Friends S09E03

歌曲 Friends S09E03
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第九季)


[00:03.50] So, what's the big news you had us rush all the way over here for? 是什么天惊地动的大消息 要我们马上赶过来?
[00:08.07] It took you 45 minutes to cross a street. 你们光过个马路就花了四十五分钟
[00:10.04] Come on, guys. It's just one baby. 真是的,只不过是个婴儿
[00:14.88] Oh, sure, now you guys clam up. 好吧,你们现在都没有人要帮腔
[00:18.65] Our news. My company has asked me to head up our office in Tulsa. 我们要宣布的消息就是 公司要我去土尔沙带领新的分公司
[00:23.39] So as of Monday, I'm being officially relocated. 所以从星期一开始 我已经正式被调职了
[00:25.99] - Oh, my God! - What? Monday? -喔,我的天! -什么?星期一?
[00:27.86] - How long do you have to go for? - They said it could be up to a year. -你得要去多久呢? -他们说有可能会长达一年
[00:31.43] - A year? - Well, do you have to go? -一年? -那你也要去吗?
[00:36.33] Well, I kind of have to, don't I? 我似乎是没有选择,不是吗?
[00:38.60] Because of this stupid thing. 都是因为这个愚蠢的东西
[00:44.57] There's nothing like the support of your loving wife, huh? 再也没有比爱妻的支持 更棒的东西了
[00:48.18] Wait a minute. Wait, you can't go to Tulsa. 等一下,你不能去土尔沙
[00:50.68] Maybe you forgot, but we have tickets to the Jets game next week! 也许你忘了 但是下星期我们要去看球赛的!
[00:54.82] I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to make it. 我很抱歉,但是我想我可能去不了
[00:58.02] But we were gonna go see the Jets! 但是我们是要去看球赛耶!
[01:02.89] You can't go. I mean, you're the glue that holds this group together. 你不能离开我们 你就像是维系这个圈子的灵魂人物
[01:07.56] - Really? - Not you. -真的吗? -不是你
[01:13.84] This whole thing is gonna be okay. 一切都会没问题的
[01:15.84] They said they'd rent us a house in the suburbs. You guys can come and visit. 他们会帮我们在郊区租房子 你们可以过来看我们
[01:19.71] Oh, God, that is so not gonna happen. 喔,天啊,那真的是不太可能
[01:24.68] I can't believe you guys are moving. 我真不敢相信你们要搬走了
[01:29.68] - I call their apartment! - No! -我承接他们的公寓! -不行!
[01:34.19] The One With The Pediatrician
[02:19.90] - Here you go, Rach. - Thank you, Joey. -咖啡来了,瑞秋 -谢谢你,乔伊
[02:22.30] You know what? I'm not even sure I can have caffeine. 你知道吗? 我不确定可不可以喝有咖啡因的东西
[02:25.94] I went through this with Ben and Carol. One coffee won't affect your milk. 我养育班还有凯萝的经验告诉我 一杯咖啡不会影响你的母乳的
[02:30.18] Just to be sure, I'm gonna call Dr. Wiener. 为了安全起见 我要打电话给歪愣医师
[02:37.79] Every time? 这么好笑吗?
[02:40.76] You don't have to call him whenever you have a question, okay? 没有必要每次有问题 都打电话给他,好吗?
[02:44.13] - Trust me. I know this. - All right. I trust you. -相信我,我是有经验的 -好吧,我相信你
[02:49.46] I can see you dialing. I don't understand why.. 我看到你在拨电话 我不了解为什么…
[02:52.00] I'm on the phone! Dr. Wiener? 我在讲电话!歪愣医师吗?
[02:56.70] It's so weird seeing Ross and Rachel with a baby. It's just so grownup. 看到罗斯跟瑞秋有了小孩 真是奇怪,好像大人
[03:01.41] I know, yeah. I feel like we're all growing up. 我知道,是啊
[03:03.91] 觉得好像我们都一起长大了
[03:05.91] A person named "Wiener." God, that kills me. 有人的名字叫“歪愣” 真是笑死我了
[03:09.58] - Look at you all grownup. - Well, actually, you know what? -瞧瞧你就像个大人 -事实上,你知道吗?
[03:14.26] I am, you know? 我的确是长大了,知道吗?
[03:15.92] Well, that whole thing with Rachel made me realize.. 跟瑞秋发生的那件事让我意识到…
[03:18.96] that maybe I'm ready for a more serious relationship, you know? 或许我已经准备好 要接受更认真的交往了
[03:22.80] Like, I'd like to meet a nice, mature, commitment-minded lady. 我想要找一个 善良、成熟、稳重的女孩子
[03:26.50] And looks aren't as important as.. 外表并不是非常…
[03:29.97] Nah, she's gotta be hot. 不,她一定要很辣才行
[03:32.51] You know, I might know somebody. 我也许认识这样的人
[03:34.74] How about you set me up with someone, and we double-date? 要不要你帮我找个对象 然后我们一起两对约会
[03:37.68] I can do that. Yeah. How's Friday? 我可以啊,星期五怎样呢?
[03:40.15] - Done! - All right. -没问题! -好的
[03:41.35] Good, really? Okay, let's see. 很好,真的? 好,我们来看看
[03:44.79] All right. 好的
[03:47.16] You know who's great? Sandy Poopack. 你知道谁不错吗?珊蒂普霸
[03:51.46] "Poopack"? “普霸”?
[03:55.96] Yeah. All right. Well, that rules out Lana Titwyler. 好吧,没关系 那莱娜缇婉乐可能也不行了
[04:04.81] - I've got good news. - You got out of the whole Tulsa thing? -我有好消息 -你不用去土尔沙了吗?
[04:09.04] Okay, I have news. 好吧,我有新消息
[04:11.98] You don't have to move to Tulsa. You can stay here and keep your job. 你不用跟我一起搬到土尔沙 你可以待在这里,保有工作
[04:15.78] That's great! How? 太好了!怎么回事?
[04:17.32] My boss and I worked out a deal where I'm in Tulsa four days a week. 老板跟我达成一个协议 我一星期在土尔沙待四天就可以了
[04:20.99] So the other three, I can be here with you. 所以另外三天我可以跟你在一起
[04:23.63] So you're gonna be gone four days a week? 所以一星期有四天你不在?
[04:27.96] No. 不行
[04:29.16] I'm sorry, are you just used to saying that? 不好意思,你是不是 太习惯说不行了呢?
[04:34.90] No. I can't be away from you for that long. 不是,我不能跟你分开那么久的
[04:38.44] - Really? - Yeah, you're my husband. -真的吗? -是啊,你是我先生
[04:40.51] I won't live in a different state than you for 208 days out of the year. 我不要一年两百零八天跟你住在不同州
[04:45.21] That's fast math. We could use you in Tulsa. 算的真快,我们土尔沙的分公司 可以聘请你的
[04:51.59] Thanks for trying to figure out a way, but if you go to Tulsa, I go with you. 谢谢你试着想出更好的方式 但是如果你要去土尔沙,我会跟你去
[04:57.39] You said that without gagging. 你这样说的时候竟然没有做呕吐状
[05:00.03] I know! 真的耶!
[05:04.97] Well, excuse me? 你说什么?
[05:06.87] Oh, yeah? Well, up yours too! 喔?那你也去吃屎吧!
[05:11.64] - Who the hell was that? - Dr. Wiener. -那到底是谁啊? -歪愣医师
[05:16.94] Rach, you can't call people at 3:00 in the morning. 瑞秋,你不能在凌晨三点 打电话给人家的
[05:20.55] You know what? You sound just like his wife. 你知道吗? 你听起来就像他老婆一样
[05:24.22] Was there anything even wrong with Emma? 艾犸有怎样吗?
[05:26.45] Yes, of course there is! Okay? I'm not insane. 当然是有怎样! 好吗?我又不是疯了
[05:31.13] What was it? 是怎样?
[05:33.06] Hiccups. 打嗝
[05:35.30] I told you, you can't call him every time any little thing comes up. 我告诉过你了,不能每次 有鸡毛蒜皮小事都打电话给他
[05:39.77] Well, not anymore I can't. He fired us! 看来我是真的不能了 他不接我们了!
[05:44.57] Can you believe that? 你敢相信吗?
[05:46.14] I could believe it if he came here and hit you over the head with a copy of Highlights. 我敢相信如果他在这里 一定会用杂志砸你的头
[05:50.48] What are we gonna do? We have to find a pediatrician. 我们该怎么办呢? 我们得再另找一个小儿科医师了
[05:53.75] Wait, Monica said that when you guys were growing up.. 等一下,摩妮卡说你们小时候…
[05:56.55] you liked your doctor. What was his name? 很喜欢你们的医师 他叫什么名字呢?
[05:59.15] Dr. Gettleman? 葛曼医师吗?
[06:01.39] Yeah, no, I don't think that's a good idea. 不,我认为这不是个好主意
[06:04.23] In fact, I think he's dead. 事实上,我想他死了
[06:06.73] Why does everything happen to me? 为什么坏事都发生在我身上?
[06:10.16] I promise, first thing tomorrow, we'll find another doctor. 我保证,明天第一件事 就是找到一个新的医生
[06:13.47] But I gotta get up early, and I'm not feeling well. 但是我要很早起床 而且我现在觉得不是很舒服
[06:16.17] You're not feeling well? What do you have? Rubella? 你不舒服? 是怎么回事呢?德国麻疹吗?
[06:19.27] Because don't go near Emma, she has not had that shot. 别靠近艾犸 她还没有注射预防针
[06:22.74] You know, come to think of it, it does feel rubella-like. 我仔细想想 倒还感觉像是德国麻疹
[06:36.56] Wiener! 歪愣!
[06:39.46] Wiener! Wiener! Wiener! 歪愣!歪愣!歪愣!
[06:41.66] Rachel! 瑞秋!
[06:43.30] Great! Now he's gonna know it was me! 太棒了,现在他就知道那是我了!
[06:51.51] And the kung pao chicken. 还有宫保鸡丁
[06:53.98] Utensils and plates for one. 一人用的餐具
[06:56.31] And can you read the order back to me? 可以重复我的订单吗?
[07:09.29] Great. 太棒了
[07:11.39] Yeah. Okay, thanks. Bye. 好的,谢谢,再见
[07:16.70] So how is this for our big double date tonight? 看我为今晚我们两对约会打扮如何?
[07:21.70] Oh, my God. 喔,天啊
[07:24.87] Great. Just the reaction I was hoping for. 太棒了,这正是我要的反应
[07:28.41] Yeah, so you found someone for me? You didn't forget? 是啊,你有帮我找到人吗? 你没有忘记吧?
[07:32.25] Of course not. And you'll love Mary Ellen. 当然没有 你会爱死犸莉艾伦的
[07:34.88] She's really smart and cute and funny and.. 她真的很聪明、可爱风趣,而且…
[07:38.62] I can't tell you how I know this, but she is not opposed to threesomes. 我不能告诉你我是怎么知道的 但是她并不反对三人行
[07:45.09] All right. 好耶
[07:46.73] - So tell me something about my guy. - No. -说一点我的约会对象吧 -不行
[07:52.50] Come on, give me something. What's his name? 别这样,透露一点嘛 他叫什么名字?
[07:56.04] I'm not sure I understand the question. 我不明白你的问题
[08:02.08] What do they call him? 大家都是怎么叫他的?
[08:05.41] - Mike. - Mike. Okay, what's his last name? -麦克 -麦克,好的,他姓什么呢?
[08:08.65] Damn it! Is there no mystery left in romance anymore?! 可恶!就不能为浪漫 而保有神秘感吗?
[08:13.12] We'll see you and Mike at the restaurant in a couple hours. 几个小时之后在餐厅 与你跟麦克见
[08:16.49] All right, great. See you. Bye-bye. 好的,没问题 待会见,拜拜
[08:20.63] Why'd I have to say Mike? I don't know a Mike! Why couldn't I have said..? 我为什么要说麦克呢?根本不认识 谁叫麦克的!为什么不说…?
[08:27.24] There's no guys in there! 这里面根本就没有男生!
[08:33.44] So this is being a parent, huh? 所以这就是带孩子,是吧?
[08:36.48] I think I can handle this. 我想我可以处理得很好的
[08:39.68] Too intense. Too intense. 太难了,太难了
[08:45.95] Well, I did it. 好了,我说了
[08:47.29] I told my crew at the restaurant I'm heading off to Tulsa. 我告诉餐厅的班底 我要搬到土尔沙了
[08:50.22] - Oh, yeah? How'd they take it. - Pretty well. Yeah. -是吗?他们反应如何? -还不错
[08:54.03] They were brave little soldiers. 他们是勇敢的小尖兵
[08:57.70] Did their best to be stoic. 尽全力冷静
[08:59.83] Some of them even high-fived each other to mask their pain. 有些还互相击掌来掩饰离别的伤痛
[09:05.37] It's impossible to find a good doctor. How do you know the good ones.. 要找好医生真是好难 要如何分辨哪个是好医生…
[09:09.74] from the ones who'll push their penis against your knee? 哪个又会拿小弟弟 摩擦你的膝盖呢?
[09:14.75] Excuse me? 什么?
[09:15.98] I know what she's talking about. 我知道她的意思
[09:20.25] You probably also had the piano teacher with the wandering hands. 你们或许也碰过 会毛手毛脚的钢琴老师吧
[09:29.16] Well, we've gotta find a new pediatrician. 我们要找新的小儿科医生
[09:31.73] Ross was getting sick last night, and Emma may have caught it. 罗斯昨晚不舒服 艾犸或许也被感染到了
[09:34.97] - Why don't you see Dr. Gettleman? - Ross said he died. -你为什么不去找葛曼医生呢? -罗斯说他死了
[09:38.04] He didn't die. I just saw his daughter last week. 他没死 我上星期才遇到他女儿
[09:41.28] She said he was fine. Her, on the other hand, botched Botox. 她说他很好,但是她呢 可被肉毒杆菌搞惨了
[09:46.98] Great. Well then, I'm gonna take Emma to see him. 太好了,那我要带艾犸去找他
[09:49.75] I wonder why Ross said that he died? 为什么罗斯说他死了呢?
[09:51.72] Maybe he confused him with his childhood therapist. 或许他把他跟 他小时候的心理医生搞混了
[09:54.76] He saw a therapist? 他有心理医生?
[09:56.06] He used to have a recurring nightmare. It freaked him out. 他以前常常做重复的噩梦 吓死他了
[09:59.19] Wow, what was it? 哇,什么噩梦呢?
[10:01.43] That I was going to eat him. 梦到我要吃掉他
[10:17.45] Mike! 麦克!
[10:20.75] Yeah? 怎样?
[10:25.29] Okay. 好了
[10:31.23] I can't believe I'm doing this with you. 真不敢相信,我竟然跟你做这件事
[10:33.66] Although I did just end a nine-year relationship.. 我才刚结束一段九年的恋情…
[10:36.30] so I should be open to taking some risks. 所以我应该敞开心胸迎接一些挑战
[10:38.73] That's good. Get all that boring stuff out now. 这样很好 把那些无聊的旧东西抛掉
[10:42.40] Everything is gonna be fine. Follow my lead, okay? 一切安啦 跟着我就没事,好吗?
[10:45.31] All you have to do is pretend to be Mike. 你只要假装是麦克就可以了
[10:47.48] - I am Mike. - Attaboy. -我就是麦克啊 -演的真不错
[10:52.61] Here they come. 她们来了
[10:54.32] - I'm Phoebe. - Phoebe. Mike. How you doing? -我是菲比 -菲比,这位是麦克,你好吗?
[10:56.65] - Nice to meet you. - Joey, this is Mary Ellen Jenkins. -很高兴认识你 -乔伊,这位是犸莉艾伦珍金
[10:59.82] So, Mike, how do you and Joey know each other, anyway? 麦克,你跟乔伊是怎么认识的呢?
[11:06.53] How do Joey and I know each other? 我跟乔伊是怎么认识的呢?
[11:09.13] If I had a nickel for every time somebody's asked me that. 如果每次有人问我这问题 我就有五块钱赚,那我就变富翁了
[11:14.00] - From school. - We met in college. -在学校认识的 -我们在大学认识的
[11:19.11] I mean high school. 我是说高中
[11:22.84] You guys go way back, then. So, what are you up to these days? 那你们认识可久了 那你现在是做什么的呢?
[11:27.31] - Well, I'm a lawyer. - Mike, attorney at law! -我是律师 -麦克,律师!
[11:31.82] - Actually, I just gave up my practice. - What? -事实上,我才刚放弃执业 -什么?
[11:34.49] That's the kind of thing you usually run by me. 这种事你应该先跟我讨论的
[11:38.99] I want to play piano professionally. If I don't do this now, I never will. 我想要成为专业钢琴音乐家 如果现在不赶快做,就来不及了
[11:43.50] Great. I like that better than the lawyer thing. 太好了,我喜欢音乐家胜过律师
[11:46.07] Which is why I waited until now to introduce you to Mike. 这就是为什么我等到现在 才介绍麦克给你
[11:50.17] You thought he was still a lawyer. 你不是还以为他是律师吗?
[11:52.34] No, that's not what I meant. Let's get you a cocktail. 不,我并没有那样说 我们帮你点杯鸡尾酒吧
[12:00.15] What are you doing? 你在做什么呢?
[12:01.48] Looking for restaurant jobs for you in Tulsa. 帮你在土尔沙找餐厅的工作
[12:04.32] That's so sweet. Did you find anything? 真是窝心,有找到吗?
[12:06.55] - Slim Pickins. - Nothing, huh? -速食外餐 -什么都没有,是吧?
[12:09.46] No. Slim Pickins. It's a barbecue joint. 不,速食外餐,是间烤肉店
[12:13.59] They're looking for a cook. Actually, "cook" may be a bit of a stretch. 他们在找厨师,事实上 并不全然是“厨师”
[12:17.47] They're looking for somebody to shovel mesquite. 他们在找炒豆子的帮手
[12:21.47] "Slim Pickins"? That is so cheesy. “速食外餐”?听起来真是不高级
[12:24.04] Well, So Cheesy also has an opening. “布高吉”也有在征人
[12:27.07] Honey, that's okay. I know this woman, Nancy.. 亲爱的,没关系 我认识一个叫南西的人…
[12:30.04] who's a restaurant biz headhunter. She may know something. 她是专门帮餐厅猎人头的 她或许会知道一些职缺
[12:33.21] Can I say how much I appreciate you coming with me? 我真的是太感激你愿意跟我去
[12:36.05] When we get to Tulsa, I am taking you for a great dinner at Slim Pickins. 当我们抵达土尔沙 我会带你去速食外餐吃大餐的
[12:41.56] So Cheesy? 那布高吉呢?
[12:44.49] Whole Hog? 全猪餐厅呢?
[12:47.60] It's gonna be tough to keep kosher in Tulsa. 在土尔沙要找到正式餐厅还真是不简单
[12:55.44] Hi, Nancy? Hi, it's Monica Geller. 嗨,南西吗? 嗨,我是摩妮卡盖勒
[12:58.51] I'm good. Listen, I'm looking for a job in Tulsa. 我很好,我需要在土尔沙找份工作
[13:04.38] Yeah, well, my husband's been relocated. 是啊,因为我先生被调职到那边
[13:08.08] Because I love him. 因为我爱他
[13:11.05] No, I don't want a job in New York. 不,我不想要纽约的工作
[13:13.62] Javu's looking? Oh, my God! 杰屋在找人?喔,我的天啊!
[13:17.02] He asked for me personally? Oh, my God! 他特别指名要我? 喔,我的天啊!
[13:21.16] Wow, this is really, really flattering. 哇,我真的是太受宠若惊了
[13:24.80] But I'm moving to Tulsa. 但是我要搬到土尔沙了
[13:27.80] So, just, if you would tell Javu.. 所以,请你告诉杰屋…
[13:30.60] I'll take it! 我接受这份工作!
[13:34.04] My name's Rachel Greene. I have an appointment for Emma. 我是瑞秋葛林 我有帮艾犸预约看诊
[13:37.55] Dr. Gettleman is finishing up with a patient. He'll be out shortly. 葛曼医生快看完病人了 他等一下就会出来
[13:41.65] I think you just have a cold. It's definitely not strep. 我想你只是感冒了 没有什么严重性
[13:45.45] Thanks, doctor. 谢了,医生
[13:49.62] - Would you like a lollipop? - Do you even have to ask? -要不要来根棒棒糖呢? -还用问吗?
[13:58.83] He is alive! 他还活着!
[14:05.31] It's so surprising that you and Joey have known each other for so long.. 好奇怪,你跟乔伊认识这么久了…
[14:09.28] and I've never heard about you. 而我却从没有听说过你
[14:11.11] That's because we had a bit of a falling out. 因为我们有吵过架
[14:15.65] Mike hit my mom with a car. 麦克开车撞到我妈
[14:21.12] - No, I didn't. - That's okay. I have forgiven you. -才没,我没有 -没关系,我已经原谅你了
[14:25.26] Now we're friends again, and everything's great. 现在我们又是朋友了 一切都很美好
[14:27.73] Well, wait. Is your mom okay? 等一下,你妈还好吧?
[14:29.63] Please, we're trying to have a conversation. 拜托,我们在讲话耶
[14:34.67] You're a lot nicer on Days of Our Lives. 你在《我们的日子》中亲切多了
[14:37.04] Days of Our Lives! That's why you look so familiar! 《我们的日子》! 怪不得你看起来有点眼熟!
[14:39.81] - What? - What? -什么? -什么?
[14:41.08] What? 什么?
[14:43.78] Do you not know each other? 你们彼此不认识吗?
[14:47.85] Of course we do. He's playing a game we used to play in high school. 我们当然认识 他是在玩我们高中常玩的游戏
[14:53.49] We pretend we don't know each other. We played all kinds of games. 我们假装不认识 我们玩很多种游戏的
[14:56.99] You remember that one where I punch you in the face for not being cool? 你还记得有一次 你因为太蠢而被我揍吗?
[15:03.03] Let me ask you something: How many sisters does Joey have? 让我问你一个问题 乔伊有几个姐妹呢?
[15:06.97] - Six. - No, he doesn't. He has seven. -六个 -不,他有七个
[15:10.04] What are you doing? I said seven! 你在搞什么鬼?我比了七个!
[15:15.81] Joey, why did you set me up with a stranger? 乔伊,为什么你要介绍陌生人给我呢?
[15:19.25] Because I forgot about our date. I'm so sorry. 因为我忘记了,我很抱歉
[15:23.42] I'm sorry too. And just to be clear, I didn't hit his mother with a car. 我也很抱歉,还有要澄清一下 我没有开车撞他妈
[15:28.16] Although I'd like to be hit by one right now. 不过我现在真的很想被车撞一下
[15:30.36] Yeah, no problem. 是喔,没问题
[15:33.39] You are unbelievable. I spent so much time finding the perfect girl for you. 你真是太不应该了 我花这么多时间帮你找完美的对象
[15:38.30] Mary Ellen is really smart and cute and loose. 犸莉艾伦真的很聪明 很可爱又很随便
[15:41.57] 嘿!
[15:43.54] Who are you kidding? 你别装了吧?
[15:50.44] You find some guy off the street for me? 你在街上随便捉个男的塞给我?
[15:53.68] God, this is humiliating! 天啊,这真是太羞辱人了!
[15:55.92] I'm so sorry. If you don't like this guy, I can find you a better one. 我很抱歉,如果你不喜欢这一个 我可以帮你找更好的
[16:00.19] Mike? Mike? 麦克?麦克?
[16:03.96] I'm out of here. 我要走了
[16:05.63] It was nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你
[16:07.66] - You're leaving too? - I'll stay if you can tell me my name. -你也要走? -你说的出我的名字,我就留下
[16:11.17] Have a good night. 再见
[16:16.64] We leave tomorrow, and you still have a lot to pack. 我们明天就要走了 而你还有好多东西要打包
[16:19.64] You're right. 你说得对
[16:21.71] Maybe I shouldn't go. 或许我不应该去
[16:24.65] What? 什么?
[16:27.05] So Nancy told me about this job at this great restaurant, Javu? 南西告诉我有一个 很棒的餐厅在征人,杰屋?
[16:31.69] But it's just a little outside of Tulsa. 离土尔沙不会太远
[16:34.12] Well, how far outside? 那是多远呢?
[16:36.32] Manhattan? 曼哈顿远吗?
[16:39.96] And you're thinking of taking it? 你要接受这份工作吗?
[16:44.80] Before, you said that being with me was more important than any job. 你之前说跟我在一起 比任何工作都重要
[16:48.54] But I guess now it's old job, me, new job. 但我猜,现在是 旧工作,我,新工作
[16:54.81] I'm gonna miss this hand! 我会想念这只手的!
[16:59.01] I know this is a lot to ask.. 我知道这很过份…
[17:00.88] but, my God, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 但是,天啊,这是千载难逢的好机会
[17:04.08] What happened to "you can't live without me four days a week"? 那你说无法忍受每星期四天 要分开,是怎么回事呢?
[17:07.25] Well, if you really think about it, I mean, four days is not that long. 如果你仔细想想 四天并不是很长的时间
[17:12.53] I see you Monday before you go to work.. 星期一你去上班前我会见到你…
[17:14.56] and Thursday when you get back.. 然后星期四晚上我也会见到你…
[17:16.46] and I always work late on Tuesdays, so really if you think about it.. 而我总是在星期二忙得很晚 所以如果你仔细想想…
[17:20.37] it's really just one day. 事实上只有分开一天而已
[17:21.97] And well, if we can't make it one day, we got real problems, my friend. 而如果我们连一天都撑不住 我们真的是有大问题了
[17:31.08] - I think you should take the job. - Really? -我认为你应该接受这份工作 -真的吗?
[17:34.42] I know it must be important to you when you start chattering like a monkey. 当你开始像猴子一样鬼吼时 我就知道这对你一定很重要
[17:40.75] That's the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me. 这是我听过最美好的形容了
[17:43.76] It's your dream job. I can't make you pass it up. 这是你的梦想工作 我不能要求你放弃的
[17:46.16] Besides, I'm proud of you. 况且我还以你为荣
[17:48.10] - You are? - Yeah. -真的吗? -是啊
[17:49.80] And when I get to Tulsa and people say, "Where's the missus".. 当我去到土尔沙,有人问我 “你老婆呢?”
[17:52.87] I'll tell them she's a chef at Javu. 我会告诉他们,她在杰屋当主厨
[17:55.94] And then, when they stare at me blankly.. 然后,当他们 搞不清状况盯着我看时…
[17:58.87] I'll make some offensive Tulsa joke, and thus, begin my isolation. 我就会说一些污辱土尔沙的笑话 然后开始被他们排挤
[18:07.82] - How was the pediatrician? - I really liked him. -新医生怎样呢? -我真的很喜欢他
[18:11.02] Yeah, yeah. It was really, really, really good. 是啊,是啊 真的,真的,真的很不错
[18:15.99] - You promised not to say anything. - I know. -你答应我不会说出去的 -我知道
[18:19.66] Ross still sees his pediatrician! 罗斯还在看他小时候的医生!
[18:24.50] I don't care. 我不在乎
[18:27.60] Are you serious? You still see Dr. Gettleman? 真的吗? 你还在看葛曼医师?
[18:31.04] He is a brilliant diagnostician! 他是医术高明的诊断师!
[18:33.17] Diagnostician or boo-boo fixer? 诊断师还是医生叔叔呢?
[18:37.58] Seriously, you gotta go to an appropriate doctor. 真的,你应该去看适合你的医生才对
[18:40.28] And not an orthodontist.. 不是牙科医生…
[18:43.32] not a gynecologist.. 不是妇科医生…
[18:46.55] and not a veterinarian.. 也更不是兽医
[18:49.62] Why? I know it's a little weird, but he is a great doctor, okay? 为什么?我知道这是有点怪 但是他是个很棒的医生,好吗?
[18:53.96] He knows my medical history. 他知道我的病史
[18:55.90] And every time I go in there, he makes a big deal. 而且每次我去看病 他都非常的慎重其事
[18:58.93] You know, "Look, it's my favorite patient." 你知道的 “瞧,这是我最喜欢的病人”
[19:01.64] Does he say that before he sticks his thermometer in your tushy? 是不是在把体温计 插到你嘴里之前说的呢?
[19:05.47] I seem to remember someone bringing his security blanket to college. 我还记得有人把他的 安全毛毯带到大学宿舍
[19:10.31] That was not a security blanket. That was a wall hanging. 那不是安全毛毯 那是壁毯
[19:13.41] It didn't spend much time on the wall! 它倒是没有被挂在墙上太久!
[19:25.63] Excuse me. 对不起
[19:28.23] Hi. I was hoping to run into you. Can we talk? 嗨,我原本就希望可以再遇到你 我们可以谈谈吗?
[19:32.10] Sure. 当然
[19:33.93] Yeah. There's someone I want you to meet. 我想要介绍你认识一个人
[19:36.27] This is my best friend from high school. 这位是我高中最要好的朋友
[19:41.18] I'm sorry, I don't think I know you. 很抱歉,我并不认识你
[19:43.44] How hard was that? 真是太容易了
[19:46.05] Look, I'm sorry, really. I'm so embarrassed. 我真的很抱歉 我实在太不好意思了
[19:51.52] Please. 拜托
[19:53.32] Really, I'm a pretty nice guy. Just ask my parole officer. 真的,我是个还不错的人 你可以问我的保释官
[20:01.30] Apparently, I'm not a funny guy. 很明显地,我并不是很风趣
[20:06.17] Well, why did you go along with that? 那你为什么要这样做呢?
[20:09.64] Because I was told that I'd get a free dinner, which I didn't. 因为他说,我可以吃一顿 免费的晚餐,不过并没有
[20:15.04] And that I'd meet a pretty girl, which I did. 还有他说,我可以认识 漂亮的女生,这倒是有
[20:20.65] That's true. 那倒是真的
[20:25.89] Well, is anything you told me about yourself true? 那你告诉我的事有哪些是真的呢?
[20:28.66] My name is Mike. And I do play piano. 我的名字真的是麦克 还有我真的会弹钢琴
[20:31.83] - Prove it. - There isn't a piano here. -证明给我看 -这里并没有钢琴
[20:35.80] That wouldn't stand in the way of a true pianist. 那对真正的钢琴家不会是问题吧
[20:40.10] Okay. 好吧
[20:57.95] You are really good. 你真的很棒
[21:03.96] - I play a little guitar myself. - Really? That's great. -我会弹一点吉他 -真的?太棒了
[21:07.56] - What kind of music do you play? - Like acoustic, folksy stuff, you know? -你弹奏什么种音乐呢? -像是重原音、有民俗风味的
[21:11.40] But right now I'm working on a couple lron Maiden covers. 但是我现在在制作CD封面
[21:17.84] Do you think that, maybe, sometime, I could.. 你想,或许,有空的话,我可…
[21:23.64] It's okay. Go ahead, ask me out. 没关系的,来吧,约我吧
[21:27.48] Okay. You think, maybe, sometime I could take you out? 好吧,你想,或许有空的话 我可以约你出去吗?
[21:31.89] You just caught me off guard. 你真是让我一点心理准备都没有
[21:35.22] Yeah, that would be nice. 好啊,我很乐意
[21:37.22] Look at this! My two best friends! 瞧瞧!我两个最要好的朋友!
[21:47.40] Excuse me. I don't mean to be a jerk.. 不好意思,我不想要太机车…
[21:50.37] but the baby with the rash came in after me. 但是那个长疹子的婴儿 是在我后面进来的
[21:54.74] - The doctor will be right with you, sir. - I hear you.. -医生等一下就可以看你了,先生 -我知道…
[21:57.71] but do you have any harder puzzles? 但是你有没有比较高难度的谜题呢?
[22:05.72] Mommy, I can't find Waldo. 妈咪,我找不到华多
[22:07.95] What page are you on? 你在第几页呢?
[22:09.66] What, the circus? He's behind the elephant. 游乐场吗?他在大象后面
[22:12.26] Wow. So your child's a big fan of the Waldo books too? 哇,你的孩子一定也很迷华多
[22:18.37] Yeah, that's how I know. 是啊,所以我也很熟
[22:22.10] - I'm Ross, by the way. - Hi, I'm Sally. -对了,我叫罗斯 -嗨,我叫莎莉
[22:25.27] So no ring. Can I assume you're also a single parent? 没有戒指,所以我推想你也是单亲?
[22:29.24] - I am a single parent. - It's hard, isn't it? -我是单亲没错 -很难,对吧?
[22:33.18] There's no time for a social life. Where are you gonna meet someone? 根本没有可以社交的时间 要去哪里认识朋友呢?
[22:36.85] - Well.. - Mommy, I can't.. -那个… -妈咪,我找不…
[22:38.62] Sea shore? Row boat. 海边吗?在小船上
[22:44.39] Let's say, I don't know, you met someone in the pediatrician's office. 我想,我不知道 可以在小儿科医生那里认识人吧
[22:50.73] Rossie? We're ready for you. 小罗斯?轮到你了
[23:01.51] Yeah.. 是啊…
[23:05.08] Come on, Ross Jr. It's time to go in. 走吧,小罗斯 轮到我们了
[23:10.45] Mommy. 妈咪
[23:16.39] Mommy, what's wrong with that man? 妈咪,那个人是怎么了?
[23:18.66] Hey, I helped you find Waldo! 嘿,是我帮你找到华多的耶!
[23:28.60] - Good, you haven't left yet. - Where have you been? -太好了,你还没走 -你去哪了?
[23:31.91] I got held up at Dr. Gettleman's office. 有事情在葛曼医师那耽搁了一下
[23:35.51] There was some guy that freaked everybody out. 有一个人吓坏了所有的人
[23:40.41] I don't think I'm going back there. 我想我再也不要回去那里了
[23:43.62] You got here just in time. I really have to go, buddy. 你正好赶上 我得要走了,兄弟
[23:46.49] Oh, man. 喔,真是的
[23:47.69] - Promise to call me when you land? - Of course I will. I love you. -答应我一下飞机就打电话 -当然,我爱你
[23:51.69] I love you too. 我也爱你
[23:58.00] Watch the tongue, people. We got a baby over here. 不要舌吻,你们,儿童不宜
[24:02.40] - Bye, Chandler. - Bye. -再见,钱德 -再见
[24:05.41] - Bye, honey. - Bye. -再见,亲爱的 -再见
[24:12.18] - What's the matter, Joe? - I'm mad at you for leaving. -怎么了,乔伊? -我很生气你要走
[24:16.18] You know, you're nothing but a big leaver. 你知道吗?你什么都不会 就最会抛弃人家
[24:20.29] A big leaver with a stupid suitcase. 带着笨行李的负心汉
[24:25.59] Any chance you're trying to pick a fight to make all of this easier? 你是不是故意说一些气话 让自己好过点呢?
[24:33.17] Dude, you see right through me! 老兄,你真是太了解我了!
[24:45.31] Okay, well.. Bye, Mon. 好了,那么…再见了,摩妮卡
[24:48.38] Bye, Ross. Rachel. 再见,罗斯,瑞秋
[24:51.02] - Bye, Emma. - Okay, bye-bye. -再见,艾犸 -好了,拜拜
[24:54.35] Have a good trip. Okay. Oh, my God. 旅途愉快,好了,喔,天啊
[25:01.70] Wait. 钱德,等一下
[25:04.93] It goes old job.. 应该是旧工作…
[25:08.07] new job.. 新工作…
[25:10.34] and you. 然后是你
[25:13.64] This is just something I have to do. 那只不过是我要做的工作
[25:16.24] I know. 我知道
[25:18.48] I love you so much. 我好爱你
[25:20.98] I know that too. 我也知道
[25:34.09] Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it. 别担心 我很快就会回来了
[25:38.10] Yes, it will be the same. 是的,一切都不会变
[25:40.63] Because I know, that's how. 因为我就是知道
[25:43.40] I promise. 我保证
[25:44.64] You double promise? 你可以双重保证吗?
[25:50.61] Call me when you land. 一下机就打电话给我
[25:53.81] - Can I talk now? - Okay, bye. -轮到我讲了吗? -好的,再见
[25:56.38] - Joey! - He had to board. -乔伊! -他要登机了


[00:03.50] So, what' s the big news you had us rush all the way over here for? shì shén me tiān jīng dì dòng de dà xiāo xī yào wǒ men mǎ shàng gǎn guò lái?
[00:08.07] It took you 45 minutes to cross a street. nǐ men guāng guò gè mǎ lù jiù huā le sì shí wǔ fēn zhōng
[00:10.04] Come on, guys. It' s just one baby. zhēn shi de, zhǐ bù guò shì gè yīng ér
[00:14.88] Oh, sure, now you guys clam up. hǎo ba, nǐ men xiàn zài dōu méi yǒu rén yào bāng qiāng
[00:18.65] Our news. My company has asked me to head up our office in Tulsa. wǒ men yào xuān bù de xiāo xī jiù shì gōng sī yào wǒ qù tǔ ěr shā dài lǐng xīn de fēn gōng sī
[00:23.39] So as of Monday, I' m being officially relocated. suǒ yǐ cóng xīng qī yī kāi shǐ wǒ yǐ jīng zhèng shì bèi diào zhí le
[00:25.99] Oh, my God! What? Monday? ō, wǒ de tiān! shén me? xīng qī yī?
[00:27.86] How long do you have to go for? They said it could be up to a year. nǐ de yào qù duō jiǔ ne? tā men shuō yǒu kě néng huì cháng dá yī nián
[00:31.43] A year? Well, do you have to go? yī nián? nà nǐ yě yào qù ma?
[00:36.33] Well, I kind of have to, don' t I? wǒ sì hū shì méi yǒu xuǎn zé, bú shì ma?
[00:38.60] Because of this stupid thing. dōu shì yīn wèi zhè gè yú chǔn de dōng xī
[00:44.57] There' s nothing like the support of your loving wife, huh? zài yě méi yǒu bǐ ài qī de zhī chí gèng bàng de dōng xī le
[00:48.18] Wait a minute. Wait, you can' t go to Tulsa. děng yī xià, nǐ bù néng qù tǔ ěr shā
[00:50.68] Maybe you forgot, but we have tickets to the Jets game next week! yě xǔ nǐ wàng le dàn shì xià xīng qī wǒ men yào qù kàn qiú sài de!
[00:54.82] I' m sorry, but I don' t think I' ll be able to make it. wǒ hěn bào qiàn, dàn shì wǒ xiǎng wǒ kě néng qù bù liǎo
[00:58.02] But we were gonna go see the Jets! dàn shì wǒ men shì yào qù kàn qiú sài yé!
[01:02.89] You can' t go. I mean, you' re the glue that holds this group together. nǐ bù néng lí kāi wǒ men nǐ jiù xiàng shì wéi xì zhè gè quān zi de líng hún rén wù
[01:07.56] Really? Not you. zhēn de ma? bú shì nǐ
[01:13.84] This whole thing is gonna be okay. yī qiè dōu huì méi wèn tí de
[01:15.84] They said they' d rent us a house in the suburbs. You guys can come and visit. tā men huì bāng wǒ men zài jiāo qū zū fáng zi nǐ men kě yǐ guò lái kàn wǒ men
[01:19.71] Oh, God, that is so not gonna happen. ō, tiān a, nà zhēn de shì bù tài kě néng
[01:24.68] I can' t believe you guys are moving. wǒ zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ men yào bān zǒu le
[01:29.68] I call their apartment! No! wǒ chéng jiē tā men de gōng yù! bù xíng!
[01:34.19] The One With The Pediatrician
[02:19.90] Here you go, Rach. Thank you, Joey. kā fēi lái le, ruì qiū xiè xiè nǐ, qiáo yī
[02:22.30] You know what? I' m not even sure I can have caffeine. nǐ zhī dào ma? wǒ bù què dìng kě bù kě yǐ hē yǒu kā fēi yīn de dōng xī
[02:25.94] I went through this with Ben and Carol. One coffee won' t affect your milk. wǒ yǎng yù bān hái yǒu kǎi luó de jīng yàn gào sù wǒ yī bēi kā fēi bú huì yǐng xiǎng nǐ de mǔ rǔ de
[02:30.18] Just to be sure, I' m gonna call Dr. Wiener. wèi le ān quán qǐ jiàn wǒ yào dǎ diàn huà gěi wāi lèng yī shī
[02:37.79] Every time? zhè me hǎo xiào ma?
[02:40.76] You don' t have to call him whenever you have a question, okay? méi yǒu bì yào měi cì yǒu wèn tí dōu dǎ diàn huà gěi tā, hǎo ma?
[02:44.13] Trust me. I know this. All right. I trust you. xiāng xìn wǒ, wǒ shì yǒu jīng yàn de hǎo ba, wǒ xiāng xìn nǐ
[02:49.46] I can see you dialing. I don' t understand why.. wǒ kàn dào nǐ zài bō diàn huà wǒ bù liǎo jiě wèi shí me
[02:52.00] I' m on the phone! Dr. Wiener? wǒ zài jiǎng diàn huà! wāi lèng yī shī ma?
[02:56.70] It' s so weird seeing Ross and Rachel with a baby. It' s just so grownup. kàn dào luó sī gēn ruì qiū yǒu le xiǎo hái zhēn shì qí guài, hǎo xiàng dà rén
[03:01.41] I know, yeah. I feel like we' re all growing up. wǒ zhī dào, shì a
[03:03.91] jué de hǎo xiàng wǒ men dōu yì qǐ zhǎng dà le
[03:05.91] A person named " Wiener." God, that kills me. yǒu rén de míng zì jiào" wāi lèng" zhēn shì xiào sǐ wǒ le
[03:09.58] Look at you all grownup. Well, actually, you know what? qiáo qiáo nǐ jiù xiàng gè dà rén shì shí shàng, nǐ zhī dào ma?
[03:14.26] I am, you know? wǒ dí què shì zhǎng dà le, zhī dào ma?
[03:15.92] Well, that whole thing with Rachel made me realize.. gēn ruì qiū fā shēng de nà jiàn shì ràng wǒ yì shí dào
[03:18.96] that maybe I' m ready for a more serious relationship, you know? huò xǔ wǒ yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi hǎo yào jiē shòu gèng rèn zhēn de jiāo wǎng le
[03:22.80] Like, I' d like to meet a nice, mature, commitmentminded lady. wǒ xiǎng yào zhǎo yí gè shàn liáng chéng shú wěn zhòng de nǚ hái zi
[03:26.50] And looks aren' t as important as.. wài biǎo bìng bú shì fēi cháng
[03:29.97] Nah, she' s gotta be hot. bù, tā yí dìng yào hěn là cái xíng
[03:32.51] You know, I might know somebody. wǒ yě xǔ rèn shi zhè yàng de rén
[03:34.74] How about you set me up with someone, and we doubledate? yào bú yào nǐ bāng wǒ zhǎo gè duì xiàng rán hòu wǒ men yì qǐ liǎng duì yuē huì
[03:37.68] I can do that. Yeah. How' s Friday? wǒ kě yǐ a, xīng qī wǔ zěn yàng ne?
[03:40.15] Done! All right. méi wèn tí! hǎo de
[03:41.35] Good, really? Okay, let' s see. hěn hǎo, zhēn de? hǎo, wǒ men lái kàn kàn
[03:44.79] All right. hǎo de
[03:47.16] You know who' s great? Sandy Poopack. nǐ zhī dào shuí bù cuò ma? shān dì pǔ bà
[03:51.46] " Poopack"? " pǔ bà"?
[03:55.96] Yeah. All right. Well, that rules out Lana Titwyler. hǎo ba, méi guān xì nà lái nà tí wǎn lè kě néng yě bù xíng le
[04:04.81] I' ve got good news. You got out of the whole Tulsa thing? wǒ yǒu hǎo xiāo xī nǐ bù yòng qù tǔ ěr shā le ma?
[04:09.04] Okay, I have news. hǎo ba, wǒ yǒu xīn xiāo xī
[04:11.98] You don' t have to move to Tulsa. You can stay here and keep your job. nǐ bù yòng gēn wǒ yì qǐ bān dào tǔ ěr shā nǐ kě yǐ dài zài zhè lǐ, bǎo yǒu gōng zuò
[04:15.78] That' s great! How? tài hǎo le! zěn me huí shì?
[04:17.32] My boss and I worked out a deal where I' m in Tulsa four days a week. lǎo bǎn gēn wǒ dá chéng yí gè xié yì wǒ yī xīng qī zài tǔ ěr shā dài sì tiān jiù kě yǐ le
[04:20.99] So the other three, I can be here with you. suǒ yǐ lìng wài sān tiān wǒ kě yǐ gēn nǐ zài yì qǐ
[04:23.63] So you' re gonna be gone four days a week? suǒ yǐ yī xīng qī yǒu sì tiān nǐ bù zài?
[04:27.96] No. bù xíng
[04:29.16] I' m sorry, are you just used to saying that? bù hǎo yì sī, nǐ shì bú shì tài xí guàn shuō bù xíng le ne?
[04:34.90] No. I can' t be away from you for that long. bú shì, wǒ bù néng gēn nǐ fēn kāi nà me jiǔ de
[04:38.44] Really? Yeah, you' re my husband. zhēn de ma? shì a, nǐ shì wǒ xiān shēng
[04:40.51] I won' t live in a different state than you for 208 days out of the year. wǒ bú yào yī nián liǎng bǎi líng bā tiān gēn nǐ zhù zài bù tóng zhōu
[04:45.21] That' s fast math. We could use you in Tulsa. suàn dí zhēn kuài, wǒ men tǔ ěr shā de fēn gōng sī kě yǐ pìn qǐng nǐ de
[04:51.59] Thanks for trying to figure out a way, but if you go to Tulsa, I go with you. xiè xiè nǐ shì zhuó xiǎng chū gèng hǎo de fāng shì dàn shì rú guǒ nǐ yào qù tǔ ěr shā, wǒ huì gēn nǐ qù
[04:57.39] You said that without gagging. nǐ zhè yàng shuō de shí hòu jìng rán méi yǒu zuò ǒu tù zhuàng
[05:00.03] I know! zhēn de yé!
[05:04.97] Well, excuse me? nǐ shuō shí mǒ?
[05:06.87] Oh, yeah? Well, up yours too! ō? nà nǐ yě qù chī shǐ ba!
[05:11.64] Who the hell was that? Dr. Wiener. nà dào dǐ shì shuí a? wāi lèng yī shī
[05:16.94] Rach, you can' t call people at 3: 00 in the morning. ruì qiū, nǐ bù néng zài líng chén sān diǎn dǎ diàn huà gěi rén jiā de
[05:20.55] You know what? You sound just like his wife. nǐ zhī dào ma? nǐ tīng qǐ lái jiù xiàng tā lǎo pó yí yàng
[05:24.22] Was there anything even wrong with Emma? ài mà yǒu zěn yàng ma?
[05:26.45] Yes, of course there is! Okay? I' m not insane. dāng rán shì yǒu zěn yàng! hǎo ma? wǒ yòu bú shì fēng le
[05:31.13] What was it? shì zěn yàng?
[05:33.06] Hiccups. dǎ gé
[05:35.30] I told you, you can' t call him every time any little thing comes up. wǒ gào sù guò nǐ le, bù néng měi cì yǒu jī máo suàn pí xiǎo shì dōu dǎ diàn huà gěi tā
[05:39.77] Well, not anymore I can' t. He fired us! kàn lái wǒ shì zhēn de bù néng le tā bù jiē wǒ men le!
[05:44.57] Can you believe that? nǐ gǎn xiāng xìn ma?
[05:46.14] I could believe it if he came here and hit you over the head with a copy of Highlights. wǒ gǎn xiāng xìn rú guǒ tā zài zhè lǐ yí dìng huì yòng zá zhì zá nǐ de tóu
[05:50.48] What are we gonna do? We have to find a pediatrician. wǒ men gāi zěn me bàn ne? wǒ men dé zài lìng zhǎo yí gè xiǎo ér kē yī shī le
[05:53.75] Wait, Monica said that when you guys were growing up.. děng yī xià, mó nī kǎ shuō nǐ men xiǎo shí hòu
[05:56.55] you liked your doctor. What was his name? hěn xǐ huān nǐ men de yī shī tā jiào shén me míng zì ne?
[05:59.15] Dr. Gettleman? gé màn yī shī ma?
[06:01.39] Yeah, no, I don' t think that' s a good idea. bù, wǒ rèn wéi zhè bú shì gè hǎo zhǔ yì
[06:04.23] In fact, I think he' s dead. shì shí shàng, wǒ xiǎng tā sǐ le
[06:06.73] Why does everything happen to me? wèi shí me huài shì dōu fā shēng zài wǒ shēn shàng?
[06:10.16] I promise, first thing tomorrow, we' ll find another doctor. wǒ bǎo zhèng, míng tiān dì yī jiàn shì jiù shì zhǎo dào yí gè xīn de yī shēng
[06:13.47] But I gotta get up early, and I' m not feeling well. dàn shì wǒ yào hěn zǎo qǐ chuáng ér qiě wǒ xiàn zài jué de bú shì hěn shū fú
[06:16.17] You' re not feeling well? What do you have? Rubella? nǐ bù shū fu? shì zěn me huí shì ne? dé guó má zhěn ma?
[06:19.27] Because don' t go near Emma, she has not had that shot. bié kào jìn ài mà tā hái méi yǒu zhù shè yù fáng zhēn
[06:22.74] You know, come to think of it, it does feel rubellalike. wǒ zǐ xì xiǎng xiǎng dǎo hái gǎn jué xiàng shì dé guó má zhěn
[06:36.56] Wiener! wāi lèng!
[06:39.46] Wiener! Wiener! Wiener! wāi lèng! wāi lèng! wāi lèng!
[06:41.66] Rachel! ruì qiū!
[06:43.30] Great! Now he' s gonna know it was me! tài bàng le, xiàn zài tā jiù zhī dào nà shi wǒ le!
[06:51.51] And the kung pao chicken. hái yǒu gōng bǎo jī dīng
[06:53.98] Utensils and plates for one. yī rén yòng de cān jù
[06:56.31] And can you read the order back to me? kě yǐ chóng fù wǒ de dìng dān ma?
[07:09.29] Great. tài bàng le
[07:11.39] Yeah. Okay, thanks. Bye. hǎo de, xiè xiè, zài jiàn
[07:16.70] So how is this for our big double date tonight? kàn wǒ wèi jīn wǎn wǒ men liǎng duì yuē huì dǎ bàn rú hé?
[07:21.70] Oh, my God. ō, tiān a
[07:24.87] Great. Just the reaction I was hoping for. tài bàng le, zhè zhèng shì wǒ yào de fǎn yìng
[07:28.41] Yeah, so you found someone for me? You didn' t forget? shì a, nǐ yǒu bāng wǒ zhǎo dào rén ma? nǐ méi yǒu wàng jì ba?
[07:32.25] Of course not. And you' ll love Mary Ellen. dāng rán méi yǒu nǐ huì ài sǐ mà lì ài lún de
[07:34.88] She' s really smart and cute and funny and.. tā zhēn de hěn cōng míng kě ài fēng qù, ér qiě
[07:38.62] I can' t tell you how I know this, but she is not opposed to threesomes. wǒ bù néng gào sù nǐ wǒ shì zěn me zhī dào de dàn shì tā bìng bù fǎn duì sān rén xíng
[07:45.09] All right. hǎo yé
[07:46.73] So tell me something about my guy. No. shuō yì diǎn wǒ de yuē huì duì xiàng ba bù xíng
[07:52.50] Come on, give me something. What' s his name? bié zhè yàng, tòu lù yì diǎn ma tā jiào shén me míng zì?
[07:56.04] I' m not sure I understand the question. wǒ bù míng bái nǐ de wèn tí
[08:02.08] What do they call him? dà jiā dōu shì zěn me jiào tā de?
[08:05.41] Mike. Mike. Okay, what' s his last name? mài kè mài kè, hǎo de, tā xìng shén me ne?
[08:08.65] Damn it! Is there no mystery left in romance anymore?! kě wù! jiù bù néng wéi làng màn ér bǎo yǒu shén mì gǎn ma?
[08:13.12] We' ll see you and Mike at the restaurant in a couple hours. jǐ gè xiǎo shí zhī hòu zài cān tīng yǔ nǐ gēn mài kè jiàn
[08:16.49] All right, great. See you. Byebye. hǎo de, méi wèn tí dāi huì jiàn, bài bài
[08:20.63] Why' d I have to say Mike? I don' t know a Mike! Why couldn' t I have said..? wǒ wèi shí me yào shuō mài kè ne? gēn běn bù rèn shi shuí jiào mài kè de! wèi shí me bù shuō?
[08:27.24] There' s no guys in there! zhè lǐ miàn gēn běn jiù méi yǒu nán shēng!
[08:33.44] So this is being a parent, huh? suǒ yǐ zhè jiù shì dài hái zi, shì ba?
[08:36.48] I think I can handle this. wǒ xiǎng wǒ kě yǐ chǔ lǐ de hěn hǎo de
[08:39.68] Too intense. Too intense. tài nán le, tài nán le
[08:45.95] Well, I did it. hǎo le, wǒ shuō le
[08:47.29] I told my crew at the restaurant I' m heading off to Tulsa. wǒ gào sù cān tīng de bān dǐ wǒ yào bān dào tǔ ěr shā le
[08:50.22] Oh, yeah? How' d they take it. Pretty well. Yeah. shì ma? tā men fǎn yìng rú hé? hái bù cuò
[08:54.03] They were brave little soldiers. tā men shì yǒng gǎn de xiǎo jiān bīng
[08:57.70] Did their best to be stoic. jìn quán lì lěng jìng
[08:59.83] Some of them even highfived each other to mask their pain. yǒu xiē hái hù xiāng jī zhǎng lái yǎn shì lí bié de shāng tòng
[09:05.37] It' s impossible to find a good doctor. How do you know the good ones.. yào zhǎo hǎo yī shēng zhēn shì hǎo nán yào rú hé fēn biàn něi gè shì hǎo yī shēng
[09:09.74] from the ones who' ll push their penis against your knee? něi gè yòu huì ná xiǎo dì di mó cā nǐ de xī gài ne?
[09:14.75] Excuse me? shén me?
[09:15.98] I know what she' s talking about. wǒ zhī dào tā de yì sī
[09:20.25] You probably also had the piano teacher with the wandering hands. nǐ men huò xǔ yě pèng guò huì máo shǒu máo jiǎo de gāng qín lǎo shī ba
[09:29.16] Well, we' ve gotta find a new pediatrician. wǒ men yào zhǎo xīn de xiǎo ér kē yī shēng
[09:31.73] Ross was getting sick last night, and Emma may have caught it. luó sī zuó wǎn bù shū fu ài mà huò xǔ yě bèi gǎn rǎn dào le
[09:34.97] Why don' t you see Dr. Gettleman? Ross said he died. nǐ wèi shí me bù qù zhǎo gé màn yī shēng ne? luó sī shuō tā sǐ le
[09:38.04] He didn' t die. I just saw his daughter last week. tā méi sǐ wǒ shàng xīng qī cái yù dào tā nǚ ér
[09:41.28] She said he was fine. Her, on the other hand, botched Botox. tā shuō tā hěn hǎo, dàn shì tā ne kě bèi ròu dú gǎn jūn gǎo cǎn le
[09:46.98] Great. Well then, I' m gonna take Emma to see him. tài hǎo le, nà wǒ yào dài ài mà qù zhǎo tā
[09:49.75] I wonder why Ross said that he died? wèi shí me luó sī shuō tā sǐ le ne?
[09:51.72] Maybe he confused him with his childhood therapist. huò xǔ tā bǎ tā gēn tā xiǎo shí hòu de xīn lǐ yī shēng gǎo hùn le
[09:54.76] He saw a therapist? tā yǒu xīn lǐ yī shēng?
[09:56.06] He used to have a recurring nightmare. It freaked him out. tā yǐ qián cháng cháng zuò chóng fù de è mèng xià sǐ tā le
[09:59.19] Wow, what was it? wa, shén me è mèng ne?
[10:01.43] That I was going to eat him. mèng dào wǒ yào chī diào tā
[10:17.45] Mike! mài kè!
[10:20.75] Yeah? zěn yàng?
[10:25.29] Okay. hǎo le
[10:31.23] I can' t believe I' m doing this with you. zhēn bù gǎn xiāng xìn, wǒ jìng rán gēn nǐ zuò zhè jiàn shì
[10:33.66] Although I did just end a nineyear relationship.. wǒ cái gāng jié shù yī duàn jiǔ nián de liàn qíng
[10:36.30] so I should be open to taking some risks. suǒ yǐ wǒ yīng gāi chǎng kāi xīn xiōng yíng jiē yī xiē tiǎo zhàn
[10:38.73] That' s good. Get all that boring stuff out now. zhè yàng hěn hǎo bǎ nèi xiē wú liáo de jiù dōng xī pāo diào
[10:42.40] Everything is gonna be fine. Follow my lead, okay? yī qiè ān la gēn zhe wǒ jiù méi shì, hǎo ma?
[10:45.31] All you have to do is pretend to be Mike. nǐ zhǐ yào jiǎ zhuāng shì mài kè jiù kě yǐ le
[10:47.48] I am Mike. Attaboy. wǒ jiù shì mài kè a yǎn dí zhēn bù cuò
[10:52.61] Here they come. tā men lái le
[10:54.32] I' m Phoebe. Phoebe. Mike. How you doing? wǒ shì fēi bǐ fēi bǐ, zhè wèi shì mài kè, nǐ hǎo ma?
[10:56.65] Nice to meet you. Joey, this is Mary Ellen Jenkins. hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ qiáo yī, zhè wèi shì mà lì ài lún zhēn jīn
[10:59.82] So, Mike, how do you and Joey know each other, anyway? mài kè, nǐ gēn qiáo yī shì zěn me rèn shi de ne?
[11:06.53] How do Joey and I know each other? wǒ gēn qiáo yī shì zěn me rèn shi de ne?
[11:09.13] If I had a nickel for every time somebody' s asked me that. rú guǒ měi cì yǒu rén wèn wǒ zhè wèn tí wǒ jiù yǒu wǔ kuài qián zhuàn, nà wǒ jiù biàn fù wēng le
[11:14.00] From school. We met in college. zài xué xiào rèn shi de wǒ men zài dà xué rèn shi de
[11:19.11] I mean high school. wǒ shì shuō gāo zhōng
[11:22.84] You guys go way back, then. So, what are you up to these days? nà nǐ men rèn shi kě jiǔ le nà nǐ xiàn zài shì zuò shí mǒ de ne?
[11:27.31] Well, I' m a lawyer. Mike, attorney at law! wǒ shì lǜ shī mài kè, lǜ shī!
[11:31.82] Actually, I just gave up my practice. What? shì shí shàng, wǒ cái gāng fàng qì zhí yè shén me?
[11:34.49] That' s the kind of thing you usually run by me. zhè zhǒng shì nǐ yīng gāi xiān gēn wǒ tǎo lùn de
[11:38.99] I want to play piano professionally. If I don' t do this now, I never will. wǒ xiǎng yào chéng wéi zhuān yè gāng qín yīn yuè jiā rú guǒ xiàn zài bù gǎn kuài zuò, jiù lái bù jí le
[11:43.50] Great. I like that better than the lawyer thing. tài hǎo le, wǒ xǐ huān yīn yuè jiā shèng guò lǜ shī
[11:46.07] Which is why I waited until now to introduce you to Mike. zhè jiù shì wèi shí me wǒ děng dào xiàn zài cái jiè shào mài kè gěi nǐ
[11:50.17] You thought he was still a lawyer. nǐ bú shì hái yǐ wéi tā shì lǜ shī ma?
[11:52.34] No, that' s not what I meant. Let' s get you a cocktail. bù, wǒ bìng méi yǒu nà yàng shuō wǒ men bāng nǐ diǎn bēi jī wěi jiǔ bā
[12:00.15] What are you doing? nǐ zài zuò shí mǒ ne?
[12:01.48] Looking for restaurant jobs for you in Tulsa. bāng nǐ zài tǔ ěr shā zhǎo cān tīng de gōng zuò
[12:04.32] That' s so sweet. Did you find anything? zhēn shì wō xīn, yǒu zhǎo dào ma?
[12:06.55] Slim Pickins. Nothing, huh? sù shí wài cān shén me dōu méi yǒu, shì ba?
[12:09.46] No. Slim Pickins. It' s a barbecue joint. bù, sù shí wài cān, shì jiān kǎo ròu diàn
[12:13.59] They' re looking for a cook. Actually, " cook" may be a bit of a stretch. tā men zài zhǎo chú shī, shì shí shàng bìng bù quán rán shì" chú shī"
[12:17.47] They' re looking for somebody to shovel mesquite. tā men zài zhǎo chǎo dòu zi de bāng shǒu
[12:21.47] " Slim Pickins"? That is so cheesy. " sù shí wài cān"? tīng qǐ lái zhēn shì bù gāo jí
[12:24.04] Well, So Cheesy also has an opening. " bù gāo jí" yě yǒu zài zhēng rén
[12:27.07] Honey, that' s okay. I know this woman, Nancy.. qīn ài de, méi guān xì wǒ rèn shi yí gè jiào nán xī de rén
[12:30.04] who' s a restaurant biz headhunter. She may know something. tā shì zhuān mén bāng cān tīng liè rén tóu de tā huò xǔ huì zhī dào yī xiē zhí quē
[12:33.21] Can I say how much I appreciate you coming with me? wǒ zhēn de shì tài gǎn jī nǐ yuàn yì gēn wǒ qù
[12:36.05] When we get to Tulsa, I am taking you for a great dinner at Slim Pickins. dāng wǒ men dǐ dá tǔ ěr shā wǒ huì dài nǐ qù sù shí wài cān chī dà cān de
[12:41.56] So Cheesy? nà bù gāo jí ne?
[12:44.49] Whole Hog? quán zhū cān tīng ne?
[12:47.60] It' s gonna be tough to keep kosher in Tulsa. zài tǔ ěr shā yào zhǎo dào zhèng shì cān tīng hái zhēn shì bù jiǎn dān
[12:55.44] Hi, Nancy? Hi, it' s Monica Geller. hāi, nán xī ma? hāi, wǒ shì mó nī kǎ gài lēi
[12:58.51] I' m good. Listen, I' m looking for a job in Tulsa. wǒ hěn hǎo, wǒ xū yào zài tǔ ěr shā zhǎo fèn gōng zuò
[13:04.38] Yeah, well, my husband' s been relocated. shì a, yīn wèi wǒ xiān shēng bèi diào zhí dào nà biān
[13:08.08] Because I love him. yīn wèi wǒ ài tā
[13:11.05] No, I don' t want a job in New York. bù, wǒ bù xiǎng yào niǔ yuē de gōng zuò
[13:13.62] Javu' s looking? Oh, my God! jié wū zài zhǎo rén? ō, wǒ de tiān a!
[13:17.02] He asked for me personally? Oh, my God! tā tè bié zhǐ míng yào wǒ? ō, wǒ de tiān a!
[13:21.16] Wow, this is really, really flattering. wa, wǒ zhēn de shì tài shòu chǒng ruò jīng le
[13:24.80] But I' m moving to Tulsa. dàn shì wǒ yào bān dào tǔ ěr shā le
[13:27.80] So, just, if you would tell Javu.. suǒ yǐ, qǐng nǐ gào sù jié wū
[13:30.60] I' ll take it! wǒ jiē shòu zhè fèn gōng zuò!
[13:34.04] My name' s Rachel Greene. I have an appointment for Emma. wǒ shì ruì qiū gé lín wǒ yǒu bāng ài mà yù yuē kàn zhěn
[13:37.55] Dr. Gettleman is finishing up with a patient. He' ll be out shortly. gé màn yī shēng kuài kàn wán bìng rén le tā děng yī xià jiù huì chū lái
[13:41.65] I think you just have a cold. It' s definitely not strep. wǒ xiǎng nǐ zhǐ shì gǎn mào le méi yǒu shén me yán zhòng xìng
[13:45.45] Thanks, doctor. xiè le, yī shēng
[13:49.62] Would you like a lollipop? Do you even have to ask? yào bú yào lái gēn bàng bàng táng ne? hái yòng wèn ma?
[13:58.83] He is alive! tā hái huó zhe!
[14:05.31] It' s so surprising that you and Joey have known each other for so long.. hào qí guài, nǐ gēn qiáo yī rèn shi zhè me jiǔ le
[14:09.28] and I' ve never heard about you. ér wǒ què cóng méi yǒu tīng shuō guò nǐ
[14:11.11] That' s because we had a bit of a falling out. yīn wèi wǒ men yǒu chǎo guò jià
[14:15.65] Mike hit my mom with a car. mài kè kāi chē zhuàng dào wǒ mā
[14:21.12] No, I didn' t. That' s okay. I have forgiven you. cái méi, wǒ méi yǒu méi guān xì, wǒ yǐ jīng yuán liàng nǐ le
[14:25.26] Now we' re friends again, and everything' s great. xiàn zài wǒ men yòu shì péng yǒu le yī qiè dōu hěn měi hǎo
[14:27.73] Well, wait. Is your mom okay? děng yī xià, nǐ mā hái hǎo ba?
[14:29.63] Please, we' re trying to have a conversation. bài tuō, wǒ men zài jiǎng huà yé
[14:34.67] You' re a lot nicer on Days of Our Lives. nǐ zài wǒ men de rì zi zhōng qīn qiè duō le
[14:37.04] Days of Our Lives! That' s why you look so familiar! wǒ men de rì zi! guài bù dé nǐ kàn qǐ lái yǒu diǎn yǎn shú!
[14:39.81] What? What? shén me? shén me?
[14:41.08] What? shén me?
[14:43.78] Do you not know each other? nǐ men bǐ cǐ bù rèn shi ma?
[14:47.85] Of course we do. He' s playing a game we used to play in high school. wǒ men dāng rán rèn shi tā shì zài wán wǒ men gāo zhōng cháng wán de yóu xì
[14:53.49] We pretend we don' t know each other. We played all kinds of games. wǒ men jiǎ zhuāng bù rèn shi wǒ men wán hěn duō zhǒng yóu xì de
[14:56.99] You remember that one where I punch you in the face for not being cool? nǐ hái jì de yǒu yī cì nǐ yīn wèi tài chǔn ér bèi wǒ zòu ma?
[15:03.03] Let me ask you something: How many sisters does Joey have? ràng wǒ wèn nǐ yí gè wèn tí qiáo yī yǒu jǐ gè jiě mèi ne?
[15:06.97] Six. No, he doesn' t. He has seven. liù ge bù, tā yǒu qī ge
[15:10.04] What are you doing? I said seven! nǐ zài gǎo shén me guǐ? wǒ bǐ le qī ge!
[15:15.81] Joey, why did you set me up with a stranger? qiáo yī, wèi shí me nǐ yào jiè shào mò shēng rén gěi wǒ ne?
[15:19.25] Because I forgot about our date. I' m so sorry. yīn wèi wǒ wàng jì le, wǒ hěn bào qiàn
[15:23.42] I' m sorry too. And just to be clear, I didn' t hit his mother with a car. wǒ yě hěn bào qiàn, hái yǒu yào chéng qīng yī xià wǒ méi yǒu kāi chē zhuàng tā mā
[15:28.16] Although I' d like to be hit by one right now. bù guò wǒ xiàn zài zhēn de hěn xiǎng bèi chē zhuàng yī xià
[15:30.36] Yeah, no problem. shì ō, méi wèn tí
[15:33.39] You are unbelievable. I spent so much time finding the perfect girl for you. nǐ zhēn shì tài bù yīng gāi le wǒ huā zhè me duō shí jiān bāng nǐ zhǎo wán měi dí duì xiàng
[15:38.30] Mary Ellen is really smart and cute and loose. mà lì ài lún zhēn de hěn cōng míng hěn kě ài yòu hěn suí biàn
[15:41.57] hēi!
[15:43.54] Who are you kidding? nǐ bié zhuāng le ba?
[15:50.44] You find some guy off the street for me? nǐ zài jiē shàng suí biàn zhuō gè nán de sāi gěi wǒ?
[15:53.68] God, this is humiliating! tiān a, zhè zhēn shì tài xiū rǔ rén le!
[15:55.92] I' m so sorry. If you don' t like this guy, I can find you a better one. wǒ hěn bào qiàn, rú guǒ nǐ bù xǐ huān zhè yí gè wǒ kě yǐ bāng nǐ zhǎo gèng hǎo de
[16:00.19] Mike? Mike? mài kè? mài kè?
[16:03.96] I' m out of here. wǒ yào zǒu le
[16:05.63] It was nice meeting you. hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ
[16:07.66] You' re leaving too? I' ll stay if you can tell me my name. nǐ yě yào zǒu? nǐ shuō de chū wǒ de míng zì, wǒ jiù liú xià
[16:11.17] Have a good night. zài jiàn
[16:16.64] We leave tomorrow, and you still have a lot to pack. wǒ men míng tiān jiù yào zǒu le ér nǐ hái yǒu hǎo duō dōng xī yào dǎ bāo
[16:19.64] You' re right. nǐ shuō de duì
[16:21.71] Maybe I shouldn' t go. huò xǔ wǒ bù yīng gāi qù
[16:24.65] What? shén me?
[16:27.05] So Nancy told me about this job at this great restaurant, Javu? nán xī gào sù wǒ yǒu yí gè hěn bàng de cān tīng zài zhēng rén, jié wū?
[16:31.69] But it' s just a little outside of Tulsa. lí tǔ ěr shā bú huì tài yuǎn
[16:34.12] Well, how far outside? nà shi duō yuǎn ne?
[16:36.32] Manhattan? màn hā dùn yuǎn ma?
[16:39.96] And you' re thinking of taking it? nǐ yào jiē shòu zhè fèn gōng zuò ma?
[16:44.80] Before, you said that being with me was more important than any job. nǐ zhī qián shuō gēn wǒ zài yì qǐ bǐ rèn hé gōng zuò dōu zhòng yào
[16:48.54] But I guess now it' s old job, me, new job. dàn wǒ cāi, xiàn zài shì jiù gōng zuò, wǒ, xīn gōng zuò
[16:54.81] I' m gonna miss this hand! wǒ huì xiǎng niàn zhè zhī shǒu de!
[16:59.01] I know this is a lot to ask.. wǒ zhī dào zhè hěn guò fèn
[17:00.88] but, my God, this is a onceinalifetime opportunity. dàn shì, tiān a, zhè shì qiān zǎi nán féng de hǎo jī huì
[17:04.08] What happened to " you can' t live without me four days a week"? nà nǐ shuō wú fǎ rěn shòu měi xīng qī sì tiān yào fēn kāi, shì zěn me huí shì ne?
[17:07.25] Well, if you really think about it, I mean, four days is not that long. rú guǒ nǐ zǐ xì xiǎng xiǎng sì tiān bìng bú shì hěn zhǎng de shí jiān
[17:12.53] I see you Monday before you go to work.. xīng qī yī nǐ qù shàng bān qián wǒ huì jiàn dào nǐ
[17:14.56] and Thursday when you get back.. rán hòu xīng qī sì wǎn shàng wǒ yě huì jiàn dào nǐ
[17:16.46] and I always work late on Tuesdays, so really if you think about it.. ér wǒ zǒng shì zài xīng qī èr máng de hěn wǎn suǒ yǐ rú guǒ nǐ zǐ xì xiǎng xiǎng
[17:20.37] it' s really just one day. shì shí shàng zhǐ yǒu fèn kāi yì tiān ér yǐ
[17:21.97] And well, if we can' t make it one day, we got real problems, my friend. ér rú guǒ wǒ men lián yì tiān dōu chēng bú zhù wǒ men zhēn de shì yǒu dà wèn tí le
[17:31.08] I think you should take the job. Really? wǒ rèn wéi nǐ yīng gāi jiē shòu zhè fèn gōng zuò zhēn de ma?
[17:34.42] I know it must be important to you when you start chattering like a monkey. dāng nǐ kāi shǐ xiàng hóu zi yí yàng guǐ hǒu shí wǒ jiù zhī dào zhè duì nǐ yí dìng hěn zhòng yào
[17:40.75] That' s the nicest thing anybody' s ever said to me. zhè shì wǒ tīng guò zuì měi hǎo de xíng róng le
[17:43.76] It' s your dream job. I can' t make you pass it up. zhè shì nǐ de mèng xiǎng gōng zuò wǒ bù néng yāo qiú nǐ fàng qì de
[17:46.16] Besides, I' m proud of you. kuàng qiě wǒ hái yǐ nǐ wèi róng
[17:48.10] You are? Yeah. zhēn de ma? shì a
[17:49.80] And when I get to Tulsa and people say, " Where' s the missus".. dāng wǒ qù dào tǔ ěr shā, yǒu rén wèn wǒ " nǐ lǎo pó ne?"
[17:52.87] I' ll tell them she' s a chef at Javu. wǒ huì gào sù tā men, tā zài jié wū dāng zhǔ chú
[17:55.94] And then, when they stare at me blankly.. rán hòu, dāng tā men gǎo bù qīng zhuàng kuàng dīng zhe wǒ kàn shí
[17:58.87] I' ll make some offensive Tulsa joke, and thus, begin my isolation. wǒ jiù huì shuō yī xiē wū rǔ tǔ ěr shā de xiào huà rán hòu kāi shǐ bèi tā men pái jǐ
[18:07.82] How was the pediatrician? I really liked him. xīn yī shēng zěn yàng ne? wǒ zhēn de hěn xǐ huān tā
[18:11.02] Yeah, yeah. It was really, really, really good. shì a, shì a zhēn de, zhēn de, zhēn de hěn bù cuò
[18:15.99] You promised not to say anything. I know. nǐ dā yìng wǒ bú huì shuō chū qù de wǒ zhī dào
[18:19.66] Ross still sees his pediatrician! luó sī hái zài kàn tā xiǎo shí hòu de yī shēng!
[18:24.50] I don' t care. wǒ bù zài hu
[18:27.60] Are you serious? You still see Dr. Gettleman? zhēn de ma? nǐ hái zài kàn gé màn yī shī?
[18:31.04] He is a brilliant diagnostician! tā shì yī shù gāo míng de zhěn duàn shī!
[18:33.17] Diagnostician or booboo fixer? zhěn duàn shī hái shì yī shēng shū shū ne?
[18:37.58] Seriously, you gotta go to an appropriate doctor. zhēn de, nǐ yīng gāi qù kàn shì hé nǐ de yī shēng cái duì
[18:40.28] And not an orthodontist.. bú shì yá kē yī shēng
[18:43.32] not a gynecologist.. bú shì fù kē yī shēng
[18:46.55] and not a veterinarian.. yě gèng bú shì shòu yī
[18:49.62] Why? I know it' s a little weird, but he is a great doctor, okay? wèi shí me? wǒ zhī dào zhè shì yǒu diǎn guài dàn shì tā shì gè hěn bàng de yī shēng, hǎo ma?
[18:53.96] He knows my medical history. tā zhī dào wǒ de bìng shǐ
[18:55.90] And every time I go in there, he makes a big deal. ér qiě měi cì wǒ qù kàn bìng tā dōu fēi cháng de shèn zhòng qí shì
[18:58.93] You know, " Look, it' s my favorite patient." nǐ zhī dào de " qiáo, zhè shì wǒ zuì xǐ huān de bìng rén"
[19:01.64] Does he say that before he sticks his thermometer in your tushy? shì bú shì zài bǎ tǐ wēn jì chā dào nǐ zuǐ lǐ zhī qián shuō de ne?
[19:05.47] I seem to remember someone bringing his security blanket to college. wǒ hái jì de yǒu rén bǎ tā de ān quán máo tǎn dài dào dà xué sù shè
[19:10.31] That was not a security blanket. That was a wall hanging. nà bú shì ān quán máo tǎn nà shi bì tǎn
[19:13.41] It didn' t spend much time on the wall! tā dǎo shì méi yǒu bèi guà zài qiáng shàng tài jiǔ!
[19:25.63] Excuse me. duì bù qǐ
[19:28.23] Hi. I was hoping to run into you. Can we talk? hāi, wǒ yuán běn jiù xī wàng kě yǐ zài yù dào nǐ wǒ men kě yǐ tán tán ma?
[19:32.10] Sure. dāng rán
[19:33.93] Yeah. There' s someone I want you to meet. wǒ xiǎng yào jiè shào nǐ rèn shi yí ge rén
[19:36.27] This is my best friend from high school. zhè wèi shì wǒ gāo zhōng zuì yāo hǎo de péng yǒu
[19:41.18] I' m sorry, I don' t think I know you. hěn bào qiàn, wǒ bìng bù rèn shi nǐ
[19:43.44] How hard was that? zhēn shì tài róng yì le
[19:46.05] Look, I' m sorry, really. I' m so embarrassed. wǒ zhēn de hěn bào qiàn wǒ shí zài tài bù hǎo yì sī le
[19:51.52] Please. bài tuō
[19:53.32] Really, I' m a pretty nice guy. Just ask my parole officer. zhēn de, wǒ shì gè hái bù cuò de rén nǐ kě yǐ wèn wǒ de bǎo shì guān
[20:01.30] Apparently, I' m not a funny guy. hěn míng xiǎn dì, wǒ bìng bú shì hěn fēng qù
[20:06.17] Well, why did you go along with that? nà nǐ wèi shí me yào zhè yàng zuò ne?
[20:09.64] Because I was told that I' d get a free dinner, which I didn' t. yīn wèi tā shuō, wǒ kě yǐ chī yī dùn miǎn fèi de wǎn cān, bù guò bìng méi yǒu
[20:15.04] And that I' d meet a pretty girl, which I did. hái yǒu tā shuō, wǒ kě yǐ rèn shi piào liàng de nǚ shēng, zhè dǎo shì yǒu
[20:20.65] That' s true. nà dào shi zhēn de
[20:25.89] Well, is anything you told me about yourself true? nà nǐ gào sù wǒ de shì yǒu něi xiē shì zhēn de ne?
[20:28.66] My name is Mike. And I do play piano. wǒ de míng zì zhēn de shì mài kè hái yǒu wǒ zhēn de huì tán gāng qín
[20:31.83] Prove it. There isn' t a piano here. zhèng míng gěi wǒ kàn zhè lǐ bìng méi yǒu gāng qín
[20:35.80] That wouldn' t stand in the way of a true pianist. nà duì zhēn zhèng de gāng qín jiā bú huì shì wèn tí ba
[20:40.10] Okay. hǎo ba
[20:57.95] You are really good. nǐ zhēn de hěn bàng
[21:03.96] I play a little guitar myself. Really? That' s great. wǒ huì dàn yì diǎn jí tā zhēn de? tài bàng le
[21:07.56] What kind of music do you play? Like acoustic, folksy stuff, you know? nǐ tán zòu shén me zhǒng yīn yuè ne? xiàng shì zhòng yuán yīn yǒu mín sú fēng wèi de
[21:11.40] But right now I' m working on a couple lron Maiden covers. dàn shì wǒ xiàn zài zài zhì zuò CD fēng miàn
[21:17.84] Do you think that, maybe, sometime, I could.. nǐ xiǎng, huò xǔ, yǒu kòng de huà, wǒ kě
[21:23.64] It' s okay. Go ahead, ask me out. méi guān xì de, lái ba, yuē wǒ ba
[21:27.48] Okay. You think, maybe, sometime I could take you out? hǎo ba, nǐ xiǎng, huò xǔ yǒu kòng de huà wǒ kě yǐ yuē nǐ chū qù ma?
[21:31.89] You just caught me off guard. nǐ zhēn shì ràng wǒ yì diǎn xīn lǐ zhǔn bèi dōu méi yǒu
[21:35.22] Yeah, that would be nice. hǎo a, wǒ hěn lè yì
[21:37.22] Look at this! My two best friends! qiáo qiáo! wǒ liǎng gè zuì yāo hǎo de péng yǒu!
[21:47.40] Excuse me. I don' t mean to be a jerk.. bù hǎo yì sī, wǒ bù xiǎng yào tài jī chē
[21:50.37] but the baby with the rash came in after me. dàn shì nà gè zhǎng zhěn zǐ de yīng ér shì zài wǒ hòu miàn jìn lái de
[21:54.74] The doctor will be right with you, sir. I hear you.. yī shēng děng yī xià jiù kě yǐ kàn nǐ le, xiān shēng wǒ zhī dào
[21:57.71] but do you have any harder puzzles? dàn shì nǐ yǒu méi yǒu bǐ jiào gāo nán dù de mí tí ne?
[22:05.72] Mommy, I can' t find Waldo. mā mī, wǒ zhǎo bu dào huá duō
[22:07.95] What page are you on? nǐ zài dì jǐ yè ne?
[22:09.66] What, the circus? He' s behind the elephant. yóu lè chǎng ma? tā zài dà xiàng hòu miàn
[22:12.26] Wow. So your child' s a big fan of the Waldo books too? wa, nǐ de hái zi yí dìng yě hěn mí huá duō
[22:18.37] Yeah, that' s how I know. shì a, suǒ yǐ wǒ yě hěn shú
[22:22.10] I' m Ross, by the way. Hi, I' m Sally. duì le, wǒ jiào luó sī hāi, wǒ jiào shā lì
[22:25.27] So no ring. Can I assume you' re also a single parent? méi yǒu jiè zhǐ, suǒ yǐ wǒ tuī xiǎng nǐ yě shì dān qīn?
[22:29.24] I am a single parent. It' s hard, isn' t it? wǒ shì dān qīn méi cuò hěn nán, duì ba?
[22:33.18] There' s no time for a social life. Where are you gonna meet someone? gēn běn méi yǒu kě yǐ shè jiāo de shí jiān yào qù nǎ lǐ rèn shi péng yǒu ne?
[22:36.85] Well.. Mommy, I can' t.. nà gè mā mī, wǒ zhǎo bù
[22:38.62] Sea shore? Row boat. hǎi biān ma? zài xiǎo chuán shàng
[22:44.39] Let' s say, I don' t know, you met someone in the pediatrician' s office. wǒ xiǎng, wǒ bù zhī dào kě yǐ zài xiǎo ér kē yī shēng nà lǐ rèn shi rén ba
[22:50.73] Rossie? We' re ready for you. xiǎo luó sī? lún dào nǐ le
[23:01.51] Yeah.. shì a
[23:05.08] Come on, Ross Jr. It' s time to go in. zǒu ba, xiǎo luó sī lún dào wǒ men le
[23:10.45] Mommy. mā mī
[23:16.39] Mommy, what' s wrong with that man? mā mī, nà gè rén shì zěn me le?
[23:18.66] Hey, I helped you find Waldo! hēi, shì wǒ bāng nǐ zhǎo dào huá duō de yé!
[23:28.60] Good, you haven' t left yet. Where have you been? tài hǎo le, nǐ hái méi zǒu nǐ qù nǎ le?
[23:31.91] I got held up at Dr. Gettleman' s office. yǒu shì qíng zài gé màn yī shī nà dān gē le yī xià
[23:35.51] There was some guy that freaked everybody out. yǒu yí ge rén xià huài le suǒ yǒu de rén
[23:40.41] I don' t think I' m going back there. wǒ xiǎng wǒ zài yě bú yào huí qù nà lǐ le
[23:43.62] You got here just in time. I really have to go, buddy. nǐ zhèng hǎo gǎn shàng wǒ de yào zǒu le, xiōng dì
[23:46.49] Oh, man. ō, zhēn shi de
[23:47.69] Promise to call me when you land? Of course I will. I love you. dā yìng wǒ yī xià fēi jī jiù dǎ diàn huà dāng rán, wǒ ài nǐ
[23:51.69] I love you too. wǒ yě ài nǐ
[23:58.00] Watch the tongue, people. We got a baby over here. bú yào shé wěn, nǐ men, ér tóng bù yí
[24:02.40] Bye, Chandler. Bye. zài jiàn, qián dé zài jiàn
[24:05.41] Bye, honey. Bye. zài jiàn, qīn ài de zài jiàn
[24:12.18] What' s the matter, Joe? I' m mad at you for leaving. zěn me le, qiáo yī? wǒ hěn shēng qì nǐ yào zǒu
[24:16.18] You know, you' re nothing but a big leaver. nǐ zhī dào ma? nǐ shén me dōu bú huì jiù zuì huì pāo qì rén jiā
[24:20.29] A big leaver with a stupid suitcase. dài zhe bèn xíng lǐ de fù xīn hàn
[24:25.59] Any chance you' re trying to pick a fight to make all of this easier? nǐ shì bú shì gù yì shuō yī xiē qì huà ràng zì jǐ hǎo guò diǎn ne?
[24:33.17] Dude, you see right through me! lǎo xiōng, nǐ zhēn shì tài liǎo jiě wǒ le!
[24:45.31] Okay, well.. Bye, Mon. hǎo le, nà me zài jiàn le, mó nī kǎ
[24:48.38] Bye, Ross. Rachel. zài jiàn, luó sī, ruì qiū
[24:51.02] Bye, Emma. Okay, byebye. zài jiàn, ài mà hǎo le, bài bài
[24:54.35] Have a good trip. Okay. Oh, my God. lǚ tú yú kuài, hǎo le, ō, tiān a
[25:01.70] Wait. qián dé, děng yī xià
[25:04.93] It goes old job.. yīng gāi shì jiù gōng zuò
[25:08.07] new job.. xīn gōng zuò
[25:10.34] and you. rán hòu shì nǐ
[25:13.64] This is just something I have to do. nà zhǐ bù guò shì wǒ yào zuò de gōng zuò
[25:16.24] I know. wǒ zhī dào
[25:18.48] I love you so much. wǒ hǎo ài nǐ
[25:20.98] I know that too. wǒ yě zhī dào
[25:34.09] Don' t worry. I' ll be back before you know it. bié dān xīn wǒ hěn kuài jiù huì huí lái le
[25:38.10] Yes, it will be the same. shì de, yī qiè dōu bú huì biàn
[25:40.63] Because I know, that' s how. yīn wèi wǒ jiù shì zhī dào
[25:43.40] I promise. wǒ bǎo zhèng
[25:44.64] You double promise? nǐ kě yǐ shuāng chóng bǎo zhèng ma?
[25:50.61] Call me when you land. yī xià jī jiù dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ
[25:53.81] Can I talk now? Okay, bye. lún dào wǒ jiǎng le ma? hǎo de, zài jiàn
[25:56.38] Joey! He had to board. qiáo yī! tā yào dēng jī le