
瑞士限制移民 歌词

歌曲 瑞士限制移民
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻词汇
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[00:00.490] Switzerland's high salaries, low unemployment, and stable currency are a magnet to eurozone countries.
[00:07.490]Since the Swiss agreed to free movement of people, immigration from EU members has risen sharply, especially from Spain and Portugal, where unemployment is at crisis levels. [00:18.490] In Switzerland, there is tension. The right wing People's Party claims Swiss jobseekers are losing out, the Green Party says immigration is putting too much pressure on housing and public transport.
[00:32.490] Now the Swiss government has called a halt, being outside the EU means Switzerland has some flexibility, and from next month permanent work permits for EU citizens will be strictly limited.
[00:45.490] Brussels has reacted angrily. EU officials have always told Switzerland it cannot cherry pick only those parts of European policy it likes best.
[00:56.490] Now, it's possible other deals the Swiss really need with Europe, on trade perhaps, could be in danger.
[01:04.490] Meanwhile, sceptical members of the European Union, like Britain, where many would like a less rigid relationship with the EU, will be watching Switzerland's move with interest.
[00:00.490] 瑞士的高工资,低失业率和稳定的货币对欧元区国家起着吸引力。
[00:07.490] 自瑞士同意人员自由流动以来,来自欧盟成员国的移民急剧增加,尤其是来自西班牙和葡萄牙的移民,这两个国家的失业率处于危机水平。在瑞士,局势很紧张。右翼人民党声称瑞士求职者正在遭受损失,绿党说移民给住房和公
[00:18.490] 自瑞士同意人员自由流动以来,来自欧盟成员国的移民急剧增加,尤其是来自西班牙和葡萄牙的移民,这两个国家的失业率处于危机水平。在瑞士,局势很紧张。右翼人民党声称瑞士求职者正在遭受损失,绿党说移民给住房和公
[00:32.490] 现在瑞士政府已经停止了,在欧盟之外意味着瑞士有一定的灵活性,从下个月开始,欧盟公民的永久性工作许可将受到严格限制。
[00:45.490] 布鲁塞尔愤怒地反应过来。 欧盟官员一直告诉瑞士,它不能只挑选它最喜欢的欧洲政策部分。
[00:56.490] 现在,瑞士与欧洲在贸易方面真正需要的其他协议可能会面临危险。
[01:04.490] 与此同时,持怀疑态度的欧盟成员国,比如英国,将饶有兴趣地关注着瑞士的举动。在英国,许多人希望与欧盟建立一种不那么僵化的关系。
瑞士限制移民 歌词
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