Goal line technology

歌曲 Goal line technology
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:科技报道


[00:00.100] From VOA Learning English,
[00:02.800] this is the Technology Report.
[00:05.890] Goal line technology made its debut
[00:09.530] in international football
[00:11.420] at the Confederations Cup in Brazil
[00:14.760] that ended on sunday.
[00:17.100] The move to goal line technology
[00:19.730] follows international pressure
[00:22.680] on the sport's governing body FIFA
[00:25.630] after a missed call in the 2010 World Cup.
[00:30.550] Video replays of a match clearly show
[00:34.430] that England's Frank Lampard had scored a goal against Germany.
[00:40.070] However, that goal was denied because neither the referee
[00:45.090] nor linesman saw the ball cross the goal line.
[00:49.780] The incident caused such a stir that FIFA
[00:54.770] approve the development of goal line technology.
[00:58.600] That technology was put to the test
[01:01.740] at the Confederations Cup in Brazil which began June 15.
[01:07.870] Bjorn Linder is the chairman of GoalControl,
[01:12.350] the German-based company
[01:14.940] that won the goal line technology contract
[01:17.980] for this year's Confederations Cup.
[01:21.160] His team spend weeks in Brazil before the games
[01:25.490] as part of the FIFA certification process.
[01:29.340] "The whole system uses 14 cameras
[01:31.820] that are installed on the catwalk.
[01:33.520] We have seven cameras per goal and computers
[01:36.210] that are connected to those cameras.
[01:37.760] The computers are catching the images,
[01:40.150] around 500 pictures per second."
[01:43.410] Computers track the path of the ball in real time
[01:47.690] and reconstruct the play.
[01:51.180] "Once the computer perceives the ball has crossed the goal line,
[01:54.270] it gives a signal to the referee's watch,
[01:56.610] so all the referees on the field receive the signal.
[01:59.090] It vibrates and gives an optical signal 'goal'
[02:01.740] and he knows a goal has occurred."
[02:03.680] Electronic eyes on the goal line may settle arguments,
[02:07.810] but the data is still only a reconstruction of reality.
[02:12.400] Nic Fleming is a London-based science and technology writer,
[02:17.680] he believes the use of goal line technology is a chance
[02:22.710] to educate people about the role of uncertainty in science.
[02:27.560] "These are fantastic tools,
[02:28.900] but let's be realistic about their limitations,
[02:31.940] that science is about probabilities.
[02:33.880] What better way than to have this message in a game so popular."
[02:39.910] GoalControl claims an accuracy of plus-or-minus 5 millimeters,
[02:46.140] this is well under FIFA's minimum requirement of plus
[02:50.470] or minus 3 centimeters.
[02:53.210] Nic Fleming would like to see that number flashed on the screen.
[02:57.650] He says viewers could compare the replays
[03:02.030] to the computer reconstruction and learn a little science.
[03:07.300] "The wider point really is that science is central
[03:10.500] to many public debates today,
[03:12.100] whether that's climate change or nuclear power or genetic modification.
[03:16.190] In all of these cases science provides probabilities.
[03:21.170] It does not provide yes-no, black-white answers
[03:24.910] that is quite important to the public understands that."
[03:28.040] Goal-line technology may become a central part of the sport,
[03:32.850] but it is important to remember that is still the referee,
[03:38.180] not the computer, that makes the final call.
[03:42.520] And that's the Technology Report from VOA Learning English,


[00:02.800] zhè shì yī fèn jì shù bào dào
[00:05.890] qiú mén xiàn jì shù shǒu cì dēng chǎng
[00:09.530] zài guó jì zú qiú zhōng
[00:11.420] bā xī jǔ xíng de guó jì lián hé huì bēi sài
[00:14.760] yú zhōu rì jié shù
[00:17.100] jiāng mù guāng yí huí qiú mén xiàn jì shù
[00:19.730] zhuī xún lái zì guó jì de yā lì
[00:22.680] zài tǐ yù de guǎn lǐ jī gòu xià" FIFA" guó jì zú qiú lián méng
[00:25.630] cuò guò le 2012 nián de shì jiè bēi bǐ sài
[00:30.550] zài yī chǎng bǐ sài lù xiàng zhōng hěn qīng chǔ dì xiǎn shì
[00:34.430] zài duì zhèn dé guó de bǐ sài zhōng, yīng gé lán duì yuán fú lán kè lán pà dé gōng rù le yī qiú
[00:40.070] rán ér nà yī qiú què méi yǒu de fēn
[00:45.090] yīn wèi cái pàn dōu méi yǒu kàn dào qiú yuè guò qiú mén xiàn
[00:49.780] zhè jiàn shì zài guó jì zú lián zhōng zào chéng le yī shí de hōng dòng
[00:54.770] biàn yǔn xǔ le fā zhǎn qiú mén xiàn jì shù
[00:58.600] zhè gè jì shù bèi yìng yòng dào cè shì zhī zhōng
[01:01.740] 6 yuè 15 rì zài bā xī jǔ xíng lián hé huì bēi
[01:07.870] Bjorn Linder shì GoalControl de dǒng shì zhǎng
[01:12.350] zhè jiā dé guó de gōng sī
[01:14.940] yíng de le yī fèn hé tóng
[01:17.980] nèi róng shì wèi shì jiè bēi sài chǎng tí gōng GLT shè bèi
[01:21.160] tā de duì wǔ zài yùn dòng huì qián zài bā xī dù guò le jǐ zhōu
[01:25.490] zuò wéi guó jì zú lián rèn zhèng chéng xù de yī bù fen
[01:29.340] zài tǐ yù chǎng shàng gòng shǐ yòng 14 tái gāo sù shè xiàng jī
[01:31.820] dōu shè zhì zài qiú mén shàng de
[01:33.520] měi gè qiú mén gè yǒu 7 tái shè xiàng jī
[01:36.210] zhèi xiē xiàng jī dōu shì xiāng lián de
[01:37.760] zhèi xiē xiàng jī huì bǔ zhuō shì yě nèi de yī qiè wù tǐ
[01:40.150] zuì gāo kě yǐ yòng měi miǎo 500 zhèng de sù dù
[01:43.410] diàn nǎo huì shí shí zhuī zōng qiú de lù jìng
[01:47.690] chóng xiàn zhè chǎng bǐ sài
[01:51.180] yī dàn diàn nǎo gǎn yìng dào qiú yuè guò qiú mén xiàn shí
[01:54.270] huì zài 1 miǎo nèi fā sòng yī tiáo wú xiàn diàn xìn hào zhì cái pàn de shǒu biǎo shàng
[01:56.610] suǒ yǐ qiú chǎng shàng suǒ yǒu cái pàn dōu néng shōu dào wú xiàn diàn xìn hào
[01:59.090] tā zhèn dòng shí huì fā chū yí gè guāng xìn hào de mù biāo
[02:01.740] zhè yàng jiù zhī dào yǒu yí gè qiú jìn le
[02:03.680] qiú mén xiàn shàng de diàn zǐ yǎn kě yǐ jiě jué zhēng lùn
[02:07.810] dàn zhèi xiē shù jù réng zhǐ shì chóng xiàn
[02:12.400] Nic Fleming shì lún dūn de yī wèi kē jì zuò jiā
[02:17.680] tā rèn wéi shǐ yòng qiú mén xiàn jì shù shì yí gè hǎo de qì jī
[02:22.710] gào sù rén men bù què dìng xìng zài kē xué zhī zhōng de zuò yòng
[02:27.560] zhèi xiē shì hěn bàng de gōng jù
[02:28.900] dàn wǒ men xū yào kè guān dì kàn dài tā de jú xiàn xìng
[02:31.940] kē xué shì yǒu guān gài lǜ de
[02:33.880] zài yī chǎng shòu huān yíng de bǐ sài zhōng, hái yǒu shén me bǐ zhè gè gèng hǎo de bàn fǎ ne?
[02:39.910] GoalControl shēng chēng zhǐ yǒu 5 háo mǐ zhī nèi de wù chā
[02:46.140] zhè fú hé guó jì zú lián de zuì dī yāo qiú
[02:50.470] dī yú 3 lí mǐ
[02:53.210] Nic Fleming xī wàng néng zài píng mù shàng kàn dào zhè gè shù zì
[02:57.650] tā shuō guān zhòng kě yǐ gēn jù huí fàng lái bǐ jiào
[03:02.030] duì diàn nǎo jìn xíng gǎi zào, xué xí yī xiē kē xué
[03:07.300] gèng guǎng fàn de yì diǎn shì kē xué shì hé xīn de
[03:10.500] jīn tiān xǔ duō de gōng kāi tǎo lùn
[03:12.100] wú lùn shì qì hòu biàn huà, hái shì hé dòng lì hé zhuǎn jī yīn
[03:16.190] zài zhèi xiē qíng kuàng xià, kē xué tí gōng le kě néng xìng
[03:21.170] tā méi yǒu tí gōng" shì huò bú shì"" hēi huò bái" de dá àn
[03:24.910] zhè duì dà zhòng lái shuō shì fēi cháng zhòng yào de
[03:28.040] qiú mén xiàn jì shù kě néng chéng wéi zhè xiàng yùn dòng de zhōng xīn bù fèn
[03:32.850] dàn yào jì zhù, cái pàn shì réng rán zhòng yào de
[03:38.180] bú shì diàn nǎo, ér shì zuì hòu de nà hū shēng