
歌曲 政府猫的战争
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻词汇


I'm standing opposite, arguably, the most famous terrace of 18th century houses in the world. I can see the black shiny door of number ten and next door number 11. Yes, I'm in Downing Street, of course. I've been drawn here because there's been much reporting of a fight between the occupants. No, not David Cameron and George Osborne, we think they're still pretty good friends, or, at least, as friendly as any politicians can ever be with each other. It's their cats, who were captured on camera fighting. Freya, that's Mr Osborne's cat, was photographed giving the feline equivalent of a left hook to Larry, that's Mr Cameron's pussy. To be fair, there have been rumours of tensions for some time. Larry, who was brought as a stray to Downing Street to deal with a mouse problem, has seemed, well, fairly indifferent to the job and, reportedly, took nine weeks to catch his first rodent. Last month, Larry is reported to have simply dozed on a chair as mouse ran across the Prime Minister's office, to the frustration of Mr Cameron. So, is feisty Freya making a move to become Downing Street's top cat? Asked about relations between the two cats, a spokeswoman for the Prime Minister said they co-exist, but insisted she was not "going to get into commenting on the adventures of our feline friends in Downing Street". Shame, could be interesting.