Americans continue to react to the decision in the murder trial of George Zimmerman

歌曲 Americans continue to react to the decision in the murder trial of George Zimmerman
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:时事报道


[00:00.400] From VOA Learning English,
[00:06.620] this is "In The News."
[00:08.860] Americans continue to react to the decision
[00:12.640] in the murder trial of George Zimmerman.
[00:16.230] Last week, a jury in the southern state of Florida
[00:20.910] found that he was not guilty
[00:23.650] in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
[00:28.470] The unarmed teenager was killed last year
[00:32.750] in a struggle with the defendant.
[00:35.500] At the time, George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer
[00:40.830] in his community in Florida.
[00:43.710] Trayvon Martin, an African American,
[00:46.700] was walking to the home of his father's girlfriend
[00:50.540] at the time of the killing.
[00:52.680] George Zimmerman is a white Hispanic man.
[00:56.760] He called police to report Trayvon Martin
[01:00.540] as a suspicious person in the neighborhood.
[01:03.780] He followed the teenager, although police told him not to.
[01:08.700] The two fought.
[01:10.300] Mr. Zimmerman says he acted in self-defense
[01:14.290] after he was attacked by the young man.
[01:17.470] Under Florida law, people can use deadly force to fight back
[01:23.200] if they feel their lives are in danger.
[01:26.930] Soon after the six woman jury reached its decision on Saturday,
[01:32.300] people used social media and public protests
[01:36.630] to express their opinion about the verdict.
[01:40.280] "No justice. No peace. Trayvon! Justice for Trayvon!"
[01:43.950] Many protests have been held across the United States since the trial.
[01:49.870] Hundreds of people demonstrated in Chicago, Illinois.
[01:54.250] They expressed opposition to what activist Dickey Gaines says
[01:59.380] was a predetermined verdict -- one reached before the trial.
[02:05.000] "Because there was a lot of people across this country
[02:08.690] that was in favor of George Zimmerman being acquitted
[02:14.220] by virtue of them donating money to his defense,
[02:17.350] so that was a clear indication early on people
[02:21.490] was in support of him being acquitted in this case."
[02:25.590] Casey David Cole Senior was one such supporter.
[02:30.170] He spoke to reporters near the Sanford, Florida courthouse,
[02:34.050] where the trial took place.
[02:36.240] "I'm here to express my opinion.
[02:38.430] I believe that George Zimmerman is an innocent man."
[02:41.880] For Chicago protester Bryan Burroughs,
[02:44.880] the case is clear in his mind.
[02:47.570] "Trayvon Martin was guilty of nothing
[02:49.010] but being black in a mostly white neighborhood."
[02:51.550] Activist Dickey Gaines says the ruling has not changed his belief
[02:57.020] that George Zimmerman targeted the teenager because he was black.
[03:02.400] "He focused on Trayvon because of Trayvon's skin color."
[03:06.080] Hans von Spakovsky works for the Heritage Foundation
[03:09.870] research group here in Washington.
[03:12.110] He says the legal action against Mr. Zimmerman should end now.
[03:18.380] "If the Justice Department continues to pursue this case when,
[03:22.160] one, he's been found innocent and,
[03:23.810] two, we know there's no racial animus
[03:27.040] which is necessary for a civil rights violation,
[03:30.330] that once again makes it look like politics
[03:33.310] is driving the prosecution, not justice."
[03:35.600] Racial inequality in the United States goes back centuries.
[03:41.090] The issue of slavery was a major reason
[03:44.980] for the nation's civil war in the 1860s.
[03:49.010] But discrimination continued after black slaves were freed.
[03:54.730] And racial tensions still exist.
[03:58.560] Greg Carr is chairman of Afro-American Studies at Howard University,
[04:05.440] a historically black college here in Washington.
[04:09.020] "One thing that's tangible that can come out of this verdict
[04:12.560] is a renewed commitment to addressing people,
[04:16.340] and not looking to the courts -- not looking to the law
[04:19.670] to somehow regulate or change people's hearts and minds."
[04:23.860] Mr. Carr warns that if a civil rights case
[04:27.400] were brought against George Zimmerman and lost,
[04:30.780] it would increase the distrust of many people.
[04:34.710] But if such a case were won, he says,
[04:38.410] Americans would look to the courts,
[04:41.240] not within themselves, for racial healing.
[04:45.270] And that's "In The News" from VOA Learning English.
[04:50.350] I'm Steve Ember.


[00:00.400] měi guó zhī yīn màn sù yīng yǔ.
[00:06.620] zhè lǐ shì xīn wén pín dào.
[00:08.860] měi guó rén jì xù duì
[00:12.640] George Zimmerman móu shā àn pàn jué zuò chū fǎn yìng
[00:16.230] shàng zhōu, fó luó lǐ dá zhōu nán bù de yí gè péi shěn tuán
[00:20.910] rèn wéi
[00:23.650] tā shè sǐ 17 suì de Trayvon Martin wú zuì
[00:28.470] qù nián, zhè míng shǒu wú cùn tiě de shào nián sǐ yú yǔ
[00:32.750] yǔ bèi gào de zhēng dòu zhōng
[00:35.500] dāng shí, George Zimmerman zài fó luó lǐ dá zhōu tā de shè qū zhōng
[00:40.830] dān rèn lín lǐ zhì yuàn shǒu wàng yuán
[00:43.710] Trayvon Martin shì fēi yì měi guó rén
[00:46.700] tā zài shā hài shí
[00:50.540] zhèng qù wǎng tā fù qīn de nǚ yǒu jiā de tú zhōng.
[00:52.680] George Zimmerman shì yī míng xī bān yá yì de nán xìng bái zhǒng rén
[00:56.760] tā xiàng jǐng fāng dǎ diàn huà chēng
[01:00.540] Trayvon Martin shì fù jìn de yī míng kě yí rén shì
[01:03.780] tā wěi suí zhè míng shào nián, suī rán jǐng chá gào sù tā bú yào zhè yàng zuò
[01:08.700] zhè liǎng gè rén fā shēng le chōng tū
[01:10.300] Zimmerman xiān shēng shuō,
[01:14.290] tā shì zāo dào zhè míng nián qīng rén gōng jī hòu jìn xíng zì wèi.
[01:17.470] gēn jù fó luó lǐ dá zhōu de fǎ lǜ,
[01:23.200] dāng rén men jué de tā men de shēng mìng chǔ yú wēi xiǎn zhī zhōng shí, kě yǐ shǐ yòng zhì mìng wǔ lì lái fǎn jī.
[01:26.930] zài 6 míng nǚ péi shěn tuán yuán yú zhōu liù dá chéng yī zhì hòu bù jiǔ,
[01:32.300] rén men shǐ yòng shè jiāo méi tǐ hé gōng kāi kàng yì
[01:36.630] lái biǎo dá tā men duì fǎ yuàn pàn jué de yì jiàn.
[01:40.280] " méi yǒu zhèng yì. méi yǒu hé píng. Trayvon! wèi Trayvon xún qiú zhèng yì!"
[01:43.950] zì pàn jué yǐ lái, měi guó gè dì yǐ jǔ xíng le duō cì kàng yì.
[01:49.870] shù bǎi rén zài yī lì nuò yī zhōu zhī jiā gē jìn xíng yóu xíng.
[01:54.250] tā men biǎo shì duì huó dòng jiā Dickey Gaines suǒ shuō de
[01:59.380] zhè shì yī cì shěn pàn qián jiù yù dìng pàn jué jié guǒ de zhè yī shuō fǎ yǔ yǐ fǎn duì.
[02:05.000] " yīn wèi quán guó shàng xià yǒu hěn duō rén
[02:08.690] zhī chí George Zimmerman,
[02:14.220] juān qián wèi tā biàn hù
[02:17.350] suǒ yǐ zhè shì yí gè míng xiǎn de zǎo qī jī xiàng, rén mín zuì chū yī zhí zhī chí tā
[02:21.490] zài zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng xià, tā bèi wú zuì shì fàng."
[02:25.590] Casey David Cole Senior shì yī míng zhè yàng de zhī chí zhě.
[02:30.170] tā zài shěn pàn dì fó luó lǐ dá zhōu sāng fú dé fǎ yuàn
[02:34.050] fù jìn xiàng jì zhě biǎo shì.
[02:36.240] " wǒ zài zhè lǐ biǎo dá wǒ de yì jiàn.
[02:38.430] wǒ xiāng xìn George Zimmerman shì wú gū de rén."
[02:41.880] duì yú zhī jiā gē de shì wēi zhě Bryan Burroughs lái shuō,
[02:44.880] zhè qǐ àn jiàn qīng xī fú xiàn zài tā de nǎo hǎi zhōng.
[02:47.570] " Trayvon Martin wú zuì,
[02:49.010] zhǐ bù guò zuò wéi yī míng hēi rén chū xiàn zài bái rén jū duō de jiē qū zhōng."
[02:51.550] huó dòng jiā Dickey Gaines chēng, pàn jué bìng méi yǒu gǎi biàn tā de guān niàn
[02:57.020] jí George Zimmerman yīn Trayvon Martin shì hēi rén ér zhēn duì tā.
[03:02.400] " tā miáo shàng Trayvon shì yóu yú Trayvon de fū sè."
[03:06.080] Hans von Spakovsky
[03:09.870] zài huá shèng dùn chuán tǒng jī jīn huì de yán jiū jī gòu gōng zuò.
[03:12.110] tā biǎo shì, Zimmerman xiān shēng de fǎ lǜ xíng dòng xiàn zài yīng gāi jié shù le.
[03:18.380] " rú guǒ sī fǎ bù jì xù zhuī jiū zhè qǐ àn jiàn shí,
[03:22.160] shǒu xiān, tā bèi rèn wéi shì wú gū de,
[03:23.810] qí cì, wǒ men zhī dào zhè bìng méi yǒu qīn fàn gōng mín quán lì
[03:27.040] suǒ bì xū de zhǒng zú dí yì,
[03:30.330] jí zài cì shǐ de tā kàn shang qu xiàng zhèng zhì qū dòng sù sòng,
[03:33.310] ér bú shì yóu zhèng yì lái qū dòng."
[03:35.600] měi guó de zhǒng zú bù píng děng kě yǐ zhuī sù dào jǐ gè shì jì qián.
[03:41.090] nú lì zhì de wèn tí shì 19 shì jì 60 nián dài
[03:44.980] měi guó nèi zhàn de yí gè zhòng yào yuán yīn.
[03:49.010] dàn hēi rén nú lì bèi shì fàng hòu,
[03:54.730] qí shì réng rán cún zài. zhǒng zú jǐn zhāng jú shì yī rán cún zài.
[03:58.560] Greg Carr shì wèi yú huá shèng dùn de huò huá dé dà xué měi guó hēi rén yán jiū jī gòu de zhǔ xí,
[04:05.440] zhè shì yī suǒ chuán tǒng hēi rén dà xué.
[04:09.020] " zhè shì zài tōng guò zhè gè pàn jué míng xiǎn de tí xǐng rén mín,
[04:12.560] bú yào shì tú
[04:16.340] tōng guò xiàng fǎ yuàn tí qǐ sù sòng hé fǎ lǜ
[04:19.670] zài mǒu zhǒng chéng dù shàng tiáo jié huò gǎi biàn rén men de xīn líng hé sī xiǎng."
[04:23.860] Carr xiān shēng jǐng gào shuō,
[04:27.400] rú guǒ zhēn duì George Zimmerman de rén quán àn jiàn yǐ shī bài gào zhōng
[04:30.780] zhè huì zēng jiā xǔ duō rén de bù xìn rèn.
[04:34.710] dàn shì, rú guǒ zhè qǐ àn jiàn yíng le,
[04:38.410] měi guó rén jiù huì tōng guò xiàng fǎ yuàn tí qǐ sù sòng lái yù hé zhǒng zú fēn liè
[04:41.240] ér bú shì tōng guò tā men zì jǐ
[04:45.270] zhè lǐ shì měi guó zhī yīn màn sù yīng yǔ xīn wén pín dào
[04:50.350] wǒ shì Steve Ember