The attack at Washington's Navy Yard

歌曲 The attack at Washington's Navy Yard
歌手 英语听力
专辑 VOA慢速英语:时事报道


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:09.41] this is In The News.
[00:11.46] Americans are expressing anger and sadness
[00:16.09] at the latest shooting incident in the United States.
[00:20.47] This one took place last Monday in Washington, DC,
[00:25.40] just a short distance from the Capitol building.
[00:29.28] Twelve people were killed and several others wounded
[00:34.77] in the attack at Washington's Navy Yard.
[00:38.66] Police shot dead the gunman after a search at the base.
[00:43.73] He was identified as 34-year-old Aaron Alexis,
[00:49.46] a former Navy Reserve sailor.
[00:52.30] At the time of the shooting,
[00:54.89] he was an information technology specialist
[00:58.56] with a private company that worked for the Defense Department.
[01:03.94] His mental condition has become a central issue in the investigation.
[01:11.16] He had recently told police that he was hearing voices.
[01:16.49] Mr. Alexis was arrested in two separate shooting incidents
[01:22.22] in 2004 and 2010.
[01:26.77] Yet he held a security clearance,
[01:30.30] which enabled him to enter a secure military area.
[01:35.49] This week, many Americans were remembering the victims of the attack.
[01:42.51] On Capitol Hill, lawmakers suspended debate for a few minutes.
[01:49.32] Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said a few words.
[01:54.01] "My thoughts are with those who are suffering
[01:58.04] as a result of the loss of their loved ones
[02:00.53] and also those people recovering from the wounds."
[02:05.91] Senator Chris Murphy represents Connecticut,
[02:09.95] where a gunman killed 26 people
[02:13.28] at an elementary school in Newtown last year.
[02:17.26] Since then, he has been the Senate's leading supporter of
[02:21.74] gun control legislation.
[02:24.74] He says the Navy Yard shootings show why stronger laws are needed.
[02:31.90] "People out there do not understand why Congress does nothing
[02:35.24] as these shootings continue to mount.
[02:37.13] I think people in Newtown shake their heads
[02:39.52] when they see another shooting
[02:42.61] and further potential indifference from Congress."
[02:46.93] Like Mr. Murphy, Illinois Senator Richard Durbin
[02:50.66] is a member of the Democratic Party.
[02:53.51] Mr. Durbin notes that gun control legislation died
[02:58.99] in the Senate earlier this year.
[03:01.67] He says the failure was mainly the result of Republican opposition
[03:07.80] to new restrictions and requirements for gun purchases.
[03:13.13] "We have to do everything we can to keep guns
[03:15.47] out of the hands of those who would misuse them
[03:17.83] – felons who have a history of misusing firearms,
[03:20.79] the mentally unstable who cannot be trusted to have a firearm."
[03:25.67] Republican lawmakers have shown little interest
[03:29.60] in re-opening the gun control debate.
[03:33.03] But several say the Navy Yard shootings raise other important issues.
[03:40.36] Senator Lindsey Graham says the shooter never should have been cleared
[03:46.43] for duty as a military contract worker.
[03:49.92] "To me, it is not about gun control.
[03:52.11] It is about what has happened with our contractor force.
[03:55.35] How could he pass a background check to get a job
[03:59.38] with the federal government after he had misused a weapon twice?
[04:02.63] When you shoot a guy's tires out because you are mad at him,
[04:05.56] you are a good candidate not to work for the federal government."
[04:08.65] Another Republican senator, John McCain, had this to say:
[04:13.34] "We also should focus our attention on people
[04:16.17] who show mental instability
[04:18.21] and whether they should have access to weapons or not.
[04:21.45] I think all Americans are in agreement on that."
[04:23.94] Congressional members say something should be done
[04:27.52] to prevent attacks like the one on Monday.
[04:31.10] But there is no solution acceptable to everyone.
[04:35.54] And that's In The News, from VOA Learning English.
[04:40.77] I'm Steve Ember.


[00:00.10] From VOA Learning English,
[00:09.41] this is In The News.
[00:11.46] Americans are expressing anger and sadness
[00:16.09] at the latest shooting incident in the United States.
[00:20.47] This one took place last Monday in Washington, DC,
[00:25.40] just a short distance from the Capitol building.
[00:29.28] Twelve people were killed and several others wounded
[00:34.77] in the attack at Washington' s Navy Yard.
[00:38.66] Police shot dead the gunman after a search at the base.
[00:43.73] He was identified as 34yearold Aaron Alexis,
[00:49.46] a former Navy Reserve sailor.
[00:52.30] At the time of the shooting,
[00:54.89] he was an information technology specialist
[00:58.56] with a private company that worked for the Defense Department.
[01:03.94] His mental condition has become a central issue in the investigation.
[01:11.16] He had recently told police that he was hearing voices.
[01:16.49] Mr. Alexis was arrested in two separate shooting incidents
[01:22.22] in 2004 and 2010.
[01:26.77] Yet he held a security clearance,
[01:30.30] which enabled him to enter a secure military area.
[01:35.49] This week, many Americans were remembering the victims of the attack.
[01:42.51] On Capitol Hill, lawmakers suspended debate for a few minutes.
[01:49.32] Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said a few words.
[01:54.01] " My thoughts are with those who are suffering
[01:58.04] as a result of the loss of their loved ones
[02:00.53] and also those people recovering from the wounds."
[02:05.91] Senator Chris Murphy represents Connecticut,
[02:09.95] where a gunman killed 26 people
[02:13.28] at an elementary school in Newtown last year.
[02:17.26] Since then, he has been the Senate' s leading supporter of
[02:21.74] gun control legislation.
[02:24.74] He says the Navy Yard shootings show why stronger laws are needed.
[02:31.90] " People out there do not understand why Congress does nothing
[02:35.24] as these shootings continue to mount.
[02:37.13] I think people in Newtown shake their heads
[02:39.52] when they see another shooting
[02:42.61] and further potential indifference from Congress."
[02:46.93] Like Mr. Murphy, Illinois Senator Richard Durbin
[02:50.66] is a member of the Democratic Party.
[02:53.51] Mr. Durbin notes that gun control legislation died
[02:58.99] in the Senate earlier this year.
[03:01.67] He says the failure was mainly the result of Republican opposition
[03:07.80] to new restrictions and requirements for gun purchases.
[03:13.13] " We have to do everything we can to keep guns
[03:15.47] out of the hands of those who would misuse them
[03:17.83] felons who have a history of misusing firearms,
[03:20.79] the mentally unstable who cannot be trusted to have a firearm."
[03:25.67] Republican lawmakers have shown little interest
[03:29.60] in reopening the gun control debate.
[03:33.03] But several say the Navy Yard shootings raise other important issues.
[03:40.36] Senator Lindsey Graham says the shooter never should have been cleared
[03:46.43] for duty as a military contract worker.
[03:49.92] " To me, it is not about gun control.
[03:52.11] It is about what has happened with our contractor force.
[03:55.35] How could he pass a background check to get a job
[03:59.38] with the federal government after he had misused a weapon twice?
[04:02.63] When you shoot a guy' s tires out because you are mad at him,
[04:05.56] you are a good candidate not to work for the federal government."
[04:08.65] Another Republican senator, John McCain, had this to say:
[04:13.34] " We also should focus our attention on people
[04:16.17] who show mental instability
[04:18.21] and whether they should have access to weapons or not.
[04:21.45] I think all Americans are in agreement on that."
[04:23.94] Congressional members say something should be done
[04:27.52] to prevent attacks like the one on Monday.
[04:31.10] But there is no solution acceptable to everyone.
[04:35.54] And that' s In The News, from VOA Learning English.
[04:40.77] I' m Steve Ember.