067 业绩评估(二)2/2

歌曲 067 业绩评估(二)2/2
歌手 英语听力
专辑 情景商务英语


Do you recommend him for a raise then? I think he's deserving of a promotion because he has brought a lot of profit to the company. What about John Martin? His report wasn't so hot. He's always making excuses, he has no common sense, and he lacks responsibility. You can see his sales record is less than impressive. He is hard to deal with. After disciplinary action, he complained to the Board of Directors with charges of discrimination. It seems he always ignores his faults and criticizes others. Just between you and me, I can't stand the guy. But it's very difficult to fire him. He landed this position because of his parents. They are very influential stockholders.
那你同意给他提职吗? 我认为应该给他升职,因为他给公司创造了大量利润。 约翰。马丁怎么样?他的名声没有那么多争议。可他总是找借口,没有什么常识,也缺少责任心。 你看他的销售记录也没有什么起色。这个人很难打交道。惩戒他之后,他向董事会抱怨指倥我们歧视他。好像他总是无视自己的过错,反而批评他人。 这事就我们两个知道就行了,我受不了这家伙。可是要解雇他很难。他得到这个职位是由于他父母的原因,他们可是有影响力的股东。


Do you recommend him for a raise then? I think he' s deserving of a promotion because he has brought a lot of profit to the company. What about John Martin? His report wasn' t so hot. He' s always making excuses, he has no common sense, and he lacks responsibility. You can see his sales record is less than impressive. He is hard to deal with. After disciplinary action, he complained to the Board of Directors with charges of discrimination. It seems he always ignores his faults and criticizes others. Just between you and me, I can' t stand the guy. But it' s very difficult to fire him. He landed this position because of his parents. They are very influential stockholders
nà nǐ tóng yì gěi tā tí zhí ma? wǒ rèn wéi yīng gāi gěi tā shēng zhí, yīn wèi tā gěi gōng sī chuàng zào le dà liàng lì rùn. yuē hàn. mǎ dīng zěn me yàng? tā de míng shēng méi yǒu nà me duō zhēng yì. kě tā zǒng shì zhǎo jiè kǒu, méi yǒu shén me cháng shí, yě quē shǎo zé rèn xīn. nǐ kàn tā de xiāo shòu jì lù yě méi yǒu shén me qǐ sè. zhè gè rén hěn nán dǎ jiāo dào. chéng jiè tā zhī hòu, tā xiàng dǒng shì huì bào yuàn zhǐ kōng wǒ men qí shì tā. hǎo xiàng tā zǒng shì wú shì zì jǐ de guò cuò, fǎn ér pī píng tā rén. zhè shì jiù wǒ men liǎng gè zhī dào jiù xíng le, wǒ shòu bù liǎo zhè jiā huo. kě shì yào jiě gù tā hěn nán. tā dé dào zhè gè zhí wèi shì yóu yú tā fù mǔ de yuán yīn, tā men kě shì yǒu yǐng xiǎng lì de gǔ dōng.