
歌曲 给上帝投票
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻词汇


[00:00.00] "If you do not vote in the upcoming elections God will punish you." “
[00:05.02] That's what Algerians have been told by a prominent Muslim cleric, Sheikh Chemseddine Bouroubi. 这是一位著名的穆斯林牧师,Chemseddine Bouroubi
[00:10.67] Parliamentary elections are being held in May and it's believed many Algerians are going to abstain from a vote they view as irrelevant.
[00:18.67] The authorities are so concerned about a low turnout that the state phone operator has been sending out text messages urging people to cast their ballot.
[00:28.17] Sheikh Bouroubi said Algerians should vote to maintain stability and prevent foreigners from fomenting revolution. Bouroubi
[00:36.12] Conditions in Algeria are similar to that in other Arab countries when it comes to widespread poverty, corruption and high youth unemployment and protests calling for democratic change did take place last year, but they did not turn into a full-scale uprising.
[00:52.94] This vote is being seen as a test of the reforms promised by the government of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to stem further discontent.
[01:01.95] He has approved over 20 new political parties and says the country is moving gradually towards democracy.
[01:08.83] But Parliament is widely considered a rubber stamp body.
[01:13.15] Power is concentrated in the president, who has ruled since 1999 and the military has a key role in a country which was until last year under emergency law.
[00:00.00] undefined


[00:00.00] " If you do not vote in the upcoming elections God will punish you." "
[00:05.02] That' s what Algerians have been told by a prominent Muslim cleric, Sheikh Chemseddine Bouroubi. zhè shì yī wèi zhù míng de mù sī lín mù shī, Chemseddine Bouroubi
[00:10.67] Parliamentary elections are being held in May and it' s believed many Algerians are going to abstain from a vote they view as irrelevant.
[00:18.67] The authorities are so concerned about a low turnout that the state phone operator has been sending out text messages urging people to cast their ballot.
[00:28.17] Sheikh Bouroubi said Algerians should vote to maintain stability and prevent foreigners from fomenting revolution. Bouroubi
[00:36.12] Conditions in Algeria are similar to that in other Arab countries when it comes to widespread poverty, corruption and high youth unemployment and protests calling for democratic change did take place last year, but they did not turn into a fullscale uprising.
[00:52.94] This vote is being seen as a test of the reforms promised by the government of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to stem further discontent.
[01:01.95] He has approved over 20 new political parties and says the country is moving gradually towards democracy.
[01:08.83] But Parliament is widely considered a rubber stamp body.
[01:13.15] Power is concentrated in the president, who has ruled since 1999 and the military has a key role in a country which was until last year under emergency law.
[00:00.00] undefined


[00:00.00] rú guǒ nǐ bù zài jí jiāng dào lái de xuǎn jǔ zhōng tóu piào, shàng dì huì chéng fá nǐ."
[00:05.02] qiú zhǎng gào sù ā ěr jí lì yà rén de.
[00:10.67] yì huì xuǎn jǔ shì zài wǔ yuè jǔ xíng, jù shuō xǔ duō ā ěr jí lì yà rén jiāng rèn wéi tóu qì quán piào yǔ tā men wú guān.
[00:18.67] dāng jú guān zhù de shì yí gè dī tóu piào lǜ, guó jiā diàn huà yùn yíng shāng yī zhí zài fā sòng duǎn xìn, dūn cù rén men tóu piào.
[00:28.17] qiú zhǎng shuō, ā ěr jí lì yà rén yīng gāi tóu piào lái bǎo chí wěn dìng hé fáng zhǐ wài guó rén shān dòng gé mìng.
[00:36.12] zài ā ěr jí lì yà de tiáo jiàn shì lèi sì de, zài qí tā a lā bó guó jiā, shēng zài qù nián què shí fā shēng dāng shè jí dào guǎng fàn de pín kùn, fǔ bài hé gāo qīng nián shī yè hé kàng yì hū yù de mín zhǔ biàn gé, dàn tā men bìng méi yǒu biàn chéng yí gè quán miàn dí qǐ yì.
[00:52.94] zhè cì tóu piào bèi shì wéi ā bo dù lēi ā qí zī bù tè fú lì kǎ zǒng tǒng de zhèng fǔ duì gǎi gé de chéng nuò yǐ zǔ zhǐ jìn yī bù bù mǎn de shì yàn.
[01:01.95] tā yǐ pī zhǔn le chāo guò 20 gè xīn de zhèng dǎng, jù shuō gāi guó zhèng zài zhú bù zǒu xiàng mín zhǔ.
[01:08.83] dàn yì huì bèi guǎng fàn rèn wéi shì yí gè xiàng pí zhāng.
[01:13.15] zì 1999 yǐ lái, quán lì jí zhōng zài yī zhí tǒng zhì zhe jūn duì de zǒng tǒng, qù nián de jǐn jí qíng kuàng fǎ qǐ le guān jiàn de zuò yòng.