064 会议(二)

歌曲 064 会议(二)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 情景商务英语


I call this meeting to order. Thank you all in attendance today. I know it's a busy day for you all. We have a lot of material to cover today. Did everyone get an agenda? I need a copy of the agenda. Also, may I suggest something? I know we have many points to review today, but would it be possible to limit our meeting time to finish before four o'clock? Many of us still have a mountain of work to do before the day's end. We should be able to finish everything up before then. Let's run through the major points first, and see where we're at. The first matter of business is to approve the minutes of our last meeting. I propose we accept the minutes. Good. Do I have a second? I second. Motion carried. Now, next on our agenda is our budget review. Margaret, can you please fill us in on where the budget review stands? I gave everyone a copy of the manual last week. We've had the review board going over everything, and they have come up with a final review. Here's a copy for everyone, and if you have any questions, you can talk to me after the meeting. Basically, the budget review has been completed, with maybe a few polishing details left. What kind of action is required? If everyone could take a look at the final review handout, if there're any objections or corrections, let me know. Next week, we can cast the final approval.
现在,我宣布开会.感谢大家今天来出席会议.我知道诸位今天的日程排的很紧,我们有很多文件要处理.大家都拿到议程安排了吗? 我要一份.另外,我能提点意见吗?我知道今天我们有很多东西要讨论,但是有没有可能把会议时间限定在4点之前结束一切.我们很多人今天还有一大堆其他工作要完成. 我们应该能在4点之前结束一切.让我们先浏览一下要点,看看我们议到哪儿了.第一件事就是要通过我们上次会议的会议记录. 我提议接受这些记录. 好!还有赞成的吗? 我赞成. 动议通过.现在,我们议程上的第二件事情就是预算评议.玛格丽特,请你说一下预算评议情况如何? 上周我给大家没人发了一本手册.我们让评议委员会把详细的内容全部看了一遍,他们已经拿出了最后的评议意见.现在就每人发一份.如果有什么问题,你们可以会后找我谈.预算评议基本上算是完成了,可能还有一些细节需要推敲. 还需要我们做些什么? 如果大家能看看最终的评议材料,有什么反对意见或修改意见,一定要告诉我.下周我们通过最后的决议. 1.Mountain: a very large amount or number of something 许多;大量 a mountain of work 大量的工作 We made mountains of sandwiches. 我们做了一大堆三明治. the problem of Europe's butter mountain(= the large amount of butter that has to be stored because it is not needed) 欧洲的黄油过剩问题 2.minute: a summary or record of what is said or decided at a formal meeting 会议记录;会议纪要 We read through the minutes of the last meeting. 我们读了一遍上次会议的纪要. Who is going to take the minutes(= write them)? 谁来做会议记录? 3.Polish: to make changes to something in order to improve it 修改;润饰;润色 The statement was carefully polished and checked before release. 这项声明是经仔细润色检查后才发表的. The hotel has polished up its act(= improved its service)since last year. 这家酒店自去年以来已经改善了服务水平. 4.run through sth: to discuss, repeat or read something quickly 匆匆讨论;快速阅读;很快地重复 He ran through the names on the list. 他快速浏览了一下名单. Could we run through your proposals once again? 我们再来简要讨论一下你的建议,好吗? 5.fill somebody in (on something): to tell somebody about something that has happened 向…提供(情况) 6.go over something: to examine or check something carefully 仔细检查(或审查、查阅)某事 Go over your work before you hand it in. 把作业仔细检查后再交. I call this meeting to order. Order 在此是指"会议的程序与规则";call 有"宣布"的含意,call (a meeting) to order 是开会时的惯用语,是"会议开始"的意思.此句型适用于主席宣布讨论要开始时,示意与会者安静,遵守会场的秩序.这里"call"亦可以"bring"代替.这个句型适用于正式的场合中. 如果与会者中有公司以外的人,可以这样说: Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin. 也可以采用半正式的说法: Perhaps we'd better get started / down to business. All right, I think it's about time we get started / going. Right then, I think we should begin. 较口语的说法有: Let's begin /get going, shall we? Shall we start?


I call this meeting to order. Thank you all in attendance today. I know it' s a busy day for you all. We have a lot of material to cover today. Did everyone get an agenda? I need a copy of the agenda. Also, may I suggest something? I know we have many points to review today, but would it be possible to limit our meeting time to finish before four o' clock? Many of us still have a mountain of work to do before the day' s end. We should be able to finish everything up before then. Let' s run through the major points first, and see where we' re at. The first matter of business is to approve the minutes of our last meeting. I propose we accept the minutes. Good. Do I have a second? I second. Motion carried. Now, next on our agenda is our budget review. Margaret, can you please fill us in on where the budget review stands? I gave everyone a copy of the manual last week. We' ve had the review board going over everything, and they have come up with a final review. Here' s a copy for everyone, and if you have any questions, you can talk to me after the meeting. Basically, the budget review has been completed, with maybe a few polishing details left. What kind of action is required? If everyone could take a look at the final review handout, if there' re any objections or corrections, let me know. Next week, we can cast the final approval.
xiàn zài, wǒ xuān bù kāi huì. gǎn xiè dà jiā jīn tiān lái chū xí huì yì. wǒ zhī dào zhū wèi jīn tiān de rì chéng pái de hěn jǐn, wǒ men yǒu hěn duō wén jiàn yào chǔ lǐ. dà jiā dōu ná dào yì chéng ān pái le ma? wǒ yào yī fèn. lìng wài, wǒ néng tí diǎn yì jiàn ma? wǒ zhī dào jīn tiān wǒ men yǒu hěn duō dōng xī yào tǎo lùn, dàn shì yǒu méi yǒu kě néng bǎ huì yì shí jiān xiàn dìng zài 4 diǎn zhī qián jié shù yī qiè. wǒ men hěn duō rén jīn tiān hái yǒu yī dà duī qí tā gōng zuò yào wán chéng. wǒ men yīng gāi néng zài 4 diǎn zhī qián jié shù yī qiè. ràng wǒ men xiān liú lǎn yī xià yào diǎn, kàn kàn wǒ men yì dào nǎ ér le. dì yī jiàn shì jiù shì yào tōng guò wǒ men shàng cì huì yì de huì yì jì lù. wǒ tí yì jiē shòu zhèi xiē jì lù. hǎo! hái yǒu zàn chéng de ma? wǒ zàn chéng. dòng yì tōng guò. xiàn zài, wǒ men yì chéng shàng de dì èr jiàn shì qíng jiù shì yù suàn píng yì. mǎ gé lì tè, qǐng nǐ shuō yī xià yù suàn píng yì qíng kuàng rú hé? shàng zhōu wǒ gěi dà jiā méi rén fā le yī běn shǒu cè. wǒ men ràng píng yì wěi yuán huì bǎ xiáng xì de nèi róng quán bù kàn le yī biàn, tā men yǐ jīng ná chū le zuì hòu de píng yì yì jiàn. xiàn zài jiù měi rén fā yī fèn. rú guǒ yǒu shén me wèn tí, nǐ men kě yǐ huì hòu zhǎo wǒ tán. yù suàn píng yì jī běn shàng suàn shì wán chéng le, kě néng hái yǒu yī xiē xì jié xū yào tuī qiāo. hái xū yào wǒ men zuò xiē shén me? rú guǒ dà jiā néng kàn kàn zuì zhōng de píng yì cái liào, yǒu shén me fǎn duì yì jiàn huò xiū gǎi yì jiàn, yí dìng yào gào sù wǒ. xià zhōu wǒ men tōng guò zuì hòu de jué yì. 1. Mountain: a very large amount or number of something xǔ duō dà liàng a mountain of work dà liàng de gōng zuò We made mountains of sandwiches. wǒ men zuò le yī dà duī sān míng zhì. the problem of Europe' s butter mountain the large amount of butter that has to be stored because it is not needed ōu zhōu de huáng yóu guò shèng wèn tí 2. minute: a summary or record of what is said or decided at a formal meeting huì yì jì lù huì yì jì yào We read through the minutes of the last meeting. wǒ men dú le yī biàn shàng cì huì yì de jì yào. Who is going to take the minutes write them? shuí lái zuò huì yì jì lù? 3. Polish: to make changes to something in order to improve it xiū gǎi rùn shì rùn sè The statement was carefully polished and checked before release. zhè xiàng shēng míng shì jīng zǐ xì rùn sè jiǎn chá hòu cái fā biǎo de. The hotel has polished up its act improved its service since last year. zhè jiā jiǔ diàn zì qù nián yǐ lái yǐ jīng gǎi shàn le fú wù shuǐ píng. 4. run through sth: to discuss, repeat or read something quickly cōng cōng tǎo lùn kuài sù yuè dú hěn kuài dì chóng fù He ran through the names on the list. tā kuài sù liú lǎn le yī xià míng dān. Could we run through your proposals once again? wǒ men zài lái jiǎn yào tǎo lùn yī xià nǐ de jiàn yì, hǎo ma? 5. fill somebody in on something: to tell somebody about something that has happened xiàng tí gōng qíng kuàng 6. go over something: to examine or check something carefully zǐ xì jiǎn chá huò shěn zhā chá yuè mǒu shì Go over your work before you hand it in. bǎ zuò yè zǐ xì jiǎn chá hòu zài jiāo. I call this meeting to order. Order zài cǐ shì zhǐ" huì yì de chéng xù yǔ guī zé" call yǒu" xuān bù" de hán yì, call a meeting to order shì kāi huì shí de guàn yòng yǔ, shì" huì yì kāi shǐ" de yì sī. cǐ jù xíng shì yòng yú zhǔ xí xuān bù tǎo lùn yào kāi shǐ shí, shì yì yù huì zhě ān jìng, zūn shǒu huì chǎng de zhì xù. zhè lǐ" call" yì kě yǐ" bring" dài tì. zhè gè jù xíng shì yòng yú zhèng shì de chǎng hé zhōng. rú guǒ yù huì zhě zhōng yǒu gōng sī yǐ wài de rén, kě yǐ zhè yàng shuō: Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin. yě kě yǐ cǎi yòng bàn zhèng shì de shuō fǎ: Perhaps we' d better get started down to business. All right, I think it' s about time we get started going. Right then, I think we should begin. jiào kǒu yǔ de shuō fǎ yǒu: Let' s begin get going, shall we? Shall we start?