In My Life

In My Life 歌词

歌曲 In My Life
歌手 Amanda Seyfried
专辑 Les Misérables: The Motion Picture Soundtrack Deluxe
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[00:02.160] How strange
[00:04.030] This feeling that my life has begun at last
[00:08.040] This change
[00:10.540] Can people really fall in love so fast?
[00:14.550] What's the matter with you,Cosette?
[00:17.940] Have you been too much on your own?
[00:21.450] So many things unclear,
[00:24.420] So many things unknown.
[00:31.190] In my life
[00:34.080] There are so many questions and answers that somehow seem wrong
[00:40.010] In my life
[00:41.630] There are times when I catch in the silence the sigh of a faraway song
[00:47.410] And it sings
[00:49.690] Of a world that I long to see
[00:52.080] Out of reach
[00:54.130] Just a whisper away,waiting for me
[00:58.470] Does he know i'm alive?
[01:00.000] Do i know if he's real?
[01:02.780] Does he see what i see?Dose he feel what i feel?
[01:07.960] In my life
[01:10.500] I'm no longer alone now the love in my life is so near
[01:17.200] Find me now
[01:19.940] Find me here.
[01:27.400] Dear Cosette
[01:29.370] You are such a lonely child
[01:32.280] How pensive,how sad you seem to me
[01:37.020] Belive me,were it within my power
[01:41.890] I'd fill each passing hour
[01:45.280] How quiet it must be,i can see
[01:49.900] With only me for company
[01:51.930] Cosette:
[01:55.340] There's so little i know,that i'm longing to know
[01:57.770] Of the man that you were in a time long ago
[02:00.230] Jean Valjean:
[02:01.130] Please Cosette
[02:01.890] Cosette:
[02:02.570] There's so little you say of the life you have known
[02:05.150] Why you keep yourself?
[02:06.470] why we're always alone?
[02:08.860] So dark! So dark and deep
[02:12.110] The secret that you keep
[02:15.980] In my life
[02:18.930] Please forgive what i say,you are loving and gentle and good
[02:25.090] But papa,dear papa
[02:28.540] In your eyes i am still that child who was lost in a wood
[02:33.110] No more words
[02:35.390] No more words,it's a time that is dead
[02:38.900] There are words
[02:41.080] That are better unheard,better unsaid
[02:44.820] In my life
[02:47.000] I'm no longer a child and i yearn for the truth that you know
[02:53.470] Of the years,years ago
[02:58.690] You will learn
[03:00.660] Truth is given by God to us all in our time,in our turn
[03:16.370] In my life
[03:18.780] She has burst like the music of angels
[03:21.350] The light of the sun
[03:24.420] And my life seems to stop
[03:26.530] As if something is over and something has scarcely begun.
[03:32.400] You're the friend who has brought me here
[03:34.570] Thanks to you I am one with the gods,and Heaven is near!
[03:40.280] And I soar through a world that is new,that is free
[03:44.440] Every word that he says is a dagger in me!
[03:49.620] In my life
[03:52.030] There's been no one like him anywhere
[03:55.520] Anywhere,where he is,
[03:59.840] If he asked,
[04:03.350] I'd be his.
[04:05.480] Marius and Eponine:
[04:06.200] In my life
[04:09.480] There is someone who touches my life
[04:13.910] Waiting near!
[04:15.040] Waiting here!
[00:02.160] 好奇怪
[00:04.030] 我的人生似乎终于开始
[00:08.040] 这种变化
[00:10.540] 人们真能这么快就相爱吗?
[00:14.550] 你这是怎么了 珂赛特
[00:17.940] 是一个人走得太久了吗?
[00:21.450] 太多看不透的事
[00:24.420] 太多懵懂的未知
[00:31.190] 在我一生中
[00:34.080] 有太多模棱两可的问题和答案
[00:40.010] 在我一生中
[00:41.630] 有时我会在寂静中听到 一首遥远的歌
[00:47.410] 歌里唱着
[00:49.690] 我憧憬的那个世界
[00:52.080] 遥不可及
[00:54.130] 又近在咫尺等我靠近
[00:58.470] 他知道我的存在吗
[01:00.000] 我怎么知道他是真的?
[01:02.780] 他是否见我所见 是否与我心心相印?
[01:07.960] 在我一生中
[01:10.500] 我终于不再孤单 我一生挚爱已如此之近
[01:17.200] 快找到我吧
[01:19.940] 我就在这里
[01:27.400] 亲爱的珂赛特
[01:29.370] 你这孤独的孩子
[01:32.280] 多么忧伤 满怀心事
[01:37.020] 请相信如果我能
[01:41.890] 我会让你的每时每刻充满意义
[01:45.280] 你的时光 多么孤寂
[01:49.900] 只有我陪伴着你
[01:55.340] 我总是好奇 却又记不起
[01:57.770] 我孩提时的经历
[02:01.130] 拜托 珂赛特
[02:02.570] 您总是不愿提起往事
[02:05.150] 为什么您孑然一身
[02:06.470] 为什么我们离群索居
[02:08.860] 无人知晓 深不见底
[02:12.110] 您严守的秘密
[02:15.980] 在我一生中
[02:18.930] 原谅我说出的话 您慈爱 温柔 善良
[02:25.090] 但是爸爸 亲爱的爸爸
[02:28.540] 在您眼中 我仍是那个森林里迷路的孩子
[02:33.110] 别说了
[02:35.390] 别说了 都是过往云烟
[02:38.900] 有些事情
[02:41.080] 最好石沉大海 守口如瓶
[02:44.820] 在我一生中
[02:47.000] 我不再是个孩子 我渴望您所知的真相
[02:53.470] 多年前 多年前的真相
[02:58.690] 你会知道的
[03:00.660] 真相由上帝揭示 时机自有天意
[03:16.370] 在我一生中
[03:18.780] 她突然登场 像天使的音乐
[03:21.350] 太阳的光亮
[03:24.420] 我的人生似乎戛然而止
[03:26.530] 旧日结束 又未能写下新章
[03:32.400] 爱潘妮 我的朋友 是你把我带到了这儿
[03:34.570] 多谢你 我才得到主的恩宠 找到了天堂
[03:40.280] 让我在自由的新世界里飞翔
[03:44.440] 他说的每个字都刺在我心上
[03:49.620] 在我一生中
[03:52.030] 从没有人能像他一样
[03:55.520] 追随他 天涯海角
[03:59.840] 只要他开口
[04:03.350] 我就归他所有
[04:06.200] 在我一生中
[04:09.480] 有个人触动了我的生命
[04:13.910] 就要到来
[04:15.040] 静静等待
In My Life 歌词
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