Farmers in the United States focus on immigration reform

歌曲 Farmers in the United States focus on immigration reform
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:农业报道


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:02.12] this is the Agriculture Report.
[00:04.95] Farmers in the United States are experiencing
[00:08.54] a shortage of people to work their fields.
[00:12.28] The workers they do have are mostly from Latin America
[00:17.24] but enter the country with false documents.
[00:21.11] Farmers say that without immigration reform,
[00:24.99] both problems will continue.
[00:27.68] Imperial Valley is an agricultural area
[00:31.77] near the border of the western state of California and Mexico.
[00:37.59] Temperatures there are always above 38 degrees Celsius
[00:42.48] in the summer month, as a result,
[00:46.32] not much grows in the Imperial Valley
[00:49.00] at this time of year, but in the winter
[00:52.38] the fileds are filled with lettuce and celery.
[00:56.97] And in the spring, farmers grow foods
[01:00.35] like cantaloupes and watermelons.
[01:03.69] There is work to do in the fields in the summer,
[01:07.52] Francisco Saucedo uses farm equipment
[01:12.25] to prepare the land for planting in the autumn.
[01:16.13] He lives in Mexico and wakes up
[01:19.81] in the middle of the night everyday,
[01:22.70] so he can avoid long lines at the border crossing.
[01:27.29] Mr Saucedo says that if he did this kind of work in Mixico,
[01:32.52] he would earn about $6 a day.
[01:36.30] But in the United States, he makes as much as $90 a day.
[01:43.43] Farmer Larry Cox says growing and harvesting vegetables
[01:48.57] depends on immigrants or day laborers from Mexico,
[01:53.69] but he says not enough migrants are crossing the border.
[01:58.52] "We have had a chronic shortage of help almost for the last 10 years."
[02:04.95] Larry Cox says it has been difficult getting visas
[02:09.78] to work in the United States,
[02:12.61] as a result, many farm workers from Latin America carry fake documents.
[02:20.49] Western Growers President Tom Nassif says
[02:24.57] there are about 11 million workers in the United States
[02:29.39] with false documents, over 1 million of them work in agriculture.
[02:35.72] Mr Nassif has been working with American lawmakers on immigration reform.
[02:42.00] He supports of bill to legalize the workers
[02:46.13] who are already in the United States.
[02:49.22] The bill will provide a way for the workers
[02:52.71] to become American citizens in the future.
[02:56.69] The Senate has approved the measure.
[02:59.68] The United Farm Workers Foundation represents the farm workers.
[03:05.65] It supports the Senate bill.
[03:08.60] The group's Erica Lomeli says immigration reform
[03:13.30] will improve the working conditions of many migrants.
[03:17.87] "So they will have a right to stand up for themselves
[03:20.16] and not be intimidated or in many states be put in slave-like positions."
[03:26.14] American Jack Vessey owns a farm.
[03:30.18] he says without immigration reform,
[03:33.21] the labor shortage on farms will continue,
[03:37.04] as a result, he says,
[03:39.04] Americans might have to pay more for fruits and vegetables.
[03:44.87] And that's the Agriculture Report from VOA Learning English,
[03:51.05] I'm Bob Doughty.


[00:00.10] lái zì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí,
[00:02.12] zhè shì nóng yè bào dào.
[00:04.95] měi guó de nóng cháng zhǔ zhèng zài tǐ yàn
[00:08.54] quē shǎo rén mín gēng yún tǔ dì.
[00:12.28] zhèi xiē nóng fū dà duō shù lái zì lā dīng měi zhōu
[00:17.24] dàn tā men xié dài wěi zào wén shū jìn rù zhè gè guó jiā.
[00:21.11] nóng cháng zhǔ shēng chēng rú guǒ méi yǒu yí mín gǎi gé,
[00:24.99] zhè liǎng gè wèn tí jiāng huì yán xù.
[00:27.68] yīn pí lǐ ěr hé gǔ shì yí gè nóng yè qū
[00:31.77] tā kào jìn jiā lì fú ní yà hé mò xī gē de xī bù dì qū biān jiè.
[00:37.59] nà lǐ de wēn dù zǒng shì chāo guò 38 shè shì dù
[00:42.48] zài xià jì yuè, jié guǒ,
[00:46.32] yīn pí lǐ ěr hé gǔ lǐ de nóng zuò wù bù zěn me shēng zhǎng
[00:49.00] zài měi nián de zhè gè shí hòu, chú le dōng jì
[00:52.38] tián yě jiān dōu shì wō jù hé qín cài.
[00:56.97] zài chūn tiān, nóng cháng zhǔ zhòng zhí shí wù
[01:00.35] xiàng tián guā hé xī guā.
[01:03.69] zài xià jì de tián yě jiān yǒu shì yào zuò,
[01:07.52] Francisco Saucedo shǐ yòng nóng chǎng shè bèi
[01:12.25] yǐ zhǔn bèi qiū tiān zài zhè kuài dì shàng zhòng zhí.
[01:16.13] tā zhù zài mò xī gē bìng qiě xǐng lái
[01:19.81] zài měi tiān de wǔ yè,
[01:22.70] suǒ yǐ tā néng bì miǎn zài guò jìng diǎn cháng jù lí huí xiàn.
[01:27.29] Saucedo xiān shēng shēng chēng rú guǒ tā zài mò xī gē zuò zhè zhǒng gōng zuò,
[01:32.52] tā yì tiān néng zhēng dà yuē 6 měi yuán.
[01:36.30] dàn zài měi guó, tā zuò tóng yàng de gōng zuò, yì tiān néng zhēng 90 měi yuán.
[01:43.43] nóng cháng zhǔ Larry Cox shēng chēng shēng zhǎng hé shōu huò shū cài
[01:48.57] qǔ jué yú lái zì mò xī gē de yí mín huǒ rì jié de láo wù gōng,
[01:53.69] dàn tā shēng chēng bù zú de yí mín zhèng zài yuè guò biān jiè.
[01:58.52] " wǒ men zài guò qù de shí nián lǐ cháng qī quē shǎo bāng zhù."
[02:04.95] Larry Cox shēng chēng zhè hěn nán de dào qiān zhèng
[02:09.78] zài měi guó gōng zuò,
[02:12.61] jié guǒ, xǔ duō lái zì lā dīng měi zhōu de nóng chǎng gōng rén xié dài fēi fǎ wén shū jìn rù měi guó.
[02:20.49] xī bù zhí wù zāi péi huì cháng Tom Nassi shēng chēng
[02:24.57] měi guó yǒu 11000000 gōng rén
[02:29.39] xié dài fēi fǎ wén shū, tā men zhōng chāo guò yī bǎi wàn rén cóng shì nóng yè fāng miàn dí gōng zuò.
[02:35.72] Nassif xiān shēng zài yí mín gǎi gé shí hé měi guó de lì fǎ zhě yì qǐ gōng zuò.
[02:42.00] tā zhī chí fǎ àn xiàng zhèi xiē gōng rén qiān zhèng
[02:46.13] tā men yǐ jīng zài měi guó.
[02:49.22] zhè gè fǎ àn xiàng zhèi xiē gōng rén tí gōng le yī zhǒng fāng shì
[02:52.71] zài jiāng lái chéng wéi měi guó shì mín.
[02:56.69] cān yì yuàn zhèng shí le zhè yī cuò shī.
[02:59.68] měi guó nóng chǎng gōng rén jī jīn huì dài biǎo nóng chǎng gōng rén.
[03:05.65] tā zhī chí cān yì yuàn de fǎ àn.
[03:08.60] zǔ lǐ de Erica Lomeli shēng chēng yí mín gǎi gé
[03:13.30] jiāng huì gǎi shàn xǔ duō yí mín de gōng zuò huán jìng.
[03:17.87] " suǒ yǐ tā men jiāng huì yǒu yí gè quán lì qù jiān chí tā men zì jǐ
[03:20.16] bìng qiě bù yòng bèi wēi hè huò zài yī xiē zhōu bèi fàng zài xiàng nú lì shēng huó de huán jìng lǐ."
[03:26.14] měi guó rén Jack Vessey yōng yǒu yí gè nóng chǎng.
[03:30.18] tā shēng chēng méi yǒu yí mín gǎi gé,
[03:33.21] nóng chǎng shàng de láo gōng duǎn quē jiāng huì jì xù,
[03:37.04] jié guǒ, tā shuō,
[03:39.04] měi guó rén kě néng bù dé bù huā fèi gèng duō de qián mǎi shuǐ guǒ hé shū cài.
[03:44.87] zhè shì lái zì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí de nóng yè bào dào,
[03:51.05] wǒ shì Bob Doughty.