Friends S07E18

歌曲 Friends S07E18
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第七季)


[00:03.50] Guys, you won't believe this! 你们一定不会相信!
[00:05.63] -I just talked to my agent.. -Oh, my God! -我刚刚跟我的经纪人谈过… -我的天啊!
[00:10.57] I'm sorry. Too soon. You go. 对不起,太快了,你说吧
[00:13.48] I got nominated for Days of Our Lives! 我因为《我们的日子》被提名!
[00:16.61] -Good for you! -Congratulations! -这真的是太好了! -恭喜你!
[00:19.95] I can't believe you're nominated for an Emmy! 我不敢相信你获得艾美奖提名!
[00:22.98] -Soap Opera Digest Award? -No. I'm up for a "Soapie." -肥皂剧文摘奖? -不,我被提名“肥皂奖”
[00:28.72] Is that something you're making up? 那是你乱编的吗?
[00:31.53] No, no, no, it's real! And it has been, since 1998. 不,它是真的 这个奖从1998年开始颁发
[00:37.97] I'm up for a Soapie! 嘿,瑞秋!我被提名肥皂奖了!
[00:40.60] Oh, my God! 我的天啊!
[00:41.84] My God! That's the third most prestigious soap opera award there is! 天啊!那是排名第三的肥皂剧大奖!
[00:46.88] Thank you! I guess we know who I'll take to the awards! 谢谢!我猜我们知道 我该带谁参加颁奖典礼!
[00:50.91] Don't kid about that! Will all the stars be there? 别跟我开这种玩笑! 所有明星都会去吗?
[00:54.32] Many are scheduled to appear. 很多人都说他们会去
[00:58.62] -I can't go. I'll be too nervous! -I'll go. -我不能去,我一定会太紧张! -那就换我去吧
[01:02.62] You're getting married. This is all I have. 你要结婚了,这个机会是我的
[01:07.20] The One With Joey's Award 本集播出:乔伊的肥皂奖
[01:46.60] Ernest Muhlbrat hypothesized that the velociraptor, when threatened... 恩斯特穆伯拉特假设 迅猛龙受到威胁时…
[01:51.61] would expand its collar and emit a high-pitched noise... 他会把颈部肌肉张开 发出尖锐的叫声…
[01:56.04] to frighten off predators. 将敌人吓跑
[01:58.45] Mr. Lewis? 路易斯,什么事?
[02:00.52] What kind of noise? 他是怎么叫的?
[02:02.68] Just a high-pitched, intimidating noise. 他会发出尖锐吵杂的声音
[02:07.46] But like how? 那到底是什么样子?
[02:10.02] Well, we don't know for sure. 我们并不确定
[02:13.46] But in my head, it sounded something like this: 但我想,应该是这样的:
[02:30.95] Of course, this is just conjecture. 当然,这只是种猜测
[02:36.65] Okay. That's all for today. 好了,今天的课上到这里
[02:40.29] Mr. Morse, can I see you for a moment? 摩斯,我能跟你谈谈吗?
[02:46.09] Yes, sir? 什么事?教授
[02:47.63] I need to talk to you about your midterm exam. 我得跟你谈谈你的期中考成绩
[02:52.23] -I'm afraid I had to fail you. -Why? -恐怕我得把你当掉 -为什么?
[02:56.87] Well, you need 60% to pass. 你得答中百分之六十才能过关
[02:59.54] -What did I get? -Seven. -我的分数是多少? -七
[03:02.91] That's not so good. 那不是很好
[03:06.11] No, no, it's not. What happened, Ned? 不,那糟透了,奈德 到底发生了什么事?
[03:09.58] Maybe you can cut me some slack. I'm sort of in love. 或许你可以饶我一次,我恋爱了
[03:15.32] I'm sorry, but that's really not my problem. 抱歉,但那和我无关
[03:18.99] I'm in love with you. 我爱上了你
[03:22.80] That brings me in the loop a little. 那好像跟我有一点关系
[03:26.27] That's why I did so bad on this test. I'm having a hard time concentrating. 所以我才会考那么烂 我没办法专心上课
[03:30.97] When you're up there and you're teaching... 你站在讲台上讲课的时候…
[03:34.58] and your face gets all serious... 表情是那么地严肃…
[03:37.15] You look so good. When you wear that tight little turtleneck sweater.. 你看起来好帅 当你穿着紧身套头毛衣时…
[03:46.45] I'm your teacher. I'm sorry. 我是你的老师,对不起
[03:49.52] You're a student. 你是学生
[03:51.29] And I like women. 而且我喜欢女人
[03:53.49] In spite of what may be written on the backs of these chairs. 虽然有人在椅背上写了一些话
[04:02.20] That guy at the counter's totally checking you out. 吧台那个男人在看你
[04:05.71] Really? 真的吗?
[04:07.88] -Oh, my God, he's really cute! -Go for it. -我的天啊,他真的好帅! -去吧
[04:12.61] Phoebe, I'm engaged. 菲比,我订婚了
[04:14.35] I'm saying, get his number, just in case. 我建议你去问他的 电话号码,以防万一
[04:18.49] But if Chandler's in an accident and can't perform sexually... 说不定钱德发生意外 丧失了性能力…
[04:22.92] he'd want you to take a lover to satisfy needs he'd no longer fulfill. 他要你找个爱人 满足他无法满足你的那个部份
[04:33.03] Can I just tell you something? 我能跟你说句话吗?
[04:35.40] I'm very flattered, but I'm engaged. 我真的受宠若惊,但我订婚了
[04:40.14] This is kind of embarrassing. 这真的是很难启齿
[04:42.24] I actually came over to talk to your friend. 事实上,我想跟你朋友说话
[04:48.08] You should be embarrassed. 你应该觉得丢脸
[04:53.45] -I thought you knew I looked at you. -I did, but that was really fun. -我以为你知道我在看你 -我知道,但那真的很好玩
[05:00.40] "The winner is... Joey Tribbiani!" “得奖的是…乔伊崔比亚尼”
[05:09.00] "I honestly never expected this. 我真的没想到我会得奖…
[05:13.04] I didn't prepare a speech. 我没有准备演讲稿…
[05:14.94] I'd like to thank my parents, who've always been there for me. 我要谢谢我的父母 他们一直支持着我…
[05:19.51] Also like to thank my friends, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel.." 我还要谢谢我的朋友 钱德,摩妮卡,菲比,瑞秋…
[05:24.79] -I'm fourth? -Jeez! -我排在第四个? -天啊!
[05:28.69] Look at you with your maple syrup award! 看看你,拿着你的枫糖奖!
[05:31.56] Maybe you don't tell anyone about this? 拜托你不要告诉别人这件事
[05:35.03] No big deal. I do that with my shampoo bottle. 那没有什么大不了的 我也会拿着洗发精的瓶子那么做
[05:38.20] -Really? -Yeah. -真的吗? -没错
[05:39.33] -What award are you practicing for? -Grammy. -你假装自己得了什么奖? -葛莱美奖
[05:43.81] For Best New Artist. 我是最佳新进艺人
[05:47.11] The Soapies people called today. I also get to present an award. 肥皂奖的人今天打电话给我 我还得上台颁奖
[05:51.91] So you'll get on stage even if you don't win. 所以就算你没得奖 你也有机会上台
[05:59.09] -You don't think I'll win? -Of course I do. -你以为我不会得奖? -你当然会得奖
[06:02.89] But Favorite Returning Character? That's a tough category. 但最受欢迎死而复生奖? 那个奖的竞争很激烈
[06:06.93] You're up against the guy who survived his own cremation. 你要跟一个火葬了之后 还能活过来的人竞争
[06:11.47] No, I know I might not win. But it's just... 不,我知道或许我不会得奖 但那只是…
[06:15.20] I've never been nominated. I want it so much. 我从来没有被提名过 我真的很想得奖
[06:18.41] You'll probably get it. 或许你会得奖
[06:20.14] But you should start practicing your "gracious-loser" face. 但你应该开始练习 你的“运动家精神”表情
[06:24.01] When the cameras are on you, you want to look disappointed. 当摄影机拍到你时 你得表现出失望的样子
[06:28.02] But also that your colleague deserved to win. Like: 但也得表现出对方是 实至名归的表情,就像这样:
[06:36.29] You know? 你知道吗?
[06:37.49] -You practice losing the Grammys too? -No, at the Grammys, I always win. -你也假装自己没得到葛莱美奖? -不,我是葛莱美奖的常胜军
[06:48.47] -Hey! -How'd your date go with Jake? -嘿! -你跟杰克约会还顺利吗?
[06:51.31] Great. We couldn't keep our eyes off each other. 太棒了,我们一直注视着彼此
[06:54.51] Every once in a while, he'd lean over, stroke my hair, then touch my neck. 每隔一阵子他就会靠过来 摸我的头发跟脖子
[07:00.01] Stop it. You're getting me all tingly. 住手,你害得我好痒
[07:03.52] All I could think of was, is he gonna kiss me? 我只能想他要吻我了吗?
[07:06.62] -Did he? -I'm a lady. I don't kiss and tell. -他吻了你吗? -我是个淑女,绝不会泄露那种事
[07:09.52] But this hickey speaks for itself. 但这个吻痕说明了一切
[07:11.99] Okay, I got it. I got it. 好了,我知道了
[07:14.46] I like him so much, I feel like I've had 10 drinks today. 我真的好喜欢他 感觉上像是我今天喝了十杯酒
[07:18.77] I've only had six. 我只喝了六杯
[07:22.30] I haven't had that feeling since I first went out with Chandler. 我第一次跟钱德约会后 再也没有那样的感觉
[07:28.04] -I'll never have that feeling again. -You sound like a guy. -我永远都不会再有那样的感觉 -你的口气跟男人一模一样
[07:31.65] No, a guy would say, "I'll never get to sleep with anyone else." 不,男人会说:“我永远 都不能再跟别人上床”
[07:36.02] I'll never sleep with anyone else! 我永远都不能再跟别人上床!
[07:39.85] I'm so busy planning the wedding, I forgot about what I'll give up. 我一直忙着筹备婚礼 完全忘了我要放弃什么
[07:45.39] I'll never have a first kiss again. 我再也不会有初吻
[07:48.36] You'll have a last kiss. 你会有最后的吻别
[07:55.74] Can I ask you something? Has a guy ever had a crush on you? 我能问你一件事吗? 有男人喜欢过你吗?
[07:59.51] Is that why you wanted to tie my tie? 那就是你要帮我打领带的原因?
[08:03.54] A kid in my class said he's in love with me. 我班上的学生说他爱上我了
[08:07.22] Whoa! 哇!
[08:08.45] -Whoa, what? -Ross has a boyfriend! -哇什么? -罗斯有男朋友了
[08:11.89] I do not have a boyfriend. 我没有男朋友
[08:14.22] There's a guy in one of my classes who has a crush on me. 我班上有个男学生暗恋我
[08:18.36] -Really? -Yeah. -真的吗? -对
[08:20.13] Last year, Elizabeth, now this kid... 去年是伊莉莎白,现在是这个孩子…
[08:23.06] What is it? Am I giving out some kind of... 这是怎么一回事?我散发出…
[08:26.90] sexy-professor vibe? 性感教授的气质吗?
[08:32.54] Not right now. 现在看起来不像
[08:34.71] The point is, my natural charisma has made him fail his midterm. 重点是我的天生丽质 让他期中考被当掉
[08:40.05] Now I feel bad for the kid. 我为那个孩子感到难过
[08:42.25] I had a crush on a teacher once, and it was so hard. 我也曾经暗恋过老师,那真的很难受
[08:45.79] I couldn't concentrate. I blushed every time he looked at me. 我没办法专心上课 每次他看着我时,我都会脸红
[08:50.22] You remember what it's like to be 19 and in love. 你还记得十九岁时的恋爱滋味吧
[08:56.50] -I can cut him some slack. -Yeah. -我可以放他一马 -太棒了
[08:59.07] -How'd you get over that teacher? -I didn't. I got under him. -你怎么忘记那个老师的? -我没有,我跟他上床了
[09:05.74] Problem solved. 问题解决了
[09:10.61] -Bye, Phoebe. -Okay, bye. -再见,菲比 -好的,再见
[09:18.32] -All right. Bye. -Bye. -好的,再见 -再见
[09:27.80] We said goodbye at the door so as not to flaunt our new love. 我们在门边说再见 不想炫耀我们的新恋情
[09:32.13] It's okay. You don't have to tiptoe around me. 没关系,你不必顾忌我
[09:36.10] I've thought about it. You know what? 我已经想过了,你知道吗?
[09:38.67] I'm okay, not having that new-relationship feeling. 我可以接受没有心动感觉的生活
[09:41.41] -I miss you already! -I miss you too! -我已经开始想你了! -我也会想你!
[09:48.45] That's great, but I wouldn't trade what I have for that. 那真的太棒了 但我不会拿我的幸福跟你交换
[09:52.92] I'll be with Chandler the rest of my life. That makes me happy. 我会一辈子跟钱德相守 那让我觉得幸福
[09:58.16] Come sit down. We're talking about how our relationship's deep... 快坐下,我们正在谈 我们的关系有多深厚…
[10:02.96] and meaningful. It is, don't you think? 是那么地有意义 真的是那样,你觉得呢?
[10:05.87] Oh, totally. 喔,一点都没错
[10:08.47] Pull my finger. 拉一下我的手指
[10:15.48] -Favorite Returning Male.. -This is my category! -最受欢迎死而复生男演员… -轮到我了!
[10:20.95] -Got your speech? -Got my speech. -你的演讲稿带了吗? -带了
[10:22.82] Got your gracious-loser face? 运动家精神表情练习好了吗?
[10:27.09] Try to remember, if you win, you have to hug me. 记住,如果你得奖了,你得抱我
[10:30.46] Can I squeeze your ass? 我能捏你的**吗?
[10:33.46] On TV? 在电视上吗?
[10:35.53] Yeah! 可以!
[10:37.87] In the Favorite Returning Male character category, the nominees are: 在最受欢迎死而复生 男演员奖方面被提名的有:
[10:41.47] John Wheeler from General Hospital. 约翰惠勒,《总医院》
[10:46.01] Gavin Graham from The Young and the Restless. 盖文葛拉罕,《年少轻狂》
[10:50.18] Duncan Harrington from Passions. 唐肯哈灵顿,《热情》
[10:53.75] And Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives. 乔伊崔比亚尼,《我们的日子》
[10:58.62] And the Soapie goes to: 得奖的是:
[11:02.89] Gavin Graham from The Young and the Restless. 盖文葛拉罕,《年少轻狂》
[11:18.21] Presenting the Favorite Supporting Actress award: 颁发最受欢迎女配角奖的是:
[11:21.64] Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives. 演《我们的日子》的乔伊崔比亚尼
[11:30.58] Any one of the brilliant actresses nominated for this award... 所有在这个奖项 被提名的优秀女演员…
[11:34.96] deserves to take it home. Unfortunately, only one can. 得奖都是实至名归 可惜只有一个人能得奖
[11:41.80] The nominees for Favorite Supporting Actress are: 最受欢迎女配角奖被提名的有:
[11:44.53] From Passions, Erin Goff. 《热情》,艾玲高菲
[11:51.57] From One Life to Live, Mary Lauren Bishop. All My Children, Sarah Renee. 《一生一次》,犸丽墨琳毕雪 《我的孩子们》,莎拉蕾妮
[11:56.34] And from Days of Our Lives, Jessica Ashley. 《我们的日子》,洁西卡艾许丽
[11:59.35] And the winner is: 得奖的是:
[12:02.18] Jessica Ashley from Days of Our Lives. 洁西卡艾许丽,《我们的日子》
[12:06.82] Unfortunately, Jessica couldn't be with us tonight... 不幸地,洁西卡今晚因故无法出席…
[12:10.29] so I'll accept this award on her behalf. 我要代表她接受这个奖
[12:16.70] And I'm sure that Jessica... 我相信洁西卡…
[12:19.63] wants to thank my parents... 会想谢谢我的父母…
[12:22.20] who always believed in me. 他们一直都很支持我
[12:24.71] She'd also like to thank my friends: 她也感谢我的朋友
[12:26.81] Chandler, Monica, Ross, Phoebe and Rachel... 钱德,摩妮卡,罗斯,菲比跟瑞秋…
[12:31.15] who's sitting right there. 她就坐在那边
[12:44.93] Why'd we rush out so fast? 我们为什么要急着离开?
[12:48.13] We had to get out of there because.. Look what I won! 我们得赶快离开 因为…你看我拿了什么回家!
[12:54.34] Oh, my God. You stole her award! 我的天啊,你偷走她的奖杯!
[12:57.71] No, no, no. I'm accepting it on her behalf. 不…我代表她收下它
[13:02.64] I don't think you know what "behalf" means. 我想你不知道“代表”是什么意思
[13:05.18] Sure I do. It's a verb. As in "I be half-in' it"! 我当然知道,它是个动词 意思是“我能分一半”!
[13:13.39] -You've got to take this back. -I should've won. I really wanted it. -你得把它还回去 -我应该得奖的,我真的好想得奖
[13:18.09] She didn't care enough to come to the thing. It could also be a Grammy. 她根本不在乎才没有出席 它也可以拿来当葛莱美
[13:26.23] No, Joey. 不,乔伊
[13:27.60] No one saw me take it. There's a whole table of them. 没有人看到我把它拿走 整个桌子上都是奖杯
[13:31.67] Do you want an award you didn't win? 你想要一个不属于你的奖杯吗?
[13:34.38] No, I want an award I did win. But nobody's given me any of those! 不,我想要一个属于我的奖杯 但没有人愿意让我得奖
[13:39.78] If I put it up, when people come over, they'll see it... 如果我把它摆在这里 大家就会看到它…
[13:43.75] and think I won it. 以为我真的得奖了
[13:45.49] Joey, it says "Best Supporting Actress." 乔伊,上面写着“最佳女配角奖”
[13:48.72] I can scratch that right off. 我可以把那个刮掉
[13:52.19] This is wrong. You have to take it back. 这是不对的,你得把它还回去
[13:54.90] You don't want to win an award this way. You're very talented. 你不会想这样把奖杯拿回家 你真的有演戏天份
[13:59.70] Someday you'll win one of these for real and that one will mean something. 有一天你会真的得奖 那对你来说才有意义
[14:07.31] -Oh, all right. -All right? Thank you. -好吧 -好吗?谢谢
[14:11.25] I'll take it back tomorrow. -我明天就把它还回去 -谢谢
[14:25.39] If I can't have it, you can't have it! 如果我不能拥有它 你也不能拥有它!
[14:34.77] -Professor Geller? -Yes, Mr. Lewis? How can I help you? -盖勒教授? -路易斯?有什么事吗?
[14:39.04] I know I didn't do well on my midterms and stuff. 我知道我的期中考没有考好
[14:42.58] But I was hoping you could change my grade. 但我希望你能帮我改成绩
[14:45.95] And why, exactly, would I do that? 我为什么要那么做?
[14:48.92] Because I'm in love with you. 因为我爱上你了
[14:53.75] What? 什么?
[14:55.76] Yeah. I'm all in love with you and stuff. 对,我爱上你了
[15:01.70] -So could you change my grade? -No! -你可以帮我改成绩吗? -不行!
[15:05.47] Why not? You changed Ned's grade. 为什么?你帮奈德改成绩
[15:07.80] That's different. Because he was actually in love with me. 那不一样,因为他真的爱上我了
[15:12.11] No, he's not! He's totally yanking your chain. 不,他才没有!他只是在耍你
[15:15.28] He's done this with three other teachers. 他已经用这一招对付过其他三个教授
[15:19.85] -What? -He's got a girlfriend. -什么? -他有女朋友
[15:23.78] I can't believe someone would do that for a grade. 我不敢相信有人会为了成绩那么做
[15:26.95] I know. 我知道
[15:28.39] It's awful. 那太可怕了
[15:31.73] I love you. 我爱你
[15:37.03] -Have you seen Chandler? -No, why? 你看到钱德了吗?
[15:39.20] I keep thinking about all the things I won't have. 我一直在想我会失去的一切
[15:42.50] It's freaking me out. I don't know what to do. 我真的吓坏了,我不知道该怎么办
[15:45.61] Don't sweat it. 别担心
[15:46.97] Chandler's not around, so get it out of your system. That guy's cute. 钱德不在,别管那么多规矩 那个男的很帅
[15:53.41] Come on, I'm serious. 别这样,我是认真的
[15:56.35] -I've got to talk to him about this. -That's the last thing you want to do. -我得跟他谈这件事 -你真的不该那么做
[16:01.12] -Why? -Because you're marrying him! -为什么? -因为你要嫁给他!
[16:05.39] You gotta help me out here. 你得帮帮我
[16:08.00] I've never been engaged. I've never really been married. 我从来没有订婚过,也没有结婚过
[16:11.50] I can only tell you what my mother told me. 我只能告诉你我妈跟我说的话
[16:14.40] When you have doubts or fears or anxieties about a relationship... 当你对一段关系有疑虑 害怕或焦虑时…
[16:18.91] don't communicate them to your husband. 别跟你的丈夫沟通这些问题
[16:23.24] I'm not supposed to share my doubts and fears... 我不该跟我要共度一生的男人…
[16:26.51] with the guy I'm spending the rest of my life with? 分享我的疑虑跟恐惧?
[16:29.75] That is correct. Yes. 没错,就是那样
[16:31.72] You're supposed to put all that stuff in a little box in your mind... 你应该把那件事放在心里…
[16:36.22] and lock it up. 永远不再提
[16:38.66] Your mother told you this? -那是你妈妈告诉你的? -对
[16:40.46] The woman who married a bunch of times and killed herself when you were 13? 那个结了很多次婚 在你十三岁时她就自杀了的女人?
[16:46.37] Oh, my God, you're right. 我的天啊,你说的对
[16:48.17] Tell Chandler. Hurry, before it's too late! 去告诉钱德,快点,免得太迟了!
[16:51.21] Wait! Does this also mean that putting out doesn't get you love? 等一下,这也表示 放荡是得不到真爱的吗?
[16:59.05] (银杯)
[17:01.25] -I'm gonna meet Jessica Ashley! -Wait, wait. -我不信我要跟洁西卡艾许丽碰面! -等一下
[17:04.45] Rach, please be cool, okay? I work with this woman. 瑞秋,拜托你酷一点,好吗? 我跟这个女人一起工作
[17:08.42] Okay, I'm totally cool. 好吧,我会很酷的
[17:11.33] Come in. 请进
[17:13.99] Hey, Jessica. 嘿,洁西卡
[17:15.26] Hey, Jess. 嘿,洁西
[17:17.63] This is my friend Rachel. 她是我朋友瑞秋
[17:19.13] -Hi. -What's up? -嗨 -你好吗?
[17:24.64] Here's your Soapie. I accepted it for you. 这是你的肥皂奖 我代表你收下了它
[17:27.78] Oh, my God. I won? Do you have any idea what this means? 我的天啊,我得奖了? 你知道这代表什么意义吗?
[17:35.08] You're not gonna put it on your shelf or anything? 你不把它摆在柜子里吗?
[17:38.65] No, I try to save that for real awards. Now if you'll excuse me? 不,我只想把真正的奖杯 摆在柜子里,对不起
[17:46.43] -Take it back? -Absolutely. -要把它拿回去吗? -那当然
[17:53.43] Yeah, you do! 对,做的好!
[17:57.77] Honey? As we get closer to the wedding... 甜心?我们快结婚了…
[18:00.97] is there anything you'd like to share? 有什么事你想跟我分享吗?
[18:03.81] Okay. I think the centerpieces are too big. 好吧,我觉得桌上的装饰太大了
[18:07.88] You're wrong. The centerpieces are fine. 你错了,桌上的装饰刚刚好
[18:12.35] -Do you ever get scared at all? -Kind of. They're really big. -你曾经觉得害怕过吗? -有一点,它们真的很大
[18:18.29] Doesn't it freak you out that you'll never be with anybody new again? 你不害怕自己没办法再认识新的人吗?
[18:24.36] What? 什么?
[18:26.97] I love you so much. 我非常爱你
[18:29.70] Sometimes it bothers me that I'll never have that feeling. 有时候我会很难过 我无法再有那样的感觉
[18:33.87] When you first meet someone... 当你刚认识一个人…
[18:36.21] and it's new and exciting. You know that rush? 你会觉得新鲜刺激 你知道那种心动的感觉吗?
[18:42.78] No, when I first meet somebody... 不,当我刚认识一个人…
[18:45.55] it's mostly panic, anxiety and a great deal of sweating. 我会觉得慌张,焦虑,满头大汗
[18:51.53] Okay. But you're a guy. 好吧,但你是男人
[18:53.49] Aren't you freaked out that you'll never sleep with anybody else? 你不害怕你永远不能 再跟别人上床吗?
[18:57.90] Sleeping with somebody, no. 不能跟别人上床,不
[19:00.57] Anxiety, panic and, I'm afraid, even more sweating. 我害怕的是焦虑,慌张,跟满头大汗
[19:06.01] Even with me? 即使是跟我在一起?
[19:07.44] I was dangerously dehydrated the first six months of our relationship. 我们刚开始交往的六个月 我严重脱水
[19:13.51] For me, the rush is knowing that we'll be together the rest of our lives. 对我来说心动的感觉是 我们会共度余生
[19:19.85] -Really? -Well, yeah. -真的吗? -对
[19:22.36] Knowing you're having these thoughts, we're back to panic, anxiety and... 知道你有这些想法 我们又回到了慌张,焦虑跟…
[19:27.13] I'll definitely need some kind of sports drink. 我真的需要喝点运动饮料
[19:32.87] Come here. Oh, you don't have to worry. 过来,你不必担心
[19:36.70] Besides, you know what? I'll have a lot of new things with you. 而且你知道吗?跟你在一起 我一定能遇上新鲜的事
[19:41.64] The first time we buy a house. Our first kid. Our first grandkid. 我们第一次买房子 第一个孩子,第一个孙子
[19:46.38] Water. Water. Water. 给我水,快点
[19:50.65] Mr. Morse? Can I speak to you for a moment? 摩斯?我能跟你谈谈吗?
[19:56.62] That was a great lecture today. Did you get a little haircut? 你今天上课的内容很精彩 你剪了头发吗?
[20:01.30] Yeah, yeah. Do you like it? Do you love it? 对,你喜欢吗?你爱吗?
[20:06.43] I want you to know I'm changing your grade back. 我要告诉你我会把你的成绩改回来
[20:09.50] What? Why? 什么?为什么?
[20:12.24] I know what you're trying to pull here. It won't work. 我知道你在搞什么鬼,那是行不通的
[20:16.08] I'm not trying to pull anything. Look, I love you, dude. 我没有搞鬼,听着,我爱你
[20:21.52] I'm not even gonna talk about this. This little "thing" is over. 我甚至不想谈这件事 这个小“风流韵事”结束了
[20:26.12] I know you have a girlfriend. And I know about the other professors. 我知道你有女朋友 也知道其他教授的事
[20:31.02] How do you think that makes me feel? You used me! 你觉得那会让我有什么感觉?你利用我!
[20:34.66] You don't love me and you never did! 你不爱我,你从来都没有爱过我!
[20:40.43] Professor Winston. Professor Frederickson. 温斯顿教授,佛迪瑞克森教授
[20:45.21] I'll be right with you. 我马上来
[20:47.44] Don't make this worse and I'll give you a "C." Shall we? 别让事情变得更糟糕 我会给你“C”,我们可以走了吗?
[20:59.19] I'll be out in a second. 我马上来
[21:06.76] "It's just so unexpected! 这真的是太意外了!
[21:11.47] I'll tell you, it's such an honor to just be nominated... 我得告诉大家 能被提名诺贝尔奖…
[21:15.90] for a Nobel Prize. 已经是莫大的光荣
[21:20.07] And, you know, to win one for a massage! 我竟然因为按摩得了诺贝尔奖!
[21:24.68] Especially just after winning a Tony Award for Best Actress.." 特别是我刚拿下 东尼奖的最佳女演员奖…
[21:28.82] Our reservations are at 8. 我们订了八点的位置
[21:30.85] "in Reservations at Eight by Neil Simon. 以《我们订了八点的位置》得奖 作词人是尼尔赛门
[21:34.69] Thank you, Neil. Thank you for the words." 谢谢你,尼尔,谢谢你帮我填词
[21:39.09] Finish this later. We're gonna be late. 待会再玩,我们要迟到了
[21:42.00] Please don't play the music. Just one more thing. 请不要奏乐,还有一件事
[21:45.53] Okay. "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!" “纽约现场直播 欢迎收看《周末夜现场》”


[00:03.50] Guys, you won' t believe this! nǐ men yí dìng bú huì xiāng xìn!
[00:05.63] I just talked to my agent.. Oh, my God! wǒ gāng gāng gēn wǒ de jīng jì rén tán guò wǒ de tiān a!
[00:10.57] I' m sorry. Too soon. You go. duì bù qǐ, tài kuài le, nǐ shuō ba
[00:13.48] I got nominated for Days of Our Lives! wǒ yīn wèi wǒ men de rì zi bèi tí míng!
[00:16.61] Good for you! Congratulations! zhè zhēn de shì tài hǎo le! gōng xǐ nǐ!
[00:19.95] I can' t believe you' re nominated for an Emmy! wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ huò dé ài měi jiǎng tí míng!
[00:22.98] Soap Opera Digest Award? No. I' m up for a " Soapie." féi zào jù wén zhāi jiǎng? bù, wǒ bèi tí míng" féi zào jiǎng"
[00:28.72] Is that something you' re making up? nà shi nǐ luàn biān de ma?
[00:31.53] No, no, no, it' s real! And it has been, since 1998. bù, tā shì zhēn de zhè gè jiǎng cóng 1998 nián kāi shǐ bān fā
[00:37.97] I' m up for a Soapie! hēi, ruì qiū! wǒ bèi tí míng féi zào jiǎng le!
[00:40.60] Oh, my God! wǒ de tiān a!
[00:41.84] My God! That' s the third most prestigious soap opera award there is! tiān a! nà shi pái míng dì sān de féi zào jù dà jiǎng!
[00:46.88] Thank you! I guess we know who I' ll take to the awards! xiè xiè! wǒ cāi wǒ men zhī dào wǒ gāi dài shuí cān jiā bān jiǎng diǎn lǐ!
[00:50.91] Don' t kid about that! Will all the stars be there? bié gēn wǒ kāi zhè zhǒng wán xiào! suǒ yǒu míng xīng dōu huì qù ma?
[00:54.32] Many are scheduled to appear. hěn duō rén dōu shuō tā men huì qù
[00:58.62] I can' t go. I' ll be too nervous! I' ll go. wǒ bù néng qù, wǒ yí dìng huì tài jǐn zhāng! nà jiù huàn wǒ qù ba
[01:02.62] You' re getting married. This is all I have. nǐ yào jié hūn le, zhè gè jī huì shì wǒ de
[01:07.20] The One With Joey' s Award běn jí bō chū: qiáo yī de féi zào jiǎng
[01:46.60] Ernest Muhlbrat hypothesized that the velociraptor, when threatened... ēn sī tè mù bó lā tè jiǎ shè xùn měng lóng shòu dào wēi xié shí
[01:51.61] would expand its collar and emit a highpitched noise... tā huì bǎ jǐng bù jī ròu zhāng kāi fā chū jiān ruì de jiào shēng
[01:56.04] to frighten off predators. jiāng dí rén xià pǎo
[01:58.45] Mr. Lewis? lù yì sī, shén me shì?
[02:00.52] What kind of noise? tā shì zěn me jiào de?
[02:02.68] Just a highpitched, intimidating noise. tā huì fā chū jiān ruì chǎo zá de shēng yīn
[02:07.46] But like how? nà dào dǐ shì shén me yàng zi?
[02:10.02] Well, we don' t know for sure. wǒ men bìng bù què dìng
[02:13.46] But in my head, it sounded something like this: dàn wǒ xiǎng, yīng gāi shì zhè yàng de:
[02:30.95] Of course, this is just conjecture. dāng rán, zhè zhǐ shì zhǒng cāi cè
[02:36.65] Okay. That' s all for today. hǎo le, jīn tiān de kè shàng dào zhè lǐ
[02:40.29] Mr. Morse, can I see you for a moment? mó sī, wǒ néng gēn nǐ tán tán ma?
[02:46.09] Yes, sir? shén me shì? jiào shòu
[02:47.63] I need to talk to you about your midterm exam. wǒ dé gēn nǐ tán tán nǐ de qī zhōng kǎo chéng jī
[02:52.23] I' m afraid I had to fail you. Why? kǒng pà wǒ dé bǎ nǐ dāng diào wèi shí me?
[02:56.87] Well, you need 60 to pass. nǐ dé dá zhōng bǎi fēn zhī liù shí cái néng guò guān
[02:59.54] What did I get? Seven. wǒ de fēn shù shì duō shǎo? qī
[03:02.91] That' s not so good. nà bú shì hěn hǎo
[03:06.11] No, no, it' s not. What happened, Ned? bù, nà zāo tòu le, nài dé dào dǐ fā shēng le shén me shì?
[03:09.58] Maybe you can cut me some slack. I' m sort of in love. huò xǔ nǐ kě yǐ ráo wǒ yī cì, wǒ liàn ài le
[03:15.32] I' m sorry, but that' s really not my problem. bào qiàn, dàn nà hé wǒ wú guān
[03:18.99] I' m in love with you. wǒ ài shàng le nǐ
[03:22.80] That brings me in the loop a little. nà hǎo xiàng gēn wǒ yǒu yì diǎn guān xì
[03:26.27] That' s why I did so bad on this test. I' m having a hard time concentrating. suǒ yǐ wǒ cái huì kǎo nà me làn wǒ méi bàn fǎ zhuān xīn shàng kè
[03:30.97] When you' re up there and you' re teaching... nǐ zhàn zài jiǎng tái shàng jiǎng kè de shí hòu
[03:34.58] and your face gets all serious... biǎo qíng shì nà me dì yán sù
[03:37.15] You look so good. When you wear that tight little turtleneck sweater.. nǐ kàn qǐ lái hǎo shuài dāng nǐ chuān zháo jǐn shēn tào tóu máo yī shí
[03:46.45] I' m your teacher. I' m sorry. wǒ shì nǐ de lǎo shī, duì bù qǐ
[03:49.52] You' re a student. nǐ shì xué shēng
[03:51.29] And I like women. ér qiě wǒ xǐ huān nǚ rén
[03:53.49] In spite of what may be written on the backs of these chairs. suī rán yǒu rén zài yǐ bèi shàng xiě le yī xiē huà
[04:02.20] That guy at the counter' s totally checking you out. bā tái nà gè nán rén zài kàn nǐ
[04:05.71] Really? zhēn de ma?
[04:07.88] Oh, my God, he' s really cute! Go for it. wǒ de tiān a, tā zhēn de hǎo shuài! qù ba
[04:12.61] Phoebe, I' m engaged. fēi bǐ, wǒ dìng hūn le
[04:14.35] I' m saying, get his number, just in case. wǒ jiàn yì nǐ qù wèn tā de diàn huà hào mǎ, yǐ fáng wàn yī
[04:18.49] But if Chandler' s in an accident and can' t perform sexually... shuō bù dìng qián dé fā shēng yì wài sàng shī le xìng néng lì
[04:22.92] he' d want you to take a lover to satisfy needs he' d no longer fulfill. tā yào nǐ zhǎo gè ài rén mǎn zú tā wú fǎ mǎn zú nǐ de nà gè bù fèn
[04:33.03] Can I just tell you something? wǒ néng gēn nǐ shuō jù huà ma?
[04:35.40] I' m very flattered, but I' m engaged. wǒ zhēn de shòu chǒng ruò jīng, dàn wǒ dìng hūn le
[04:40.14] This is kind of embarrassing. zhè zhēn de shì hěn nán qǐ chǐ
[04:42.24] I actually came over to talk to your friend. shì shí shàng, wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ péng yǒu shuō huà
[04:48.08] You should be embarrassed. nǐ yīng gāi jué de diū liǎn
[04:53.45] I thought you knew I looked at you. I did, but that was really fun. wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ zhī dào wǒ zài kàn nǐ wǒ zhī dào, dàn nà zhēn de hěn hǎo wán
[05:00.40] " The winner is... Joey Tribbiani!" " dé jiǎng de shì qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní"
[05:09.00] " I honestly never expected this. wǒ zhēn de méi xiǎng dào wǒ huì de jiǎng
[05:13.04] I didn' t prepare a speech. wǒ méi yǒu zhǔn bèi yǎn jiǎng gǎo
[05:14.94] I' d like to thank my parents, who' ve always been there for me. wǒ yào xiè xiè wǒ de fù mǔ tā men yī zhí zhī chí zhe wǒ
[05:19.51] Also like to thank my friends, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel.." wǒ hái yào xiè xiè wǒ de péng yǒu qián dé, mó nī kǎ, fēi bǐ, ruì qiū
[05:24.79] I' m fourth? Jeez! wǒ pái zài dì sì gè? tiān a!
[05:28.69] Look at you with your maple syrup award! kàn kàn nǐ, ná zhe nǐ de fēng táng jiǎng!
[05:31.56] Maybe you don' t tell anyone about this? bài tuō nǐ bú yào gào sù bié rén zhè jiàn shì
[05:35.03] No big deal. I do that with my shampoo bottle. nà méi yǒu shén me dà bù liǎo de wǒ yě huì ná zhe xǐ fā jīng de píng zi nà me zuò
[05:38.20] Really? Yeah. zhēn de ma? méi cuò
[05:39.33] What award are you practicing for? Grammy. nǐ jiǎ zhuāng zì jǐ dé le shén me jiǎng? gě lái měi jiǎng
[05:43.81] For Best New Artist. wǒ shì zuì jiā xīn jìn yì rén
[05:47.11] The Soapies people called today. I also get to present an award. féi zào jiǎng de rén jīn tiān dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ wǒ hái dé shàng tái bān jiǎng
[05:51.91] So you' ll get on stage even if you don' t win. suǒ yǐ jiù suàn nǐ méi de jiǎng nǐ yě yǒu jī huì shàng tái
[05:59.09] You don' t think I' ll win? Of course I do. nǐ yǐ wéi wǒ bú huì dé jiǎng? nǐ dāng rán huì de jiǎng
[06:02.89] But Favorite Returning Character? That' s a tough category. dàn zuì shòu huān yíng sǐ ér fù shēng jiǎng? nà gè jiǎng de jìng zhēng hěn jī liè
[06:06.93] You' re up against the guy who survived his own cremation. nǐ yào gēn yí gè huǒ zàng le zhī hòu hái néng huó guò lái de rén jìng zhēng
[06:11.47] No, I know I might not win. But it' s just... bù, wǒ zhī dào huò xǔ wǒ bú huì dé jiǎng dàn nà zhǐ shì
[06:15.20] I' ve never been nominated. I want it so much. wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu bèi tí míng guò wǒ zhēn de hěn xiǎng dé jiǎng
[06:18.41] You' ll probably get it. huò xǔ nǐ huì de jiǎng
[06:20.14] But you should start practicing your " graciousloser" face. dàn nǐ yīng gāi kāi shǐ liàn xí nǐ de" yùn dòng jiā jīng shén" biǎo qíng
[06:24.01] When the cameras are on you, you want to look disappointed. dāng shè yǐng jī pāi dào nǐ shí nǐ dé biǎo xiàn chū shī wàng de yàng zi
[06:28.02] But also that your colleague deserved to win. Like: dàn yě de biǎo xiàn chū duì fāng shì shí zhì míng guī de biǎo qíng, jiù xiàng zhè yàng:
[06:36.29] You know? nǐ zhī dào ma?
[06:37.49] You practice losing the Grammys too? No, at the Grammys, I always win. nǐ yě jiǎ zhuāng zì jǐ méi de dào gě lái měi jiǎng? bù, wǒ shì gě lái měi jiǎng de cháng shèng jūn
[06:48.47] Hey! How' d your date go with Jake? hēi! nǐ gēn jié kè yuē huì hái shùn lì ma?
[06:51.31] Great. We couldn' t keep our eyes off each other. tài bàng le, wǒ men yī zhí zhù shì zhe bǐ cǐ
[06:54.51] Every once in a while, he' d lean over, stroke my hair, then touch my neck. měi gé yī zhèn zi tā jiù huì kào guò lái mō wǒ de tóu fà gēn bó zi
[07:00.01] Stop it. You' re getting me all tingly. zhù shǒu, nǐ hài de wǒ hǎo yǎng
[07:03.52] All I could think of was, is he gonna kiss me? wǒ zhǐ néng xiǎng tā yào wěn wǒ le ma?
[07:06.62] Did he? I' m a lady. I don' t kiss and tell. tā wěn le nǐ ma? wǒ shì gè shū nǚ, jué bú huì xiè lòu nà zhǒng shì
[07:09.52] But this hickey speaks for itself. dàn zhè gè wěn hén shuō míng liǎo yī qiè
[07:11.99] Okay, I got it. I got it. hǎo le, wǒ zhī dào le
[07:14.46] I like him so much, I feel like I' ve had 10 drinks today. wǒ zhēn de hǎo xǐ huān tā gǎn jué shàng xiàng shì wǒ jīn tiān hē le shí bēi jiǔ
[07:18.77] I' ve only had six. wǒ zhǐ hē le liù bēi
[07:22.30] I haven' t had that feeling since I first went out with Chandler. wǒ dì yī cì gēn qián dé yuē huì hòu zài yě méi yǒu nà yàng de gǎn jué
[07:28.04] I' ll never have that feeling again. You sound like a guy. wǒ yǒng yuǎn dōu bú huì zài yǒu nà yàng de gǎn jué nǐ de kǒu qì gēn nán rén yī mú yī yàng
[07:31.65] No, a guy would say, " I' ll never get to sleep with anyone else." bù, nán rén huì shuō:" wǒ yǒng yuǎn dōu bù néng zài gēn bié rén shàng chuáng"
[07:36.02] I' ll never sleep with anyone else! wǒ yǒng yuǎn dōu bù néng zài gēn bié rén shàng chuáng!
[07:39.85] I' m so busy planning the wedding, I forgot about what I' ll give up. wǒ yī zhí máng zhe chóu bèi hūn lǐ wán quán wàng le wǒ yào fàng qì shén me
[07:45.39] I' ll never have a first kiss again. wǒ zài yě bú huì yǒu chū wěn
[07:48.36] You' ll have a last kiss. nǐ huì yǒu zuì hòu de wěn bié
[07:55.74] Can I ask you something? Has a guy ever had a crush on you? wǒ néng wèn nǐ yī jiàn shì ma? yǒu nán rén xǐ huān guò nǐ ma?
[07:59.51] Is that why you wanted to tie my tie? nà jiù shì nǐ yào bāng wǒ dǎ lǐng dài de yuán yīn?
[08:03.54] A kid in my class said he' s in love with me. wǒ bān shàng de xué shēng shuō tā ài shàng wǒ le
[08:07.22] Whoa! wa!
[08:08.45] Whoa, what? Ross has a boyfriend! wa shén me? luó sī yǒu nán péng yǒu le
[08:11.89] I do not have a boyfriend. wǒ méi yǒu nán péng yǒu
[08:14.22] There' s a guy in one of my classes who has a crush on me. wǒ bān shàng yǒu gè nán xué shēng àn liàn wǒ
[08:18.36] Really? Yeah. zhēn de ma? duì
[08:20.13] Last year, Elizabeth, now this kid... qù nián shì yī lì shā bái, xiàn zài shì zhè gè hái zi
[08:23.06] What is it? Am I giving out some kind of... zhè shì zěn me yī huí shì? wǒ sàn fà chū
[08:26.90] sexyprofessor vibe? xìng gǎn jiào shòu de qì zhì ma?
[08:32.54] Not right now. xiàn zài kàn qǐ lái bù xiàng
[08:34.71] The point is, my natural charisma has made him fail his midterm. zhòng diǎn shì wǒ de tiān shēng lì zhì ràng tā qī zhōng kǎo bèi dāng diào
[08:40.05] Now I feel bad for the kid. wǒ wèi nà gè hái zi gǎn dào nán guò
[08:42.25] I had a crush on a teacher once, and it was so hard. wǒ yě zēng jīng àn liàn guò lǎo shī, nà zhēn de hěn nán shòu
[08:45.79] I couldn' t concentrate. I blushed every time he looked at me. wǒ méi bàn fǎ zhuān xīn shàng kè měi cì tā kàn zhe wǒ shí, wǒ dōu huì liǎn hóng
[08:50.22] You remember what it' s like to be 19 and in love. nǐ hái jì de shí jiǔ suì shí de liàn ài zī wèi ba
[08:56.50] I can cut him some slack. Yeah. wǒ kě yǐ fàng tā yī mǎ tài bàng le
[08:59.07] How' d you get over that teacher? I didn' t. I got under him. nǐ zěn me wàng jì nà gè lǎo shī de? wǒ méi yǒu, wǒ gēn tā shàng chuáng le
[09:05.74] Problem solved. wèn tí jiě jué le
[09:10.61] Bye, Phoebe. Okay, bye. zài jiàn, fēi bǐ hǎo de, zài jiàn
[09:18.32] All right. Bye. Bye. hǎo de, zài jiàn zài jiàn
[09:27.80] We said goodbye at the door so as not to flaunt our new love. wǒ men zài mén biān shuō zài jiàn bù xiǎng xuàn yào wǒ men de xīn liàn qíng
[09:32.13] It' s okay. You don' t have to tiptoe around me. méi guān xì, nǐ bù bì gù jì wǒ
[09:36.10] I' ve thought about it. You know what? wǒ yǐ jīng xiǎng guò le, nǐ zhī dào ma?
[09:38.67] I' m okay, not having that newrelationship feeling. wǒ kě yǐ jiē shòu méi yǒu xīn dòng gǎn jué de shēng huó
[09:41.41] I miss you already! I miss you too! wǒ yǐ jīng kāi shǐ xiǎng nǐ le! wǒ yě huì xiǎng nǐ!
[09:48.45] That' s great, but I wouldn' t trade what I have for that. nà zhēn de tài bàng le dàn wǒ bú huì ná wǒ de xìng fú gēn nǐ jiāo huàn
[09:52.92] I' ll be with Chandler the rest of my life. That makes me happy. wǒ huì yī bèi zi gēn qián dé xiāng shǒu nà ràng wǒ jué de xìng fú
[09:58.16] Come sit down. We' re talking about how our relationship' s deep... kuài zuò xià, wǒ men zhèng zài tán wǒ men de guān xì yǒu duō shēn hòu
[10:02.96] and meaningful. It is, don' t you think? shì nà me dì yǒu yì yì zhēn de shì nà yàng, nǐ jué de ne?
[10:05.87] Oh, totally. ō, yì diǎn dōu méi cuò
[10:08.47] Pull my finger. lā yī xià wǒ de shǒu zhǐ
[10:15.48] Favorite Returning Male.. This is my category! zuì shòu huān yíng sǐ ér fù shēng nán yǎn yuán lún dào wǒ le!
[10:20.95] Got your speech? Got my speech. nǐ de yǎn jiǎng gǎo dài le ma? dài le
[10:22.82] Got your graciousloser face? yùn dòng jiā jīng shén biǎo qíng liàn xí hǎo le ma?
[10:27.09] Try to remember, if you win, you have to hug me. jì zhù, rú guǒ nǐ dé jiǎng le, nǐ dé bào wǒ
[10:30.46] Can I squeeze your ass? wǒ néng niē nǐ de ma?
[10:33.46] On TV? zài diàn shì shàng ma?
[10:35.53] Yeah! kě yǐ!
[10:37.87] In the Favorite Returning Male character category, the nominees are: zài zuì shòu huān yíng sǐ ér fù shēng nán yǎn yuán jiǎng fāng miàn bèi tí míng de yǒu:
[10:41.47] John Wheeler from General Hospital. yuē hàn huì lēi, zǒng yī yuàn
[10:46.01] Gavin Graham from The Young and the Restless. gài wén gé lā hǎn, nián shào qīng kuáng
[10:50.18] Duncan Harrington from Passions. táng kěn hā líng dùn, rè qíng
[10:53.75] And Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives. qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní, wǒ men de rì zi
[10:58.62] And the Soapie goes to: dé jiǎng de shì:
[11:02.89] Gavin Graham from The Young and the Restless. gài wén gé lā hǎn, nián shào qīng kuáng
[11:18.21] Presenting the Favorite Supporting Actress award: bān fā zuì shòu huān yíng nǚ pèi jué jiǎng de shì:
[11:21.64] Joey Tribbiani from Days of Our Lives. yǎn wǒ men de rì zi de qiáo yī cuī bǐ yà ní
[11:30.58] Any one of the brilliant actresses nominated for this award... suǒ yǒu zài zhè gè jiǎng xiàng bèi tí míng de yōu xiù nǚ yǎn yuán
[11:34.96] deserves to take it home. Unfortunately, only one can. dé jiǎng dōu shì shí zhì míng guī kě xī zhǐ yǒu yí ge rén néng dé jiǎng
[11:41.80] The nominees for Favorite Supporting Actress are: zuì shòu huān yíng nǚ pèi jué jiǎng bèi tí míng de yǒu:
[11:44.53] From Passions, Erin Goff. rè qíng, ài líng gāo fēi
[11:51.57] From One Life to Live, Mary Lauren Bishop. All My Children, Sarah Renee. yī shēng yī cì, mà lì mò lín bì xuě wǒ de hái zi men, shā lā lěi nī
[11:56.34] And from Days of Our Lives, Jessica Ashley. wǒ men de rì zi, jié xī kǎ ài xǔ lì
[11:59.35] And the winner is: dé jiǎng de shì:
[12:02.18] Jessica Ashley from Days of Our Lives. jié xī kǎ ài xǔ lì, wǒ men de rì zi
[12:06.82] Unfortunately, Jessica couldn' t be with us tonight... bù xìng dì, jié xī kǎ jīn wǎn yīn gù wú fǎ chū xí
[12:10.29] so I' ll accept this award on her behalf. wǒ yào dài biǎo tā jiē shòu zhè gè jiǎng
[12:16.70] And I' m sure that Jessica... wǒ xiāng xìn jié xī kǎ
[12:19.63] wants to thank my parents... huì xiǎng xiè xiè wǒ de fù mǔ
[12:22.20] who always believed in me. tā men yī zhí dōu hěn zhī chí wǒ
[12:24.71] She' d also like to thank my friends: tā yě gǎn xiè wǒ de péng yǒu
[12:26.81] Chandler, Monica, Ross, Phoebe and Rachel... qián dé, mó nī kǎ, luó sī, fēi bǐ gēn ruì qiū
[12:31.15] who' s sitting right there. tā jiù zuò zài nà biān
[12:44.93] Why' d we rush out so fast? wǒ men wèi shí me yào jí zhe lí kāi?
[12:48.13] We had to get out of there because.. Look what I won! wǒ men dé gǎn kuài lí kāi yīn wèi nǐ kàn wǒ ná le shén me huí jiā!
[12:54.34] Oh, my God. You stole her award! wǒ de tiān a, nǐ tōu zǒu tā de jiǎng bēi!
[12:57.71] No, no, no. I' m accepting it on her behalf. bù wǒ dài biǎo tā shōu xià tā
[13:02.64] I don' t think you know what " behalf" means. wǒ xiǎng nǐ bù zhī dào" dài biǎo" shì shén me yì sī
[13:05.18] Sure I do. It' s a verb. As in " I be halfin' it"! wǒ dāng rán zhī dào, tā shì gè dòng cí yì sī shì" wǒ néng fēn yī bàn"!
[13:13.39] You' ve got to take this back. I should' ve won. I really wanted it. nǐ dé bǎ tā hái huí qù wǒ yīng gāi dé jiǎng de, wǒ zhēn de hǎo xiǎng dé jiǎng
[13:18.09] She didn' t care enough to come to the thing. It could also be a Grammy. tā gēn běn bù zài hu cái méi yǒu chū xí tā yě kě yǐ ná lái dāng gé lái měi
[13:26.23] No, Joey. bù, qiáo yī
[13:27.60] No one saw me take it. There' s a whole table of them. méi yǒu rén kàn dào wǒ bǎ tā ná zǒu zhěng gè zhuō zi shàng dōu shì jiǎng bēi
[13:31.67] Do you want an award you didn' t win? nǐ xiǎng yào yí gè bù shǔ yú nǐ de jiǎng bēi ma?
[13:34.38] No, I want an award I did win. But nobody' s given me any of those! bù, wǒ xiǎng yào yí gè shǔ yú wǒ de jiǎng bēi dàn méi yǒu rén yuàn yì ràng wǒ dé jiǎng
[13:39.78] If I put it up, when people come over, they' ll see it... rú guǒ wǒ bǎ tā bǎi zài zhè lǐ dà jiā jiù huì kàn dào tā
[13:43.75] and think I won it. yǐ wéi wǒ zhēn de dé jiǎng le
[13:45.49] Joey, it says " Best Supporting Actress." qiáo yī, shàng miàn xiě zhe" zuì jiā nǚ pèi jué jiǎng"
[13:48.72] I can scratch that right off. wǒ kě yǐ bǎ nà gè guā diào
[13:52.19] This is wrong. You have to take it back. zhè shì bú duì de, nǐ dé bǎ tā hái huí qù
[13:54.90] You don' t want to win an award this way. You' re very talented. nǐ bú huì xiǎng zhè yàng bǎ jiǎng bēi ná huí jiā nǐ zhēn de yǒu yǎn xì tiān fèn
[13:59.70] Someday you' ll win one of these for real and that one will mean something. yǒu yì tiān nǐ huì zhēn de dé jiǎng nà duì nǐ lái shuō cái yǒu yì yì
[14:07.31] Oh, all right. All right? Thank you. hǎo ba hǎo ma? xiè xiè
[14:11.25] I' ll take it back tomorrow. wǒ míng tiān jiù bǎ tā hái huí qù xiè xiè
[14:25.39] If I can' t have it, you can' t have it! rú guǒ wǒ bù néng yōng yǒu tā nǐ yě bù néng yōng yǒu tā!
[14:34.77] Professor Geller? Yes, Mr. Lewis? How can I help you? gài lēi jiào shòu? lù yì sī? yǒu shén me shì ma?
[14:39.04] I know I didn' t do well on my midterms and stuff. wǒ zhī dào wǒ de qī zhōng kǎo méi yǒu kǎo hǎo
[14:42.58] But I was hoping you could change my grade. dàn wǒ xī wàng nǐ néng bāng wǒ gǎi chéng jī
[14:45.95] And why, exactly, would I do that? wǒ wèi shí me yào nà me zuò?
[14:48.92] Because I' m in love with you. yīn wèi wǒ ài shàng nǐ le
[14:53.75] What? shén me?
[14:55.76] Yeah. I' m all in love with you and stuff. duì, wǒ ài shàng nǐ le
[15:01.70] So could you change my grade? No! nǐ kě yǐ bāng wǒ gǎi chéng jī ma? bù xíng!
[15:05.47] Why not? You changed Ned' s grade. wèi shí me? nǐ bāng nài dé gǎi chéng jī
[15:07.80] That' s different. Because he was actually in love with me. nà bù yí yàng, yīn wèi tā zhēn de ài shàng wǒ le
[15:12.11] No, he' s not! He' s totally yanking your chain. bù, tā cái méi yǒu! tā zhǐ shì zài shuǎ nǐ
[15:15.28] He' s done this with three other teachers. tā yǐ jīng yòng zhè yī zhāo duì fù guò qí tā sān ge jiào shòu
[15:19.85] What? He' s got a girlfriend. shén me? tā yǒu nǚ péng yǒu
[15:23.78] I can' t believe someone would do that for a grade. wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn yǒu rén huì wèi le chéng jī nà me zuò
[15:26.95] I know. wǒ zhī dào
[15:28.39] It' s awful. nà tài kě pà le
[15:31.73] I love you. wǒ ài nǐ
[15:37.03] Have you seen Chandler? No, why? nǐ kàn dào qián dé le ma?
[15:39.20] I keep thinking about all the things I won' t have. wǒ yī zhí zài xiǎng wǒ huì shī qù de yī qiè
[15:42.50] It' s freaking me out. I don' t know what to do. wǒ zhēn de xià huài le, wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn
[15:45.61] Don' t sweat it. bié dān xīn
[15:46.97] Chandler' s not around, so get it out of your system. That guy' s cute. qián dé bù zài, bié guǎn nà me duō guī jǔ nà gè nán de hěn shuài
[15:53.41] Come on, I' m serious. bié zhè yàng, wǒ shì rèn zhēn de
[15:56.35] I' ve got to talk to him about this. That' s the last thing you want to do. wǒ dé gēn tā tán zhè jiàn shì nǐ zhēn de bù gāi nà me zuò
[16:01.12] Why? Because you' re marrying him! wèi shí me? yīn wèi nǐ yào jià gěi tā!
[16:05.39] You gotta help me out here. nǐ dé bāng bāng wǒ
[16:08.00] I' ve never been engaged. I' ve never really been married. wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu dìng hūn guò, yě méi yǒu jié hūn guò
[16:11.50] I can only tell you what my mother told me. wǒ zhǐ néng gào sù nǐ wǒ mā gēn wǒ shuō de huà
[16:14.40] When you have doubts or fears or anxieties about a relationship... dāng nǐ duì yī duàn guān xì yǒu yí lǜ hài pà huò jiāo lǜ shí
[16:18.91] don' t communicate them to your husband. bié gēn nǐ de zhàng fū gōu tōng zhèi xiē wèn tí
[16:23.24] I' m not supposed to share my doubts and fears... wǒ bù gāi gēn wǒ yào gòng dù yī shēng de nán rén
[16:26.51] with the guy I' m spending the rest of my life with? fēn xiǎng wǒ de yí lǜ gēn kǒng jù?
[16:29.75] That is correct. Yes. méi cuò, jiù shì nà yàng
[16:31.72] You' re supposed to put all that stuff in a little box in your mind... nǐ yīng gāi bǎ nà jiàn shì fàng zài xīn lǐ
[16:36.22] and lock it up. yǒng yuǎn bù zài tí
[16:38.66] Your mother told you this? nà shi nǐ mā mā gào sù nǐ de? duì
[16:40.46] The woman who married a bunch of times and killed herself when you were 13? nà gè jié le hěn duō cì hūn zài nǐ shí sān suì shí tā jiù zì shā le de nǚ rén?
[16:46.37] Oh, my God, you' re right. wǒ de tiān a, nǐ shuō de duì
[16:48.17] Tell Chandler. Hurry, before it' s too late! qù gào sù qián dé, kuài diǎn, miǎn de tài chí le!
[16:51.21] Wait! Does this also mean that putting out doesn' t get you love? děng yī xià, zhè yě biǎo shì fàng dàng shì de bú dào zhēn ài de ma?
[16:59.05] yín bēi
[17:01.25] I' m gonna meet Jessica Ashley! Wait, wait. wǒ bù xìn wǒ yào gēn jié xī kǎ ài xǔ lì pèng miàn! děng yī xià
[17:04.45] Rach, please be cool, okay? I work with this woman. ruì qiū, bài tuō nǐ kù yì diǎn, hǎo ma? wǒ gēn zhè gè nǚ rén yì qǐ gōng zuò
[17:08.42] Okay, I' m totally cool. hǎo ba, wǒ huì hěn kù de
[17:11.33] Come in. qǐng jìn
[17:13.99] Hey, Jessica. hēi, jié xī kǎ
[17:15.26] Hey, Jess. hēi, jié xī
[17:17.63] This is my friend Rachel. tā shì wǒ péng yǒu ruì qiū
[17:19.13] Hi. What' s up? hāi nǐ hǎo ma?
[17:24.64] Here' s your Soapie. I accepted it for you. zhè shì nǐ de féi zào jiǎng wǒ dài biǎo nǐ shōu xià le tā
[17:27.78] Oh, my God. I won? Do you have any idea what this means? wǒ de tiān a, wǒ dé jiǎng le? nǐ zhī dào zhè dài biǎo shén me yì yì ma?
[17:35.08] You' re not gonna put it on your shelf or anything? nǐ bù bǎ tā bǎi zài guì zi lǐ ma?
[17:38.65] No, I try to save that for real awards. Now if you' ll excuse me? bù, wǒ zhǐ xiǎng bǎ zhēn zhèng de jiǎng bēi bǎi zài guì zi lǐ, duì bù qǐ
[17:46.43] Take it back? Absolutely. yào bǎ tā ná huí qù ma? nà dāng rán
[17:53.43] Yeah, you do! duì, zuò de hǎo!
[17:57.77] Honey? As we get closer to the wedding... tián xīn? wǒ men kuài jié hūn le
[18:00.97] is there anything you' d like to share? yǒu shén me shì nǐ xiǎng gēn wǒ fēn xiǎng ma?
[18:03.81] Okay. I think the centerpieces are too big. hǎo ba, wǒ jué de zhuō shàng de zhuāng shì tài dà le
[18:07.88] You' re wrong. The centerpieces are fine. nǐ cuò le, zhuō shàng de zhuāng shì gāng gāng hǎo
[18:12.35] Do you ever get scared at all? Kind of. They' re really big. nǐ céng jīng jué de hài pà guò ma? yǒu yì diǎn, tā men zhēn de hěn dà
[18:18.29] Doesn' t it freak you out that you' ll never be with anybody new again? nǐ bù hài pà zì jǐ méi bàn fǎ zài rèn shi xīn de rén ma?
[18:24.36] What? shén me?
[18:26.97] I love you so much. wǒ fēi cháng ài nǐ
[18:29.70] Sometimes it bothers me that I' ll never have that feeling. yǒu shí hou wǒ huì hěn nán guò wǒ wú fǎ zài yǒu nà yàng de gǎn jué
[18:33.87] When you first meet someone... dāng nǐ gāng rèn shi yí ge rén
[18:36.21] and it' s new and exciting. You know that rush? nǐ huì jué de xīn xiān cì jī nǐ zhī dào nà zhǒng xīn dòng de gǎn jué ma?
[18:42.78] No, when I first meet somebody... bù, dāng wǒ gāng rèn shi yí ge rén
[18:45.55] it' s mostly panic, anxiety and a great deal of sweating. wǒ huì jué de huāng zhāng, jiāo lǜ, mǎn tóu dà hàn
[18:51.53] Okay. But you' re a guy. hǎo ba, dàn nǐ shì nán rén
[18:53.49] Aren' t you freaked out that you' ll never sleep with anybody else? nǐ bù hài pà nǐ yǒng yuǎn bù néng zài gēn bié rén shàng chuáng ma?
[18:57.90] Sleeping with somebody, no. bù néng gēn bié rén shàng chuáng, bù
[19:00.57] Anxiety, panic and, I' m afraid, even more sweating. wǒ hài pà de shì jiāo lǜ, huāng zhāng, gēn mǎn tóu dà hàn
[19:06.01] Even with me? jí shǐ shì gēn wǒ zài yì qǐ?
[19:07.44] I was dangerously dehydrated the first six months of our relationship. wǒ men gāng kāi shǐ jiāo wǎng de liù ge yuè wǒ yán zhòng tuō shuǐ
[19:13.51] For me, the rush is knowing that we' ll be together the rest of our lives. duì wǒ lái shuō xīn dòng de gǎn jué shì wǒ men huì gòng dù yú shēng
[19:19.85] Really? Well, yeah. zhēn de ma? duì
[19:22.36] Knowing you' re having these thoughts, we' re back to panic, anxiety and... zhī dào nǐ yǒu zhèi xiē xiǎng fǎ wǒ men yòu huí dào le huāng zhāng, jiāo lǜ gēn
[19:27.13] I' ll definitely need some kind of sports drink. wǒ zhēn de xū yào hē diǎn yùn dòng yǐn liào
[19:32.87] Come here. Oh, you don' t have to worry. guò lái, nǐ bù bì dān xīn
[19:36.70] Besides, you know what? I' ll have a lot of new things with you. ér qiě nǐ zhī dào ma? gēn nǐ zài yì qǐ wǒ yí dìng néng yù shàng xīn xiān de shì
[19:41.64] The first time we buy a house. Our first kid. Our first grandkid. wǒ men dì yī cì mǎi fáng zi dì yí gè hái zi, dì yí gè sūn zi
[19:46.38] Water. Water. Water. gěi wǒ shuǐ, kuài diǎn
[19:50.65] Mr. Morse? Can I speak to you for a moment? mó sī? wǒ néng gēn nǐ tán tán ma?
[19:56.62] That was a great lecture today. Did you get a little haircut? nǐ jīn tiān shàng kè de nèi róng hěn jīng cǎi nǐ jiǎn le tóu fà ma?
[20:01.30] Yeah, yeah. Do you like it? Do you love it? duì, nǐ xǐ huān ma? nǐ ài ma?
[20:06.43] I want you to know I' m changing your grade back. wǒ yào gào sù nǐ wǒ huì bǎ nǐ de chéng jī gǎi huí lái
[20:09.50] What? Why? shén me? wèi shí me?
[20:12.24] I know what you' re trying to pull here. It won' t work. wǒ zhī dào nǐ zài gǎo shén me guǐ, nà shi xíng bù tōng de
[20:16.08] I' m not trying to pull anything. Look, I love you, dude. wǒ méi yǒu gǎo guǐ, tīng zhe, wǒ ài nǐ
[20:21.52] I' m not even gonna talk about this. This little " thing" is over. wǒ shèn zhì bù xiǎng tán zhè jiàn shì zhè gè xiǎo" fēng liú yùn shì" jié shù le
[20:26.12] I know you have a girlfriend. And I know about the other professors. wǒ zhī dào nǐ yǒu nǚ péng yǒu yě zhī dào qí tā jiào shòu de shì
[20:31.02] How do you think that makes me feel? You used me! nǐ jué de nà huì ràng wǒ yǒu shén me gǎn jué? nǐ lì yòng wǒ!
[20:34.66] You don' t love me and you never did! nǐ bù ài wǒ, nǐ cóng lái dōu méi yǒu ài guò wǒ!
[20:40.43] Professor Winston. Professor Frederickson. wēn sī dùn jiào shòu, fú dí ruì kè sēn jiào shòu
[20:45.21] I' ll be right with you. wǒ mǎ shàng lái
[20:47.44] Don' t make this worse and I' ll give you a " C." Shall we? bié ràng shì qíng biàn de gèng zāo gāo wǒ huì gěi nǐ" C", wǒ men kě yǐ zǒu le ma?
[20:59.19] I' ll be out in a second. wǒ mǎ shàng lái
[21:06.76] " It' s just so unexpected! zhè zhēn de shì tài yì wài le!
[21:11.47] I' ll tell you, it' s such an honor to just be nominated... wǒ dé gào sù dà jiā néng bèi tí míng nuò bèi ěr jiǎng
[21:15.90] for a Nobel Prize. yǐ jīng shì mò dà de guāng róng
[21:20.07] And, you know, to win one for a massage! wǒ jìng rán yīn wèi àn mó dé le nuò bèi ěr jiǎng!
[21:24.68] Especially just after winning a Tony Award for Best Actress.." tè bié shì wǒ gāng ná xià dōng ní jiǎng de zuì jiā nǚ yǎn yuán jiǎng
[21:28.82] Our reservations are at 8. wǒ men dìng le bā diǎn de wèi zhì
[21:30.85] " in Reservations at Eight by Neil Simon. yǐ wǒ men dìng le bā diǎn de wèi zhì dé jiǎng zuò cí rén shì ní ěr sài mén
[21:34.69] Thank you, Neil. Thank you for the words." xiè xiè nǐ, ní ěr, xiè xiè nǐ bāng wǒ tián cí
[21:39.09] Finish this later. We' re gonna be late. dāi huì zài wán, wǒ men yào chí dào le
[21:42.00] Please don' t play the music. Just one more thing. qǐng bú yào zòu yuè, hái yǒu yī jiàn shì
[21:45.53] Okay. " Live from New York, it' s Saturday Night!" " niǔ yuē xiàn chǎng zhí bō huān yíng shōu kàn zhōu mò yè xiàn chǎng"