The first anniversary of a major exploration effort on Mars

The first anniversary of a major exploration effort on Mars 歌词

歌曲 The first anniversary of a major exploration effort on Mars
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专辑 VOA慢速英语:时事报道
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[00:00.100] From VOA Learning English, this is In the News.
[00:08.790] This week marks the first anniversary of a major exploration effort on Mars.
[00:16.200] It has been 12 months since the exploration device called "Curiosity" landed on the distant planet.
[00:25.400] Curiosity is named for the human condition of wanting to learn or know something.
[00:33.360] The United States space agency, NASA, says Curiosity has driven more than 1.6 kilometers on Mars.
[00:44.080] The device, called a "rover," is about the size of a car.
[00:49.990] Curiosity has found evidence of an ancient riverbed and other signs of wet conditions.
[00:58.990] NASA scientists say that with these discoveries, Curiosity has answered the question of whether conditions on ancient Mars could have supported life.
[01:13.050] Jim Green leads the planetary division at NASA's Science Mission Directorate.
[01:19.750] "We found all the ingredients of life as measured in this material that's deposited in this ancient riverbed.
[01:27.910] Mars was habitable in its past."
[01:32.080] Curiosity is a traveling laboratory that contains 10 scientific instruments.
[01:40.030] The rover has found hydrogen, oxygen and other elements necessary for life.
[01:47.570] The space agency says Curiosity has fired more than 75,000 laser shots.
[01:55.890] The laser turns rocks and soil into gas.
[02:01.210] The equipment on Curiosity then examines and identifies the materials on the Martian surface.
[02:10.600] Curiosity has sent back more than 70,000 images that give a new understanding of Earth's neighboring planet.
[02:21.630] Curiosity's findings will help set future Mars exploration.
[02:28.270] NASA's Jim Green says the next mission will be launched in 2020.
[02:34.990] "Knowing that Mars was an environment that was habitable in its past,
[02:39.470] we're going to start seeking the signs of potential life that could have existed on Mars.
[02:46.200] And that, if we could answer that question, will change everything."
[02:51.190] Space scientists chose to explore Mars instead of other planets because of the Red Planet's similarities with our own.
[03:01.720] NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says Mars is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.
[03:10.450] "If life exists beyond Earth, and I am one who believes that it may very well,
[03:15.530] Mars, for me, is the most likely place that that life will be found."
[03:20.310] Mr. Bolden spoke at an event to mark Curiosity's first year of exploring Mars.
[03:27.570] Curiosity is traveling in the low area called Gale Crater, where it landed last year.
[03:35.850] The crater was formed by an asteroid that hit Mars long ago.
[03:42.130] It is a deep, 150-kilometer-wide area similar to a valley or canyon on Earth.
[03:51.020] Curiosity is moving toward the area called Mount Sharp.
[03:57.080] NASA scientists plan for the device to study the lower levels of that Martian mountain.
[04:05.460] It will search for clues about how the planet has changed over time.
[04:11.690] The rover will also search for a type of soil called "clay." Curiosity has found clay minerals on Mars.
[04:22.360] Clay is evidence of once wet conditions on the planet.
[04:28.320] Curiosity was designed to work for two years, but it could go on exploring and sending information back to Earth much longer.
[04:41.700] And that's In the News from VOA Learning English.
[00:00.100] VOA 学习英语,这里是时事新闻
[00:08.790] 本周是一项火星重大探测活动的一周年纪念日。
[00:16.200] 自探测设备“好奇号”在遥远的火星着陆至今已有12个月的时间。
[00:25.400] “好奇号”的名字来源于人类对未知事物学习和了解的渴求。
[00:33.360] 美国国家航天局(NASA)称,好奇号在火星上已行驶了超过1.6千米。
[00:44.080] 这个汽车大小的设备也被称作“漫游者”。
[00:49.990] “好奇号”已经找到了一段古河床和潮湿环境的迹象。
[00:58.990] NASA科学家说,通过这些发现,“好奇号”已经回答了远古火星的环境能否支持生命存在的问题
[01:13.050] 吉姆·格林是NASA科学任务理事会行星部门的主管。
[01:19.750] 他说:“我们在古河床的沉积物中发现了生命所需的一切要素。
[01:27.910] 在过去,火星是适合居住的。”
[01:32.080] 好奇号是一个带有十种科研仪器设备的移动实验室。
[01:40.030] “漫游者”已经发现氢、氧和生命所需的其他元素。
[01:47.570] NASA称好奇号已发射超过七万五千次激光枪。
[01:55.890] 激光将岩石和土壤变为气体。
[02:01.210] 然后由好奇号的仪器检测和鉴定那些火星表面的物质。
[02:10.600] “好奇号”已经传回来超过七万张图像,这使我们对地球的近邻(火星)有了新的认识
[02:21.630] “好奇号”的发现有助于制定未来的火星探测计划
[02:28.270] NASA的吉姆·格林说下一个任务将会在2020年开始。
[02:34.990] “知道了火星在古代是一个宜居的环境,
[02:39.470] 我们将去寻找火星上可能存在的潜在生命的迹象。
[02:46.200] 那样,如果我们能回答这些问题,这将改变一切。”
[02:51.190] 太空科学家选择探测火星而非其它行星,是因为火星与我们的地球十分相似。
[03:01.720] NASA局长查尔斯·博尔顿表示,火星是太阳系中和地球最相像的行星。
[03:10.450] 如果地球之外存在生命,而且我认为很有可能,
[03:15.530] 对我来说,火星就是最有可能发现生命的地方。
[03:20.310] 博尔登先生在好奇号探索火星一周年纪念活动上发表演讲。
[03:27.570] 好奇号正游历一块被称为盖尔陨坑的低洼地带,这也是它去年着陆的地方。
[03:35.850] 这个陨坑是很久以前小行星撞击火星形成的。
[03:42.130] 它是个很深的,150KM宽的陨坑,类似于地球上的山谷或峡谷。
[03:51.020] 好奇号正向被称为夏普山的地区进发。
[03:57.080] NASA的科学家们计划利用该探测器研究火星山脉的低洼处。
[04:05.460] 它将寻找能证明这颗星球是如何随时间而改变的线索。
[04:11.690] “漫步者”探测器还将寻找一种叫做“粘土”的土壤。好奇号已经在火星上发现了粘土矿物。
[04:22.360] 粘土的证明火星曾经气候湿润的证据。
[04:28.320] 好奇号的设计工作寿命为2年,但它可以继续探索并向地球传回信息更长时间。
[04:41.700] 最后,这是来自VOA学习英语的时事新闻
The first anniversary of a major exploration effort on Mars 歌词
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