
歌曲 公司贸易和未来发展(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 剑桥商务英语高级真题集


We'll get everything to the venue for you safely. And a very popular recent addition to the package has been the local trade guide. This has proved very successful because it includes lots of specific information about local conditions, hours of work, past patterns of enrolment in situ, etcetera, etcetera. Now, as well as the full package on site, as it were, we are all aware that one of the most wasteful and demotivating aspects of fairs from your point of view is the time spent dealing with casual enquirers. For this reason we have been developing over the past two years what we call a "filtering system". By this mean our set of strategies developed to virtually guarantee that enquirers at your stand are genuine potential customers, i.e. mature individuals with the appropriate means, and all this means that you maximise quality contact with potential customers. Now, how our filtering system works is through our targeted advertising and what this essentially means in the case of academic recruitment is to run adverts in academic journals, which of course we research thoroughly to keep up to date.