
歌曲 碧昂丝承认“假唱”
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻词汇


It was one of the most talked about moments of the inauguration, Beyonce's soaring, flawless rendition of the Star Spangled Banner in front of President Obama and millions more. But doubt was soon cast on the authenticity of the performance. There was speculation it was taped, that the megastar had mimed. Today came her response. She strolled into a news conference for Sunday's Super Bowl, at which she will sing, asked the audience to stand and raised her microphone. After belting out the national anthem she asked, with a laugh, if there were any questions. And then she admitted to singing along to a pre-recorded track last week because she didn't have time to practise. Beyonce said she had not wanted to risk anything going wrong on such a big occasion. But she will be singing live during the half-time show on Sunday, to one of the biggest audiences of her career.
在美国总统奥巴马和数百万观众面前,碧昂斯一曲高亢无瑕的星条旗成为了人们提到就职典礼最为津津乐道的时刻。 但是关于这首歌的真实性很快就引起了怀疑。有猜测这首歌是录制好的,这位超级大腕实在谨慎。 今天碧昂斯对此作出回应。她走进周末美国橄榄球超级杯大赛的新闻发布会上。在会上她将唱国歌。她让全体观众起立,然后拿起了麦克风。 在高声唱完了国歌之后,她笑着问道,还有问题吗.随后她承认上周因为自己没有时间练习所以是随着伴奏带唱的。 碧昂斯说道,在这么大的场合里自己不能承担一点出错的风险 但是在周日的休息赛上她会对着她职业的最大的观众现场唱歌。


It was one of the most talked about moments of the inauguration, Beyonce' s soaring, flawless rendition of the Star Spangled Banner in front of President Obama and millions more. But doubt was soon cast on the authenticity of the performance. There was speculation it was taped, that the megastar had mimed. Today came her response. She strolled into a news conference for Sunday' s Super Bowl, at which she will sing, asked the audience to stand and raised her microphone. After belting out the national anthem she asked, with a laugh, if there were any questions. And then she admitted to singing along to a prerecorded track last week because she didn' t have time to practise. Beyonce said she had not wanted to risk anything going wrong on such a big occasion. But she will be singing live during the halftime show on Sunday, to one of the biggest audiences of her career.
zài měi guó zǒng tǒng ào bā mǎ hé shù bǎi wàn guān zhòng miàn qián, bì áng sī yī qǔ gāo kàng wú xiá de xīng tiáo qí chéng wéi le rén men tí dào jiù zhí diǎn lǐ zuì wéi jīn jīn lè dào de shí kè. dàn shì guān yú zhè shǒu gē dí zhēn shí xìng hěn kuài jiù yǐn qǐ le huái yí. yǒu cāi cè zhè shǒu gē shì lù zhì hǎo de, zhè wèi chāo jí dà wàn shí zài jǐn shèn. jīn tiān bì áng sī duì cǐ zuò chū huí yìng. tā zǒu jìn zhōu mò měi guó gǎn lǎn qiú chāo jí bēi dà sài de xīn wén fā bù huì shàng. zài huì shàng tā jiāng chàng guó gē. tā ràng quán tǐ guān zhòng qǐ lì, rán hòu ná qǐ le mài kè fēng. zài gāo shēng chàng wán le guó gē zhī hòu, tā xiào zhe wèn dào, hái yǒu wèn tí ma. suí hòu tā chéng rèn shàng zhōu yīn wèi zì jǐ méi yǒu shí jiān liàn xí suǒ yǐ shì suí zhe bàn zòu dài chàng de. bì áng sī shuō dào, zài zhè me dà de chǎng hé lǐ zì jǐ bù néng chéng dān yì diǎn chū cuò de fēng xiǎn dàn shì zài zhōu rì de xiū xī sài shàng tā huì duì zhe tā zhí yè de zuì dà de guān zhòng xiàn chǎng chàng gē.