The change is from small farms to large industrial operations

歌曲 The change is from small farms to large industrial operations
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:农业报道


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:03.09] this is the Agriculture Report.
[00:06.09] Demand for meat, milk and eggs
[00:09.02] is growing around the world.
[00:11.31] To meet that demand,
[00:12.71] the way these products are produced is changing.
[00:16.63] The change is from small farms
[00:19.07] to large industrial operations.
[00:21.66] This has already happened in the United States.
[00:25.54] But not everyone is happy with the change.
[00:28.73] As a result, there is also a growing demand
[00:32.57] for products growing locally on small farms.
[00:36.60] In Clinton, North Carolina, some old buildings
[00:40.56] are all that remain from the days
[00:42.85] when James Lame raised hogs next to his home.
[00:47.79] He saw that small farmers were having trouble
[00:51.27] competing with companies that own large farms.
[00:55.06] "They had better consistency,
[00:56.80] better pork quality, better genetics.
[00:59.49] So after college, in '98,
[01:02.64] I decided to try and modernize."
[01:04.48] He stopped raising hogs in small building
[01:07.67] and built two industrial-scale hog barns,
[01:11.92] each of them holds 1,500 hogs.
[01:16.44] Nearly all pigs are raised this way
[01:19.63] in the United States now.
[01:21.92] The government says
[01:23.62] the efficiency of large-scale production
[01:26.65] in a controlled environment
[01:28.84] has helped reduce the price of a pork chop
[01:32.29] by nearly 20 percent since 1998.
[01:36.92] These efficient and intensive production methods
[01:41.11] are being used around the world,
[01:43.74] many experts say that is a good thing
[01:47.13] as the demand for meat grows.
[01:49.63] But livestock expert Carolyn Opio points out
[01:54.16] that the land, water
[01:55.76] and feed required to produce it are limited.
[01:59.29] "If we are to produce within the constraints
[02:02.87] that we are facing today, efficiency, I think, is key."
[02:06.77] Mrs Opio is with the United Nations Food
[02:09.73] and Agriculture Organization,
[02:12.17] but the results of the efficiency
[02:14.31] are not always necessarily good.
[02:17.04] The waste from thousands of confined animals
[02:21.53] can pollute waterways, and produce greenhouse gases.
[02:27.22] And some health experts are concerned about the antibiotics
[02:32.26] and other chemicals being put in the animal's feed.
[02:36.35] Others criticize the conditions in which the animals are kept.
[02:41.48] So today a growing number of people
[02:45.01] are like Kevin Summers in Amissville, Virginia,
[02:48.84] are returning to small-scale farming.
[02:52.68] "In order to feed the world, I think this is a better way,
[02:56.03] It's a cleaner way. It's a more humane way."
[02:59.21] More Americans today say they want to know
[03:03.85] where their food comes from,
[03:05.84] some might like the way Kevin Summers raises his hogs.
[03:10.72] "I can see the entire process unfold
[03:12.91] before my eyes and know that they had a good life
[03:15.81] and were healthy and happy."
[03:17.75] The hogs eat damaged apples and old pumpkins,
[03:22.19] this reduces food waste,
[03:25.48] but this kind of farming also means higher prices.
[03:30.01] Even so, Kevin Summers as he believes
[03:34.92] it would still be possible to meet global demand this way.
[03:38.72] "It would just involve people making the choice
[03:40.86] to buy this kind of food and say that,
[03:43.75] 'I care about something other than just the cost.'"
[03:46.69] And that's the Agriculture Report from VOA Learning English,
[03:52.77] I'm Karen Leggett.


[00:00.10] lái zì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí,
[00:03.09] zhè shì nóng yè bào dào.
[00:06.09] duì yú ròu lèi niú nǎi yǐ jí jī dàn de xū qiú
[00:09.02] zài quán shì jiè bù duàn dì zēng zhǎng.
[00:11.31] wèi le mǎn zú zhè zhǒng xū qiú,
[00:12.71] shēng chǎn zhèi xiē nóng zuò wù de fāng shì zhèng zài gǎi biàn.
[00:16.63] zhèi xiē gǎi biàn shì lái zì yú xiǎo nóng chǎng
[00:19.07] dào dà de gōng yè xìng zuò yè.
[00:21.66] zhè yī xiàn xiàng yǐ jīng zài měi guó chū xiàn.
[00:25.54] dàn bìng bú shì měi ge rén dōu duì zhè yī gǎi biàn biǎo shì gāo xìng.
[00:28.73] jié guǒ, yòu yǒu yí gè zhèng zài zēng zhǎng de xū qiú
[00:32.57] nóng zuò wù zài xiǎo nóng chǎng dāng dì shēng zhǎng.
[00:36.60] zài kǎ luó lái nà zhōu de běi bù,  kè lín dùn shì, yī xiē lǎo de jiàn zhù
[00:40.56] dōu shì guò qù yí liú xià lái de
[00:42.85] dāng zhān mǔ sī lán mǔ zài tā jiā páng biān yǎng zhū.
[00:47.79] tā kàn jiàn xiǎo nóng chǎng de nóng cháng zhǔ yǒu kùn nán
[00:51.27] tā men yǔ yōng yǒu dà nóng chǎng de gōng sī zài jìng zhēng.
[00:55.06] tā men yǒu gèng hǎo de wěn dìng xìng,
[00:56.80] gèng hǎo de zhū ròu pǐn zhì, gèng hǎo de yí chuán jī yīn.
[00:59.49] suǒ yǐ dà xué bì yè hòu, zài" 98 nián,
[01:02.64] wǒ jué dìng cháng shì, jiāng nóng chǎng xiàn dài huà."
[01:04.48] tā tíng zhǐ zài xiǎo jiàn zhù wù lǐ yǎng zhū
[01:07.67] bìng jiàn zào le liǎng gè yǒu gōng yè huà guī mó de shēng kǒu péng,
[01:11.92] měi yí gè shēng kǒu péng kě róng nà 1500 tóu zhū.
[01:16.44] jī hū suǒ yǒu de zhū dōu yǐ zhè zhǒng fāng shì sì yǎng
[01:19.63] xiàn zài zài měi guó.
[01:21.92] zhèng fǔ shēng chēng
[01:23.62] dà guī mó shēng chǎn de xiào lǜ
[01:26.65] zài yí gè kě kòng zhì de huán jìng xià
[01:28.84] kě yǐ bāng zhù jiǎn shǎo zhū sì liào de jià gé
[01:32.29] zì 1998 nián qǐ jiǎn shǎo le jiāng jìn 20.
[01:36.92] zhèi xiē gāo xiào de jiā qiáng de shēng chǎn fāng fǎ
[01:41.11] zhèng bèi quán shì jiè shǐ yòng,
[01:43.74] xǔ duō zhuān jiā shēng chēng, nà shi yī jiàn hǎo shì
[01:47.13] duì yú ròu lèi xū qiú zēng zhǎng.
[01:49.63] dàn shì  jiā chù lèi zhuān jiā kǎ luó lín ōu pò zhǐ chū
[01:54.16] tǔ dì, shuǐ
[01:55.76] yǐ jí xū yào shēng chǎn de sì liào yào bèi xiàn zhì.
[01:59.29] " rú guǒ wǒ men zài yuē shù xià shēng chǎn
[02:02.87] wǒ men xiàn zài miàn duì zhè, gāo xiào, wǒ rèn wéi, zhè shì guān jiàn."
[02:06.77] ōu pò nǚ shì hé měi guó guó jiā shí wù
[02:09.73] hé nóng yè zǔ zhī zài yì qǐ,
[02:12.17] dàn zhè gè gāo xiào de jié guǒ,
[02:14.31] bù zǒng shì yí dìng hǎo.
[02:17.04] lái zì chéng qiān shàng wàn de shòu xiàn zhì dòng wù de làng fèi
[02:21.53] huì wū rǎn hé dào, chǎn shēng wēn shì qì tǐ.
[02:27.22] yī xiē jiàn kāng zhuān jiā guān xīn de shì kàng shēng sù
[02:32.26] qí tā huà xué yào pǐn bèi fàng zài dòng wù de sì liào lǐ
[02:36.35] qí tā rén pī pàn dòng wù bèi bǎo cún de qíng kuàng.
[02:41.48] suǒ yǐ xiàn zài yí ge rén men zēng zhǎng de shù zì
[02:45.01] xiàng zài wéi jí ní yà, è méi sī wéi de kǎi wén sà mò sī,
[02:48.84] fǎn huí xiǎo guī mó de nóng chǎng.
[02:52.68] " wèi le wèi yǎng shì jiè, wǒ rèn wéi zhè shì yí gè gèng hǎo de fāng shì.
[02:56.03] zhè shì yí gè gèng gān jìng de fāng shì. zhè shì yí gè gèng rén xìng de fāng shì."
[02:59.21] gèng duō de měi guó rén xiàn zài shēng chēng tā men xiǎng zhī dào
[03:03.85] tā men de shí wù lái zì nǎ lǐ,
[03:05.84] yī xiē rén kě néng xiàng kǎi wén sà mò sī yí yàng yǎng zhū.
[03:10.72] " wǒ néng kàn dào xiǎn lòu chū lái de zhěng gè guò chéng
[03:12.91] zài wǒ de yǎn qián bìng qiě zhī dào tā men yǒu yí gè hǎo de shēng huó
[03:15.81] tā men shì jiàn kāng de xìng fú de."
[03:17.75] zhū chī zhe bèi sǔn huài de píng guǒ hé lǎo de nán guā,
[03:22.19] zhè jiǎn shǎo le shí wù làng fèi,
[03:25.48] dàn zhè zhǒng nóng chǎng jīng yíng yě yì wèi zhe gèng gāo de jià gé.
[03:30.01] suī rán rú cǐ, kǎi wén sà mò sī tā xiāng xìn
[03:34.92] zhè zhǒng fāng shì réng yǒu kě néng qù mǎn zú quán qiú xū qiú.
[03:38.72] " zhè zhǐ xū yào rén men zuò chū xuǎn zé
[03:40.86] qù mǎi zhè zhǒng shí wù bìng qiě shuō,
[03:43.75] ' wǒ guān xīn mǒu xiē shì qíng ér bù zhǐ shì jià gé.'"
[03:46.69] yǐ shàng lái zì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí de nóng yè bào dào.
[03:52.77] wǒ shì kǎi lín lái gé tè.