
歌曲 土耳其大规模反政府游行持续蔓延
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻词汇


The demonstrations overnight in Istanbul were the most dramatic so far. Protesters in the Dolmabahce neighbourhoods built barricades and tried to reach the prime minister's office. Witnesses say they got hold of a digger and drove it at police lines. Demonstrators also tried to march on the prime minister's office in the capital Ankara. They were met by the police who fired tear gas and water cannon. The government has reacted angrily to the continuing protests. The prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has dismissed accusations that he acts in an authoritarian manner. Erdogan has insisted that a controversial plan to redevelop Gezi Park in Istanbul, the issue which sparked the initial protests on Friday, will still go ahead.
昨晚在伊斯坦布尔的示威活动到目前为止是最引人注目的。抗议者在多瑪巴切街区建立路障,并试图进入到总理办公室。 目击者称他们得到了一台挖掘机,并在警戒线内行使。示威者还试图进军位于首都安卡拉的总理办公室。他们被警方发现,随后警方向他们发射催泪弹和水炮。 政府对持续的抗议反应很愤怒。总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安,已驳回对他专制的行事方式的指控。 埃尔多安坚持在伊斯坦布尔重建公园这一有争议的计划,这一问题最终引发了上周五的最初的抗议,抗议仍然会继续下去。


The demonstrations overnight in Istanbul were the most dramatic so far. Protesters in the Dolmabahce neighbourhoods built barricades and tried to reach the prime minister' s office. Witnesses say they got hold of a digger and drove it at police lines. Demonstrators also tried to march on the prime minister' s office in the capital Ankara. They were met by the police who fired tear gas and water cannon. The government has reacted angrily to the continuing protests. The prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has dismissed accusations that he acts in an authoritarian manner. Erdogan has insisted that a controversial plan to redevelop Gezi Park in Istanbul, the issue which sparked the initial protests on Friday, will still go ahead.
zuó wǎn zài yī sī tǎn bù ěr de shì wēi huó dòng dào mù qián wéi zhǐ shì zuì yǐn rén zhù mù dì. kàng yì zhě zài duō mǎ bā qiè jiē qū jiàn lì lù zhàng, bìng shì tú jìn rù dào zǒng lǐ bàn gōng shì. mù jī zhě chēng tā men dé dào le yī tái wā jué jī, bìng zài jǐng jiè xiàn nèi háng shǐ. shì wēi zhě hái shì tú jìn jūn wèi yú shǒu dū ān kǎ lā de zǒng lǐ bàn gōng shì. tā men bèi jǐng fāng fā xiàn, suí hòu jǐng fāng xiàng tā men fā shè cuī lèi dàn hé shuǐ pào. zhèng fǔ duì chí xù de kàng yì fǎn yìng hěn fèn nù. zǒng lǐ léi jié pǔ tǎ yī pǔ āi ěr duō ān, yǐ bó huí duì tā zhuān zhì de xíng shì fāng shì de zhǐ kòng. āi ěr duō ān jiān chí zài yī sī tǎn bù ěr chóng jiàn gōng yuán zhè yī yǒu zhēng yì de jì huà, zhè yī wèn tí zuì zhōng yǐn fā le shàng zhōu wǔ de zuì chū de kàng yì, kàng yì réng rán huì jì xù xià qù.