055 股东(一)

歌曲 055 股东(一)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 情景商务英语


How often are stockholders meetings held? Stockholders meetings are held biannually. Usually the meetings are scheduled for spring and fall. In between the meetings, each stockholder receives biannual reports. Financial statements are made once a year. What percentage of the stockholders actually attend the meetings? I'm guessing not a large percentage. You're right. It's a low percentage. Also, in order to attend meetings, you have to hold a certain amount of shares. It's quite a large number, so most of the stockholders are excluded from proceedings. So, how much say do the stockholders really have? Unless they're united, very little.
股东大会多长时间开一次? 股东大会每半年召开一次.会议通常定在春秋两季.两会之间,每位股东都会收到每年2次的总结报告.财务报告是一年一次. 实际参加会议的股东占多大比例?我想不会太大… 你说的没错,比例很小.而且想要参加会议,你必须持有一定数量的股份.这可不是小数目,所以大多数股东都不能被列入会议记录. 那股东们的发言权究竟有多大? 除非他们团结一致,否则权利很小. Biannual:每半年地Percentage:百分比 What percentage of the population is/are overweight? 身体超重的人占人口多大的百分比? A high percentage of the female staff are part-time workers. 女职员中,兼职工作的人占很高的比例. Interest rates are expected to rise by one percentage point(= one per cent). 利率预计将提高一个百分点. The figure is expressed as a percentage. 数字是用百分率表示的. The results were analysed in percentage terms. 结果是按百分比分析的. Exclude: to prevent sb/sth from entering a place or taking part in sth 防止…进入;阻止…参加;把…排斥在外 Women are still excluded from some London clubs. 伦敦有些俱乐部仍然拒绝妇女参加. Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school(= forbidden to attend because of bad behaviour). 人们对被学校开除的儿童人数越来越关注. She felt excluded by the other girls(= they did not let her join in what they were doing). 她感到自己受到其他女孩子的排斥. United: of people or groups 人或群体 in agreement and working together 和谐的;一致的;团结的 We need to become a more united team. 我们要成为一支更加团结的队伍. They are united in their opposition to the plan. 他们一致反对这个计划. We should present a united front(= an appearance of being in agreement with each other). 我们要表现得团结一致. Financial statement:财务报告In between:在…之间 A certain amount:一定数量 Have say:有发言权 Have the final say:有最终决定权


How often are stockholders meetings held? Stockholders meetings are held biannually. Usually the meetings are scheduled for spring and fall. In between the meetings, each stockholder receives biannual reports. Financial statements are made once a year. What percentage of the stockholders actually attend the meetings? I' m guessing not a large percentage. You' re right. It' s a low percentage. Also, in order to attend meetings, you have to hold a certain amount of shares. It' s quite a large number, so most of the stockholders are excluded from proceedings. So, how much say do the stockholders really have? Unless they' re united, very little.
gǔ dōng dà huì duō zhǎng shí jiān kāi yī cì? gǔ dōng dà huì měi bàn nián zhào kāi yī cì. huì yì tōng cháng dìng zài chūn qiū liǎng jì. liǎng huì zhī jiān, měi wèi gǔ dōng dōu huì shōu dào měi nián 2 cì de zǒng jié bào gào. cái wù bào gào shì yī nián yī cì. shí jì cān jiā huì yì de gǔ dōng zhàn duō dà bǐ lì? wǒ xiǎng bú huì tài dà nǐ shuō de méi cuò, bǐ lì hěn xiǎo. ér qiě xiǎng yào cān jiā huì yì, nǐ bì xū chí yǒu yí dìng shù liàng de gǔ fèn. zhè kě bú shì xiǎo shù mù, suǒ yǐ dà duō shù gǔ dōng dōu bù néng bèi liè rù huì yì jì lù. nà gǔ dōng men de fā yán quán jiū jìng yǒu duō dà? chú fēi tā men tuán jié yī zhì, fǒu zé quán lì hěn xiǎo. Biannual: měi bàn nián dì Percentage: bǎi fēn bǐ What percentage of the population is are overweight? shēn tǐ chāo zhòng de rén zhàn rén kǒu duō dà de bǎi fēn bǐ? A high percentage of the female staff are parttime workers. nǚ zhí yuán zhōng, jiān zhí gōng zuò de rén zhàn hěn gāo de bǐ lì. Interest rates are expected to rise by one percentage point one per cent. lì lǜ yù jì jiāng tí gāo yí gè bǎi fēn diǎn. The figure is expressed as a percentage. shù zì shì yòng bǎi fēn lǜ biǎo shì de. The results were analysed in percentage terms. jié guǒ shì àn bǎi fēn bǐ fēn xī de. Exclude: to prevent sb sth from entering a place or taking part in sth fáng zhǐ jìn rù zǔ zhǐ cān jiā bǎ pái chì zài wài Women are still excluded from some London clubs. lún dūn yǒu xiē jù lè bù réng rán jù jué fù nǚ cān jiā. Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school forbidden to attend because of bad behaviour. rén men duì bèi xué xiào kāi chú de ér tóng rén shù yuè lái yuè guān zhù. She felt excluded by the other girls they did not let her join in what they were doing. tā gǎn dào zì jǐ shòu dào qí tā nǚ hái zi de pái chì. United: of people or groups rén huò qún tǐ in agreement and working together hé xié de yī zhì de tuán jié de We need to become a more united team. wǒ men yào chéng wéi yī zhī gèng jiā tuán jié de duì wǔ. They are united in their opposition to the plan. tā men yī zhì fǎn duì zhè gè jì huà. We should present a united front an appearance of being in agreement with each other. wǒ men yào biǎo xiàn dé tuán jié yī zhì. Financial statement: cái wù bào gào In between: zài zhī jiān A certain amount: yí dìng shù liàng Have say: yǒu fā yán quán Have the final say: yǒu zuì zhōng jué dìng quán