079 结论(二)

歌曲 079 结论(二)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 情景商务英语


So, that's all there is to it. I know I've covered a lot of points today, but let's summarize real quickly. First, our designing team has come up with a final version of the product that emphasizes technology. Second, after a long and arduous process, we've made it past the review board and have received approval to begin production. Lastly, we have organized a production team to oversee the manufacturing stages. In conclusion, I'd like to share a few observations based on the product development process. I have one specific recommendation for future projects, based on experience during this process. What we need is to make sure all ducks are in a row before we go to the review board. As I already have mentioned, we experienced many problems and our production date was delayed because we didn't do our homework beforehand.
好了,没什么可讲的了。我知道我今天已经说了很多要点,不过让我们再快速总结一下。首先,我们的设计组已经提出了产品的最终方案以突出技术特点。其次,经过长期而艰难的过程,我们已经在评审会上通过,并获准开始生产。最后,我们已经组织了一个生产小组来监督生产过程。总而言之,我想就产品开发过程与大家一起分享一些心得。根据这一过程的经验,我对未来的计划有一个明确的建议。我们需要的是在拿到评议会上之前要确保一切安排得井井有条。正如我已经提到的那样,我们遇到了很多问题,而且我们的生产日期也因为我们没有提前做好准备而被推迟了。 cover a lot of points 说了很多要点 long and arduous 长期而艰难的 based on experience 根据经验 make sure that 确保 ducks in a row 把一切安排得井井有条 do (one's) homework 做准备工作


So, that' s all there is to it. I know I' ve covered a lot of points today, but let' s summarize real quickly. First, our designing team has come up with a final version of the product that emphasizes technology. Second, after a long and arduous process, we' ve made it past the review board and have received approval to begin production. Lastly, we have organized a production team to oversee the manufacturing stages. In conclusion, I' d like to share a few observations based on the product development process. I have one specific recommendation for future projects, based on experience during this process. What we need is to make sure all ducks are in a row before we go to the review board. As I already have mentioned, we experienced many problems and our production date was delayed because we didn' t do our homework beforehand.
hǎo le, méi shén me kě jiǎng de le. wǒ zhī dào wǒ jīn tiān yǐ jīng shuō le hěn duō yào diǎn, bù guò ràng wǒ men zài kuài sù zǒng jié yī xià. shǒu xiān, wǒ men de shè jì zǔ yǐ jīng tí chū le chǎn pǐn de zuì zhōng fāng àn yǐ tū chū jì shù tè diǎn. qí cì, jīng guò cháng qī ér jiān nán de guò chéng, wǒ men yǐ jīng zài píng shěn huì shàng tōng guò, bìng huò zhǔn kāi shǐ shēng chǎn. zuì hòu, wǒ men yǐ jīng zǔ zhī le yí gè shēng chǎn xiǎo zǔ lái jiān dū shēng chǎn guò chéng. zǒng ér yán zhī, wǒ xiǎng jiù chǎn pǐn kāi fā guò chéng yǔ dà jiā yì qǐ fēn xiǎng yī xiē xīn dé. gēn jù zhè yī guò chéng de jīng yàn, wǒ duì wèi lái de jì huà yǒu yí gè míng què de jiàn yì. wǒ men xū yào de shì zài ná dào píng yì huì shàng zhī qián yào què bǎo yī qiè ān pái dé jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo. zhèng rú wǒ yǐ jīng tí dào de nà yàng, wǒ men yù dào le hěn duō wèn tí, ér qiě wǒ men de shēng chǎn rì qī yě yīn wèi wǒ men méi yǒu tí qián zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi ér bèi tuī chí le. cover a lot of points shuō le hěn duō yào diǎn long and arduous cháng qī ér jiān nán de based on experience gēn jù jīng yàn make sure that què bǎo ducks in a row bǎ yī qiè ān pái dé jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo do one' s homework zuò zhǔn bèi gōng zuò