
歌曲 英国首相的道歉歌
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻词汇


It's the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg as never heard before. His apology over tuition fees for students, turned into something decidedly more entertaining via a clever bit of computer software. His original, pre-musical apology, had been considered a risky strategy. After all, how often do politicians ever admit to being wrong or say sorry? But given his and the Liberal Democrats' abysmal opinion poll ratings since joining the coalition two years ago, the verdict was, the apology was worth a try. Whether the singing version will make matters better or worse is hard to say. But a source close to Mr Clegg says he found it very funny and has given permission for the video to be released, provided any profits go to charity. "And if we've lost your trust, that's how I hope we can start to win it back."