Friends S08E05

歌曲 Friends S08E05
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第八季)


[00:01.60] This one's rare. This one's medium-well. Go! 这是三分熟 这是五分熟,快去吧
[00:04.70] Hey, Phoebe! How was dinner?! 菲比,晚餐好吃吗?
[00:06.80] Dinner was good! Just saying hi! Now I'm gonna go! 晚餐很好吃,我只是来打招呼 我要走了
[00:11.44] -Well, hello there. -Hi. -你好 -嗨
[00:15.04] I didn't see this on the menu. 我在菜单上没有看到这个
[00:17.85] Tim, this is Phoebe. Phoebe, this is Tim, my new sous chef. 提姆,她是菲比 菲比,他是我的新二厨提姆
[00:21.05] -So you're Monica's boss? -No, she's my boss. -你是摩妮卡的老板 -不,她是我的老板
[00:23.65] -"Sous" is French for "under." -I "sous-stand." -“二”在法文里是“之下”的意思 -我“了解”了
[00:28.49] Tim, I need a calamari and a caesar salad. And could you get me the pesto? 提姆,我要一份乌贼跟一份凯撒沙拉 你可以给我青酱吗?
[00:32.86] -You made pesto? -Yes, I did. -青酱是你做的? -没错
[00:35.63] Would you say your pesto is the best-o? 你觉得你的青酱 是最棒的?
[00:38.93] I don't know. I would say it's pretty good-o. 我不知道 我会说它真的很棒
[00:44.94] I still need the calamari and salad. 我还是需要乌贼跟沙拉
[00:47.21] I like your necklace. 我喜欢你的项链
[00:48.98] "Coming up, Monica. I have to obey you, otherwise the system breaks down." “马上来,摩妮卡,我得服从你 不然的话系统会瓦解”
[00:52.91] "l know that." "Then why are we having this conversation? " “我知道”,“那么我们为什么 还要谈这些?”
[00:56.42] -I made it myself. -You are so talented. -那是我自己做的 -你真的好有天份
[00:59.09] Well, it's no pesto. 那不是青酱
[01:02.16] Let's just cut to the chase. You're single. You're single. 我们就别玩游戏了 你是单身,你也单身
[01:05.93] He gets off work at 11. She'll be waiting for your call. 他11点下班 她会等你的电话
[01:09.00] I'll give him your number if I could just get one calamari and one caesar salad! 快给我乌贼跟凯撒沙拉 我就会给他你的电话号码
[01:15.94] I did not yell. I am not putting a dollar in the jar. 我没有大叫 我不必被罚一块钱
[01:20.84] The One With Rachels Date 本集播出:瑞秋的男友
[02:00.52] -Wow, Bing! Burning the midnight oil. -You know me, sir. -宾,你还在熬夜加班 -你很了解我的,老板
[02:05.59] Do you know how I can get around the office computer network.. 你知道要怎么避过 办公室的电脑网路…
[02:09.29] so I can access the really good Internet porn? 进去网际网路看 超级精彩的黄色电影吗?
[02:13.63] You're a joker, Bing. 你真爱开玩笑,宾
[02:17.27] What's funny about that? 那有什么好笑的?
[02:20.24] -Sorry I kept you waiting so long. -That's okay. Where do you wanna go? -抱歉让你等这么久 -没关系,你想去哪里?
[02:25.04] I think you know where I wanna go. 我以为你知道我要去哪里
[02:27.18] -The Hard Rock Cafe? -Yeah. -硬石餐厅? -对
[02:30.18] -Again? -Yeah. -又要去? -对
[02:33.65] -I'm telling you, I like the food. -You like the Purple Rain display. -我真的很喜欢那里的食物 -你喜欢那里的紫雨展示品
[02:39.75] -Hey, Bob. -Hey, Toby. Have a good night. -嗨,巴伯 -嗨,托比,祝你今晚玩得开心
[02:43.76] -Did that guy just call you Toby? -Yeah, he thinks that's my name. -那家伙叫你托比? -对,他以为那是我的名字
[02:49.76] -Why don't you correct him? -It's been going on way too long now. -你为什么不更正他? -那是很久以前的事了
[02:54.37] The first time, we were just passing each other, so I didn't say anything. 第一次我们错身而过 所以我什么都没说
[02:58.01] The next time he said, "Toby, want a doughnut?" 第二次他说 “托比,你要吃甜甜圈吗?”
[03:01.54] I wanted the doughnut. 我想吃甜甜圈
[03:04.95] Five years later, the doughnut's gone and I'm still Toby. 五年后甜甜圈早就消化光了 我还是托比
[03:09.15] -Chandler, you have to tell him. -That would be so awkward. -钱德,你得告诉他 -那一定会很可怕
[03:13.56] We don't work together. He's on the sixth floor. 我们不在同一个楼层工作 他在六楼
[03:16.99] So he calls me Toby once in a while. 他每隔一阵子会叫我托比
[03:20.16] It's not like he's calling me Muriel. 反正他不是叫我马利欧
[03:23.10] Muriel. Why would he call you Muriel? 马利欧 他为什么要叫你马利欧?
[03:31.24] Oh, my God. 天啊
[03:34.38] Chandler "M." Bing. 钱德·M·宾?
[03:39.18] It's not just an "M." Your middle name is Muriel! 事实上不是M 你的中间名是马利欧
[03:44.12] It is a family name. 那是家族名字
[03:47.02] Chandler Muriel Bing. 钱德·马利欧·宾
[03:51.09] Your parents never even gave you a chance, did they? 你父母真的 不给你任何机会,对吧?
[03:56.70] Drake, I've discovered the reason for your memory loss. 德瑞克 我找出你丧失记忆的原因了
[04:00.03] What is it? 为什么?
[04:01.30] Your brain transplant wasn't successful. 你的脑部移植手术失败
[04:04.51] Your body's rejecting Jessica's brain. 你的身体排斥洁西卡的脑部
[04:07.54] Is it serious? 很严重吗?
[04:09.98] Not if we extract tissue from the original body.. 如果我们可以从捐赠者的身体 抽取组织…
[04:12.58] and synthesize antibodies to stop you from rejecting the brain. 合成抗生素 阻止你排斥移植来的脑部
[04:18.82] That sounds simple enough. Let's just do that. 听起来很简单 我们就那么做吧
[04:22.62] We would, but when we went to exhume Jessica's body.. 我们可以那么做 但我们想挖出洁西卡的尸体时…
[04:26.66] it was gone. 发现它不见了
[04:33.03] Very nice, people. 非常不错,大伙们
[04:34.87] I'll change and we can go. 我换了衣服后我们就能离开
[04:37.21] -What happened to Jessica's body? -You'll have to see it on TV. -洁西卡的尸体怎么了? -你得看电视才会知道
[04:41.98] -You don't know, do you? -Couldn't care less. -你不知道,对吧? -我也不在乎
[04:45.58] -Good scene, man. -You too. -你表现的很好 -你也是
[04:51.85] What? You weren't in it. 什么?你根本不是演员
[04:56.22] Kash, this is my friend Rachel. Rachel, Kash. 凯许,她是我朋友瑞秋 瑞秋,凯许
[04:59.99] -Hi. -Why haven't I seen you here before? -嗨 -为什么之前我没有见过你?
[05:04.07] Joey just thinks I'll embarrass him. He thinks I'm a soap opera nut. 乔伊觉得我会丢他的脸 他认为我是肥皂剧迷
[05:10.27] Which I'm not. I'm not. 我才不是 真的
[05:12.97] Although, I do know your favorite ice cream flavor is butter pecan. 虽然我真的知道 你最喜欢胡桃奶油口味的冰淇淋
[05:19.01] And your dog's name is Wally. 你的狗叫做华利
[05:23.05] -Look, I'm just stroking your arm. -Here we go. -天啊,我在摸你的手 -我们走吧
[05:26.55] Bye, Kash. Say hi to Wally. 再见,凯许 帮我跟华利问好
[05:34.23] -Monica. -Hi. -摩妮卡 -嗨
[05:36.20] I had the best time with Tim last night. He is so sweet. 昨晚我跟提姆玩得很开心 他真的很体贴
[05:41.40] I can't wait to get "sous-neath" him. 我等不及 钻到他的身体下面去
[05:46.01] -I have to fire him. -Why? -我得开除他 -为什么?
[05:48.24] He's terrible. He's slow. He burns things. 他真的很可怕 他的动作超慢,还会把食物烧焦
[05:51.81] He lit my pastry chef on fire. 他放火烧我的甜点主厨
[05:54.95] He was nervous. You can be intimidating. 他太紧张了 你老是凶巴巴的
[05:58.22] And your pastry chef can stand to be taken down a peg. 你的甜点主厨毛发应该可以少一点
[06:02.26] Well, now she has no eyebrows. Mission accomplished. 现在她没有眉毛 任务完成
[06:06.23] But, Monica, he loves his job so much. 但摩妮卡,他热爱他的工作
[06:09.66] Can't you just give him another chance, please? 你不能再给他一次机会吗? 拜托
[06:14.90] All right. But if he lights someone else on fire, he's gone. 好吧,但如果他再放火烧别人 他非走不可
[06:18.17] That's fair. Thank you so much. 那很公平,谢谢你
[06:22.91] Looks like he got you a little bit too. 看起来 他也烧到你了
[06:26.45] I paid to have this done. 我付钱把头发弄成这样
[06:31.42] Love it! 我喜欢
[06:36.46] Hey. You know, Kash really liked you. 知道吗? 凯许真的喜欢你
[06:40.80] He thought you were charming. 他觉得你很迷人
[06:43.13] -I thought I was an idiot. -I'm with you. -我以为我是个白痴 -我赞成
[06:48.20] -He asked if you'd go out with him. -I think I'm gonna throw up a little. -他问你愿不愿意跟他约会 -我想我得去吐一下
[06:53.88] -What did you say? -"No." -你怎么说? -“不”
[06:56.28] What? 什么?
[06:58.28] I figured since you're pregnant, you're not gonna be seeing people. 我想因为你怀孕了 你不能跟别人约会
[07:04.59] First of all, Kash Ford? Not people. 首先,他是凯许福特 不是一般人
[07:09.32] Did you tell him I was pregnant? 你告诉他我怀孕了吗?
[07:12.13] No. I didn't know if you told people. This was when Kash was still "people." 不,我不知道你要不要告诉别人 这时候的凯许是“一般人”
[07:18.13] -Good. Just have him call me. -I don't think that's.. -很好,请他打电话给我 -我不觉得…
[07:22.14] Go do it or I'll come back to that set. I'll meet more actors. 照我的话做,不然我会回到摄影棚 泡其他的男演员
[07:29.01] -Hey, Bob. -How's my pal Toby doing today? -嘿,巴伯 -我朋友托比今天还好吗?
[07:32.48] If I see him, I'll ask. 我看到他时会帮你问一下
[07:38.32] Was that Bob from six you were just talking to? 你刚刚在跟 六楼的巴伯说话?
[07:42.22] -Yeah. -You know him? -对 -你认识他?
[07:44.19] We're on a semi-first-name basis. 我们会互叫彼此的名字
[07:47.16] -What about adding him to our team? -Bob? -如果他加入我们的团队呢? -巴伯吗?
[07:51.90] Working here with us? Every day? I don't know if he has what it takes. 每天跟我们在这里一起工作? 我不知道他有没有那个能耐
[07:58.07] -They love him down on six. -But this is 11. -六楼的人很喜欢他 -但这里是11楼
[08:02.14] It's almost twice as hard up here. 这里的工作要难上两倍
[08:05.45] -Okay, Bob will stay put. -I think it's best, sir. -好吧,巴伯还是不能调职 -我想那么做是最好的
[08:09.65] We do need to find somebody. Work is starting to pile up. 我们真的很缺人 工作开始越积越多了
[08:13.49] I've got a stack of documents this high. 我有一叠文件 已经叠到这么高了
[08:16.89] Just toss them in the shredder and claim you never got them. 把它们丢到碎纸机里 就说你从来没有收到它们
[08:22.40] That's a good one, Bing. 那真的很好笑,宾
[08:24.97] What does a guy have to do to be taken seriously around here? 我该怎么做 他们才会觉得我是认真的?
[08:34.41] I gave him another chance, but Tim has got to go. 我再给他一次机会 但提姆非走不可
[08:38.38] I called the chef who recommended him to me. 我打电话 给推荐他给我的厨师
[08:42.12] He said, "Ha, ha! Gotcha!" 他说“哈,哈,整到你了”
[08:45.72] -But don't fire him today. -Why? -但别在今天开除他 -为什么?
[08:48.69] -Because I'm dumping him today. -You said he was sweet. -因为今天我要甩掉他 -你说他很体贴
[08:52.79] He's too sweet. He calls me all the time. 他太体贴了 他老是打电话给我
[08:56.90] "Did you get home okay? Was your shower okay?" “你平安回家了吗? 你的洗澡水够热吗?”
[09:00.70] -Don't pick up the phone. -Then he comes over! -别接电话 -他会亲自过来
[09:03.54] "I was so worried about you." Be a man! “我好担心你” 有点男子气概吧
[09:07.61] So I can't fire him? 所以我不能开除他?
[09:09.74] And dump him the same day? He'll kill himself. 让他在同一天被甩? 他会自杀的
[09:13.18] I'll fire him, and you go out with him another week. 我开除他 你再跟他交往一星期
[09:15.82] Are you kidding? Another week with that simp, I'll kill myself. 你在开玩笑吗? 再跟他交往一个星期,我会自杀的
[09:19.92] We'll both do it today and he'll just have to deal with it. 我们都在今天跟他摊牌 他得自己想办法应付
[09:23.93] Okay. But who's gonna go first? Whoever goes second is the bitch. 好吧,但谁要先说呢? 第二个说的人就是臭女人
[09:29.93] -What? -Fire a guy that's just been dumped? -什么? -开除一个刚刚被甩的男人?
[09:33.30] Bitch! And dump a guy that's just been fired? 臭女人 甩掉一个刚刚被开除的男人?
[09:37.14] Blond bitch! 金发臭女人
[09:39.24] I wanted to do this days ago, so I think I should go first. 我几天前就想这么做 所以我想应该让我先说
[09:43.95] All right, that makes sense. 好吧,你说的有理
[09:47.62] But screw you! I'm going first! 但去你的,我要先说
[09:55.12] -Toby, you got a sec? -Sure. What's up? -托比,你有空吗? -当然,什么事?
[09:57.49] I wanted to get transferred up here, but it's not gonna happen. 我想被调职到这里来 但我的美梦破灭
[10:02.66] Apparently somebody thinks I'm not "11th-floor material." 很明显地有人认为 我不是“11楼的材料”
[10:07.50] Say, who the hell is this Chandler? 钱德到底是谁?
[10:13.37] What's the best excuse for why I'm not drinking on this date tonight? 今晚约会时 哪个借口最适合我用来挡酒?
[10:17.58] "I'm a recovering alcoholic, " "I'm a Mormon".. “我正在戒酒” “我是摩门教徒”…
[10:20.82] or "I got so hammered last night I'm still a little drunk"? 或是“我昨晚喝太醉 现在还在宿醉”?
[10:25.35] You're not gonna tell him you're pregnant? 你不打算告诉他 你怀孕了?
[10:27.42] I don't think so. Books say wait till the third date to tell the guy.. 我想还是不要吧,书上说 等到第三次约会再告诉你的对象…
[10:31.19] you got something growing in your uterus. 你的胜子里 有个东西在成长
[10:35.06] -Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨
[10:36.26] What do you want to do tonight? 今晚你要做什么?
[10:39.10] There's a powerful Ukrainian film playing. Interested? 有出很棒的乌克兰电影 你想看吗?
[10:43.37] No. But I'll go see a normal-person movie with you. 不,但我可以陪你 看一般人看的电影
[10:48.01] -Rach, you wanna come? -I can't. I've got a date. -瑞秋,你要一起来吗? -不行,我有约会
[10:52.81] -A date? -Yeah. Why, is that weird for you? -约会? -对,怎么了?很奇怪吗?
[10:56.18] Why, no. It's the opposite of weird. It's regular. 不,一点都不奇怪 那很正常
[11:01.26] It's mundane. It's actually a little dull. 那太普通了 事实上还有点无聊
[11:05.56] It's no Ukrainian film. 它不是乌克兰电影
[11:08.70] Earrings! 耳环
[11:11.57] -She's got a date? With who? -I set her up with this actor. -她有约会?对方是谁? -我撮合她跟一个男演员
[11:17.54] -You set her up? -No. -你帮她牵红线? -不
[11:22.48] -What were you thinking? -That it was okay.. -你在想什么? -那应该没关系…
[11:25.88] because you two haven't dated in five years. 因为你们两个 已经分手五年了
[11:29.08] I'm worried about my baby. Whoever she dates, my baby dates. 我担心我的宝宝 跟她约会的人也在跟我的宝宝约会
[11:34.69] -Where is this "actor" taking them? -Hey! I'm an "actor" too. -这个“男演员”要带她们去哪里? -嘿,我也是男演员
[11:41.90] They're taking the ferry to a place on Staten lsland. 他们要搭渡轮 到史坦顿岛玩
[11:46.00] My baby's going on a ferry? Do you have any idea how dangerous those are? 我的宝宝要搭渡轮? 你知道那有多危险吗?
[11:52.37] Aren't we talking about those big boats that go really slow? 我们是在谈 那些速度缓慢的大船吧?
[11:56.71] Why not just jump out of an airplane or burn each other with matches? 他们为什么不去跳飞机 或点火柴把彼此烧了?
[12:06.59] -Hey, Joey. -Hey, Kash. Ross, this is Kash. -嘿,乔伊 -凯许,罗斯,他就是凯许
[12:10.56] Hey, I hear you're going on a ferry tonight. 我听说 今晚你们要去搭渡轮
[12:14.13] Bit of a daredevil, are we? 我们有点大胆吧?
[12:17.93] Do you guys think this is too slutty? Hi, Kash. 这件洋装是不是太露了? 嗨,凯许
[12:21.84] -Hey, Rachel. You ready to go? -Yeah. See you guys later. -瑞秋,你准备好了吗? -是的,待会见
[12:26.84] Have a great time, you guys. And yes, it is too slutty! 祝你们玩的愉快 那件洋装的确太露了
[12:37.22] Hi. 嗨
[12:39.52] Hi. 嗨
[12:40.92] I'm glad you called. I feel like I'm always calling you. 我很高兴你打电话给我 我也觉得自己太黏你了
[12:45.33] What's up? Is everything okay with Phoebe? 什么事? 菲比没事吧?
[12:49.60] It will be in a minute. 我待会就会没事
[12:53.23] -Tim, you're a really great guy. -That's because I'm with you. -提姆,你真的很棒 -那是因为我跟你在一起
[13:01.51] It's just, I'm in a place in my life right now where.. 但我的人生 现在走到了…
[13:06.58] So sorry. "This just in." 抱歉,“刚刚有消息传过来”
[13:11.05] It's the restaurant. Monica needs me right away. 是餐厅在呼叫我 摩妮卡要我马上赶过去
[13:13.89] No, she doesn't! I know what that is. You can stay. 不,不是的,我知道发生了什么事 你可以留下来
[13:18.13] I'll miss you too, Pheebs. 我也会想你的,菲比
[13:21.36] And I will be holding you right here. 我会把你放在这里
[13:33.61] What movie do you wanna see? And not one I have to read. 你想看哪部电影? 我不想看那种得认真看字幕的电影
[13:37.78] I get that from books. 我受够看书了
[13:40.95] -Books? -Okay, car magazines, cereal boxes.. -书? -好吧,汽车杂志,玉米片包装…
[13:44.59] but it's enough! 但那就够我受的了
[13:46.95] Let's not see a movie. We'll just stay here and hang. 我们别去看电影 就待在家里闲晃吧
[13:51.63] -Just wait for Rachel to come back? -Hey, if that's what you wanna do. -你要等瑞秋回来? -如果你要那么做的话
[13:58.23] Dude, what is going on? 发生了什么事?
[14:01.00] -I have to find out how it went. -Why? -我得知道他们之间怎么了 -为什么?
[14:04.57] -He could be my baby's stepfather. -One date and they're getting married? -他可能是我孩子的继父 -才约会一次他们就要结婚了?
[14:10.08] He's not you! 他不是你
[14:13.95] I can't believe she's dating! 我不敢相信她去约会了
[14:16.65] -What did you think she was gonna do? -I don't know. -你觉得她该怎么做呢? -我不知道
[14:21.26] -I can't believe this is happening. -What do you mean? -我不会相信会发生这种事 -你是什么意思?
[14:26.13] I thought when I had another kid, it'd be different. 我以为我再生个孩子 情况会不一样
[14:31.13] I love Ben. But every time I drop him off at Carol and Susan's.. 我爱班 但每次送他到卡萝跟苏珊家…
[14:37.10] it breaks my heart a little. 我都会觉得很伤心
[14:40.61] I've always had this picture of me and my next wife in bed.. 我一直想像着 我跟未来的太太躺在床上…
[14:45.15] my kid comes running in, leaps up on the bed and we all read the paper. 我的孩子跑过来跳到床上 我们会一起看报纸
[14:51.29] Maybe fight over the science section. 或许还会抢着看科学版
[14:55.19] -That's nice. You can still have that. -No. Rachel's out with some guy. -那很棒,你还可以拥有那样的梦想 -不,瑞秋跟别的男人约会
[15:01.63] My baby went with her. 我的孩子跟她一起去了
[15:05.00] If anything, that picture keeps moving further away. 如果出了任何事 那个梦想会离我越来越远
[15:10.87] Hey, can I ask you something? 我能问你一件事吗?
[15:13.14] In this picture of you and your wife, is your wife Rachel? 你想像你未来的太太时 她是瑞秋吗?
[15:20.05] It used to be. 以前是的
[15:23.68] Now she doesn't really have a face. 现在我梦里的人没有脸
[15:27.89] Smokin' body, though. 但她有很辣的身材
[15:32.36] Good call. But the face, Ross, the face isn't Rachel. 说的好,但是罗斯 她已经不是瑞秋了
[15:37.67] No. But how much easier would it be if it were? 对,但如果是的话 事情会变得很简单吧?
[15:42.00] That's not what she wants. 那不是她要的
[15:44.27] I know. And I can't force myself to fall in love with her. 我知道 我不能逼自己爱上她
[15:48.54] Ross, maybe you need a new picture. 罗斯,或许你需要新梦想
[15:52.11] It won't be what you thought. But no matter what.. 它会跟你之前的梦想不一样 但不论如何…
[15:56.22] there's gonna be a brand-new little baby. Your baby. 都会有个新宝宝 你的孩子
[16:01.12] Who cares what the picture looks like? 谁在乎梦想是什么样的呢?
[16:04.76] Yeah. 对
[16:07.53] Let's you and me go out and have some fun. 我们一起出去 好好地玩一玩吧
[16:11.13] Whatever you want. Come on. 你想做什么都行,来吧
[16:14.64] -We can catch that Ukrainian film. -No, I said fun. -我们还赶得上看乌克兰电影 -不,我说好玩的事
[16:20.94] -Hey, Toby? -Hey, Bobby. -嘿,托比 -嘿,巴比
[16:23.11] It's Bob, actually. 事实上是巴伯
[16:26.58] You work up here. Where's Chandler Bing's office? 你在这里工作 钱德宾的办公室在哪里?
[16:31.55] Yeah, it's right.. 它就在…
[16:36.66] Right there. Let me ask you, why? 就在那里 你问这个做什么?
[16:39.46] I wanna talk to that bastard, see what his problem is. 我想跟那个混蛋谈 看他有什么问题
[16:42.10] Okay, Bob. Listen. 好吧,巴伯,听我说
[16:45.77] I'm the reason you didn't get the job. 是我害你无法调职
[16:48.77] -Toby, don't. -Bob. -托比,不要 -巴伯
[16:50.97] Toby, I'm not gonna let you cover for him. 托比,我不会让你帮他说话
[16:55.78] Anything you say will just get me more upset with Chandler. 你说任何话 只会让我更气钱德
[17:00.35] That puts me in a difficult position. 那真的让我很两难
[17:04.62] You do anything to Chandler, it's gonna bring you down to his level. 你生钱德的气 只会让自己跟他一样卑鄙
[17:10.76] I guess you're right. 我猜你说的对
[17:12.93] Don't give him the satisfaction. You're better than Chandler. We all are. 别让他得逞 你比钱德棒,我们都是
[17:17.43] Especially me, Toby. 特别是我,托比
[17:23.77] -Is everything okay? -That depends. -没事吧? -那得视情况而定
[17:27.41] -How are you and Phoebe? -Great. Thanks for introducing us. -你跟菲比还好吧? -很好,谢谢你介绍我们认识
[17:31.61] My pleasure. Okay, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. 这是我的荣幸,好吧 我得跟你宣布一个坏消息
[17:36.92] -Phoebe! -Monica! -菲比 -摩妮卡
[17:40.45] -You're fired! -I'm breaking up with you! -你被开除了 -我要跟你分手
[17:43.66] I'm breaking up with you. 我要跟你分手
[17:45.66] -You're fired. -Why? -你被开除了 -为什么?
[17:49.10] I'm sorry. I'm not ready for a relationship right now. 抱歉 我还没有准备好跟别人长期交往
[17:53.53] I'm sorry too. But I like things done a certain way. 我也很抱歉 但我喜欢凡事照我的方法来做
[17:58.14] -The chemistry's just not right. -The chemistry thing for us too. -我们之间的化学反应不对 -我们也一样
[18:04.95] Wow. Okay. 好吧
[18:10.15] I realize I came on a little strong. It's because I think you're amazing. 我知道我太黏了 那是因为我觉得你很棒
[18:17.96] I wanna tell you how much I appreciate you giving me an opportunity. 我要告诉你 我很感激你给我机会
[18:23.00] You're the most talented chef I've ever worked for. 你是我合作过 最有天份的厨师
[18:27.13] Anyway.. 总之…
[18:34.68] -Tim, wait. -Yeah? -提姆,等一下 -什么事?
[18:38.85] I spoke too quickly. There's a learning curve with this job. 我话说得太快了 这份工作需要时间学习
[18:43.85] Maybe we could try it again. 或许我们能再试一次
[18:46.79] Thank you so much. I know I can be better. 谢谢 我知道我可以表现的更好
[18:52.16] And, Tim, I just want to say good luck here. 提姆 我只想说祝你好运
[19:03.54] -Hello. -Hi. -你好 -嗨
[19:06.47] How was the date? 你约会情况如何?
[19:08.54] I'm alone and I just bought $15 worth of candy bars. What do you think? 我一个人买了15块钱的糖果 你觉得呢?
[19:14.31] -What happened? -I told him I was pregnant. -发生了什么事? -我告诉他我怀孕了
[19:18.99] -He didn't take it so well? -Well, better than you. -他不能接受? -他的反应比你好
[19:23.99] -But still not what you want. -Oh? -但那仍不是你要的 -喔?
[19:27.39] Yeah. He got all weird and sputtery. Then he said: 对,他真的是吓坏了 然后他说
[19:31.20] "I hear those hemorrhoids are a bitch." “我听说长痔疮 真的很难过”
[19:34.74] -He sounds swell. -Doesn't he? -说的好 -是吗?
[19:38.37] You want a little cheering up? Sit down. 你要来点鼓励吗?坐下
[19:43.88] Guess whose middle name is Muriel. 你猜谁中间名叫马利欧
[19:51.08] Chandler M. Bing. Oh, my God. 钱德·M·宾,天啊
[19:59.59] -I'm sorry about your date. -It's all right. -我很遗憾你的约会没有成功 -没事的
[20:02.93] I guess I'm just done with the dating thing. 我猜我受够了约会
[20:06.60] Just one more thing in my life that's completely different. 那只是我生命中 另一件完全改变的事
[20:11.31] -This is hard. -Yeah, I know. -这真的很难 -我了解
[20:17.18] On the other hand, in seven months you're gonna have something.. 但反过来说 再过七个月你将能拥有一个孩子…
[20:23.48] that you're gonna love more than any guy you've ever gone out with. 你对它的爱 胜过于你对其他人的感觉
[20:30.29] Just wait. 等着吧
[20:33.73] Wait until the first time your baby grabs your finger. 等到孩子第一次 抓住你的手指
[20:38.43] You have no idea. 你不会了解的
[20:42.30] Thanks, sweetie. 谢谢你,甜心
[20:48.64] -You wanna grab some coffee? -No. I'm gonna go eat 10 candy bars. -你要喝杯咖啡吗? -不,我要去吃掉10根棒棒糖
[20:54.72] -I thought I cheered you up. -You did. There are 20 in here. -我还以为我让你心情变好了 -没错,我刚刚买了20根
[21:00.32] -Good night. -Good night. -晚安 -晚安
[21:10.00] Ross? Hey, it's Mona. From the wedding. 罗斯,我是蒙娜 我们在婚礼上见过
[21:14.10] -Oh, hi! -Hi. -嗨 -嗨
[21:18.17] -How are you? -I'm good, except you owe me a dance. -你好吗? -我很好,但你欠我一只舞
[21:22.24] That's right. Well, would you be interested in seeing a Ukrainian film? 没错,你想看乌克兰电影吗?
[21:29.38] Oh, you're serious. Sure. 你是认真的,好吧
[21:32.79] Great. Well.. 太棒了,喔…
[21:35.99] -I think I need another cup of coffee. -Sure, let me get it for you. -我想再来一杯咖啡 -没问题,我去帮你拿
[21:51.00] (谨以本片纪念 老理查寇克斯)
[21:57.94] Bob? 巴伯
[21:59.25] Bob! 巴伯
[22:01.08] Bob! 巴伯
[22:03.48] -What the hell are you doing? -This is Chandler's office. -你到底在做什么? -这是钱德的办公室
[22:08.36] Come on, Toby. Give me a hand! 来吧,托比,快来帮我


[00:01.60] This one' s rare. This one' s mediumwell. Go! zhè shì sān fēn shú zhè shì wǔ fēn shú, kuài qù ba
[00:04.70] Hey, Phoebe! How was dinner?! fēi bǐ, wǎn cān hǎo chī ma?
[00:06.80] Dinner was good! Just saying hi! Now I' m gonna go! wǎn cān hěn hǎo chī, wǒ zhǐ shì lái dǎ zhāo hū wǒ yào zǒu le
[00:11.44] Well, hello there. Hi. nǐ hǎo hāi
[00:15.04] I didn' t see this on the menu. wǒ zài cài dān shàng méi yǒu kàn dào zhè gè
[00:17.85] Tim, this is Phoebe. Phoebe, this is Tim, my new sous chef. tí mǔ, tā shì fēi bǐ fēi bǐ, tā shì wǒ de xīn èr chú tí mǔ
[00:21.05] So you' re Monica' s boss? No, she' s my boss. nǐ shì mó nī kǎ de lǎo bǎn bù, tā shì wǒ de lǎo bǎn
[00:23.65] " Sous" is French for " under." I " sousstand." " èr" zài fǎ wén lǐ shì" zhī xià" de yì sī wǒ" liǎo jiě" le
[00:28.49] Tim, I need a calamari and a caesar salad. And could you get me the pesto? tí mǔ, wǒ yào yī fèn wū zéi gēn yī fèn kǎi sǎ shā là nǐ kě yǐ gěi wǒ qīng jiàng ma?
[00:32.86] You made pesto? Yes, I did. qīng jiàng shì nǐ zuò de? méi cuò
[00:35.63] Would you say your pesto is the besto? nǐ jué de nǐ de qīng jiàng shì zuì bàng de?
[00:38.93] I don' t know. I would say it' s pretty goodo. wǒ bù zhī dào wǒ huì shuō tā zhēn de hěn bàng
[00:44.94] I still need the calamari and salad. wǒ hái shì xū yào wū zéi gēn shā là
[00:47.21] I like your necklace. wǒ xǐ huān nǐ de xiàng liàn
[00:48.98] " Coming up, Monica. I have to obey you, otherwise the system breaks down." " mǎ shàng lái, mó nī kǎ, wǒ dé fú cóng nǐ bù rán de huà xì tǒng huì wǎ jiě"
[00:52.91] " l know that." " Then why are we having this conversation? " " wǒ zhī dào"," nà me wǒ men wèi shí me hái yào tán zhèi xiē?"
[00:56.42] I made it myself. You are so talented. nà shi wǒ zì jǐ zuò de nǐ zhēn de hǎo yǒu tiān fèn
[00:59.09] Well, it' s no pesto. nà bú shì qīng jiàng
[01:02.16] Let' s just cut to the chase. You' re single. You' re single. wǒ men jiù bié wán yóu xì le nǐ shì dān shēn, nǐ yě dān shēn
[01:05.93] He gets off work at 11. She' ll be waiting for your call. tā 11 diǎn xià bān tā huì děng nǐ de diàn huà
[01:09.00] I' ll give him your number if I could just get one calamari and one caesar salad! kuài gěi wǒ wū zéi gēn kǎi sǎ shā là wǒ jiù huì gěi tā nǐ de diàn huà hào mǎ
[01:15.94] I did not yell. I am not putting a dollar in the jar. wǒ méi yǒu dà jiào wǒ bù bì bèi fá yí kuài qián
[01:20.84] The One With Rachels Date běn jí bō chū: ruì qiū de nán yǒu
[02:00.52] Wow, Bing! Burning the midnight oil. You know me, sir. bīn, nǐ hái zài áo yè jiā bān nǐ hěn liǎo jiě wǒ de, lǎo bǎn
[02:05.59] Do you know how I can get around the office computer network.. nǐ zhī dào yào zěn me bì guò bàn gōng shì de diàn nǎo wǎng lù
[02:09.29] so I can access the really good Internet porn? jìn qù wǎng jì wǎng lù kàn chāo jí jīng cǎi de huáng sè diàn yǐng ma?
[02:13.63] You' re a joker, Bing. nǐ zhēn ài kāi wán xiào, bīn
[02:17.27] What' s funny about that? nà yǒu shén me hǎo xiào de?
[02:20.24] Sorry I kept you waiting so long. That' s okay. Where do you wanna go? bào qiàn ràng nǐ děng zhè me jiǔ méi guān xì, nǐ xiǎng qù nǎ lǐ?
[02:25.04] I think you know where I wanna go. wǒ yǐ wéi nǐ zhī dào wǒ yào qù nǎ lǐ
[02:27.18] The Hard Rock Cafe? Yeah. yìng shí cān tīng? duì
[02:30.18] Again? Yeah. yòu yào qù? duì
[02:33.65] I' m telling you, I like the food. You like the Purple Rain display. wǒ zhēn de hěn xǐ huān nà lǐ de shí wù nǐ xǐ huān nà lǐ de zǐ yǔ zhǎn shì pǐn
[02:39.75] Hey, Bob. Hey, Toby. Have a good night. hāi, bā bó hāi, tuō bǐ, zhù nǐ jīn wǎn wán dé kāi xīn
[02:43.76] Did that guy just call you Toby? Yeah, he thinks that' s my name. nà jiā huo jiào nǐ tuō bǐ? duì, tā yǐ wéi nà shi wǒ de míng zì
[02:49.76] Why don' t you correct him? It' s been going on way too long now. nǐ wèi shí me bù gēng zhèng tā? nà shi hěn jiǔ yǐ qián de shì le
[02:54.37] The first time, we were just passing each other, so I didn' t say anything. dì yī cì wǒ men cuò shēn ér guò suǒ yǐ wǒ shén me dōu méi shuō
[02:58.01] The next time he said, " Toby, want a doughnut?" dì èr cì tā shuō " tuō bǐ, nǐ yào chī tián tián quān ma?"
[03:01.54] I wanted the doughnut. wǒ xiǎng chī tián tián quān
[03:04.95] Five years later, the doughnut' s gone and I' m still Toby. wǔ nián hòu tián tián quān zǎo jiù xiāo huà guāng le wǒ hái shì tuō bǐ
[03:09.15] Chandler, you have to tell him. That would be so awkward. qián dé, nǐ dé gào sù tā nà yí dìng huì hěn kě pà
[03:13.56] We don' t work together. He' s on the sixth floor. wǒ men bù zài tóng yí gè lóu céng gōng zuò tā zài liù lóu
[03:16.99] So he calls me Toby once in a while. tā měi gé yī zhèn zi huì jiào wǒ tuō bǐ
[03:20.16] It' s not like he' s calling me Muriel. fǎn zhèng tā bú shì jiào wǒ mǎ lì ōu
[03:23.10] Muriel. Why would he call you Muriel? mǎ lì ōu tā wèi shí me yào jiào nǐ mǎ lì ōu?
[03:31.24] Oh, my God. tiān a
[03:34.38] Chandler " M." Bing. qián dé M bīn?
[03:39.18] It' s not just an " M." Your middle name is Muriel! shì shí shàng bú shì M nǐ de zhōng jiān míng shì mǎ lì ōu
[03:44.12] It is a family name. nà shi jiā zú míng zì
[03:47.02] Chandler Muriel Bing. qián dé mǎ lì ōu bīn
[03:51.09] Your parents never even gave you a chance, did they? nǐ fù mǔ zhēn de bù gěi nǐ rèn hé jī huì, duì ba?
[03:56.70] Drake, I' ve discovered the reason for your memory loss. dé ruì kè wǒ zhǎo chū nǐ sàng shī jì yì de yuán yīn le
[04:00.03] What is it? wèi shí me?
[04:01.30] Your brain transplant wasn' t successful. nǐ de nǎo bù yí zhí shǒu shù shī bài
[04:04.51] Your body' s rejecting Jessica' s brain. nǐ de shēn tǐ pái chì jié xī kǎ de nǎo bù
[04:07.54] Is it serious? hěn yán zhòng ma?
[04:09.98] Not if we extract tissue from the original body.. rú guǒ wǒ men kě yǐ cóng juān zèng zhě de shēn tǐ chōu qǔ zǔ zhī
[04:12.58] and synthesize antibodies to stop you from rejecting the brain. hé chéng kàng shēng sù zǔ zhǐ nǐ pái chì yí zhí lái de nǎo bù
[04:18.82] That sounds simple enough. Let' s just do that. tīng qǐ lái hěn jiǎn dān wǒ men jiù nà me zuò ba
[04:22.62] We would, but when we went to exhume Jessica' s body.. wǒ men kě yǐ nà me zuò dàn wǒ men xiǎng wā chū jié xī kǎ de shī tǐ shí
[04:26.66] it was gone. fā xiàn tā bú jiàn le
[04:33.03] Very nice, people. fēi cháng bù cuò, dà huǒ men
[04:34.87] I' ll change and we can go. wǒ huàn le yī fú hòu wǒ men jiù néng lí kāi
[04:37.21] What happened to Jessica' s body? You' ll have to see it on TV. jié xī kǎ de shī tǐ zěn me le? nǐ dé kàn diàn shì cái huì zhī dào
[04:41.98] You don' t know, do you? Couldn' t care less. nǐ bù zhī dào, duì ba? wǒ yě bù zài hu
[04:45.58] Good scene, man. You too. nǐ biǎo xiàn de hěn hǎo nǐ yě shì
[04:51.85] What? You weren' t in it. shén me? nǐ gēn běn bú shì yǎn yuán
[04:56.22] Kash, this is my friend Rachel. Rachel, Kash. kǎi xǔ, tā shì wǒ péng yǒu ruì qiū ruì qiū, kǎi xǔ
[04:59.99] Hi. Why haven' t I seen you here before? hāi wèi shí me zhī qián wǒ méi yǒu jiàn guò nǐ?
[05:04.07] Joey just thinks I' ll embarrass him. He thinks I' m a soap opera nut. qiáo yī jué de wǒ huì diū tā de liǎn tā rèn wéi wǒ shì féi zào jù mí
[05:10.27] Which I' m not. I' m not. wǒ cái bú shì zhēn de
[05:12.97] Although, I do know your favorite ice cream flavor is butter pecan. suī rán wǒ zhēn de zhī dào nǐ zuì xǐ huān hú táo nǎi yóu kǒu wèi de bīng qí lín
[05:19.01] And your dog' s name is Wally. nǐ de gǒu jiào zuò huá lì
[05:23.05] Look, I' m just stroking your arm. Here we go. tiān a, wǒ zài mō nǐ de shǒu wǒ men zǒu ba
[05:26.55] Bye, Kash. Say hi to Wally. zài jiàn, kǎi xǔ bāng wǒ gēn huá lì wèn hǎo
[05:34.23] Monica. Hi. mó nī kǎ hāi
[05:36.20] I had the best time with Tim last night. He is so sweet. zuó wǎn wǒ gēn tí mǔ wán de hěn kāi xīn tā zhēn de hěn tǐ tiē
[05:41.40] I can' t wait to get " sousneath" him. wǒ děng bù jí zuān dào tā de shēn tǐ xià miàn qù
[05:46.01] I have to fire him. Why? wǒ dé kāi chú tā wèi shí me?
[05:48.24] He' s terrible. He' s slow. He burns things. tā zhēn de hěn kě pà tā de dòng zuò chāo màn, hái huì bǎ shí wù shāo jiāo
[05:51.81] He lit my pastry chef on fire. tā fàng huǒ shāo wǒ de tián diǎn zhǔ chú
[05:54.95] He was nervous. You can be intimidating. tā tài jǐn zhāng le nǐ lǎo shì xiōng bā bā de
[05:58.22] And your pastry chef can stand to be taken down a peg. nǐ de tián diǎn zhǔ chú máo fà yīng gāi kě yǐ shǎo yì diǎn
[06:02.26] Well, now she has no eyebrows. Mission accomplished. xiàn zài tā méi yǒu méi máo rèn wù wán chéng
[06:06.23] But, Monica, he loves his job so much. dàn mó nī kǎ, tā rè ài tā de gōng zuò
[06:09.66] Can' t you just give him another chance, please? nǐ bù néng zài gěi tā yī cì jī huì ma? bài tuō
[06:14.90] All right. But if he lights someone else on fire, he' s gone. hǎo ba, dàn rú guǒ tā zài fàng huǒ shāo bié rén tā fēi zǒu bù kě
[06:18.17] That' s fair. Thank you so much. nà hěn gōng píng, xiè xiè nǐ
[06:22.91] Looks like he got you a little bit too. kàn qǐ lái tā yě shāo dào nǐ le
[06:26.45] I paid to have this done. wǒ fù qián bǎ tóu fà nòng chéng zhè yàng
[06:31.42] Love it! wǒ xǐ huān
[06:36.46] Hey. You know, Kash really liked you. zhī dào ma? kǎi xǔ zhēn de xǐ huān nǐ
[06:40.80] He thought you were charming. tā jué de nǐ hěn mí rén
[06:43.13] I thought I was an idiot. I' m with you. wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ shì gè bái chī wǒ zàn chéng
[06:48.20] He asked if you' d go out with him. I think I' m gonna throw up a little. tā wèn nǐ yuàn bù yuàn yì gēn tā yuē huì wǒ xiǎng wǒ dé qù tǔ yī xià
[06:53.88] What did you say? " No." nǐ zěn me shuō? " bù"
[06:56.28] What? shén me?
[06:58.28] I figured since you' re pregnant, you' re not gonna be seeing people. wǒ xiǎng yīn wèi nǐ huái yùn le nǐ bù néng gēn bié rén yuē huì
[07:04.59] First of all, Kash Ford? Not people. shǒu xiān, tā shì kǎi xǔ fú tè bú shì yì bān rén
[07:09.32] Did you tell him I was pregnant? nǐ gào sù tā wǒ huái yùn le ma?
[07:12.13] No. I didn' t know if you told people. This was when Kash was still " people." bù, wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ yào bú yào gào sù bié rén zhè shí hòu de kǎi xǔ shì" yì bān rén"
[07:18.13] Good. Just have him call me. I don' t think that' s.. hěn hǎo, qǐng tā dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ wǒ bù jué de
[07:22.14] Go do it or I' ll come back to that set. I' ll meet more actors. zhào wǒ de huà zuò, bù rán wǒ huì huí dào shè yǐng péng pào qí tā de nán yǎn yuán
[07:29.01] Hey, Bob. How' s my pal Toby doing today? hēi, bā bó wǒ péng yǒu tuō bǐ jīn tiān hái hǎo ma?
[07:32.48] If I see him, I' ll ask. wǒ kàn dào tā shí huì bāng nǐ wèn yī xià
[07:38.32] Was that Bob from six you were just talking to? nǐ gāng gāng zài gēn liù lóu de bā bó shuō huà?
[07:42.22] Yeah. You know him? duì nǐ rèn shi tā?
[07:44.19] We' re on a semifirstname basis. wǒ men huì hù jiào bǐ cǐ de míng zì
[07:47.16] What about adding him to our team? Bob? rú guǒ tā jiā rù wǒ men de tuán duì ne? bā bó ma?
[07:51.90] Working here with us? Every day? I don' t know if he has what it takes. měi tiān gēn wǒ men zài zhè lǐ yì qǐ gōng zuò? wǒ bù zhī dào tā yǒu méi yǒu nà gè néng nài
[07:58.07] They love him down on six. But this is 11. liù lóu de rén hěn xǐ huān tā dàn zhè lǐ shì 11 lóu
[08:02.14] It' s almost twice as hard up here. zhè lǐ de gōng zuò yào nán shàng liǎng bèi
[08:05.45] Okay, Bob will stay put. I think it' s best, sir. hǎo ba, bā bó hái shì bù néng diào zhí wǒ xiǎng nà me zuò shì zuì hǎo de
[08:09.65] We do need to find somebody. Work is starting to pile up. wǒ men zhēn de hěn quē rén gōng zuò kāi shǐ yuè jī yuè duō le
[08:13.49] I' ve got a stack of documents this high. wǒ yǒu yī dié wén jiàn yǐ jīng dié dào zhè me gāo le
[08:16.89] Just toss them in the shredder and claim you never got them. bǎ tā men diū dào suì zhǐ jī lǐ jiù shuō nǐ cóng lái méi yǒu shōu dào tā men
[08:22.40] That' s a good one, Bing. nà zhēn de hěn hǎo xiào, bīn
[08:24.97] What does a guy have to do to be taken seriously around here? wǒ gāi zěn me zuò tā men cái huì jué de wǒ shì rèn zhēn de?
[08:34.41] I gave him another chance, but Tim has got to go. wǒ zài gěi tā yī cì jī huì dàn tí mǔ fēi zǒu bù kě
[08:38.38] I called the chef who recommended him to me. wǒ dǎ diàn huà gěi tuī jiàn tā gěi wǒ de chú shī
[08:42.12] He said, " Ha, ha! Gotcha!" tā shuō" hā, hā, zhěng dào nǐ le"
[08:45.72] But don' t fire him today. Why? dàn bié zài jīn tiān kāi chú tā wèi shí me?
[08:48.69] Because I' m dumping him today. You said he was sweet. yīn wèi jīn tiān wǒ yào shuǎi diào tā nǐ shuō tā hěn tǐ tiē
[08:52.79] He' s too sweet. He calls me all the time. tā tài tǐ tiē le tā lǎo shì dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ
[08:56.90] " Did you get home okay? Was your shower okay?" " nǐ píng ān huí jiā le ma? nǐ de xǐ zǎo shuǐ gòu rè ma?"
[09:00.70] Don' t pick up the phone. Then he comes over! bié jiē diàn huà tā huì qīn zì guò lái
[09:03.54] " I was so worried about you." Be a man! " wǒ hǎo dān xīn nǐ" yǒu diǎn nán zǐ qì gài ba
[09:07.61] So I can' t fire him? suǒ yǐ wǒ bù néng kāi chú tā?
[09:09.74] And dump him the same day? He' ll kill himself. ràng tā zài tóng yì tiān bèi shuǎi? tā huì zì shā de
[09:13.18] I' ll fire him, and you go out with him another week. wǒ kāi chú tā nǐ zài gēn tā jiāo wǎng yī xīng qī
[09:15.82] Are you kidding? Another week with that simp, I' ll kill myself. nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ma? zài gēn tā jiāo wǎng yí gè xīng qī, wǒ huì zì shā de
[09:19.92] We' ll both do it today and he' ll just have to deal with it. wǒ men dōu zài jīn tiān gēn tā tān pái tā dé zì jǐ xiǎng bàn fǎ yìng fù
[09:23.93] Okay. But who' s gonna go first? Whoever goes second is the bitch. hǎo ba, dàn shuí yào xiān shuō ne? dì èr gè shuō de rén jiù shì chòu nǚ rén
[09:29.93] What? Fire a guy that' s just been dumped? shén me? kāi chú yí gè gāng gāng bèi shuǎi de nán rén?
[09:33.30] Bitch! And dump a guy that' s just been fired? chòu nǚ rén shuǎi diào yí gè gāng gāng bèi kāi chú de nán rén?
[09:37.14] Blond bitch! jīn fà chòu nǚ rén
[09:39.24] I wanted to do this days ago, so I think I should go first. wǒ jǐ tiān qián jiù xiǎng zhè me zuò suǒ yǐ wǒ xiǎng yīng gāi ràng wǒ xiān shuō
[09:43.95] All right, that makes sense. hǎo ba, nǐ shuō de yǒu lǐ
[09:47.62] But screw you! I' m going first! dàn qù nǐ de, wǒ yào xiān shuō
[09:55.12] Toby, you got a sec? Sure. What' s up? tuō bǐ, nǐ yǒu kòng ma? dāng rán, shén me shì?
[09:57.49] I wanted to get transferred up here, but it' s not gonna happen. wǒ xiǎng bèi diào zhí dào zhè lǐ lái dàn wǒ de měi mèng pò miè
[10:02.66] Apparently somebody thinks I' m not " 11thfloor material." hěn míng xiǎn dì yǒu rén rèn wéi wǒ bú shì" 11 lóu de cái liào"
[10:07.50] Say, who the hell is this Chandler? qián dé dào dǐ shì shuí?
[10:13.37] What' s the best excuse for why I' m not drinking on this date tonight? jīn wǎn yuē huì shí něi gè jiè kǒu zuì shì hé wǒ yòng lái dǎng jiǔ?
[10:17.58] " I' m a recovering alcoholic, " " I' m a Mormon".. " wǒ zhèng zài jiè jiǔ" " wǒ shì mó mén jiào tú"
[10:20.82] or " I got so hammered last night I' m still a little drunk"? huò shì" wǒ zuó wǎn hē tài zuì xiàn zài hái zài sù zuì"?
[10:25.35] You' re not gonna tell him you' re pregnant? nǐ bù dǎ suàn gào sù tā nǐ huái yùn le?
[10:27.42] I don' t think so. Books say wait till the third date to tell the guy.. wǒ xiǎng hái shì bú yào ba, shū shàng shuō děng dào dì sān cì yuē huì zài gào sù nǐ de duì xiàng
[10:31.19] you got something growing in your uterus. nǐ de shèng zǐ lǐ yǒu gè dōng xī zài chéng zhǎng
[10:35.06] Hey. Hi. hēi hāi
[10:36.26] What do you want to do tonight? jīn wǎn nǐ yào zuò shí mǒ?
[10:39.10] There' s a powerful Ukrainian film playing. Interested? yǒu chū hěn bàng de wū kè lán diàn yǐng nǐ xiǎng kàn ma?
[10:43.37] No. But I' ll go see a normalperson movie with you. bù, dàn wǒ kě yǐ péi nǐ kàn yì bān rén kàn de diàn yǐng
[10:48.01] Rach, you wanna come? I can' t. I' ve got a date. ruì qiū, nǐ yào yì qǐ lái ma? bù xíng, wǒ yǒu yuē huì
[10:52.81] A date? Yeah. Why, is that weird for you? yuē huì? duì, zěn me le? hěn qí guài ma?
[10:56.18] Why, no. It' s the opposite of weird. It' s regular. bù, yì diǎn dōu bù qí guài nà hěn zhèng cháng
[11:01.26] It' s mundane. It' s actually a little dull. nà tài pǔ tōng le shì shí shàng hái yǒu diǎn wú liáo
[11:05.56] It' s no Ukrainian film. tā bú shì wū kè lán diàn yǐng
[11:08.70] Earrings! ěr huán
[11:11.57] She' s got a date? With who? I set her up with this actor. tā yǒu yuē huì? duì fāng shì shuí? wǒ cuō hé tā gēn yí gè nán yǎn yuán
[11:17.54] You set her up? No. nǐ bāng tā qiān hóng xiàn? bù
[11:22.48] What were you thinking? That it was okay.. nǐ zài xiǎng shén me? nà yīng gāi méi guān xì
[11:25.88] because you two haven' t dated in five years. yīn wèi nǐ men liǎng gè yǐ jīng fēn shǒu wǔ nián le
[11:29.08] I' m worried about my baby. Whoever she dates, my baby dates. wǒ dān xīn wǒ de bǎo bǎo gēn tā yuē huì de rén yě zài gēn wǒ de bǎo bǎo yuē huì
[11:34.69] Where is this " actor" taking them? Hey! I' m an " actor" too. zhè gè" nán yǎn yuán" yào dài tā men qù nǎ lǐ? hēi, wǒ yě shì nán yǎn yuán
[11:41.90] They' re taking the ferry to a place on Staten lsland. tā men yào dā dù lún dào shǐ tǎn dùn dǎo wán
[11:46.00] My baby' s going on a ferry? Do you have any idea how dangerous those are? wǒ de bǎo bǎo yào dā dù lún? nǐ zhī dào nà yǒu duō wēi xiǎn ma?
[11:52.37] Aren' t we talking about those big boats that go really slow? wǒ men shì zài tán nèi xiē sù dù huǎn màn de dà chuán ba?
[11:56.71] Why not just jump out of an airplane or burn each other with matches? tā men wèi shí me bù qù tiào fēi jī huò diǎn huǒ chái bǎ bǐ cǐ shāo le?
[12:06.59] Hey, Joey. Hey, Kash. Ross, this is Kash. hēi, qiáo yī kǎi xǔ, luó sī, tā jiù shì kǎi xǔ
[12:10.56] Hey, I hear you' re going on a ferry tonight. wǒ tīng shuō jīn wǎn nǐ men yào qù dā dù lún
[12:14.13] Bit of a daredevil, are we? wǒ men yǒu diǎn dà dǎn ba?
[12:17.93] Do you guys think this is too slutty? Hi, Kash. zhè jiàn yáng zhuāng shì bú shì tài lù le? hāi, kǎi xǔ
[12:21.84] Hey, Rachel. You ready to go? Yeah. See you guys later. ruì qiū, nǐ zhǔn bèi hǎo le ma? shì de, dāi huì jiàn
[12:26.84] Have a great time, you guys. And yes, it is too slutty! zhù nǐ men wán de yú kuài nà jiàn yáng zhuāng dí què tài lù le
[12:37.22] Hi. hāi
[12:39.52] Hi. hāi
[12:40.92] I' m glad you called. I feel like I' m always calling you. wǒ hěn gāo xìng nǐ dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ wǒ yě jué de zì jǐ tài nián nǐ le
[12:45.33] What' s up? Is everything okay with Phoebe? shén me shì? fēi bǐ méi shì ba?
[12:49.60] It will be in a minute. wǒ dāi huì jiù huì méi shì
[12:53.23] Tim, you' re a really great guy. That' s because I' m with you. tí mǔ, nǐ zhēn de hěn bàng nà shi yīn wèi wǒ gēn nǐ zài yì qǐ
[13:01.51] It' s just, I' m in a place in my life right now where.. dàn wǒ de rén shēng xiàn zài zǒu dào le
[13:06.58] So sorry. " This just in." bào qiàn," gāng gāng yǒu xiāo xī chuán guò lái"
[13:11.05] It' s the restaurant. Monica needs me right away. shì cān tīng zài hū jiào wǒ mó nī kǎ yào wǒ mǎ shàng gǎn guò qù
[13:13.89] No, she doesn' t! I know what that is. You can stay. bù, bú shì de, wǒ zhī dào fā shēng le shén me shì nǐ kě yǐ liú xià lái
[13:18.13] I' ll miss you too, Pheebs. wǒ yě huì xiǎng nǐ de, fēi bǐ
[13:21.36] And I will be holding you right here. wǒ huì bǎ nǐ fàng zài zhè lǐ
[13:33.61] What movie do you wanna see? And not one I have to read. nǐ xiǎng kàn nǎ bù diàn yǐng? wǒ bù xiǎng kàn nà zhǒng dé rèn zhēn kàn zì mù de diàn yǐng
[13:37.78] I get that from books. wǒ shòu gòu kàn shū le
[13:40.95] Books? Okay, car magazines, cereal boxes.. shū? hǎo ba, qì chē zá zhì, yù mǐ piàn bāo zhuāng
[13:44.59] but it' s enough! dàn nà jiù gòu wǒ shòu de le
[13:46.95] Let' s not see a movie. We' ll just stay here and hang. wǒ men bié qù kàn diàn yǐng jiù dài zài jiā lǐ xián huàng ba
[13:51.63] Just wait for Rachel to come back? Hey, if that' s what you wanna do. nǐ yào děng ruì qiū huí lái? rú guǒ nǐ yào nà me zuò de huà
[13:58.23] Dude, what is going on? fā shēng le shén me shì?
[14:01.00] I have to find out how it went. Why? wǒ dé zhī dào tā men zhī jiān zěn me le wèi shí me?
[14:04.57] He could be my baby' s stepfather. One date and they' re getting married? tā kě néng shì wǒ hái zi de jì fù cái yuē huì yī cì tā men jiù yào jié hūn le?
[14:10.08] He' s not you! tā bú shì nǐ
[14:13.95] I can' t believe she' s dating! wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn tā qù yuē huì le
[14:16.65] What did you think she was gonna do? I don' t know. nǐ jué de tā gāi zěn me zuò ne? wǒ bù zhī dào
[14:21.26] I can' t believe this is happening. What do you mean? wǒ bú huì xiāng xìn huì fā shēng zhè zhǒng shì nǐ shì shén me yì sī?
[14:26.13] I thought when I had another kid, it' d be different. wǒ yǐ wéi wǒ zài shēng gè hái zi qíng kuàng huì bù yí yàng
[14:31.13] I love Ben. But every time I drop him off at Carol and Susan' s.. wǒ ài bān dàn měi cì sòng tā dào kǎ luó gēn sū shān jiā
[14:37.10] it breaks my heart a little. wǒ dōu huì jué de hěn shāng xīn
[14:40.61] I' ve always had this picture of me and my next wife in bed.. wǒ yī zhí xiǎng xiàng zhe wǒ gēn wèi lái de tài tài tǎng zài chuáng shàng
[14:45.15] my kid comes running in, leaps up on the bed and we all read the paper. wǒ de hái zi pǎo guò lái tiào dào chuáng shàng wǒ men huì yì qǐ kàn bào zhǐ
[14:51.29] Maybe fight over the science section. huò xǔ hái huì qiǎng zhe kàn kē xué bǎn
[14:55.19] That' s nice. You can still have that. No. Rachel' s out with some guy. nà hěn bàng, nǐ hái kě yǐ yōng yǒu nà yàng de mèng xiǎng bù, ruì qiū gēn bié de nán rén yuē huì
[15:01.63] My baby went with her. wǒ de hái zi gēn tā yì qǐ qù le
[15:05.00] If anything, that picture keeps moving further away. rú guǒ chū le rèn hé shì nà gè mèng xiǎng huì lí wǒ yuè lái yuè yuǎn
[15:10.87] Hey, can I ask you something? wǒ néng wèn nǐ yī jiàn shì ma?
[15:13.14] In this picture of you and your wife, is your wife Rachel? nǐ xiǎng xiàng nǐ wèi lái de tài tài shí tā shì ruì qiū ma?
[15:20.05] It used to be. yǐ qián shì de
[15:23.68] Now she doesn' t really have a face. xiàn zài wǒ mèng lǐ de rén méi yǒu liǎn
[15:27.89] Smokin' body, though. dàn tā yǒu hěn là de shēn cái
[15:32.36] Good call. But the face, Ross, the face isn' t Rachel. shuō de hǎo, dàn shì luó sī tā yǐ jīng bú shì ruì qiū le
[15:37.67] No. But how much easier would it be if it were? duì, dàn rú guǒ shì de huà shì qíng huì biàn de hěn jiǎn dān ba?
[15:42.00] That' s not what she wants. nà bú shì tā yào de
[15:44.27] I know. And I can' t force myself to fall in love with her. wǒ zhī dào wǒ bù néng bī zì jǐ ài shàng tā
[15:48.54] Ross, maybe you need a new picture. luó sī, huò xǔ nǐ xū yào xīn mèng xiǎng
[15:52.11] It won' t be what you thought. But no matter what.. tā huì gēn nǐ zhī qián de mèng xiǎng bù yí yàng dàn bù lùn rú hé
[15:56.22] there' s gonna be a brandnew little baby. Your baby. dōu huì yǒu gè xīn bǎo bǎo nǐ de hái zi
[16:01.12] Who cares what the picture looks like? shuí zài hu mèng xiǎng shì shén me yàng de ne?
[16:04.76] Yeah. duì
[16:07.53] Let' s you and me go out and have some fun. wǒ men yì qǐ chū qù hǎo hǎo dì wán yī wán ba
[16:11.13] Whatever you want. Come on. nǐ xiǎng zuò shí mǒ dōu xíng, lái ba
[16:14.64] We can catch that Ukrainian film. No, I said fun. wǒ men hái gǎn děi shàng kàn wū kè lán diàn yǐng bù, wǒ shuō hǎo wán de shì
[16:20.94] Hey, Toby? Hey, Bobby. hēi, tuō bǐ hēi, bā bǐ
[16:23.11] It' s Bob, actually. shì shí shàng shì bā bó
[16:26.58] You work up here. Where' s Chandler Bing' s office? nǐ zài zhè lǐ gōng zuò qián dé bīn de bàn gōng shì zài nǎ lǐ?
[16:31.55] Yeah, it' s right.. tā jiù zài
[16:36.66] Right there. Let me ask you, why? jiù zài nà li nǐ wèn zhè gè zuò shí mǒ?
[16:39.46] I wanna talk to that bastard, see what his problem is. wǒ xiǎng gēn nà gè hún dàn tán kàn tā yǒu shén me wèn tí
[16:42.10] Okay, Bob. Listen. hǎo ba, bā bó, tīng wǒ shuō
[16:45.77] I' m the reason you didn' t get the job. shì wǒ hài nǐ wú fǎ diào zhí
[16:48.77] Toby, don' t. Bob. tuō bǐ, bú yào bā bó
[16:50.97] Toby, I' m not gonna let you cover for him. tuō bǐ, wǒ bú huì ràng nǐ bāng tā shuō huà
[16:55.78] Anything you say will just get me more upset with Chandler. nǐ shuō rèn hé huà zhǐ huì ràng wǒ gèng qì qián dé
[17:00.35] That puts me in a difficult position. nà zhēn de ràng wǒ hěn liǎng nán
[17:04.62] You do anything to Chandler, it' s gonna bring you down to his level. nǐ shēng qián dé de qì zhǐ huì ràng zì jǐ gēn tā yí yàng bēi bǐ
[17:10.76] I guess you' re right. wǒ cāi nǐ shuō de duì
[17:12.93] Don' t give him the satisfaction. You' re better than Chandler. We all are. bié ràng tā dé chěng nǐ bǐ qián dé bàng, wǒ men dōu shì
[17:17.43] Especially me, Toby. tè bié shì wǒ, tuō bǐ
[17:23.77] Is everything okay? That depends. méi shì ba? nà de shì qíng kuàng ér dìng
[17:27.41] How are you and Phoebe? Great. Thanks for introducing us. nǐ gēn fēi bǐ hái hǎo ba? hěn hǎo, xiè xiè nǐ jiè shào wǒ men rèn shi
[17:31.61] My pleasure. Okay, I' m afraid I' ve got some bad news. zhè shì wǒ de róng xìng, hǎo ba wǒ dé gēn nǐ xuān bù yí gè huài xiāo xī
[17:36.92] Phoebe! Monica! fēi bǐ mó nī kǎ
[17:40.45] You' re fired! I' m breaking up with you! nǐ bèi kāi chú le wǒ yào gēn nǐ fēn shǒu
[17:43.66] I' m breaking up with you. wǒ yào gēn nǐ fēn shǒu
[17:45.66] You' re fired. Why? nǐ bèi kāi chú le wèi shí me?
[17:49.10] I' m sorry. I' m not ready for a relationship right now. bào qiàn wǒ hái méi yǒu zhǔn bèi hǎo gēn bié rén cháng qī jiāo wǎng
[17:53.53] I' m sorry too. But I like things done a certain way. wǒ yě hěn bào qiàn dàn wǒ xǐ huān fán shì zhào wǒ de fāng fǎ lái zuò
[17:58.14] The chemistry' s just not right. The chemistry thing for us too. wǒ men zhī jiān de huà xué fǎn yìng bú duì wǒ men yě yí yàng
[18:04.95] Wow. Okay. hǎo ba
[18:10.15] I realize I came on a little strong. It' s because I think you' re amazing. wǒ zhī dào wǒ tài nián le nà shi yīn wèi wǒ jué de nǐ hěn bàng
[18:17.96] I wanna tell you how much I appreciate you giving me an opportunity. wǒ yào gào sù nǐ wǒ hěn gǎn jī nǐ gěi wǒ jī huì
[18:23.00] You' re the most talented chef I' ve ever worked for. nǐ shì wǒ hé zuò guò zuì yǒu tiān fèn de chú shī
[18:27.13] Anyway.. zǒng zhī
[18:34.68] Tim, wait. Yeah? tí mǔ, děng yī xià shén me shì?
[18:38.85] I spoke too quickly. There' s a learning curve with this job. wǒ huà shuō de tài kuài le zhè fèn gōng zuò xū yào shí jiān xué xí
[18:43.85] Maybe we could try it again. huò xǔ wǒ men néng zài shì yī cì
[18:46.79] Thank you so much. I know I can be better. xiè xiè wǒ zhī dào wǒ kě yǐ biǎo xiàn de gèng hǎo
[18:52.16] And, Tim, I just want to say good luck here. tí mǔ wǒ zhǐ xiǎng shuō zhù nǐ hǎo yùn
[19:03.54] Hello. Hi. nǐ hǎo hāi
[19:06.47] How was the date? nǐ yuē huì qíng kuàng rú hé?
[19:08.54] I' m alone and I just bought 15 worth of candy bars. What do you think? wǒ yí ge rén mǎi le 15 kuài qián de táng guǒ nǐ jué de ne?
[19:14.31] What happened? I told him I was pregnant. fā shēng le shén me shì? wǒ gào sù tā wǒ huái yùn le
[19:18.99] He didn' t take it so well? Well, better than you. tā bù néng jiē shòu? tā de fǎn yìng bǐ nǐ hǎo
[19:23.99] But still not what you want. Oh? dàn nà réng bú shì nǐ yào de ō?
[19:27.39] Yeah. He got all weird and sputtery. Then he said: duì, tā zhēn de shì xià huài le rán hòu tā shuō
[19:31.20] " I hear those hemorrhoids are a bitch." " wǒ tīng shuō zhǎng zhì chuāng zhēn de hěn nán guò"
[19:34.74] He sounds swell. Doesn' t he? shuō de hǎo shì ma?
[19:38.37] You want a little cheering up? Sit down. nǐ yào lái diǎn gǔ lì ma? zuò xià
[19:43.88] Guess whose middle name is Muriel. nǐ cāi shuí zhōng jiān míng jiào mǎ lì ōu
[19:51.08] Chandler M. Bing. Oh, my God. qián dé M bīn, tiān a
[19:59.59] I' m sorry about your date. It' s all right. wǒ hěn yí hàn nǐ de yuē huì méi yǒu chéng gōng méi shì de
[20:02.93] I guess I' m just done with the dating thing. wǒ cāi wǒ shòu gòu le yuē huì
[20:06.60] Just one more thing in my life that' s completely different. nà zhǐ shì wǒ shēng mìng zhòng lìng yī jiàn wán quán gǎi biàn de shì
[20:11.31] This is hard. Yeah, I know. zhè zhēn de hěn nán wǒ liǎo jiě
[20:17.18] On the other hand, in seven months you' re gonna have something.. dàn fǎn guò lái shuō zài guò qī ge yuè nǐ jiāng néng yōng yǒu yí gè hái zi
[20:23.48] that you' re gonna love more than any guy you' ve ever gone out with. nǐ duì tā de ài shèng guò yú nǐ duì qí tā rén de gǎn jué
[20:30.29] Just wait. děng zhe ba
[20:33.73] Wait until the first time your baby grabs your finger. děng dào hái zi dì yī cì zhuā zhù nǐ de shǒu zhǐ
[20:38.43] You have no idea. nǐ bú huì liǎo jiě de
[20:42.30] Thanks, sweetie. xiè xiè nǐ, tián xīn
[20:48.64] You wanna grab some coffee? No. I' m gonna go eat 10 candy bars. nǐ yào hē bēi kā fēi ma? bù, wǒ yào qù chī diào 10 gēn bàng bàng táng
[20:54.72] I thought I cheered you up. You did. There are 20 in here. wǒ hái yǐ wéi wǒ ràng nǐ xīn qíng biàn hǎo le méi cuò, wǒ gāng gāng mǎi le 20 gēn
[21:00.32] Good night. Good night. wǎn ān wǎn ān
[21:10.00] Ross? Hey, it' s Mona. From the wedding. luó sī, wǒ shì méng nà wǒ men zài hūn lǐ shàng jiàn guò
[21:14.10] Oh, hi! Hi. hāi hāi
[21:18.17] How are you? I' m good, except you owe me a dance. nǐ hǎo ma? wǒ hěn hǎo, dàn nǐ qiàn wǒ yì zhī wǔ
[21:22.24] That' s right. Well, would you be interested in seeing a Ukrainian film? méi cuò, nǐ xiǎng kàn wū kè lán diàn yǐng ma?
[21:29.38] Oh, you' re serious. Sure. nǐ shì rèn zhēn de, hǎo ba
[21:32.79] Great. Well.. tài bàng le, ō
[21:35.99] I think I need another cup of coffee. Sure, let me get it for you. wǒ xiǎng zài lái yī bēi kā fēi méi wèn tí, wǒ qù bāng nǐ ná
[21:51.00] jǐn yǐ běn piàn jì niàn lǎo lǐ chá kòu kè sī
[21:57.94] Bob? bā bó
[21:59.25] Bob! bā bó
[22:01.08] Bob! bā bó
[22:03.48] What the hell are you doing? This is Chandler' s office. nǐ dào dǐ zài zuò shí mǒ? zhè shì qián dé de bàn gōng shì
[22:08.36] Come on, Toby. Give me a hand! lái ba, tuō bǐ, kuài lái bāng wǒ