
歌曲 泰国麦克白
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻词汇


The film, entitled "Shakespeare Must Die", is a Thai-language adaptation of the play in which an ambitious Scottish general murders the King and kills again to hold onto his throne. Thailand's censors said it had content that caused divisiveness among the people. Its themes of greed and power appear to have unnerved officials in a country polarised in 2006 by a coup that removed the prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra from office. The film's director told the BBC the ban was ridiculous. She said Thais were living in a climate of fear. The film, set in a fictional country, contains footage of real-life political protests. Much use is made of the colour red - evoking memories in Thailand of the red-shirted demonstrators, most of them Thaksin supporters, who brought part of Bangkok to a standstill two years ago in a protest that ended in bloodshed. The Thai government at the time granted funding for the film. But it was submitted to the censors under a new administration - led by Yingluck Shinawatra, Mr Thaksin's sister, whose party swept to power in elections last July.
名为“莎士比亚必须死”的电影是泰语改编的,影片中一个野心勃勃的苏格兰将军谋杀了国王,并为了守住王位再次杀人。泰国的电检人员说,这部电影中含有会导致人民分裂的内容。 影片中贪婪和权利的主题似乎就是2006年由一场泰国总理他信被推翻的政变所引起的,国家两极分化中紧张不安的官员。影片的导演告诉BBC,这项禁令是荒谬的。她说泰国人都生活在一种恐惧的气氛中。 影片以一个虚构的国家为背景,包含政治抗议活动的真实镜头。多处红色的使用会唤起泰国的红衫军游行示威者的回忆,他们中的大多数是他信的支持者,他们在两年前使曼谷陷入瘫痪,这场瘫痪以流血收场。 当时泰国政府还为这部电影拨款。但是在英拉·西那瓦领导的新政府中,拨款被交给电检人员,英拉·西那瓦是他信的妹妹,她的政党在去年七月的选举中夺取了政权。


The film, entitled " Shakespeare Must Die", is a Thailanguage adaptation of the play in which an ambitious Scottish general murders the King and kills again to hold onto his throne. Thailand' s censors said it had content that caused divisiveness among the people. Its themes of greed and power appear to have unnerved officials in a country polarised in 2006 by a coup that removed the prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra from office. The film' s director told the BBC the ban was ridiculous. She said Thais were living in a climate of fear. The film, set in a fictional country, contains footage of reallife political protests. Much use is made of the colour red evoking memories in Thailand of the redshirted demonstrators, most of them Thaksin supporters, who brought part of Bangkok to a standstill two years ago in a protest that ended in bloodshed. The Thai government at the time granted funding for the film. But it was submitted to the censors under a new administration led by Yingluck Shinawatra, Mr Thaksin' s sister, whose party swept to power in elections last July.
míng wéi" shā shì bǐ yà bì xū sǐ" de diàn yǐng shì tài yǔ gǎi biān de, yǐng piān zhōng yí gè yě xīn bó bó de sū gé lán jiāng jūn móu shā le guó wáng, bìng wèi le shǒu zhù wáng wèi zài cì shā rén. tài guó de diàn jiǎn rén yuán shuō, zhè bù diàn yǐng zhōng hán yǒu huì dǎo zhì rén mín fēn liè de nèi róng. yǐng piān zhōng tān lán hé quán lì de zhǔ tí sì hū jiù shì 2006 nián yóu yī chǎng tài guó zǒng lǐ tā xìn bèi tuī fān de zhèng biàn suǒ yǐn qǐ de, guó jiā liǎng jí fēn huà zhōng jǐn zhāng bù ān de guān yuán. yǐng piān de dǎo yǎn gào sù BBC, zhè xiàng jìn lìng shì huāng miù de. tā shuō tài guó rén dōu shēng huó zài yī zhǒng kǒng jù de qì fēn zhōng. yǐng piān yǐ yí gè xū gòu de guó jiā wèi bèi jǐng, bāo hán zhèng zhì kàng yì huó dòng dí zhēn shí jìng tóu. duō chù hóng sè de shǐ yòng huì huàn qǐ tài guó de hóng shān jūn yóu xíng shì wēi zhě de huí yì, tā men zhōng de dà duō shù shì tā xìn de zhī chí zhě, tā men zài liǎng nián qián shǐ màn gǔ xiàn rù tān huàn, zhè chǎng tān huàn yǐ liú xiě shōu chǎng. dāng shí tài guó zhèng fǔ hái wèi zhè bù diàn yǐng bō kuǎn. dàn shì zài yīng lā xī nà wǎ lǐng dǎo de xīn zhèng fǔ zhōng, bō kuǎn bèi jiāo gěi diàn jiǎn rén yuán, yīng lā xī nà wǎ shì tā xìn de mèi mei, tā de zhèng dǎng zài qù nián qī yuè de xuǎn jǔ zhōng duó qǔ le zhèng quán.