Restrict Pesticides to Save Bees

歌曲 Restrict Pesticides to Save Bees
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:农业报道


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:01.75] this is the Agriculture Report.
[00:05.13] A decline in the number of honeybees
[00:08.23] is a growing problem worldwide.
[00:11.26] The decreasing bee population could contribute
[00:14.91] to an increase in prices for crops
[00:17.74] that depend on pollination by honeybees.
[00:21.29] Researchers continue to study the decline
[00:24.22] while beekeepers like Terrence Ingram
[00:27.62] struggle to keep their bee colonies alive.
[00:31.05] He says he loves being at the center of a swarm of bees.
[00:38.97] "I love beekeeping. It's one of God's greatest miracles."
[00:44.01] He has raised honeybees since 1954 in managed colonies
[00:49.59] behind his house in rural Apple River, Illinois.
[00:54.27] "We had 250 hives at one time.
[00:56.41] We sold five, six tons of honey a year."
[00:59.97] But that number is declining.
[01:02.31] "Now we’re down to about probably four tons."
[01:05.25] Not because the 73 year-old beekeeper is slowing down,
[01:09.59] but because there are fewer bees producing honey.
[01:13.83] He says the decline in his bee population began in 1996.
[01:20.05] he blames that decline on the use of insecticides
[01:24.38] and herbicides on the farmland surrounding his property.
[01:29.17] "Every three weeks that summer,
[01:30.82] they were spraying with the airplane,
[01:32.81] and by the end of the year,
[01:34.35] I didn't have any of my 250 hives left."
[01:36.49] This caught the attention of researchers like Christian Krupke,
[01:41.54] a professor at Purdue University who studies bees and other insects.
[01:47.52] "There have been similar reports from Europe in the past,
[01:50.85] and so we looked into it a little bit further
[01:52.80] from the point of view of wondering
[01:54.29] first of all what is killing these bees,
[01:56.39] and second of all how are these bees acquiring
[01:58.93] whatever this toxic chemical is."
[02:01.51] Experts say there are many reasons for the worldwide bee decline,
[02:06.35] not just insecticides.
[02:08.89] But in this case, Proffessor Krupke and his colleagues
[02:13.32] thought insecticides might be the cause.
[02:16.91] So they studied the insecticides
[02:20.61] - known as neonicotinoids - that are applied to seeds
[02:24.49] as they are planted in the ground, rather than sprayed from above.
[02:29.12] "The two compounds that kept coming up when we tested these dead bees
[02:33.24] were the pesticides clothianidin and thiamethoxam.
[02:37.32] Those are insecticides that are applied to corn seeds."
[02:39.60] About 30 years ago,
[02:41.45] there were 4 million managed bee colonies throughout the United States.
[02:47.07] Today, there are fewer than 2 million.
[02:51.36] Researchers like Professor Krupke blame that in part on the use of insecticides.
[02:57.14] "Can we get by without neonicotinoids insecticides in these field crops?
[03:01.67] I believe we can. I believe we have data that show that we can."
[03:04.52] This December, the European Union plans
[03:08.20] to ban the use of some insecticides
[03:10.69] that researchers have linked to bee deaths.
[03:14.33] No such restrictions are planned in the United States.
[03:18.62] Illinois beekeeper Terrence Ingram says
[03:22.31] some of the damage already done is permanent.
[03:26.34] "We've got many bee keepers around here that have quit,
[03:29.19] just gone out of business because they can't succeed."
[03:32.03] But not Terrence Ingram, he says his passion for bees
[03:36.32] is just as strong as it was when he tended his first colony,
[03:41.34] more than 60 years ago.
[03:44.03] "See one bee coming out right here, she is attend coming up."
[03:49.86] And that's the Agriculture Report from VOA Learning English.
[03:55.25] I'm Christopher Cruise.


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:01.75] this is the Agriculture Report.
[00:05.13] A decline in the number of honeybees
[00:08.23] is a growing problem worldwide.
[00:11.26] The decreasing bee population could contribute
[00:14.91] to an increase in prices for crops
[00:17.74] that depend on pollination by honeybees.
[00:21.29] Researchers continue to study the decline
[00:24.22] while beekeepers like Terrence Ingram
[00:27.62] struggle to keep their bee colonies alive.
[00:31.05] He says he loves being at the center of a swarm of bees.
[00:38.97] " I love beekeeping. It' s one of God' s greatest miracles."
[00:44.01] He has raised honeybees since 1954 in managed colonies
[00:49.59] behind his house in rural Apple River, Illinois.
[00:54.27] " We had 250 hives at one time.
[00:56.41] We sold five, six tons of honey a year."
[00:59.97] But that number is declining.
[01:02.31] " Now we' re down to about probably four tons."
[01:05.25] Not because the 73 yearold beekeeper is slowing down,
[01:09.59] but because there are fewer bees producing honey.
[01:13.83] He says the decline in his bee population began in 1996.
[01:20.05] he blames that decline on the use of insecticides
[01:24.38] and herbicides on the farmland surrounding his property.
[01:29.17] " Every three weeks that summer,
[01:30.82] they were spraying with the airplane,
[01:32.81] and by the end of the year,
[01:34.35] I didn' t have any of my 250 hives left."
[01:36.49] This caught the attention of researchers like Christian Krupke,
[01:41.54] a professor at Purdue University who studies bees and other insects.
[01:47.52] " There have been similar reports from Europe in the past,
[01:50.85] and so we looked into it a little bit further
[01:52.80] from the point of view of wondering
[01:54.29] first of all what is killing these bees,
[01:56.39] and second of all how are these bees acquiring
[01:58.93] whatever this toxic chemical is."
[02:01.51] Experts say there are many reasons for the worldwide bee decline,
[02:06.35] not just insecticides.
[02:08.89] But in this case, Proffessor Krupke and his colleagues
[02:13.32] thought insecticides might be the cause.
[02:16.91] So they studied the insecticides
[02:20.61] known as neonicotinoids that are applied to seeds
[02:24.49] as they are planted in the ground, rather than sprayed from above.
[02:29.12] " The two compounds that kept coming up when we tested these dead bees
[02:33.24] were the pesticides clothianidin and thiamethoxam.
[02:37.32] Those are insecticides that are applied to corn seeds."
[02:39.60] About 30 years ago,
[02:41.45] there were 4 million managed bee colonies throughout the United States.
[02:47.07] Today, there are fewer than 2 million.
[02:51.36] Researchers like Professor Krupke blame that in part on the use of insecticides.
[02:57.14] " Can we get by without neonicotinoids insecticides in these field crops?
[03:01.67] I believe we can. I believe we have data that show that we can."
[03:04.52] This December, the European Union plans
[03:08.20] to ban the use of some insecticides
[03:10.69] that researchers have linked to bee deaths.
[03:14.33] No such restrictions are planned in the United States.
[03:18.62] Illinois beekeeper Terrence Ingram says
[03:22.31] some of the damage already done is permanent.
[03:26.34] " We' ve got many bee keepers around here that have quit,
[03:29.19] just gone out of business because they can' t succeed."
[03:32.03] But not Terrence Ingram, he says his passion for bees
[03:36.32] is just as strong as it was when he tended his first colony,
[03:41.34] more than 60 years ago.
[03:44.03] " See one bee coming out right here, she is attend coming up."
[03:49.86] And that' s the Agriculture Report from VOA Learning English.
[03:55.25] I' m Christopher Cruise.


[00:00.10] lái zì měi guó zhī yīn màn sù yīng yǔ,
[00:01.75] zhè lǐ shì nóng yè bào dào.
[00:05.13] mì fēng shù liàng de xià jiàng
[00:08.23] shì yí gè quán qiú rì yì yán zhòng de wèn tí.
[00:11.26] mì fēng zhǒng qún chí xù jiǎn shǎo kě néng yǒu zhù yú
[00:14.91] yī lài mì fēng shòu fěn de nóng zuò wù
[00:17.74] jià gé de shàng zhǎng.
[00:21.29] yán jiū rén yuán jì xù yán jiū zhe zhè yī xià jiàng,
[00:24.22] ér xiàng Terrence Ingram děng yǎng fēng rén
[00:27.62] zé zài nǔ lì bǎo chí tā men de fēng qún cún huó.
[00:31.05] tā shuō, tā xǐ huān dāi zài fēng qún de zhōng xīn.
[00:38.97] " wǒ xǐ huān yǎng fēng, zhè shì shàng dì de zuì wěi dà de qí jī zhī yī."
[00:44.01] tā zì 1954 nián yǎng fēng yǐ lái,
[00:49.59] jiù zài zì jǐ wèi yú yī lì nuò yī zhōu de Apple River zhèn nóng cūn dì qū de wū hòu sì yǎng yǒu guǎn lǐ de fēng qún.
[00:54.27] " wǒ men céng zài tóng yī shí jiān yōng yǒu 250 gè fēng xiāng,
[00:56.41] wǒ yī nián mài chū wǔ, liù dūn fēng mì."
[00:59.97] dàn zhè yī shù zì zhèng zài xià jiàng.
[01:02.31] " xiàn zài wǒ men xià jiàng dào dà yuē sì dūn."
[01:05.25] bú shì yīn wèi zhè wèi 73 suì de yǎng fēng rén zhèng zài màn xià lái,
[01:09.59] ér shì yīn wéi shēng chǎn mì de mì fēng shǎo le.
[01:13.83] tā shuō, cóng 1996 nián kāi shǐ, mì fēng de shù liàng xià jiàng.
[01:20.05] tā zhǐ zé zì jiā fù jìn nóng tián shǐ yòng le shā chóng jì
[01:24.38] hé chú cǎo jì.
[01:29.17] " nà nián xià tiān měi sān zhōu,
[01:30.82] tā men jiù shǐ yòng fēi jī pēn sǎ.
[01:32.81] dào nà nián nián dǐ,
[01:34.35] wǒ 250 gè fēng xiāng kē lì wú shōu."
[01:36.49] zhè yǐn qǐ le xiàng pǔ dù dà xué yán jiū mì fēng hé kūn chóng de jiào shòu Christian Krupke
[01:41.54] děng yán jiū rén yuán de zhù yì.
[01:47.52] " guò qù ōu zhōu yī zhí yǒu lèi sì de bào dào,
[01:50.85] suǒ yǐ wǒ men cóng gāi jiǎo dù chū fā
[01:52.80] shāo wēi shēn rù diào chá le yī xià.
[01:54.29] shǒu xiān yào zhī dào shì shén me shā sǐ le zhèi xiē mì fēng
[01:56.39] qí cì, mì fēng shì rú hé gǎn rǎn shàng
[01:58.93] zhèi xiē yǒu dú huà xué pǐn."
[02:01.51] zhuān jiā chēng, quán qiú mì fēng shù liàng xià jiàng yǒu xǔ duō yuán yīn,
[02:06.35] ér bù zhǐ shì yīn wèi shā chóng jì.
[02:08.89] dàn zài gāi àn lì zhōng, Krupke jiào shòu hé tā de tóng shì men
[02:13.32] rèn wéi shā chóng jì kě néng jiù shì qí yòu yīn.
[02:16.91] yīn cǐ, tā men yán jiū le zhè zhǒng
[02:20.61] bèi chēng wéi xīn yān jiǎn lèi de shā chóng jì,
[02:24.49] dāng bō zhǒng dào dì xià shí, zhè zhǒng shā chóng jì bèi yìng yòng yú zhǒng zi běn shēn, ér bú shì cóng dì miàn shàng pēn sǎ
[02:29.12] " wǒ men jiǎn cè zhèi xiē sǐ fēng shí bù duàn chū xiàn de zhè liǎng zhǒng huà xué wù,
[02:33.24] shì shā chóng jì sāi chóng àn clothianidin hé sāi chóng qín thiamethoxam
[02:37.32] zhèi xiē dōu shì yìng yòng yú yù mǐ zhǒng zi de liǎng zhǒng shā chóng jì."
[02:39.60] dà yuē 30 nián qián,
[02:41.45] zhěng gè měi guó yǒu 400 wàn yǒu guǎn lǐ de fēng qún.
[02:47.07] ér jīn, zhè yī shù zì shǎo yú 200 wàn.
[02:51.36] xiàng Krupke jiào shòu děng yán jiū rén yuán jiù qí bù fèn guī jiù yú shā chóng jì de yìng yòng.
[02:57.14] " wǒ men néng zài zhèi xiē nóng tián zuò wù zhōng bù shǐ yòng xīn yān jiǎn lèi shā chóng jì ma?
[03:01.67] wǒ rèn wéi wǒ men kě yǐ, yǒu shù jù biǎo míng wǒ men néng gòu zuò dào."
[03:04.52] jīn nián 12 yuè, ōu méng jì huà
[03:08.20] jìn zhǐ shǐ yòng mǒu xiē shā chóng jì,
[03:10.69] yán jiū rén yuán yǐ jiāng qí yǔ mì fēng sǐ wáng lián xì qǐ lái.
[03:14.33] měi guó méi yǒu jì huà chū tái zhè yàng de xiàn zhì.
[03:18.62] yī lì nuò yī zhōu de yǎng fēng rén Terrence Ingram shuō,
[03:22.31] yī xiē shāng hài shì yǒng jiǔ xìng de.
[03:26.34] " wǒ men zhè fù jìn hěn duō yǎng fēng rén
[03:29.19] yīn wèi méi fǎ chéng gōng dōu yǐ jīng tuì chū."
[03:32.03] dàn bù bāo kuò Terrence Ingram. tā shuō, tā duì mì fēng de jī qíng
[03:36.32] hé tā 60 duō nián qián zhào gù tā dì yí gè fēng xiāng shí
[03:41.34] yí yàng qiáng liè.
[03:44.03] kàn dào yì zhī mì fēng cóng zhè lǐ chū lái, tā chū xí le.
[03:49.86] zhè shì měi guó zhī yīn yīng yǔ xué xí de nóng yè bào dào.
[03:55.25] wǒ shì Christopher Cruise.