054 执行总裁(二)

歌曲 054 执行总裁(二)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 情景商务英语


So who does he think he is, anyway, I can't believe the way that my boss has been ordering everyone around lately, I mean, it's not like he's the CEO, or anything. Um. Actually I'm guessing you didn't get the memo. Your boss was selected to fill the vacancy in the CEO slot. He actually is the CEO now. Or will be as soon as the official press releases and hoopla is done with. Yikes! You're joking, right? I can't believe it. No wonder he's been so stressed and bossy lately. I thought he was just being ostentatious by giving orders to people in all the different departments. What big shoes to fill! No kidding. When the last CEO left, we were worried about the future of the company. What does a CEO do anyway? I know the CEO makes the most money in the company, but what does he actually do? He is responsible to the board of directors for everything that happens in the company. He or she must give leadership to all company officers. A CEO is also responsible for providing the guiding philosophies of the company, and acting as an official representative, or face of the company. Must be one smart guy.
不管怎么说,他以为自己是谁?我不相信老板最近会这样任意驱使大家.我是说,他又不是执行总裁或者什么重要人物... 嗯,事实上,我猜你没有看到备忘录.你的老板已经被选中接替执行总裁的职务.实际上,他现在就是执行总裁...或者说很快官方就会发布新闻.随后就是大肆的宣传. 啊!你是开玩笑的吧?我不相信!难怪他最近一直这么紧张和专横.我想他对所有的不同部门的人发布命令只是故意炫耀自己能接替这么高的职位! 不开玩笑...上一任的实行总裁离开时,我们就对公司的将来非常担心. 不归还怎么说,执行总裁负责什么工作?我知道执行总裁在公司挣的钱最多,但他究竟干些什么工作? 他负责向董事会汇报公司发生的一切事情,还必须领导公司的所有高级职员.同时还负责出台公司的指导纲领,担当起公司官方代表或门面的角色. 那总裁一定得非常聪明. vacancy:a job that is available for sb to do (职位的)空缺;空职;空额 a casual/temporary vacancy 临时空缺 vacancies for bar staff 酒吧职员的空缺 to fill a vacancy 填补空额 slot:职位 stressed:too anxious and tired to be able to relax 焦虑不安;心力交瘁 He was feeling very stressed and tired. 他感觉十分焦虑,疲惫不堪. bossy:always telling people what to do 好指挥人的;专横的 ostentatious:behaving in a way that is meant to impress people by showing how rich,important, etc. you are 炫耀的;卖弄的;夸示的 leadership:the state or position of being a leader 领导;领导地位 a leadership contest 领导地位的角逐 The party thrived under his leadership. 这个党在他的领导下兴旺起来. representative:a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for sb else or on behalf of a group 代表 a representative of the UN 联合国代表 our elected representatives in government 政府中我们选举产生的代表 a student/union representative 学生/工会代表 The committee includes representatives from industry. 这个委员会包括产业界的代表. hoopla:excitement about sth which gets a lot of public attention 大吹大擂;喧闹 order sb about/around:to keep telling sb what to do in a way that is annoying or unpleasant (不断地)支使,命令,使唤 It was obvious he was used to ordering people around. 很明显,他习惯了支使人. big shoes to fill:接替高职


So who does he think he is, anyway, I can' t believe the way that my boss has been ordering everyone around lately, I mean, it' s not like he' s the CEO, or anything. Um. Actually I' m guessing you didn' t get the memo. Your boss was selected to fill the vacancy in the CEO slot. He actually is the CEO now. Or will be as soon as the official press releases and hoopla is done with. Yikes! You' re joking, right? I can' t believe it. No wonder he' s been so stressed and bossy lately. I thought he was just being ostentatious by giving orders to people in all the different departments. What big shoes to fill! No kidding. When the last CEO left, we were worried about the future of the company. What does a CEO do anyway? I know the CEO makes the most money in the company, but what does he actually do? He is responsible to the board of directors for everything that happens in the company. He or she must give leadership to all company officers. A CEO is also responsible for providing the guiding philosophies of the company, and acting as an official representative, or face of the company. Must be one smart guy.
bù guǎn zěn me shuō, tā yǐ wéi zì jǐ shì shuí? wǒ bù xiāng xìn lǎo bǎn zuì jìn huì zhè yàng rèn yì qū shǐ dà jiā. wǒ shì shuō, tā yòu bú shì zhí xíng zǒng cái huò zhě shén me zhòng yào rén wù... , shì shí shàng, wǒ cāi nǐ méi yǒu kàn dào bèi wàng lù. nǐ de lǎo bǎn yǐ jīng bèi xuǎn zhòng jiē tì zhí xíng zǒng cái de zhí wù. shí jì shang, tā xiàn zài jiù shì zhí xíng zǒng cái... huò zhě shuō hěn kuài guān fāng jiù huì fā bù xīn wén. suí hòu jiù shì dà sì de xuān chuán. a! nǐ shì kāi wán xiào de ba? wǒ bù xiāng xìn! nán guài tā zuì jìn yī zhí zhè me jǐn zhāng hé zhuān hèng. wǒ xiǎng tā duì suǒ yǒu de bù tóng bù mén de rén fā bù mìng lìng zhǐ shì gù yì xuàn yào zì jǐ néng jiē tì zhè me gāo de zhí wèi! bù kāi wán xiào... shàng yī rèn de shí xíng zǒng cái lí kāi shí, wǒ men jiù duì gōng sī de jiāng lái fēi cháng dān xīn. bù guī huán zěn me shuō, zhí xíng zǒng cái fù zé shén me gōng zuò? wǒ zhī dào zhí xíng zǒng cái zài gōng sī zhēng de qián zuì duō, dàn tā jiū jìng gàn xiē shén me gōng zuò? tā fù zé xiàng dǒng shì huì huì bào gōng sī fā shēng de yī qiè shì qíng, hái bì xū lǐng dǎo gōng sī de suǒ yǒu gāo jí zhí yuán. tóng shí hái fù zé chū tái gōng sī de zhǐ dǎo gāng lǐng, dān dāng qǐ gōng sī guān fāng dài biǎo huò mén miàn dí jué sè. nà zǒng cái yí dìng dé fēi cháng cōng míng. vacancy: a job that is available for sb to do zhí wèi de kòng quē kōng zhí kòng é a casual temporary vacancy lín shí kòng quē vacancies for bar staff jiǔ bā zhí yuán de kòng quē to fill a vacancy tián bǔ kòng é slot: zhí wèi stressed: too anxious and tired to be able to relax jiāo lǜ bù ān xīn lì jiāo cuì He was feeling very stressed and tired. tā gǎn jué shí fēn jiāo lǜ, pí bèi bù kān. bossy: always telling people what to do hǎo zhǐ huī rén de zhuān hèng de ostentatious: behaving in a way that is meant to impress people by showing how rich, important, etc. you are xuàn yào de mài nòng de kuā shì de leadership: the state or position of being a leader lǐng dǎo lǐng dǎo dì wèi a leadership contest lǐng dǎo dì wèi de jué zhú The party thrived under his leadership. zhè gè dǎng zài tā de lǐng dǎo xià xīng wàng qǐ lái. representative: a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for sb else or on behalf of a group dài biǎo a representative of the UN lián hé guó dài biǎo our elected representatives in government zhèng fǔ zhōng wǒ men xuǎn jǔ chǎn shēng de dài biǎo a student union representative xué shēng gōng huì dài biǎo The committee includes representatives from industry. zhè gè wěi yuán huì bāo kuò chǎn yè jiè de dài biǎo. hoopla: excitement about sth which gets a lot of public attention dà chuī dà léi xuān nào order sb about around: to keep telling sb what to do in a way that is annoying or unpleasant bù duàn dì zhī shǐ, mìng lìng, shǐ huàn It was obvious he was used to ordering people around. hěn míng xiǎn, tā xí guàn le zhī shǐ rén. big shoes to fill: jiē tì gāo zhí