
歌曲 欢迎回家,精灵们
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专辑 BBC新闻词汇


People either love them or hate them, garden gnomes, those little figurines of men with their pointy, red hats and white beards, with a pipe or a fishing rod, that are used to decorate gardens in some countries. Some people have called the ban on them at the prestigious Chelsea flower show "snobbery" or worse still, gnomo-phobia. The organisers, the Royal Horticultural Society, defend themselves by saying the ban on what they describe as "brightly-coloured, mythical creatures" is in force so as not to distract from the flowers on show. But this year the ban is being lifted. So do people support the move? I don't mind garden gnomes. I think they bring a bit of colour. They bring a bit of amusement. And, you know, there's a place for them in the right type of garden. I think they're very nice and I'm from Denmark and I think there's a tradition in Denmark. We always have them in our gardens. I'm all for equality and equal opportunity for everybody including gnomes. The moratorium is to allow in a group of more than 100 celebrity gnomes, or rather, gnomes decorated by celebrities such as Sir Elton John and Dolly Parton. They will be auctioned to raise money for a charity that encourages children to get involved in gardening.
人们要么是喜欢、要么是讨厌他们--这些人类小雕像,戴着尖尖的红色帽子,长着白胡须,带着一根长笛或钓鱼竿,在许多国家,这些花园精灵被用来装饰花园。一些人们在有声望的切尔西花展“'snobbery”(势利)--甚至在gnomo-phobia上提出要禁止这些花园精灵。作为精灵的发起人,皇家园艺协会为自己辩护,他们描述为“亮丽而神秘的生物”是有效的,不要将它们与展览中的花朵分离开来。但是今年,这样的禁令被取消了。那么人们是支持这样的行动了吗? 我并不介意花园地精,我认为它们带来了一些色彩,带来了一些乐趣。而且你是知道的,在花园的右边有存放它们的位置。我觉得它们非常漂亮,而且我是来自丹麦的,我认为在丹麦有这样的习俗。我们总是在花园中摆放地精。 我全力支持平等,以及每个人的平等,也包括地精的平等。 这样取消禁令,是允许存在一群一百多个名人地精,又或者是由像Elton John先生和 Dolly Parton这样的名人装饰的地精。将会对它们进行拍卖,募集善款来帮助那些参与到园艺的孩子们。


People either love them or hate them, garden gnomes, those little figurines of men with their pointy, red hats and white beards, with a pipe or a fishing rod, that are used to decorate gardens in some countries. Some people have called the ban on them at the prestigious Chelsea flower show " snobbery" or worse still, gnomophobia. The organisers, the Royal Horticultural Society, defend themselves by saying the ban on what they describe as " brightlycoloured, mythical creatures" is in force so as not to distract from the flowers on show. But this year the ban is being lifted. So do people support the move? I don' t mind garden gnomes. I think they bring a bit of colour. They bring a bit of amusement. And, you know, there' s a place for them in the right type of garden. I think they' re very nice and I' m from Denmark and I think there' s a tradition in Denmark. We always have them in our gardens. I' m all for equality and equal opportunity for everybody including gnomes. The moratorium is to allow in a group of more than 100 celebrity gnomes, or rather, gnomes decorated by celebrities such as Sir Elton John and Dolly Parton. They will be auctioned to raise money for a charity that encourages children to get involved in gardening.
rén men yào me shì xǐ huān yào me shì tǎo yàn tā men zhèi xiē rén lèi xiǎo diāo xiàng, dài zhe jiān jiān de hóng sè mào zi, zhǎng zhe bái hú xū, dài zhe yī gēn cháng dí huò diào yú gān, zài xǔ duō guó jiā, zhèi xiē huā yuán jīng líng bèi yòng lái zhuāng shì huā yuán. yī xiē rén men zài yǒu shēng wàng de qiè ěr xī huā zhǎn"' snobbery" shì lì shèn zhì zài gnomophobia shàng tí chū yào jìn zhǐ zhèi xiē huā yuán jīng líng. zuò wéi jīng líng de fā qǐ rén, huáng jiā yuán yì xié huì wèi zì jǐ biàn hù, tā men miáo shù wèi" liàng lì ér shén mì de shēng wù" shì yǒu xiào de, bú yào jiāng tā men yǔ zhǎn lǎn zhōng de huā duǒ fēn lí kāi lái. dàn shì jīn nián, zhè yàng de jìn lìng bèi qǔ xiāo le. nà me rén men shì zhī chí zhè yàng de xíng dòng le ma? wǒ bìng bù jiè yì huā yuán dì jīng, wǒ rèn wéi tā men dài lái le yī xiē sè cǎi, dài lái le yī xiē lè qù. ér qiě nǐ shì zhī dào de, zài huā yuán de yòu biān yǒu cún fàng tā men de wèi zhì. wǒ jué de tā men fēi cháng piào liàng, ér qiě wǒ shì lái zì dān mài de, wǒ rèn wéi zài dān mài yǒu zhè yàng de xí sú. wǒ men zǒng shì zài huā yuán zhōng bǎi fàng dì jīng. wǒ quán lì zhī chí píng děng, yǐ jí měi ge rén de píng děng, yě bāo kuò dì jīng de píng děng. zhè yàng qǔ xiāo jìn lìng, shì yǔn xǔ cún zài yī qún yī bǎi duō gè míng rén dì jīng, yòu huò zhě shì yóu xiàng Elton John xiān shēng hé Dolly Parton zhè yàng de míng rén zhuāng shì de dì jīng. jiāng huì duì tā men jìn xíng pāi mài, mù jí shàn kuǎn lái bāng zhù nèi xiē cān yù dào yuán yì de hái zi men.