Friends S09E08

歌曲 Friends S09E08
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第九季)


[00:00.411] Hey,hon?Would you help me get the plates down?
[00:03.046] Yeah.Hey,here’s an idea.
[00:05.091] Why don’t we use our wedding china today?
[00:07.029] No, I just think we should save our china
[00:08.457] for something really special.
[00:08.960] Like if the queen of England comes over.
[00:13.479] Honey,she keeps canceling on us.Take the hint.
[00:17.640] What if something get broken?They’re so expensive.
[00:19.791] What is the point of having them if we never use them?
[00:23.079] Okay.But if something get broken and then the queen comes over.
[00:26.081] I will explain it to her.
[00:27.609] Like I’d let you talk to the queen.
[00:31.979] Wow,the parade is really good this year.
[00:35.070] Man,those horses can crap.
[00:38.742] Next up is a marching band from Muskoqee,Oklahoma.
[00:41.181] Muskoqee?That’s like four hours from Tulsa!
[00:46.577] And here’s the float with the stars of the popular daytime soap..Days of Our Lives.
[00:51.835] Oh,my God!!
[00:57.414] Aren’t you one of the stars of the popular daytime soap Days of our Lives?
[01:00.591] Yeah. I forgot! I’m supposed to be there!
[01:05.878] I can’t believe I forgot!
[01:07.046] I usually write stuff like this down on my arm!
[01:12.145] Stupid long sleeves!
[01:16.280] What are you gonna do?
[01:17.717] I’ll come up with a good reason why I wasn’t there.
[01:21.463] The producer are gonna be mad.
[01:23.117] They sat us down and said:“Everyone has to be there,6 a.m. sharp.That means you,Tribbiani.”
[01:29.364] Like I was some kind of idiot.
[01:34.136] Well,you proved them wrong.
[02:25.269] Oh,Emma
[02:27.421] This is your first Thanksgiving.What are you thank for?Mommy’s boobies?
[02:35.881] A lot of people are thankful for those.
[02:39.703] Hello? Rachel?
[02:43.201] Who is it?
[02:44.390] It’s your favorite sister.
[02:47.073] Jill?- Amy!-
[02:50.094] Hide my rings.
[02:56.975] Amy! Happy Thanksgaving.
[03:05.174] Do you have a hair straightener?
[03:12.142] Hair straightener.
[03:14.959] I haven’t seen you in like a year
[03:16.887] I know. I know. I’ve just been crazed.
[03:19.862] Well,me too. I had a baby
[03:23.007] I decorated Dad’s office.
[03:26.015] Yeah? Well,unless you pushed a desk out of your vagina, not the same thing.
[03:32.722] Listen, about that hair straightener,honey I really need. I’m gonna have dinner at my boyfriend’s house.
[03:39.358] Oh my God.
[03:41.540] Is this Emmett?
[03:48.559] It’s Emma.
[03:49.871] It’s a girl?
[03:53.344] Hey Amy.
[03:54.569] Amy,you remember Ross?
[03:57.211] Not really.
[03:59.355] But you are much cuter than that geeky guy she used to date.
[04:05.911] That was me.No, he was this creepy guy from high school
[04:11.085] who had this huge crush on her since, like, the ninth grade.
[04:14.723] Still me
[04:17.761] No, I’m not talking about you.
[04:19.267] It was your fat friend’s brother with that bad Afro.
[04:22.144] Okay Amy. I’m gonna save you time, okay?
[04:24.197] All me!
[04:30.828] Careful.Careful.Careful
[04:36.789] I’ll tell you what, for the rest of our lives.I’ll be careful until told otherwise.
[04:43.881] This isn’t the china we picked out. I know.
[04:46.400] After you left the store, I chose different ones.
[04:50.263] Why? - No offense, honey.
[04:51.762] but your taste is a little feminine for me.
[04:54.251] Suddenly flowers are feminine?
[04:58.368] Hey,everybody! Happy Thanksgiving!
[05:01.327] Happy Thanksgiving.Phoebe!
[05:03.884] What’s going on.Joe?
[05:04.845] Listen. I need a good lie.
[05:07.946] How about the whole “man walking on the moon”thing, you know?“
[05:12.713] You can see the strings people!
[05:16.532] No,no,no. I need a good lie to explain why I wasn’t at a work thing today.
[05:20.461] Honey you stink at lying.
[05:22.382] I do not.
[05:23.362] Really? Let me ask you something.
[05:24.819] Yesterday at the coffeehouse..I went to the bathroom and when I came back, my muffin was gone.Who took it?
[05:31.864] Somebody opened the door to the coffeehouse..and a raccoon ran in
[05:36.619] And went straight for your muffin. I said:“Hey don’t eat that!That’s Phoebe’s!”
[05:40.265] And he said:
[05:43.855] He said,”Joey, you stink at lying.”
[05:46.396] What am I gonna do?
[05:48.104] Don’t worry.We’ll come up with a lie.
[05:49.666] I’ll help you practice.
[05:50.550] Great.That’d be great.Thank you
[05:52.433] Sure. What was the work thing?
[05:55.846] “Pick up Grandma at the airport.” -Oh ,man!
[06:03.079] She‘s precious.
[06:05.435] Do you ever worry that she’s gonna get your real nose?
[06:09.199] Amy..
[06:12.149] Yes I do. I really do.
[06:19.054] Hello? Yeah, hang on, one sec. Can I take this upstairs?
[06:24.501] Sure. We don’t live there, but..
[06:28.059] Seriously? It’s just these rooms?
[06:32.388] I thought you were a doctor.
[06:34.350] Yean no. Ross has a Ph.D.
[06:41.938] God.. She is unbelievable
[06:45.175] I know. I mean, a PhD is just as good as an MD
[06:48.436] Sure. Ross,yeah!
[06:50.438] If I have a heart attack at a restaurant,I want you there with your fossil brush.
[06:57.291] Stupid Thanksgiving.-What? What ?What happened?
[07:00.937] My boyfriend canceled on me.
[07:02.825] I mean, I finally find a real relationship, someone that I can spend this day with, and then his wife comes back into town!
[07:10.570] I swear,it’s almost not even worth dating married guys.
[07:14.237] Don’t say that.
[07:18.505] God, I was so looking forward to this.
[07:20.136] It was gonna be such a beautiful Thanksgiving.
[07:23.339] We were gonna have sushi.
[07:27.105] Amy..don’t cry
[07:30.521] Ross,can I talk to you in private?
[07:32.807] Sure, you wanna go upstairs, or?
[07:39.241] Look. I was thinking. If it’s okay with Monica..
[07:41.818] I would like to invite Amy to Thanksgiving.
[07:45.473] You know, I think that’s a great idea. It‘ll be like the Pilgrims bringing the Indians syphilis.
[07:52.638] Look. I know she’s a little tough to take.
[07:54.539] But she has nowhere to go and she’s my sister. She’s Emma’s aunt.
[08:00.374] And I would like them to bond.
[08:02.589] Ok,fine. I don’t want them bonding too much.
[08:05.710] I don't want her telling Emma she needs a nose job.
[08:08.061] Ross you know what she may need one.We’re just gonna have to make our peace with that!
[08:19.611] Hey you guys. This is my sister Amy.
[08:25.259] This is Chandler.Joey.Phoebe. and you know Mon.
[08:29.310] Oh my god. You‘re on Days of Our lives!
[08:33.308] Yeah
[08:34.933] Wow! They must put a lot of makeup on you!
[08:40.363] Happy Thanksgiving!
[08:48.376] So welcome. Is this the first time you’re seeing Emma?
[08:51.411] Yeah.. I think so
[08:52.991] It’s nice to meet you.Emma
[08:56.560] Phoebe.-That’s a funny noise.
[09:03.878] Phoebe? I still need some help here. Right okay.
[09:08.031] So it’s not just the lie you tell but it’s the way you tell it. For example
[09:12.048] If you look at the ground when you’re talking, people know you’re lying.
[09:16.513] I don’t know why this is so hard for me , lying is basically just acting
[09:21.027] and I am a terrific actor
[09:22.298] You’re a terrific actor
[09:26.986] Hey. Where’s the baby?
[09:28.929] We just put her down for a nap.
[09:30.864] Listen I was just thinking, you know what would be incredible?
[09:34.647] If you guys died..
[09:38.869] Thank you Amy.
[09:41.296] No,no then I would get the baby
[09:44.304] It would be just like a movie.
[09:46.598] At first I wouldn’t know what to do with her and then I would rise to the occasion
[09:48.720] I’d get a makeover and get married
[09:53.132] That’s a great movie!
[09:57.380] Now listen.Not that you guys could stop me or anything
[10:00.166] Because you know you’d be dead.
[10:02.734] But I was thinking about changing her name
[10:05.331] I’m just not really a big fan of Emily.
[10:09.286] Emma
[10:11.536] Emma? Ross wants you.
[10:16.053] Pheobe!
[10:19.269] Why does she keep making that noise?
[10:25.124] Honey I don’t know how to tell you this ..
[10:27.131] But if something were to happen to Ross or myself
[10:31.270] you would’t get the baby
[10:34.088] Well who would?
[10:36.338] Well we haven’t officially asked them yet
[10:39.019] But we would want Monica and Chandler
[10:42.753] I can’t believe you’d want us to raise Emma
[10:45.474] Oh my God. I’m so moved.
[10:47.689] I don't believe this.Hold on a second. You guys die
[10:49.886] and I don’t get your baby?
[10:52.718] Amy see..we’re a lot closer to Monica and Chandler
[10:56.454] We see them every day. And truthfully you don’t seem connected to the baby
[11:00.656] Connected? To what? She’s a lump.
[11:06.992] You know guys I’ve gotta say this means so much to me
[11:09.863] I mean that you would trust me ..with your child
[11:14.009] I mean we all know that Monica and I have been trying to have a baby of our own
[11:20.060] You know. I’ve had my doubts about my skills as a father.
[11:23.132] But..that you two ..that you two..
[11:29.204] This guy? Seriously?
[11:39.252] Okay. It’s time for dinner
[11:41.477] Everyone we’re using our fancy china and it’s very expensive. So please be careful
[11:55.426] Okay, just to be clear comedy with the plates will not be well-received.
[12:06.962] Hey..How come my plates less fancy than everyone else’s?
[12:13.674] Do you not trust me with a fancy plate?
[12:16.560] No honey..That’s a special plate
[12:19.298]’s a game.Whoever gets that plate wins.
[12:25.290] I can’t believe I won!
[12:28.715] You know this is such a slap in the face . I mean I’m your sister and you would give you baby to these strangers over me
[12:36.460] Monica is Ross’ sister
[12:39.527] No Ross’ sister was really fat.
[12:44.777] That was me
[12:47.143] No she was this dorky girl in school who followed Rachel around like a puppy
[12:51.630] Amy you’ve got to stop doing that!
[13:00.342] Okay.listen I know you’re having a bit of a family crisis but you don’t have to take it out on the plates.
[13:06.034] I mean in fact I think that everyone should cut the food like this..
[13:15.245] See it , this way you protect plates and let’s face it you have fun
[13:21.834] Okay how about this? If you guys die ..and the crazy plate lady dies
[13:28.314] Then do I get the baby?
[13:31.679] No if crazy plate lady..
[13:35.730] If Monica dies then I would get Emma.Right?
[13:42.916] Well,actually.
[13:44.235] Actually what?
[13:45.730] It’s just that in that case then Emma would go to my parents
[13:52.938] What ? - Hurts, doesn’t it?
[13:57.604] Who has to die for me to get her?
[14:07.666] So if Moinca’s not around I’m not good enough to raise Emma?
[14:11.189] No that is not what we’re saying
[14:13.920] Yeah..he’s lying.He looked down
[14:17.861] What’s wrong with me? Am I incompetent?
[14:20.202] Because I managed to survive whatever it is that killed the three of you
[14:26.819] You’re taking this the wrong way. We think you are going to be a wonderful parent
[14:31.788] It’s jus, you're more the you know parent
[14:35.738] Yeah and we wanna make sure that Emma also has someone like Monica
[14:41.171] who’s more of a disciplinarian.Someone who can be firm and strict
[14:45.570] That’s not how you see me ,is it?
[14:48.451] No you’re all about the fun
[14:57.268] I may not know a lot about babies but do you really think I’m not capable
[15:01.217] No. You both are equally capable
[15:03.872] It’s just you’re strongest when you’re together.
[15:06.989] Okay, So if we both had Emma and I died,she ‘d have to give her up
[15:13.907] Sure,Monica would have to give he up
[15:17.506] I lie better than that right?
[15:21.636] Let me just get this straight. So my two friends die I get Emma ,then my wife dies.Then Emma
[15:27.542] the one tiny ray of hope left in my life.. gets taken away from me?
[15:31.242] There’s your movie.
[15:37.555] Hey, there you are
[15:39.880] You disappeared after dinner
[15:41.622] Did somebody miss me? Was there a child to raise poorly?
[15:46.722] Ross and Rachel don’t know what they’re saying.
[15:50.102] It’s not like they’re so responsible.Emma is a product of a bottle of merlot and a five-year-old condom
[15:59.044] No they’re right. I’m not a strong father figure, and I never will be.
[16:03.626] No you learn these things. You grow into it.
[16:05.280] Yeah,but it’s not who I am
[16:07.193] Everything they said is exactly why I was worried about having a kid. It’s true.
[16:11.994] And look everybody knows it
[16:13.681] I don’t know it
[16:15.425] I wanna have a kid with you because I think you’ll be an amazing dad.
[16:19.257] At the fun parts and at the hard parts
[16:22.712] Well can you picture me saying “Go to your room you’re grounded”?
[16:25.878] Can you hear me say”You’re grounded”?
[16:28.492] You said that to me last week
[16:32.631] How hard is it?“No shoes on the furniture!”
[16:41.629] The producer from Davs left a message asking why I wasn’t at the parade
[16:47.464] They said everybody’s really pissed off at me. And they all got to meet Santa!
[16:53.031] It’s okay. I thought of the perfect lie for you.
[16:55.577] It’s easy to remember and it doesn’t invite a lot of questions.
[16:59.299] You weren’t at the parade because you had family emergency
[17:03.562] I like that! Yeah
[17:06.528] I wasn’t at the parade because I had a family emergency.
[17:09.368] What happened?
[17:11.466] My sister’s raccoon came.. No nothing with a raccoon!
[17:17.649] Wait..what are you doing? - setting the table
[17:19.837] We thought it might be nice to use the fancy china for dessert, too
[17:24.248] How nice. Maybe later we can all go blow our noses on my wedding dress.
[17:35.417] Hey dude you okay?
[17:36.878] Sorry about before
[17:37.927] That’s okay.You’re totally right I don't know anything about disciplining a child.
[17:42.334] But it did hurt my feelings. And I want you to know that if I died don’t get joey
[18:02.769] In case you hadn’t noticed I’m not talking to you
[18:08.250] You know.. this is just.. This is classic Rachel
[18:11.060] Oh yeah right.Remember in high school when I died and didn’t give you my baby?
[18:18.298] This might be my one chance to have a child Rachel
[18:22.336] I mean you know that I have been so busy focusing on my career
[18:24.168] What career? - I’m a decorator
[18:28.635] You decorate Dad’s office and now you’re a decorator?
[18:32.269] okay I went to the zoo yesterday.Now I’m a koala bear.
[18:39.927] Why can’t you ever be supportive?
[18:42.018] You wanna talk supportive?
[18:43.872] You didn’t come and visit me when I was in hospital having the baby!
[18:48.004] You didn’t come see me in the hospital when I was getting my lips done!
[18:53.391] I did the first time
[18:57.980] You know what? You wanna know why I am not giving Emily to you?
[19:01.076] Emma -
[19:01.605] Whose side are you on?!
[19:05.418] I’m not giving you Emma because you can’t handle the responsibility of a child.
[19:10.147] Well how hard could it be? You do it
[19:17.915] You wanna know why you don’t want me to have the baby?
[19:21.255] Because you don’t want me to be happy
[19:23.707] You have always been jealous of me
[19:26.061] Jealous of what?
[19:27.494] Of you lack of responsibility?Your immaturity? your total disregard for other people’s feelings?
[19:34.673] To name a few
[19:38.942] You know. You’ve always been like this.You had to have everything.
[19:40.906] and I couldn’t have anything.
[19:44.478] Like in junior high, when you stole Timmy from me. I mean do you even realize how much that hurt me?
[19:50.722] Timmy was my boyfriend and you made out with hime!
[19:53.191] Come on that was 20 years ago
[19:54.340] Get over it
[19:56.943] I cannot believe that I invited you here today!
[19:59.877] Yeah well you know what I cannot believe
[20:01.705] That my so-called sister
[20:03.808] Gets a 30 percent discount from Ralph Lauren.
[20:06.693] and I still have to pay retail?
[20:10.161] It’s 45.
[20:14.193] You bitch
[20:18.541] You just think you’re so perfect with your new baby and your small apartment
[20:26.043] Well let me tell you something.
[20:28.297] Your baby isn’t even that cute
[20:32.447] Too far Amy.Too far
[20:40.183] Take it back. -No what are you gonna do ?Make me?
[20:41.329] Hey man I work out!
[20:47.679] So do I
[20:48.591] I do Pilates
[20:49.560] I do yoga.
[20:50.651] Bring it on!
[20:55.744] Put the plates in the boxes! Put the plates in the boxes!
[20:57.831] Did you just push me? - Yeah I think I did
[21:00.000] All right that’s it.
[21:01.411] Forget the bubble wrap!There isn’t time!
[21:12.858] Oh my god.Shouldn’t we stop this?
[21:15.195] Are you out of your mind? Let’s throw some jell-O on them!
[21:36.733] All right that is it! This our apartment and you cannot behave this way!
[21:41.880] If you can’t act your age you shouldn’t be here at all
[21:44.566] Those plates may not be as nice as the pretty pink ones that I picked out.
[21:50.070] but they’re very important to Monica.
[21:52.000] And I want you to apologize to her, now
[21:55.598] I'm sorry.-Mon,I’m so sorry
[21:58.753] Okay That’s better
[22:00.293] Now I want you to apologize to each other and mean it
[22:03.809] Sorry. Sorry
[22:06.140] By the way that fight was totally arousing
[22:13.753] Dude.Well done. If I die and Rachel dies and Monica can totally take care of Emma.
[22:22.118] Yeah,well thanks.
[22:24.336] now do I get Joey?
[22:28.808] Okay .but you should know he eats a lot and shoves pennies up his nose.
[22:38.903] Are you okay?mon?
[22:41.109] I mean these things happen.
[22:43.237] I means it’s just a plate.It’s not somebody died
[22:47.072] It’s all right. You can mourn
[22:49.145] Thank you. It was so beautiful
[22:55.369] I’m gonna go to Joey’s and get the pies.
[22:57.408] Actually not pies.It’s just a pie
[23:02.751] I don’t care
[23:05.013] Oh my god. I’ve lost the will to scold
[23:12.962] Look Amy..
[23:15.315] We got a little.. a little out of control over there
[23:20.687] And I’m sorry. You are my sister and if it really means that much to you
[23:28.028] So you’re gonna give me the baby?
[23:29.839] No I was.. I was gonna let you use my Ralph Lauren discount
[23:35.308] You are not gonna regret this
[23:41.740] She needs changing.
[23:42.723] No no no .I’ll get her
[23:44.907] I am super confident ,totally responsible and fourth in line to raise Emma
[23:49.222] I’ll be right there,Emma
[23:50.356] Just let me get my trusty diaper bag here.
[23:59.134] Well.what do you know?I guess I’ll be the one who dies first
[24:18.679] Does Monica know about you breaking her plates yet?
[24:20.642] Nope
[24:21.509] Broke them all, huh? -Yep
[24:23.059] You gonna tell her?-Nope
[24:27.624] Hey .So I’m gonna put the plates back
[24:31.052] I think you’re right.We shouldn’t use these plates for a long time
[24:34.479] Like only if the queen comes?
[24:35.934] Maybe not even then.
[24:39.196] Hey I did it
[24:40.643] I told my producer I had a family emergency.He totally bought it
[24:44.855] Thanks for teaching me how to lie Phebs
[24:46.227] No problem.Next week,stealing
[24:50.791] Bye plates
[24:51.908] You told her you broke all the plates?
[24:55.968] What?Something happened with the plates?
[25:00.133] Yeah..this raccoon came in..


[00:00.411] Hey, hon? Would you help me get the plates down?
[00:03.046] Yeah. Hey, here' s an idea.
[00:05.091] Why don' t we use our wedding china today?
[00:07.029] No, I just think we should save our china
[00:08.457] for something really special.
[00:08.960] Like if the queen of England comes over.
[00:13.479] Honey, she keeps canceling on us. Take the hint.
[00:17.640] What if something get broken? They' re so expensive.
[00:19.791] What is the point of having them if we never use them?
[00:23.079] Okay. But if something get broken and then the queen comes over.
[00:26.081] I will explain it to her.
[00:27.609] Like I' d let you talk to the queen.
[00:31.979] Wow, the parade is really good this year.
[00:35.070] Man, those horses can crap.
[00:38.742] Next up is a marching band from Muskoqee, Oklahoma.
[00:41.181] Muskoqee? That' s like four hours from Tulsa!
[00:46.577] And here' s the float with the stars of the popular daytime soap.. Days of Our Lives.
[00:51.835] Oh, my God!!
[00:57.414] Aren' t you one of the stars of the popular daytime soap Days of our Lives?
[01:00.591] Yeah. I forgot! I' m supposed to be there!
[01:05.878] I can' t believe I forgot!
[01:07.046] I usually write stuff like this down on my arm!
[01:12.145] Stupid long sleeves!
[01:16.280] What are you gonna do?
[01:17.717] I' ll come up with a good reason why I wasn' t there.
[01:21.463] The producer are gonna be mad.
[01:23.117] They sat us down and said:" Everyone has to be there, 6 a. m. sharp. That means you, Tribbiani."
[01:29.364] Like I was some kind of idiot.
[01:34.136] Well, you proved them wrong.
[02:25.269] Oh, Emma
[02:27.421] This is your first Thanksgiving. What are you thank for? Mommy' s boobies?
[02:35.881] A lot of people are thankful for those.
[02:39.703] Hello? Rachel?
[02:43.201] Who is it?
[02:44.390] It' s your favorite sister.
[02:47.073] Jill? Amy!
[02:50.094] Hide my rings.
[02:56.975] Amy! Happy Thanksgaving.
[03:05.174] Do you have a hair straightener?
[03:12.142] Hair straightener.
[03:14.959] I haven' t seen you in like a year
[03:16.887] I know. I know. I' ve just been crazed.
[03:19.862] Well, me too. I had a baby
[03:23.007] I decorated Dad' s office.
[03:26.015] Yeah? Well, unless you pushed a desk out of your vagina, not the same thing.
[03:32.722] Listen, about that hair straightener, honey I really need. I' m gonna have dinner at my boyfriend' s house.
[03:39.358] Oh my God.
[03:41.540] Is this Emmett?
[03:48.559] It' s Emma.
[03:49.871] It' s a girl?
[03:53.344] Hey Amy.
[03:54.569] Amy, you remember Ross?
[03:57.211] Not really.
[03:59.355] But you are much cuter than that geeky guy she used to date.
[04:05.911] That was me. No, he was this creepy guy from high school
[04:11.085] who had this huge crush on her since, like, the ninth grade.
[04:14.723] Still me
[04:17.761] No, I' m not talking about you.
[04:19.267] It was your fat friend' s brother with that bad Afro.
[04:22.144] Okay Amy. I' m gonna save you time, okay?
[04:24.197] All me!
[04:30.828] Careful. Careful. Careful
[04:36.789] I' ll tell you what, for the rest of our lives. I' ll be careful until told otherwise.
[04:43.881] This isn' t the china we picked out. I know.
[04:46.400] After you left the store, I chose different ones.
[04:50.263] Why? No offense, honey.
[04:51.762] but your taste is a little feminine for me.
[04:54.251] Suddenly flowers are feminine?
[04:58.368] Hey, everybody! Happy Thanksgiving!
[05:01.327] Happy Thanksgiving. Phoebe!
[05:03.884] What' s going on. Joe?
[05:04.845] Listen. I need a good lie.
[05:07.946] How about the whole " man walking on the moon" thing, you know?"
[05:12.713] You can see the strings people!
[05:16.532] No, no, no. I need a good lie to explain why I wasn' t at a work thing today.
[05:20.461] Honey you stink at lying.
[05:22.382] I do not.
[05:23.362] Really? Let me ask you something.
[05:24.819] Yesterday at the coffeehouse.. I went to the bathroom and when I came back, my muffin was gone. Who took it?
[05:31.864] Somebody opened the door to the coffeehouse.. and a raccoon ran in
[05:36.619] And went straight for your muffin. I said:" Hey don' t eat that! That' s Phoebe' s!"
[05:40.265] And he said:
[05:43.855] He said," Joey, you stink at lying."
[05:46.396] What am I gonna do?
[05:48.104] Don' t worry. We' ll come up with a lie.
[05:49.666] I' ll help you practice.
[05:50.550] Great. That' d be great. Thank you
[05:52.433] Sure. What was the work thing?
[05:55.846] " Pick up Grandma at the airport." Oh , man!
[06:03.079] She' s precious.
[06:05.435] Do you ever worry that she' s gonna get your real nose?
[06:09.199] Amy..
[06:12.149] Yes I do. I really do.
[06:19.054] Hello? Yeah, hang on, one sec. Can I take this upstairs?
[06:24.501] Sure. We don' t live there, but..
[06:28.059] Seriously? It' s just these rooms?
[06:32.388] I thought you were a doctor.
[06:34.350] Yean no. Ross has a Ph. D.
[06:41.938] God.. She is unbelievable
[06:45.175] I know. I mean, a PhD is just as good as an MD
[06:48.436] Sure. Ross, yeah!
[06:50.438] If I have a heart attack at a restaurant, I want you there with your fossil brush.
[06:57.291] Stupid Thanksgiving. What? What ? What happened?
[07:00.937] My boyfriend canceled on me.
[07:02.825] I mean, I finally find a real relationship, someone that I can spend this day with, and then his wife comes back into town!
[07:10.570] I swear, it' s almost not even worth dating married guys.
[07:14.237] Don' t say that.
[07:18.505] God, I was so looking forward to this.
[07:20.136] It was gonna be such a beautiful Thanksgiving.
[07:23.339] We were gonna have sushi.
[07:27.105] Amy.. don' t cry
[07:30.521] Ross, can I talk to you in private?
[07:32.807] Sure, you wanna go upstairs, or?
[07:39.241] Look. I was thinking. If it' s okay with Monica..
[07:41.818] I would like to invite Amy to Thanksgiving.
[07:45.473] You know, I think that' s a great idea. It' ll be like the Pilgrims bringing the Indians syphilis.
[07:52.638] Look. I know she' s a little tough to take.
[07:54.539] But she has nowhere to go and she' s my sister. She' s Emma' s aunt.
[08:00.374] And I would like them to bond.
[08:02.589] Ok, fine. I don' t want them bonding too much.
[08:05.710] I don' t want her telling Emma she needs a nose job.
[08:08.061] Ross you know what she may need one. We' re just gonna have to make our peace with that!
[08:19.611] Hey you guys. This is my sister Amy.
[08:25.259] This is Chandler. Joey. Phoebe. and you know Mon.
[08:29.310] Oh my god. You' re on Days of Our lives!
[08:33.308] Yeah
[08:34.933] Wow! They must put a lot of makeup on you!
[08:40.363] Happy Thanksgiving!
[08:48.376] So welcome. Is this the first time you' re seeing Emma?
[08:51.411] Yeah.. I think so
[08:52.991] It' s nice to meet you. Emma
[08:56.560] Phoebe. That' s a funny noise.
[09:03.878] Phoebe? I still need some help here. Right okay.
[09:08.031] So it' s not just the lie you tell but it' s the way you tell it. For example
[09:12.048] If you look at the ground when you' re talking, people know you' re lying.
[09:16.513] I don' t know why this is so hard for me , lying is basically just acting
[09:21.027] and I am a terrific actor
[09:22.298] You' re a terrific actor
[09:26.986] Hey. Where' s the baby?
[09:28.929] We just put her down for a nap.
[09:30.864] Listen I was just thinking, you know what would be incredible?
[09:34.647] If you guys died..
[09:38.869] Thank you Amy.
[09:41.296] No, no then I would get the baby
[09:44.304] It would be just like a movie.
[09:46.598] At first I wouldn' t know what to do with her and then I would rise to the occasion
[09:48.720] I' d get a makeover and get married
[09:53.132] That' s a great movie!
[09:57.380] Now listen. Not that you guys could stop me or anything
[10:00.166] Because you know you' d be dead.
[10:02.734] But I was thinking about changing her name
[10:05.331] I' m just not really a big fan of Emily.
[10:09.286] Emma
[10:11.536] Emma? Ross wants you.
[10:16.053] Pheobe!
[10:19.269] Why does she keep making that noise?
[10:25.124] Honey I don' t know how to tell you this ..
[10:27.131] But if something were to happen to Ross or myself
[10:31.270] you would' t get the baby
[10:34.088] Well who would?
[10:36.338] Well we haven' t officially asked them yet
[10:39.019] But we would want Monica and Chandler
[10:42.753] I can' t believe you' d want us to raise Emma
[10:45.474] Oh my God. I' m so moved.
[10:47.689] I don' t believe this. Hold on a second. You guys die
[10:49.886] and I don' t get your baby?
[10:52.718] Amy see.. we' re a lot closer to Monica and Chandler
[10:56.454] We see them every day. And truthfully you don' t seem connected to the baby
[11:00.656] Connected? To what? She' s a lump.
[11:06.992] You know guys I' ve gotta say this means so much to me
[11:09.863] I mean that you would trust me .. with your child
[11:14.009] I mean we all know that Monica and I have been trying to have a baby of our own
[11:20.060] You know. I' ve had my doubts about my skills as a father.
[11:23.132] But.. that you two .. that you two..
[11:29.204] This guy? Seriously?
[11:39.252] Okay. It' s time for dinner
[11:41.477] Everyone we' re using our fancy china and it' s very expensive. So please be careful
[11:55.426] Okay, just to be clear comedy with the plates will not be wellreceived.
[12:06.962] Hey.. How come my plates less fancy than everyone else' s?
[12:13.674] Do you not trust me with a fancy plate?
[12:16.560] No honey.. That' s a special plate
[12:19.298] See.. it' s a game. Whoever gets that plate wins.
[12:25.290] I can' t believe I won!
[12:28.715] You know this is such a slap in the face . I mean I' m your sister and you would give you baby to these strangers over me
[12:36.460] Monica is Ross' sister
[12:39.527] No Ross' sister was really fat.
[12:44.777] That was me
[12:47.143] No she was this dorky girl in school who followed Rachel around like a puppy
[12:51.630] Amy you' ve got to stop doing that!
[13:00.342] Okay. listen I know you' re having a bit of a family crisis but you don' t have to take it out on the plates.
[13:06.034] I mean in fact I think that everyone should cut the food like this..
[13:15.245] See it , this way you protect plates and let' s face it you have fun
[13:21.834] Okay how about this? If you guys die .. and the crazy plate lady dies
[13:28.314] Then do I get the baby?
[13:31.679] No if crazy plate lady..
[13:35.730] If Monica dies then I would get Emma. Right?
[13:42.916] Well, actually.
[13:44.235] Actually what?
[13:45.730] It' s just that in that case then Emma would go to my parents
[13:52.938] What ? Hurts, doesn' t it?
[13:57.604] Who has to die for me to get her?
[14:07.666] So if Moinca' s not around I' m not good enough to raise Emma?
[14:11.189] No that is not what we' re saying
[14:13.920] Yeah.. he' s lying. He looked down
[14:17.861] What' s wrong with me? Am I incompetent?
[14:20.202] Because I managed to survive whatever it is that killed the three of you
[14:26.819] You' re taking this the wrong way. We think you are going to be a wonderful parent
[14:31.788] It' s jus, you' re more the you know .. fun parent
[14:35.738] Yeah and we wanna make sure that Emma also has someone like Monica
[14:41.171] who' s more of a disciplinarian. Someone who can be firm and strict
[14:45.570] That' s not how you see me , is it?
[14:48.451] No you' re all about the fun
[14:57.268] I may not know a lot about babies but do you really think I' m not capable
[15:01.217] No. You both are equally capable
[15:03.872] It' s just you' re strongest when you' re together.
[15:06.989] Okay, So if we both had Emma and I died, she ' d have to give her up
[15:13.907] Sure, Monica would have to give he up
[15:17.506] I lie better than that right?
[15:21.636] Let me just get this straight. So my two friends die I get Emma , then my wife dies. Then Emma
[15:27.542] the one tiny ray of hope left in my life.. gets taken away from me?
[15:31.242] There' s your movie.
[15:37.555] Hey, there you are
[15:39.880] You disappeared after dinner
[15:41.622] Did somebody miss me? Was there a child to raise poorly?
[15:46.722] Ross and Rachel don' t know what they' re saying.
[15:50.102] It' s not like they' re so responsible. Emma is a product of a bottle of merlot and a fiveyearold condom
[15:59.044] No they' re right. I' m not a strong father figure, and I never will be.
[16:03.626] No you learn these things. You grow into it.
[16:05.280] Yeah, but it' s not who I am
[16:07.193] Everything they said is exactly why I was worried about having a kid. It' s true.
[16:11.994] And look everybody knows it
[16:13.681] I don' t know it
[16:15.425] I wanna have a kid with you because I think you' ll be an amazing dad.
[16:19.257] At the fun parts and at the hard parts
[16:22.712] Well can you picture me saying " Go to your room you' re grounded"?
[16:25.878] Can you hear me say" You' re grounded"?
[16:28.492] You said that to me last week
[16:32.631] How hard is it?" No shoes on the furniture!"
[16:41.629] The producer from Davs left a message asking why I wasn' t at the parade
[16:47.464] They said everybody' s really pissed off at me. And they all got to meet Santa!
[16:53.031] It' s okay. I thought of the perfect lie for you.
[16:55.577] It' s easy to remember and it doesn' t invite a lot of questions.
[16:59.299] You weren' t at the parade because you had family emergency
[17:03.562] I like that! Yeah
[17:06.528] I wasn' t at the parade because I had a family emergency.
[17:09.368] What happened?
[17:11.466] My sister' s raccoon came.. No nothing with a raccoon!
[17:17.649] Wait.. what are you doing? setting the table
[17:19.837] We thought it might be nice to use the fancy china for dessert, too
[17:24.248] How nice. Maybe later we can all go blow our noses on my wedding dress.
[17:35.417] Hey dude you okay?
[17:36.878] Sorry about before
[17:37.927] That' s okay. You' re totally right I don' t know anything about disciplining a child.
[17:42.334] But it did hurt my feelings. And I want you to know that if I died .. you don' t get joey
[18:02.769] In case you hadn' t noticed I' m not talking to you
[18:08.250] You know.. this is just.. This is classic Rachel
[18:11.060] Oh yeah right. Remember in high school when I died and didn' t give you my baby?
[18:18.298] This might be my one chance to have a child Rachel
[18:22.336] I mean you know that I have been so busy focusing on my career
[18:24.168] What career? I' m a decorator
[18:28.635] You decorate Dad' s office and now you' re a decorator?
[18:32.269] okay I went to the zoo yesterday. Now I' m a koala bear.
[18:39.927] Why can' t you ever be supportive?
[18:42.018] You wanna talk supportive?
[18:43.872] You didn' t come and visit me when I was in hospital having the baby!
[18:48.004] You didn' t come see me in the hospital when I was getting my lips done!
[18:53.391] I did the first time
[18:57.980] You know what? You wanna know why I am not giving Emily to you?
[19:01.076] Emma
[19:01.605] Whose side are you on?!
[19:05.418] I' m not giving you Emma because you can' t handle the responsibility of a child.
[19:10.147] Well how hard could it be? You do it
[19:17.915] You wanna know why you don' t want me to have the baby?
[19:21.255] Because you don' t want me to be happy
[19:23.707] You have always been jealous of me
[19:26.061] Jealous of what?
[19:27.494] Of you lack of responsibility? Your immaturity? your total disregard for other people' s feelings?
[19:34.673] To name a few
[19:38.942] You know. You' ve always been like this. You had to have everything.
[19:40.906] and I couldn' t have anything.
[19:44.478] Like in junior high, when you stole Timmy from me. I mean do you even realize how much that hurt me?
[19:50.722] Timmy was my boyfriend and you made out with hime!
[19:53.191] Come on that was 20 years ago
[19:54.340] Get over it
[19:56.943] I cannot believe that I invited you here today!
[19:59.877] Yeah well you know what I cannot believe
[20:01.705] That my socalled sister
[20:03.808] Gets a 30 percent discount from Ralph Lauren.
[20:06.693] and I still have to pay retail?
[20:10.161] It' s 45.
[20:14.193] You bitch
[20:18.541] You just think you' re so perfect with your new baby and your small apartment
[20:26.043] Well let me tell you something.
[20:28.297] Your baby isn' t even that cute
[20:32.447] Too far Amy. Too far
[20:40.183] Take it back. No what are you gonna do ? Make me?
[20:41.329] Hey man I work out!
[20:47.679] So do I
[20:48.591] I do Pilates
[20:49.560] I do yoga.
[20:50.651] Bring it on!
[20:55.744] Put the plates in the boxes! Put the plates in the boxes!
[20:57.831] Did you just push me? Yeah I think I did
[21:00.000] All right that' s it.
[21:01.411] Forget the bubble wrap! There isn' t time!
[21:12.858] Oh my god. Shouldn' t we stop this?
[21:15.195] Are you out of your mind? Let' s throw some jellO on them!
[21:36.733] All right that is it! This our apartment and you cannot behave this way!
[21:41.880] If you can' t act your age you shouldn' t be here at all
[21:44.566] Those plates may not be as nice as the pretty pink ones that I picked out.
[21:50.070] but they' re very important to Monica.
[21:52.000] And I want you to apologize to her, now
[21:55.598] I' m sorry. Mon, I' m so sorry
[21:58.753] Okay That' s better
[22:00.293] Now I want you to apologize to each other and mean it
[22:03.809] Sorry. Sorry
[22:06.140] By the way that fight was totally arousing
[22:13.753] Dude. Well done. If I die and Rachel dies and Monica dies. you can totally take care of Emma.
[22:22.118] Yeah, well thanks.
[22:24.336] So.. so now do I get Joey?
[22:28.808] Okay . but you should know he eats a lot and shoves pennies up his nose.
[22:38.903] Are you okay? mon?
[22:41.109] I mean these things happen.
[22:43.237] I means it' s just a plate. It' s not somebody died
[22:47.072] It' s all right. You can mourn
[22:49.145] Thank you. It was so beautiful
[22:55.369] I' m gonna go to Joey' s and get the pies.
[22:57.408] Actually not pies. It' s just a pie
[23:02.751] I don' t care
[23:05.013] Oh my god. I' ve lost the will to scold
[23:12.962] Look Amy..
[23:15.315] We got a little.. a little out of control over there
[23:20.687] And I' m sorry. You are my sister and if it really means that much to you
[23:28.028] So you' re gonna give me the baby?
[23:29.839] No I was.. I was gonna let you use my Ralph Lauren discount
[23:35.308] You are not gonna regret this
[23:41.740] She needs changing.
[23:42.723] No no no . I' ll get her
[23:44.907] I am super confident , totally responsible and fourth in line to raise Emma
[23:49.222] I' ll be right there, Emma
[23:50.356] Just let me get my trusty diaper bag here.
[23:59.134] Well. what do you know? I guess I' ll be the one who dies first
[24:18.679] Does Monica know about you breaking her plates yet?
[24:20.642] Nope
[24:21.509] Broke them all, huh? Yep
[24:23.059] You gonna tell her? Nope
[24:27.624] Hey . So I' m gonna put the plates back
[24:31.052] I think you' re right. We shouldn' t use these plates for a long time
[24:34.479] Like only if the queen comes?
[24:35.934] Maybe not even then.
[24:39.196] Hey I did it
[24:40.643] I told my producer I had a family emergency. He totally bought it
[24:44.855] Thanks for teaching me how to lie Phebs
[24:46.227] No problem. Next week, stealing
[24:50.791] Bye plates
[24:51.908] You told her you broke all the plates?
[24:55.968] What? Something happened with the plates?
[25:00.133] Yeah.. this raccoon came in..


[00:00.411] qīn ài de, nǐ kě yǐ bāng wǒ bǎ pán zi ná xià lái ma
[00:03.046] hǎo de, hēi, wǒ yǒu gè zhǔ yì
[00:05.091] jīn tiān yòng wǒ men de jié hūn cí qì hǎo bù hǎo
[00:07.029] bù, wǒ zhǐ shì rèn wéi wǒ men yīng gāi bǎ cí qì liú dào
[00:08.457] zhēn zhèng tè bié de chǎng hé shǐ yòng
[00:08.960] xiàng shì yīng guó nǚ wáng lái fǎng de shí hòu
[00:13.479] qīn ài de, tā yī zhí shuǎng yuē, nǐ gāi dǒng nà shi shén me yì sī
[00:17.640] dǎ pò le zěn me bàn ne, tā men kě shì hěn guì de
[00:19.791] dōng xī wǒ men yī zhí bù yòng de huà, yòu yǒu shén me yì yì ne
[00:23.079] hǎo ba, dàn shì rú guǒ dǎ pò le, rán hòu nǚ wáng yòu yào lái fǎng
[00:26.081] wǒ huì gēn tā jiě shì de
[00:27.609] nǐ yǐ wéi wǒ huì ràng nǐ gēn tā shuō huà a
[00:31.979] wa jīn nián de yóu xíng zhēn shì bàng
[00:35.070] tiān nà, zhèi xiē mǎ hái zhēn néng lā shǐ
[00:38.742] xià yī ge yóu xíng duì wǔ shì lái zì ào kè lā hé mǎ zhōu de mǎ sī kē jí
[00:41.181] mǎ sī kē jí? lí tǎ ěr sà cái sì xiǎo shí chē chéng
[00:46.577] jiē xià lái shì lái zì rì jiān féi zào jù wǒ men de rì zi de zhòng xīng men
[00:51.835] ào wǒ de tiān
[00:57.414] nǐ bù yě cān yǎn le rè mén rì jiān féi zào jù wǒ men de rì zi ma
[01:00.591] duì a wǒ wàng le wǒ yīng gāi yào cān jiā yóu xíng de
[01:05.878] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ wàng le
[01:07.046] wǒ tōng cháng huì xiě zài shǒu bì shàng de
[01:12.145] gāi sǐ de cháng xiù!
[01:16.280] nǐ yào zěn me bàn ne
[01:17.717] wǒ dé zhǎo gè hǎo jiè kǒu shuō míng wèi shí me méi dào chǎng
[01:21.463] zhì zuò rén yí dìng huì hěn shēng qì
[01:23.117] tā men zuó tiān bǎ wǒ men jiào jìn qù shuō:" dà jiā dōu yào zài zǎo shàng liù diǎn zhěng dào, yóu qí shì nǐ, cuī bǐ ān ní
[01:29.364] hǎo xiàng wǒ shì shén me bèn dàn shì de
[01:34.136] nǐ gāng zhèng míng liǎo tā men shì cuò de
[02:25.269] ào ài mǎ
[02:27.421] zhè shì nǐ de dì yí gè gǎn ēn jié nǐ yào gǎn xiè shén me ne mā mī de rǔ fáng ma
[02:35.881] hěn duō rén dōu huì gǎn xiè nà dōng xī de
[02:39.703] hā luō ruì qiū
[02:43.201] shuí a
[02:44.390] shì nǐ zuì xǐ huān de mèi mei
[02:47.073] jí ér? ài mǐ
[02:50.094] bǎ wǒ de jiè zhǐ cáng qǐ lái
[02:56.975] ài mǐ gǎn ēn jié kuài lè
[03:05.174] nǐ yǒu méi yǒu zhí fà qì ne
[03:12.142] zhí fà qì
[03:14.959] wǒ hǎo xiàng yǒu yī nián méi jiàn dào nǐ le
[03:16.887] wǒ zhī dào wǒ zhī dào wǒ máng huài le
[03:19.862] ào wǒ yě shì wǒ shēng le xiǎo hái
[03:23.007] wǒ zhuāng huáng le bà bà de bàn gōng shì
[03:26.015] shì ma chú fēi nǐ bǎ zhuō zi cóng yīn dào lǐ jǐ chū lái, fǒu zé bù néng xiāng tí bìng lùn
[03:32.722] tīng zhe guān yú zhí fà qì de shì wǒ zhēn de xū yào wǒ yào dào nán péng yǒu jiā yòng wǎn cān
[03:39.358] wǒ de tiān
[03:41.540] nà shi ài měi tè ma
[03:48.559] shì ài mǎ
[03:49.871] shì gè nǚ hái?
[03:54.569] ài mǐ nǐ jì de luó sī ba
[03:57.211] bù tài jì de
[03:59.355] dàn nǐ bǐ tā zhī qián yuē huì de dāi tóu é nán yǒu kě ài duō le
[04:05.911] nà rén jiù shì wǒ. bù tā shì gāo zhōng shí dài de guài nán shēng
[04:11.085] hǎo xiàng cóng jiǔ nián jí kāi shǐ jiù hěn xǐ huān tā
[04:14.723] hái shì wǒ
[04:17.761] bù wǒ bú shì zài shuō nǐ
[04:19.267] jiù shì nǐ nà gè pàng péng yǒu de gē ge liú zhe kě xiào de hēi rén tóu
[04:22.144] hǎo le ài mǐ wǒ lái gěi nǐ shěng diǎn shí jiān ba
[04:24.197] dōu shì wǒ
[04:30.828] xiǎo xīn xiǎo xīn xiǎo xīn
[04:36.789] bù rú zhè yàng ba xià bàn bèi zi wǒ dōu huì hěn xiǎo xīn, chú fēi nǐ yǒu qí tā zhǐ shì
[04:43.881] zhè bú shì wǒ men xuǎn de cí qì wǒ zhī dào
[04:46.400] nǐ lí kāi diàn zhī hòu, wǒ xuǎn le bié de
[04:50.263] wèi shí me? wú yì mào fàn qīn ài de
[04:51.762] nǐ de pǐn wèi duì wǒ ér yán tài nǚ xìng huà le
[04:54.251] huā duǒ tú àn jiù xiǎn de nǚ xìng huà ma
[04:58.368] hēi dà jiā hǎo gǎn ēn jié kuài lè
[05:01.327] gǎn ēn jié kuài lè fēi bǐ
[05:03.884] zěn me le qiáo yī
[05:04.845] wǒ xū yào biān gè piào liàng huǎng huà
[05:07.946] ā bō luó dēng yuè" nà gè huǎng yán rú hé
[05:12.713] gēn běn jiù kě yǐ kàn dào xiàn, yú mín men
[05:16.532] bù bù wǒ xū yào huǎng yán lái jiě shì wèi shí me wǒ jīn tiān cuò guò le jiàn gōng zuò shàng de shì
[05:20.461] qīn ài de nǐ shuō huǎng jì shù làn tòu le
[05:22.382] wǒ cái bú shì
[05:23.362] shì ma ràng wǒ wèn nǐ
[05:24.819] zuó tiān zài kā fēi tīng, wǒ qù wèi shēng jiān huí lái de shí hòu, wǒ de sōng bǐng jiù bú jiàn le shì shuí ná zǒu de
[05:31.864] yǒu rén dǎ kāi kā fēi tīng mén, rán hòu yì zhī huàn xióng pǎo le jìn lái
[05:36.619] zhí jiē ná zǒu nǐ de sōng bǐng wǒ shuō" hēi bù néng chī nà shi fēi bǐ de"
[05:40.265] rán hòu tā shuō
[05:43.855] tā shuō" qiáo yī nǐ shuō huǎng jì shù làn tòu le"
[05:46.396] wǒ gāi zěn me bàn ne
[05:48.104] bié dān xīn wǒ men huì xiǎng gè hǎo huǎng huà de
[05:49.666] wǒ huì bāng nǐ liàn xí de
[05:50.550] tài hǎo le tài bàng le xiè xiè nǐ
[05:52.433] méi wèn tí, nǐ cuò guò le shén me gōng zuò de shì
[05:55.846] dào jī chǎng jiē nǎi nǎi ào tiān nà
[06:03.079] tā shì zhēn bǎo
[06:05.435] nǐ huì bú huì dān xīn tā huì yí chuán dào nǐ zhěng róng qián de bí zi
[06:09.199] ài mǐ
[06:12.149] shì de wǒ huì zhēn de dān xīn
[06:19.054] shì děng yī xià wǒ kě yǐ dào lóu shàng jiǎng ma
[06:24.501] dāng rán wǒ men bú zhù lóu shàng, dàn shì
[06:28.059] bú shì ba zhǐ yǒu zhè jǐ jiān fáng jiān?
[06:32.388] wǒ hái yǐ wéi nǐ shì gè yǒu qián yī shēng ne
[06:34.350] bù luó sī yǒu bó shì xué wèi
[06:41.938] tiān a tā jiǎn zhí bù kě lǐ yù
[06:45.175] shì a bó shì xué wèi jiù hé yī xué xué wèi yí yàng hǎo a
[06:48.436] shì a luó sī
[06:50.438] rú guǒ wǒ zài cān tīng tū fā xīn zāng bìng wǒ huì xī wàng nǐ dài zhe huà shí shuā zhàn zài yī biān
[06:57.291] gāi sǐ de gǎn ēn jié zěn me le fā shēng le shén me shì
[07:00.937] wǒ nán péng yǒu qǔ xiāo yuē huì le
[07:02.825] wǒ hǎo bù róng yì cái zhǎo dào yī duàn zhēn gǎn qíng, yí gè kě yǐ hé wǒ gòng dù jīn tiān de rén, rán hòu tā lǎo pó jìng rán huí lái le
[07:10.570] wǒ fā shì, gēn yǐ hūn nán rén yuē huì zhēn shì bù zhí de
[07:14.237] bié nà yàng shuō
[07:18.505] tiān a wǒ běn lái hěn qī dài jīn tiān de
[07:20.136] běn lái huì shì hěn měi hǎo de gǎn ēn jié de
[07:23.339] wǒ men běn lái yào chī shòu sī de
[07:27.105] ài mǐ, bié kū
[07:30.521] luó sī wǒ kě yǐ sī xià hé nǐ tán xià ma
[07:32.807] dāng rán nǐ xiǎng yào qù lóu shàng huò shì?
[07:39.241] wǒ zài xiǎng rú guǒ mò nī kǎ bù jiè yì de huà
[07:41.818] wǒ xiǎng yāo qǐng ài mǐ gēn wǒ men gòng dù gǎn ēn jié
[07:45.473] wǒ rèn wéi zhè shì gè hǎo zhǔ yì jiù xiàng qīng jiào tú bǎ méi dú dài gěi měi guó yìn dì ān rén yí yàng
[07:52.638] tīng zhe wǒ zhī dào tā yǒu diǎn nán gǎo
[07:54.539] dàn tā méi yǒu qí tā dì fāng kě yǐ qù le, ér qiě tā shì wǒ mèi mei, shì ài mǎ de yí mā
[08:00.374] wǒ xī wàng tā men xiāng chǔ róng qià
[08:02.589] hǎo ba dàn wǒ bù xiǎng tā men xiāng chǔ tài róng qià
[08:05.710] wǒ bù xiǎng tā gào sù ài mǎ shuō tā xū yào bí bù zhěng xíng
[08:08.061] luó sī tā hěn kě néng huì xū yào de, wǒ men yě zhǐ néng jiē shòu le
[08:19.611] hēi dà jiā zhè shì wǒ mèi mei ài mǐ
[08:25.259] zhè shì qián dé lēi qiáo yī fēi bǐ hái yǒu nǐ rèn shi de mò nī kǎ
[08:29.310] wǒ de tiān nǐ yǒu yǎn wǒ men de rì zi
[08:33.308] shì de
[08:34.933] wa tā men yí dìng bāng nǐ huà le nóng zhuāng
[08:40.363] gǎn ēn jié kuài lè
[08:48.376] huān yíng zhè shì nǐ dì yī cì jiàn dào ài mǎ ma
[08:51.411] shì de wǒ xiǎng shì de
[08:52.991] hěn gāo xìng rèn shi nǐ ài mǎ
[08:56.560] fēi bǐ shēng yīn zhēn hǎo wán
[09:03.878] fēi bǐ wǒ hái xū yào nǐ de bāng zhù hǎo de
[09:08.031] bù zhǐ shì nǐ shuō de huǎng yán běn shēn, nǐ shuō de fāng shì yě hěn zhòng yào, bǐ rú
[09:12.048] rú guǒ nǐ shuō de shí hòu kàn zháo dì shàng, rén men jiù zhī dào nǐ zài shuō huǎng
[09:16.513] wǒ bù zhī dào wèi shí me shuō huǎng duì wǒ zhè me kùn nán, shuō huǎng jī běn jiù hé yǎn xì yí yàng
[09:21.027] ér wǒ shì yǎn jì jīng zhàn de yǎn yuán
[09:22.298] nǐ shì yǎn jì" jīng zhàn" de yǎn yuán
[09:26.986] hēi bǎo bǎo zài nǎ ne
[09:28.929] wǒ men gāng bǎ tā bào qù shuì le
[09:30.864] tīng zhe wǒ gāng gāng zài xiǎng nǐ men zhī dào shén me huì hěn bàng ma
[09:34.647] rú guǒ nǐ men sǐ le
[09:38.869] xiè xiè nǐ ài mǐ
[09:41.296] bù rán hòu wǒ jiù kě yǐ dé dào bǎo bǎo
[09:44.304] jiù xiàng shì diàn yǐng qíng jié yí yàng
[09:46.598] gāng kāi shǐ wǒ háo wú tóu xù, rán hòu shí jī lái lín shí
[09:48.720] wǒ huì wán quán gǎi biàn rán hòu jié hūn
[09:53.132] zhēn shì gè hǎo diàn yǐng!
[09:57.380] tīng zhe fǎn zhèng nǐ men yě bù néng zǔ zhǐ wǒ
[10:00.166] yīn wèi nǐ men yǐ jīng sǐ le
[10:02.734] dàn shì wǒ zài xiǎng bāng tā gǎi míng zì
[10:05.331] wǒ jiù shì bù dà xǐ huān ài mǐ lì
[10:09.286] ài mǎ
[10:11.536] ài mǎ luó sī jiào nǐ
[10:16.053] fēi bǐ
[10:19.269] tā wèi shí me yī zhí fà chū nà zhǒng guài shēng ne?
[10:25.124] qīn ài de wǒ bù zhī dào yào rú hé gào sù nǐ
[10:27.131] dàn rú guǒ wǒ gēn luó sī fā shēng le shén me shì
[10:31.270] nǐ bú huì dé dào bǎo bǎo de
[10:34.088] nà shuí huì ne
[10:36.338] wǒ men hái méi yǒu zhèng shì wèn guò tā men
[10:39.019] dàn wǒ men xī wàng shì mò nī kǎ hé qián dé lēi
[10:42.753] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn nǐ men huì ràng wǒ men fǔ yǎng ài mǎ
[10:45.474] wǒ de tiān wǒ zhēn shì tài gǎn dòng le
[10:47.689] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn děng yī xià nǐ men sǐ le
[10:49.886] rán hòu bǎo bǎo bú shì wǒ de?
[10:52.718] ài mǐ wǒ men gēn mò nī kǎ hé qián dé lēi gèng qīn jìn
[10:56.454] wǒ men měi tiān dū jiàn miàn ér qiě shuō shí huà nǐ hǎo xiàng bìng bù tài hé bǎo bǎo qīn jìn
[11:00.656] qīn jìn? qīn jìn shén me tā zhǐ shì yī duī ròu
[11:06.992] wǒ bì xū gēn nǐ men shuō zhè duì wǒ yì yì zhòng dà
[11:09.863] wǒ shì shuō nǐ men kěn xiāng xìn wǒ bǎ hái zi tuō fù gěi wǒ
[11:14.009] dà jiā dōu zhī dào mò nī kǎ hé wǒ yī zhí shì zhuó xiǎng yào shēng xiǎo hái
[11:20.060] wǒ yě yǒu huái yí guò zì jǐ dāng fù qīn de néng lì
[11:23.132] dàn shì nǐ liǎ
[11:29.204] zhè gè rén ma? zhēn de ma
[11:39.252] wǎn cān shí jiān la
[11:41.477] gè wèi wǒ men zài yòng gāo dàng de cí qì, tā men hěn guì, suǒ yǐ qǐng xiǎo xīn
[11:55.426] hǎo le zài shuō míng yī cì, bú yào ná zhèi xiē pán zi kāi wán xiào
[12:06.962] wèi shí me wǒ de pán zi bù rú bié rén de gāo dàng?
[12:13.674] nǐ bù xìn rèn wǒ bù ràng wǒ yòng nǐ de gāo dàng cān pán me
[12:16.560] bù qīn ài de nà shi tè bié de pán zi
[12:19.298] qí shí shì yí gè yóu xì ná dào nà gè pán zi de rén jiù yíng le
[12:25.290] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn wǒ yíng le
[12:28.715] jiǎn zhí jiù xiàng hěn hěn dì shàn le wǒ yī ěr guāng, wǒ shì shuō wǒ shì nǐ mèi mei, nǐ què bǎ bǎo bǎo gěi zhèi xiē mò shēng rén ér bù gěi wǒ
[12:36.460] mò nī kǎ shì luó sī de mèi mei
[12:39.527] bù luó sī de mèi mei hěn féi de
[12:44.777] nà shi wǒ
[12:47.143] bù, tā shàng xué shí shì gè chǔn chǔn de nǚ shēng jiù xiàng xiǎo gǒu yí yàng gēn zhe ruì qiū
[12:51.630] ài mǐ nǐ bù néng zài zhè yàng le
[13:00.342] hǎo le wǒ zhī dào nǐ xiàn zài zhèng zài jīng lì jiā tíng wēi jī dàn nǐ bù yòng bǎ qì chū zài pán zi shēn shàng
[13:06.034] qí shí wǒ rèn wéi měi ge rén dōu yīng gāi zhè yàng qiè shí wù..
[13:15.245] zhè yàng bù jǐn kě yǐ bǎo hù pán zi ér qiě lǎo shí shuō hái tǐng hǎo wán de
[13:21.834] hǎo ba nà zhè yàng ne rú guǒ nǐ men sǐ le ér qiě fēng kuáng pán zǐ nǚ shì yě sǐ le
[13:28.314] nà wǒ kě yǐ dé dào bǎo bǎo le me
[13:31.679] bù rú guǒ fēng kuáng pán zǐ nǚ shì
[13:35.730] rú guǒ mò nī kǎ sǐ le, nà ài mǎ jiù shì wǒ de le, duì ma
[13:42.916] qí shí..
[13:44.235] qí shí zěn yàng
[13:45.730] zhǐ shì rú guǒ nà zhǒng qíng kuàng nà ài mǎ jiù huì gēn wǒ fù mǔ yì qǐ shēng huó
[13:52.938] shén me? hěn shāng xīn duì bú duì
[13:57.604] wǒ yào děng dào shuí sǐ le cái néng dé dào tā?
[14:07.666] suǒ yǐ rú guǒ mò nī kǎ bù zài le, wǒ jiù bù gòu gé qù fǔ yǎng ài mǎ le ma
[14:11.189] bù wǒ men bú shì zhè gè yì sī
[14:13.920] tā zài shuō huǎng, tā kàn dì shàng le
[14:17.861] wǒ yǒu shén me bù hǎo de ne wǒ wú fǎ shèng rèn ma
[14:20.202] zuì hòu cóng nòng sǐ nǐ men sān ge de shì gù zhōng huó xià lái de kě shì wǒ
[14:26.819] nǐ kě néng yǒu diǎn wù huì, wǒ men rèn wéi nǐ huì shì hěn hǎo de fù qīn
[14:31.788] zhǐ shì nǐ shì bǐ jiào fēng qù de fù qīn
[14:35.738] shì de wǒ men xī wàng ài mǎ yě yǒu xiàng mò nī kǎ zhè yàng de rén zhào gù
[14:41.171] bǐ jiào yǒu jì lǜ de rén bǐ jiào jiān dìng yán gé de rén
[14:45.570] nǐ men bú shì zhè yàng kàn wǒ de ba?
[14:48.451] bù nǐ zhēn de hěn yǒu qù
[14:57.268] wǒ huò xǔ bú shì hěn liǎo jiě bǎo bǎo dàn shì nǐ men zhēn de rèn wéi wǒ méi yǒu néng lì ma
[15:01.217] bù nǐ men liǎng gè néng lì xiāng dāng
[15:03.872] zhǐ bù guò nǐ men zài yì qǐ de shí hòu shì zuì qiáng de
[15:06.989] hǎo de rú guǒ wǒ men yì qǐ dé dào ài mǎ rán hòu wǒ sǐ le, tā yě bù néng yōng yǒu tā
[15:13.907] dāng rán mò nī kǎ yě bì xū bǎ tā ràng chū lái
[15:17.506] wǒ shuō huǎng zhì shǎo bǐ tā hǎo duì ba
[15:21.636] ràng wǒ shuō qīng chǔ, rú guǒ wǒ de liǎng gè péng yǒu sǐ le, wǒ dé dào le ài mǎ, rán hòu wǒ lǎo pó sǐ le, nà ài mǎ
[15:27.542] wǒ shēng mìng zhòng shèng xià de wéi yī yī xiǎo kuài xī wàng yě huì cóng wǒ shēn biān bèi dài zǒu
[15:31.242] zhēn shì jīng cǎi de diàn yǐng
[15:37.555] hēi nǐ zài zhè
[15:39.880] nǐ wǎn cān zhī hòu jiù xiāo shī le
[15:41.622] yǒu rén xiǎng qǐ wǒ ma yǒu yīng ér xū yào bèi kě lián fù qīn yǎng dà me
[15:46.722] luó sī hé ruì qiū gēn běn bù zhī dào zài xiā shuō shí mǒ
[15:50.102] tā men zì jǐ yě bú shì duō yǒu zé rèn gǎn, ài mǎ zhǐ bù guò shì yī píng hóng jiǔ hé yí gè guò qī bǎo xiǎn tào de yì wài chǎn wù
[15:59.044] bù tā men shì duì de, wǒ bú shì gè jiān qiáng de fù qīn, wǒ yǒng yuǎn dōu bú huì shì
[16:03.626] bù zhèi xiē shì xū yào xué xí de, nǐ huì zhú jiàn xué huì de
[16:05.280] shì de dàn nà jiù bú shì wǒ le
[16:07.193] tā men shuō de dōu shì wǒ dān xīn yǒu xiǎo hái zhī hòu, huì miàn duì de wèn tí, nèi xiē shì zhēn de
[16:11.994] ér qiě dà jiā dōu zhī dào
[16:13.681] wǒ bù zhī dào
[16:15.425] wǒ yào hé nǐ shēng xiǎo hái shì yīn wèi wǒ rèn wéi nǐ huì shì gè hěn bàng de fù qīn
[16:19.257] bù guǎn shì fēng qù hái shì yǒu jì lǜ
[16:22.712] nǐ kě yǐ xiǎng xiàng wǒ shuō " huí fáng qù nǐ bèi jìn zú le" ma
[16:25.878] nǐ néng xiǎng xiàng wǒ shuō" nǐ bèi jìn zú le ma"
[16:28.492] nǐ shàng xīng qī cái nà yàng duì wǒ shuō guò
[16:32.631] néng yǒu duō nàn? jiā jù shàng bú yào chuān xié
[16:41.629] zhì zuò rén gāng gāng liú yán wèn wǒ wèi shí me méi cān jiā yóu xíng
[16:47.464] tā shuō dà jiā dōu duì wǒ hěn bù shuǎng ér qiě tā men dōu yǒu jiàn dào shèng dàn lǎo rén
[16:53.031] méi guān xì wǒ bāng nǐ xiǎng le yí gè wán měi dí huǎng yán
[16:55.577] fēi cháng hǎo jì ér qiě bú huì yǐn lái gèng duō de wèn tí
[16:59.299] nǐ méi yǒu cān jiā yóu xíng shì yīn wèi jiā lǐ chū le jǐn jí zhuàng kuàng
[17:03.562] wǒ xǐ huān yé
[17:06.528] wǒ méi cān jiā yóu xíng shì yīn wèi jiā lǐ chū le jǐn jí zhuàng kuàng
[17:09.368] fā shēng le shén me
[17:11.466] wǒ mèi mei de huàn xióng.. bù bié chě huàn xióng le
[17:17.649] děng děng nǐ men zài zuò shí mǒ shōu shí zhuō zi
[17:19.837] wǒ men jué de yòng zhèi xiē gāo dàng cān pán lái chī tián diǎn yě bù cuò
[17:24.248] hěn bù cuò huò xǔ děng xià wǒ men kě yǐ ná wǒ de jié hūn lǐ fú cā bí tì
[17:35.417] hēi xiōng dì nǐ hái hǎo ma
[17:36.878] gāng gāng de shì wǒ hěn bào qiàn
[17:37.927] méi guān xì, nǐ shì duì de wǒ gēn běn bù dǒng rú hé guǎn jiào hái zi
[17:42.334] dàn wǒ hái shì hěn shāng xīn ér qiě wǒ yào nǐ zhī dào rú guǒ wǒ sǐ le nǐ bié xiǎng dé dào qiáo yī
[18:02.769] ruò nǐ hái méi zhù yì dào wǒ xiàn zài bú huì gēn nǐ jiǎng huà de
[18:08.250] zhēn de shì diǎn xíng de ruì qiū
[18:11.060] duì ào jì de zài gāo zhōng de shí hòu wǒ sǐ yě méi bǎ yīng ér gěi nǐ ma
[18:18.298] zhè huò xǔ shì wǒ wéi yī yōng yǒu xiǎo hái de jī huì ruì qiū
[18:22.336] nǐ zhī dào wǒ yī zhí máng yú wǒ de shì yè
[18:24.168] shén me shì yè? wǒ shì shì nèi shè jì shī
[18:28.635] nǐ zhuāng huáng le bà bà de bàn gōng shì xiàn zài jiù shì shè jì shī le ma
[18:32.269] hǎo ba wǒ zuó tiān qù le dòng wù yuán xiàn zài wǒ jiù shì kǎo lā le
[18:39.927] nǐ wèi shí me bù néng duō zhī chí wǒ yì diǎn
[18:42.018] nǐ yào tán zhī chí ma?
[18:43.872] wǒ zài yī yuàn shēng xiǎo hái shí nǐ kě méi yǒu lái kàn guò wǒ
[18:48.004] wǒ zài yī yuàn zuò zuǐ chún zhěng xíng shí nǐ yě méi lái kàn wǒ
[18:53.391] dì yī cì wǒ qù le
[18:57.980] nǐ xiǎng zhī dào wǒ wèi shí me bù bǎ ài mǐ lì gěi nǐ ma
[19:01.076] ài mǎ
[19:01.605] nǐ zhàn zài nǎ bian de?
[19:05.418] wǒ bù gěi nǐ ài mǎ shì yīn wèi nǐ wú fǎ káng qǐ zhào gù xiǎo hái de zé rèn
[19:10.147] yǒu duō nàn? nǐ dōu néng zuò dào
[19:17.915] nǐ zhī dào nǐ wèi shí me bù xiǎng ràng wǒ dé dào bǎo bǎo ma
[19:21.255] yīn wèi nǐ bù xiǎng kàn dào wǒ kuài lè
[19:23.707] nǐ zǒng shì zài dù jì wǒ
[19:26.061] jí dù nǐ shén me
[19:27.494] jí dù nǐ méi yǒu zé rèn gǎn ma? hái shì nǐ de bù chéng shú nǐ wán quán hū lüè bié rén gǎn shòu de zuò wéi ma
[19:34.673] zhǐ shì qí zhōng jǐ xiàng
[19:38.942] nǐ zǒng shì zhè yàng nǐ zǒng shì yào suǒ yǒu de dōng xī
[19:40.906] ér wǒ shén me dōu dé bú dào
[19:44.478] jiù xiàng chū zhōng shí, nǐ qiǎng zǒu wǒ de tí mǐ, nǐ zhī dào nà shāng wǒ duō shēn me
[19:50.722] tí mǐ dāng shí shì wǒ nán yǒu ér nǐ tōu tōu gēn tā qīn rè
[19:53.191] bié zhè yàng nà yǐ jīng shì 20 nián qián de shì le
[19:54.340] bié lǎo jì zhe
[19:56.943] wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn jīn tiān wǒ jìng rán yāo qǐng le nǐ
[19:59.877] nǐ zhī dào wǒ bù gǎn xiāng xìn de shì shén me ma
[20:01.705] wǒ suǒ wèi de jiě jie
[20:03.808] yǒu luó fū luó lán qī zhé de zhé kòu yōu huì
[20:06.693] ér wǒ què yào fù líng shòu jià?
[20:10.161] shì wǔ wǔ zhé
[20:14.193] nǐ gè jiàn rén
[20:18.541] nǐ jiù shì rèn wéi zì jǐ hěn wán měi yóu zì jǐ de xīn shēng hái zi hé nǐ de xiǎo gōng yù
[20:26.043] ràng wǒ gào sù nǐ yī jiàn shì
[20:28.297] nǐ de bǎo bǎo bìng bù zěn me kě ài
[20:32.447] tài guò fèn le ài mǐ tài guò fèn le
[20:38.279] You take that back. No nǐ shōu huí nà jù huà bù
[20:40.183] shōu huí! bù nǐ néng zěn yàng qiǎng pò wǒ ma
[20:41.329] hēi wǒ yǒu jiàn shēn
[20:47.679] wǒ yě shì
[20:48.591] wǒ yǒu zuò pǔ lā tí
[20:49.560] wǒ yǒu zuò yú jiā
[20:50.651] fàng mǎ guò lái
[20:55.744] bǎ pán zi fàng dào xiāng zi lǐ pán zi fàng dào xiāng zi lǐ
[20:57.831] nǐ gāng gāng tuī wǒ le? shì de méi cuò
[21:00.000] hǎo le gòu le
[21:01.411] bié guǎn pào pào bāo zhuāng le méi yǒu shí jiān le
[21:12.858] tiān a wǒ men yīng gāi zǔ zhǐ tā men ma
[21:15.195] nǐ fēng le ma wǒ men yīng gāi dào xiē guǒ dòng zài tā men shēn shàng
[21:36.733] hǎo le dào cǐ wéi zhǐ zhè shì wǒ men jiā nǐ men bù kě yǐ yǒu zhè zhǒng xíng wéi
[21:41.880] rú guǒ nǐ men bù néng biǎo xiàn dé chéng shú jiù bù yīng gāi zài zhè lǐ
[21:44.566] nèi xiē cí qì yě xǔ méi yǒu wǒ tiāo de nèi xiē fěn sè cí qì hǎo kàn
[21:50.070] dàn tā men duì mò nī kǎ hěn zhòng yào
[21:52.000] wǒ yào nǐ men xiàn zài xiàng tā dào qiàn
[21:55.598] wǒ hěn bào qiàn mò nī kǎ wǒ hěn bào qiàn
[21:58.753] zhè yàng hǎo duō le
[22:00.293] xiàn zài wǒ yào nǐ men chéng xīn chéng yì xiàng bǐ cǐ dào qiàn
[22:03.809] bào qiàn
[22:06.140] duì le gāng nà chǎng jià zhēn ràng rén qíng yù gāo zhǎng
[22:13.753] xiōng dì zuò dé hǎo, rú guǒ wǒ gēn ruì qiū hái yǒu mò nī kǎ sǐ le, nǐ kě yǐ zhào gù ài mǎ
[22:22.118] shì ma gǎn xiè
[22:24.336] nà nà wǒ kě yǐ dé dào zhī qiáo yī ma
[22:28.808] hǎo de dàn nǐ dé zhī dào tā yì tiān chī wǔ cān ér qiě hái huì sāi yìng bì dào bí kǒng lǐ
[22:38.903] nǐ hái hǎo ma? mò nī kǎ
[22:41.109] zhè zhǒng shì cháng fā shēng de
[22:43.237] zhǐ bù guò yí gè pán zi ér yǐ yòu bú shì yǒu rén sǐ le
[22:47.072] méi guān xì nǐ kě yǐ āi dào de
[22:49.145] xiè xiè zhèi xiē běn lái dōu hěn piào liàng de
[22:55.369] wǒ yào qù qiáo yī jiā ná jǐ gè pài
[22:57.408] shí jì shang bú shì jǐ gè pài, zhǐ yǒu yí gè pài le
[23:02.751] wǒ bù zài hu
[23:05.013] tiān a wǒ yǐ jīng méi yǒu mà rén de lì qì le
[23:12.962] tīng zhe ài mǐ
[23:15.315] wǒ men yǒu yì diǎn gāng yǒu diǎn shī kòng
[23:20.687] wǒ hěn bào qiàn rú guǒ nǐ zhēn de hěn zài hu
[23:28.028] nǐ yào bǎ bǎo bǎo gěi wǒ le ma
[23:29.839] bù wǒ zhǐ shì xiǎng ràng nǐ yòng wǒ de luó fū luó lán zhé kòu kǎ
[23:35.308] nǐ bú huì hòu huǐ de
[23:41.740] tā yào huàn niào bù le
[23:42.723] bù bù ràng wǒ qù
[23:44.907] wǒ chāo jí yǒu zì xìn hěn yǒu zé rèn gǎn ér qiě shì dì sì shùn wèi yǒu yòng ài mǎ fǔ yǎng quán de rén
[23:49.222] wǒ mǎ shàng jiù lái ài mǎ
[23:50.356] xiān ràng wǒ ná yī xià wǒ de niào piàn dài
[23:59.134] lǎo shí shuō wǒ jué de wǒ jiāng shì dì yí gè sǐ de rén
[24:18.679] mò nī kǎ zhī dào nǐ dǎ suì tā cí qì de shì ma
[24:20.642] bù zhī dào
[24:21.509] quán dǎ suì le shì ma shì de
[24:23.059] nǐ yào gào sù tā ma bù
[24:27.624] hēi wǒ yào bǎ zhèi xiē pán zi fàng huí qù
[24:31.052] wǒ jué de nǐ shì duì de, wǒ men yīng gāi yī duàn shí jiān nèi dōu bù zài yòng zhèi xiē pán zi le
[24:34.479] zhǐ yǒu nǚ wáng lái de shí hòu cái yòng ma
[24:35.934] yě xǔ dào nà shí yě bù yìng yòng
[24:39.196] hēi wǒ zuò dào le
[24:40.643] wǒ gào sù wǒ zhì zuò rén jiā lǐ fā shēng le jǐn jí shì jiàn, tā wán quán xiāng xìn wǒ
[24:44.855] xiè xiè nǐ jiào wǒ zěn me shuō huǎng fēi bǐ
[24:46.227] bù yòng kè qi xià xīng qī jiào nǐ tōu qiè
[24:50.791] zài jiàn pán zi
[24:51.908] nǐ gào sù tā nǐ dǎ pò suǒ yǒu de pán zi le?
[24:55.968] shén me pán zi zěn me le
[25:00.133] é. yī zhí huàn xióng pǎo jìn lái