
歌曲 公司职员的工作问题(3/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


[00:00.00] I sometimes really do think that the people who know least about a company are the people who run it.
[00:06.25] That's why there's such an industry in advising on and supplying the skills for managing change.
[00:12.75] We went along assuming that we were selling well because of what we saw as our core qualities, but we were wrong.
[00:21.54] It was just that we happened to have got our pricing right, so when we changed that, it all started falling apart.
[00:29.12] Things got decidedly grim for a time, and drastic action was required.
[00:34.00] A merger was considered, and an aggressive takeover had to be fought off.
[00:39.20] In the end, it was easier to accept an offer for the Budget Products Division, and avoid major redundancies, than to go on trying to keep the whole thing afloat.