10] I'm not finished! Don't you dare hang up on me! 我还没有说完!你休想挂我电话!
[14:05.77] The new girl's good. 新来的女同事真的有一套
[14:10.61] Which boxes are mine? 哪些箱子是我的?
[14:12.61] -These are yours right here. -Okay. -你的箱子在这里 -好吧
[14:15.75] A coloring book. 着色簿
[14:17.72] You loved that thing. 你喜欢那个玩意
[14:19.42] You never went anywhere without... 你去哪里都会…
[14:22.42] without that coloring book. 都会带着那本着色簿
[14:24.53] Really? 真的吗?
[14:25.96] Looks like I had trouble staying in the lines. 看起来我老是没办法 把颜色涂在线里
[14:28.80] Nuh-uh! 不
[14:31.90] Wow, look at this. 哇,你看这个
[14:33.27] I can't believe I even fit into this shirt. 我不敢相信以前我穿得下这件T恤
[14:36.44] (暴龙 罗斯)
[14:40.77] Oh, this is yours. 喔,这是你的
[14:42.28] I don't know how that got in there. 我不知道它怎么会跑到那里去
[14:46.91] Hey, this isn't my stuff. 嘿,这不是我的东西
[14:49.15] Ross, these are your boxes. 罗斯,这些是你的箱子
[14:56.09] Where are my boxes? 我的箱子在哪里?
[14:58.83] The garage flooded, sweetie, and ruined your boxes. I'm sorry. 车库淹水,亲爱的 你的箱子都进了水,对不起
[15:04.37] Just mine? 只有我的箱子进水了?
[15:05.60] I'm afraid so. 恐怕是那样的
[15:07.43] Why wasn't Ross' stuff ruined? 为什么罗斯的东西都没坏?
[15:11.54] I used your boxes to divert water away from the Porsche. 我用你的箱子挡水来保护我的保时捷
[15:15.51] Ross' stuff is fine, but I have no memories... 罗斯的东西都没事 但我什么回忆都没有了…
[15:18.41] so you could keep the bottom of your car from water? 只为了你不希望 你的汽车底盘碰到水?
[15:21.62] There was also leaves and gook and stuff. 水里有树叶、泥巴跟杂物
[15:27.19] I can't believe this! 我不敢相信!
[15:35.36] Screw it. I'm having one. 去他的,我要抽根烟
[15:42.47] -Hey, Chandler. -Hey. -嘿,钱德 -嘿
[15:44.57] How'd you like to sit in a chair that reclines... 你要不要试试看一张可以平躺…
[15:48.04] has a rolling massage... 有滚轮按摩功能…
[15:50.28] and speakers in the headrest? 头垫还附了喇叭的椅子?
[15:52.78] I've tried that so many times... 我试过很多次…
[15:55.08] they won't even let me in the store anymore. 但他们已经不再让我走进他们店里
[15:59.55] What if I said you could do it in my apartment? 如果我说你可以到我家试坐一下呢?
[16:02.96] Are you telling me... 你是说…
[16:04.46] you bought the chair that makes all others obsolete? 你买了那张让其他椅子 都变成废物的椅子?
[16:08.06] The chair that Sit Magazine called "Chair of the Year"? 那张《椅子杂志》封为 “年度最佳椅子”的椅子?
[16:14.64] I just purchased... 我刚刚买了…
[16:15.90] the La-Z-Boy E-Cliner 3000. 懒男孩E倾斜3000型
[16:20.31] Well, that's awesome! That's great! What made you do it? 喔,那真的是太棒了!太帅了! 你为什么会买下它?
[16:22.78] It's a long story, but, I broke Joey's chair.. 说来话长,但我弄坏了乔伊的椅子…
[16:25.95] Whoa, whoa, whoa. You broke Joey's chair? 哇…你弄坏了乔伊的椅子?
[16:28.88] I thought I did, that's why I replaced it with mine. 我以为是我干的 所以我用我的椅子跟它调包
[16:33.89] That's how it got fixed! 所以它才会完全没事!
[16:36.82] You thought that elves came in and fixed it? 你以为是妖精把它修好的?
[16:40.16] No. 不
[16:41.83] Angels. 是天使干的
[16:44.77] I'm getting my chair back. 我要把我的椅子拿回来
[16:49.84] Well, looks like it wasn't healed after all! 喔,看起来它根本没有自疗功能!
[16:54.94] I guess this chair's mine now. 我猜这张椅子是我的了
[17:00.35] Joey, you broke my chair! 乔伊,你弄坏了我的椅子!
[17:02.22] Your chair? 你的椅子?
[17:03.45] He thought he broke it, so he switched chairs. 他以为他把它弄坏了 所以他调换了椅子
[17:06.62] So there was no miracle? 奇迹根本不存在?
[17:08.52] No, Joe. No miracle. 没错,乔伊,奇迹不存在
[17:10.62] Oh, no! This is devastating! 喔,不!这真的是太糟糕了!
[17:14.43] My faith is shaken. I'm glad I have a new chair to get me through this. 我的信念被击垮了,我很高兴 这张新椅子能陪我走过这一切
[17:21.44] Where can I find Earl? He's the supply manager here. 请问厄尔在哪里?他是总务部经理
[17:25.67] I don't know any Earl. 我不认识厄尔
[17:27.31] I'm right here! 我在这里!
[17:32.98] Earl? 厄尔?
[17:36.25] I'm Phoebe. 我是菲比
[17:37.82] Phoebe? 菲比?
[17:39.39] The lady who sells toner? 卖碳粉的小姐?
[17:41.99] Look, you can't kill yourself. 听着,你不能自杀
[17:45.33] Look, I really appreciate you coming down.. 我很感激你赶过来…
[17:48.23] No, I can't let you do it. 不,我不能让你那么做
[17:50.16] -Why? -Because, fate made me call you today. -为什么? -因为命运让我今天打电话给你
[17:54.57] I thought it was toner. 我还以为你是打电话来卖碳粉
[17:57.91] Think about it, okay? This isn't even my regular job. 好好想一想,好吗? 这根本不是我的正职
[18:02.24] My first day, you're my first call. 我第一天上班就第一个打电话给你
[18:04.91] Somebody else may have hung up, but I wouldn't do that... 其他人可能会挂掉电话 但我不会那么做…
[18:08.72] because I know about this stuff. 因为我了解这种事
[18:10.78] -My mom killed herself. -Really? -我妈是自杀的 -真的吗?
[18:13.89] How? 她怎么自杀的?
[18:15.09] I'm not gonna give you tips. 我绝不会教你
[18:18.69] Don't you see that this... 你看不出来…
[18:20.69] all came together so I could stop you from doing this? 这些都是注定好的 所以我才会来阻止你自杀?
[18:25.43] -Couldn't it just be a coincidence? -No, it's fate. -这不是巧合吗? -不,这是命中注定
[18:30.04] It doesn't really seem like enough to be fate. 它看起来不像是命中注定
[18:33.37] Oh, well. 喔,好吧
[18:34.71] Okay, here's a weird thing. 好吧,有件事很奇怪
[18:36.81] My mother was also a supply manager. 我妈妈也是总务部经理
[18:42.45] I'm actually the office manager. 事实上我是办公室经理
[18:44.55] Oh, my God! So was she! 我的天啊!她也是!
[18:46.75] And get this, okay. 还有这个,好吧
[18:49.22] Your name is Earl, right? Her name was Pearl. 你是厄尔,对吧?她叫做普厄儿
[18:53.09] Puh-Earl. 普…厄尔
[18:56.56] Was there anything else? 还有别的证据吗?
[18:58.47] Sure. 当然有
[19:02.30] Where're you from? 你是哪里人?
[19:03.54] -Philadelphia. -Oh, my God, so was she! -费城 -喔,我的天啊,她也是!
[19:08.04] I've got goose bumps. 我都起鸡皮疙瘩了
[19:10.31] Really? 真的吗?
[19:11.55] I'm wearing layers, and it's warm. 我穿太多了,而且这里很热
[19:15.28] These jerks might not care about you... 或许这些混蛋不在乎你…
[19:17.78] but the universe does, and that says a lot. 但宇宙在乎你,那才是最重要的
[19:23.66] Did you hear that? 你们听到了吗?
[19:25.83] I don't need you guys to care about me... 我不需要你们在乎我…
[19:28.50] because the universe cares! 因为宇宙在乎我
[19:30.83] The whole universe! 整个宇宙在乎我!
[19:38.57] I really wish they'd care a little bit. 我真的希望他们能在乎我一下
[19:43.08] Oh, this is terrible. 喔,这真的是太可怕了
[19:45.18] Everything is destroyed. 所有的东西都毁了
[19:48.62] Look at this. 你看这个
[19:49.85] It meant enough for me to save, and now I can't tell what it is. 它一定很重要我才会保存它 现在我看不出来它是什么东西
[19:55.32] It's still soft. 它还软软的
[19:59.89] What do you think this is? 你觉得它是什么呢?
[20:03.46] I think it was a mouse. 我想它是老鼠
[20:13.91] -How are you, honey? -How do you think I am? -你还好吗?甜心 -你觉得呢?
[20:16.98] You've wrecked my childhood memories... 你毁了我的童年回忆…
[20:19.65] you love Ross more than me. 你们爱罗斯比爱我多
[20:21.62] And I just rubbed a dead mouse on my face. 我刚刚还拿死了的老鼠碰我的脸
[20:26.62] Sweetheart, we love you just as much as Ross. 甜心,我们爱你就像我们爱罗斯
[20:31.16] I'm sorry about what happened... 箱子的事我很抱歉…
[20:33.33] and I probably can't make it up to you... 也许我永远没办法补偿你…
[20:37.00] but here's a start. 但这是个开始
[20:41.74] -What's this? -It's the key to my Porsche. -这是什么? -我的保时捷的钥匙
[20:45.07] Well, the key to your Porsche. 你的保时捷的钥匙
[20:48.41] What? 什么?!
[20:49.71] What?! 什么?!
[20:52.41] I've considered getting rid of it. I saw my reflection the other day. 我一直想把它卖掉 有天我在车子看到自己的倒影
[20:57.68] Your mother's right, I do look like an ass. 你妈说的对,我看起来像个瘪三
[21:02.02] You're giving it to me? You're kidding. 你要把它送给我?你一定是在开玩笑
[21:04.89] Well, wait a minute. 等一下
[21:08.06] A couple of stupid boxes get wet, and she gets a Porsche? 几箱蠢东西湿掉了 她就可以拿到保时捷?
[21:13.90] -Let's take a drive? -All right! -我们去兜个风吧 -太帅了!
[21:16.10] What about me? I'm a medical marvel! 我呢?我是医学奇迹!
[21:34.42] Hey, guys. 嘿,你们都在
[21:35.96] Have you seen Chandler's chair? 你们看到钱德的椅子了吗?
[21:38.03] Joey broke it. He got rid of it. 乔伊把它弄坏了,于是他把它丢了
[21:40.26] Are you kidding? I get a Porsche and the Barcalounger's gone? 你在开玩笑吗?我得到了保时捷 而且巴卡兰格被丢掉了?
[21:44.67] This is the best day ever! 这是有史以来最棒的一天


[00:04.27] Hey. Hi. hēi hāi
[00:06.20] What are you doing? I was thinking of moving the couch. nǐ zài zuò shí mǒ? wǒ xiǎng bǎ shā fā bān kāi
[00:10.54] Why would you want to do that? nǐ wèi shí me yào nà me zuò?
[00:12.11] So there' d be a decent place for me to sit? nà yàng zi wǒ jiù yǒu hǎo wèi zhì kě yǐ zuò le?
[00:15.94] Rach, there is a decent place. And your lap does not count. ruì qiū, nǐ běn lái jiù yǒu hǎo wèi zhì zuò le nǐ de dà tuǐ bù suàn
[00:21.95] Come on, help me move this. No, no, no. lái ba, bāng wǒ bǎ tā bān kāi bù
[00:25.05] No? No. nǐ bú yào? wǒ bú yào
[00:26.39] Rosita does not move. luó xī tǎ bù xiǎng yí kāi
[00:30.96] I' m sorry. Rosita? As in..? duì bù qǐ, luó xī tǎ, tā shì?
[00:33.83] As in " Rosita does not move." jiù shì" bù xiǎng dòng de luó xī tǎ"
[00:36.43] It' s just a chair. What' s the big deal? tā zhǐ shì yī zhāng yǐ zi tā yǒu shén me dà bù liǎo de?
[00:38.77] It' s the exact equal distance from the bathroom to the kitchen... tā dào yù shì gēn dào chú fáng de jù lí shì yí yàng de
[00:42.47] and it' s at an angle where you don' t get any glare coming off Stevie. ér qiě tā de jiǎo dù ràng nǐ wán quán kàn bú dào shǐ tí fū de shǎn guāng
[00:48.24] Stevie the TV? diàn shì jī shǐ tí fū?
[00:52.38] Is there a problem? No. yǒu wèn tí ma? méi yǒu
[00:57.62] What does he know? tā yòu zhī dào shén me?
[00:59.12] Come on, Rosita. Us chicas gotta stick together. lái ba, luó xī tǎ wǒ men zhèi xiē là mèi dé hé zuò cái xíng
[01:11.03] You bitch! nǐ zhè gè chòu nǚ rén!
[01:15.37] The One Where Rosita Dies běn jí bō chū: luó xī tǎ zhī sǐ
[01:53.31] Hey, Ross? hēi, luó sī?
[01:54.54] I checked the real estate section. wǒ kàn guò fáng dì chǎn guǎng gào bǎn
[01:57.75] Look at this. nǐ kàn zhè gè
[01:59.15] Looks like Mom and Dad' s house. kàn qǐ lái hǎo xiàng bà mā de fáng zi
[02:01.15] Even has a tree with a broken limb out front. yuàn zi lǐ de shù zhèng qián fāng yě yǒu gēn duàn diào de shù zhī
[02:04.75] And the window in the attic... gé lóu de chuāng hù
[02:08.86] Oh, my God! ō, wǒ de tiān a!
[02:11.53] What happened to the window in the attic? gé lóu de chuāng hù zěn me le?
[02:15.23] I can' t believe they' re selling it. And they didn' t tell us. wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn tā men yào bǎ tā mài diào què méi yǒu gào sù wǒ men
[02:19.40] What happened to the window in the attic? gé lóu de chuāng hù zěn me le?
[02:24.17] I' ll buy you a new one, okay? wǒ huì mǎi zhāng xīn yǐ zi péi nǐ, hǎo ma?
[02:26.27] We' ll go to the store and get you a new chair right now. wǒ men mǎ shàng dào diàn lǐ qù bāng nǐ mǎi yī zhāng xīn yǐ zi
[02:32.91] She' s not even cold yet. tā hái shī gǔ wèi hán
[02:37.22] Wouldn' t Rosita have wanted you to move on? luó xī tǎ bù xī wàng nǐ jì xù guò nǐ de rì zi ma?
[02:40.59] I mean, you know, she did always put your comfort first. wǒ shì shuō tā yǒng yuǎn bǎ nǐ de xìng fú fàng zài dì yī shùn wèi
[02:47.26] That' s true. méi cuò
[02:53.10] I can' t believe we have to say goodbye to the house we grew up in. wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ men dé gēn xiǎo shí hòu de jiā shuō zài jiàn
[02:57.14] Man, some stranger' s gonna be in my room. tiān a, yǒu gè mò shēng rén jiù yào bān jìn wǒ de fáng jiān lǐ
[03:00.31] For 15 years they kept it as a shrine to you. shí wǔ nián lái, tā men bǎ nǐ fáng jiān nòng dé gēn shén kān chà bù duō
[03:03.38] It' s time the velvet ropes came down. xiàn zài yī qiè dōu gāi luò mù le
[03:07.08] They kept your room a while. tā men yě bǎo liú nǐ fáng jiān yǒu yī zhèn zi
[03:08.78] Please! Dad turned my room into a gym 20 minutes after I moved out. bài tuō, wǒ bān chū lái èr shí fēn zhōng hòu bà jiù bǎ wǒ de fáng jiān biàn chéng jiàn shēn fáng
[03:13.62] I gotta say, a tanning bed and a stack of Victoria' s Secret catalogs? wǒ hěn huái yí, yī zhāng rì guāng yù yǐ gēn yī duī wéi duō lì yà mì mì de mù lù?
[03:17.96] Not a gym. nà bú shì jiàn shēn fáng
[03:20.13] Come on. You know they love you. As much as they love you? bié zhè yàng, nǐ zhī dào tā men ài nǐ jiù gēn tā men ài nǐ yí yàng?
[03:23.80] They thought she was barren until I was born. It' s not my fault. wǒ méi chū shēng qián, tā men yǐ wéi tā bú huì shēng nà bú shì wǒ de cuò
[03:31.17] I hate this year. wǒ tǎo yàn jīn nián
[03:33.17] What' s wrong with this year? jīn nián yǒu shén me bú duì de?
[03:35.08] It' s February and I' ve only given two massages... xiàn zài yǐ jīng shì èr yuè wǒ zhǐ jiē dào liǎng gè àn mó kè rén
[03:38.58] and they were both horrible tippers. ér qiě tā men gěi xiǎo fèi dōu gěi de hěn lìn sè
[03:41.12] That was me and Ross. nǐ shì zhǐ wǒ gēn luó sī
[03:44.49] Oh, that' s right. ō, méi cuò
[03:47.36] If you want some extra cash... rú guǒ nǐ xū yào qián
[03:49.09] some college friends made good money doing telemarketing. wǒ dà xué de péng yǒu zuò diàn huà xíng xiāo zhuàn liǎo bù shǎo qián
[03:53.13] It' d be better than the last telephone job I had. tā yí dìng bǐ shàng cì wǒ zuò de diàn huà xíng xiāo gōng zuò hái bàng
[03:56.26] I probably won' t have to say " spank" as much. huò xǔ wǒ bù bì cháng cháng shuō" dǎ wǒ pì gǔ ba"
[04:02.57] What? shén me?
[04:04.51] Oh, yeah, like you never called. duì, nǐ cóng lái méi dǎ guò nà zhǒng diàn huà
[04:13.82] This is very easy. You read from the script... zhè zhēn de hěn jiǎn dān, nǐ zhǐ yào zhào zhe gǎo zi niàn
[04:17.02] and try to sell as much toner as you can. shì zhe duō mài yì diǎn tàn fěn
[04:19.85] Okay, I can do that. hǎo ba, wǒ bàn dé dào
[04:21.79] By the way, I love my office. duì le, wǒ xǐ huān wǒ de bàn gōng shì
[04:25.33] Why don' t we do a trial run? Oh, okay. wǒ men wèi shí me bù lái liàn xí yī xià? hǎo ba
[04:30.63] All right. hǎo le
[04:32.40] Hi, this is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. hāi, wǒ shì dì guó bàn gōng shì wén jù gōng sī de fēi bǐ
[04:35.34] Can I speak to your supply manager? I' m the supply manager. qǐng wèn zǒng wù bù jīng lǐ zài ma? wǒ jiù shì zǒng wù bù jīng lǐ
[04:39.57] I' d like to talk about your toner needs. wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ tán tán mǎi tàn fěn de shì
[04:41.94] We don' t need any. wǒ men bù xū yào tàn fěn
[04:43.14] Okay, sorry to bother you. Byebye. hǎo ba, bào qiàn dǎ rǎo nǐ le, zài jiàn
[04:46.35] Yeah, you' re right. This is easy. nǐ shuō de duì, zhè zhēn de hěn róng yì
[04:47.95] Okay. What was wrong with that call? hǎo ba, nà tōng diàn huà nǎ lǐ bú duì jìn ne?
[04:51.12] Oh, well, all right. hǎo ba
[04:52.75] No offense, but you were kind of rude. wǒ méi yǒu è yì, dàn nǐ de tài dù zhēn de hěn bù hǎo
[04:57.66] They always say they don' t need toner. That' s okay. tā men yǒng yuǎn dōu huì shuō tā men bù xū yào tàn fěn, méi guān xì
[05:00.80] Whatever they say, you can find the answer to it, here in the script. bù guǎn tā men shuō shí mǒ nǐ dōu huì zài gǎo zi lǐ zhǎo dào biāo zhǔn jiě dá
[05:05.63] So I think you' re ready to sell toner. wǒ xiǎng nǐ zhǔn bèi hǎo yào mài tàn fěn le
[05:08.24] Do you have any last questions? No. nǐ hái yǒu wèn tí ma? méi yǒu le
[05:10.57] Wait, yes, I do have one question: děng yī xià, duì le, wǒ dí què yǒu yí gè wèn tí
[05:13.11] What is toner? shén me shì tàn fěn?
[05:17.78] Joey? qiáo yī?
[05:21.18] Joe? qiáo yī?
[05:26.85] Full bag? yuán fēng wèi dòng?
[05:30.29] Beer' s still cold. pí jiǔ hái shì bīng de
[05:34.36] Something terrible must have happened here. zhè lǐ yí dìng fā shēng le hěn kě pà de shì
[05:45.84] Oh, no, no, no! ō, bù
[05:50.61] Stevie, I was never here. shǐ tí fū, wǒ méi lái guò zhè lǐ
[05:57.29] Dad? I' m here! bà? wǒ zài zhè lǐ!
[06:00.49] Hey. Hi. hēi hāi
[06:02.29] Seems like just yesterday you guys used to come out to watch me work. gǎn jué shàng hǎo xiàng yǐ qián nǐ men pǎo lái zhè lǐ kàn wǒ gōng zuò de shí hòu
[06:06.79] We can' t believe you' re selling the house. wǒ men bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ men yào mài diào fáng zi
[06:09.40] Time for a new family to start here. yě gāi ràng xīn de jiā tíng zài zhè lǐ kāi shǐ tā men de xīn shēng huó le
[06:11.53] I hope their check clears before they find the crack... wǒ xī wàng zài zhī piào duì xiàn qián tā men bú huì fā xiàn
[06:14.94] in the foundation and the asbestos in the ceiling. dì jī yǒu liè hén, tiān huā bǎn de shí mián wǎ pò le
[06:19.71] Let' s grab our stuff and get the hell out of here. wǒ men kuài bǎ dōng xī ná yī ná, lí kāi zhè lǐ ba
[06:23.11] Sorry we can' t store your things. Oh, it' s okay. bào qiàn wǒ men bù néng shōu cáng nǐ men de dōng xī méi guān xì
[06:26.78] I can' t wait to see everything again. wǒ děng bù jí yào zài kàn dào nèi xiē dōng xī le
[06:29.22] I don' t know what' s down here. wǒ bù zhī dào zhè lǐ fàng le shén me
[06:31.32] But there are six or seven EasyBake Ovens in the attic. dàn gé lóu shàng yǒu liù, qī xiāng jiǎn yì hōng bèi kǎo xiāng
[06:36.06] I used to love to play restaurant. wǒ yǐ qián zuì xǐ huān wán kāi cān tīng de yóu xì le
[06:38.29] Not as much as you loved to play " uncooked batter eater." dàn nǐ zuì ài de hái shì" chī miàn fěn hú"
[06:42.73] You can' t expect a child to wait for a light bulb to cook brownies. nǐ bù néng yāo qiú xiǎo hái zi děng zhe diàn dēng pào bǎ bǐng gān kǎo hǎo
[06:48.70] So I think your boxes are over here. wǒ xiǎng nǐ de xiāng zi yīng gāi dōu zài zhè lǐ
[06:51.44] Oh, great. tài bàng le
[06:53.07] Hey... hēi
[06:54.98] whose cigarettes are these? zhè shì shuí de yān?
[06:59.08] I don' t know. wǒ bù zhī dào
[07:01.42] They must be your mother' s. yí dìng shì nǐ mā de
[07:04.02] But please, please don' t ask her. I' ll throw these away. dàn qiú qiú nǐ bié qù zhì wèn tā wǒ lái bǎ yān diū diào
[07:12.73] Cool! Dad, my report cards! kù a! bà, shì wǒ de chéng jī dān!
[07:16.33] Hey, check this out. hēi, kuài lái kàn kàn
[07:17.93] Math, " A." Science, " A." History, " A." Gym... shù xué" yōu děng", zì rán" yōu děng" lì shǐ" yōu děng", tǐ yù
[07:29.14] My rock polisher! wǒ de mó shí jī!
[07:35.65] Uhoh. What? cǎn le zěn me le?
[07:37.89] You know how the garage floods every spring? nǐ zhī dào měi nián chūn tiān chē kù dōu huì yān shuǐ ma?
[07:40.29] How are you ever gonna sell this place? nǐ yào zěn me bǎ fáng zi mài diào?
[07:43.72] I think I accidentally used Monica' s boxes... wǒ xiǎng wǒ bù xiǎo xīn ná mó nī kǎ de xiāng zi
[07:46.69] to keep the water away from the Porsche. lái dǎng shuǐ, miǎn de bǎo shí jié jìn le shuǐ
[07:51.80] Oh, no, Dad. Dad? ō, bù, bà, bà?
[07:55.24] What the.. gǎo shén me
[07:56.47] Oh, God. Everything' s ruined! ō, tiān a, yī qiè dōu huǐ le!
[08:01.08] Dad, she' s gonna be crushed. bà, tā yí dìng huì bēng kuì de
[08:05.15] You don' t secretly smoke, do you? nǐ gāi bú huì shì tōu tōu zài chōu yān ba?
[08:09.12] No. bù
[08:10.79] So it' s just your mother then. shì nǐ mā zài chōu yān
[08:16.42] Hi. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. hāi, wǒ shì dì guó bàn gōng shì wén jù gōng sī de fēi bǐ
[08:20.03] Can I speak to your supply manager, please? qǐng wèn zǒng wù bù jīng lǐ zài ma?
[08:24.03] Earl. Thanks. è ěr, xiè xiè
[08:26.73] Hi, Earl. This is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies. hāi, è ěr, wǒ shì dì guó bàn gōng shì wén jù gōng sī de fēi bǐ
[08:30.97] I' d like to talk to you about your toner needs. wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ tán tán mǎi tàn fěn de shì
[08:33.94] I don' t need any toner. wǒ bù xū yào tàn fěn
[08:37.48] I hear what you' re saying, but at our prices, everyone needs toner. wǒ zhī dào le, dàn shì tīng le wǒ men de jià gé dà jiā dōu huì xiǎng mǎi tàn fěn
[08:42.32] Not me. wǒ bú yào
[08:45.29] May I ask why? néng qǐng wèn nǐ wèi shí me ma?
[08:47.29] You want to know why? nǐ xiǎng zhī dào wèi shí me?
[08:50.53] You want to know why? nǐ xiǎng zhī dào wèi shí me?
[08:52.06] I surely do. wǒ zhēn de hěn xiǎng
[08:54.66] Okay. hǎo ba
[08:56.36] I don' t need any toner... wǒ bù xū yào tàn fěn
[08:59.30] because I' m gonna kill myself. yīn wèi wǒ jiù yào zì shā le
[09:14.05] Is that because you' re out of toner? nà shi yīn wèi nǐ de tàn fěn yòng wán le ma?
[09:21.36] Okay, so no toner today. Thanks anyway. Byebye. hǎo ba, jīn tiān wǒ bù xū yào tàn fěn xiè xiè nǐ, zài jiàn
[09:26.83] Wait, wait! I can' t let you hang up. Just please talk to me. děng yī xià! wǒ bù néng ràng nǐ guà diàn huà qǐng nǐ gēn wǒ shuō huà
[09:31.77] Well... ō
[09:34.27] I only had one thing to do today. jīn tiān wǒ zhǐ xū yào zuò yī jiàn shì
[09:36.40] jīn tiān de gōng zuò zì shā
[09:39.41] I guess I could push it back. wǒ cāi wǒ néng bǎ tā yán qī yī xià ba
[09:42.61] Yeah. Now, why do you want to kill yourself? hǎo ba, nǐ wèi shí me yào zì shā?
[09:46.98] I' ve been working for 10 years now at this... shí nián lái, wǒ yī zhí zài zuò
[09:50.22] meaningless, deadend job... zhè fèn méi yǒu yì yì yòu méi yǒu qián tú de gōng zuò
[09:52.52] and nobody here even knows that I exist. bàn gōng shì lǐ de rén gēn běn bù zhī dào wǒ de cún zài
[09:56.76] Chandler? qián dé?
[10:02.90] I' m sorry? nǐ shuō shí mǒ?
[10:06.53] Look... tīng zhe
[10:08.10] I' m sure that people know you exist. wǒ xiāng xìn tā men dōu zhī dào nǐ de cún zài
[10:10.91] Oh, yeah? I work in a cubicle... shì ma? wǒ zài yí gè xiǎo fáng jiān gōng zuò
[10:13.24] surrounded by people. sì zhōu dōu shì rén
[10:14.94] I' ve been talking to you for five minutes now about killing myself... wǒ yǐ jīng gēn nǐ tán le wǔ fēn zhōng wǒ yào zì shā de wèn tí
[10:19.75] and no one' s even looked up from their desk. Hang on. méi yǒu rén tái tóu qǐ lái kàn wǒ yī yǎn, děng yī xià
[10:23.22] Hey, everybody... hēi, dà huǒ men
[10:25.22] I' m gonna kill myself. wǒ yào zì shā le
[10:31.43] I got nothing. tā men bù lǐ wǒ
[10:35.96] Good chair. hǎo piào liàng de yǐ zi
[10:38.23] Now, if anybody asks... hǎo le, rú guǒ yǒu rén wèn qǐ
[10:40.03] your name is Rosita. nǐ de míng zì jiù jiào luó xī tǎ
[11:06.09] Poor thing. Cut down in her prime. kě lián de xiǎo dōng xī, tā shì yīng nián zǎo shì
[11:10.70] Joey, the new chair will be here in an hour. qiáo yī, xīn yǐ zi yī xiǎo shí nèi jiù huì sòng lái
[11:13.57] Maybe we should move Rosita out of here. huò xǔ wǒ men gāi bǎ luó xī tǎ bān chū qù
[11:16.37] Start the healing process. kāi shǐ liáo shāng zhǐ tòng
[11:19.74] Yeah, I guess you' re right. hǎo ba, wǒ cāi nǐ shuō de duì
[11:42.80] She' s healed! tā hǎo le!
[11:49.04] That' s weird. nà tài qí guài le
[11:50.27] No, it' s not weird. bù, yì diǎn dōu bù qí guài
[11:51.91] It' s a miracle! zhè shì qí jī!
[11:54.68] It' s not a miracle. I' m sure there' s an explanation. zhè bú shì qí jī wǒ xiāng xìn zhè yí dìng yǒu hé lǐ de jiě shì
[11:57.78] There is. If your heart is pure, wondrous things can happen. méi cuò, zhǐ yào nǐ de xīn dì chún zhèng qí jī yí dìng huì fā shēng
[12:04.55] She' ll understand. I didn' t do it on purpose. tā huì liǎo jiě de, wǒ bú shì gù yì de
[12:07.42] Dad, that won' t matter to her. bà, duì tā lái shuō nà bìng bù zhòng yào
[12:09.32] Look, all my stuff is safe and dry. nǐ kàn, wǒ de xiāng zi wán quán méi shì
[12:11.83] And all her stuff is... tā de dōng xī dōu
[12:13.56] growing new stuff. zhǎng chū xīn de dōng xī le
[12:16.90] This is the kind of thing... jiù shì zhè yàng de shì
[12:18.60] that makes her think you love me more than you lovr her. ràng tā rèn wéi nǐ men ài wǒ gèng shèng yú ài tā
[12:22.10] Oh my God. Does she realy think that? tiān a, tā zhēn de nà me rèn wéi?
[12:24.21] Well, can you blame her? I don' t know. nǐ néng guài tā ma? wǒ bù zhī dào
[12:26.61] We may have favored you unconsciously. You were a marvel. huò xǔ wǒ men zài qián yì shí lǐ shì piān ài nǐ de, nǐ shì gè qí jī
[12:30.34] The doctors said your mom couldn' t.. I don' t want to hear about it. yī shēng shuō nǐ mā méi bàn fǎ wǒ bù xiǎng tīng
[12:33.91] Really? Well, not right now. zhēn de ma? xiàn zài bù xiǎng
[12:37.35] Monica came here for some memories. Damn it, we' ll give her some. mó nī kǎ lái zhè lǐ zhǎo huí yì gāi sǐ, wǒ men dé gěi tā yī xiē huí yì
[12:41.62] Okay, grab... hǎo ba, ná
[12:43.56] Grab some boxes. We' ll take stuff from mine... bǎ kōng xiāng zi ná guò lái wǒ men ná yī xiē wǒ de dōng xī
[12:46.93] and whatever we can pass off as hers, we' ll put in there. fàng zài zhèi xiē xiāng zi lǐ zhǐ yào néng piàn guò tā de jiù xíng
[12:52.07] Like, this. She could have made this. pì rú shuō zhè gè, zhè kě néng shì tā zuò de
[12:54.50] This could have been hers. Sure. zhè kě néng shì tā de méi cuò
[12:59.27] If you want to tell the medical marvel story while we work, that' d be fine. xiàn zài shì gào sù wǒ nà gè" yī xué qí jī" de shì dàng shí jī le
[13:08.02] I am so psyched I kept this chair for myself. wǒ hào gāo xìng wǒ néng bǎ zhè zhāng yǐ zi liú xià lái gěi zì jǐ yòng
[13:15.56] Yeah. Me too. duì, wǒ yě shì
[13:20.73] You know, this thing has speakers in the headrest? nǐ zhī dào zhè zhāng yǐ zi de tóu diàn shàng hái fù le lǎ bā ma?
[13:25.40] No, really? Yeah. bù, zhēn de ma? méi cuò
[13:26.97] You can hook it to the TV and you get radio. nǐ kě yǐ bǎ tā gēn diàn shì jī jiē zài yì qǐ hái kě yǐ tīng shōu yīn jī
[13:34.94] My chair heals itself. wǒ de yǐ zi yǒu zì liáo de gōng néng
[13:39.48] All right. Let' s just forget about the people at the office, okay? hǎo ba, wǒ men bié tí bàn gōng shì de tóng shì le, hǎo ma?
[13:42.62] There' s gotta be someone worth sticking around for. yí dìng yǒu rén zhí de nǐ liú liàn
[13:46.59] What about family or friends? Maybe a girlfriend? nǐ de jiā rén gēn péng yǒu ne? huò xǔ nǐ yǒu nǚ péng yǒu?
[13:51.29] Yeah, right. shì a
[13:52.83] Oh, sorry. Boyfriend? ō, bào qiàn, nǐ de nán péng yǒu ne?
[13:56.13] Okay, I should... hǎo le, wǒ yīng gāi
[13:57.57] be getting back to my thing now. qù zuò wǒ xiǎng zuò de shì le
[14:00.33] See you. zài jiàn
[14:02.10] I' m not finished! Don' t you dare hang up on me! wǒ hái méi yǒu shuō wán! nǐ xiū xiǎng guà wǒ diàn huà!
[14:05.77] The new girl' s good. xīn lái de nǚ tóng shì zhēn de yǒu yī tào
[14:10.61] Which boxes are mine? něi xiē xiāng zi shì wǒ de?
[14:12.61] These are yours right here. Okay. nǐ de xiāng zi zài zhè lǐ hǎo ba
[14:15.75] A coloring book. zhuó sè bù
[14:17.72] You loved that thing. nǐ xǐ huān nà gè wán yì
[14:19.42] You never went anywhere without... nǐ qù nǎ lǐ dōu huì
[14:22.42] without that coloring book. dōu huì dài zhe nà běn zhuó sè bù
[14:24.53] Really? zhēn de ma?
[14:25.96] Looks like I had trouble staying in the lines. kàn qǐ lái wǒ lǎo shì méi bàn fǎ bǎ yán sè tú zài xiàn lǐ
[14:28.80] Nuhuh! bù
[14:31.90] Wow, look at this. wa, nǐ kàn zhè gè
[14:33.27] I can' t believe I even fit into this shirt. wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn yǐ qián wǒ chuān dé xià zhè jiàn T xù
[14:36.44] bào lóng luó sī
[14:40.77] Oh, this is yours. ō, zhè shì nǐ de
[14:42.28] I don' t know how that got in there. wǒ bù zhī dào tā zěn me huì pǎo dào nà lǐ qù
[14:46.91] Hey, this isn' t my stuff. hēi, zhè bú shì wǒ de dōng xī
[14:49.15] Ross, these are your boxes. luó sī, zhèi xiē shì nǐ de xiāng zi
[14:56.09] Where are my boxes? wǒ de xiāng zi zài nǎ lǐ?
[14:58.83] The garage flooded, sweetie, and ruined your boxes. I' m sorry. chē kù yān shuǐ, qīn ài de nǐ de xiāng zǐ dōu jìn le shuǐ, duì bù qǐ
[15:04.37] Just mine? zhǐ yǒu wǒ de xiāng zi jìn shuǐ le?
[15:05.60] I' m afraid so. kǒng pà shì nà yàng de
[15:07.43] Why wasn' t Ross' stuff ruined? wèi shí me luó sī de dōng xī dōu méi huài?
[15:11.54] I used your boxes to divert water away from the Porsche. wǒ yòng nǐ de xiāng zi dǎng shuǐ lái bǎo hù wǒ de bǎo shí jié
[15:15.51] Ross' stuff is fine, but I have no memories... luó sī de dōng xī dōu méi shì dàn wǒ shén me huí yì dōu méi yǒu le
[15:18.41] so you could keep the bottom of your car from water? zhǐ wèi le nǐ bù xī wàng nǐ de qì chē dǐ pán pèng dào shuǐ?
[15:21.62] There was also leaves and gook and stuff. shuǐ lǐ yǒu shù yè ní bā gēn zá wù
[15:27.19] I can' t believe this! wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn!
[15:35.36] Screw it. I' m having one. qù tā de, wǒ yào chōu gēn yān
[15:42.47] Hey, Chandler. Hey. hēi, qián dé hēi
[15:44.57] How' d you like to sit in a chair that reclines... nǐ yào bú yào shì shì kàn yī zhāng kě yǐ píng tǎng
[15:48.04] has a rolling massage... yǒu gǔn lún àn mó gōng néng
[15:50.28] and speakers in the headrest? tóu diàn hái fù le lǎ bā de yǐ zi?
[15:52.78] I' ve tried that so many times... wǒ shì guò hěn duō cì
[15:55.08] they won' t even let me in the store anymore. dàn tā men yǐ jīng bù zài ràng wǒ zǒu jìn tā men diàn lǐ
[15:59.55] What if I said you could do it in my apartment? rú guǒ wǒ shuō nǐ kě yǐ dào wǒ jiā shì zuò yī xià ne?
[16:02.96] Are you telling me... nǐ shì shuō
[16:04.46] you bought the chair that makes all others obsolete? nǐ mǎi le nà zhāng ràng qí tā yǐ zi dōu biàn chéng fèi wù de yǐ zi?
[16:08.06] The chair that Sit Magazine called " Chair of the Year"? nà zhāng yǐ zi zá zhì fēng wèi " nián dù zuì jiā yǐ zi" de yǐ zi?
[16:14.64] I just purchased... wǒ gāng gāng mǎi le
[16:15.90] the LaZBoy ECliner 3000. lǎn nán hái E qīng xié 3000 xíng
[16:20.31] Well, that' s awesome! That' s great! What made you do it? ō, nà zhēn de shì tài bàng le! tài shuài le! nǐ wèi shí me huì mǎi xià tā?
[16:22.78] It' s a long story, but, I broke Joey' s chair.. shuō lái huà cháng, dàn wǒ nòng huài le qiáo yī de yǐ zi
[16:25.95] Whoa, whoa, whoa. You broke Joey' s chair? wa nǐ nòng huài le qiáo yī de yǐ zi?
[16:28.88] I thought I did, that' s why I replaced it with mine. wǒ yǐ wéi shì wǒ gàn de suǒ yǐ wǒ yòng wǒ de yǐ zi gēn tā diào bāo
[16:33.89] That' s how it got fixed! suǒ yǐ tā cái huì wán quán méi shì!
[16:36.82] You thought that elves came in and fixed it? nǐ yǐ wéi shì yāo jīng bǎ tā xiū hǎo de?
[16:40.16] No. bù
[16:41.83] Angels. shì tiān shǐ gàn de
[16:44.77] I' m getting my chair back. wǒ yào bǎ wǒ de yǐ zi ná huí lái
[16:49.84] Well, looks like it wasn' t healed after all! ō, kàn qǐ lái tā gēn běn méi yǒu zì liáo gōng néng!
[16:54.94] I guess this chair' s mine now. wǒ cāi zhè zhāng yǐ zi shì wǒ de le
[17:00.35] Joey, you broke my chair! qiáo yī, nǐ nòng huài le wǒ de yǐ zi!
[17:02.22] Your chair? nǐ de yǐ zi?
[17:03.45] He thought he broke it, so he switched chairs. tā yǐ wéi tā bǎ tā nòng huài le suǒ yǐ tā diào huàn le yǐ zi
[17:06.62] So there was no miracle? qí jī gēn běn bù cún zài?
[17:08.52] No, Joe. No miracle. méi cuò, qiáo yī, qí jī bù cún zài
[17:10.62] Oh, no! This is devastating! ō, bù! zhè zhēn de shì tài zāo gāo le!
[17:14.43] My faith is shaken. I' m glad I have a new chair to get me through this. wǒ de xìn niàn bèi jī kuǎ le, wǒ hěn gāo xìng zhè zhāng xīn yǐ zi néng péi wǒ zǒu guò zhè yī qiè
[17:21.44] Where can I find Earl? He' s the supply manager here. qǐng wèn è ěr zài nǎ lǐ? tā shì zǒng wù bù jīng lǐ
[17:25.67] I don' t know any Earl. wǒ bù rèn shi è ěr
[17:27.31] I' m right here! wǒ zài zhè lǐ!
[17:32.98] Earl? è ěr?
[17:36.25] I' m Phoebe. wǒ shì fēi bǐ
[17:37.82] Phoebe? fēi bǐ?
[17:39.39] The lady who sells toner? mài tàn fěn de xiǎo jiě?
[17:41.99] Look, you can' t kill yourself. tīng zhe, nǐ bù néng zì shā
[17:45.33] Look, I really appreciate you coming down.. wǒ hěn gǎn jī nǐ gǎn guò lái
[17:48.23] No, I can' t let you do it. bù, wǒ bù néng ràng nǐ nà me zuò
[17:50.16] Why? Because, fate made me call you today. wèi shí me? yīn wéi mìng yùn ràng wǒ jīn tiān dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ
[17:54.57] I thought it was toner. wǒ hái yǐ wéi nǐ shì dǎ diàn huà lái mài tàn fěn
[17:57.91] Think about it, okay? This isn' t even my regular job. hǎo hǎo xiǎng yī xiǎng, hǎo ma? zhè gēn běn bú shì wǒ de zhèng zhí
[18:02.24] My first day, you' re my first call. wǒ dì yì tiān shàng bān jiù dì yí gè dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ
[18:04.91] Somebody else may have hung up, but I wouldn' t do that... qí tā rén kě néng huì guà diào diàn huà dàn wǒ bú huì nà me zuò
[18:08.72] because I know about this stuff. yīn wèi wǒ liǎo jiě zhè zhǒng shì
[18:10.78] My mom killed herself. Really? wǒ mā shì zì shā de zhēn de ma?
[18:13.89] How? tā zěn me zì shā de?
[18:15.09] I' m not gonna give you tips. wǒ jué bú huì jiào nǐ
[18:18.69] Don' t you see that this... nǐ kàn bu chū lái
[18:20.69] all came together so I could stop you from doing this? zhèi xiē dōu shì zhù dìng hǎo de suǒ yǐ wǒ cái huì lái zǔ zhǐ nǐ zì shā?
[18:25.43] Couldn' t it just be a coincidence? No, it' s fate. zhè bú shì qiǎo hé ma? bù, zhè shì mìng zhòng zhù dìng
[18:30.04] It doesn' t really seem like enough to be fate. tā kàn qǐ lái bù xiàng shì mìng zhòng zhù dìng
[18:33.37] Oh, well. ō, hǎo ba
[18:34.71] Okay, here' s a weird thing. hǎo ba, yǒu jiàn shì hěn qí guài
[18:36.81] My mother was also a supply manager. wǒ mā mā yě shì zǒng wù bù jīng lǐ
[18:42.45] I' m actually the office manager. shì shí shàng wǒ shì bàn gōng shì jīng lǐ
[18:44.55] Oh, my God! So was she! wǒ de tiān a! tā yě shì!
[18:46.75] And get this, okay. hái yǒu zhè gè, hǎo ba
[18:49.22] Your name is Earl, right? Her name was Pearl. nǐ shì è ěr, duì ba? tā jiào zuò pǔ è ér
[18:53.09] PuhEarl. pǔ è ěr
[18:56.56] Was there anything else? hái yǒu bié dí zhèng jù ma?
[18:58.47] Sure. dāng rán yǒu
[19:02.30] Where' re you from? nǐ shì nǎ lǐ rén?
[19:03.54] Philadelphia. Oh, my God, so was she! fèi chéng ō, wǒ de tiān a, tā yě shì!
[19:08.04] I' ve got goose bumps. wǒ dōu qǐ jī pí gē da le
[19:10.31] Really? zhēn de ma?
[19:11.55] I' m wearing layers, and it' s warm. wǒ chuān tài duō le, ér qiě zhè lǐ hěn rè
[19:15.28] These jerks might not care about you... huò xǔ zhèi xiē hún dàn bù zài hu nǐ
[19:17.78] but the universe does, and that says a lot. dàn yǔ zhòu zài hu nǐ, nà cái shì zuì zhòng yào de
[19:23.66] Did you hear that? nǐ men tīng dào le ma?
[19:25.83] I don' t need you guys to care about me... wǒ bù xū yào nǐ men zài hu wǒ
[19:28.50] because the universe cares! yīn wèi yǔ zhòu zài hu wǒ
[19:30.83] The whole universe! zhěng gè yǔ zhòu zài hu wǒ!
[19:38.57] I really wish they' d care a little bit. wǒ zhēn de xī wàng tā men néng zài hu wǒ yī xià
[19:43.08] Oh, this is terrible. ō, zhè zhēn de shì tài kě pà le
[19:45.18] Everything is destroyed. suǒ yǒu de dōng xī dōu huǐ le
[19:48.62] Look at this. nǐ kàn zhè gè
[19:49.85] It meant enough for me to save, and now I can' t tell what it is. tā yí dìng hěn zhòng yào wǒ cái huì bǎo cún tā xiàn zài wǒ kàn bu chū lái tā shì shén me dōng xī
[19:55.32] It' s still soft. tā hái ruǎn ruǎn de
[19:59.89] What do you think this is? nǐ jué de tā shì shén me ne?
[20:03.46] I think it was a mouse. wǒ xiǎng tā shì lǎo shǔ
[20:13.91] How are you, honey? How do you think I am? nǐ hái hǎo ma? tián xīn nǐ jué de ne?
[20:16.98] You' ve wrecked my childhood memories... nǐ huǐ le wǒ de tóng nián huí yì
[20:19.65] you love Ross more than me. nǐ men ài luó sī bǐ ài wǒ duō
[20:21.62] And I just rubbed a dead mouse on my face. wǒ gāng gāng hái ná sǐ le de lǎo shǔ pèng wǒ de liǎn
[20:26.62] Sweetheart, we love you just as much as Ross. tián xīn, wǒ men ài nǐ jiù xiàng wǒ men ài luó sī
[20:31.16] I' m sorry about what happened... xiāng zi de shì wǒ hěn bào qiàn
[20:33.33] and I probably can' t make it up to you... yě xǔ wǒ yǒng yuǎn méi bàn fǎ bǔ cháng nǐ
[20:37.00] but here' s a start. dàn zhè shì gè kāi shǐ
[20:41.74] What' s this? It' s the key to my Porsche. zhè shì shén me? wǒ de bǎo shí jié de yào shi
[20:45.07] Well, the key to your Porsche. nǐ de bǎo shí jié de yào shi
[20:48.41] What? shén me?!
[20:49.71] What?! shén me?!
[20:52.41] I' ve considered getting rid of it. I saw my reflection the other day. wǒ yī zhí xiǎng bǎ tā mài diào yǒu tiān wǒ zài chē zi kàn dào zì jǐ de dào yǐng
[20:57.68] Your mother' s right, I do look like an ass. nǐ mā shuō de duì, wǒ kàn qǐ lái xiàng gè biē sān
[21:02.02] You' re giving it to me? You' re kidding. nǐ yào bǎ tā sòng gěi wǒ? nǐ yí dìng shì zài kāi wán xiào
[21:04.89] Well, wait a minute. děng yī xià
[21:08.06] A couple of stupid boxes get wet, and she gets a Porsche? jǐ xiāng chǔn dōng xī shī diào le tā jiù kě yǐ ná dào bǎo shí jié?
[21:13.90] Let' s take a drive? All right! wǒ men qù dōu gè fēng ba tài shuài le!
[21:16.10] What about me? I' m a medical marvel! wǒ ne? wǒ shì yī xué qí jī!
[21:34.42] Hey, guys. hēi, nǐ men dōu zài
[21:35.96] Have you seen Chandler' s chair? nǐ men kàn dào qián dé de yǐ zi le ma?
[21:38.03] Joey broke it. He got rid of it. qiáo yī bǎ tā nòng huài le, yú shì tā bǎ tā diū le
[21:40.26] Are you kidding? I get a Porsche and the Barcalounger' s gone? nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ma? wǒ dé dào le bǎo shí jié ér qiě bā kǎ lán gé bèi diū diào le?
[21:44.67] This is the best day ever! zhè shì yǒu shǐ yǐ lái zuì bàng de yì tiān