
歌曲 车臣总统为足球大发雷霆
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC新闻词汇


There can't be many parts of the world where the president takes to the loudspeaker during a football match to express his dismay. In the Chechen capital Grozny, everything is a little different. The president is also the city football club's biggest fan. And from the stands of Terek Grozny's stadium, shortly after the team's captain had been sent off in last Sunday's match, Ramzan Kadyrov grasped the microphone. He called the referee corrupt and said he was a donkey. It didn't achieve much. The match was a nil-all draw and now the club will have to fork out a hefty fine, the equivalent of $3,200. The fine was doubled because after the match the strongman leader spent a few minutes in the dressing room with the referee, demanding an explanation, while his security guards kept the football officials at bay. Mr Kadyrov, who used to be Terek Grozny's president, is not the one being directly penalised. Instead it's the club that's picking up the bill.
世界上不会有太多地方的总统在一场足球比赛中大喊大叫来表达他的不满。在车臣共和国的首都格罗尼兹,一切都有些不同。 车臣的总统也是首都足球俱乐部的最大的粉丝,就在球队的队长被罚下场后,在特里克·格罗尼兹体育馆的看台上,拉姆赞·卡德罗夫抓住麦克峰,他大声喊裁判贪污受贿,是一头愚蠢的驴子。 然而总统的这种做法没有起太大的作用,比赛最终以零比零的比分打平,而俱乐部现在必须支付一笔相当于3200美元的重罚单.罚单加倍的原因是应为这个铁腕领导人在更衣室里纠缠了裁判好几分钟,来讨要一个说法,而他的保镖把足球官员都隔离了开来. 卡德罗夫先生,曾经是特里克·格罗尼兹俱乐部的主席,不是那个被直接处罚的人,而是俱乐部将会为这笔罚款买单。


There can' t be many parts of the world where the president takes to the loudspeaker during a football match to express his dismay. In the Chechen capital Grozny, everything is a little different. The president is also the city football club' s biggest fan. And from the stands of Terek Grozny' s stadium, shortly after the team' s captain had been sent off in last Sunday' s match, Ramzan Kadyrov grasped the microphone. He called the referee corrupt and said he was a donkey. It didn' t achieve much. The match was a nilall draw and now the club will have to fork out a hefty fine, the equivalent of 3, 200. The fine was doubled because after the match the strongman leader spent a few minutes in the dressing room with the referee, demanding an explanation, while his security guards kept the football officials at bay. Mr Kadyrov, who used to be Terek Grozny' s president, is not the one being directly penalised. Instead it' s the club that' s picking up the bill.
shì jiè shang bú huì yǒu tài duō dì fāng de zǒng tǒng zài yī chǎng zú qiú bǐ sài zhōng dà hǎn dà jiào lái biǎo dá tā de bù mǎn. zài chē chén gòng hé guó de shǒu dū gé luó ní zī, yī qiè dōu yǒu xiē bù tóng. chē chén de zǒng tǒng yě shì shǒu dū zú qiú jù lè bù de zuì dà de fěn sī, jiù zài qiú duì de duì zhǎng bèi fá xià chǎng hòu, zài tè lǐ kè gé luó ní zī tǐ yù guǎn de kàn tái shàng, lā mǔ zàn kǎ dé luó fū zhuā zhù mài kè fēng, tā dà shēng hǎn cái pàn tān wū shòu huì, shì yī tóu yú chǔn de lǘ zǐ. rán ér zǒng tǒng de zhè zhǒng zuò fǎ méi yǒu qǐ tài dà de zuò yòng, bǐ sài zuì zhōng yǐ líng bǐ líng de bǐ fēn dǎ píng, ér jù lè bù xiàn zài bì xū zhī fù yī bǐ xiāng dāng yú 3200 měi yuán de zhòng fá dān. fá dān jiā bèi de yuán yīn shì yīng wèi zhè gè tiě wàn lǐng dǎo rén zài gēng yī shì lǐ jiū chán le cái pàn hǎo jǐ fēn zhōng, lái tǎo yào yí gè shuō fǎ, ér tā de bǎo biāo bǎ zú qiú guān yuán dōu gé lí le kāi lái. kǎ dé luó fū xiān shēng, céng jīng shì tè lǐ kè gé luó ní zī jù lè bù de zhǔ xí, bú shì nà gè bèi zhí jiē chǔ fá de rén, ér shì jù lè bù jiàng huì wèi zhè bǐ fá kuǎn mǎi dān.