074 介绍和开头(一)

歌曲 074 介绍和开头(一)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 情景商务英语


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, we are happy you have all come out for our training workshop. Today we have a great line-up of speakers to talk to you. First on our program is a well-renowned expert in the field of international economic development, Harvard's own Dr. James Smith. Dr. Smith has been involved in economic research for over 20 years, and has taught at Harvard since 1995. And now, without further adieu, we'd like to welcome Mr. James Smith. Thank you, Mr. Jackson, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, friends. The subject of my talk is international relations in a modern world. I plan to say a few words about the current situation in the Middle East and how it affects world economy. I'd like to give you an overview of the way that the economics of seemingly unrelated countries are intertwined. I've divided my talk into three parts: first an overview of international relations, second a discussion of current political situations, and lastly trends for the future. My presentation will take about two hours, but there will be a 20-minute break in the middle. We'll stop for lunch at 12:00.
女士们,先生们,早上好,你们能参加我们的培训研讨会我们感到非常高兴.今天要发言的人很多.首先发言的是哈佛大学的詹姆斯史密斯博士,国际经济发展领域的知名专家.史密斯博士从事经济研究已经20多年了,而且从1995年以来一直在哈佛大学任教.现在,就不多介绍了,让我们欢迎詹姆斯史密斯先生. 谢谢你,杰克逊先生,女士们,先生们,各位同仁和朋友们.我要讲的话题是现代社会中的国际关系.我计划讲一下中东目前的局势,以及对世界经济的影响.我先让你们大概了解一下,有些国家表面上不相干但实际上其经济是纠结在一起的.我的讲话内容分成三部分:第一部分综述国际关系,第二部分讨论目前的政治局势,最后谈谈未来的发展趋势.我的讲话大约需要2个小时,但中间会休息20分钟.我们12点结束,然后去吃午餐. Workshop: a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, in which a group of people share their knowledge and experience 研讨会;讲习班 a drama workshop 戏剧研讨班 a poetry workshop 诗歌讲习班 line-up: the people who are going to take part in a particular event 阵容;阵式 an impressive line-up of speakers 给人印象深刻的演讲者阵容 the starting line-up(= the players who will begin the game) 比赛首发队员阵容 seemingly: in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be 看似;貌似;表面上 a seemingly stupid question 看似愚蠢的问题 a seemingly endless journey 似乎永远走不完的路 overview: a general description or an outline of something 概述;纵览;概论;概况 intertwine: 1.if two or more things intertwine or are intertwined, they are twisted together so that they are very difficult to separate (使)缠结,缠绕在一起 a necklace of rubies intertwined with pearls 缠着珍珠的红宝石项链 intertwining branches 缠绕在一起的树枝 2.to be or become very closely connected with something/somebody else 紧密相连 Their political careers had become closely intertwined. 他们的政治生涯已经紧密地结合在一起了.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, we are happy you have all come out for our training workshop. Today we have a great lineup of speakers to talk to you. First on our program is a wellrenowned expert in the field of international economic development, Harvard' s own Dr. James Smith. Dr. Smith has been involved in economic research for over 20 years, and has taught at Harvard since 1995. And now, without further adieu, we' d like to welcome Mr. James Smith. Thank you, Mr. Jackson, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, friends. The subject of my talk is international relations in a modern world. I plan to say a few words about the current situation in the Middle East and how it affects world economy. I' d like to give you an overview of the way that the economics of seemingly unrelated countries are intertwined. I' ve divided my talk into three parts: first an overview of international relations, second a discussion of current political situations, and lastly trends for the future. My presentation will take about two hours, but there will be a 20minute break in the middle. We' ll stop for lunch at 12: 00.
nǚ shì men, xiān shēng men, zǎo shàng hǎo, nǐ men néng cān jiā wǒ men de péi xùn yán tǎo huì wǒ men gǎn dào fēi cháng gāo xìng. jīn tiān yào fā yán de rén hěn duō. shǒu xiān fā yán de shì hā fó dà xué de zhān mǔ sī shǐ mì sī bó shì, guó jì jīng jì fā zhǎn lǐng yù de zhī míng zhuān jiā. shǐ mì sī bó shì cóng shì jīng jì yán jiū yǐ jīng 20 duō nián le, ér qiě cóng 1995 nián yǐ lái yī zhí zài hā fó dà xué rèn jiào. xiàn zài, jiù bù duō jiè shào le, ràng wǒ men huān yíng zhān mǔ sī shǐ mì sī xiān shēng. xiè xiè nǐ, jié kè xùn xiān shēng, nǚ shì men, xiān shēng men, gè wèi tóng rén hé péng yǒu men. wǒ yào jiǎng de huà tí shì xiàn dài shè huì zhōng de guó jì guān xì. wǒ jì huà jiǎng yī xià zhōng dōng mù qián de jú shì, yǐ jí duì shì jiè jīng jì de yǐng xiǎng. wǒ xiān ràng nǐ men dà gài liǎo jiě yī xià, yǒu xiē guó jiā biǎo miàn shàng bù xiāng gān dàn shí jì shang qí jīng jì shì jiū jié zài yì qǐ de. wǒ de jiǎng huà nèi róng fēn chéng sān bù fèn: dì yī bù fen zōng shù guó jì guān xì, dì èr bù fèn tǎo lùn mù qián de zhèng zhì jú shì, zuì hòu tán tán wèi lái de fā zhǎn qū shì. wǒ de jiǎng huà dà yuē xū yào 2 gè xiǎo shí, dàn zhōng jiān huì xiū xī 20 fēn zhōng. wǒ men 12 diǎn jié shù, rán hòu qù chī wǔ cān. Workshop: a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, in which a group of people share their knowledge and experience yán tǎo huì jiǎng xí bān a drama workshop xì jù yán tǎo bān a poetry workshop shī gē jiǎng xí bān lineup: the people who are going to take part in a particular event zhèn róng zhèn shì an impressive lineup of speakers gěi rén yìn xiàng shēn kè de yǎn jiǎng zhě zhèn róng the starting lineup the players who will begin the game bǐ sài shǒu fā duì yuán zhèn róng seemingly: in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be kàn sì mào sì biǎo miàn shàng a seemingly stupid question kàn sì yú chǔn de wèn tí a seemingly endless journey sì hū yǒng yuǎn zǒu bù wán de lù overview: a general description or an outline of something gài shù zòng lǎn gài lùn gài kuàng intertwine: 1. if two or more things intertwine or are intertwined, they are twisted together so that they are very difficult to separate shǐ chán jié, chán rào zài yì qǐ a necklace of rubies intertwined with pearls chán zhe zhēn zhū de hóng bǎo shí xiàng liàn intertwining branches chán rào zài yì qǐ de shù zhī 2. to be or become very closely connected with something somebody else jǐn mì xiāng lián Their political careers had become closely intertwined. tā men de zhèng zhì shēng yá yǐ jīng jǐn mì dì jié hé zài yì qǐ le.