American investigators examined wreckage from the Asiana Airlines passenger jet that crashed

歌曲 American investigators examined wreckage from the Asiana Airlines passenger jet that crashed
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:时事报道


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English, this is In The News.
[00:08.18] American investigators this week examined wreckage from the Asiana Airlines passenger jet that crashed last Saturday at San Francisco airport.
[00:21.20] Officials say two kinds of equipment, the autopilot and auto-throttle, did not appear to have failed.
[00:31.00] American and South Korean officials are working together on the investigation.
[00:38.06] Asiana is Korea's second largest airline after Korean Air.
[00:44.85] Asiana Flight 214 was carrying more than 300 people from Seoul to the United States.
[00:52.99] They included 141 Chinese, 77 Koreans and 61 Americans.
[01:02.48] Two passengers died after the crash.
[01:06.20] More than 180 people were taken to California hospitals for treatment.
[01:13.11] They were injured when the airplane, a Boeing 777, crash-landed.
[01:19.39] Information from the plane's flight data recorder shows that the aircraft was traveling too slowly as it came in for a landing.
[01:30.09] The landing gear struck a seawall at the end of the airport runway, causing the tail end of the plane to break off.
[01:40.10] Investigators are also attempting to understand events that led to a 90 second delay in the order for everyone to leave the airplane.
[01:52.23] The chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board, Deborah Hersman, met with reporters Thursday in San Francisco.
[02:02.33] She said her investigators had questioned six of the 12 flight attendants.
[02:08.81] The other six remained hospitalized.
[02:12.37] Ms. Hersman said investigators would talk with all the flight crew members as they try to learn about the performance of the plane's safety equipment.
[02:25.11] Two flight crew members were injured when emergency escape equipment inflated inside the airplane.
[02:34.20] The equipment is supposed to open up outside the plane so passengers can slide to the ground.
[02:41.94] The air safety official said the manufacturer of the device had offered to cooperate in the investigation.
[02:51.22] At an earlier press conference, the NTSB chairwoman said the pilot at the controls was only about halfway through his training on the Boeing 777.
[03:05.98] But the head of Asiana Airlines rejected suggestions that the pilot and his co-pilot trainer lacked experience.
[03:16.36] Speaking at his company's headquarters in Seoul, Asiana Airlines president Yoon Young-doo defended the pilots' training.
[03:27.45] American lawmakers are pressing for enactment of new pilot training rules in the United States and around the world.
[03:37.55] Senator Charles Schumer is from New York, where a 2009 plane crash killed 49 people.
[03:46.86] "There is no reason that American passengers should be put at risk by poorly trained pilots in other countries."
[03:54.77] Earlier this week, South Korean President Park Geun-Hye sent a letter of regret to Chinese President Xi Jinping over the Asiana Airlines crash.
[04:06.96] She also expressed sympathy to the families of two Chinese students who died.
[04:14.25] The two 16-year-old girls were the only deaths.
[04:19.38] They were found outside the plane, which caught fire as it slid down the runway.
[04:26.14] Investigators say one of the victims may have been struck by an emergency vehicle.
[04:32.94] Some survivors of the crash have criticized the lack of emergency medical transport.
[04:39.96] Fire trucks arrived within a minute of the crash but ambulances were delayed in reaching all the injured.
[04:48.67] And that's In the News from VOA Learning English.
[04:54.13] I'm Steve Ember.


[00:00.10] lái zì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí, zhè shì xīn wén lán mù
[00:08.18] běn zhōu, měi guó diào chá rén yuán jiǎn chá le yú shàng zhōu liù zài jiù jīn shān jī chǎng zhuàng huǐ de hán yà háng kōng mín háng kè jī de cán hái
[00:21.20] guān fāng shēng chēng zì dòng jià shǐ yí hé zì dòng yóu mén dōu méi yǒu bù zhèng cháng yùn xíng de jī xiàng
[00:31.00] měi guó hé hán guó guān fāng rén yuán zhèng zài hé zuò diào chá zhōng
[00:38.06] hán yà háng kōng shì hán guó jǐn cì yú dà hán háng kōng de dì èr dà de háng kōng gōng sī
[00:44.85] hán yà háng kōng 214 háng bān de chū fā dì shì shǒu ěr, mù dì dì shì měi guó, jī shàng zài yǒu 300 duō míng chéng kè
[00:52.99] qí zhōng bāo kuò 141 míng zhōng guó chéng kè, 77 míng hán guó chéng kè, yǐ jí 61 míng měi guó chéng kè
[01:02.48] yǒu liǎng míng chéng kè yīn shì gù sàng mìng
[01:06.20] chāo guò 180 míng chéng kè bèi sòng wǎng jiā zhōu běn dì yī yuàn yǐ zhì liáo
[01:13.11] zhèi xiē chéng kè dōu zài zhè bù bō yīn 777 kè jī fā shēng pèng zhuàng shí shòu shāng
[01:19.39] gēn jù hēi xiá zi shù jù xiǎn shì, fēi jī zài jiàng luò shí de sù dù guò màn
[01:30.09] yóu yú qǐ luò zhuāng zhì zài jī chǎng pǎo dào mò duān yǔ hǎi dī fā shēng pèng zhuàng, dǎo zhì fēi jī wěi bù yǔ jī shēn tuō lí
[01:40.10] tóng shí, diào chá rén yuán zài cháng shì liǎo jiě shì shén me dǎo zhì le yāo qiú quán yuán chè lí fēi jī de mìng lìng yán chí le 90 miǎo fā chū
[01:52.23] měi guó guó jiā yùn shū ān quán wěi yuán huì zhǔ xí, Deborah Hersman, zài běn zhōu sì yú jiù jīn shān yǔ jì zhě huì miàn
[02:02.33] tā biǎo shì xiāng guān diào chá rén yuán yǐ jīng zhì xún le shí èr wèi chéng wù yuán zhōng de liù wèi
[02:08.81] qí yú liù wèi réng zài yī yuàn jiē shòu zhì liáo
[02:12.37] Ms. Hersman hái biǎo shì, diào chá rén yuán huì jì xù yǔ suǒ yǒu jī zǔ rén yuán tán huà yǐ jìn yī bù liǎo jiě fēi jī ān quán shè bèi de yùn háng qíng kuàng
[02:25.11] yǒu liǎng wèi jī zǔ rén yuán shì zài jǐn jí chū kǒu shè bèi zài fēi jī nèi bù chōng qì péng zhàng shí shòu shāng de
[02:34.20] dàn jǐn jí chū kǒu xiāng yìng de zhuāng zhì lǐ yīng zài fēi jī wài bù dǎ kāi, zhè yàng chéng kè cái néng shùn lì tōng guò huá tī lí kāi fēi jī chéng gōng chè lí
[02:41.94] háng kōng ān quán rén yuán biǎo shì xiāng yìng de shè bèi de zhì zào shāng yǐ jīng zài xié zuò diào chá
[02:51.22] zài qián yī chǎng jì zhě zhāo dāi huì zhōng, měi guó guó jiā yùn shū ān quán wěi yuán huì zhǔ xí dāng shí cāo zòng zhè tái bō yīn 777 kè jī de fēi xíng yuán zhǐ wán chéng le fēi xíng yuán xùn liàn de yī bàn
[03:05.98] dàn hán yà háng kōng de gāo céng què biǎo shì fēi xíng yuán hé fù jià shǐ dōu bù quē fá fēi xíng jīng yàn
[03:16.36] hán yà háng kōng CEO yǐn yǒng dòu zài shǒu ěr de hán yà háng kōng zǒng bù fā biǎo shēng míng chēng fēi xíng yuán jiē shòu de xùn liàn bìng méi yǒu rèn hé shū lòu
[03:27.45] měi guó lì fǎ rén yuán zhèng zài jiā jǐn sòng bù měi guó yǐ jí shì jiè xīn fēi xíng yuán xùn liàn xīn guī
[03:37.55] cān yì yuán Charles Schumer lái zì niǔ yuē zài 2009 nián yī jià fēi jī zài niǔ yuē zhuàng huǐ bìng dǎo zhì 49 rén sǐ wáng
[03:46.86] gāi cān yì yuán biǎo shì," měi guó chéng kè wán quán méi yǒu lǐ yóu qù chéng dān qí tā guó jiā quē fá xùn liàn de fēi xíng yuán suǒ dài lái de fēng xiǎn."
[03:54.77] běn zhōu zǎo xiē shí hòu, hán guó zǒng tǒng piáo jǐn huì gěi zhōng guó de xí jìn píng zhǔ xí fā le yī fēng guān yú yà háng háng kōng fēi jī zhuàng huǐ shì jiàn de zhì qiàn xìn
[04:06.96] tóng shí, tā zài zhì qiàn xìn zhōng yě duì liǎng wèi yīn shì gù sǐ wáng de zhōng guó xué shēng de jiā tíng biǎo dá tóng qíng
[04:14.25] zhǐ yǒu zhè liǎng wèi 16 suì de nǚ hái zài shì gù zhōng sǐ wáng
[04:19.38] tā men de shī tǐ shì zài shī huǒ de fēi jī wài bù zhǎo dào de, dāng shí fēi jī zhèng zài pǎo dào shàng huá xíng
[04:26.14] diào chá rén yuán biǎo shì qí zhōng yī wèi shòu hài zhě yǔ yī liàng jǐn jí chē liàng fā shēng pèng zhuàng
[04:32.94] bù fèn shēng huán zhě zhí zé le jǐn jí yī liáo zhuǎn yùn de shī zé
[04:39.96] xiāo fáng chē zài shì gù fā shēng yī fēn zhōng yǐ nèi biàn dǐ dá xiàn chǎng, dàn jiù hù chē zài zhěng jiù shāng yuán shí què tuō yán le yī duàn shí jiān
[04:48.67] zhè lǐ shì xīn wén lán mù, lái zì VOA yīng yǔ xué xí
[04:54.13] wǒ shì Steve Ember