Friends S10E03

歌曲 Friends S10E03
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第十季)


[00:00.820] - So you and Rachel tonight, huh? - Yeah. -今晚和瑞秋有约,呃? -对
[00:01.220] Yeah, it's actually our first official date. 我们第一次正式约会。
[00:05.760] Wow, so tonight may be the night. You nervous? 哇!看样子今晚有事发生! 你紧张吗?
[00:08.960] No. This is the part I'm actually good at. 不,不。这是我最擅长的。
[00:13.930] What must it be like not to be crippled by fear and self-loathing? 即使是恐惧和自我厌恶情绪也不能产生影响?
[00:18.670] It's okay. 对!
[00:21.410] How can you be so confident? 你怎么能这么有信心?
[00:23.910] Well, I know exactly what I'm gonna do. 呃,我……因为我明确地知道我要做什么!
[00:26.910] - Really? Like, you have a routine? - No. See, each woman is different. - 真的?就像例行公事? - 不不不。知道吗,女人个个都不同。
[00:31.350] You have to appreciate their uniqueness. 你要欣赏到她们的特性。
[00:34.590] - Really? - No, I do six things. - 真的? - 不,我会做六件事!
[00:37.720] First, I look deep into her eyes, then I kiss her. 首先,我要深情地望着她的眼睛 然后,我会吻她。
[00:42.060] Next, I take my hand and I softly graze her thigh. 随后我用手轻轻地擦过她的大腿
[00:47.230] You mean like this? 你是说这样?
[00:53.740] No, not like that. No, no. No, like this: 不!不是像那样,不不。 是像这样
[01:01.080] I see what you mean. That's quite nice. 噢,我知道你的意思了,真的感觉很棒。
[01:09.050] - More foosball? - And beer. - 再来一局桌上足球? - ……还有啤酒!!
[02:00.000] - Hey. - Hey. - 嗨! - 嗨!
[02:02.240] Hey, sweetie. 嗨,亲爱的!
[02:10.880] Hey, stop staring at my wife's legs. 嘿!不许看我老婆的腿!
[02:14.520] No, no. Stop staring at your sister's legs. 不不!不许看你妹妹的腿!
[02:19.090] I'm sorry, it's just.. How'd you get so tan? 对不起,只是…… 你怎么晒得皮肤?
[02:22.330] She went to one of those spray-on tan places. 她去了一个那种喷雾晒肤俱乐部
[02:26.200] That was supposed to be a secret. 那应该是个秘密.
[02:29.730] Did I say spray-on tan places? 我是说的喷雾晒肤俱乐部?
[02:32.040] I meant surf contest. 我是说冲浪竞赛.
[02:35.010] Which she won. 她获胜的那个.
[02:38.410] You got a spray-on tan? 呃,你做了喷雾晒肤?
[02:40.980] Chandler gets pedicures! 钱德去美甲了!
[02:43.680] What? You do? Like, with the toe separators? 什么?你做了美甲? 你用了那种脚趾隔离器?
[02:47.620] Why? Why? 为……为什么?
[02:50.990] I can't believe that's sprayed on. 我还是不能相信那是喷雾晒肤的结果……
[02:52.860] I mean, it looks really good. I wonder if I should get one. 我是说,这看起来不错 我也想做一次!
[02:56.160] Sure, then you should get a miniskirt so you can really show it off. 当然,然后你应该穿上超短裙去街上秀给别人看。
[03:00.730] So do you get colors or just French tips? 那么,你是涂了趾甲油还是只留了法式的长趾甲?
[03:08.610] - Here. Here's their card. - Thanks. - 在这儿。我这儿有张卡。 - 谢谢。
[03:12.680] Hey, I know where this place is. 嗨,我知道这个地方!
[03:15.180] It used to be an X-rated video.. 那儿曾经是个成人录影带……
[03:20.880] Florist. 花店。
[03:26.420] - Hey. - Hey, Phoebe. -嗨! -嗨!菲比!
[03:29.230] You won't believe who moved back to town. 噢,你们不会相信谁搬回来了。
[03:31.400] I know. Amanda. 我知道,阿蔓达!
[03:33.000] - She called me too. She's the worst. - Who's Amanda? -啊!她也给我打电话了!她是最差劲的! -谁是阿蔓达?
[03:36.370] She's this girl who lived in the building before you did. 她是你搬进来以前住你那间房子的女人。
[03:39.340] Then she moved to England and picked up this fake British accent. 后来她搬去英国了, 还学了假惺惺的英国口音。
[03:42.770] On the machine, this is her message: 她在我留言机上的留言是这样的:
[03:45.210] "Monica, darling, it's Amanda calling." “莫妮卡,亲爱的! 阿蔓达在给你打电话!”
[03:50.150] Are you trying to do a British accent? 你是要模仿英国口音?
[03:55.990] Chandler gets pedicures. 钱德去美甲了!
[04:00.090] Just so I know, how many more of those can I expect? 我只想知道 我还要受多少次这种奚落?
[04:04.090] Know what Amanda said when she called me? 你知道阿蔓达跟我是在电话上是怎么说的?
[04:06.630] "Oh, so sorry to catch you on your mobile." “哦,很抱歉打你的手机!
[04:10.730] If you didn't wanna get me on my mobile, then don't call me on my mobile. 如果—如果你不想跟我在手机上说 那就别给我手机打电话!”
[04:15.940] And she always brags about all the famous people she's met. 我知道, 她还老是拿她碰到的名人来吹牛。
[04:19.480] Oh, I know! 噢,我知道!
[04:21.110] "I slept with Billy Joel." “哦……我跟乔尔.比利睡觉了”。
[04:24.750] All right, who hasn't? 好吧,可那是谁?
[04:27.120] What are we gonna do? I don't wanna see her. 噢,我们该怎么办? 我不想见她!
[04:29.920] Let's just cut her out. 呃,我们隔离了她!
[04:31.760] - What? - Cut her out of our lives. - 什么? -把她从我们的生活里隔离!
[04:34.760] Just ignore her calls and dodge her till she gets the point. 不理她的电话, 躲开她直到她明白过来!
[04:38.400] Well, I guess we could try that. But it seems so harsh. 哦,我觉得我们可以试试, 不过……有点太苛刻了吧!
[04:42.630] - Have you ever done that? - No. Had it done to me, though. - 你这么做过吗? - 没,不过有人对我做过。
[04:46.900] Feels good. 感觉不错!
[04:53.240] All right, Mr. Geller, right this way. 好的盖勒先生! 请走这边!
[04:58.250] So how dark do you wanna be? We have one, two or three. 那么,你想要多深呢? 我们有一级、二级和三级。
[05:02.090] Well, I like how you look. What are you? 呃……我喜欢你的颜色 你是什么等级的?
[05:04.590] - Puerto Rican. - Two. I think a two. - 我是波多黎各人。 - 二级,我想要二级。
[05:09.990] You'll face the red light. 你要面对着红灯。
[05:11.560] When the light's on, the spraying's about to start, so close your eyes. 红灯亮的时候喷淋开始, 所以,闭上眼睛
[05:15.570] When the spraying stops, count to five.. 喷淋停止的时候,数五下。
[05:18.300] pat yourself to avoid drip marks, then turn to get your back. Got it? 向后仰一点防止出现液体流下的痕迹 然后转身我们就可以喷你背后了。明白了?
[05:22.510] Spray, count, pat and turn. Spray, count and pat. 喷,数,仰,然后转,喷,数,仰。
[05:27.010] - You catch on quick. - Well, I have a Ph.D., so.. - 哇,你掌握得真快。 - 那当然,我有个PHD,所以……
[05:53.900] One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three.. 一只绵羊,两只绵羊,三只绵……
[05:58.210] Wait, wait! I'm not.. I'm not finished counting! 等等!等等!我还没…… 我还没数完呢!!
[06:07.720] You sprayed my front twice! 你喷了我正面两次!
[06:10.220] - You never turned? - No! I barely got to "three Mississippi"! - 你没转身吗? -没有,我甚至还没数到三只绵羊呢。
[06:13.660] Mississippi? I said count to five. 绵羊? 我是说数到五!
[06:18.060] Mississippi-less-ly? 不要绵羊?
[06:21.330] Well, how bad is it? 好吧,那这有多糟糕?
[06:23.370] Not that bad yet. But it gets darker for the next four hours. 不会多糟糕的 不过随后的四个小时颜色会变得越来越深。
[06:26.870] - So how dark will it get? - You got sprayed with two twos and.. - 那么,会变得多深? - 你喷了两遍二级而且……
[06:30.710] I'm a four? 我是四级的了?
[06:33.440] Yeah, but your back's a zero. You'll wanna even that out. 对,不过你背上是零级。 你想让前后一样
[06:36.910] Really? 是吧?
[06:39.420] - You might wanna get back in there. - Oh, okay! - 你可能要再进去一次。 - 好吧!
[06:51.090] Wait a minute, there's no light on the back wall. 等等,等等, 后面墙上没有灯!
[06:54.100] How do I know when it's gonna start? Hello? 我怎么知道它什么时候开始? 有人吗?
[06:59.240] My eyes! 我的眼睛!
[07:14.250] The same thing happened again! 我重蹈了自己的覆辙!
[07:16.690] - You got two more twos? - I'm an eight! - 你又做了两次二级? - 我是八级的了!
[07:25.200] Thanks for dinner. 谢谢你的晚餐。
[07:28.000] I thought you paid. 我还以为是你付的钱呢。
[07:31.670] Guess we won't be going back there. 哈,看来我们以后再也不会去那儿了。
[07:35.370] - So.. - Yeah. - 那么。 - 好吧。
[07:48.420] Hey, what do you say we move this onto the likes of the couch? 嘿,我们到沙发上去 你说怎么样?
[07:52.390] I say cheesy line, but okay. 我要说‘烂主意’,不过,行。
[08:15.380] - What's the matter? - I don't know. I'm sorry. - 怎么了? - 对不起,我也不知道,对不起,
[08:18.180] - I don't know why I did that. - Okay. - 我不知道为什么那么做! - 好吧。
[08:21.280] Okay. Sorry. 真对不起。
[08:35.470] I'm sorry. Again, I don't know what happened. I must be nervous. 再一次,对不起!我不知道…我怎么了 我一定是太紧张了!
[08:39.170] I don't get it. Chandler loved it. 我搞不懂,钱德很喜欢的!
[08:45.480] I promise. I won't do it again. I really do. This is gonna be great. 好吧,我保证,我保证,我不会再这么做了。 真的,我保证。这次会很完美的。
[08:49.510] - Okay. - Okay. - 好吧。 - 好吧。
[09:09.100] Was that good for you? 呃,你喜欢这样?
[09:14.700] No, don't get it. Let the machine pick up. 不,不,别接。 让答录机接。
[09:17.270] Yeah, it could be Rachel asking if someone could babysit again. 哦,对 可能又是瑞秋要我们帮她看孩子。
[09:22.880] - It could be Amanda. - Oh, you're right. - 可能是阿蔓达! - 哦,对了!
[09:26.780] I was just kidding about Rachel. Babysitting's a gas. 我只是拿瑞秋开玩笑的。 看孩子很好玩!
[09:32.320] Hello, Monica. It's Amanda calling again. 莫妮卡,你好。 是阿蔓达又打来电话。
[09:35.730] I'm in the neighborhood, hoping I could pop by your flat. 我就在隔壁 想到你家来坐坐。
[09:38.600] You're from Yonkers! Your last name is Buffamonteezi! 你来自扬克斯! 你姓Buffo-Martisis!
[09:43.400] Let's see. So should you get this directly.. 我看……为了确保你知道了
[09:46.040] ring me back on my mobile. 给我的手机回电话
[09:47.670] Okay, don't hold thy breath. 好了,别憋住气说话!
[09:52.780] - Hello? Is someone on the line? - Yes. I was looking for Monica. - 喂?有人在用电话吗? - 对,我在找莫妮卡。
[09:56.750] Hang on, she's right here. 等等,她在这儿。
[10:02.090] - Someone's on the phone for you. - We weren't picking up. It's Amanda. - 有人打电话,找你的。 - 我们在过滤电话呢,是阿蔓达!
[10:07.320] I get pedicures. 我做美甲了!
[10:12.860] Hi, Amanda. 嗨,阿蔓达!
[10:17.000] Actually, now is not a good time. 实际上……现在……现在不太合适。
[10:21.340] Dinner tomorrow night? 明晚一起吃晚饭?
[10:23.910] Okay, Phoebe and I will see you then. 好的,我和菲比都会到的!
[10:26.480] Why? Why? Why didn't you just say no? 为什么,为什么,为什么你不拒绝!
[10:29.150] Well, I said no to her coming over now. I couldn't say no twice. 呃,我已经拒绝让她来了! 我不能拒绝她两次!
[10:33.020] I got this uncontrollable need to please people. 我有种不由自主地取悦别人的需要!
[10:36.950] Fine. Fine. You would not hold up well under torture. 好吧,好吧! 一拷问你就会招的!
[10:41.190] - Oh, and you would? - I did. - 那你呢? - 我已经招了!
[10:47.400] - Rach, are you sure you wanna do this? - Absolutely. - 瑞秋,你确定你想吗? - 当然!当然!
[10:50.370] It's just a little weird. It's you, and it's me. 我……只是有点奇怪,是你和我
[10:52.840] - It'll just take some getting used to. - Okay. - 我们需要点时间来习惯。 - 好吧。
[10:55.740] Okay, well, how can we make it easier? 啊… 我们怎么能让这个变得容易点?
[11:00.010] Okay. Let's work from the top down. 好吧,让我们从上往下!
[11:07.350] - Just work the bra, Joe. - Okay, got it, yeah. Absolutely. - 解开我的胸罩,乔伊! - 好的,呃,明白了。
[11:13.420] - Okay. - Okay. - 好吧。 - 好吧。
[11:29.770] - Is this thing welded shut? - Okay. - 这玩意儿焊住了吗?! - 哦!.
[11:33.380] - You want a little help? - No. - 要我帮忙吗? - 不!
[11:34.880] - Okay. - I can handle it. Okay? - 好吧! - 我能处理这个!
[11:36.910] - I've been opening these since I was 9. - Nine? -我9岁的时候就会了。 - 9岁就会了?
[11:40.280] - What kind of 9-year-old girl wears a bra? - No, no. I was 9. - 9岁的女孩穿胸罩? - 不,不,是我9岁的时候。
[11:43.750] See, she was 16. Okay? Yeah. 呃,她16岁?
[11:46.560] My parents had.. I can't talk and work at the same time! 我爸爸妈妈已经… 哦!我不能一边说一边做!
[11:53.260] All right, turn around. I gotta get a look at this thing. 好了,转个身,我得看看这东西。
[12:02.770] Sorry. 对不起!
[12:07.340] Well, this is romantic. 这真够浪漫的!
[12:09.480] I'm sorry. This has never happened to me before. 对不起! 这种事从来没有发生在我身上!
[12:12.380] I'm an expert at taking off bras. I could do it with one hand. 我是解胸罩的专家! 我一只手就能解开!
[12:15.490] I could do it with my eyes closed. Once I just looked at one.. 我闭着眼睛也行! 有一次我只看了一眼
[12:18.720] and it popped open. 它自己就开了!
[12:21.220] - I blame your bra. - It's a standard-issue bra clasp. - 都怪你的胸罩! - 这是个标准型的胸罩搭扣!
[12:25.560] Then I blame you. Yeah. That's right. You threw me off with all your slapping. 那就怪你!对! 是你把我的天赋都打走了!
[12:29.870] Okay, look, I'm really sorry about that, Joey. 好吧,我真的 真的很抱歉,乔伊!
[12:34.170] But do you think maybe, on some level, you don't want to take off my bra? 可你想过吗? 可能是你潜意识里不想脱掉我的胸罩?
[12:42.980] No, I don't have another level. 啊!我没有那种潜意识!!
[13:02.130] Hi. 嗨!
[13:05.740] Oh, dear God. 哦,天啊!
[13:07.570] Hold on. There's something different. 等等!有点不对劲。
[13:13.410] I went to that tanning place your wife suggested. 我去了你老婆推荐的地方。
[13:16.750] Was that place the sun? 那那个地方……是太阳?
[13:21.480] Oh, and it gets worse. 哦!比那还糟!
[13:27.590] Oh, my God, you can do a duet of "Ebony and lvory" all by yourself. 哦,天呐! 你一个人就能同时表现黑檀木和象牙!
[13:33.700] How could you mess this up? It's so easy. 你怎么能搞成这样? 这很容易呀!
[13:36.400] You go in the booth, count to five and turn around. 你进到小隔间里 数到五,转身!!
[13:39.340] - How do you count to five? - One, two, three.. - 你是怎么数到五的? - 一、二、三……
[13:41.840] Damn it! 可恶!
[13:45.510] I know! 我知道!
[13:50.080] What is up with Miss Hawaiian Tropic? 噢,哦!偏移的热带发生了什么?
[13:54.420] How was your date with Joey? 你和乔伊的约会怎么样?
[13:56.220] Well, it was good, until we got back to our apartment. 嗯,还不错…… 至少在我们回家之前
[14:00.960] And then we were fooling around and he started to put his hand up my leg.. 后来我们就搞砸了 他把手放在我的腿上
[14:04.790] and I kept slapping it away. 可我却不停的打开它!
[14:06.600] You didn't like that? 你不喜欢?
[14:09.930] Well, it wasn't just me, all right? He freaked out too. 嗯,不光是我,明白吗? 他也出问题了!
[14:12.940] He couldn't even undo my bra. 他甚至解不开我的胸罩!
[14:14.870] Really? One time he just looked at my bra and it popped open. 哇,真的?有一次 他只看了我的胸罩一眼,它就自己嘣开了。
[14:21.610] I do not know what's wrong with us. 我不知道我们怎么了
[14:24.110] We've kissed before and that's been great. 我是说 我们以前接吻过,那很好!
[14:26.820] But this time it was leading somewhere.. 可是,可是这次
[14:28.890] and I was very aware of the fact that it was Joey touching me. 我明白那是乔伊在抚摸我。
[14:32.560] You guys have been friends forever. 呃,你们要永远做朋友了。
[14:34.620] The first time you kissed Ross was weird. 记得你第一次吻罗斯吗? 那次多奇怪!
[14:37.360] You couldn't stop laughing. You got through that. 你不停的笑? 可你渡过了。
[14:40.630] Okay. That's true. That's true, we can do this. 对,是这样。 是这样,我们能行。
[14:44.200] You're right. We can do this. We'll just power through. 对,对,我们能行。 我们有能力渡过!
[14:47.700] Chandler, can I talk to you for a second? 嗨,钱德 我能跟你谈谈吗?
[14:50.110] No need, problem solved. We are powering through. 没必要了!! 问题解决了,我们要努力渡过。
[15:01.080] Chandler, stop. It's not going to pop open. 钱德,停下!他不会嘣开的。
[15:03.620] You don't know. 你怎么知道!
[15:09.330] - Hi, Phoebe. - Hey. - 嗨,菲比! - 嗨!
[15:11.090] - Is Amanda here yet? - No. - 阿蔓达来了吗? - 还没。
[15:13.500] I'm sorry for screwing up that "cutting her out" plan, but I have a new plan. 好吧,我很抱歉搞砸了那个隔离她的计划。 不过我有了个新计划。
[15:17.600] Chandler will call in a few minutes with an emergency. 钱德答应我几分钟以后给我打个紧急电话。
[15:20.900] Okay, what kind of emergency gets us both out of here? 哦! 那,什么紧急的事情能把我们两个人都叫走呢?
[15:24.240] What do you think of Mike and Chandler being in a car accident? 这样,你觉得麦克和钱德出了车祸怎么样?
[15:28.480] - Are you kidding? I love it! - Okay. - 你开玩笑,我太喜欢了! - 好!
[15:32.520] - Hi. - Hi. - 嗨! - 嗨!
[15:35.690] Hello! 你好!
[15:38.920] It's so nice to see you. 看到你们真好!
[15:41.190] Both of you, look at me. Look how young I look! 你们两个!看看我。 看我看起来多年轻!
[15:47.200] Oh, gosh, we have so much to catch up on. 噢,天呐! 我们有太多的事情要分享了!
[15:50.000] But first things first. Touch my abs. I don't exercise at all. 不过最首要的是: 摸摸我的腹肌,我一点儿都没锻炼!
[15:55.540] Oh, gosh. So, Monica, you're married. 噢,天呐,莫妮卡,你结婚了!
[15:58.470] - Yeah, his name is Chandler and he's.. - Oh, smell my neck. - 对!对!他叫钱德而且…… - 闻闻我的脖子!
[16:03.010] It's not perfume. It's me. It's my natural scent. 这不是香水!这是我! 这是我自然的体香!
[16:10.250] Musty. 发霉了!
[16:13.020] Gosh, this is brilliant. Gosh, it's just like old times. 噢!天呐!这太完美了。 天呐,就像以前一样,
[16:17.430] I'm so happy you two are friends again. 真高兴看到你们俩又和好了!
[16:20.700] - When were we not friends? - Well, it was 1992. - 我们什么时候不是朋友了? - 呃,是1992年,
[16:23.700] And I remember, because that was the year I had sex with Evel Knievel. 我记得是因为那年我和肯尼.伊夫上床了。
[16:29.910] We were friends in 1992. 呃,1992年我们是朋友埃
[16:31.770] No, I distinctly remember you were dodging her calls.. 不,我清楚地记得你当时在过滤她的电话,
[16:35.110] and trying to avoid seeing her. 还尽量不见她。
[16:38.410] - You were going to cut me out? - Well, kind of. - 你在隔离我? - 呃……差不多吧。
[16:42.690] - Oh, my God! - Oh, bugger. - 噢,我的天! - 噢!见鬼。
[16:44.820] Should I not have said that? I feel like a perfect arse. 我是不是不该说? 我觉得自己就像个饭桶!
[16:52.200] Well, in America, you're just an ass. 对,对,不过在美国你只是个蠢蛋!
[16:59.500] Hello? 喂?
[17:01.340] Chandler, what's wrong? 钱德,怎么了?
[17:03.570] Oh, my God, are you all right? Yeah, I'll be right there. 噢,天呐,你没事吧? 好的,我马上到。
[17:07.810] I'm so sorry, but Chandler was in a car accident. 对不起。钱德出车祸了。
[17:11.150] - Oh, my God. - Yeah. - 噢,我的天。 - 噢!
[17:12.920] - Was Mike with him? - Nope. - 麦克跟他一起吗? - 没!
[17:20.820] - Got the champagne? - Yes. Ready to power through. - 买了香槟了? - 是,女士,准备好加速过渡了!
[17:23.490] Excellent. Put it on ice, the phone is off the hook.. 太棒了!把它放到冰桶里 电话线已经拔了
[17:26.600] and, in the interest of powering through.. 集中精力加速过渡!
[17:38.770] Oh, sure. Now. Yeah. 哦,好,现在
[17:41.310] Okay, sexy.. 好了,性感点儿,性感点儿 性感点儿
[17:43.480] very sexy. Sexy. All right, let's do it! 很性感 好了!我们开始!
[17:48.020] Okay, you're scaring me a little bit. 好的,你有点儿吓到我了。
[17:50.190] Get over it, soldier, we gotta do this. 噢!过来大兵,我们要开始了!
[17:53.760] - Okay. You like that, huh? - Oh, yeah. - 好的,啊!你喜欢是不是? - 哦,是的。
[17:56.960] You like that? Let's kick this into high gear, huh? 你喜欢吗?我们开始换到高速档。
[18:02.100] Yeah, baby! I'll show you how we do it! 对,宝贝儿, 我来告诉你我们怎么做!
[18:04.270] No, no, no! 不,不,不!
[18:05.770] You kneed me in my misters! 你顶住我的小先生了!
[18:07.700] What? Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. 什么?噢,天呐! 对不起
[18:12.880] Joey? Are you okay? 乔伊?你还好吗?
[18:20.120] Soldier down. 大兵牺牲了!
[18:26.060] We are not friends with Phoebe anymore. 我们和菲比不再是朋友了。
[18:28.720] If she asks, I protested a little, but okay. 要是她问起来 我会表示一点抗议,不过没问题!
[18:33.700] I just found out that she tried cutting me out. 我刚知道,她曾经试图隔离我!
[18:36.130] Can you think of any reason why someone would want to do that? 你有没有想过人为什么那样做?
[18:39.140] What is wrong with me, Chandler? Tell me. 我怎么了,钱德?告诉我
[18:41.970] I had a very bad car accident. 我出了严重的车祸!
[18:46.510] Chandler, thank God you're alive. Monica, can I talk to you outside? 噢,钱德!感谢上帝你还活着。 莫妮卡,能和你到外面谈谈吗?
[18:50.610] - I have nothing to say to you. - My flat is twice this size. - 我跟你没什么可说的。 - 哇,我的房子有这两个大!
[18:56.920] You know, they asked me to be one of the Spice Girls. 你要知道, 他们曾经邀我参加辣妹组合
[19:02.990] Please, Monica, in the hall? 好嘛,莫妮卡!去走廊里?
[19:08.360] Oh, that accident must have been terrible. 噢,那场车祸一定很恐怖。
[19:12.200] You look positively ghastly. 你看起来脸色苍白得厉害。
[19:17.340] Well, aren't you a treat. 好了,你不开心吗?
[19:20.740] I can't believe you tried to cut me out. Why, Phoebe? Why? 我简直不能相信你要隔离我。 为什么菲比,为什么?
[19:24.380] It was right after we were living together.. 那是在我们住在一起以后
[19:26.850] and you were driving me crazy, okay? 你快要把我逼疯了,知道吗?
[19:29.050] You were really controlling and compulsive and shrill. 你什么都要控制,强制,还要尖叫。
[19:32.860] Well, I'm still all those things! 我现在仍然这样!
[19:36.190] You're also so generous and kind and scrappy. 你现在还很慷慨 善良,斗志旺盛!
[19:43.570] I am scrappy. 我斗志旺盛。
[19:45.770] Exactly. No matter what I tried to do, I couldn't keep you out of my life. 当然!看,无论我要做什么 我都不能把你从生活中剔除。
[19:50.440] Of all the people I've cut out.. 在我隔离的所有人中
[19:52.140] you were the only one who ever clawed her way back in. 你是唯一一个我又把她拉回来的。
[19:57.650] That's because I'm scrappy. 因为我斗志旺盛?
[19:59.880] Yeah, you are, and I'm so glad that you fought your way back in.. 对,是的。 而且我也很高兴你通过斗争又回来了,
[20:03.550] because I don't know what I would do without you. 因为我不知道没有你该怎么办。
[20:06.460] I don't know what I would do without you. 我也不知道没有你该怎么办。
[20:14.130] Well, I guess we should go back in. I mean, you gave me another chance. 好吧,我想我们该回去了 既然你又给了我一次机会
[20:18.370] - We should do the same for Amanda. - Yeah, I guess you're right. - 我们应该用同样的方法对付阿蔓达 - 对,你说得对。
[20:30.350] Can you believe it? I've never had any professional dance training. 你能相信吗? 我从来没有受过专业舞蹈训练。
[20:43.590] Now, let me explain how this works. You go into the booth and.. 现在我来给你解释她是怎么工作的。 你走进隔间,然后……
[20:46.660] I'm gonna stop you right there, Glenda. Okay? 就说到这儿吧,葛兰达。好吗?
[20:51.430] Does it look like this is my first time? 我看起来像是第一次吗?呃?
[20:54.370] Now, I want four two's, and I want them all on my back. 我现在想要一个四倍的二级 ……而且我想都喷到背上。
[21:00.510] Okay. 好吧……
[21:15.020] Wait. There's two sets of nozzles! Which one is it? Which one is it? 等等,这儿有两套喷嘴儿 应该用哪一个?哪个……哪个才是?
[21:22.430] Oh, son of a bitch! 哦!浑蛋!
[21:30.910] Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?
[21:36.150] - How did we do? - I'm a twelve. - 我们干怎么办? - 我只有12岁!
[21:45.150] What is the matter with us? 我们到底怎么了?
[21:48.220] Well, I know what's the matter with me. 呃,我知道我到底怎么了。
[21:51.190] No, I mean with us, you know? I mean, is it supposed to be this.. 不,我是说我们,知道吗。 我是说,真的应该这么……
[21:56.170] difficult? 困难吗?
[21:59.600] I don't know. 我不知道。
[22:01.540] That fake British woman's a real bitch, but she sure can dance. 这个假惺惺英国腔的女人真是个婊子 可她还真的以为自己会跳舞……
[22:06.140] - Hey. - Hi. - 嗨! - 嗨!
[22:07.680] Hey, listen, can I ask you a question? When you and Monica first hooked up.. 嘿,听着,能问你个问题吗? 你和莫妮卡刚好上的时候
[22:12.050] was it weird going from friends to more than that? 从朋友到超越那层关系的时候有什么怪事吗?
[22:17.650] Kind of. Sneaking around, having to hide from you guys.. 应该……你知道, 到处躲藏,跟你们玩捉迷藏……
[22:20.920] No, no, no. No, I mean.. 不,不,不……不是 我是说……
[22:23.160] sexually. 性方面……
[22:24.990] Yeah, was there a part of you that felt like it was.. 呃,是不是你们俩某方面 ……感觉……
[22:30.130] really wrong? 这么做不对?
[22:34.500] Actually, no. No, it felt right, you know? 实际上,不是。 没有,感觉很好。
[22:37.670] If felt like, "I can't believe we haven't been doing this the whole time." 知道吗,感觉就像 呃……我不能相信我们居然一直没这么做。
[22:43.950] I can tell from your expressions that's the good news you were hoping for. 我能从你们的话里听出来, 好消息是你们想……
[22:50.290] Well, I'm gonna go continue to spread the joy. 好吧,我想我该做的是 ……继续传播快乐。
[23:01.000] Just because it happened that way for them doesn't mean it has to for us. 好吧 他们的反应是那样的不见得我们也要那样。
[23:04.970] Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. 对,对……完全正确。
[23:06.800] I mean, just because something's difficult doesn't mean that you quit. 我是说,事情困难并不意味着你要退却。
[23:10.440] - Right, totally. - Yeah. And so.. - 完全正确。 - 好吧
[23:12.370] we'll just keep trying and trying until we do it. 那我们会不停地试啊 试啊,直到我们……成功。
[23:16.410] If not, we'll just be a couple that never has sex. 对,如果不行的话, 我们就作为一一对没有性爱的夫妇吧。
[23:19.080] That's a plan. 这也是个……计划。
[23:34.760] - I did not see this coming. - I know. - 哇……我看这种事不会发生。 - 我知道。
[23:39.870] I don't know, I don't get it. I mean, I was so sure this is what I wanted. 那我就不明白了。 我说,我很确定我确实需要埃
[23:46.710] Me too. 呃……我也是……
[23:52.550] Well, how come Monica and Chandler could do it? 我想知道莫妮卡和钱德是怎么做到的?
[24:02.590] I guess they weren't as good friends as we are. 我想或许他们不像我们是一对这么好的朋友吧。
[24:10.230] I bet you're right. 我想你肯定是对的。
[24:17.540] So.. 那么……
[24:22.710] Yeah. 好吧。
[24:26.650] I love you. 我爱你。
[24:29.150] Love you too. 我也爱你。
[24:32.890] - All right, I'm going to bed. - Yeah, me too. - 好了,我要去睡觉了。 - 好,我也是。
[24:38.390] Yeah. I'm not going anywhere for a while. 噢,对了 暂时我还不想去任何地方。
[24:51.270] - Dude, it's Chandler. Let me in. - Go away! - 哥们儿,是钱德。让我进来。 -走开!
[24:56.650] I don't wanna see anybody! 我谁都不想见。
[24:58.510] I went to the tanning place and the same thing happened to me. Let me in. 我知道,我也去了那个地方 而且同样的事也发生在我身上了。 让我进来。
[25:02.950] Really? 真的?
[25:04.850] Did you count Mississippi-ly? 你也数了小绵羊?
[25:09.360] You're not tan. 伙计,你没去晒。
[25:10.790] No. I just had to get a picture of this. I'll see you later. 没,我只是来拍张照 我会来看你的!


[00:00.820] So you and Rachel tonight, huh? Yeah. jīn wǎn hé ruì qiū yǒu yuē, è? duì
[00:01.220] Yeah, it' s actually our first official date. wǒ men dì yī cì zhèng shì yuē huì.
[00:05.760] Wow, so tonight may be the night. You nervous? wa! kàn yàng zi jīn wǎn yǒu shì fā shēng! nǐ jǐn zhāng ma?
[00:08.960] No. This is the part I' m actually good at. bù, bù. zhè shì wǒ zuì shàn cháng de.
[00:13.930] What must it be like not to be crippled by fear and selfloathing? jí shǐ shì kǒng jù hé zì wǒ yàn wù qíng xù yě bù néng chǎn shēng yǐng xiǎng?
[00:18.670] It' s okay. duì!
[00:21.410] How can you be so confident? nǐ zěn me néng zhè me yǒu xìn xīn?
[00:23.910] Well, I know exactly what I' m gonna do. è, wǒ yīn wèi wǒ míng què dì zhī dào wǒ yào zuò shí mǒ!
[00:26.910] Really? Like, you have a routine? No. See, each woman is different. zhēn de? jiù xiàng lì xíng gōng shì? bù bù bù. zhī dào ma, nǚ rén gè gè dōu bù tóng.
[00:31.350] You have to appreciate their uniqueness. nǐ yào xīn shǎng dào tā men de tè xìng.
[00:34.590] Really? No, I do six things. zhēn de? bù, wǒ huì zuò liù jiàn shì!
[00:37.720] First, I look deep into her eyes, then I kiss her. shǒu xiān, wǒ yào shēn qíng dì wàng zhe tā de yǎn jīng rán hòu, wǒ huì wěn tā.
[00:42.060] Next, I take my hand and I softly graze her thigh. suí hòu wǒ yòng shǒu qīng qīng dì cā guò tā de dà tuǐ
[00:47.230] You mean like this? nǐ shì shuō zhè yàng?
[00:53.740] No, not like that. No, no. No, like this: bù! bú shì xiàng nà yàng, bù bù. shì xiàng zhè yàng
[01:01.080] I see what you mean. That' s quite nice. ō, wǒ zhī dào nǐ de yì sī le, zhēn de gǎn jué hěn bàng.
[01:09.050] More foosball? And beer. zài lái yī jú zhuō shàng zú qiú? hái yǒu pí jiǔ!!
[02:00.000] Hey. Hey. hāi! hāi!
[02:02.240] Hey, sweetie. hāi, qīn ài de!
[02:10.880] Hey, stop staring at my wife' s legs. hēi! bù xǔ kàn wǒ lǎo pó de tuǐ!
[02:14.520] No, no. Stop staring at your sister' s legs. bù bù! bù xǔ kàn nǐ mèi mei de tuǐ!
[02:19.090] I' m sorry, it' s just.. How' d you get so tan? duì bù qǐ, zhǐ shì nǐ zěn me shài dé pí fū?
[02:22.330] She went to one of those sprayon tan places. tā qù le yí gè nà zhǒng pēn wù shài fū jù lè bù
[02:26.200] That was supposed to be a secret. nà yīng gāi shì gè mì mì.
[02:29.730] Did I say sprayon tan places? wǒ shì shuō de pēn wù shài fū jù lè bù?
[02:32.040] I meant surf contest. wǒ shì shuō chōng làng jìng sài.
[02:35.010] Which she won. tā huò shèng de nà gè.
[02:38.410] You got a sprayon tan? è, nǐ zuò le pēn wù shài fū?
[02:40.980] Chandler gets pedicures! qián dé qù měi jiǎ le!
[02:43.680] What? You do? Like, with the toe separators? shén me? nǐ zuò le měi jiǎ? nǐ yòng le nà zhǒng jiǎo zhǐ gé lí qì?
[02:47.620] Why? Why? wèi wèi shí me?
[02:50.990] I can' t believe that' s sprayed on. wǒ hái shì bù néng xiāng xìn nà shi pēn wù shài fū de jié guǒ
[02:52.860] I mean, it looks really good. I wonder if I should get one. wǒ shì shuō, zhè kàn qǐ lái bù cuò wǒ yě xiǎng zuò yī cì!
[02:56.160] Sure, then you should get a miniskirt so you can really show it off. dāng rán, rán hòu nǐ yīng gāi chuān shang chāo duǎn qún qù jiē shàng xiù gěi bié rén kàn.
[03:00.730] So do you get colors or just French tips? nà me, nǐ shì tú le zhǐ jiǎ yóu hái shì zhǐ liú le fǎ shì de zhǎng zhǐ jiǎ?
[03:08.610] Here. Here' s their card. Thanks. zài zhè ér. wǒ zhè ér yǒu zhāng kǎ. xiè xiè.
[03:12.680] Hey, I know where this place is. hāi, wǒ zhī dào zhè gè dì fāng!
[03:15.180] It used to be an Xrated video.. nà ér céng jīng shì gè chéng rén lù yǐng dài
[03:20.880] Florist. huā diàn.
[03:26.420] Hey. Hey, Phoebe. hāi! hāi! fēi bǐ!
[03:29.230] You won' t believe who moved back to town. ō, nǐ men bú huì xiāng xìn shuí bān huí lái le.
[03:31.400] I know. Amanda. wǒ zhī dào, ā màn dá!
[03:33.000] She called me too. She' s the worst. Who' s Amanda? a! tā yě gěi wǒ dǎ diàn huà le! tā shì zuì chā jìn de! shuí shì ā màn dá?
[03:36.370] She' s this girl who lived in the building before you did. tā shì nǐ bān jìn lái yǐ qián zhù nǐ nà jiān fáng zi de nǚ rén.
[03:39.340] Then she moved to England and picked up this fake British accent. hòu lái tā bān qù yīng guó le, hái xué le jiǎ xīng xīng de yīng guó kǒu yīn.
[03:42.770] On the machine, this is her message: tā zài wǒ liú yán jī shàng de liú yán shì zhè yàng de:
[03:45.210] " Monica, darling, it' s Amanda calling." " mò nī kǎ, qīn ài de! ā màn dá zài gěi nǐ dǎ diàn huà!"
[03:50.150] Are you trying to do a British accent? nǐ shì yào mó fǎng yīng guó kǒu yīn?
[03:55.990] Chandler gets pedicures. qián dé qù měi jiǎ le!
[04:00.090] Just so I know, how many more of those can I expect? wǒ zhǐ xiǎng zhī dào wǒ hái yào shòu duō shǎo cì zhè zhǒng xī luò?
[04:04.090] Know what Amanda said when she called me? nǐ zhī dào ā màn dá gēn wǒ shì zài diàn huà shàng shì zěn me shuō de?
[04:06.630] " Oh, so sorry to catch you on your mobile." " ó, hěn bào qiàn dǎ nǐ de shǒu jī!
[04:10.730] If you didn' t wanna get me on my mobile, then don' t call me on my mobile. rú guǒ rú guǒ nǐ bù xiǎng gēn wǒ zài shǒu jī shàng shuō nà jiù bié gěi wǒ shǒu jī dǎ diàn huà!"
[04:15.940] And she always brags about all the famous people she' s met. wǒ zhī dào, tā hái lǎo shì ná tā pèng dào de míng rén lái chuī niú.
[04:19.480] Oh, I know! ō, wǒ zhī dào!
[04:21.110] " I slept with Billy Joel." " ó wǒ gēn qiáo ěr. bǐ lì shuì jiào le".
[04:24.750] All right, who hasn' t? hǎo ba, kě nà shi shuí?
[04:27.120] What are we gonna do? I don' t wanna see her. ō, wǒ men gāi zěn me bàn? wǒ bù xiǎng jiàn tā!
[04:29.920] Let' s just cut her out. è, wǒ men gé lí le tā!
[04:31.760] What? Cut her out of our lives. shén me? bǎ tā cóng wǒ men de shēng huó lǐ gé lí!
[04:34.760] Just ignore her calls and dodge her till she gets the point. bù lǐ tā de diàn huà, duǒ kāi tā zhí dào tā míng bái guò lái!
[04:38.400] Well, I guess we could try that. But it seems so harsh. ó, wǒ jué de wǒ men kě yǐ shì shì, bù guò yǒu diǎn tài kē kè le ba!
[04:42.630] Have you ever done that? No. Had it done to me, though. nǐ zhè me zuò guò ma? méi, bù guò yǒu rén duì wǒ zuò guò.
[04:46.900] Feels good. gǎn jué bù cuò!
[04:53.240] All right, Mr. Geller, right this way. hǎo de gài lēi xiān shēng! qǐng zǒu zhè biān!
[04:58.250] So how dark do you wanna be? We have one, two or three. nà me, nǐ xiǎng yào duō shēn ne? wǒ men yǒu yī jí èr jí hé sān jí.
[05:02.090] Well, I like how you look. What are you? è wǒ xǐ huān nǐ de yán sè nǐ shì shén me děng jí de?
[05:04.590] Puerto Rican. Two. I think a two. wǒ shì bō duō lí gè rén. èr jí, wǒ xiǎng yào èr jí.
[05:09.990] You' ll face the red light. nǐ yào miàn duì zhe hóng dēng.
[05:11.560] When the light' s on, the spraying' s about to start, so close your eyes. hóng dēng liàng de shí hòu pēn lín kāi shǐ, suǒ yǐ, bì shang yǎn jīng
[05:15.570] When the spraying stops, count to five.. pēn lín tíng zhǐ de shí hòu, shù wǔ xià.
[05:18.300] pat yourself to avoid drip marks, then turn to get your back. Got it? xiàng hòu yǎng yì diǎn fáng zhǐ chū xiàn yè tǐ liú xià de hén jī rán hòu zhuǎn shēn wǒ men jiù kě yǐ pēn nǐ bèi hòu le. míng bái le?
[05:22.510] Spray, count, pat and turn. Spray, count and pat. pēn, shù, yǎng, rán hòu zhuǎn, pēn, shù, yǎng.
[05:27.010] You catch on quick. Well, I have a Ph. D., so.. wa, nǐ zhǎng wò dé zhēn kuài. nà dāng rán, wǒ yǒu gè PHD, suǒ yǐ
[05:53.900] One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three.. yì zhī mián yáng, liǎng zhǐ mián yáng, sān zhǐ mián
[05:58.210] Wait, wait! I' m not.. I' m not finished counting! děng děng! děng děng! wǒ hái méi wǒ hái méi shù wán ne!!
[06:07.720] You sprayed my front twice! nǐ pēn le wǒ zhèng miàn liǎng cì!
[06:10.220] You never turned? No! I barely got to " three Mississippi"! nǐ méi zhuǎn shēn ma? méi yǒu, wǒ shèn zhì hái méi shù dào sān zhǐ mián yáng ne.
[06:13.660] Mississippi? I said count to five. mián yáng? wǒ shì shuō shù dào wǔ!
[06:18.060] Mississippilessly? bú yào mián yáng?
[06:21.330] Well, how bad is it? hǎo ba, nà zhè yǒu duō zāo gāo?
[06:23.370] Not that bad yet. But it gets darker for the next four hours. bú huì duō zāo gāo de bù guò suí hòu de sì gè xiǎo shí yán sè huì biàn de yuè lái yuè shēn.
[06:26.870] So how dark will it get? You got sprayed with two twos and.. nà me, huì biàn de duō shēn? nǐ pēn le liǎng biàn èr jí ér qiě
[06:30.710] I' m a four? wǒ shì sì jí de le?
[06:33.440] Yeah, but your back' s a zero. You' ll wanna even that out. duì, bù guò nǐ bèi shàng shì líng jí. nǐ xiǎng ràng qián hòu yí yàng
[06:36.910] Really? shì ba?
[06:39.420] You might wanna get back in there. Oh, okay! nǐ kě néng yào zài jìn qù yī cì. hǎo ba!
[06:51.090] Wait a minute, there' s no light on the back wall. děng děng, děng děng, hòu miàn qiáng shàng méi yǒu dēng!
[06:54.100] How do I know when it' s gonna start? Hello? wǒ zěn me zhī dào tā shén me shí hòu kāi shǐ? yǒu rén ma?
[06:59.240] My eyes! wǒ de yǎn jīng!
[07:14.250] The same thing happened again! wǒ chóng dǎo le zì jǐ de fù zhé!
[07:16.690] You got two more twos? I' m an eight! nǐ yòu zuò le liǎng cì èr jí? wǒ shì bā jí de le!
[07:25.200] Thanks for dinner. xiè xiè nǐ de wǎn cān.
[07:28.000] I thought you paid. wǒ hái yǐ wéi shì nǐ fù de qián ne.
[07:31.670] Guess we won' t be going back there. hā, kàn lái wǒ men yǐ hòu zài yě bú huì qù nà ér le.
[07:35.370] So.. Yeah. nà me. hǎo ba.
[07:48.420] Hey, what do you say we move this onto the likes of the couch? hēi, wǒ men dào shā fā shǎng qù nǐ shuō zěn me yàng?
[07:52.390] I say cheesy line, but okay. wǒ yào shuō' làn zhǔ yì', bù guò, xíng.
[08:15.380] What' s the matter? I don' t know. I' m sorry. zěn me le? duì bù qǐ, wǒ yě bù zhī dào, duì bù qǐ,
[08:18.180] I don' t know why I did that. Okay. wǒ bù zhī dào wèi shí me nà me zuò! hǎo ba.
[08:21.280] Okay. Sorry. zhēn duì bù qǐ.
[08:35.470] I' m sorry. Again, I don' t know what happened. I must be nervous. zài yī cì, duì bù qǐ! wǒ bù zhī dào wǒ zěn me le wǒ yí dìng shì tài jǐn zhāng le!
[08:39.170] I don' t get it. Chandler loved it. wǒ gǎo bu dǒng, qián dé hěn xǐ huān de!
[08:45.480] I promise. I won' t do it again. I really do. This is gonna be great. hǎo ba, wǒ bǎo zhèng, wǒ bǎo zhèng, wǒ bú huì zài zhè me zuò le. zhēn de, wǒ bǎo zhèng. zhè cì huì hěn wán měi dí.
[08:49.510] Okay. Okay. hǎo ba. hǎo ba.
[09:09.100] Was that good for you? è, nǐ xǐ huān zhè yàng?
[09:14.700] No, don' t get it. Let the machine pick up. bù, bù, bié jiē. ràng dá lù jī jiē.
[09:17.270] Yeah, it could be Rachel asking if someone could babysit again. ó, duì kě néng yòu shì ruì qiū yào wǒ men bāng tā kàn hái zi.
[09:22.880] It could be Amanda. Oh, you' re right. kě néng shì ā màn dá! ó, duì le!
[09:26.780] I was just kidding about Rachel. Babysitting' s a gas. wǒ zhǐ shì ná ruì qiū kāi wán xiào de. kàn hái zi hěn hǎo wán!
[09:32.320] Hello, Monica. It' s Amanda calling again. mò nī kǎ, nǐ hǎo. shì ā màn dá yòu dǎ lái diàn huà.
[09:35.730] I' m in the neighborhood, hoping I could pop by your flat. wǒ jiù zài gé bì xiǎng dào nǐ jiā lái zuò zuò.
[09:38.600] You' re from Yonkers! Your last name is Buffamonteezi! nǐ lái zì yáng kè sī! nǐ xìng BuffoMartisis!
[09:43.400] Let' s see. So should you get this directly.. wǒ kàn wèi le què bǎo nǐ zhī dào le
[09:46.040] ring me back on my mobile. gěi wǒ de shǒu jī huí diàn huà
[09:47.670] Okay, don' t hold thy breath. hǎo le, bié biē zhù qì shuō huà!
[09:52.780] Hello? Is someone on the line? Yes. I was looking for Monica. wèi? yǒu rén zài yòng diàn huà ma? duì, wǒ zài zhǎo mò nī kǎ.
[09:56.750] Hang on, she' s right here. děng děng, tā zài zhè ér.
[10:02.090] Someone' s on the phone for you. We weren' t picking up. It' s Amanda. yǒu rén dǎ diàn huà, zhǎo nǐ de. wǒ men zài guò lǜ diàn huà ne, shì ā màn dá!
[10:07.320] I get pedicures. wǒ zuò měi jiǎ le!
[10:12.860] Hi, Amanda. hāi, ā màn dá!
[10:17.000] Actually, now is not a good time. shí jì shang xiàn zài xiàn zài bù tài hé shì.
[10:21.340] Dinner tomorrow night? míng wǎn yì qǐ chī wǎn fàn?
[10:23.910] Okay, Phoebe and I will see you then. hǎo de, wǒ hé fēi bǐ dōu huì dào de!
[10:26.480] Why? Why? Why didn' t you just say no? wèi shí me, wèi shí me, wèi shí me nǐ bù jù jué!
[10:29.150] Well, I said no to her coming over now. I couldn' t say no twice. è, wǒ yǐ jīng jù jué ràng tā lái le! wǒ bù néng jù jué tā liǎng cì!
[10:33.020] I got this uncontrollable need to please people. wǒ yǒu zhǒng bù yóu zì zhǔ dì qǔ yuè bié rén de xū yào!
[10:36.950] Fine. Fine. You would not hold up well under torture. hǎo ba, hǎo ba! yī kǎo wèn nǐ jiù huì zhāo de!
[10:41.190] Oh, and you would? I did. nà nǐ ne? wǒ yǐ jīng zhāo le!
[10:47.400] Rach, are you sure you wanna do this? Absolutely. ruì qiū, nǐ què dìng nǐ xiǎng ma? dāng rán! dāng rán!
[10:50.370] It' s just a little weird. It' s you, and it' s me. wǒ zhǐ shì yǒu diǎn qí guài, shì nǐ hé wǒ
[10:52.840] It' ll just take some getting used to. Okay. wǒ men xū yào diǎn shí jiān lái xí guàn. hǎo ba.
[10:55.740] Okay, well, how can we make it easier? a wǒ men zěn me néng ràng zhè gè biàn de róng yì diǎn?
[11:00.010] Okay. Let' s work from the top down. hǎo ba, ràng wǒ men cóng shàng wǎng xià!
[11:07.350] Just work the bra, Joe. Okay, got it, yeah. Absolutely. jiě kāi wǒ de xiōng zhào, qiáo yī! hǎo de, è, míng bái le.
[11:13.420] Okay. Okay. hǎo ba. hǎo ba.
[11:29.770] Is this thing welded shut? Okay. zhè wán yì ér hàn zhù le ma?! ó!.
[11:33.380] You want a little help? No. yào wǒ bāng máng ma? bù!
[11:34.880] Okay. I can handle it. Okay? hǎo ba! wǒ néng chǔ lǐ zhè gè!
[11:36.910] I' ve been opening these since I was 9. Nine? wǒ 9 suì de shí hòu jiù huì le. 9 suì jiù huì le?
[11:40.280] What kind of 9yearold girl wears a bra? No, no. I was 9. 9 suì de nǚ hái chuān xiōng zhào? bù, bù, shì wǒ 9 suì de shí hòu.
[11:43.750] See, she was 16. Okay? Yeah. è, tā 16 suì?
[11:46.560] My parents had.. I can' t talk and work at the same time! wǒ bà bà mā mā yǐ jīng ó! wǒ bù néng yī biān shuō yī biān zuò!
[11:53.260] All right, turn around. I gotta get a look at this thing. hǎo le, zhuǎn gè shēn, wǒ dé kàn kàn zhè dōng xī.
[12:02.770] Sorry. duì bù qǐ!
[12:07.340] Well, this is romantic. zhè zhēn gòu làng màn de!
[12:09.480] I' m sorry. This has never happened to me before. duì bù qǐ! zhè zhǒng shì cóng lái méi yǒu fā shēng zài wǒ shēn shàng!
[12:12.380] I' m an expert at taking off bras. I could do it with one hand. wǒ shì jiě xiōng zhào de zhuān jiā! wǒ yì zhī shǒu jiù néng jiě kāi!
[12:15.490] I could do it with my eyes closed. Once I just looked at one.. wǒ bì zhuó yǎn jīng yě xíng! yǒu yī cì wǒ zhǐ kàn le yī yǎn
[12:18.720] and it popped open. tā zì jǐ jiù kāi le!
[12:21.220] I blame your bra. It' s a standardissue bra clasp. dōu guài nǐ de xiōng zhào! zhè shì gè biāo zhǔn xíng de xiōng zhào dā kòu!
[12:25.560] Then I blame you. Yeah. That' s right. You threw me off with all your slapping. nà jiù guài nǐ! duì! shì nǐ bǎ wǒ de tiān fù dōu dǎ zǒu le!
[12:29.870] Okay, look, I' m really sorry about that, Joey. hǎo ba, wǒ zhēn de zhēn de hěn bào qiàn, qiáo yī!
[12:34.170] But do you think maybe, on some level, you don' t want to take off my bra? kě nǐ xiǎng guò ma? kě néng shì nǐ qián yì shí lǐ bù xiǎng tuō diào wǒ de xiōng zhào?
[12:42.980] No, I don' t have another level. a! wǒ méi yǒu nà zhǒng qián yì shí!!
[13:02.130] Hi. hāi!
[13:05.740] Oh, dear God. ó, tiān a!
[13:07.570] Hold on. There' s something different. děng děng! yǒu diǎn bú duì jìn.
[13:13.410] I went to that tanning place your wife suggested. wǒ qù le nǐ lǎo pó tuī jiàn de dì fāng.
[13:16.750] Was that place the sun? nà nà gè dì fāng shì tài yáng?
[13:21.480] Oh, and it gets worse. ó! bǐ nà hái zāo!
[13:27.590] Oh, my God, you can do a duet of " Ebony and lvory" all by yourself. ó, tiān nà! nǐ yí ge rén jiù néng tóng shí biǎo xiàn hēi tán mù hé xiàng yá!
[13:33.700] How could you mess this up? It' s so easy. nǐ zěn me néng gǎo chéng zhè yàng? zhè hěn róng yì ya!
[13:36.400] You go in the booth, count to five and turn around. nǐ jìn dào xiǎo gé jiān lǐ shù dào wǔ, zhuǎn shēn!!
[13:39.340] How do you count to five? One, two, three.. nǐ shì zěn me shù dào wǔ de? yī èr sān
[13:41.840] Damn it! kě wù!
[13:45.510] I know! wǒ zhī dào!
[13:50.080] What is up with Miss Hawaiian Tropic? ō, ó! piān yí de rè dài fā shēng le shén me?
[13:54.420] How was your date with Joey? nǐ hé qiáo yī de yuē huì zěn me yàng?
[13:56.220] Well, it was good, until we got back to our apartment. , hái bù cuò zhì shǎo zài wǒ men huí jiā zhī qián
[14:00.960] And then we were fooling around and he started to put his hand up my leg.. hòu lái wǒ men jiù gǎo zá le tā bǎ shǒu fàng zài wǒ de tuǐ shàng
[14:04.790] and I kept slapping it away. kě wǒ què bù tíng de dǎ kāi tā!
[14:06.600] You didn' t like that? nǐ bù xǐ huān?
[14:09.930] Well, it wasn' t just me, all right? He freaked out too. , bù guāng shì wǒ, míng bái ma? tā yě chū wèn tí le!
[14:12.940] He couldn' t even undo my bra. tā shèn zhì jiě bù kāi wǒ de xiōng zhào!
[14:14.870] Really? One time he just looked at my bra and it popped open. wa, zhēn de? yǒu yī cì tā zhǐ kàn le wǒ de xiōng zhào yī yǎn, tā jiù zì jǐ bēng kāi le.
[14:21.610] I do not know what' s wrong with us. wǒ bù zhī dào wǒ men zěn me le
[14:24.110] We' ve kissed before and that' s been great. wǒ shì shuō wǒ men yǐ qián jiē wěn guò, nà hěn hǎo!
[14:26.820] But this time it was leading somewhere.. kě shì, kě shì zhè cì
[14:28.890] and I was very aware of the fact that it was Joey touching me. wǒ míng bái nà shi qiáo yī zài fǔ mō wǒ.
[14:32.560] You guys have been friends forever. è, nǐ men yào yǒng yuǎn zuò péng yǒu le.
[14:34.620] The first time you kissed Ross was weird. jì de nǐ dì yī cì wěn luó sī ma? nà cì duō qí guài!
[14:37.360] You couldn' t stop laughing. You got through that. nǐ bù tíng de xiào? kě nǐ dù guò le.
[14:40.630] Okay. That' s true. That' s true, we can do this. duì, shì zhè yàng. shì zhè yàng, wǒ men néng xíng.
[14:44.200] You' re right. We can do this. We' ll just power through. duì, duì, wǒ men néng xíng. wǒ men yǒu néng lì dù guò!
[14:47.700] Chandler, can I talk to you for a second? hāi, qián dé wǒ néng gēn nǐ tán tán ma?
[14:50.110] No need, problem solved. We are powering through. méi bì yào le!! wèn tí jiě jué le, wǒ men yào nǔ lì dù guò.
[15:01.080] Chandler, stop. It' s not going to pop open. qián dé, tíng xià! tā bú huì bēng kāi de.
[15:03.620] You don' t know. nǐ zěn me zhī dào!
[15:09.330] Hi, Phoebe. Hey. hāi, fēi bǐ! hāi!
[15:11.090] Is Amanda here yet? No. ā màn dá lái le ma? hái méi.
[15:13.500] I' m sorry for screwing up that " cutting her out" plan, but I have a new plan. hǎo ba, wǒ hěn bào qiàn gǎo zá le nà gè gé lí tā de jì huà. bù guò wǒ yǒu le gè xīn jì huà.
[15:17.600] Chandler will call in a few minutes with an emergency. qián dé dā yìng wǒ jǐ fēn zhōng yǐ hòu gěi wǒ dǎ gè jǐn jí diàn huà.
[15:20.900] Okay, what kind of emergency gets us both out of here? ó! nà, shén me jǐn jí de shì qíng néng bǎ wǒ men liǎng gè rén dōu jiào zǒu ne?
[15:24.240] What do you think of Mike and Chandler being in a car accident? zhè yàng, nǐ jué de mài kè hé qián dé chū le chē huò zěn me yàng?
[15:28.480] Are you kidding? I love it! Okay. nǐ kāi wán xiào, wǒ tài xǐ huān le! hǎo!
[15:32.520] Hi. Hi. hāi! hāi!
[15:35.690] Hello! nǐ hǎo!
[15:38.920] It' s so nice to see you. kàn dào nǐ men zhēn hǎo!
[15:41.190] Both of you, look at me. Look how young I look! nǐ men liǎng gè! kàn kàn wǒ. kàn wǒ kàn qǐ lái duō nián qīng!
[15:47.200] Oh, gosh, we have so much to catch up on. ō, tiān nà! wǒ men yǒu tài duō de shì qíng yào fēn xiǎng le!
[15:50.000] But first things first. Touch my abs. I don' t exercise at all. bù guò zuì shǒu yào de shì: mō mō wǒ de fù jī, wǒ yì diǎn ér dōu méi duàn liàn!
[15:55.540] Oh, gosh. So, Monica, you' re married. ō, tiān nà, mò nī kǎ, nǐ jié hūn le!
[15:58.470] Yeah, his name is Chandler and he' s.. Oh, smell my neck. duì! duì! tā jiào qián dé ér qiě wén wén wǒ de bó zi!
[16:03.010] It' s not perfume. It' s me. It' s my natural scent. zhè bú shì xiāng shuǐ! zhè shì wǒ! zhè shì wǒ zì rán de tǐ xiāng!
[16:10.250] Musty. fā méi le!
[16:13.020] Gosh, this is brilliant. Gosh, it' s just like old times. ō! tiān nà! zhè tài wán měi le. tiān nà, jiù xiàng yǐ qián yí yàng,
[16:17.430] I' m so happy you two are friends again. zhēn gāo xìng kàn dào nǐ men liǎ yòu hé hǎo le!
[16:20.700] When were we not friends? Well, it was 1992. wǒ men shén me shí hòu bú shì péng yǒu le? è, shì 1992 nián,
[16:23.700] And I remember, because that was the year I had sex with Evel Knievel. wǒ jì de shì yīn wèi nà nián wǒ hé kěn ní. yī fū shàng chuáng le.
[16:29.910] We were friends in 1992. è, 1992 nián wǒ men shì péng yǒu āi
[16:31.770] No, I distinctly remember you were dodging her calls.. bù, wǒ qīng chǔ dì jì de nǐ dāng shí zài guò lǜ tā de diàn huà,
[16:35.110] and trying to avoid seeing her. hái jǐn liàng bú jiàn tā.
[16:38.410] You were going to cut me out? Well, kind of. nǐ zài gé lí wǒ? è chà bù duō ba.
[16:42.690] Oh, my God! Oh, bugger. ō, wǒ de tiān! ō! jiàn guǐ.
[16:44.820] Should I not have said that? I feel like a perfect arse. wǒ shì bú shì bù gāi shuō? wǒ jué de zì jǐ jiù xiàng gè fàn tǒng!
[16:52.200] Well, in America, you' re just an ass. duì, duì, bù guò zài měi guó nǐ zhǐ shì gè chǔn dàn!
[16:59.500] Hello? wèi?
[17:01.340] Chandler, what' s wrong? qián dé, zěn me le?
[17:03.570] Oh, my God, are you all right? Yeah, I' ll be right there. ō, tiān nà, nǐ méi shì ba? hǎo de, wǒ mǎ shàng dào.
[17:07.810] I' m so sorry, but Chandler was in a car accident. duì bù qǐ. qián dé chū chē huò le.
[17:11.150] Oh, my God. Yeah. ō, wǒ de tiān. ō!
[17:12.920] Was Mike with him? Nope. mài kè gēn tā yì qǐ ma? méi!
[17:20.820] Got the champagne? Yes. Ready to power through. mǎi le xiāng bīn le? shì, nǚ shì, zhǔn bèi hǎo jiā sù guò dù le!
[17:23.490] Excellent. Put it on ice, the phone is off the hook.. tài bàng le! bǎ tā fàng dào bīng tǒng lǐ diàn huà xiàn yǐ jīng bá le
[17:26.600] and, in the interest of powering through.. jí zhōng jīng lì jiā sù guò dù!
[17:38.770] Oh, sure. Now. Yeah. ó, hǎo, xiàn zài
[17:41.310] Okay, sexy.. hǎo le, xìng gǎn diǎn ér, xìng gǎn diǎn ér xìng gǎn diǎn ér
[17:43.480] very sexy. Sexy. All right, let' s do it! hěn xìng gǎn hǎo le! wǒ men kāi shǐ!
[17:48.020] Okay, you' re scaring me a little bit. hǎo de, nǐ yǒu diǎn ér xià dào wǒ le.
[17:50.190] Get over it, soldier, we gotta do this. ō! guò lái dà bīng, wǒ men yào kāi shǐ le!
[17:53.760] Okay. You like that, huh? Oh, yeah. hǎo de, a! nǐ xǐ huān shì bú shì? ó, shì de.
[17:56.960] You like that? Let' s kick this into high gear, huh? nǐ xǐ huān ma? wǒ men kāi shǐ huàn dào gāo sù dàng.
[18:02.100] Yeah, baby! I' ll show you how we do it! duì, bǎo bèi r, wǒ lái gào sù nǐ wǒ men zěn me zuò!
[18:04.270] No, no, no! bù, bù, bù!
[18:05.770] You kneed me in my misters! nǐ dǐng zhù wǒ de xiǎo xiān shēng le!
[18:07.700] What? Oh, my God. I' m so sorry. shén me? ō, tiān nà! duì bù qǐ
[18:12.880] Joey? Are you okay? qiáo yī? nǐ hái hǎo ma?
[18:20.120] Soldier down. dà bīng xī shēng le!
[18:26.060] We are not friends with Phoebe anymore. wǒ men hé fēi bǐ bù zài shì péng yǒu le.
[18:28.720] If she asks, I protested a little, but okay. yào shì tā wèn qǐ lái wǒ huì biǎo shì yì diǎn kàng yì, bù guò méi wèn tí!
[18:33.700] I just found out that she tried cutting me out. wǒ gāng zhī dào, tā céng jīng shì tú gé lí wǒ!
[18:36.130] Can you think of any reason why someone would want to do that? nǐ yǒu méi yǒu xiǎng guò rén wéi shén me nà yàng zuò?
[18:39.140] What is wrong with me, Chandler? Tell me. wǒ zěn me le, qián dé? gào sù wǒ
[18:41.970] I had a very bad car accident. wǒ chū le yán zhòng de chē huò!
[18:46.510] Chandler, thank God you' re alive. Monica, can I talk to you outside? ō, qián dé! gǎn xiè shàng dì nǐ hái huó zhe. mò nī kǎ, néng hé nǐ dào wài miàn tán tán ma?
[18:50.610] I have nothing to say to you. My flat is twice this size. wǒ gēn nǐ méi shén me kě shuō de. wa, wǒ de fáng zi yǒu zhè liǎng gè dà!
[18:56.920] You know, they asked me to be one of the Spice Girls. nǐ yào zhī dào, tā men céng jīng yāo wǒ cān jiā là mèi zǔ hé
[19:02.990] Please, Monica, in the hall? hǎo ma, mò nī kǎ! qù zǒu láng lǐ?
[19:08.360] Oh, that accident must have been terrible. ō, nà chǎng chē huò yí dìng hěn kǒng bù.
[19:12.200] You look positively ghastly. nǐ kàn qǐ lái liǎn sè cāng bái dé lì hài.
[19:17.340] Well, aren' t you a treat. hǎo le, nǐ bù kāi xīn ma?
[19:20.740] I can' t believe you tried to cut me out. Why, Phoebe? Why? wǒ jiǎn zhí bù néng xiāng xìn nǐ yào gé lí wǒ. wèi shí me fēi bǐ, wèi shí me?
[19:24.380] It was right after we were living together.. nà shi zài wǒ men zhù zài yì qǐ yǐ hòu
[19:26.850] and you were driving me crazy, okay? nǐ kuài yào bǎ wǒ bī fēng le, zhī dào ma?
[19:29.050] You were really controlling and compulsive and shrill. nǐ shén me dōu yào kòng zhì, qiáng zhì, hái yào jiān jiào.
[19:32.860] Well, I' m still all those things! wǒ xiàn zài réng rán zhè yàng!
[19:36.190] You' re also so generous and kind and scrappy. nǐ xiàn zài hái hěn kāng kǎi shàn liáng, dòu zhì wàng shèng!
[19:43.570] I am scrappy. wǒ dòu zhì wàng shèng.
[19:45.770] Exactly. No matter what I tried to do, I couldn' t keep you out of my life. dāng rán! kàn, wú lùn wǒ yào zuò shí mǒ wǒ dōu bù néng bǎ nǐ cóng shēng huó zhōng tī chú.
[19:50.440] Of all the people I' ve cut out.. zài wǒ gé lí de suǒ yǒu rén zhōng
[19:52.140] you were the only one who ever clawed her way back in. nǐ shì wéi yī yí gè wǒ yòu bǎ tā lā huí lái de.
[19:57.650] That' s because I' m scrappy. yīn wèi wǒ dòu zhì wàng shèng?
[19:59.880] Yeah, you are, and I' m so glad that you fought your way back in.. duì, shì de. ér qiě wǒ yě hěn gāo xìng nǐ tōng guò dòu zhēng yòu huí lái le,
[20:03.550] because I don' t know what I would do without you. yīn wèi wǒ bù zhī dào méi yǒu nǐ gāi zěn me bàn.
[20:06.460] I don' t know what I would do without you. wǒ yě bù zhī dào méi yǒu nǐ gāi zěn me bàn.
[20:14.130] Well, I guess we should go back in. I mean, you gave me another chance. hǎo ba, wǒ xiǎng wǒ men gāi huí qù le jì rán nǐ yòu gěi le wǒ yī cì jī huì
[20:18.370] We should do the same for Amanda. Yeah, I guess you' re right. wǒ men yīng gāi yòng tóng yàng de fāng fǎ duì fù ā màn dá duì, nǐ shuō de duì.
[20:30.350] Can you believe it? I' ve never had any professional dance training. nǐ néng xiāng xìn ma? wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu shòu guò zhuān yè wǔ dǎo xùn liàn.
[20:43.590] Now, let me explain how this works. You go into the booth and.. xiàn zài wǒ lái gěi nǐ jiě shì tā shì zěn me gōng zuò de. nǐ zǒu jìn gé jiān, rán hòu
[20:46.660] I' m gonna stop you right there, Glenda. Okay? jiù shuō dào zhè ér ba, gé lán dá. hǎo ma?
[20:51.430] Does it look like this is my first time? wǒ kàn qǐ lái xiàng shì dì yī cì ma? è?
[20:54.370] Now, I want four two' s, and I want them all on my back. wǒ xiàn zài xiǎng yào yí gè sì bèi de èr jí ér qiě wǒ xiǎng dōu pēn dào bèi shàng.
[21:00.510] Okay. hǎo ba
[21:15.020] Wait. There' s two sets of nozzles! Which one is it? Which one is it? děng děng, zhè ér yǒu liǎng tào pēn zuǐ r yīng gāi yòng nǎ yī ge? něi gè něi gè cái shì?
[21:22.430] Oh, son of a bitch! ó! hún dàn!
[21:30.910] Are you kidding? nǐ zài kāi wán xiào ma?
[21:36.150] How did we do? I' m a twelve. wǒ men gàn zěn me bàn? wǒ zhǐ yǒu 12 suì!
[21:45.150] What is the matter with us? wǒ men dào dǐ zěn me le?
[21:48.220] Well, I know what' s the matter with me. è, wǒ zhī dào wǒ dào dǐ zěn me le.
[21:51.190] No, I mean with us, you know? I mean, is it supposed to be this.. bù, wǒ shì shuō wǒ men, zhī dào ma. wǒ shì shuō, zhēn de yìng gāi zhè me
[21:56.170] difficult? kùn nán ma?
[21:59.600] I don' t know. wǒ bù zhī dào.
[22:01.540] That fake British woman' s a real bitch, but she sure can dance. zhè gè jiǎ xīng xīng yīng guó qiāng de nǚ rén zhēn shì gè biǎo zǐ kě tā hái zhēn de yǐ wéi zì jǐ huì tiào wǔ
[22:06.140] Hey. Hi. hāi! hāi!
[22:07.680] Hey, listen, can I ask you a question? When you and Monica first hooked up.. hēi, tīng zhe, néng wèn nǐ gè wèn tí ma? nǐ hé mò nī kǎ gāng hǎo shàng de shí hòu
[22:12.050] was it weird going from friends to more than that? cóng péng yǒu dào chāo yuè nà céng guān xì de shí hòu yǒu shén me guài shì ma?
[22:17.650] Kind of. Sneaking around, having to hide from you guys.. yīng gāi nǐ zhī dào, dào chù duǒ cáng, gēn nǐ men wán zhuō mí cáng
[22:20.920] No, no, no. No, I mean.. bù, bù, bù bú shì wǒ shì shuō
[22:23.160] sexually. xìng fāng miàn
[22:24.990] Yeah, was there a part of you that felt like it was.. è, shì bú shì nǐ men liǎ mǒu fāng miàn gǎn jué
[22:30.130] really wrong? zhè me zuò bú duì?
[22:34.500] Actually, no. No, it felt right, you know? shí jì shang, bú shì. méi yǒu, gǎn jué hěn hǎo.
[22:37.670] If felt like, " I can' t believe we haven' t been doing this the whole time." zhī dào ma, gǎn jué jiù xiàng è wǒ bù néng xiāng xìn wǒ men jū rán yī zhí méi zhè me zuò.
[22:43.950] I can tell from your expressions that' s the good news you were hoping for. wǒ néng cóng nǐ men de huà lǐ tīng chū lái, hǎo xiāo xī shì nǐ men xiǎng
[22:50.290] Well, I' m gonna go continue to spread the joy. hǎo ba, wǒ xiǎng wǒ gāi zuò de shì jì xù chuán bō kuài lè.
[23:01.000] Just because it happened that way for them doesn' t mean it has to for us. hǎo ba tā men de fǎn yìng shì nà yàng de bú jiàn de wǒ men yě yào nà yàng.
[23:04.970] Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. duì, duì wán quán zhèng què.
[23:06.800] I mean, just because something' s difficult doesn' t mean that you quit. wǒ shì shuō, shì qíng kùn nán bìng bù yì wèi zhe nǐ yào tuì què.
[23:10.440] Right, totally. Yeah. And so.. wán quán zhèng què. hǎo ba
[23:12.370] we' ll just keep trying and trying until we do it. nà wǒ men huì bù tíng dì shì a shì a, zhí dào wǒ men chéng gōng.
[23:16.410] If not, we' ll just be a couple that never has sex. duì, rú guǒ bù xíng de huà, wǒ men jiù zuò wéi yī yī duì méi yǒu xìng ài de fū fù ba.
[23:19.080] That' s a plan. zhè yě shì gè jì huà.
[23:34.760] I did not see this coming. I know. wa wǒ kàn zhè zhǒng shì bú huì fā shēng. wǒ zhī dào.
[23:39.870] I don' t know, I don' t get it. I mean, I was so sure this is what I wanted. nà wǒ jiù bù míng bái le. wǒ shuō, wǒ hěn què dìng wǒ què shí xū yào āi
[23:46.710] Me too. è wǒ yě shì
[23:52.550] Well, how come Monica and Chandler could do it? wǒ xiǎng zhī dào mò nī kǎ hé qián dé shì zěn me zuò dào de?
[24:02.590] I guess they weren' t as good friends as we are. wǒ xiǎng huò xǔ tā men bù xiàng wǒ men shì yī duì zhè me hǎo de péng yǒu ba.
[24:10.230] I bet you' re right. wǒ xiǎng nǐ kěn dìng shì duì de.
[24:17.540] So.. nà me
[24:22.710] Yeah. hǎo ba.
[24:26.650] I love you. wǒ ài nǐ.
[24:29.150] Love you too. wǒ yě ài nǐ.
[24:32.890] All right, I' m going to bed. Yeah, me too. hǎo le, wǒ yào qù shuì jiào le. hǎo, wǒ yě shì.
[24:38.390] Yeah. I' m not going anywhere for a while. ō, duì le zàn shí wǒ hái bù xiǎng qù rèn hé dì fāng.
[24:51.270] Dude, it' s Chandler. Let me in. Go away! gē men r, shì qián dé. ràng wǒ jìn lái. zǒu kāi!
[24:56.650] I don' t wanna see anybody! wǒ shuí dōu bù xiǎng jiàn.
[24:58.510] I went to the tanning place and the same thing happened to me. Let me in. wǒ zhī dào, wǒ yě qù le nà gè dì fāng ér qiě tóng yàng de shì yě fā shēng zài wǒ shēn shàng le. ràng wǒ jìn lái.
[25:02.950] Really? zhēn de?
[25:04.850] Did you count Mississippily? nǐ yě shù le xiǎo mián yáng?
[25:09.360] You' re not tan. huǒ jì, nǐ méi qù shài.
[25:10.790] No. I just had to get a picture of this. I' ll see you later. méi, wǒ zhǐ shì lái pāi zhāng zhào wǒ huì lái kàn nǐ de!