047 讨论底线(一)

歌曲 047 讨论底线(一)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 情景商务英语


Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order? We did the best that we could to give you a low price. Did you get our most recent estimate? Based on the estimate you gave us, by the time we figure in transportation and other expenses, our profit is short. With the offer you've given me, we're making next to nothing. Can't you do any better? I've already given you a discount of 20% off of what we normally charge. If I go any lower, we'll have loss on the project. I really want to work with you on this. But we've already gone as low as we can go. I'll be honest with you, our budgeted cost can't exceed more than $150 per unit. That is our bottom line. If you can meet that price, you've got a deal. Otherwise... I'll tell you what, I'll go over the numbers again with our financial team and see what I can do. I won't give you any guarantees. But we can try.
这份订单还有没有办法在批发价上达成更好的协议? 我们已经尽力给你们一个较低的价格.你看到我们最近的估价了吗? 根据你们提供的估价,我们再把运输费和其他费用考虑进去的话,我们的利润就没有了. 按照你给我提供的报价,我们几乎挣不到钱.你们不能再给个好价钱吗? 我已经按正常价格给你们打了八折…如果再低的话,我们这个项目也要亏本.我非常想和你们就此达成一致,但价格方面我们已经尽可能降到最低了. 我跟你说实话吧…我们的预算支出是每套不能超过150美元.这是我们的底线.如果满足这个价格,你就有生意可做.否则… 我要告诉你的是…我要和我们的财务人员核对一下数字,看看我还能做点儿什么.我不能给你任何保证,但我们可以再努力.
总结: Wholesale: connected with goods that are bought and sold in large quantities, especially so they can be sold again to make a profit 批发;趸售 wholesale goods/prices 批发货物/价格 Estimate: a judgement that you make without having the exact details or figures about the size, amount, cost, etc. of sth (对数量、成本等的)估计;估价 I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need. 我可以粗略估计一下你所需要的木材量. a ballpark estimate(= an approximate estimate) 大致相近的估计 official government estimates of traffic growth over the next decade 政府对今后十年交通增长的正式估计 At least 5 000 people were killed, and that's a conservative estimate(= the real figure will be higher). 至少 5/f000 人丧生,这还是个保守的估计. Budgeted:做了预算的 Exceed: to be greater than a particular number or amount 超过(数量) The price will not exceed £100. 价格不会超过 100 英镑. His achievements have exceeded expectations. 他的成就出乎预料. Cut a deal:达成协议 Figure in:包括进,算进(开支等) Next to nothing:差不多没有 Most recent:最近的


Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order? We did the best that we could to give you a low price. Did you get our most recent estimate? Based on the estimate you gave us, by the time we figure in transportation and other expenses, our profit is short. With the offer you' ve given me, we' re making next to nothing. Can' t you do any better? I' ve already given you a discount of 20 off of what we normally charge. If I go any lower, we' ll have loss on the project. I really want to work with you on this. But we' ve already gone as low as we can go. I' ll be honest with you, our budgeted cost can' t exceed more than 150 per unit. That is our bottom line. If you can meet that price, you' ve got a deal. Otherwise... I' ll tell you what, I' ll go over the numbers again with our financial team and see what I can do. I won' t give you any guarantees. But we can try.
zhè fèn dìng dān hái yǒu méi yǒu bàn fǎ zài pī fā jià shàng dá chéng gèng hǎo de xié yì? wǒ men yǐ jīng jìn lì gěi nǐ men yí gè jiào dī de jià gé. nǐ kàn dào wǒ men zuì jìn de gū jià le ma? gēn jù nǐ men tí gōng de gū jià, wǒ men zài bǎ yùn shū fèi hé qí tā fèi yòng kǎo lǜ jìn qù de huà, wǒ men de lì rùn jiù méi yǒu le. àn zhào nǐ gěi wǒ tí gōng de bào jià, wǒ men jī hū zhēng bú dào qián. nǐ men bù néng zài gěi gè hǎo jià qián ma? wǒ yǐ jīng àn zhèng cháng jià gé gěi nǐ men dǎ le bā zhé rú guǒ zài dī de huà, wǒ men zhè gè xiàng mù yě yào kuī běn. wǒ fēi cháng xiǎng hé nǐ men jiù cǐ dá chéng yī zhì, dàn jià gé fāng miàn wǒ men yǐ jīng jìn kě néng jiàng dào zuì dī le. wǒ gēn nǐ shuō shí huà ba wǒ men de yù suàn zhī chū shì měi tào bù néng chāo guò 150 měi yuán. zhè shì wǒ men de dǐ xiàn. rú guǒ mǎn zú zhè gè jià gé, nǐ jiù yǒu shēng yì kě zuò. fǒu zé wǒ yào gào sù nǐ de shì wǒ yào hé wǒ men de cái wù rén yuán hé duì yī xià shù zì, kàn kàn wǒ hái néng zuò diǎn ér shén me. wǒ bù néng gěi nǐ rèn hé bǎo zhèng, dàn wǒ men kě yǐ zài nǔ lì.
zǒng jié: Wholesale: connected with goods that are bought and sold in large quantities, especially so they can be sold again to make a profit pī fā dǔn shòu wholesale goods prices pī fā huò wù jià gé Estimate: a judgement that you make without having the exact details or figures about the size, amount, cost, etc. of sth duì shù liàng chéng běn děng de gū jì gū jià I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need. wǒ kě yǐ cū lüè gū jì yī xià nǐ suǒ xū yào de mù cái liàng. a ballpark estimate an approximate estimate dà zhì xiāng jìn de gū jì official government estimates of traffic growth over the next decade zhèng fǔ duì jīn hòu shí nián jiāo tōng zēng zhǎng de zhèng shì gū jì At least 5  000 people were killed, and that' s a conservative estimate the real figure will be higher. zhì shǎo 5 f000 rén sàng shēng, zhè hái shì gè bǎo shǒu de gū jì. Budgeted: zuò le yù suàn de Exceed: to be greater than a particular number or amount chāo guò shù liàng The price will not exceed 100. jià gé bú huì chāo guò 100 yīng bàng. His achievements have exceeded expectations. tā de chéng jiù chū hū yù liào. Cut a deal: dá chéng xié yì Figure in: bāo kuò jìn, suàn jìn kāi zhī děng Next to nothing: chà bù duō méi yǒu Most recent: zuì jìn de