
歌曲 公司职员的转变(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


[00:00.00] Remember that working practices, systems, the management structure, the whole culture of the company have changed a great deal just in the last five years.
[00:09.92] Then there's been all the pressure and worry of the takeover, and the longer working day we've had since that time.
[00:16.27] It was a shock when I first heard he'd handed his notice in, but then when I think about it I'm not really surprised.
[00:23.43] I don't really know, but I should think he now regrets not taking early retirement when it was a possibility.
[00:29.04] And don't forget there's the issue of his wife's health too, so I think John wants to sort of bring forward some of the plans he'd made for retirement, like travelling to South America and China.
[00:40.89] The immediate consequence will be quite a few late evenings for his two deputies plus a lot of weekend work, because the annual report has got to be sorted out by the end of the month and there are quite a few other outstanding matters on the contract side.
[00:54.43] Martin has had quite a bit of overseas experience, mainly on sites in South America.
[01:00.35] Nobody's better at getting on with local managers and resolving conflicts between the various parties working on a project.
[01:08.19] In the situation we're got out there he'll be just the right man for the job.
[01:13.78] I've been very impressed with everything he's done since he came to us.
[01:18.32] I think he's got the perfect mix of expertise and track record, but we're going to miss him at this end.